Saturday, April 2, 2016


The Upper Cut: Obama Gets One Thing Right About the Islamic State… What He Said is TERRIFYING

Shortly after the Islamic State group took credit for the Brussels terror attack last week, Obama made a statement that was probably intended to be comforting. Instead, it should terrify anyone who understands what he really meant.

“Groups like ISIL can’t destroy us. They can’t defeat us. They don’t produce anything,” the 'president' said. “They’re not an existential threat to us.”  And, for the most part, Obama was right. And that’s exactly what’s so frightening about his words.

Trust me. I don’t much like admitting that Obama is right about something. (Luckily, it doesn’t happen often.) But truth is truth no matter who utters it and regardless of what the moral relativists would have you believe.

An “existential threat” is just what it sounds like — a threat to our existence. Does anyone really think that the barbarians of the Islamic State group have the power to end the existence of the United States?

They don’t. How do I know? Because if they had access to that sort of power, they would have already used it. They’re not waiting for their hair to dry or the stars to align. They want us dead, and they want us dead now. If they could make that happen, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

But again, that’s what makes Obama’s position regarding the Islamic State group what an old friend of mine might have called “stupid scary.”

Obama sought to reassure the American people that the nation isn’t in any real danger from the brutal Islamists because he doesn’t plan to do anything more effective against the terror army than he’s already doing. His argument is that he doesn’t need to, and that should frighten any thinking person.
Because the Islamic State group may not be an 'existential threat' to us, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a threat. The San Bernardino shooting proved that beyond the ability of even the most ardent Islamapologist to deny.  And as heinous as that event was, it pales in comparison to other attacks that the terrorists are likely to be able to launch in the near future if nothing is done to stop them.

The FBI has previously warned about terrorist training camps already present in the United States. The Border Patrol has stopped numerous men of Middle Eastern descent trying to enter the U.S. illegally through the porous southern border — and who knows how many have entered without being apprehended, or where they are now?
Islamic State group terrorists could launch chemical attacks or additional mass shootings, detonate a “dirty bomb” or small nuclear warhead in a densely populated city, or even attack the nation’s vulnerable electrical grid, potentially plunging millions of people into darkness for an unknown period of time, but probably at least months.

Are any of those threats existential? Would any of those attacks end the United States?  Well, you’d have to have a lot less faith in the average American than I do to think that such attacks would somehow end us, even though they could of course be devastating. In reality, I suspect attacks like those would unite Americans like we haven’t been since World War II.
The Islamic State group should consider carefully before waking a sleeping giant like that.  But, while not existential, such attacks may be inevitable — at least while we continue to be “led” by a 'president' who apparently believes that if the Islamic State group is not an existential threat, then it’s barely any threat at all.



Joining Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity this week, Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi battled out the differences between the believers and doctrines of their respective religion.

Right from the get-go, Elahi aligned with Obama’s left wing talking points: “Please stop saying radical Islam. It is either radical or Islam, but can’t be both. Islamic radicalism is a big lie.”

Asked by Hannity if “radical Islam” wa,s in fact, a threat to the U.S., Elahi quickly answered and moved to his talking points.

“Yes, ISIS is evil,” said Elahi. “Islam is not evil. Evil is ignorance. Evil is injustice. Evil is prejudice. Evil is racism.” 

The definition of evil he gave was rather fascinating — he put the blame on the entire audience for not knowing that Islam is a religion of peace, even though it’s inherently not.

Pastor: Muhammad Was A Bloodthirsty Warlord

Echoing Obama’s declaration that “ISIS is not Islamic,” Elahi again rejected any claim that Islamic terrorism draws inspiration from Islamic doctrine.

“Radical Islamists are evil, because they are not Islamic,” added Elahi. The millions of Muslims who have cried “Allahu Akbar” before committing egregious acts against humanity would determine that’s a lie.

Eventually, Elahi pulled out the Ku Klux Klan card, relating them to Christians (what they won’t tell you is that the KKK was actually started by Democrats and the sole reason the Republican party came into existence was to combat slavery).

At this outrageous claim, Pastor Jeffress lit up like a blow torch.

“You can’t find one verse in the New Testament that says, ‘Kill unbelievers.’ Jesus, the founder of our faith, didn’t kill anybody. But you look in the Quran, you can find thirty-five sword verses,” said Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, author and television and radio host. 

“Muhammad was nothing but a bloodthirsty warlord who beheaded 600 Jews who would not follow him,” he added.

Damning to say the least. Islam’s attempt to form a geo-political empire that’s established in the four corners of the globe will stop at nothing. We can “carpet bomb” terrorists day and night, but they’ll just keep killing — shouldn’t we be more focused on carpet bombing an explosive and detrimental ideology?

After all, there are 'moderate' Muslims, but there is no such thing as a moderate Quran.

H/T Daily Wire

Hillary Just Got Her Date with the FBI?

Breaking: Hillary Just Got Her Date             with the FBI?

Ted Nugent’s 20 Reasons to Vote for Trump


Conservative favorite Ted Nugent is known for his straightforward approach.

It should come as no surprise, then, that a recent Facebook post by the outspoken guitarist explaining reasons to vote for GOP front-runner Donald Trump would send liberals into full panic mode.

While Nugent did not endorse any candidate, he said his list in favor of voting for “The Donald” was too special not to share.

We think you’ll agree with him:

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro’s are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

The Nuge nailed it. The reason these people and organizations are against Trump is because he threatens them and their left-wing agenda. 

A Trump presidency would certainly shake up the infrastructure many on this list have either established or fought to maintain under Obama and his administration.

Nugent even provided a few “bonus points” for a Trump presidency as well:

At this time I do not endorse Donald Trump anymore than I endorse Ted Cruz as I admire both gentlemen. But these points are SO damn special!
Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ...
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro's are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump
Bonus points

Cher says she will leave the country
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
Whoopi says she will leave the country
Rosie says she will leave the country
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall 

There is absolutely no reason to argue with Nugent on any of this. In fact, this looks more like a reason to celebrate should Trump make his way to the White House.

Sounds like the kinda president the US needs!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Trump Has Power To Expose Largest Money Laundering Scheme In History

Trump  Has  Power  To  Expose  Largest  Money  Laundering  Scheme  In  History

Just another reason Trump has the globalists shaking in their boots

There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism

Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

"Just choose from what works"

Obama has stoked controversy after he suggested to an audience of Argentinian youth that there was no great difference between communism and capitalism and that they should just “choose from what works”.

 OBAMA: "You should be practical 
and just choose from what works"

Obama responded to a question about nonprofit community organizations and the necessity of attracting funding from both the public and private sectors.

“So often in the past there has been a division between left and right, between capitalists and communists or socialists, and especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate,” Obama said.

“Those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don’t have to worry about whether it really fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory. You should just decide what works,” he added.

Obama went on to praise Cuba’s socialist system under dictator Raúl Castro, touting the country’s free access to basic education and health care, although he acknowledged that Havana itself “looks like it did in the 1950s” because the economy is “not working”.

Obama concluded his comments by arguing that a market-based system “has to have a social and moral and ethical and community basis”.

Reaction to the remarks wasn’t pretty.

“This man is so destructive, so harmful and so ignorant,” wrote Jim Hoft.

“The Marxist in the White House is erasing the lines between two dangerous ideologies and the one that made the US great, just as he erased our borders. This is a man who would be at home in communist China,” chided the Independent Sentinel.

For a more accurate breakdown of how capitalism beats socialism every time, watch the video below.

(RS) 2477 and Western lands

(RS) 2477 and Western lands

By Marjorie Haun
March 31, 2016

Several Western states, including Utah and Colorado, have been ground zero for state vs. federal government clashes over road closures by federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).  Closures of existing roads and trails can be due to seasonal conditions or repairs, but they are often arbitrary, hindering hikers, hunters, off-roaders, and sightseers from accessing public lands.

Last year, two elected officials from San Juan County, Utah, were fined nearly $100K and sentenced to brief stints in federal prison for taking part in a four-wheeler “freedom ride” on a trail in Recapture Canyon, which the BLM claimed was closed to motorized traffic.

County commissioner Phil Lyman and Monticello city councilman Monte Wells fought the federal government in court partly on the basis that the trail in Recapture Canyon is protected by Revised Statute-2477 (RS-2477) because it was built long before 1976, when the Federal Land Management and Policy Act (FLPMA) essentially gave Washington, D.C. control over public lands in the West not owned by the states or private interests.  

Although Lyman and Wells lost their battle against the feds in this case, other litigants and municipal authorities have used RS-2477 to successfully battle federal road closures on public lands.

RS-2477 is the federal law established in 1866 that authorized the construction of roads across federal public lands.  The purpose of RS-2477 was to help settlers in the West establish trade routes and build local roads and highways, as well as cut trails to access homesteads, mines, timber, and other essential resources.

A great deal of confusion has arisen because some mistakenly believe that the 1976 law, FLPMA, repealed RS-2477.  However, Section 701 of FLPMA states, “Nothing in this Act or any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed as terminating any valid right-of-way or other land use right or authorization existing on the date of approval of this Act.,” making it clear that all rights-of-way created prior to 1976 remain protected and accessible to the public.

Over the years, federal agencies, as well as private land holders, have illegally closed RS-2477 roads, stirring up controversies and conflicts in counties across the West.  Although both governmental and nongovernmental organizations have fought the feds using RS-2477, litigating against the federal government over road closures on public lands can be an onerous and costly process.

One attorney from Colorado is trying to turn the tables using RS-2477.  James Beckwith is an attorney specializing in road law and RS-2477.  With decades of experience under his belt, he has created a process using constitutional law and historical documents to fight the BLM and USFS when they close roads, making it impossible to access the public lands that purportedly belong to everyone. 

More than providing mere legal representation, Beckwith has created a process using historical surveyor plats, archived newspaper stories and photographs, county maps, land deeds, county road maintenance logs, previous petitions to vacate public rights-of-way, and other documentation to build a case for argument against federal road closures.

Numerous organizations such as Public Lands Access Association (PLAA), headquartered in western Colorado, are devoted to assisting complainants, which may be individuals or governing bodies, reopen disputed roads and trails.  The role of organizations such as PLAA is to research road history and formulate a documented body of evidence to prove that disputed rights-of-way are protected by RS-2477.


Sharia Law Is Taking Over

Sharia Law Is Taking Over England, The British Government Prevents A Man From Taking His Son To Church Because His Wife Is Muslim

Muslims gather in Birmingham for Eid
Muslims gather in Birmingham for Eid

By Theodore Shoebat

Sharia law is gradually taking over England. The British government is now preventing a man from taking his son to church because his wife is a Muslim. As we read in report: 
A British father has been banned from taking his nine year old son to church, as his ex-wife is a Muslim. The ruling stipulates he must also feed the boy Halal food and assure him he is an ordinary Muslim boy.
The father has been threatened with loss of custody if he breaks the ban – but he has vowed to challenge the ruling, saying that his son is being brainwashed into Islam and that he doesn’t want him becoming a “dumb sheep”.
The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was raised as a Muslim by his strict Pakistani immigrant parents. But he has rejected the faith of his birth, and said he and his wife led a “Western lifestyle” while married.
Following his divorce he has been forging close connections to his local Christian community and would like his son to attend with him, hoping to broaden his world-view. But his ex-wife has secured a court order by District Judge Williscroft at Derby County Court preventing him from taking his son to church or even to the leisure centre it runs.
“After my divorce, the Christian community embraced me,” the father said. “They run many activities my son enjoys so I go to the church and would like to take my son.
“I was taught that Christians were heartless and immoral, that only Muslims have a peaceful faith and all others are evil. It was only when I began mixing with Christians that I learned this was nonsense.”
But his ex-wife has insisted that their son could “become confused” if exposed to religions other than Islam – a notion the boy’s father rejects. He told the Mail on Sunday: “This judge is simply scared of being branded Islamophobic. I want my son to have a balanced life in which he is exposed to different faiths and can make up his own mind about which, if any, religion he follows. “My son is being indoctrinated and the only way I can show him other things is to take him to other places.”
And the order goes further: banning the boy’s father, who has custody of his son at weekends only, from taking him to any religious event or Christian building. He must also only feed the boy Halal food and, bizarrely, must reassure the child he is “an ordinary Muslim boy following Muslim rules.”
The father has lodged an appeal with the High Court to have the order overturned. “If I don’t show him other types of life, he will become just like a dumb sheep,” he said. “I want him to see and learn about different cultures.”
And he said the ruling is affecting his relationship with his son: “This is nothing short of brain-washing him. Already he is telling me that I have a black heart; that I am a bad man because I am not a practising Muslim. I am heartbroken that I have to keep him away from activities with local children.
“He is being fed the same lies I was as a child and I want better for him. This judge was so busy being politically correct that she has ignored the influence of myself as a loving father. I am terrified that he will stop wanting to see me because of his indoctrination.”
Christian groups have condemned the order, which they say is yet another example of institutional deference to Islam, and bias against Christianity.
The ruling was “pandering to Islam,” said barrister Andrea Williams, of the Christian Legal Centre and a member of the Church of England General Synod.
“This is a form of judicial bullying,” she added. “The wife is using the law to coerce and silence a father’s right to determine his son’s religious experience. This chimes generally with what we see with the judicial system acting as if it is afraid of upsetting Islam and therefore showing a willingness to suppress the Christian faith and punishing those who practise it.
“This would not have happened the other way around. If a Christian parent was trying to deny a child access to a mosque, there would be a huge outcry and claims of Islamophobia.”
Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute was in agreement, commenting: “This is not the first time that I’ve heard of proceedings where the authority has tried to prevent a child being exposed to the Christian faith.
One has to ask if the courts would have done the same with any other faith. There is a general feeling that Christianity is an easy target because there is rarely any public backlash. I think the fact that the father is himself of Muslim heritage shows there was no need for such over sensitivity.”
All men truly want a crusade to be done for their beliefs so that it will be the most dominate creed. The victor of this cultural war which we are in, will be the ones who will bring about the strongest, most zealous, and effective crusade. Therefore, in order for Christianity to prevail, zealots must rise. It used to be that Christianity dominated the West; it was the driving force of its universities, its artists, its philosophers, its archeologists and its historians.

But now we hear constantly in today’s church that its “not about us versus them”, and what is the result of such a prevailing belief? The “them” has conquered us, and now heresy reigns supreme in the modern world, with Christianity being deemed only as a mere religious preference. Philip Yancey, a true modern deceiver in every sense of the word, once wrote that “Grace dies when it becomes us versus them.” (1)

Well, no, it is about us versus them, and the contrary is never found in Scripture. David killing Goliath was “us versus them”; Elijah slaying the priests of Baal was “us versus them”; Noah’s Flood was “us versus them”; Jehu shooting down Jehoram, having Jezabel thrown out of a window and Ahab’s sons executed, was “us versus them”; Moses putting to death the calf worshippers was “us versus them”; Christ crushing the head of the Serpent and casting out demons was “us versus them”; and the coming battle between Christ and His Saints and the Antichrist and his slaves will be “us versus them.”

No serious believer can ever deny that Christianity demands from us our complete willpower in fighting evil. No serious expositor on the Scripture could flee from the fact that the Scripture has more condemnations against wicked religions and practices than it does guidelines on things such as marriage and finances–two subjects that today’s church never stops talking about. Tolerance toward false religions is no where found in the Scripture, and yet today’s church is filled with it. Turning away from attacking evil ideologies is never found in the Bible, but yet much of the church encourages this.

It is told to us over and over again, “Do not impose your religion on me!” But everywhere we look and turn we are being called to the altar of conformity, and urged to never speak of Christianity. How did this happen? It was not Leftism, nor was it even socialism. These are simply symptoms to the actual problem. The root cause is a weak church.

A popular jargon today is that Islam was hijacked by “extremists”, but the truth is that Christianity has been hijacked by moderates. Modernistic heretics who esteem themselves as “grace filled” believers who cry out against legalism, have succeeded in portraying the Bible as a self-help book. The reality is that the Bible is not about boosting self-esteem, or making money, it is a manual on fighting evil. It is filled with examples of how God and saintly men and women have defied tyranny: 

God repulsing the builders of the Tower of Babel, Moses confronting the Pharaoh, Joshua vanquishing the savage Canaanites, Othniel revolting against the despotic government of king Cushan-Rishathaim, Deborah rallying her people to overthrow the oppressor Rabin, Christ stubbornly opposing the Sanhedrin and then dying for the sins of mankind–all are actions done by zealots.

They would have never made these accomplishments if they had not a burning spirit of zealotry lodged within their hearts. Americans and Europeans are plagued with socialism, and this will only be fixed by zealots who contradict them. (2) Yet, thanks to the vague viewpoints of modernly minded Christians, zealotry has been deemed as an evil by many within the present-day church.

For example, John Bevere has described “meanspirited and legalistic pastors” as “zealots” who “have reduced holiness to a backward lifestyle and taken the joy out of living.” (3)  We have forgotten the fact that Christianity is supreme over all other creeds, thus we have chosen to neglect Christian supremacy (not that a Christian is superior to all other peoples, but that Christianity is superior over all other religions). We see it as bigoted or xenophobic; but here is the truth, and there is no running away from it: every nation on earth is under an ideological supremacy. We have no other choice but to esteem an idea as supreme; if we don’t, someone else will, and it may not be one of liberty, but utter tyranny.

In Somalia it is Islamic supremacy, in India Hindu supremacy, in Bhutan Buddhist supremacy, and in South Sudan it is Christian supremacy. As we laude ourselves in America as not being supremacist Christians, we still wonder as to why so many “believers” runaway from controversy, trivialize the most important priorities and prioritize the most trivial issues.

As homosexuality becomes more acceptable, and the story of Sodom is seen with indifference as just a fairy tale, pastor Louie Giglio says that homosexuality “has not been in the range of my priorities in the past 15 years” (4) Tim Tebow, who became the idol for the modern Christians for some time, chose to runaway from the spiritual fray as soon as controversy arrived when he was about to speak at a church known to be against homosexuality, Islam and Mormonism.

Today’s Christian asks, “Why is there so much fear?”, but the zealot already knows the answer: Christian supremacy has been dismantled, zealotry trampled, and the soft despotism of secular and tolerance supremacy has been put on the altar and praised as the nation’s new god. Many current Christians ask why God demands His people to be so aggressive toward heathenism in the Old Testament, and the answer to their question is right in front of us.

The entire deconstruction of the Church in America is all due to our dislike of rocking the boat and the “us versus you” mindset. We have done away with our “us versus you” mentality, but the wicked have not. They have reduced the Church from a place of great influence and erudition to a clubhouse, all because we have allowed them to. This has not only empowered the enemies of the Church in the West, but abroad: the worshippers of Allah.

The rise of Islam is determined by the conviction of the Church. If the Church is weak, Islam is strong, and if the Church is supreme, Islam goes dormant and Muslims care no more on the teachings of Muhammad. When Christ is exalted then Allah is disdained; and when God is elevated above all things, that is when the Cross shall overpower the Crescent, and the wicked prevented from ever establishing tyranny.



Darkmoon - March 27 2016  
This is a war unlike any other war in history.  It is taking place silently and surreptitiously under the very noses of its victims.  Roughly 95-99 per cent of the victims of this war, scattered over several continents in the traditional White homelands of the European people, remain blissfully unaware that they are about to be dispossessed and genocided. Some of them, like lambs being led to the slaughterhouse, have now begun to bleat and give signs of incipient alarm. In the videos below, you will hear the first sounds of this unhappy bleating . . .     (LD)

Video 1 : Facing the Facts  (7.35 mins.)

Video 2 : Diagnosis of the Disease  (3.50 mins)
(This controversial video could soon be banned)

Video 3: Who is to blame? (0.37mins)


Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker. Her own website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.


Biggest Threat to National Security in History


by Kevin Jackson | Mar 29, 2016

Much is being said about Donald Trump in the wake of his truthful declaration about Muslims. We simply can’t trust those who are here, so we certainly can’t be bringing any new ones in.
As if there isn’t enough evidence of what happens when you have too many Muslims?
Yet, we have morons like former CIA Director Michael Hayden who says that Trump’s statements (of truth) have “made the United States less safe."
The notion here is that without the help of the “good” Muslims, we can’t fight the “bad” Muslims that Obama and his Muslim-loving Leftists have allowed into the United States. The very same Muslims who, according to FBI Director James B. Comey, have set up terror cells in ALL 50 STATES!
Add to this the recent admission by former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo that, since 911, Muslims have done nothing to help America fight the War on Islamic Terror.
Despite this, In an interview with Politico, Hayden called Trump a bigger threat to national security than Hillary Clinton. I’m no Trumpian, but I know that Trump is no threat to America.
Hillary Clinton on the other hand is an American-made “dirty bomb,” and the idea that the Left would even WANT her should scare all Americans.
Worse than that, the biggest threat to American national security sits in the White House. NEVER has America been under this much potential for terrors inside and outside than during the time of Barack Obama.
This man set out to allow Muslim infiltration of our government, military and communities, and he has been successful. He fights daily for Muslims. When Muslims commit atrocities, Obama “reminds” us that it’s OUR fault.
Trump in comparison to either of these traitors, be it Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, is a breath of national security fresh air.
I’m sick of hearing how we need Muslims to protect ourselves. We don’t need Muslims to protect ourselves.
We have Americans!

National Geographic's Best Photos for 2015

At the end of each year, National Geographic rounds up its best photos - and here we will take a look at 20 of them. Every day throughout the year, National Geographic releases a Photo of the Day - some classic, others quirky, but they always select an image with a story to tell. In their pick for 20 of the best photos, this year, they selected photographs with the most shares, likes and comments from the social sphere. Let's take a look, and in the comments below, let us know which photo you loved most. 

1. Cracking the Surface, Lake Baikal
Photographer Alexey Trofimov captured quite an unusual picture of the ice, here. He writes that the "ice on Lake Baikal is a very interesting phenomenon."

2. The Village, Hungary

This photograph was taken by Gabor Dvornik, who lives half a mile from The Village, which is set on a natural reserve in Szõdliget Hungary. While the air in this place is special every season, it is especially rare to have a nice, mist day. "It was utterly ghostly and very moody out there" he writes.

3. When Penguins Attack, Antarctica

Captured with a GoPro on Antarctica's sea ice. The photographer, Clinton Berry had studied the movements of the penguins for weeks. The day that this shot was taken, there were over 60 penguins and Berry says that there was a bit of luck involved too.

4. Against the Wind, Canada

In this shot, photographed by Dominic Roy, a snowy owl appears to be fighting against the elements during extreme weather conditions near Quebec City, Canada.

5. Something's Fishy, British Columbia Coast, Canada

Photographed by Ian McAllister using an underwater housing, this shot captures an intimate portrait of a wolf wading through the inter-tidal zone on the British Columbia coast in Canada. The wolf took a break from eating herring roe to investigate the photographer's half-submerged camera.

6. Who's There?

While taking this photo, Cezary Wyszynski imagined this mouse thinking 'Who was knocking at my door?'

7. Falls in Autumn, Plitivice Lakes National Park, Croatia

This is the country's oldest and largest National Park, which boasts 16 terraced lakes, formed by natural travertine dams that change color throughout the day. This photo was taken by Vedrana Tafra.

8. Bioluminous Larak, Iran

This shot was taken along the shore of Larak, Iran - an island in the Persian Gulf. "The magical lights of the Plankton enchanted me so that I snapped the shot," Pooyan Shadpoor says.

9. Mother of the Forest, Madagascar

The boabab trees on Madagascar are 800 years old. They are home to snakes, bats, bush babies, bees and at times, humans. The trees are an important source of water - one can store up to 4,000 litres of water in its trunk. This photo was taken by Marsel Van OOsten.

10. Fox Found, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy

Gran Paradiso National Park, was once a royal hunting retreat. Here, a red fox lies in wait, camouflaged by the autumn woods. This photo was captured by Stefano Unterthiner.

11. Dancing with the Moon, Iceland

The vivid beams of light are a result of collisions between charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere and gaseous particles in Earth's atmosphere. This shot was captured by Andrew George.

12. Winter White, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy

Another great shot taken at Italy's Gran Paradiso National Park by Stefano Unterthiner. Among the wildlife inhabiting this park are ibex, chamois, red foxes and ermines (pictured here).

13. Big Baby, Tonga

This young humpback whale was captured in the waters off Tonga. Karim Iliya writes that she "could not help but wave and smile at the newborn whale almost three times my length" Curiosity got the better of it and emerging from under its mother's fin, it swam toward me, approaching less than 30 centimeters (11 inches).

14. Bird Feeders, China

Abderazak Tissoukai was near Xingping in China's Guanxi region when he took this shot of a cormorant (a trained bird, used to help fishermen fish in rivers) and a fisherman at sunset. "Xingping is definitely one of the most beautiful places in China, with its scenic karst landscapes, and it traditional and genuine people," he writes.

15. Kit Friendly, Estonia

This kit fox appears to be weighing the presence of Kalmer Lehepuu'scamera lens. He writes that "on one beautiful evening, the mother went to get food and left the kits on their own." Lehepuu then snuck closer to observe them.

16. Shining Through, Apostle Islands, National Lakeshore, Wisconsin

This shot, taken by Ernie Vater, captures the setting sun shining the rough ice on the shore of a frozen Lake Superior. Part of the beauty of this place is its silence. Vater writes "you hear nothing except for the occasional creaking of the ice".

17. Yellow Jellies, Rock Islands of Palau

These golden jellyfish are harmless to humans, they spend much of their time following the sun as it moves across the sky. Sunlight for these jellyfish is essential. Captured by Ciemon Frank Caballes.

18. All the Fish in the Sea, Cabo Pulmo

"This is what our oceans should look like", Jeff Hester, who captured this shot says. But Cabo Pulmo, a marine park off Mexico's Baja California, hadn't always been this way.

19. Imperial Blossoms, Japan

These weeping cherry tree blooms, were captured on the grounds of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan. They typically bloom in late March and early April. This photo was taken by Yukio Miki.

20. Hull-o, Caribbean Island of Bonaire

This photo shows a diver gazing at Hilma Hooker, a cargo ship purposely sunk off the Caribbean island of Bonaire - a popular destination for scuba divers. This photo was taken by Marc Henauer.

Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) In Defense of Humanity

In Defense of Humanity with AL Whitney amd Ingri Cassel

AL and Ingri - RBN Show time:
Saturday 7pm-9pm CST 

Call-in Number:


This radio show In Defense of Humanity is about helping people re-awaken to the wondrous and endearing qualities of our own species while understanding that the current corporate legal-structure, that both government and business is built upon, is working to take control of most organic life forms on our planet.
The federal government became a corporation when Congress passed the Act of 1871. The government-corporation has been growing ever since. The number one goal of all corporations is profit. Preserving and nurturing life are anathema to the corporate model of business.
“Corporate governments are a usurpation of the organic American Constitution …. ”
From retired Judge Dale’s book, The Great American Adventure – Judge Says USA INC is Just a Corporate Franchise Network
To restore our government to its proper role will require the people to understand what has happened and how to empower themselves as living men and women. Dead legal-fictions known as Corporations CANNOT be allowed to control our country or our planet. CORPORATIONS are not real; they are merely fictions on a piece of paper. People have to wake up to this reality and start challenging corporate-government’s ‘presumed’ authority.

Feds Violations against Lavoy Finnicum! Read it and use it!

Current through P.L. 104-98, approved 1-16-96

    If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;...
    They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

AMERICAN JOBS STOPPED BY POLITICIANS and " Puppet Masters " _ 30 March 1016

Ambassador Lee E Wanta



AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
Tele : 703.649.4545
Tfax : 703.552.3159