Sunday, May 8, 2016

Apocalypse Programming

Apocalypse  Programming  and  “Knowing”  the  End  of  Days

by Zen Gardner

The many end of the world scenarios we’ve had pumped into us from birth, from ducking under our primary school desks in atom bomb drills to apocalyptic religion, books and movies, all have a targeted effect. It’s not just about sensationalism and sales with all the media’s putting into this. They’re playing with very deep human dynamics.
Do they really know something we don’t? Or is this just more fear programming to gain a tighter grip on humanity. Or is it both? Or is there perhaps something much, much deeper underlying these psychotic charades?

The most profound truth beyond all of this illusion is that there essentially is no end, not in the deeper sense where it really matters. Cycles and spirals of change are absolutely “normal” and to be expected and accepted in this 3Dreality, while even the underlying more real worlds are also in constant flux, yet they are endless. Fear of an ending is a lie of the matrix, much like death.
Don’t fall for any of it. Fearless freedom is our natural state.

Inside Manipulators and the Fear Machine

We can pretty much assume insider media moguls and movie producers have a lot of information at their fingertips we’re apparently not privy to. How they get this info is almost fun to visualize, almost like an old Spy vs Spy cartoon.
Only these control creeps are ugly and dark.
Actually, many producers and writers have openly testified they’ve been “given” the ideas or script outlines by apparent CIA and otherwise “operatives”. This is especially the case when they show these huge scenes of massive military operations or the propaganda is particularly pointed; you then know the “suppliers” of all this equipment and backdrop have a heavy hand on the scale.
It’s clearly a pervasive factor in the content of these movies. The scale of social engineering on our planet is
extraordinary. Disasters happen, no doubt. But when psychopaths have technology and covert operations to literally cause them, then it becomes a different ball game.
Especially when you factor in their manipulation of the “fear factor”. Religious pounding with messages and
prophecies regarding the “End Times” are perhaps the biggest influence in people’s minds, something to be very mindful of as it’s deeply ingrained in the human psyche.

Apocalypse In The News

The social programmers love this subject. While they try to keep their credibility with the more wary audience with comments about “crackpots, kooks and conspiracy nuts” who actually believe this stuff, these Illuminist media controllers push the End of the World scenario big time.
We’ve seen the alien invasion how many times? Even the White House gets blasted on several occasions. We’ve had the asteroid impact over and over. Plagues killing us off are big, as are huge earthquake and mega tsunami scenarios. Even a frozen future world with ‘Day After Tomorrow’ type movies. And it gets more bizarre all the time.
It’s imprinting, or entraining the human psyche. This is also commonly known as simple programming. In this case it’s predictive programming – to not just accept but expect catastrophes.
Don’t you find it ironic they produce this stuff hand over fist and then these same minions and their complicit media and education stooges work hard to belittle anyone who actually believes it or warns of very real engineered or even possible “natural” catastrophes?

Isn’t that called getting “jerked around”?
Actually it’s a very sophisticated mind control technique, a deliberate mixture of traumatized cognitive dissonance while injecting their deliberate predictive programming for possible future events that may suit their purpose. It’s all acclimating their subjects to manipulated tension, fear and the ever present threat and even assumed “knowledge” of eventual apocalypse. Nasty psychopathic bastards, in a nutshell. But it’s effective.
Why, you ask? For the above reasons, but when you jump to eventual conclusions you can’t help but wonder if there are deliberate forces out to decimate our planet. Then when you extrapolate the implications of such a possibility you again can’t help but wander into wondering if this is some sort of terra forming being carried out by some parasitic other dimensional force, while extracting as much energy out of us possible in the process?

The simple greed explanation makes no sense in the light of the suicidal rape and destruction of our planet we’re witnessing. There is a bigger picture we need to be aware of. Fortunately with that comes the empowerment to use the right tools to combat such an apparently inter-dimensional parasitic force.
But I digress…or did I?

The Looming “Kill Shot” Solar Flare and Grid Failure Drills

I’m all on board with speaking up about potential natural and man-made disasters. The USGS isn’t even reporting earthquakes accurately any more and the weather news is completely controlled by the black op arm of the defense department and their complicit corporations such as Raytheon. The EPA doesn’t test for chem-trail chemicals and even shut down their radiation sensors.
The whole system has been co-opted and we need to fend for ourselves, and many independent reporting sources are doing a great job of this.

This solar cycle news has been open knowledge for years now, warning us of some very real potential serious problems. Oddly it’s been a disappointment as far as intensity goes and moved into a minimum stage, but this magnetic shutdown is worth learning about. 

Another major factor to be familiar with is planetary alignments and the lunar phases.
We’re still hearing about potential massive solar flares hitting that could cripple whole continents. And this is real. Even insider Michio Kaku has “predictively” often been in the mainstream news talking about it, only to have the story shuffled into the subconscious once again. Other major factors besides the sun are planetary alignments and the lunar phases, an area of research well worth tracking.

We’ve seen massive grid failure drills, including impromptu power outages like the great “Shake Out” supposed earthquake preparedness drill in the US heartland surrounding the New Madrid fault that has now become an annual event.
As if they care, but again, it creates acceptance in the public mind of not just an event but the state and military control over every phase of society. It’s conditioning. All based on fear and more unquestioned dominance. And the programmed human outcry? “Save us. We need more protection, more technology, more security! Please give us more control over these uncontrollables! And by all means feed us! (since we didn’t prepare ourselves…).”

All this reminded me of this weirdly predictive movie. And appropriately it’s the SUN that brings the end! “Knowing” – A Massive Example of Programming
This movie keeps coming back to me and I understand why. With incoming comets, reports of hundreds of fireballs, increased techtonic and volcanic activity, and our central star recently undergoing a magnetic flip and shut down influencing our deliberately destabilized planet in profound ways, it’s no wonder.

The movie “Knowing” is slow as far as movies go, and Nicolas Cage is pretty much the same guy you see in all his movies. The plot is actually relatively simple, and is drawn out using interim catastrophes leading up to the big revelation at the end as his child gets swept into the phenomenon of hearing the “whisperers” who’ve given coded warning messages to a couple of generations of contactees of what’s about to transpire.

Nick goes a bit berserk as he figures out the code and traces the predicted disasters, but his passionate search culminates when he decodes the last line of the predictive numbers as “ee”…the “end of everything”.
As in “Extinction Event”.

First the Official Trailer for the Effect…


This next clip is pretty amazing. I don’t necessarily go along with all of the interpretations, but you’ll have to admit there are a lot of hinting “coincidences” that are jammed into this movie.

This was released a year before the gulf oil disaster and way before Fukushima.

The Bigger Implication

By the way, in the story the aliens who gave the messages and keep appearing and whispering to the kids are these light beings disguised as “men in black” types. They eventually lead them to where these space craft will take them off planet to safety just before the event. In fact, they and other chosen children around the globe are deposited in other worlds to propagate, as in the Garden of Eden story imprinted on the human conscience, also hailing to the “alien seeding” concept settled science keeps dancing around.

 Despite the Programming….

Once you stop wondering, you’ve stopped.
I may not go for Hollywood’s tricks, but I like to think freely, outside of paradigms. And I like to try to understand the message I’m “supposed to be getting” for what it is and not swallow it hook, line and “sinker”. But to also not discard whatever I’m being given off handedly as if there’s no truth to anything or important message to be gleaned.
Hey…knowing is knowing…and I’m often wondering what others seem to be knowing…if they really know anything.
Or if they’re just trying to program me again. Oh how they don’t realize how on to them we are!
We need to be awake and aware, and alive. Love, understanding and right knowledge then come with the territory.

Love, Zen

P.S. Lots more about this subject available on my Timeline of articles, as well as in my book You Are the Awakening

if you haven’t picked it up yet.
All for our empowerment. We’re at the apex…it’s time to rise to the occasion!
*For more of Zen’s articles and interviews visit his Timeline.

"hybrid armies” and “little green men"

Milley-adressing-cadetsArmy  Chief  of  Staff  warns  of “hybrid  armies”  and  “little  green  men”

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, speaks at Norwich University during its Reserve Officer Training Corps Centennial Symposium, April 21, 2016. 

In a speech last week at Norwich University, General Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army, told the audience, many of whom were ROTC cadets, that in the future the cadets will be dealing with, among other things, “hybrid armies” and “little green men.” Some UFOers have assumed this to be an admission that armies of aliens and their alien/human hybrids are threatening the Earth. However, both of those are military terms that mean something entirely different.

Milley made the remarks at an event marking the 100th anniversary of the ROTC program. His speech emphasized the qualities that will be important for the cadets in the future, especially given the increasing complexity of world conflicts.

“If the world if (sic) 1916 was complex, or the world of 1945 was complex, the world of 2016 is intensely complex, and I can tell you that from personal experience,” he said. “You’ll be dealing with terrorists, you’ll be dealing with hybrid armies, you’ll be dealing with little green men, you’ll be dealing with tribes, you’re going to be dealing with it all, and you’re going to be dealing with it simultaneously.”

General Mark A. Milley, 39th Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army. (Credit: U.S. Army)His statements appear to be shocking. He seems to be telling the cadets that he knows from experience they will be fighting aliens! And what about hybrid armies? What are those? They sound terrifying.

General Mark A. Milley, 39th Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army. (Credit: U.S. Army)

Those familiar with terminology used in the study of alleged alien abduction know hybrids to be beings that are half alien and half human. This has lead some websites to proclaim that the Army has admitted they are preparing for battle with aliens!

However, this is not the case. Both of these are terms that are being used by the military to mean something other than aliens. “Hybrid armies” is actually referring to the mix of conventional and non-conventional nature of many of our enemies. For instance, some of them are non-state combatants, or terrorists that do not belong to a recognized state, like ISIS.

These armies might also be using a mixture of tactics, such as an army that includes cyber warfare. It is a new term, but essentially represents the complex and non-traditional makeup of combat forces.

So what about the “little green men?” These are the forces that were seen in the Ukraine that the are believed to be Russian special forces. They are Russian forces deployed in Ukraine and Crimea, but they wear unmarked uniforms and drive unmarked vehicles. 

Russia has denied they have deployed these forces. It has been a strange case of everyone knowing who they really are, but their identities being officially denied.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley is not breifing cadets about an alien threat. He is actually talking to soldiers serving in Erbil, Iraq, Dec. 18. Milley was on a five day tour of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Chuck Burden/Army)

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley is not briefing cadets about an alien threat. He is actually talking to soldiers serving in Erbil, Iraq, Dec. 18. Milley was on a five day tour of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.
So, Milley was not warning the cadets about aliens, but perhaps just as scary, he was warning them about the complex makeup of the enemies they will face. This includes terrorist, armies without states, cyber warfare, and unidentified armies working covertly.

If Milley is hiding a secret about the U.S. engaging in a secret battle with aliens, he hasn’t let it slip, yet. Either there is no such battle, or he figured he freaked out the cadets enough. He might have reckoned adding the aliens thing could have made them all go screaming out of the room.

UPDATE 4/29/2016: Army Times posted an article on the misinterpretation of Milley’s comments by UFO enthusiasts and mentioned this story. Read it here.

Army chief talks 'little green men'

Army  chief  talks  'little  green  men,'  and  sets  off  UFO  enthusiasts

Globalist Death Plan: What The Elite Are Hiding

Globalist Death Plan: What The Elite Are Hiding

Published on May 6, 2016
Alex Jones outlines the entire globalist plan to control and destroy humanity and why they're determined to carry it out.


“Who Is St. Germain, Really?”
Inline image 1
“Who Is St. Germain, Really?”

by Hope for the World
An anonymous statement recently posted on this blog claimed that St. Germain is the most important American that ever lived, that he himself masterminded the Republic:
“Forget all your past presidents and anyone else you might deem important in America. St Germain is the most important American that ever lived. He masterminded the Republic that is about to be reinstated on July 4th.”
These words of appreciation are so simply stated that the profundity of their meaning is easy to miss.
St. Germain masterminded the Republic that is about to be reinstated on July 4th!!!
Do you know the fascinating story of how St. Germain showed up in US history? How a mysterious man simply materialized out of the blue at the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
"It was during the, evening of July 4, 1776, that the second of these mysterious episodes occurred. In the old State House in Philadelphia, a group of men were gathered for the momentous task of severing the tie between the old country and the new. It was a grave moment, and not a few of those present feared that their lives would be the forfeit for their audacity. In the midst of the debate a fierce voice rang out. The debaters stopped and turned to look upon the stranger. Who was this man who had suddenly appeared in their midst and had transfixed them with his oratory? They had never seen him before, none knew when he had entered; but his tall form and pale face filled them with awe. His voice ringing with a holy zeal, the stranger stirred them to their very souls. His closing words rang through the building, 'God has given America to be free!' As the stranger sank into a chair exhausted, a wild enthusiasm burst forth. Name after name was placed upon the parchment: the Declaration of Independence was signed. But where was the man who had precipitated the accomplishment of this immortal task — who had lifted for a moment the veil from the eyes of the assemblage and revealed to them a part at least of the great purpose for which the new nation was conceived? He had disappeared, nor was he ever seen or his identity established. This episode parallels others of a similar kind recorded by ancient historians attendant upon the founding of every new nation. Are they coincidence, or do they indicate that the Divine Wisdom of the Ancient Mysteries still is present in the world, serving mankind as it did of old?"
The full story is here:
But before you read it there are a few more things you need to know about St. Germain.
St. Germain is a real, true Ascended Master.
An Ascended Master is one who has mastered time and space and who has followed the disciplines of the path of the Christ and the Buddha and who has become one with the eternal light, the white fire core or the central sun of being. These Masters are called the Ascended Masters because they have reunited with God in the ritual of the ascension.
The ascension is merely the acceleration of the vibratory rate of the electrons and the actual nuclei of the atoms of being until the vibration is so intensified that the individual actually disappears from the sight or the visible spectrum of the disciples.
St. Germain has manifested in form on this planet hundreds of times (once as Francis Bacon, as you will read), and is, in fact, here among us this very moment fulfilling his mission of reinstating the true Republic in America, as well as completing his mission as Chohan of the 7th Ray – the spiritual evolution of this entire planet, all its peoples, all the Angels and all the Elementals.
Along with his beloved Kwan Yin, as Chohan of the 7th Ray, otherwise known as the Golden Age of Aquarius, his function is to bring forth the Spirit in all matter … that humanity awaken to the fact that Spirit indwells all of creation … to work with all things in recognition that we are working with Spirit … to help us in glorious ways to re-unite our personality with our Soul and fulfill the life mission of our Soul.
Earth’s spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2,000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy (i.e. Leo, Taurus, Virgo, etc). For the past 2,000 years, Earth has evolved under the influence of the 6th Ray of Pieces, with Ascended Master Jesus serving as Chohan. As of 2012 humanity began functioning on the 7th Ray of Aquarius.
The Coronation of St. Germain took place in form on this planet on May 1, 1954 – it was the most glorious and regal of ceremonies, attended (in form on this planet) by all of the real, true Ascended Masters. The Coronation is beautifully detailed at this link and its reading will help you fully understand just who St. Germain really is. He is a big deal. A very big deal.
So, now what about that estimated accumulated wealth of 1 followed by 40 zeros ($1 quatrodecillion dollars) that he is about to be made available for all of us to use? It’s true. Anonymous was right, “this will not be released all at once but think of it as our own personal vault that we can open and take whatever we need whenever we need it until we don't need money anymore.” Can you wrap your head around that? It’s a struggle for me, but there is one thing I am crystal clear on.
St Germain is the most important American that ever lived.




 A great story!

This is the type of thing you wish was being related by others!  I think this show of heart is what's feared the most in his voice relating to putting things right once again. It's just a shame it's marred by the approach taken in his retort when he's under attack that sets up some negative opinions!  

This country needs someone who will remove the twists, greed and control formulated against the Constitution and people's rights!  Trump is the only sensible choice in my opinion! 



Trump illuminati Deception Exposed

The Scary TRUTH About Donald Trump
Donald Trump illuminati Deception Exposed 
Full Documentary

Published on May 2, 2016
Make No Mistake!
I Will Not Compromise.
I Will Not Comply.
I Will Not Submit.
I Will Not Break.
I Will Not Roll Over.
I Will Not Sit Down.
I Will Not Shut Up.
I Will Not Go Quietly.
I Will Not Give Up.
I Will Not Surrender!
I Will Stand For Truth.
I Will Protect The Innocent.
I Will Sacrifice So That Others May Live Free.
I Will Defend My Family To The Death.
I Love Peace, But I Am A Fierce Enemy.
I Will Fight For Christ
I Will Die For Christ
I Live By A Special Code
I AM A SoulJa Of GOD!!
Whos With Me?

Jesus Christ is the only truth in this world of lies.
Find him today.  You're not promised tomorrow.

The Scary TRUTH About Donald Trump (Donald Trump illuminati Deception Exposed Full Documentary)
Subscribe for upcoming videos. ~SoulJa Of GOD

Saturday, May 7, 2016

WHY is STUPID winning??



On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 18:37,
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 15:41, Anna von Reitz
The money is just a game-- a casino royale. 
The bankers could care less if they are trading in gold or paper or blue beads. What they really can't survive is conscious awakening --- if people stop "believing" in money the same way they stop believing in Santa Claus, then the banker's game is over and there's no going back.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016, Richard DaCosta <> wrote:
Your proof of life needed for these entities, aka Elders, and believe it when you see it attitude is similar to mine and our fellow dinarians although as investors, greed has made us more gullible. We're told to have faith but nothing is presented to us that is concrete thus far and unfortunately, it could all be coming from the same cabal sources that snookered us in the past. The one thing that would be an indication that the benevolence and humanitarian assistance and goodwill exists is the money. Where's the money? Show me the money. Where's the 800 illusive numbers to go exchange? Why is the IRS still garnishing my pensions if we have a neu Republique? Where are the arrests of Clintons/Bushes? Where's the beef man? Keenan, Zap, Yosef and other sources all saying it's happening now so where is it? 
Like you, I'll remain a skeptic until seeing is believing. 

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 1:56, Anna von Reitz
It doesn't change my opinion about the Neu Republique and it doesn't change my opinion about the "Chinese Elders" story one iota, Richard.  

Someone will have to show me a LOT of important and thus far missing proof that any of that is anything but more self-interested hokum. 

Neil Keenan did the right thing so far as the return of Chinese assets to China are concerned.  If he is taking the lead in doing the same for Americans, whatever the cover-story, he is to be lauded for that, too.  

As for Obama being out of office, I am sure that all that has happened, IF it has happened, is that Dunford occupied the VACATED Office of the President of the United States and that Obummer continues to hold his corporate office as the CEO in charge of the UNITED STATES (INC.) and President of the United States of America (Minor)
Those, by the way, were and are the only offices Obama was ever eligible for.  
If Dunford jerked awake and took control of the situation, that is of possible merit and benefit for everyone in America--so long as he isn't boondoggled by the international bankers and the supposed "good will" of the French Government which is, again in my opinion, only trying to get the services contract under its control again so as to be able to force us to pay the odious debts accumulated by the IMF dba UNITED STATES. 
 On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 8:51 AM, A man you say you trust has just revealed what we already know in dinarland. Do his revelations now change your cognitions about O being out Gen Dunford in and GCR?