This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Last Friday Jan 12 renowned scientist Alberto Behar crashed his small plane in the streets of L.A. shortly after take off. He worked at NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Arizona State University; he was one of
the scientists responsible for discovering that there was once water on
Behar was an expert pilot; he was a flight instructor for both planes and helicopters – the weather conditions were clear
and for some reason his plane just started to lose altitude. The Van
Nuys Airport pilot Kashif Khursheed said “I can’t see what would be the
cause of something like this. He was very knowledgeable, competent and
This is just one of the most recent cases of a
prominent scientists suspicious death, over the past two years 74
leading medical and NASA scientists have died, almost all are officially labelled suicide or an accident. Glenn Thomas was a World Health Organisation spokesperson; he was reportedly an expert on Ebola and AIDS, he was aboard MH17when it was shot down with approximately 100 other researchers. Joep Lange, a leading AIDS researcher and former president of the International AIDS Society (IAS) was also aboard MH17.
They were all on their way to an international AIDS conference. With
one fell swoop a large portion of the leading AIDS experts were killed
before they could attend a global conference.Melissa Ketunuti, 35, was a paediatrician who specialised in cancer; she also worked on an AIDS fellowship in Botswana. She was hogtied and set on fire in the basement of her home in Philadelphia. Dr Anne Szarewski, 53, was a cervical cancer expert; she pioneered the cervical cancer vaccine.
Ketunuti was found dead in her London home
in December 2013. Her husband spent hours drilling through the front
door that she had locked from the inside, when he found her she was dead, to this day no one knows what killed her. An inquiry into her death was launched but nothing conclusive was ever found.
Perhaps one of the most controversial scientist deaths in the last few years was that of Shane Truman Todd, 31. In June 2012 he was found dead, his body was in morgue in Singapore, he was an electrical engineer.
He was working on a top-secret “one of a kind” machine for the Chinese that was believed to be a defence weapon. Shane told his family that he was not happy with what he was doing and he feared for his life, he was allegedly being asked to compromise U.S security. He quit his job and was due to leave China and fly home but died a
week before his flight after his last day at work building this unknown
machine. Foul play was suspected and his family began campaigning for
the truth, Chinese official said they would look into the matter and try
and determine if it was murder or suicide but as of yet there are no
These are just a tiny fraction of the scientist that have died under suspicious circumstances, you can read about mysterious scientist deaths by clicking here. All of these people are either leading medical experts or leading engineers, you have to ask what could they have known that would have led to their deaths? Or could it all simply be coincidence?
In a time where conspiracy is commonplace it is increasingly difficult to differentiate between what could be a conspiracy
and what is simply an unfortunate event. It is incredibly suspect why
so many of these deaths are so odd, the people who were killed would
have access to sensitive information that government officials may not want disclosed.
At a Pentagon press conference today 'president' Obama made a SHOCKING admission. Was it a slip of the tongue or a Freudian Slip? The White House was quick to correct him, but we've heard that before.
First, the whore house receives the idea from the 'masters'. Then the funding comes along with those to do the recruiting, training and issuing the orders - Pentagon/CIA. Then, these newly recruited and trained are deployed to their assignments to do the dirty work for their masters - slaughtering innocent civilians in the process - all in the name of 'allah'.
Or they are ordered to work together with other terrorists to accomplish the intended death and destruction.
'WE'RE TRAINING ISIL' - WHITE HOUSE WEBSITE CORRECTS OBAMA'S SPEECH BLOOPER President’s embarrassing error (???) during press briefing amended on official transcript
Paul Joseph Watson Prison July 7, 2015
The White website has corrected an embarrassing mistake made by Barack Obama during his press briefing yesterday about the Islamic State when the 'president' said that U.S. forces were “training ISIL.”
During his speech, Obama uttered the line, “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces.”
TheWhite transcriptleft in the original quote, but placed the word ‘Iraqi’ in brackets after the word ISIL, correcting Obama’s mistake.
This is by no means the first time that the White House has edited transcripts of Obama’s speeches to put the 'president' in a better light or cover up for his mistakes.
Last October, the White Housecompletely scrubbed a referenceObama made to unpaid bills being stacked up at his home in Chicago, replacing it with the quote, “There’s still junk on my desk, including some — newspapers and all kinds of stuff.”
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest later dubiously claimed that the line about Obama’s bills was left out because the recording equipment malfunctioned.
The White Houseagain edited Obama’s remarksin March when he mistakenly stated, “The bond between the United States and America is unbreakable.”
When the Bush administration caught flak for amending transcripts, they immediately switched to providing the president’s remarks verbatim, which was not an easy decision considering George W. Bush’s notorious“Bushisms”.
However, the Obama White House seems happy to continue amending history instead of providing an accurate record of what the 'president' actually said.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma. Why are the courts so opposed to the Ten Commandments? Secular governments don’t want any competition. Governments want to be free to establish their own laws without a law that limits them.
The First Commandment states that there is only one God, and only He can save us. The State believes it is god and on it can save. The Second Commandment forbids idolatry. The State has become an idol and is worshipped as a god when the Bible declares that it is a “minister [servant] of God to [us] for good” (Rom. 13:4). The State continues to grow with the promise of political salvation. The Third Commandment forbids taking God’s name in vain. Politicians appeal to God all the time and yet violate His commandments in the same breath. President Obama made reference to God – even singing “Amazing Grace” – in his eulogy for Rev. Pinckney and soon after celebrated the Supreme Court’s ruling making same-sex marriage the law of the land. This is taking God’s name in vain. The Fourth Commandment sets one day a week aside for rest. The interesting thing about this commandment is that it’s written into the Constitution at Article I, Section 7, Clause 2. The Fifth Commandment defines the family. As we’ve seen the courts have redefined the family, and by redefining the family they can now rewrite all law in terms of that new definition. In addition, the State has become our new parents. "Honor the State as your real father and mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the State lets you live on." Herbert Schlossberg explains in his book Idols for Destruction, book that is must reading:
“The paternal state not only feeds its children, but nurtures, educates, comforts, and disciplines them, providing all they need for their security. This appears to be a mildly insulting way to treat adults, but it is really a great crime because it transforms the state from being a gift of God, given to protect us against violence, into an idol. It supplies us with all blessings, and we look to it for all our needs. Once we sink to that level, as [C.S.] Lewis says, there is no point in telling state officials to mind their own business. ‘Our whole lives are their business’ [God in the Dock, p. 134]. The paternalism of the state is that of the bad parent who wants his children dependent on him forever. That is an evil impulse. The good parent prepares his children for independence, trains them to make responsible decisions, knows that he harms them by not helping them to break loose. The paternal state thrives on dependency. When the dependents free themselves, it loses power. It is, therefore, parasitic on the very persons whom it turns into parasites. Thus, the state and its dependents march symbiotically to destruction."
The Sixth Commandment was legislated out of existence decades ago by the sanctioning of perpetual war and the legalization of abortion. The Seventh Commandment in its prohibition of adultery is a summary statement about all marital relationships. The law prohibiting adultery rests on the creation mandate of marriage being between a man and a woman (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:20-25). The compliment of man and woman is what’s “suitable,” not a man and man or a man and a woman. Jesus confirmed the creation mandate (Matt. 19:1-6). The Eighth Commandment prohibits stealing. Our nation’s outrageous taxing system is based on theft when people are given the right to vote to take money from some people so it can be given to other people.
The Ninth Commandment prohibits bearing false witness. Politicians bear false witness with almost every word they speak. Consider the following from presidential candidate Barack Obama when he was campaigning for the presidency:
Hillary Clinton said something similar. The Tenth Commandment indicts the modern State because it covets everything: life, liberties, power, property, authority, money, prestige, privilege, and our souls.
Most people who only have seen the film Ten Commandments on television have never seen Cecil B. DeMille’s opening monologue. DeMille had something more in mind than just making a film about a religious figure from the Bible. He considered his production to be so important that he came out on stage to deliver a short but powerful statement on the nature of freedom under the law of God:
“The theme of this picture is whether men ought to be ruled by God’s laws or whether they are to be ruled by the whims of a dictator like Rameses. Are men the property of the State or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world today.”
The elaborate film Souvenir Book that was made available in theaters includes a preface with the title “The Law by Which Men Live”:
“THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are not laws. They are THE LAW. Man has made 32,000,000 laws since they were handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai more than three thousand years ago, but he has never improved on God’s law.”1
All law is a reflection of some worldview. Law is an inescapable concept. Thomas Jefferson wrote,
"Every religion consists of moral precepts, and of dogmas.”2 There is a corollary to Jefferson’s observation: “Every non-religion consists of moral precepts, and of dogmas.” Jefferson himself proved this by compiling a moral philosophy in his Literary Commonplace Book. Even the most lawless person has his own sense of justice. We hear people talk about “prison justice.” Prisoners will actually judge other prisoners, especially those involved in child abuse cases. There are some crimes that even murderers will not tolerate. Someone is ultimately in charge: the sovereign individual where “every man does what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6), a single ruler who claims a “divine right,” the call for a political savior by the people best exemplified in the way Israel asked for a “king like all the other nations” (8:22–23; 1 Sam. 8), a “we the people mentality” where the decisions of the majority become law, or placing the final arbitration of what is right in the hands of nine Supreme Court justices where only five are needed to change a law. President Harry S. Truman voiced the common and prevailing sentiment of his day:
“The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we comprehend that enough these days.
“If we don’t have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally wind up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody.”3
We cannot live within the fluid boundaries of legal relativism. There must be a definitive and final legal standard of appeal to justify moral decisions at the personal and governmental levels. If not, then one judge’s opinion is as good (or as bad) as another.
The Ten Commandments, a summary statement of a broader body of revealed laws, have been that fixed summary standard in America since before its official founding. As Nightline host Ted Koppel stated in a 1987 commencement address at Duke University, “What Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai were not the Ten Suggestions. They are commandments. Are, not were. The sheer brilliance of the Ten Commandments is that they codify in a handful of words acceptable human behavior, not just for then or now, but for all time. Language evolves. Power shifts from one nation to another. Messages are transmitted with the speed of light. Man erases one frontier after another. And yet we and our behavior and the commandments governing that behavior remain the same.”4
As Stocks Plunge, China Enacts Six-Month Ban on Stock Sales By Major Shareholders
As China suffers under a stock market crash that has been compared to the 1929 US crash that sparked the Great Depression, China's Securities Regulatory Commission announced on Wednesday that it is enacting an emergency ban on stock sales by investors with over 5% ownership in a company.
Deltec Asset Management LLC money manager Gregory Lesko told Bloomberg, “[The policy] may have a small impact in the short term, but like all market manipulation, there will be a price to be paid later.”
Brian Jacobsen, chief portfolio strategist at Wells Fargo Funds Management, said, “The extent to which they can apply this [ban] to foreign ownership interest remains to be seen.” According to The Financial Times, the Securities Regulatory Commission has stated that it will “deal sternly” with investors who violate the ban. Meanwhile, the government-run China Securities Finance Corporation has been purchasing stocks directly using funds injected into the market by the People’s Bank of China in an effort to artificially prop up stock prices. Also, some Chinese stock exchanges are allowing particular companies to freeze sales of their shares. Bloomberg estimates that at least 1,331 companies have stopped trading so far.
Trillion? What? This is incredible and will be felt world wide. Check it out:
Over the last 14 trading days, Chinese stocks trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges have lost a record $3.389 trillion in total market capitalization – with China’s total market cap declining from a record high of $11.479 trillion, down to $8.09 trillion. China’s loss of market cap is equal to the GDP of Germany! Since June 12th when NIA predicted that Chinese stocks would soon crash by 66% in value, the Shanghai Composite has declined by 28.69% and the Shenzhen Composite has declined by 33.18
Market Value
Since June 12th when NIA predicted that Chinese stocks would soon crash by 66% in value, the Shanghai Composite has declined by 28.69% and the Shenzhen Composite has declined by 33.18%.
China’s total market cap/GDP ratio has declined from a 7 1/2 year high of 109.72%, down to only 77.02% – but remains above its 10-year median of 47.47%. Chinese stocks finished last week in “overvalued” territory, after being in “extremely overvalued” territory for the previous three months.
Over the last two weeks, Shanghai stock exchange margin debt has declined by $38.27 billion from a record high of $238.89 billion, to a current level of $200.62 billion. However, as a percentage of the Shanghai’s market cap – we still haven’t seen any margin deleveraging. Over the last 12 months, the Shanghai’s margin debt/market cap ratio has increased from 1.75% to its current record level of 4.16%.
The Chinese government is beginning to panic, after their move to lower interest rates last week did nothing to slow the stock market free fall. Today it was announced that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will provide liquidity to China Securities Finance Corp, the state-backed margin finance company. Brokerages will no longer be required to force the liquidation of clients who fail to meet margin calls, which they would normally be required to do after a client’s position has declined in value by 27.78%.
PHOENIX - All United Airlines flights were grounded on Wednesday morning due to a computer issue.
The FAA confirmed all United flights and sub carriers were grounded.
United released the following statement regarding the issue: "We experienced a network connectivity issue this morning. We are working to resolve this and apologize to our customers for any inconvenience."
Passengers nationwide were reporting long lines while trying to check-in at the airport.
United officials in Phoenix told ABC15 the system was back up and running just before 6:30 a.m.
One in five Americans participates in government assistance programs each month, according to the most recent data released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
“Approximately 52.2 million (or 21.3 percent) people in the U.S. participated in major means-tested government assistance programs each month in 2012,” according to the Census Bureau’s report. Means-tested programs include Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and General Assistance (GA). The number of beneficiaries of these means-tested programs has increased significantly over the last decade. According to the Census, in 2004 there were nearly 42 million monthly recipients of these programs. Between that year and 2012, monthly participation increased by 24.9 percent. In order to qualify for benefits from a means-tested program, an individual or family’s income must fall below a specified threshold. “Participation rates were highest for Medicaid (15.3 percent) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program (13.4 percent),” the report said. Participation rates were lowest for housing assistance (4.2 percent), Supplemental Security Income (3.0 percent) and TANF, which includes general assistance (1.0 percent). The Census collects this data by observing the number of months when individuals received benefits from one or more programs and measuring their entry and exit activity. “Participation in government programs is dynamic,” said Shelley Irving, an analyst with the Census Bureau’s Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division. “The Survey of Income and Program Participation shows how individuals move in and out of government programs and how long they participate in them.” Most beneficiaries of these programs are dependent on them for up to four years. “The largest share of participants (43.0 percent) in any of the public assistance programs stayed in the programs between 37 and 48 months,” according to the Census. “Additionally 31.2 percent of people participated between one and 12 months between January 2009 and December 2012.” ************************************************************************* Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse
Oklahoma Governor Defies State Supreme Court Over Ten Commandments Monument
July 8 2015 Posted
The following is from The American Mirror written by Olaf Ekberg. It shows that some governors understand the principle of interposition. "Interposition is an asserted right of aU.S. stateto oppose actions of the federal government that the state deems unconstitutional. Under the theory of interposition, a state may 'interpose' itself between the federal government and the people of the state by taking action to prevent the federal government from enforcing laws that the state considers unconstitutional."
As you can imagine, the 'courts' don't like the doctrine. States with their constitutions, elected representatives, and governors seem to be at the mercy of unelected judges, thus nullifying the will of the people.
There’s a showdown at the OK capitol.
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has vowed that a Ten Commandments monument on capitol grounds, which the state Supreme Court recently ruled was unconstitutional, will remain through appeal, KOCO reports.
“The Ten Commandments monument was built to recognize and honor the historical significance of the Commandments in our state’s and nation’s systems of laws,” Fallin says in a statement.
“The monument was built and maintained with private dollars. It is virtually identical to a monument on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol which the United States Supreme Court ruled to be permissible. It is a privately funded tribute to historical events, not a taxpayer funded endorsement of any religion, as some have alleged."
Fallin and Attorney General Scott Pruitt are appealing the Supreme Court’s ruling.
“Oklahoma is a state where we respect the 'rule of law', and we will not ignore the state courts or their decisions. However, we are also a state with three co-equal branches of government. At this time, Attorney General Scott Pruitt, with my support, has filed a petition requesting a rehearing of the Ten Commandments case,” according to the governor.
“Additionally, our Legislature has signaled its support for pursuing changes to our state Constitution that will make it clear the Ten Commandments monument is legally permissible. If legislative efforts are successful, the people of Oklahoma will get to vote on the issue.”
In a 7-2 ruling, the Supreme Court sided with the ACLU and its three plaintiffs. The group immediately denounced Fallin’s decision.
“The Supreme Court did not give any leeway in their opinion. The bipartisan, seven-member majority did not say 'remove the monument' except if you look into your crystal ball and think the law might allow it at some point in the future and go ahead and keep it,” ACLU of Oklahoma executive director Ryan Kiesel tells the Tulsa World. “The court said remove the monument.”
Kiesel believes Fallin is in “contempt” of the court’s ruling.
“Frankly, I would be astonished if we get to a point where the governor outright defies an order of our state’s highest court,” he says. “That said, if she does, there is a word for it. It is called contempt.” (No! It's called the right of the people to make their own determinations and to not be RULED by the law of the seas and the criminal court system that needs to be immediately dissolved.)
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