Thursday, July 16, 2015

Can you say, “IMPOSTORS?”

Many good Americans can not seem to being themselves to call the enemy what they are.
Impostors who have infiltrated all levels of what the people have been mislead into accepting as their lawful government. People can not believe why the government is so Anti American? Well the easy answer is that the people you have come to believe is your government…ISN’T!
They are impersonating the lawful public servants. These are criminal acts and not politics. As Americans, we have not had a lawful government operating by the delegated authority of the governed since about 1862.

US Corp (of which obama is CEO) Is In Worse Fiscal Condition Than Greece. Continental Americans not necessarily involved!

On Jul 16, 2015, at 5:16 AM, Sally Baptiste <> wrote:
Please get involved and please share with your fellow American Patriots
Americans must face the truth......The Democrats and the Republicans have lost their way and no longer represent the American people. We cannot continue down the same path expecting things to change. The DNC and RNC have merged together and will never ever save America. This is the truth!  
Please take stand against the corruption and anti-American actions of OUR government. Please stand-up and accept responsibility for the problems facing our country. It is up to us to take back America and to save America. The vast majority of those in public office today, do not abide by our Constitution, promote our freedom and liberties OR secure our homeland. Enough Already! This has got to change and it is up to "We the People" to once again declare our independence and take back America.
Please tune in Monday, July 20, 2015, 7:00 PM ET - American Statesman Blog Talk Radio
Call-in Number 347-857-4364   Press 1 to speak on the air. We will take call during the second half of the show. You may post comments in the chat room throughout the show.
Bill Wayland - Florida Constitution Party
Jerry Pangle - Tennessee Constitution Party



Published on Jun 6, 2015

The secret government has been spraying the skies throughout North America since late 1997 on an almost daily basis with substances that were first identified as "mystery contrails", but later were dubbed "chemtrails" by investigative reporter and author William Thomas. When questioned, military and government officials either deny any knowledge of these spraying's outright or they offer unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only a moron could believe. These spraying's are making many people sick and are the first phase of a bio-warfare operation designed to effect wide scale population reduction .. Find out what's going on:

Who in Their Right Mind?

With no debate and only a voice vote, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture today (July 14, 2015) passed out of committee H.R. 1599, a bill to preempt states’ rights to label GMOs. Within hours, it was announced that the bill will go straight to the House floor, as early as next week, with no vote in the Energy and Commerce Committee.
If we don’t stop it in the House next week, the fight to stop this “Mother of All Monsanto Protection Acts” will take place next in the U.S. Senate, by early fall. In his opening statement this morning, Committee Chairman Rep. K. Michael Conaway (R-Texas) (who shortly after today’s vote said he will co-sponsor H.R. 1599) couldn’t have sounded more like a Monsanto employee if he’d tried. Conaway nailed the biotech industry’s favorite talking points and mistruths, beginning with this one:
In testimony before this Committee, multiple representatives of the food and agricultural sectors commented on the cost burden that would be placed on our food system if we were to allow the 50 States, more than 3000 counties and nearly 20,000 towns and cities in the United States to establish their own laws regulating interstate commerce.
Time and again, independent experts have stated that the cost of labeling GMO foods and ingredients, to manufacturers, retailers and consumers, would be negligible here in the U.S., just as it has been in the more than 60 countries that already require labeling. GMO labels are costless, as pointed out in this Washington Post article. Companies regularly update their food packaging as they come up with new designs or marketing strategies.
And then there was the ultimate lie about GMOs, that they have been “proven safe:”
We all recognize that the overwhelming consensus within the science community is that these biotech products are safe.  We likewise understand that each and every biotech product in the marketplace today has been reviewed thorough a voluntary food safety consultation process at the Food and Drug Administration.
Wrong. Ever since GMOs were introduced into the food system in the 1990s, without adequate, independent, pre-market safety testing, there have been scientists and an increasing volume of of research indicating that these genetically engineered foods and the toxic chemicals that accompany them are hazardous to human health and the environment. The American Medical Association believes GMO foods should be subjected to pre-market safety testing. And there is surely no consensus, as hundreds of scientists worldwide have confirmed, on the safety of GMOs that have already been approved. That is a flat-out lie.
Conaway spoke instead about the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s “voluntary food safety consultation process” as if that were a valid means of proving safety.
Glaringly absent from Conaway’s statement was any mention of the toxic chemicals used to grow GMO crops, and allowed to remain as residue on GMO foods. Not one word was spoken about the World Health Organization’s recent determination that glyphosate, the chemical used on more than 80 percent of GMO crops, is a probably human carcinogen.
None of these statements, coming from a lawmaker with ties to Big Ag, were particularly surprising. But what should concern any consumer ,voter, citizen or just plain common-sense thinking human being, is that Conaway’s statement clearly focused on how to promote the profits of corporations, rather than on how to protect people from foods that have not been proven safe, and the arsenal of toxic chemicals used to grow them. It was all about “marketing,” and how we need a government program for food producers who want to voluntarily label their products as GMO-free, or containing GMOs.
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service has long been in the business of assisting producers to develop programs and tools to take advantage of market opportunities. The Biotechnology, Horticulture and Research Subcommittee recently examined the programs of the Agricultural Marketing Service.  The Subcommittee concluded that the agency has the resources and expertise to develop and administer a robust marketing program for those wishing to notify consumers of the presence or absence of genetically engineered ingredients in their food products.  What the agency doesn’t have is the law to make it work uniformly across the country like we did 25 years ago when we passed the Organic Foods Production Act.
Not one word on the devastation to the environment. Not on word on how chemical-intensive, fossil-fuel-intensive industrial agriculture is one of the largest contributors, if not the largest contributor, to global warming—and how if we don’t fix this system, we can’t be serious about averting a climate disaster.
As Pope Francis said recently, on the topic of genetic engineering and its use of toxic pesticides:
It creates a vicious circle in which the intervention of the human being to solve a problem often worsens the situation further. For example, many birds and insects die out as a result of toxic pesticides created by technology, they are useful to agriculture itself, and their disappearance will be compensated with another technological intervention that probably will bring new harmful effects… looking at the world we see that this level of human intervention, often in the service of finance and consumerism, actually causes the earth we live in to become less rich and beautiful, more and more limited and gray, while at the same time the development of technology and consumerism continues to advance without limits.
H.R. 1599 is an assault on consumer rights, an assault on democracy and states’ rights. And if passed, it will only escalate the assault on our health, and the health of Planet Earth.
Please help us continue to fight this disastrous and undemocratic piece of legislation.

7/16/2015 — Rare M6.5 earthquake strikes Caribbean near Barbados

A rare magnitude 6.5 earthquake has struck East of Barbados in the Southeast Caribbean. (now revised to M6.4 by the USGS)
6.5 earthquake barbados july 16 2015
Over the past 7 days (leading up to July 16), there has been only one M6.0+ earthquake globally.  Normally there are 2-3 M6.0+ earthquakes per week around the world.

Less than 24 hours ago, a new deep earthquake occurred in the Asthenosphere below the West Pacific.  This deep movement sent off a new round of activity across the globe, particularly showing up as multiple swarms, and now a large earthquake near the well known Caribbean volcanic island chain.
6.5 earthquake barbados july 16 2015a
Information on this Barbados earthquake from the USGS:
Magnitude 6.5 Mi
Location/uncertainty 14.000°N 58.500°W± 0.0 km
Depth/uncertainty 23.0 km± 0.0
Origin Time
Number of Stations 55
Number of Phases 55
Minimum Distance 0.00 km (0.00°)
Travel Time Residual 0.99 sec
Azimuthal Gap 226.8°
FE Region Northeast of Barbados, Windward Islands (402)

Family Questions Circumstances of Woman's Texas Jail Death - Police protecting the life out of you!

Family and friends sought more details Thursday about the death of a black woman who authorities say hanged herself in a Texas jail after her arrest for allegedly kicking an officer following a traffic stop, saying the 28-year-old gave no indication she was in such an emotional state that she would kill herself.
The Texas Rangers and the FBI are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Sandra Bland of the Chicago suburb of Naperville. She was found dead Monday morning in a Waller County jail cell in Hempstead, Texas, about 60 miles northwest of Houston.
"Based on the Sandy that I knew, that's unfathomable to me," Bland's sister, Sharon Cooper, said at a news conference in Chicago.
The death of Bland, a black woman who was in the process of moving to Texas to start working at the college from which she graduated, comes amid increased national scrutiny of police after a series of high-profile cases in which blacks have been killed by officers. Bland's death has gotten attention on social media, with posts questioning the official account of her death and featuring the hashtags #JusticeForSandy and #WhatHappenedToSandyBland.
An attorney hired by Bland's family, Cannon Lambert, said some relatives believe Bland was killed and the family wants more information from investigators.
"This family is really looking to understand what happened," Lambert said during the news conference. "We don't understand this. It doesn't make sense."
Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis said he had no information indicating Bland's death wasn't a suicide.
"If I receive information that there's something nefarious going on, or foul play, we will certainly get to the bottom of that," he told the Chicago Tribune. "I understand there's some disbelief among some friends and family that she would do this to herself. That's why it's very important that the Texas Rangers be allowed to conduct a thorough investigation."
He said such an investigation is "typical protocol" when someone dies in custody.
Lambert and Bland's sister, Shante Needham, said they'd been working to get the money for bail when they learned that Bland was dead.
Needham said Bland had called her from jail on Saturday afternoon, telling her that she'd been arrested, but didn't know why. She also said an officer had placed his knee in her back and she thought her arm had been broken.
"She was very aggravated. She seemed to be in pain. She really felt that her arm had been fractured," Needham said, holding back tears.
"I told her I would work on getting her out."
The Harris County medical examiner has classified Bland's death as suicide by hanging.
A Texas state trooper arrested Bland on Friday in Prairie View on a charge of assaulting a public servant. Erik Burse, a trooper and spokesman for the Texas Department Public Safety, told the Chicago Tribune that Bland was pulled over for failing to signal a lane change. He said she was outside the car and about to be issued a written warning when she kicked the officer and was then arrested.
Lambert said they didn't know if Bland had kicked the officer, but said it would have been out of character for her to do something like that if unprovoked.

BREAKING!! Chattanooga Shootings: Four Marines and Gunman Dead in Rampage at Tennessee Military Facilities

A gunman killed four Marines on Thursday in attacks on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, authorities said. A police officer and a Marine recruiter were injured in the rampage.
The gunman was killed after a shootout with police at the second facility, authorities said. It was not immediately clear whether police killed him or he killed himself.
The gunman was identified as Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Kuwait, a senior federal official said.
"Today is a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga," Mayor Andy Berke said.
Authorities offered no immediate information on a motive. Bill Killian, the top federal prosecutor for eastern Tennessee, said the attack was being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism.
The shootings began at around 10:45 a.m. and occurred over about 30 minutes and six miles apart, first at a military recruitment station and then at a Navy and Marines reserve center. A defense official said the gunman used an automatic weapon.
The Marines were killed at the reserve center. The Marine Corps said their names would be released after their relatives were notified.
President Barack Obama said all the details are not yet known but pledged a thorough and prompt investigation.
"My main message right now is obviously the deepest sympathies of the American people to the four marines that have been killed," he said. "I'd ask all Americans to pray for the families," Obama said.
The gunman fired 25 to 30 rounds at the recruitment station, a U.S. military official said. The doors were riddled with bullet holes. People there fled through the back of the building.
Berke said police rushed from all over the city to confront the shooter. "They were engaging him as he went to the second facility, to stop him. Despite all that he kept going," Berke said.
"This was certainly a horrific, awful, very directed attack," he said.
Two military personnel were wounded in addition to the police officer. The police officer was shot in the ankle and taken to a hospital. A Marine recruiter was shot in the leg and was treated and released. The condition of the two victims that remained at Erlanger Hospital were not released.
"Lives have been lost from some faithful people who have been serving our country, and I think I join all Tennesseans in being both sickened and saddened by this," Gov. Bill Haslam said.
Authorities said they had no reason to believe anyone else was involved in the shooting. They also said there was no intelligence indicating the attack ahead of time. Several defense officials said there was still change in alert status for U.S. military installations.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said security is being increased at certain federal facilities "out of an abundance of caution."
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch called the attack a "shameful and cowardly act of violence" and said the FBI will take the lead in the investigation.
Dozens of people lined up at a nearby blood donation center after the shootings.
Image: Police respond to a shooting at the Army Recruiting Center on Lee Highway in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Police respond to a shooting at the Army Recruiting Center on Lee Highway in Chattanooga, Tenn. WRCB
"This is my city. My friends and my family live here. We still don't know who is involved but I knew I could help this way," said Deejay Haas, one of those who gave blood after the rampage. By the time she left the center, there was a two to three hour wait to give blood.
The health department, colleges and other facilities in Chattanooga were locked down during the rampage, as was the governor's office in Nashville.
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner offered his condolences to the families of the victims. "Today's cowardly attack is a reminder that our men and women in uniform are under constant threat, no matter where they serve," he said.
Both of Tennessee's U.S. senators addressed the shooting on the Senate floor and offered their condolences.
"We understand a shooting took place at the naval reserve center in Chattanooga and a police officer has been injured," Sen. Lamar Alexander said. "We understand other individuals at the naval reserve center may have injured as well."

New technology could make hospitals OBSOLETE

Dear Reader,
Hospitals are the No. 3 killer in America, trouncing car accidents, diabetes, and everything besides cancer and heart disease.
In fact, a new study from the Journal of Patient Safety estimates half a million Americans will die THIS year from hospitals.
And odds are, someone you know or love will lose their life to a hospital - if they already haven't.
But I have good news.
Before 2015 is over, hospitals will have taken their last life.
See, Harvard researchers just uncovered a new breakthrough DNA technology, one with the potential to eradicate ALL 61 kinds of disease.
The last time something like this happened, the trillion-dollar hospital industry almost never recovered.
And this time around they NEVER will.
That's because this therapy is natural, so the drug companies can't get their hands on it.
As a result it costs less than $1 a day for treatment. And you can even administer it from home, without ever checking in to a hospital.
It's the hospital industry's worst nightmare!
That's why they're doing everything in their power to put a lid on this story...
Why they're pulling the strings on their media contacts to keep it quiet...
And why you haven't heard about this, until now.
But I've uncovered all the details on this urgent life-saving treatment... and how you can take advantage of it immediately - without health insurance, prescription, or a doctor's visit.
This report is going viral with 3.5 million views over the last week alone and has even received enormous attention on dozens of top media sites.
Their scheme to control your health and life is coming to an end.
Thousands are already administering this treatment from the comfort of their own homes.
They're becoming free of disease and removing themselves from the hospital system forever.
Now you've got the opportunity to join them.
Read below for the breakthrough technology making hospitals obsolete.
To your good health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
Could THIS Nobel Prize-Winning Technology Make Hospitals Obsolete?

International Scientist Appeal On Electromagnetic Fields - Martin Blank PhD --- DANGERS OF " WIFI" and MORE

International Scientist Appeal On Electromagnetic Fields - Martin Blank PhD
Brain Wave Warping Effect of Mobile Phones, Study Reveals
Just How Dangerous Is Wi-Fi To Your Health?

July 17 2015 | From: ElectromagneticHealth / GreenMedInfo / iHealthTube

Dr. Martin Blank, PhD of Columbia University says, “The time to deal with the
harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. To protect our children,
ourselves and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more
protective guidelines.”

Dr. Blank is representing 190 international scientists in an Appeal to the UN,
UN Member States and the WHO on the risks of electromagnetic fields emitted
by telecommunications and utility technologies.

Video produced by on behalf of international scientists
and the Appeal Committee.




Brain Wave Warping Effect Of Mobile Phones, Study Reveals

Your mobile phone is not only a carcinogenic, radiation emitting device,
but may alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave
activity that is intimately connected to cognition, mood and behavior.

A concerning new clinical study published in PLoS One titled,

 "EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation,"

has revealed that so-called 3rd generation (3G) cell phone technology has
widespread brain wave disrupting activity in subjects exposed to real-world like conditions, i.e. 15-minute "talk time" exposure to the ear area.

The study abstract describes the experimental design and results:

“The aim of this study was to investigate whether a 15-minute placement of a 3G dialing mobile phone causes direct changes in EEG activity compared to the placement of a sham phone.

Furthermore, it was investigated whether placement of the mobile phone on the ear or the heart would result in different outcomes. Thirty-one healthy females participated. All subjects were measured twice: on one of the two days the mobile phone was attached to the ear, the other day to the chest. In this single-blind, cross-over design, assessments in the sham phone condition were conducted directly preceding and following the mobile phone exposure.

During each assessment, EEG activity and radiofrequency radiation were recorded jointly. Delta, theta, alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma activity was computed. The association between radiation exposure and the EEG was tested using multilevel random regression analyses with radiation as predictor of main interest.

Significant radiation effects were found for the alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma bands. When analyzed separately, ear location of the phone was associated with significant results, while chest placement was not.

The results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement.
Further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings."
While previous research has found that mobile phone exposure affects alpha brain wave activity, and subsequent behavior (insomnia), this is the first placebo-controlled, single-blinded study of its kind to show that as little as 15 minutes of 3G cell phone technology exposure directly to the ear, "is associated with increased activity of the alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands in nearly every brain region."

In other words, typical mobile phone exposure resulted in electrophysiological changes that resulted in measurable alterations in nearly the entire brain's structure/function. Even though it is now common knowledge that cell phone radiation is powerful enough to disrupt sensitive equipment within an airplane (think: airplane mode) or hospital, there is still resistance to acknowledging it may adversely affect the human brain, an electrical impulse sensitive organ. 
Moreover, since brain waves are believed to encode rules for behavior, altering brain wave activity could have considerable downstream affects on behavior and consciousness.  To learn more about the potential of mobile phone and related electromagnetic radiation to affect cognition and behavior, read the Scientific American article,

There is also the fact that even more powerful radiation emitting devices are being developed, including 4th generation (4G) phones, which were recently found to significantly alter brain neural activity after only 30 minutes of exposure. We can only presume that these more powerful devices may alter brain wave activity even more than the 3G technology observed in the present study. 

Why are we only now learning about the potentially mind-altering properties of mobile phone radiation?
The independent study pointed out that 87% of brain wave studies looking at the effects of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones are funded by the mobile phone industry, which may explain why most of the literature on cell phone exposure reveals either null or inconclusive, and in in some cases even positive findings on cognition.

Considering that in 2013, 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions were registered globally, the resistance both by the communications industry and its users to identifying health concerns associated with their use is massive.
Even if the concerns raised about the psychiatric consequences of mobile phone exposure do not provide sufficient reason to reduce usage, the radiation emitted from these devices have already been acknowledged to be dangerous enough to justify a high level of precaution.

Mobile phone radiation has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, since 2011, as "possibly carcinogenic." Watch the video by radiation expert Dr. Chris Busby to learn about the mechanism behind cell phone carcinogenicity:

Chris Busby on how mobile phones cause caner


Also, to learn more about the oft minimized or repressed research on cell phone carcinogenicity, read our article:

44 Reasons Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer
Mobile phones have become an almost necessary evil for many of us in the modern world. This does not, however, mean you can't reduce exposure, and certainly always avoid putting one up to your head. You can use a headset, for instance, and also remember that you can put your phone on airplane mode if ever you or your child is handling it. Simple precautions like this can greatly reduce you and your loved one's risk of adverse health effects associated with exposure.
For additional related research read my article,
"Ways To Reduce The Cancer-Causing Effects of Cell Phones," or take a look at our database on research that reveals natural ways to mitigate mobile phone toxicity.

Just How Dangerous Is Wi-Fi To Your Health?

Dr. Edward Group cites a recent study that might emphasize the potential danger
of electromagnetic frequencies and the growing amount of wi-fi that people are
exposed to.

Find out how it affects water, a substance that makes up a good portion of your body!


NOTE: European Central Bank "Lifeline" Will Last Just a Few Days

Just a note as the markets "digest" the Greek bailout (that goes directly to their lenders)...

The European Central Bank just announced a 900 Million Euro cash injection to the Greek banks so they can open on Monday. Hmmm. Prior to the closing of the banks the Greek people were pulling out around 100M Euro per day because they weren't too confident that the banks would make it. Now that they KNOW that their banking system is insolvent just how long do you think the banks will stay open?

My guess...ABOUT 1 WEEK!

I wonder how the markets will "digest" another Greek bailout by next weekend?!

Crazy games playing out in Greece that will hit the USA by the end of August...are you ready?

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - *Buy the books as they tell you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

Book I: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

Book II: "Out of The Darkness"

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: July 16

Frontrunning: July 16

  • Greece licks wounds after bailout vote, ECB move expected (Read More)
  • Lose-Lose: Pushing Greece Out of Euro Is Costlier Than Write-Off (Read More)
  • EMU brutality in Greece has destroyed the trust of Europe's Left (Read More)
  • Schaeuble Shrugs Off Greek Vote Saying Euro Exit Is Best (Read More)
  • Merkel's tough tactics prompt criticism in Germany and abroad (Read More)
  • Investors Get Caught in Oil's Slippery Wake (Read More)
  • Obama Girds for Battle With Congress on Iran Deal (Read More)
  • Icahn Flips Script on BlackRock's Fink, a Longtime Critic (Read More)
  • Rice - Iran cannot avoid inspections of suspicious sites (Read More)
  • Drought Is the Mother of Invention on the Farm (Read More)
  • Puerto Rico Says It Failed to Send Money for Bond Payments (Read More)
  • Congress to probe Planned Parenthood use of aborted fetus tissue (Read More)
  • EU Launches Antitrust Investigations Into Qualcomm (Read More)

BOMBSHELL: FBI, DOJ Colluded with IRS, Lerner to “Bring Criminal Charges” Against Conservatives

BOMBSHELL: FBI, DOJ Colluded with IRS, Lerner to “Bring Criminal Charges” Against Conservatives
Description: lois lerner
In an alphabet soup of corruption, the Obama Administration’s IRS, FBI, and DOJ have once again been exposed attempting to target and prosecute political opponents.
New documents reveal that several IRS officials, including Lois Lerner, colluded with the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) on “several possible theories to bring criminal charges” against conservative groups as early as 2010.
As the Washington Free Beacon reports:
Newly obtained documents from the conservative educational foundation Judicial Watch detail an official memo from October 2010 of a meeting between Lois Lerner and officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI to plan for the prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations.
A lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act produced the documents which included the memo as well as revelations that the Justice Department wanted IRS employees to turn over sensitive documents before giving them to Congress, Judicial Watch said in a press release Tuesday. . . .
An IRS document confirms that the organization supplied the FBI with 21 computer disks containing 1.25 million pages of confidential information from more than 113,000 tax returns.

Meeting notes from this high level October 8, 2010 meeting show that former top IRS official Lois Lerner and several other IRS officials “met with the section chief and other attorneys from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, and one representative from the FBI, to discuss recent attention to the political activity of exempt organizations.”  Those discussions focused on “several possible theories to bring criminal charges” against these conservative groups.

This level of collusion between the IRS, FBI, and DOJ at the time conservative groups were being targeted for their political beliefs by Lerner’s division of the IRS is suspect to say the least.  However, it is exacerbated by the fact that Lerner and the DOJ continued these conversations for years.  Nearly three years later, in fact two days before Lerner issued her faux “apology” for targeting conservatives, Lerner wrote an email to the Chief of Staff for the acting Commissioner of the IRS explaining ongoing discussions with senior DOJ officials to “piece together false statement cases about applicants.”

As this information became public last year, I asked, “Did Lois Lerner Want Conservatives to go to Jail?”  It seems the resounding answer today is yes.

In fact, in furtherance of this collusion, the IRS had sent the FBI 21 computer disks, which included 1.25 million pages of presumably confidential taxpayer information on 113,000 non-profit groups.  This could have encompassed nearly every 501(c)(4) group in the country.

The IRS was hitting conservatives from every angle.
The “recent attention” discussed at this October 2010 meeting between Lerner, other IRS officials, the DOJ, and FBI is the same “media attention” on conservative organizations that started the targeting of the Tea Party under Lois Lerner’s watch beginning several months earlier in 2010.

As I’ve written before, understanding the timeline of the earliest events in the targeting is the key to understanding what actually happened.  As ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow and I chronicled in the Washington Times:
[E]mails show that within 24 hours of the first Tea Party case being flagged in early 2010, senior IRS officials under Ms. Lerner’s command in Washington took control. . . .
Feb. 25, 2010: In an email chain between senior IRS officials in Washington and field offices in Cincinnati and California titled “High Profile Case — Does [Exempt Organizations] Technical Want It?” Holly Paz, who would later become Ms. Lerner’s deputy in Washington, was made aware that a “potentially politically embarassing [sic] case involving a ‘Tea Party‘ organization” had been flagged. By the next morning, Ms. Paz requested that it be sent to Washington, “given the potential for media interest.”
March 16-17, 2010: The same email chain, now titled “High Profile Case — EO Technical Would Like It,” continues, with Ms. Paz acknowledging that she had “one Tea Party case up here” and instructing Cincinnati to send “a few more cases” to Washington and to “hold the rest.” Ms. Paz, from Washington, clearly instructed the Cincinnati IRS office that Washington would be responsible for future Tea Party cases, stating, “we will work with [Cincinnati] in working the other cases.” The chain continues with senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California confirming their implementation of Washington’s orders to “hold” the “Tea Party cases.”
April 23, 2010: Steven Grodnitzky, the acting manager of EO Technical, directly below Ms. Paz in Washington, instructed his staff to create a “[Sensitive Case Report] for the Tea Party cases.” He further instructed senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California that his office in Washington was working on the first “2 Tea Party cases” and that their offices should “coordinate” with his office and set up “a call” before developing the rest of the cases. Emails over the next few days between Mr. Grodnitzky in Washington and IRS officials in Cincinnati and California, under the subject line “Tea Party Cases,” show that coordination being put in place.
July 6, 2010: Ms. Paz instructed Mr. Grodnitzky to follow up with the IRS teams in Cincinnati and California and remind them “we have been handling Tea Party applications the last few months.” Mr. Grodnitzky, again from Washington, reiterated the instructions, “[Exempt Organizations Technical] is working the Tea Party applications in coordination with Cincy … . Because the Tea Party applications are the subject of an SCR, we cannot resolve any of the cases without coordinating with Rob.” “Rob” is presumably Rob Choi, who was then director of rulings and agreements in Washington, directly below Ms. Lerner. It was Ms. Paz who replaced Mr. Choi as Ms. Lerner’s deputy in December 2010.
From there, we know the applications of conservative groups were held for two more years, until senior IRS officials in Washington, including the IRS chief counsel’s office, developed unconstitutionally intrusive demand letters, which began being sent out in early 2012.

For more than three years the IRS was targeting, delaying, and abusing the constitutional rights of conservative groups.  At the same time, over the course of three years, Lerner and the IRS were colluding with the FBI (likely illegally providing it confidential information on those groups) and the DOJ to “piece together” criminal charges against these same groups.
The connection and unthinkable abuse of power could not be more clear.
Yet, we are only learning the details of this ongoing corruption drip by drip because for years the IRS has successfully stonewalled every attempt to obtain any information about this scandal by employing a special project team” of “hundreds of lawyers” to hid the truth.

But all of that is beginning to change.
At the ACLJ, we continue to press for the truth and accountability with two ongoing lawsuits against the IRS.  Recently, in one of our cases, we were able to force the IRS to turn over key documents for review by a federal judge – documents the IRS has fought for years to keep hidden.  In our other case, representing dozens of targeted conservative groups from 22 states, we are preparing to file an important brief on appeal.  We will continue fighting for justice as the more we learn the worse it gets.

Matthew Clark is Senior Counsel for Digital Advocacy with the ACLJ. A lifelong citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia, he lives with his wife and four children in Northern Virginia. Follow Matthew Clark: @_MatthewClark.

“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

The End Game for Silver

The big question remaining in the silver market is the following:
"Will they place the price of silver at $0/oz or $1M/oz before they shut down the exchanges?"
Clearly, with the current price of COMEX silver bumping around $15/oz, the odds are leaning towards them forcing the silver price down to $0/oz and shutting down the markets but anything is possible.
For those confused about how this is possible you must understand that the price of silver is 100% controlled by the computer programs that Alan Greenspan invented in the 1960's. The price rises and falls are just an illusion of a free market price meant to keep the system going. With a click of a mouse "they" can make the price go exactly where they want it to go at any moment. The physical side of the silver equation has never been an issue as over 300x the amount of physical silver is traded in the electronic exchanges. That is why the price is falling even though the amount of physical silver is drying up all around the world.
I have posted the latest Friday Road Trip for Private Road Members here:

Friday Road Trip 7/17/2015

Topics covered this week include:

- COMEX Silver Delivery to "Go Dark"
- Official Countdown to Financial D-Day
- The Real Greek Bailout Ramifications
- IMF Pulls Out the "Magic Seven" Card
- Can You Survive on Your Own?

I know how hard it is to ride this chaos out and you should know that it is about to get much worse but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

You just need to hang on long enough.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir
PS - *Buy the books as they tell you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

Book I: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

Book II: "Out of The Darkness"

DR.WILLIAM MOUNT: Complete Financial Confusion

William Mount
Complete Financial Confusion
Tue Jul 14, 2015

The following video will explain why we now have
complete financial confusion world wide.

Be Ready.

Complete Financial Confusion - YouTube

Or type int Google:

You Tube William Mount Complete Financial Confusion

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

BE READY - YouTube

Complete Financial Confusion - YouTube

Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS) - Discover the Networks
Inserted: Socialist plan to overwhelm a country with welfare "debt"
               which they have done !

National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) - Discover the Networks


William Mount
Stop This Loozifer
Tue Jul 14, 2015

The Sun Today

God warned the Chilean people before their Big Earthquake,
the Japanese 48 hours before Fukushima,
Chinese 48 hours before their market crash,
the Greek Prime Minister before he was "Replaced,"
we warned Putin 48 hours  before he was shot a few weeks ago ---
right here and on APFN and Beforeitsnews

When GOD speaks you might want to listen and
HE is speaking really hard right now.

You can not run and you can not hide
--this sun may tear this planet apart and crumble
your underground bases.

Stop This Loozifer,
 I challenge YOU in the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords:

AIA Light Curves

Image Unavailable

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount




© Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports, file

Former president George H.W. Bush and wife, Barbara Bush, in attendance March 29, 2015,
before the finals of the south regional of the 2015 NCAA Tournament between the Duke Blue
 Devils and Gonzaga Bulldogs in Houston.

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush has fallen at home
in Kennebunkport, Maine, and broken a bone in his neck.

Spokesman Jim McGrath says the 91-year-old Bush is in stable condition and is doing "fine"
after Wednesday's fall. He says in a tweet the 41st president will be in a neck brace.

( SO, is he a clone or not ? )




Greece is now a German Colony

Greece is now a German Colony

It's a global community helping people

The West coast of the US is waking up!



Within the past 24 hours, three faint to strong rare earthquakes have shaken the US West coast.

increase in earthquake may 2015, seismic earthquake increase world, us west coast seismic unrest may 2015, global seismic unrest may 2015, earthquake unrest may 2015, salton lake earthquake, oregon earthquake, utah earthquake may 2015, One of the recent earthquakes shaking dormant or active volcanoes on the US West Coast
One of the recent earthquakes shaking dormant or active volcanoes on the US West Coast

First, a 4.1M earthquake struck near Salton Sea butte Volcanoes, Southern California. Keep in mind that this 4.1M earthquake struck at a location where “professionals” are concerned about a potential eruption.

Then a rare magnitude 3.2 earthquake struck South Central Utah near the dormant Markagunt volcanic plateau in Oregon.

Both events probably led to the larger 5.8M earthquake, 5.5M tremors and 4.2M quake off the coast of Oregon, which occurred very close to the newly erupting undersea volcano along the Axial Seamount.