Monday, August 3, 2015

US Court To Decide If Chimps Have Human Rights

US Court To Decide If Chimps Have Human Rights

Image source: NYTimes
Image source: NYTimes

A New York judge heard a case Wednesday of two chimpanzees whose lawyer is arguing that they are being detained “unlawfully.”
This is being championed by well-known ethicist Peter Singer, who argues that this case is “narrowing the gulf” between humans and animals.
The chimpanzees  at Stony Brook University in New York are there for biomedical experiments. They’re named Hercules and Leo.
“That provides the first glimmer of an opening — I wouldn’t put it further than that — that possibly the courts are not going to class chimpanzees simply as property, but are going to say that they may have some legal right to be free or to be sent to a sanctuary or something of that sort,” he said on an Australian TV program.
“The law recognizes things that are not human beings as persons — corporations are a clear example. So it would mean that they have standing in court to claim those rights.”
Christopher Coulston, the New York assistant attorney general for the case, has warned that a pro-chimp ruling could provide “for the release of other animals … housed at a zoo, in an educational institution, on a farm, or owned as a domesticated pet”
So, should animals have the same rights under the law as humans? If one believes that we evolved from primates, then it is possible that same person would believe that animals should have rights like humans because they are similar, just less evolved. However, if God created all things, then it is important to see what God had to say about the animals and mankind when He created them in order to gain a biblical view of what rights an animal should have versus a human being.
When God created the animals, He spoke them into existence, much as He did with everything that was created before them. He created fish and birds on the fifth day (Gen. 1:20-23) and he gave them the command to “be fruitful and multiply.” On the sixth day God created land animals and gave them the same command. Conversely, when God created man on the sixth day, a few things were different. The Bible says that God created man out of the dust of the ground (Gen. 2:7). This is unique. Later, when God pronounces the curse on the man and the woman after the fall, He says, “for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen. 3:19). Additionally, the Bible says that God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Gen. 2:7). This is accepted by most commentators as the moment in which mankind received a spirit, making human beings different from animals as the only beings to possess a body and a spirit. There is a significant difference in the way that mankind was created compared to how the animals were created.
Next, one sees that God imbued mankind with a special trait that only human beings possess. God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Gen. 1:26). Thus, God made mankind in His own image; human beings bear the image of God! No animal can claim this. This gives mankind a special value that animals do not possess. Later, the killing of animals is sanctioned by God (Gen. 4:4; Ac. 10:13), and God condemns the killing of human beings (Gen. 9:6; Ex. 20:13). So it is clear that God sees humans as bearing a greater value than animals.
What, then, is the difference between mankind and animals concerning rights? God gave the man and the woman the same command He gave to the animals: Be fruitful and multiply. However, he gave them another command. He said, “fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1:28). God entrusted mankind with the management of the animals and the subduing of the earth. Human beings were placed in charge of the animals as God’s representatives to the animals. Animals were not made on the same level as human beings. Instead, animals were made for human beings. The only similarities that animals share with humans, from an ontological perspective, are that they were created by God and given the command to multiply.
It is a good thing to recognize the value of that which God has created. It is another thing entirely to try and give something a worth and value that God has not ascribed to it. God made it clear through His creative design, mankind was the pinnacle of creation and was wholly different from the rest of creation. Mankind is the only created being to be imbued with the image of God. Therefore, mankind has unique rights and privileges not shared by any other created thing. Animals should not be mistreated, abused or neglected. Why? Because they are valuable in the eyes of God simply because he saw fit to create them. However, one should not go so far as to put animals on the same level as humans.
Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts in the section below: 

Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant

Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant

August 4, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
An Iranian nuclear scientist called a White Dragon Society representative, as well as many government agencies, on the day of the July 31 blue moon to warn of an imminent Khazarian plot to attack multiple Iranian nuclear sites with nuclear armed hijacked civilian airplanes. The scientist said he had been warned a flight from Dubai to Tehran on a Boeing 777-300ER plane he was due to fly in on August 1st was one of the planes that was going to be used in the attack.
The warnings were taken seriously and heavy pressure was brought to bear on the Israeli military and intelligence establishment to prevent mad dog war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow cabalists from carrying out such an attack. The so-called discovery of a Boeing 777 wing part in the Pacific Ocean last week was meant to be a diversion for this attack, according to Iranian and other sources.
The sudden appearance of possible “evidence” of Malaysian airlines flight 370 comes as fewer and fewer dupes around the world believe the official story that flight 370 ,which “vanished” in the Pacific Ocean and flight 17, which was shot down over the Ukraine, were separate airplanes. The perpetrators of this and other massive crimes continue to try to provoke a World War in order to prevent the backlash and mass arrests that will come once all their lies and crimes inevitably become fully exposed.
The latest alleged “attack Iran” plot came at a time that rumours of mass arrests of senior cabalists were once again flying over the internet. Sources at the CIA, the Asian Development Bank and the Federal Reserve Board all warned this writer of mass arrests, instigated by the Chinese, due to take place on August 8th.
The rumours were traced to the following article and related links:
While the Chinese like the number 8 and definitely did start the 2008 Beijing Olympics at 8:08 AM on August 8th, 2008/08/08:08 we have not been able to independently confirm any plans for arrests on that date.
In any case, the arrests need to be made mostly inside the US and Israel and would thus have to be done by the US military and police apparatus. Last I heard, the number 8 isn’t their cup of feng-shui (風水).
Nonetheless the speed with which this rumour (or intel) spread shows there is real frustration within the military and intelligence apparatus. Many of us wonder why known murderers and criminals like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush appear day after day in the corporate media as if they were legitimate presidential candidates. Also, why is Netanyahu free? As one prominent British journalist blurted out at a press conference about the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack, “why hasn’t anyone been arrested?”
Well, as a matter of fact a Japanese government committee ruled last week that 3 executives of the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation face criminal charges related to the 311 mass murder attack. The WDS will do all in its power to ensure the trial of the Tokyo Electric Power executives leads to criminal charges being filed against more senior criminals like Benyamin Netanyahu, Tony Blair, J. Rockefeller and George Bush Jr.
There was also a big intelligence dump made against the British Royal family and other European Royal families last week by the Alquin and Flutterby site (believed to be linked to British Intelligence). The information can be seen at the following link under the headline “European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure.”
The article includes a quote from Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov where he stated “I have a message and this is to Queen Elizabeth directly: ‘Aunt Elizabeth, Isis is very upset, she wants her crown back.’”
The intelligence dump also contains what is purported to be a copy of an original memo ordering the murder of Princess Diana. It further includes copies of documents showing European bloodlines are capable of creating trillions of dollars out of thin air if they wish. There is also more evidence of European bloodline and Nazi links as well as detailed genealogical information about the British Royals.
This dump came around the time Bin Laden’s sister’s airplane crashed in the UK, killing her and other members of the Bin Laden family. US Naval Intelligence claims she was coming to England to testify at the Chilcot enquiry about the Iraq war and 911. One of the things that she was going to testify, the US Naval Intelligence site claims, was that a bank account linked to Queen Elizabeth was used to finance the attacks of 911.
A member of the Rothschild family once described this whatdoesitmean site as containing anywhere between 90% and 10% disinformation. He was nonetheless a faithful reader.
Tom Henegan, a site claiming to be linked to a joint US/French Intelligence task force, for its part, has issued a report linking the Queen’s cousin, the recently resigned King Juan Carlos of Spain, with the Bush family, 911 and the year 2000 stolen election. This site also claims Bin Laden’s sister was killed by MI5 to prevent Bin Laden’s sister from testifying.
It may be possible that the attacks on the British Royals come as the investigations into pedophilia networks in the UK power structure begin to hit serious nerves. UK police have just announced they will be investigating to see whether there was a cover-up of child sex allegations against former Prime Minister Edward Heath.
Heath signed over UK independence to the EU after he was blackmailed over having sex with a boy according to British MI5 intelligence. Exposing this would of course be fatal to the EU project. Perhaps this is one of the motives for the sudden attacks on the British Royals. Then again perhaps they were all part of it too. Time will tell.
In any case, this multi-faceted exposure of the British Royal family comes at a time that ISIS is under unprecedented attack. Remember that the so-called Muslim ISIS group appeared only after “Alexander Romanov” said “ISIS is angry.”
A Pentagon source told the WDS the US military has put “extreme pressure” on Turkey, while Russia put pressure on Israel, for both to stop supporting ISIS. The same source said Iran and Egypt had been given US nukes to “finish off ISIS.”
The same source said Saudi Arabia was going to be dismembered into three states, a Shia state around the oil producing regions, a holy Muslim state around Mecca and Medina and a rump Saudi state around Riyadh.
Russian rapprochement with the US military has also led to a purge of anti-Russian Khazarian influence in Poland, according to Pentagon sources. This is why Zionist billionaire Jan Kulczyk, anti-Russian ex foreign minister and ex Radoslaw Sikorksi and his neocon wife Anne Applebaum have been “booted out” of power, the sources said.
All of these power struggles and information leaks come as the world economic and financial system continues to grind down towards dysfunction. Last week, the US protectorate of Puerto Rico officially went bankrupt. Although efforts are being made to make this seem isolated from the US itself, Puerto Rico is just the canary in the coal mine for its owner, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation, which is also bankrupt.
The simultaneously plunging prices of oil, coal, copper, steel and other commodities show that China’s mighty economic engine is also grinding to a halt. China’s impressive growth spurt was powered mainly by construction and exports. With US and European markets withering and with construction reaching saturation levels (think of all those empty new cities), China is having to change gears.
The Chinese say they are going to shift to services, domestic demand and innovation but China is probably going to have to take one step backwards before it can start moving forward again. The stock market crash in China is not the cause of all this but rather a symptom. Another way of putting it is that the easy part for China, copying models that worked elsewhere, is over and now they will have to forge ahead into unknown economic territory. The upshot of all this is that China will be less willing and able to keep financing the US and Europe until it readjusts its own economy.
Speaking about Europe, let us not forget the Greek crisis is really not about Greece but also about Portugal, Italy, Spain, France and Germany. This crisis continues to fester away unsolved and unsolvable using the current economic paradigm.
As a writer I have learned that when an article is not going well, sometimes it is necessary to start again with a blank page. In this case, it means ending the Babylonian debt slavery paradigm that has ruled the West for the past 100 years. Now that more than 100 years have passed since the Federal Reserve Board was privatized, eight out of ten Americans is a debt slave.
Standards of living in the US have been falling since the 1960’s while in Japan they have been falling since the Khazarian economic model was imposed in the 1990’s. Europe is also in deep economic trouble.
There is talk of a jubilee (one time write off of debt and redistribution of assets) starting this autumn. It would be a good place to start. The gnostic illuminati, if they are serious about ending bloodline rule, need to push for the nationalization of central banks. The bloodline families, if they wish to avoid another French or Russian style bloody revolution, need to stand aside gracefully from financial control and perhaps be allowed to continue their role as ribbon cutters and fodder for gossip magazines.
In the meantime, just as happened with the fall of the Soviet Union, we are now being exposed to rare inside information at a blistering rate. We need to keep this information for reference before it vanishes.

Who Runs The Illuminati


Monday, August 3, 2015 6:26
Before It's News) (N.Morgan

The infamous elite group known as the Illuminati perminates all of our history and culture, a worldwide organization that controls the economy, education, religion and politics. They seep through the pores of history as the successful and rich.

Who actually runs the Illuminati? 

Who is the master puppeteer who controls it all?

In the videos below, we will examine the myths and truths, world's leaders and the Illuminati, how to illuminate the Illuminati and a very special insider story about their brainwashing techniques they apply until the day of today.

Where we are going to find out who is on top of the pyramid?

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious.
Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.

The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power.

“The order of the day,” they wrote in their general statutes, “is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them.”

The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore, with the encouragement of the Roman Catholic Church in 1784, 1785, 1787 and 1790.

In the several years following, the group was vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that they continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

In subsequent use, “Illuminati” refers to various organizations which claim or are purported to have links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, though these links are unsubstantiated.

They are often alleged to conspire to control world affairs by master minding events and planting agents in governments and corporations in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. 

See all stories by N. Morgan  


Antique Tools Your Great-Grandparents Used That We All May Need Again Someday

Antique Tools Your Great-Grandparents Used That We All May Need Again Someday

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My great-grandfather was a logger in Michigan in the 1890s. He was a high-rigger — the guys who would climb to the top of a tall pine and top it, and then attach rigging and pulleys to allow timber to be dragged by mule teams to a stacking area from the forest below.
I have many of his old tools, and the home he built in Michigan from the ground up is now our family vacation home. It’s been renovated quite a bit, and is very much a self-sufficient environment, but what amazes me about the house is the construction. He built it entirely with hand tools and the help of friends and neighbors in the community. Collectively, they brought various equipment, skills and tools together to help him build his house.
What’s significant about its construction is that it was built entirely from oak and maple. That may sound noble and high quality, but in actual fact it was a nightmare.
Pine is the lumber material of choice for most building construction. It’s strong and durable, but also has a softer profile as a wood and allows for nails to be driven without splitting. If you drive a nail, and especially if you toe-nail a nail into oak or maple, it splits. The pine trees were gone from Michigan at that time. They were harvested aggressively, and the state was essentially flattened to rebuild Chicago after the great Chicago fire. Oak and maple were the only trees that remained. As a result, he had to use hand drills to drill pilot holes into every piece of wood where he would eventually drive one of the hand-forged nails he made on his anvil.
As I’ve renovated the house, I’ll come across some of these joints in the walls and always stop with a bit of reverence and appreciation for how hard he must have worked to craft this house.
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Most all of my renovations were done with power tools and the convenient inventory of hardware and lumber from various lumber yards and hardware stores.  My great-grandfather did it the old-fashioned way, and I was determined to assemble, understand and learn these traditional methods. However, I must confess that while I used some of his old tools for my renovations, I used power tools the most. Someday that might not be possible.
Our electric grid is dangerously vulnerable. It’s estimated that the infrastructure is decades out-of-date and desperately in need of a major overhaul. It’s unlikely that will happen anytime soon. To make matters worse, this vulnerability increases the likelihood of a massive grid failure from things as complex as a solar storm to a squirrel chewing on a wire in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Maybe it’s time to revisit those hand tools my great-grandfather mastered and used. How do we maintain and sustain the ability to function on a mechanical level when we are so dependent on electrical power? Well, here are a few suggestions:
1. Horsepower
Image source: Steve Nubia
Image source: Steve Nubia
This could also be mule power, but draft animals will be critical once again for many things we assume machines will do. And yes, you can argue for gas-powered vehicles and tools, but refineries require significant amounts of electrical power and a robust economy. We would all run out of gas soon after the grid fails.
Horsepower applies to various activities, from transportation of people either individually in a wagon or a sleigh in winter.
Horses and mules also haul materials, pull plows to furrow and harvest crops, and offer a relative amount of speed to transportation of communication. The pony express is the benchmark for that idea.
2. Lumber, timber and woodworking
Backsaw. Image source: Steve Nubia
Backsaw. Image source: Steve Nubia
My great-grandfather is a great example for this area. He used bucksaws and backsaws to cut timber and do finish-cuts on milled woods.
Some of the bucksaws used to cut timber were two-man saws, while others were a single set.  All of them featured large saw teeth that needed to be aligned and sharpened on a regular basis.
Backsaw. Image source: Steve Nubia
Backsaw. Image source: Steve Nubia
Backsaws had a finer cut on the saw teeth and used a turnbuckle, rope or wire that was twisted at the top of the saw to tighten the saw blade into the saw frame.
There were also handrills for not only boring small holes for nails, but large holes for the insertion of legs and joints for larger construction. Some handrills had a feature that allowed someone to press the drill against their chest to drive deep into hardwoods or for larger drill bits.
Handrill. Image source: Steve Nubia
Handrill. Image source: Steve Nubia
Other woodworking tools I’ve come to appreciate include large corkscrew drills for furniture making and timber-frame construction, and planes, clamps, levels and squares. All of them areused to align, design, and frame the construction of everything from houses to furniture.
Axes. Image source: Steve Nubia
Axes. Image source: Steve Nubia
There were also axes that had specialized uses from chopping wood to actually finishing timber.  One example is the broad-head axe which was used to shave the sides of a log to create large timbers.
3. Water
Most municipal water is pumped into large water towers. Many homes depend on electric well pumps. All rely on electricity. Old-world alternatives are worth considering.
One is the hand powered well pump. You physically have to pump the handle to pull the water from the ground, but once it starts flowing buckets are easily filled.
Well pump attached to wind mill. Image source: Steve Nubia
Well pump attached to wind mill. Image source: Steve Nubia
An alternative is the windmill powered hand pump. In this instance a gear mechanism and attachment allows the windmill to do the work and fill a large tub that is then directed to various watering points from livestock to kitchen.
Ram pumps are another alternative for water pumping.  They use the flow of water to power the pump and drive water through a pipe up significant inclines to deliver a steady flow of water.  This water is usually collected in a tank or tub and distributed to the house and livestock pens in various ways.
Quite often, there was a large barrel or cistern in the basement underneath the kitchen. This stored water was then pumped up into the kitchen sink with a small, kitchen hand pump over the sink.
Another common fixture in any kitchen was the wood-fired cook stove. This provided heat for the home in the winter, heat to boil water or cook on the stovetop, and an oven for baking.
Quite often, a separate building was constructed to hold a second cook stove and served as a summer kitchen. Due to the high heat that any cook stove kicks out, a summer kitchen away from the main house kept for a cooler home in the summer.
Kitchen pump. Image source: Steve Nubia
Kitchen hand pump. Image source: Steve Nubia
Another common tool in any kitchen was the butter churn. Cream skimmed from milk was place into the churn and the bottom of the churn was sometimes placed into a tub of cold water.  As the handle was pulled up and down the fat in the cream would clot and clump with the aid of the cold temperature and eventually butter would result.
4. Farming
What has traditionally defined civilization is the ability to develop a robust, agricultural heritage. Farming on both a large level and smaller level is going to become a significant challenge for everyone if the grid goes down. Grocery stores could become a thing of the past and farmer’s markets the only choice for the future.
Plow. Image source: Steve Nubia
Plow. Image source: Steve Nubia
But before you go to the farmer’s market to buy or sell your harvest, you’ll need some old equipment.
This gets back to horsepower, and the ability of a horse to pull a plow to till soil and bring in a harvest on a large scale.
Horses also provide a valuable commodity for any farming effort: manure. Horse manure and the manure from cattle, when properly composted, is one of the best natural fertilizers you can use.
But horses can’t do it all when it comes to harvesting.  Vegetables can be picked and so can fruit, but grains like wheat and barley must be cut.  There were threshers that were horse drawn but they were expensive and used mostly for large-scale farms. The traditional method was with a long bladed tool called a scythe.
Scythe. Image source: Steve Nubia
Scythe. Image source: Steve Nubia
Scythes and smaller variations cut grasses like wheat and barley with a sweeping motion. Often, rye grasses were also harvested and all of the grasses were baled into hay bales to feed the horses and the cattle. This was stored in the barn for the winter and occupied a significant amount of space.
Across all of this was a mindset determined to build and create using hand tools, horsepower and physical exertion. It extended from the construction of homes and barns to furniture building and everyday repairs.
It also was a critical consideration for local towns as they worked to provide basic transportation, water supplies, and the horsepower to drive commerce.
What’s interesting is that many of these tools can be purchases at antique stores and flea markets.  They’re usually sold as curiosities to be displayed on a wall in a den or a finished basement, and are typically not that expensive. I snap them up whenever I see them. The day may come when they’ll come of the walls and back into the hands of the people who genuinely need them.
What tools did your ancestors use that we may need again? Share your suggestions in the section below:
Are You Off-Grid? Then Harness The Power Of Nature’s Most Remarkable Healer: Vinegar

The Odd-Looking Pistol Movie Heroes Use … That You Can Now Buy

The Odd-Looking Pistol Movie Heroes Use … That You Can Now Buy

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The original Skorpion vz 61 is a classic Czech design, as well as a rugged and hardy machine pistol. Designed to give police and non-front line troops a better option than the standard pistol (the VZ 61), it was an interesting, but underpowered weapon.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and iron curtain, these little cheap, reliable, stamped steel machine pistols became a favorite of terrorists across the world. The Skorpion is easily identifiable and very distinct, and has appeared in several movies, including the more recent Captain America film. All this being said, the little 32 ACP machine pistol is long past its prime.
The wonderful but underrated firearm manufacturer CZ decided to produce a modern submachine gun and chose to give it the moniker of “Scorpion.” The two weapons share a similar name, but they couldn’t be more different.
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To my great satisfaction, CZ announced it would be importing the CZ Scorpion EVO into the United States as a pistol. I’ve wanted one of these since I saw the heroes of Strike Back schwacking terrorists with it in 2013. CZ planned it perfectly, as pistol caliber carbine popularity is at an all-time high. Finally, I was blessed enough to have enough saved, and a local gun store holding one for me.
First Impressions
It’s important to remember that this weapon was designed to be fired from the shoulder as a sub-machine gun. Converting it to a pistol meant getting rid of the giggle switch and the butt stock. This is due to a nefarious piece of legislature designed during the prohibition called the National Firearms Act. So like an AR-15 or AK pistol, it’s somewhat awkward.
It’s a lot bigger and heavier than, say, a Glock. I’ll come right out and say that it’s cumbersome, clumsy and heavy, and awkward to the extreme. The weapon outright screams and pleads to be a short-barreled rifle. This takes a bit of paperwork, some patience and a $200 dollar poll tax to accomplish.
The weapon comes in a box designed for the full-sized Scorpion, with the cardboard cutout to fit a stock, making me crave an SBR, but more on that later. The Scorpion is outfitted with four rails, two on the sides, one on the bottom, and one full-length top rail for optics. The weapon ships with two 20-round magazines, but 30 rounders are available. The weapon is often with a spectacular set of iron sights that I adore and hereby demand on all of my weapons.
The rear sight has a rotating peep sight that goes from wide open for close-range engagements, to a small, precision peep sight. There are four total settings. These sights are easy to remove, or move around and adjust for use. The safety is ambi, but tends to dig into the hand if the shooter is right-handed. For about $13 CZ has a single side safety that prevents this. The charging handle is forward, H&K style, and can be moved to the left or right side of the weapon. This charging handle can be locked and slapped aka H&K style, as well.
The weapon has a last round bolt hold open, and on the left side of the weapon is a large and easy-to-use bolt release. The magazine release is a paddle style like the MP5 as well. As you can tell, the weapon takes a lot of inspiration from the MP5, but in a good way. Also included is a forward hand stop, which is a nice addition, as well as multiple sling mounts for any option out there.
CZ_Scorpion_EVO_IIIThe grip is nice and large and can be adjusted slightly toward, or away from the trigger. The magazines are a translucent polymer, and are very solid. The weapon can be outfitted with a SIG brace and pistol buffer tube. The kit is about $80, and the rear cap of the pistol slides on and off to accommodate it.
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This kit allows the user to mount a standard AR buffer tube, rifle or pistol, and attach an AR-15 stock. Now, this requires a tax stamp, and an approval from the ATF, but it’s an option for those looking to SBR the weapon.
On the Range
I’ll address the handling first. As previously said, the weapon is big and clumsy without a stock … but is it difficult to shoot? The answer is “no.” Unlike an AR-15 or AK-47 pistol the Scorpion uses a pistol bullet. This means the recoil is nil, barely a tremor, there is no massive fireball at the end of the barrel, and no eardrum-destroying “bang.” The CZ Scorpion EVO S1 is comfortable to shoot for extended periods and is nowhere near obnoxious as a rifle caliber pistol.
The trigger, however, is very heavy — way too heavy in fact. It doesn’t tire the finger, but it’s too heavy and creepy. The only good thing about the trigger is the pull is short, making rapid fire easy. Easy rapid fire, plus no recoil, and you get one fun toy.
I utilized a variety of ammo, including brass cased, steel cased, and aluminum cased, and all worked wonders. I also put 20 Speer Gold Dot JHP rounds through the weapon without issue. One of the strengths of this weapon is the blowback action, which increases reliability. This adds a bit of weight to the weight since the bolt has to be heavy for blow, well over a pound just for the bolt.
I used a single point sling and utilized the SAS method of firing. This was the most stable and allowed me to use the sights easier. As just a pistol, the addition of Aimpoint Pro red dot made it much easier to use this weapon accurately. Even with just irons and a bad trigger accuracy it top notch, in fact I could fire the NRA instructor qualifications successfully quite easily with the Scorpion. Accuracy was a 1.25 inch group at 15 yards.
The Scorpion is no slouch in quality, and CZ has announced it is releasing a parts kit to include the original folding and collapsing Scorpion stock. These parts will be American made and make the Scorpion compliant with 922 R.
It is by far my favorite of these recent rash of pistol caliber carbines. Although it’s not technically a carbine, it will be once my approval comes back from the ATF to do so. This style of SBR will be a perfect close quarter’s weapon, especially for home defense.
The Scorpion is an excellent little weapon, although a bit clumsy as a pistol. A Glock surely would be a better “pistol,” but the Scorpion is the perfect platform for those looking for either a unique range toy, or an excellent SBR.
Have you fired a Scorpion, or do you have any questions about them? Share them in the section below:
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