Monday, May 9, 2016

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses

Ambassador Lee E Wanta



        CC: JON LANCTIN               [ ]


Birth : June 11, 1940                                 Stevens Point, Wi [ Portage Cty ]
Grandparents _ Leo and Tillie Wanta - and - Numerous " Point Relatives "
Parents - Emil William Wanta  and  Ethel Mary Wanta

My mentor were U.S. Senator Alexander Wiley / Chrm. Foreign Affairs,
U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan ( Totten Doctrine 92 U.S. 105, 107 ),
Truman Doctrine, Operation : StillPoint [ Cold War , Falconbird, " etc " ]



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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anna von Reitz <>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Subject: Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses

February 23, 2016
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon       via Certified Mail #7006 0810 0003 3541 5717
United Nations Secretariat
New York, New York  10017
John Forbes Kerry                         via Certified Mail # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5724
2201 C Street NW

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses

Dear Sirs:

This business concerns both of you, so both are being addressed.

Mr. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: It is our understanding that the UNITED STATES CONGRESS named the United Nations the Trustee of our states and the laws thereof beginning in 1976 and there has been no other appointment since.   This was caused by the wholesale incorporation of former State and County government operations on the land jurisdiction of the United States, which left the land jurisdiction Public Offices (which are still owed to us) vacated though we were not informed at the time.

It is our further understanding that the service contract of the IMF sponsored UNITED STATES (INC) was defaulted in March of 2015 when that entity --together with its numerous franchises--- was declared insolvent and entered receivership.   This circumstance left the federal services contract portion of The Constitution for the united States of America vacated, too.

We became aware shortly afterward that unscrupulous persons have self-interestedly claimed that we were operating as franchises of the insolvent UNITED STATES and that vessels in commerce including STATES and ESTATE trusts named after the States of America and the living American Nationals were to be considered sureties and franchises of the UNITED STATES and sold as abandoned properties to pay the debts of the insolvent governmental services corporation.

As our Trustee in this matter, we protest to you in your office as Secretary General of the United Nations and also wish you to make our objections known to the General Secretary of the United Nations that none of these arrangements supposedly made in our behalf are true or equitable.  We have repudiated the so-called National Debt of the UNITED STATES (INC) as odious debt that is not owed by the people of the (Continental) United States, testified that the people of the (Continental) United States are not sureties for the debts of the UNITED STATES and that our public and private property interests have not been abandoned.  

We have refused offers by both the World Bank and FEDERAL RESERVE dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (INC) to act as successors to contract.  This is the result of the obvious wrong-doing of these organizations in the past documented by the wet-ink, autographed, and sealed affidavit of probable cause which we have delivered to your offices in New York.  We have issued new Sovereign Letters Patent and have Declared Joint Sovereignty and established arrangements for the co-signing Native American Nations to act as our new federal service providers.  It should be apparent that we are of age, competent, acting with complete commercial liability, are birthright people of the (Continental) United States and hereditary beneficiaries of the unincorporated united States of America.

While this no doubt comes as a surprise to you, it is our wish and Will in this matter acting as the entitlement holders, beneficiaries, and sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of the United States.  We object to the continuing criminality of the international banks and governmental services corporations involved in this ongoing attempted institutionalized theft of our identities, mischaracterization of our political status, and securities fraud upon the probate courts and the bankruptcy courts throughout America.

We hold you and the United Nations fully accountable for the safety, support, welfare, and security of the living people of the (Continental) United States, the prosecution of the criminal elements in the international banking community and governmental services industry responsible for these outrages, and the return of our unencumbered property interests which have been falsely indebted under conditions of fraud and inland piracy.

Mr. Secretary Kerry:  We have ourselves fully and freely declared our disenfranchisement and revoked our election to pay federal income taxes since 1998.  We are what you call exempt non-resident aliens and American Nationals.  All reversionary interest in our estates returns to the united States of America on the land and United States of America on the sea.

These are Matters of Fact well-demonstrated in the public record, and they should be well-understood by those administering the Seattle Passport Office. We have been informed of stubborn refusals of service from passport agents and decided to check it out for ourselves. Accordingly, I, my husband, and grown son made request for new passports in August of 2015.

It is now approaching the end of February 2016 and despite copious correspondence and the plain Matter of Fact that we do not live in any Federal Enclave, do not reside in any municipal nexus, and are in fact Zip Code exempt ---the passport agents have failed to perform and deliver the red jacket and properly styled passports we are owed, have objected to our use of the actual physical location of our home on the land as established by GPS as the basis of our land domicile, and refuse to understand  Title 39 U.S.C. Section 3003, 1341, 1342, which is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $1,000,000.00 fine. Use of ZIP CODE is voluntary. (Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32 Nondiscrimination for NON-USE of ) and ZIP CODE per Public Law 91-325, section 403.

The Seattle Passport Agency has been offering to obstruct our ability to travel freely for six months over these petty obstructions and refusals to provide services owed and failure to obey the Public Law.  This is in itself a crime against humanity and an insufferable mis-administration of essential governmental services which are owed to us and to all American Nationals.

It is just one more example of the way in which governmental services corporations in this country have put self-interest ahead of service commitment and perpetuated commercial fraud against their employers and benefactors via obstruction, monopoly inducement, and disregard of Public Law.

We wish to see a prompt correction leading to the immediate issuance of passports bearing the proper color, proper style of name, proper mailing address (Rural Route Number), proper seal, stamp, and date. To that end I am returning the incorrect version of both the Passport and the Passport Card that were issued to me directly to your attention, Mr. Kerry, and requesting expedited service and issuance of the proper passport documents for me, Anna Maria Riezinger, my husband James Clinton Belcher and our son Eric Jon Belcher who still haven’t received anything at all from the Seattle Passport Agency, all non-combatant American Nationals, all living peacefully in Big Lake, Alaska.

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry:  As we write this letter yet another governmental services corporation doing business as GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, DUNS Number 16-190-6193, is terrorizing other innocent non-combatant Americans throughout the Western States.  This referenced corporate entity is the parent corporation of the FBI and BLM, both of which are operating on our soil as commercial mercenary forces under color of law. 

This constructive fraud and deceit is brought about by the misuse and abuse of old trademarks and copyrighted names that were obtained as the result of corporate takeovers and mergers among governmental services corporations in the past and it has served to promote the impersonation of peacekeeping officers and other public officials by private, mostly foreign corporations having no more granted authority to “serve us” in this manner than employees of Target have authority to rob their customers.

This blatant lawlessness on the part of this foreign corporation run amok on our shores has resulted in the premeditated murder of an innocent American on our soil, and the false arrest of at least fifty other non-combatant American State Citizens who are being purposefully mischaracterized as “Enemies of the State” when they are in no way associated with any such “State” referenced in the entirety of Title 50. As the Trustee of our state offices and laws, Mr. Secretary General, this situation should be of vital concern to you, along with the continued purposeful and self-interested mischaracterization of the political status of the victims.

The American Nationals being mischaracterized by these vermin on our shores are innocent Third Parties and Priority Creditors of these same corporations, which are intent upon acts of inland piracy, armed international racketeering, and murderous insurance fraud against their employers.

We call upon you, Mr. Secretary General, to engage the necessary diplomatic process to free those Americans being held under false arrest and we call upon you, Secretary of State Kerry, to bring charges against these criminal entities masquerading as our lawful government.

The arrest and punishment of the bankers, attorneys, and administrators responsible is eminently more sensible in all respects than allowing these same criminals to continue to mis-characterize, murder and rob their Priority Creditors in an effort to avoid paying them.  This lawlessness must be brought to a swift end and the perpetrators must be recognized as the criminals they are with no more scape-goating of the innocent victims of these crimes.   They have already paid all the costs with their labor and natural resources; it is completely insane to expect them to pay again with their blood.

A policy of silence and failure to take action is not an acceptable response.  Both of you, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State Kerry, are responsible in different ways for controlling the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) and both will be accountable if you do not take prompt and effective action to correct the operations of this erring corporation.

Continuing to allow the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) to operate commercial mercenary armies under conditions of fraud and color of law on our shores will result in violent Breach of Trust and the lasting destruction of all respect for civil law and government.  

Please note that the Federal Government has at most a proprietary interest as a caretaker of the property assets of the Western States.  That role does not include any authority to act against the actual owners and beneficiaries of the land assets nor allow any failure to recognize them as American State Citizens owed all the guarantees of their Statehood Compacts.  

Our repudiation of the actions which have been taken in our names without our knowledge or consent by men and institutions merely pretending to represent us and which have been used as a means to establish institutionalized fraud and to hypothecate debt against our names and property assets is complete, final, and firmly established on the public records of all nations. 
Although these crimes do involve mischaracterization of our political status, the entire scam is nothing more or less than garden variety bunko practiced on a vast scale, a matter of national identity theft and credit fraud engineered by international banks, attorneys, and politicians who have served themselves at the expense of those they are bound by treaty, trust indenture, commercial contract, and all forms of moral conscience to serve.

Correction must be viewed as a criminal matter, not misrepresented as a political one. 

Anna Maria Riezinger
For the Alaska Civil Judge Advocates Council
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
RR 99652
General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.          via Certified Mail 7006 0810 0003 3541 5731
c/o Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

The Beauty of Flight Dazzles in this Unique Video

Trains “crash” in North NYC — power grid blamed…

It’s one of the biggest dangers of power outages…  And it’s not so obvious…
On Friday night, during rush hour, one of the main train lines leaving NYC to the North “crashed.”  
Power went out.  The trains ground to a halt.  And for hours, the trains weren’t moving down the tracks.
Thankfully the “crash” wasn’t an actual accident.  But this highlights one of the biggest unspoken dangers of major power outages.
The failure of the major systems that make modern life possible.
Even after service was restored near 9 PM Friday evening, service was still interrupted and delayed.
It would take hours upon hours after power came back on for all systems to be functioning at normal again. 
When power goes out, that’s just the start of our troubles…
Yes, not having power can be dangerous.  Especially during a heat wave — when the grid is most stressed.  Power goes out.  A/C units stop working.  And rising heat indoors quickly becomes a life or death scenario for the elderly and other sensitive populations.
But that’s obvious.
During a major outage, the bigger danger is when other systems start to go down.
Public transportation is a big headache — but not much more than that.
But what happens when the pumps that move water throughout your city won’t come on, because they don’t have power?
What happens in an extended outage when gasoline supplies are interrupted, and fuel starts to be rationed?
What about when power is out for days (if not longer) and grocery stores and food distribution are failing?
Normally, power outages are simply small headaches…
It’s not all that bad to sit in the dark for a few minutes or even a few hours.  In fact, it can be an adventure — especially if you have kids who are excited about breaking out the flashlights and candles.
But what happens when minutes turn to hours, and hours to days.  Or worse, days to weeks, and weeks to months?
We’re very fortunate that these kinds of outages don’t really happen in the United States.  Or at least, haven’t happened recently.
But just because they haven’t doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t.  In fact, there are multiple very real and plausible scenarios that would lead to a full-scale power outage lasting weeks or months.
Hackers holding our power grid for ransom.  An EMP attack from Russia, China, North Korea, or rogue terrorists.  Those are the two biggest.  There are many more.  Our aging, ailing grid isn’t built to withstand much.
That’s when things get real.  Very real.
A minor inconvenience turns into disorder, as systems and social structures collapse, and chaos reigns. 
What happens when food, water, power, healthcare, and modern life’s other necessities disappear?
This is the exact scenario Dr. Peter Vincent Pry warned Congress could cause the death of 9 in 10 Americans…
It doesn’t matter how the grid goes down.
If it stays down for hours and months, it’s not just the train systems that “crash.”  It’s not just thousands of commuters home late on a Friday evening.
It’s complete and utter social disorder and chaos.
It’s society pushed to the brink.  Perhaps even breaking.
That’s when survival will come down to who was actually prepared, and who was just thinking about it. 

Google Self-Driving Vehicle Rams People, Smashes Into Cars in Grand Theft Auto Hack

Video illustrates just some of the chaos that could await humanity - May 9, 2016

Google’s self-driving car gets into wrecks, drives on the wrong side of the road and slams into multiple people in a new Youtube video that affirms many people’s fears. 

Youtube uploader PizzaForBreakfast says he created the video purely as satire, but says it could serve as an illustration of what may actually occur when autonomous vehicles take to the roadways.
“Technology makes our lives infinitely easier and it’s an exciting age to be alive,” PizzaForBreakfast wrote in an email to CNBC. “But it’s both a blessing and a curse. At some point, every brand new smart phone crashes, every top of the line computer needs to be updated, every outdated fax machine is replaced by a super deluxe wireless bluetooth all-in-one printer. And I think the idea for the video came from that.”
“Cars are already a feat in engineering,” the hacker went on, “but that’s not enough – now we want cars to drive themselves. So while companies are racing to be the first to provide the ‘latest and greatest,’ I thought it’d be funny to imagine what could go wrong if Google released their self-driving car prototype a little prematurely.”
Experts have warned the oncoming self-driving car revolution could have devastating effects for humanity, from the self-driving autos adhering too rigidly to driving laws, to questions over whether vehicles could potentially be hacked.
“There is no question that someone is going to die in this technology,” a Duke University roboticist said before the US Senate committee on commerce, science and transportation in March. “The question is when and what can we do to minimize that.”

Sheriff Mack — for Ron — by Anna von Reitz

Sheriff Mack took the question of whether or not Sheriffs of incorporated counties (operating on the international jurisdiction of the sea) could legally enforce The Constitution (as part of their job) all the way to the Supreme Court and the answer was yes, they could. But, that in no way makes it a mandate.  It merely means that individuals like Sheriff Mack himself could freely decide whether or not to enforce The Constitution (and presumably other Organic Laws) in their counties. 
For truly “Constitutional” Sheriffs enforcing the Constitution and the other Organic and Public Laws is the entire focus of their job assignment, not an after-thought or personal choice after a long day of code and regulation enforcement. 
And therein lies the rub.  Sheriff Mack apparently wants the office of sheriff to have the right to pick and choose when to act as a peacekeeper and respect the guarantees of The Constitution, and when to act as a Code Enforcer and use the oppressive plenary power that system gives to the STATE and the OFFICE OF SHERIFF based on the expediency of the moment and the Sheriff’s own assessment of what is called for. 
I side with the Bible— no man can serve two masters, and Sheriff Mack’s fence-sitting just clouds the issues. 
I understand the practical reasons that he and other sheriffs want to retain plenary powers over “citizens” and just pick and choose when to recognize the constitutionally guaranteed rights owed to the American people—- but the fact remains that such a commingling of jurisdictions and such a grant of power based on one’s own conscience alone is nowhere to be found in any part of The Constitution or other Founding Documents.  It isn’t even implied. 
The Law of the Land is the Public Law of this country.  When corporate employees step foot on our soil, they are obligated to obey it.  They aren’t empowered to pick and choose when to enforce it and when to ignore it.  They aren’t authorized to “presume” anything about us, including our political status. And therein lies the additional rub. 
The federal corporations and their “federal state” franchises have contrived to establish legalized monopolies of essential governmental services that they are supposed to be providing for us under contract— and via self-interested and often brainless enforcement activities have extorted compliance with their regulations under conditions of monopoly inducement regardless of anyone’s actual political status.   
As a result, for example, nearly everyone has been coerced into obtaining a “Driver’s License” when in fact most people aren’t using the public roads for any private gain and are not actually required to have a DL at all. Then the mere fact that you have a DL is used as the basis of further “presuming” that you are voluntarily accepting the status of a “citizen of the United States”—-thereby allowing corporate sheriffs and other “law enforcement personnel” the latitude to arrest, fine, threaten, brutalize, and jail you over statutory infractions like broken tail lights. 
Men like Sheriff Mack need to bite the bullet and give up the false powers of legal presumption. They need to admit that it is not their choice of when to obey our Public Law and when to enforce private corporate statutes instead.

Poland ‘won’t accept refugees because of threat to security’ – Kaczynski

Protesters hold flags as they gathers during anti-immigrant rally in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland February 6, 2016. © Kacper Pempe / Reuters
Protesters hold flags as they gathers during anti-immigrant rally in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland February 6, 2016. © Kacper Pempe / Reuters

Poland ‘won’t accept refugees because of threat to security’ – Kaczynski

V-Day provocation? US-NATO hardware forced out of Moldova’s capital after public outrage

© Ruptly
© Ruptly

V-Day provocation? US-NATO hardware forced out of Moldova’s capital after public outrage
NATO military vehicles with American flags that were put on display in a central square of Chisinau, Moldova’s capital, had to withdraw before Monday’s V-Day march and retreat outside the town after the show-off sparked fierce opposition from the locals.
The exhibition of US military equipment on the city’s Great National Assembly Square on Sunday was presented as part of the V-Day celebrations, but instead provoked hundreds of protesters to take to the streets in outrage.
Activists opposing NATO’s presence in the country waved banners that read “Go home,”“We don’t need NATO,” and“Moldova is a neutral state.” 
Protesters also reportedly handed out St. George ribbons, a symbol of victory in post-Soviet states, to the American soldiers before the exhibition, which saw about two dozen infantry, engineering vehicles and military trucks being showcased to the public. However, soon after the protests began, the exhibition was rolled up, and the US troops returned to their stationing site in Negresti, some 20 kilometers outside Chisinau.
The American-NATO troops were supposed to join the V-Day march on May 9 to celebrate the victory over the Nazis and commemorate those fallen in the WWII. Following the ensuing controversy, however, the contingent was allowed only to hold the ill-fated military exhibition ahead of the event.
© Maxim Blinov

Igor Dodon, head of the Moldovan Socialist party, branded the invitation of NATO troops to take part in V-Day festivities as a “provocation geared to spoil the Victory celebrations,” TASS reported.
“NATO servicemen have committed another symbolic act of mockery over Orthodox believers, having once again demonstrated their occupational intentions,” he added, according to Sputnik.
Dodon had slammed the exercises earlier as a “military occupation”and called the display of American troops on V-Day a “slap in the face of Constitution, which stipulates neutrality.”
The activists lashed out at the government for what they believe was an attempt to drag Moldova into some kind of a military confrontation, demanding that the government adhere to its neutral status.
“Moldova is a peaceful and neutral state. We take part in no military blocs and don’t want war. We saw what happened in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria. If you don’t go before tomorrow, there will be thousands of us here,” stressed Vlad Batrîncea, a Moldovan MP from the Party of Socialists, as cited by TASS.
Last week, the country’s president, Nicolae Timofti, also took a stance against the demonstration of US military prowess on May 9, on which the celebrations were scheduled, while confronting Moldovan Defense Minister Anatol Salaru in a letter published on Wednesday.
“A joint display of US and [Moldovan] military hardware may cause negative interpretations and speculations not only in a certain segment of the population but also among Moldova’s partners who have not been invited to participate in the show,” Timofti said.
In the run up to V-day, the Immortal Regiment march was held in Chisinau on May 6. The participants held up pictures of their relatives who fought in WWII as a part of worldwide public action honoring victims of the war and celebrating victory over Nazism. A similar march is set to take place on May 9.
READ MORE: NATO won’t surrender if Russia nukes Warsaw – ex-US Supreme Commander

About 200 US soldiers from the 2nd Cavalry Unit have been deployed in Moldova since May 3 to take part in NATO’s Dragon Pioneer 2016 exercises that will last till May 20. They have been joined by 165 Moldavian servicemen. Fifty-eight military vehicles from the US side are expected to take part in the drills. The maneuvers will concentrate on medical treatment and evacuation, field maintenance, and basic demolitions.

NATO’s only purpose is to demonize Russia as a threat’

Srdja Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor at Chronicles magazine, told RT he believes NATO had practical reasons for promoting itself into the center of V-Day celebration in Chisinau.
“It’s perfectly cynical attempt to distort the past for the sake of serving political purposes of the present,” he said referring to attempts by the American politicians, including to U.S. President Barack Obama, to portray the US as the key member of the anti-Hitler coalition whose actions were critical to the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Triflovic reminded that “almost 85% percent of German losses in WWII were incurred on the Eastern Front,” the fact which is often looked over by the western media and international public discourse, that play a “pernicious role” while“systematically trying to undermine the image of Russia.”
“It’s an attempt to systematically distort the past and demonize Russia today,” he said.
Speaking about NATO`s ultimate goals and purposes of its existence now, once the cold war ended and the Soviet Union collapsed, he said that “NATO is not idiot at all. NATO has been expanding ever since the promise by James Baker [former U.S. Secretary of State] to Mikhail Gorbachev more than a quarter of century ago that it will not expand.” 
The alliance’s “only purpose of existence is to turn Russia into a threat,” he concluded.
V-Day provocation? US-NATO hardware forced out of Moldova’s capital after public outrage — RT News

Russia Beware: There Is Only One Way to Effectively Deal With a Criminally Insane Psychopath

Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, passes by US President Barack Obama, left, as Chinese President Xi Jinping smiles, at right, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 in Beijing. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Presidential Press Service)
Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, passes by US President Barack Obama, left, as Chinese President Xi Jinping smiles, at right, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 in Beijing. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Presidential Press Service)

Russia Beware: There Is Only One Way to Effectively Deal With a Criminally Insane Psychopath

Why do Russia and China still dance with the criminally insane and psychopathic leadership of the West?

Because their culture and language are so different.  They really don’t know what they’re dealing with.



State of the Nation
There is no better historical analogue for the current war between the East and the West than the relationship between the Native American Indian tribes across America and their European/American conquerors.  What the Indians experienced was a never-ending and profound failure to understand that the suits in Washington were of a completely different ilk.  And that their culture and language equipped them to frequently SPEAK WITH FORKED TONGUE.
In a sense, the Russians in Moscow and Chinese in Beijing are representative of the Indigenous Peoples of both of their respective Motherlands.  More than ever it appears that grounded and centered leadership has taken up residence in both the Kremlin and Great Hall of the People.  However, the leadership of both Russia and China seems stuck in the past.  It’s as though they really think that they can reason with the psychopathic and criminally insane leaders who now populate the upper echelons of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA).[1]
An Abridged History Of The United States Psychopathocracy
At this very late date, what is it really that they don’t get?  Each successive administration in Washington, D.C. and London has shown themselves to be thoroughly duplicitous and fundamentally untrustworthy.  Why, then, do Putin and Jinping continue to dance with them in so many ways?
Special Note:
Anyone who has ever dealt with a cold-blooded psychopath ought to know straight up that there is ONLY ONE WAY TO DEAL WITH THEM.  YOU DON’T DEAL WITH THEM!  An incorrigible criminally insane psychopath only cares about itself.  There is no “other”. There is only the interest of the psychopath that matters deeply to them. Therefore, there is never any agreement or compromise or mutual understanding … about anything of consequence. Even when they present every indication that they will follow the terms and conditions of an agreed upon contract (signatures included), they will not.  Any apparent follow through is merely for show and deception.  Every move is meticulously calculated as only a psychopath can stunningly formulate.  Their every intention and initiative is oriented around them winning at all costs and never admitting defeat or weakness; unless, of course, it serves their self-serving goals and forever selfish ends.  The bottom line is that THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH A PSYCHOPATH—YOU DON’T!  If you do dance with them, they will either sweep you off your feet, or they will break both of your legs after they have broken both of your arms.  Yes, they are that dangerous and treacherous, devious and deadly.
Why then does Russian President Vladimir Putin continue to pay them any attention?
Why does China forever put up with so much American meddling and saber-rattling?
If ever there was a $64,000 question in 2016, this is it.

First Russia

Look it, Putin got caught flat-footed during the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014 while the AAA madmen staged a coup d’état in Kiev which kicked off a terribly destructive civil war throughout the Donbass.  Not only has the Russian economy been devastated by the subsequent illegal economic sanctions imposed by the White House, NATO has been empowered to literally take over the Intermarium.  Moscow is only a stone’s throw from Kiev; in fact, only a mere 275 miles from the Ukrainian border.
Russia’s Biggest Threat Is The Promethean Strategy: Can Putin keep the Intermarium in check?
President Putin also got blindsided by the Zio-Anglo-American-ISIS collaboration that stealthily took over the northern Levant.  In this regard his protracted period of inaction and very slow movement toward action in the face of a full-blown genocide led to Syria’s utter devastation as it did to much of northwestern Iraq’s takeover by the IS.  When he did show up with the Russian Air Force, the military campaign did arrest ISIL expansion as well as expose the flagrant collusion of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other major players of the AAA with the Daesh. Nevertheless, millions of innocent civilians were already displaced as hundreds of thousands were killed.  Cities and infrastructure were completely destroyed, while monuments were demolished and cultural heritage sites desecrated.

Next up—China

On the other side of the Eurasian continent China has been playing cat and mouse with the same psychopaths in Washington, London and Tel Aviv practically forever.  Their willingness to let CIA agents dress up as charity workers and Christian missionaries and travel unimpeded throughout the Chinese countryside is as foolish as it is befuddling. The Chinese leadership even permitted the CIA & Company to stage the transparently fake Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong back in 2014.  While it was not successful, it did allow the Zio-Anglo-American agents to further solidify their subversive networks all over the highly strategic (both political and economic) island.
Then there is the little matter of constant U.S. naval interference in the Spratly Islands dispute.  Here again, Beijing seems to be quite willing to allow a high level of American provocation instigated by both sea and air.  It’s obvious to the whole world that China has many weapons in its arsenal (especially financial and economic) by which to neutralize Western intrusion into their affairs.  One would think that the exceedingly destructive Opium Wars would have taught them an unforgettable lesson about the nefarious schemes forever being hatched by the AAA against Chinese sovereignty.

Vast Differences in Culture and language

Herein lies the real problem.  Just as the American Indian was clueless about how the white man could only speak with forked tongue, so too are the Chinese and Russians oriented the same way.  The forked tongue is simply a manifestation of the Reptilian brain which is so much more well developed in the Anglo-American bloodlines.  Such a lizard tongue once allowed them to protect themselves from foes both real and perceived. Apparently someone forgot to tell them that no one is going to eat them.  Therefore, there is no reason for them to continue to attempt to eat everyone and everything else in sight. Isn’t that the very nature of Anglo-American predatory capitalism?!
In terms of temperament and mindset, customs and traditions, the American Indian is much closer to the Chinese and Russian than they are to the Anglo-American.  Their cultures express much more reverence toward the land as they have more respect for each other.  Communist Russia only became a threat to the world after it was set up by the Western banksters who basically established a massive slave colony there.  They did the very same thing with Communist China.  Perhaps it’s time for the BRICS nations to master the ways of the AAA leadership, and to only deal with them when they are truly ready to bust them upside the head with a four-by-four.  That, by the way, is the only language that a criminally insane psychopath really understands.


Just like the American Indian chiefs were consistently and brutally deceived by their counterparts in Washington, so, too, are the Russians and Chinese.  After watching India being co-opted by American diplomacy, Brazil completely shut down by the CIA-coordinated political crisis and Zika virus bioweapon and South Africa paralyzed by the latest actionable charges against their prime minister, it ought to be obvious that the AAA criminally insane psychopaths will stop at nothing.  Undoubtedly, it’s all they know how to do but pursue their conquest with perpetual wars and genocides, diplomatic conflict and resource theft, as well as false flag bombings/shootings and strategic assassinations.
The American Indian never got it.  Not even when they were frog-marched off their ancestral lands and herded onto suicidal reservations did they get it.  After so many centuries of outright warmongering on their soil, one would think that the Russians and Chinese would issue the appropriate ultimatums to the AAA to cease and desist … … … and to stay the hell away from their respective motherlands for good.
But “No”, even after centuries of irreparable damage caused by the Great Game in Russia and the never-ending Opium Wars in China (they have only morphed into a different form), these two great powers still continue to dance with their Western ‘partners’.  Putin himself likes to refer to those AAA criminally insane psychopaths as his ‘partners’.  In so doing he unwittingly encourages them to work their mischief with awesome consequences. Perhaps his strong Christian faith has blinded him to the notion that: THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH A CRIMINALLY INSANE PSYCHOPATH—YOU DON’T!  
State of the Nation
May 8, 2016
Author’s Note
It’s only fair to point out that the American people, as do the British, address their leaders as though they are NOT criminally insane psychopaths.  Both citizenries are so addicted to deception that they have enabled and empowered their deluded politicians to literally destroy the world.  If the folks in the USA really knew what their leaders were all about, they would surround the White House and Capitol Building and run them out of town. So the real problem here starts with the U.S. citizenry and their dire lack of appropriate response.  The fate of the American Republic now hangs in the balance.
The American Republic Is In Grave Danger — ‘One minute to midnight’
Key Reference
For Russia & China, It’s “Accept American Hegemony” Or “Go To War”
[1]  Anglo-American Axis
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)
Editor’s Note
This essay is one of an 8-part series on Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the emergence of the BRICS Alliance, the decline of the Anglo-American Axis and the current cold phase of WWW3.
Part I — The Latest and Biggest Battle Between East and West Converges in the Ukraine
Part II — Locus Of Global Power Shifts From The West To The East
Part III — Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’ 
Part IV — Anglo-American Axis Wages Financial/Economic War Against Russia
Part V — WORLD WAR III: Anglo-American Axis vs. BRICS Alliance
Part VI — Putin’s Russia: Nemesis of the New World Order
Part VII —  The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order
2016 — A Critical Year! The American People Must Act NOW … Or Face The Consequences Of Electing Treasonous Leadership
NEOCON CABAL: A Stone-Cold Terrorist Cell Occupies The U.S. Federal Government

There is no Legitimate IRS

Paying Taxes is Voluntary

Wake Up, Please, and Tell Me— Are You A Puerto Rican? — by Anna von Reitz

Your birthright nationality is as an American State Citizen.  You are a Native of the state where you were born.  See Article IV, Section 2 of the Federal Constitution — “State Citizen”
Also see Government Printing Office Manual  (2000) at Section 5.22 and 5.23, page 93 (http:// www.gpoaccess. gov/stylemanual/2000/chapter txt-5.html) — “Natives of a State” and “State Nationals” [also sometimes called “Domestic Aliens” and “Non-resident Aliens” in Federal publications.]
Nationalities, etc.
5.22  The table on Demonyms (demon names) in Chapter 17 “Useful Tables”:
5.23  In designating the natives of the States the following forms will be used:
New Hampshirite
New Jerseyan
New Mexican
New Yorker
North Carolianian
North Dakotan
Rhode Islander
South Carolinian
South Dakotan
West Virginian
You are a living, breathing American and that means you are a Minnesotan, a Vermonter, a Texan—- not a “US citizen”.  
So what is a “US citizen”?   From the standpoint of the Federal Government, a “US citizen” is a citizen of “the territories and District of Columbia” —- and has been since 1864.  In that year, Congress passed an act changing the meaning of “state, States and United States” to mean “the territories and District of Columbia”.
Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383  “A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government…”
“Congress has exclusive legislative jurisdiction over citizens of Washington District of Columbia and through their plenary power nationally covers those citizens even when in one of the several states as though the district expands for the purpose of regulating its citizens wherever they go throughout the states in union.” (National Mutual Insurance Company of the District of Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Company, 337 U.S. 582, 93 L.ED. 1556 (1948). 
Federal civilian and military personnel are considered “US citizens” while so employed, political asylum seekers, African Americans (who were never granted State Citizenship), and welfare recipients as well as people born in Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, people from Guam, American Samoa, the American Virgin Islands, Washington, DC, etc., and—- flag this—–all corporations formed under US auspices, are considered “US citizens”.  
So—- are you a Puerto Rican?  Do you mean to function as a corporate franchisee of the United States, Inc. under Puerto Rican law?  No?  You don’t want to be “subject” to the “plenary power” of nutcases like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?  
So why are you claiming to be a “US citizen” of any kind?  Why are you “offering” to be a slave and chattel belonging to the UNITED STATES, INC. and to be subject to every whim of Congress, when you were lucky enough to be born in a state of the Union? 
Wake up!!!


 From a friend.       
A young 17 yr. old boy was shopping in St. Cloud, MN
 at a sports store, called Shields.                                                           
The cashier was a Muslim lady who was wearing her headscarf.  The 17 yr. old was wearing a necklace
 with a cross on it.
She told him he would have to put his cross under
his shirt because it offended her.                                                           
He told her he would not do that. Then he told her
 that he thought she should take her headscarf off.
She then called for the manager.
The manager came out & told the 17 yr. old to
put his cross under his shirt and everything would be fine.
The boy again refused to do so & at that point he left the items he had intended to purchase & walked out.
Several customers who had been in line behind him had heard the conversation & also left their carts full of items
 & walked out of the store!!
KUDOS TO THE 17 YR. OLD and the customers
in line behind him!!!
We all know we are in some very changing times, & given the same circumstances, I pray we would all have the courage this young lad had.
Our Bible class spent a few minutes talking about the challenge we are facing for our first amendment right of religious freedom.   
I have to wonder what's next? 

Will you hesitate to pass this on??  
be ready to defend your religious rights!!!
               God bless you, & God bless America!!!              

Dear Mr. Rothschild — Payment of Account and Contract Status — by Anna von Reitz

Dear Mr. Rothschild,
As you are aware we authorized payment of the entire UNITED STATES debt and have forwarded the paperwork to the Pope and to the Bank of International Settlements.
As you are also aware, much of that debt had nothing legitimate to do with us nor with our presumed service contract with the UNITED STATES.  We have been obliged to pay for “services” we didn’t order, and have not received services that we did stipulate, which is a problem that needs to be resolved by arbitration.  We have also been obliged to pay for services rendered to Third Parties absent any agreement ever signed by fiduciary deputies of ours. That also represents a problem requiring resolution and arbitration.
The services of your corporations, both the insolvent UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have long been rife with self-interest, disrespect for your clients, dishonest dealings, and in recent years, criminal racketeering in violation of the treaties and commercial contracts allowing the operation of these corporations and their personnel within the Continental United States.
We have already given  Due Notice that we do not anticipate any renewal of contract with the UNITED STATES nor with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, both of which have been criminally mismanaged in the past.  We object to any presumption by the UN Corporation or by the French Government in this matter and we are not deceived by the attempt to package the “Neu Republique” as any new American Republic.
Whatever governmental services THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA offers are merely commercial services for hire under the stipulations of the original Federal Constitution, without any implied obligation on our part to continue any relationship long term.
James Clinton Belcher
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
Postal Extension Code 99652
(907) 250-5087

Illusion of Choice

“Naturalized Citizenship”– For Mors — by Anna von Reitz

Every day I get letters from people who have come to America seeking peace and freedom. These immigrants have come — in many cases — from war-torn places, out of situations of poverty, threat, and fear.  They have come as all our forefathers did in search of freedom and it is with a heavy heart that I have to tell them that they have been cheated.
They have not been granted State Citizen status, because the lawful state governments were disrupted and never acted officially to grant it.  Instead, these immigrants and all  have only inherited “US citizenship”—- that is, they have been “claimed” as “citizens of the United States” merely “residing” here. 
The same profoundly limited status has been conferred on Native Americans, African Americans, and all those “corporate personas” created under the 14th Amendment of the Corporate Constitution and merely named after American State Nationals—are considered “citizens of the United States”.  So are federal employees and military personnel. 
What can I say?  This is what the rats in Washington, DC have done.  We have not yet organized ourselves to right the course of our ship of state sufficient to make the correction needed. That will take action by actual continental state legislatures and the convening of a “Continental Congress” —- as opposed to a “United States Congress”— for the first time in 150 years. 
Meantime, everyone who is considered “a citizen of the United States” and who cannot directly escape that political status, needs to support the efforts of the birthright American State Nationals to assert and maintain their “Natural and Unalienable Rights” because the “Equal Civil Rights” you are guaranteed depend on us retaining our birthright political status and our guaranteed Natural and Unalienable Rights.
In the days to come you will all have choices to make— and the most fundamental choice will be how you choose to live your life and what you dedicate your life to.  That choice will determine your fate and the fate of the world.  Will you dedicate your lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the proposition that all men are created equal?  Will you set your sights on freedom, not merely “liberty”?  Will you make care-taking your land and your families and your neighbors and your planet your priority—and your responsibility? 
You were given all your Natural and Unalienable Rights by your Creator the moment you were conceived and nobody and nothing has any right to ignore that fact, nor any claim upon you nor your assets—which includes your Natural and Unalienable Rights. 
It’s not given to the “government” of the United States to “recognize” or “not recognize” your Natural and Unalienable Rights, nor to maintain you “Equal Civil Rights” either.  In the final analysis, it is up to each one of us to stand our ground against the common evils of oppression and say with Daniel Webster and Patrick Henry in paraphrase — “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” 
This is a key concept for all people everywhere to grasp and hold onto: we must respect and defend the rights of all others in order to retain and enjoy those same rights ourselves. The moment we trespass upon the natural rights of others, we sow the seeds of the destruction of our own rights.  
Thus I call on every “Naturalized Citizen” to assert their “Equal Civil Rights” and to support our claim to our “Natural and Unalienable Rights” so that in days to come we may all stand together and fully and freely and finally admit that there are not classes of men based on color or creed or political associations, but one family of Mankind first and foremost and forevermore, all endowed by our Nature and our Creator with all the gifts that are uniquely ours.

Little Words — For Richard — by Anna von Reitz

Look at the original constitution —- what does it say?  “The Constitution for the united States of America“. See?  The word “united”was originally used as an adjective describing the “States of America” acting as a union of states.
States are political entities which are the possessions and agents of nations, which are also political entities, hence the use of the word “of”—- as in, for example, “Anne of Green Gables”.  “Anne” comes from “Green Gables”, but at the same time, “Green Gables” belongs to “Anne”—and her family.   
The “States of America” belong as members in the “perpetual union” created by The Articles of Confederation (1781), but they do not belong to the Union thus created.
We have to pay closer attention to all those “little words”—-! 
This discussion began with the difference between “Common Law Courts” and “Courts of Common Law”, in which I revealed the apparently astounding news that whenever you see the word “of” it indicates a secondary entity derived from or acting in behalf of something else, and in today’s world almost always indicates an incorporated legal fiction of some kind operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 
“Common Law Courts” = Land Jurisdiction = Ohio State
“Courts of Common Law” = Sea Jurisdiction = State(s) of Ohio

10-point list of "rights" Americans do not have

From a friend. Very good !!!!
Maybe this should be posted at the entrance to all jails, high schools, federal housing projects and court houses.  
Of course this is only wishful thinking. 
   10-point list of "rights" Americans do not have
The following has been attributed to Lewis Napper, a Jackson Mississippi, computer programmer.  He didn't expect his essay -- a tart 10-point list of "rights" Americans do not have -- to become an Internet legend.

'We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of Non-Rights.'

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth.  More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteed anything.

You do
n't have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion; but the world is full of dummies, and always will be.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you get the blue juice. 

You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to a job.  All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself a useful citizen.

You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you came from, English is our language. Learn it! 


You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in God. And you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, get comfortable with it. 
If you agree, share this with a friend.  You don't have to, and nothing tragic will befall you if you don't, but it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Sensible people of the United States must speak out, because if you don't the others will.