Monday, July 13, 2015

Suburbs and the New American Poverty

More people with low incomes now live outside of cities, and some areas are ill-equipped to deal with the influx of the poor.

NORCROSS, Ga.—Every weekday around 3:15 p.m., a big, yellow school bus stops on Pelican Drive outside Norcross Extended Stay, near the intersection with Best Friend Drive.
Dozens of children file out, carrying their heavy backpacks away from the Wendy’s and the AutoZone, towards the cluster of aging three-story yellow buildings where they live. Some are met by waiting parents, others trek by themselves to the shabby motel rooms, marching past broken-down cars, their tires flat, scattered around the parking lot, and discarded mattresses piled next to some of the residences.
That families are living in extended-stay motels like this one may seem surprising in a town like Norcross, founded in 1870 and named one of the best places to live in Georgia by Movoto, a real estate blog, last year. Gwinnett County, where Norcross is located, is, in parts, a collection of well-off towns like Duluth, home to NeNe Leaks, of Real Housewives of Atlanta fame. Its unemployment rate is just 5.7 percent and one of its schools, the Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, was recently named one of the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.
But the suburbs of Atlanta no longer hold just the promise of good schools, clean streets, and whitewashed homes with manicured lawns proudly displaying American flags. They are increasingly home to the very poor, who find themselves stranded in suburbs without the kind of transit or assistance that they might once have found in cities’ urban cores. They are stuck in places like Norcross Extended Stay, that see the same type of crime that families might have once seen in metro Atlanta. (A few years back, the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department had to order 20 sex offenders to leave the motel, because it was located near a public pool.)
Joanna Watkins stays at home with her grandkids in one of the tiny rooms in Norcross Extended Stay while her daughter borrows her car to work as a waitress nearby. On the day I met them, Watkins’ granddaughters lounged on the motel’s polyester, flowered bedspreads watching TV while Watkins peered nervously out of the motel room’s first-floor window.
“We don’t let the kids go outside,” Watkins told me, explaining that the family is looking for something better. She moved from Texas in September to help out with childcare, but with her daughter’s low wages, they’re still looking for a more suitable place to live.
Fully 88 percent of Atlanta’s poor live in the suburbs, according to Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, by Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube of the Brookings Institution. Between 2000 and 2011, Atlanta’s suburban poor population grew by 159 percent, while the city’s poor population remained essentially flat.

It’s not just Atlanta—across much of the country, poverty is increasingly a problem found in the suburbs. The number of poor in the suburbs surpassed the number of poor in the cities in the 2000s, and by 2011, almost 16.4 million suburban residents lived below the poverty line, according to Kneebone and Berube.

Poor Residents in Cities and Suburbs, 1970-2012
Confronting Suburban Poverty, Brookings Institution Analysis of Decennial Census and ACS Data

The fact that more poor people live in the suburbs doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Kneebone told me. If low-income residents have access to good job opportunities, affordable housing, low crime rates, and good schools, then the suburbs can provide a path out of poverty.
But poverty has increased so quickly in some suburbs that these areas are ill-equipped to deal with it, she said.
“Many of these communities lack the infrastructure, safety-net supports, and resources to address the needs of a growing poor population, which can make it that much harder for poor residents to connect to the kinds of opportunities that can help them get out of poverty in the long run,” she said.
The problem speaks to a different kind of erosion of the American Dream, in which families strive to get to the much-vaunted suburbs, only to find out there’s nothing for them there. And as suburbs see more and more poverty, they become the same traps that impoverished, urban neighborhoods once were, where someone born there has few chances to improve his economic standing.
There are more tangible problems that arise when poverty grows in the suburbs. Often, government structures change more slowly than the population at large, and residents find themselves represented—and policed—by people who don’t understand their needs or concerns. The unrest in Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb, over the past year, reflects this conflict.
Suburbs also have less transit than urban areas, making it difficult for low-income residents to get to jobs or buy groceries. And social services have been slow to follow the poor to the suburbs, so many suburban poor find themselves isolated and without a safety net, hidden from those who might be able to help.
This all became extremely clear to the Reverend Harriet Bradley, who lives in an extended-stay motel in Gwinnett County, where a neon sign advertises rooms for $169 a week. She has no car, and depends on public transit to get around. It can take her three hours to get to church some days, and the public transit in the county doesn’t run on the weekends.
She says she was called by God to talk to other public-transit riders about the need to expand the bus system, and recently decided to attend a public hearing of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners to ask them to divert more support to public transit in the county. After two long bus rides, she waited through hours of dull zoning appeals and then, right before the meeting ended, was given a few minutes to speak.
The crowd was diverse, but the commissioners were all white. Over the last decade, Gwinnett has become the most racially-diverse county in Atlanta. Between the 2000 and 2010 census, the county's African American population added 112,000 residents, growing 143 percent, while the county's Asian population doubled, adding 43,000 residents. The white population grew by a mere 1,680 residents. Still, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners is all white, as is the county school board, and all of the judges elected to county's state and superior courts.
Bradley, who is African American, cleared her throat and stood in front of a round table of white elected officials and staff, and asked for more transit funding.
"The bus schedules don’t start early or run late enough," she said. "I’ve often heard people around me say, 'They don’t realize that I can’t get to work.'"
A person without a car who wanted to attend that very meeting would not have been able to get home afterward because the bus doesn’t run late enough, she said (she’d arranged for a ride home). Gwinnett County residents without cars can’t get jobs at the mall or local warehouses, or at Atlanta’s airport south of the city—the busiest airport in the world—because the buses don’t allow them to get to work on time.

“Many people have had to turn down jobs because they couldn’t get there,” she said, ending her speech.
Afterwards, she spoke individually to a few commissioners but felt mostly ignored. “The commissioners—they don’t really want public transportation out here,” she told me afterwards. “They wouldn’t use it anyway.”
* * *
There are a few reasons poverty is becoming so concentrated in the suburbs, according to Berube and Kneebone. One has to do with where it’s possible to find affordable housing. After all, many suburbs were built decades ago as developers tried to offer up more spacious locations for growing families after World War II. As those homes age, the middle-class families who once lived in them leave in search of nicer, newer places being built either in farther suburbs, or in rehabilitated downtowns. More than 80 percent of units in some now lower-income suburbs like Penn Hills outside of Pittsburgh, or Webster Groves outside St. Louis were built before 1970, Kneebone says.
In other cities, gentrifications of downtowns push residents out of expensive, urban areas into more affordable suburbs. When housing prices in central Seattle started to rise, there was an out-migration of lower-income African Americans to the suburbs of King County, for example. As inner-city housing prices become more expensive, policy changes have allowed more low-income residents to use housing vouchers to live in the suburbs. In Atlanta, 79 percent of housing vouchers were used in the suburbs by 2009, up from 66 percent in 2000, Kneebone and Berube report.
But long-term changes in the jobs that are available, and where they are located are also contributing to the rise in suburban poverty. Jobs have become increasingly located in suburbs, but for every office park and factory that moves to the suburbs, services follow such as fast-food restaurants, hotels, and beauty salons. We’ve heard frequently that the pay of these jobs has not kept up with the cost of living, which means that the people who work at them do not have the income needed to maintain a suburban lifestyle.
An extended stay motel in Norcross (Alana Semuels)
Gary Shelt, 52, just moved to a Norcross extended-stay motel where he pays $253 a week from DeKalb County, a more urban area inside the 285 beltway in Atlanta. I met him as he waited for a bus alongside a six-lane Gwinnett road, his bike leaning up against the bus shelter. Shelt, who makes a living doing odd jobs repairing homes and cleaning buildings, just moved to Norcross a few weeks ago because he’d heard there was more work out there.
He hadn’t anticipated that transit would be such a problem. He’d biked to the bus stop, and planned take a bus to MARTA, the Atlanta-area transit system, to go meet a client who wanted help installing a television. But the bus was already 45 minutes late.
“I can make a living—it’s not easy, but I get by,” he told me. “I eat lots of ramen soup and stuff like that.”
Some of the growth in suburban poverty can’t be explained by migration alone. Instead, it’s directly related to the stagnation of wages that many Americans have experienced after the recession. Between 1999 and 2008, median-household income dropped by $2,241 when adjusted for inflation, according to the Brookings Institution. During the same time, the share of households earning middle-class incomes have fallen by 1.8 percentage points.
It’s possible that there’s a higher share of low-wage jobs in Gwinnett County precisely because the region doesn’t have much transit. Drive around the region and you’ll see dozens of office parks with “For Lease” or “Space Available” signs. In many cases, employers no longer want to locate somewhere that will cause employees to spend a lot of time stuck in traffic or in transit. State Farm recently announced it was building a new national hub in Atlanta—in a development connected to a transit station.
The lack of middle-class jobs poises many residents on the brink of poverty. Even those who found they were able to make a good living in the city find that there aren’t enough middle-income consumers in the suburbs to keep their businesses afloat. Many of the strip malls that once had grocery stores and other retail in Gwinnett County now have pawn shops and check-cashing services.
Shy Lindsay, a 32-year-old hairdresser, told me she moved to Norcross after being evicted from an apartment in DeKalb County. She initially felt good about her move to Gwinnett County, which she says is cleaner and safer than metro Atlanta.
“It’s brighter and prettier here, and you get more for your money,” she said.

But she’s a hairdresser, and has had trouble finding good clients lately. Her boyfriend, who is trying to get into car sales, is having trouble making enough on commission, too.
* * *
Norcross Cooperative Ministry is located in a squat, brick building across from some of the low-slung homes of suburban Norcross. A few days a week, dozens of low-income residents of Norcross arrive at the center to wait their turn to meet with a counselor who will help them apply for rent assistance, donated Christmas presents, employment counseling, and financial-literacy classes. The cooperative is an alliance of church groups working to help low-income residents.
Executive director Shirley Cabe has lived in Norcross her whole life, and said that areas of town have changed dramatically in recent years.
“This pocket of Norcross has really transitioned from more of a middle-class area to a low-income-type area, with families really struggling to make ends meet,” she said.
In some schools, for instance, the percentage of kids receiving free and reduced lunch is more than 90 percent. The cooperative had to cut off its Christmas gift program last year at 2,300 children.
Children file off a bus outside an extended-stay motel in Norcross. (Alana Semuels)
As poverty has grown in the suburbs, many of the social-safety-net programs aimed at reducing poverty are still located in urban centers. Philanthropy for nonprofits tends to concentrate in urban areas too. For example, Washington, D.C. is home to 277 nonprofit, social-service organizations, providing $1,834 in human-services funding per poor person, according to a study by Scott Allard and Benjamin Roth. Neighboring Prince George’s County, by contrast, where suburban poverty is prevalent, has just 82 nonprofit, social-service organizations providing $189 in human-services funding per person.
What’s more, social-service organizations are seeing hiccups in funding streams, and anticipate more funding cuts, according to the study. Nearly three-quarters of suburban nonprofits said they are seeing more clients with no previous connection to safety-net programs.
“The poverty keeps increasing, especially among young people—but the county tries to mask it,” said Ellen Gerstein, the executive director of the Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services, a directory of human-service groups. “We have an underclass of people who are the working poor, there’s a lot of retail jobs because we have more shopping here than you could ever imagine.”
The coalition runs a help line, and requests for homeless shelters have increased dramatically over the last year, Gerstein said. Most of the shelters in the county are run by church groups, rather than the government. The only official homeless shelter in the county has only 11 beds for women and children, Gerstein said.
Reverend Nancy Yancey, who runs Rainbow Village, another organization that helps the suburban poor in Gwinnett County, told me that she’d seen the number of calls for assistance double in the last year, to 300. Rainbow Village can only accommodate a few families at once through their program. Often, families end up at extended-stay motels instead, she said.
“These are the ghettos of suburbia,” Yancey told me. “They have prostitution and drug rings and still families are spending $600 a month. We should take all of these places and turn them into emergency shelters.”
Tyler Chase and his wife Ariel were recently forced to move into one such extended-stay motel, where their children, ages 13, 11, and 5, make up pallets on the floor.
The Chases were your typical middle-class family until Tyler, who ran his own security company, had a stroke.
After a doctor misdiagnosed him, the family entered into a medical nightmare as bills grew and the Chase's income disappeared. The family lost their house and filed for bankruptcy. Ariel Chase cooks dinner on a small, two-burner stove.
“We lost everything,” Ariel Chase told me, outside of the cooperative's office. “This is all our kids know.”
An increasing number of Americans are just one crisis away from poverty, according to Kneebone, of the Brookings Institution. Nearly half of households in the U.S. have less than three months worth of savings, according to CFED’s Assets and Opportunities Scorecard.

In Georgia, and many states in the South, families experience a large amount of economic insecurity, defined as losing more than 25 percent of household income from one year to the next. On average, insecurity in Georgia rose by 57 percent between 1986 and 2010.
But these families often don’t have the resources that they might have had in the cities, either because there simply aren’t nonprofits there, or those who are in the suburbs are overwhelmed with demand.
“Even though the economy is improving, it’s difficult in suburbia,” Yancey told me. “These are working families with children, and they’re often hidden.”
* * *
Some regions have begun to address the problems created by suburban poverty, but they're finding the work is slow going.
After all, suburbs are often much more spread out than cities, and organization has to be done at a county-wide or multi-county level. To reach the same number of low-income families that an organization might once have reached in one urban neighborhood, groups have to work across counties or regions. It can be difficult to change how programs are administered. The federal government spends $82 billion to fight poverty, but it's funneled through 81 programs and 10 different agencies.
But some regions are succeeding. Montgomery County, Maryland, for instance, established a network to reach low-income residents who might not have been aware of the benefits available to them, with volunteers knocking on far-flung suburban doors to check in on residents, according to Kneebone and Berube. A community group in a Houston suburb founded a neighborhood center where residents could learn English, and even sparked the creation of a new bus line. Ways to Work, a Milwaukee-based nonprofit, offers low-interest car loans to help people who live in the suburbs get the transportation they need to get to work.
Some of these groups are starting to make progress in the Atlanta area, too. Groups like the United Way and the Partnership for Southern Equity are building coalitions to track and address problems of suburban poverty.

“We’re beginning to have a ground game in Atlanta,” Nathaniel Smith, the founder of Partnership for Southern Equity told me. “When you organize communities and educate people to speak for themselves, you’re creating new structures of power and influence.”
Traffic in Atlanta (Matt Lemmon/Flickr)
A lack of transit in the suburbs has been one of the biggest problems for the people Smith encounters. Many Atlantans have historically opposed transit in their neighborhoods because of the assumption that anyone who uses transit is poor, Smith told me. In 2012, Smith and others were disappointed when the Atlanta regional area—including suburbs like Gwinnett—had the opportunity to approve a $7.2 billion transportation plan that would have been funded by a 1 percent sales tax. Instead, voters rejected the tax, and Atlanta’s traffic and transit woes continued to grow. Many parts of the far-flung, wealthier suburbs voted against the tax, while some pockets of suburbs, including parts of Gwinnett County, supported it.
As we talk about issues of suburban poverty in metro Atlanta and income equality, access is a key component to lifting people out of poverty," Smith said. "If you can’t have access to something, you’re stuck.”
But there are signs of change. Clayton County, which is just south of Atlanta’s city center, had shut down its public transit in 2010 as a result of budget shortfalls. But the Partnership for Southern Equity and other local groups advocated better transit, and in the elections of November 2014, voters in Clayton County overwhelmingly approved a sales-tax increase to fund the expansion of MARTA, Atlanta’s transit system, into the county. It’s the first new county in the Atlanta region to add MARTA service since 1971.
“I think things are really changing,” Smith told me. “If you look at what’s happening in Atlanta around the belt line, there’s a new push for another go at a statewide transportation strategy.”
Of course transportation isn’t the only solution to suburban poverty. But it’s a start. And as the economy improves, people like Leila Randolph are starting to see their status improve, too. Until a few months ago, Randolph, 54, was homeless. She’d worked at a warehouse in Gwinnett County for two years until she and a handful of others got laid off because business slowed down.
But recently, she landed a minimum-wage job packing bread at a bread factory. She’s able to afford a room at Norcross Extended Stay with a small kitchenette, and a car.
It’s not her dream home, and the hours are tough—she works from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., which makes it hard to see her family. But she’s hoping to save up and move out someday.
“I can’t complain—there’s a roof over my head,” she said. “I hear some real bad stories.”

Drug cartels go into the oil business

BrasscheckTV Report

Mexico is infamous for
its violent cartels which
deal everything from
drugs to oil.

Where does this blood-
stained oil go to?

Often it’s sold at US
gas stations.


- Brasscheck TV

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QE is Back! $1 Trillion per quarter | Jim Willie (Part 1) – ENCORE

QE is Back! $1 Trillion per quarter | Jim Willie (Part 1) – ENCORE                       

Published on Jul 13, 2015
– The Federal Reserve is using Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, the Cayman Islands,
   and Switzerland to export over $1 trillion of QE per quarter ►3:07
– U.S. Treasury Bond market volume is dangerously low.
   What lies ahead for US Treasury Bonds? ►9:06
– China has taken control of the International Monetary Fund ►17:38
– The Eastern banking system will not accumulate U.S. Treasury Bonds anymore.
   Instead, they will convert U.S. Treasury Bonds into Gold bullion.
   Will the entire world follow suit? ►26:29
– In what way will Silver play a role in the new monetary system? ►36:01

– The conversion to Gold bullion by Eastern nations will be seen as a
   declaration of financial war. How can the U.S. government respond? ►
– Jim Willie’s two biggest disappointments about the big picture
SUBSCRIBE (It’s FREE!) to our sponsor “Reluctant Preppers” to learn how to be aware and prepared ►

China’s Financial War on the U.S. | Jim Willie (Part 2) – ENCORE                               

Published on Jul 13, 2015
This is part 2, here is the link to start with
– The conversion of U.S. Treasury Bonds to Gold bullion by Eastern nations will
   be seen as a declaration of financial war.
   How can the U.S. government respond? ►0:00
– Jim Willie’s two biggest disappointments about the big picture ►11:53

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: July 13

Frontrunning: July 13

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It’s Worse Than We Thought!

Jade Helm <<>>Marines Refuse and Quit

While the South Is Fully Locked and Loaded!

Live In-Your Face Coverage! (Videos)

Watch members of the military state they are getting out and why! You shouldn’t be surprised, but you might just be!  This should be proof to you that trouble is ahead…serious trouble! And it’s not far off. Get ready everyone, martial law
is coming!

           Jade Helm-Marines Refuse And Quit

The South Is Locked And Loaded


Published on Jul 5, 2015


Albany, NY. June 24, 2015

Founder and Director of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes urges all Oath Keeper chapters
across the country to hold an Emergency Summit by state, in order to prepare for an
economic collapse. 'Assume the worst' and formulate support teams. Food storage
the most crucial.
                             >>> LISTEN NOW - IMPORTANT - TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE <<<


"A Time For Choosing" by Ronald Reagan 



      Col Potter on the Peter Santilli Show
                        go to 1:07 mark for the information



         Ronald Reagan - A Must Watch.!



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Permanently Implementing Martial Law

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Will Completely Obliterate the Global Economy

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Do you see the reptilius face in the wave?

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     Chinese authorities evacuate hundreds of thousands, cancel flights ahead of Typhoon Chan-hom –     Do you see the reptilius face in the wave?  See more reptilius face in the Las Vegas weird weather posted at :




Canadian. embassy a pawn


PLUTO to put on show


 Many other stories you won't see here


Farewell Speech

- President Reagan's Farewell Speech

from the Oval Office 1/11/89


" have the PATRIOTS who conquered, have they thrown down their guns ?? "



........MORE LATER

RTS: Roundtable Discussion: Genocide of Canada's First Nations

For Immediate Publication:
The Roundtable Discussion tonight: Canadian Genocide of the First Nations

The One People's Roundtable Discussion  will be delving into Canadian Genocide against the First Nations, The "Truth & Reconciliation" report, and the Canadian Government, "The Crown" and the church's history of murder and torture of First Nations Children in the Residential Schools, and the hundreds of "missing" aboriginal women.

Lisa and I will be discussing all of these topics and more with our guest tonight, Thahoketoteh of the Kanion'ke:haka - The Mohawk Nation of Canada.  My friend Thahoketoteh joined us on The Untangled Gathering to tell the Kanion'ke:haka creation story for The Origins Conference, tying together many different "theories" that are very pertinent right now, into the Mohawk legends of creation.

Tonight We will be digging deep into these topics.  The Genocide of Canada (and America and Australia,  New Zealand, South America and Africa's) First Peoples is the worlds Biggest Genocide ever perpetuated throughout history, yet  it is continuously hidden by the corporate governments and buried by history- a history that has been written by the victor.

Col Potter on the Peter Santilli Show - go to 1:07 mark for the information<<>>MUST LISTEN NOW<>POST NOW

      Col Potter on the Peter Santilli Show
                        go to 1:07 mark for the information



What the Greeks dream of :

What the Greeks dream of :

Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia!!!

Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia!!!

Source - Benjamin Fulford

The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more. For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.

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The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank, and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.

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In any case, the bankruptcy of these institutions was followed by the formal $200 billion start of the BRICS bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. The BRICS invited Greece to join them but, of course, the BRICS bank is not about to bail out the criminal Western banks that looted Greece, it will only help the Greek people.

The Khazarian controllers of the Federal Reserve Board, angered by the BRICS bank, were the instigators of the attack on the Chinese stock markets, pentagon sources say. This burst a bubble, leading to a 40% decline in Chinese stocks before the government intervened and suspended most stock trading. The Chinese counter-attack shut down the New York Stock Exchange etc. This was then, according to Pentagon sources, followed by weather warfare as a major typhoon was sent crashing directly into Shanghai, forcing the evacuation of a million people.

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The Pentagon summoned Khazarian house slave acting-president Obama on Monday to tell him they have just upped upgraded their military relations with Vietnam “to a strategic level.” In other words, the Vietnamese will work with the Americans to hold back the Chinese. Despite rhetoric against Russia, the Pentagon is already working with the Russians to make sure China keeps in line, the sources said. Obama was told in no uncertain terms that he was to stop “poking the bear” and to concentrate on the main enemy, which is the Khazarian mafia, and the potential enemy, which is China.

There is now an informal truce between the Pentagon and the Chinese because the Chinese stopped building up military facilities in the South China Sea. The Pentagon and the Chinese are now concentrating on the real enemy which is the Khazarian mob. As a part of a campaign to discredit the Khazarians, Obama was forced to admit publicly that his government (the Khazarian controlled state department faction) was “training ISIL (ISIS).” Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL”

This was part of the major ongoing Pentagon campaign against Israel and the Khazarian mob. In another part of this, Pentagon and agency hackers released a video that has gone viral, showing the filming of a fake ISIS beheading.

Khazarian war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel also had his private phones hacked to release information he was directly involved in the ISIS terror campaign. Even more deadly for Netanyahu’s criminal regime was a hacking of Israeli military systems that disabled Israeli patriot missile defenses. News stories have talked about German patriot missile batteries being hacked.

Related Financial Connections to ISIS | Trailing ISIS to Tel Aviv

However, it is the hacking of the Israeli systems that left that country completely exposed to Iranian and other missiles. The message is very clear: “Stop your regional trouble-making or else be destroyed.”

In addition to this, the Saudi Arabian regime is, with Pentagon arm twisting, continuing to purge all Bush and Israeli agents out of power. Long term foreign minister Saud Al Faisal, his brother Tikri, Intelligence Chief Bandar Bush and many more are being cut as that frantic regime tries to change its stripes in order to survive. They are trying desperately to prevent a complete American alignment with Iran that would leave them without any real protector in the Middle East. In other words, they fear bloody revolution which is why so many Saudi princes have already abandoned that country. The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have been buying and stashing away all the silver they can get their hands on so that they can keep some of their fortunes in the event of a regime change and subsequent freeze of their bank accounts. Here you can see a chart showing how oil is being converted into silver.

Also, JP Morgan and Citibank have engaged in a massive selling of silver futures (i.e., paper silver) in order to drive down the price. The result has been that the paper price of silver has plunged even as the United States mint has run out of silver coins.

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In other words, these mega-banks are losing the ability to use their super-computers to control the price of real world goods like silver.

This move into commodities by the big Rockefeller and Bush banks comes as the Khazarian banking system faces unprecedented attack. Goldman Sachs, for example, has been exposed as a criminal organization by the Greek Debt Truth Commission.

This group has shown that Goldman Sachs and other banks fraudulently inflated Greek government debt numbers by doing such things as creating fake losses by hospitals. The fraudulent Greek debt is now being used as a tool to loot real Greek assets like islands, ports, utilities etc. According to British MI5 intelligence, former Goldman Sachs employee and now European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi was the mastermind behind this Greek looting plan. We can thus understand why former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis would publicly refer to Goldman Sachs as a life-sucking vampire. Yanis Varoufakis on Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs.

Related What the weak euro and strong dollar mean for the global economy

The situation has become such that even if the entire Greek Parliament and their families are threatened with death by the Khazarians, the latest opinion polls show close to 80% of the Greek people will not accept any failure by the Greek parliament to respect their “No” vote to the EU gangsters.

The Pentagon sources say the Greek drachmas are already in use and that a Greek exit from the Euro was inevitable.

What is now coming is bank failures caused by credit default swaps (i.e., guarantees that Greece would not default), the sources say.

There is also more big trouble coming for JP Morgan, according to the Pentagon sources. They say JP Morgan has sold twice as many United States government bonds as were actually issued. In other words, they sold fraudulent United States government bonds in order to keep themselves afloat, the sources say.

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There is further trouble brewing for the Bush/Rockefeller Japanese slave government. Last week, a secret ruling committee of the Japanese government rejected a White Dragon Society proposal to set up a future planning agency with a budget of $7 trillion. They could not start the new agency because of “Freemason and Illuminati interference,” according to a Japanese royal family source.

However, the Japanese government is being presented with water-proof documentation that it owes 30 trillion of dollars for looted Manchu gold, according to Chinese sources. The Japanese tried to postpone settling its gold debt until the autumn but they are being pressed to act before then, the sources said. Forcing the Japanese to pay this debt would bankrupt the Rockefeller and Bush secret controllers of the Japanese slave regime. That is why slave Prime Minister Abe is being sent on an emergency begging mission to China in September.

On a final note, a Russian agent contacted with WDS last week and provided detailed information about exactly how the Ukrainian “Maidan” revolution really took place. The agent infiltrated the Maidan revolt by showing up pretending to be a student. He was told to go to a United States State Department run front organization where young protesters were given free food and shelter and paid 25 euros per day. In addition to this, according to the agent, “we were given all the free drugs we wanted.” He said the Maidan protesters consisted almost entirely of stoned youth between the ages of 17 and 25. So there you have it, the United States State Department handing out drugs and money to overthrow a democratically-elected regime.

This same Khazarian rogue Washington, DC regime has been found to be hacking into computers and planting kiddie porn. This explains why so many whistleblowers and other “trouble makers” have been fraudulently arrested for having child pornography.

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What do you do about a government that pushes illegal drugs, finances terrorism, uses kiddie porn and other tricks to arrest innocent people and steals money from 99% of the population? The answer is clear, we need a revolution.

The revolution may have already started in Greece, the cradle of democracy.

We need to make sure it spreads until the heart of world darkness, Washington, DC, is cleansed and the Republic of the United States of America is restored.

This will remove the world’s leading cause of terrorism, war, and mayhem.

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