Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gov't Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans


ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov't Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans During Economic & Bank Collapse  


May 12, 2016


UPDATED TWICE: May 10  and May 12 (Bottom) After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, a US Customs Agent walked onto a pier in NYC and blew his brains out. 

Sources inside the New York City Police Department have revealed to SuperStation95 the contents of a suicide note found on the body and they are utterly frightening.
The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself:  
"The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government.  Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes" the note said.  "Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them.  To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals."

The 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer shot himself in the head with a 40 caliber service pistol at waterfront Chelsea park inside Pier 40 in Hudson River Park, New York,  Friday at around 11 am. (1)

A source at the scene described how the officer calmly walked into the park, took out his pistol and shot himself in the head.
The 42-year-old worked as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer and his offices were nearby to the scene of the shooting.
He was rushed to Lenox Hill Hospital but doctors were unable to save him. (2)
ICE released a statement Friday afternoon: 'Tragically, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer from the New York field office suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and has passed away.'

It added: 'The agency is not releasing further details pending notification of the officer's next of kin."

According to the suicide note, the Officer said:
"I was hired to enforce the law, to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws.  But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office.

Instead, I come to work each day and collect a paycheck twice a month for intentionally doing little to nothing.  I cannot and will not be party to this fraud, to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation" the note continued.
ICE's Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the matter and coordinating with the New York Police Department on the investigation.

The agent worked at a field office in lower Manhattan, just blocks away from the scene of the shooting. 


In the suicide note, the officer revealed what he claimed are terrifying plans the feds have been finalizing:
"If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.

We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for "practice" and to "get used to it."

We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn't have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors.  We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.

When the collapse takes place,  detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980's to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a "threat."  American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.

These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual "purge" of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for!  I cannot be party to this."
The  Note goes on to say talk about state-level national guard being disarmed by the feds (4) and over 1 billion rounds of ammunition purchased by the feds (5) and the Military over-deployed and being shrunk(6) :
"The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas, intentionally involved in foreign fights, and deliberately shrunk in size so they cannot be here or help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. 

This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war" the note says. 

"When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM's will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function.   
Anyone without cash will have no way to get any.  The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack.   
But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous.

With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.


Federal Prisoners to be GASSED TO DEATH


The note goes into a wide array of very specific plans and does so in extremely specific detail about what the feds are allegedly planning.  For instance, it talks about federal prisons:
"Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems.  When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down.  Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system.  All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught."
The note makes mention about Priests, Rabbis and Clerics from various religious denominations having been recruited and trained to quell resistance: (this is absolutely TRUE - I was put in a position to find this out personally)
"So intent is the government to succeed they have recruited priests, rabbis and clerics from various religions to quote appropriate Scriptures about "obeying government."  They are being trained to tell people not to fight back and that their best hope is to pray."


The suicide note goes to great lengths about Executive Order #13603 signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012.  The note details:
Executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy.  Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:
*  “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”
*  “All forms of energy”
*  “All forms of civil transportation”
*  “All usable water from all sources”
*  “Health resources –  drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”
Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)
Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”
SuperStation95 took a look at this Executive Order from the Government Printing Office (GPO) web site and, sure enough, everything contained in the Officer's suicide note about this Executive Order is true!

To be sure, much of this language has appeared in national security executive orders that previous presidents have issued periodically since the beginning of the Cold War. But more than previous national security executive orders, Obama’s 13603 seems to describe a potentially totalitarian regime obsessed with control over everything.

Obama’s executive order makes no effort to justify the destruction of liberty, no effort to explain how amassing totalitarian control would enable government to deal effectively with cyber sabotage, suicide bombings, chemical warfare, nuclear missiles or other possible threats. 

There’s nothing in executive order 13603 about upholding the Constitution or protecting civil liberties.

In what circumstances, one might ask, would a president try to carry out this audacious plan?

Executive order 13603 says with ominous ambiguity: during “the full spectrum of emergencies.”


The suicide note touches on the subject of "Preppers:"
"We in federal law enforcement have also been told that the government has a full database of all so-called "Preppers." Those people will be dealt with first -- by armed federal agents coming to take their guns, then their food stocks, so food can be re-distributed as the government sees fit." 
If the dead Officer's claims about an unavoidable economic and banking collapse are true, would it then follow that the Executive Order put in place by Obama might be activated?  Would all of us find ourselves in forced labor, while the government takes OUR food and re-distributes it under the Executive Order's paragraph about "allocating resources?" 

This is terrifying stuff!

There is much more to the suicide note and SuperStation95 is considering how much more to publish.  As such, this is a developing story and readers should check back for further updates.


It is not our intent to cause panic or alarm and, while we expect readers to be intelligent enough to discern this on their own, we feel compelled to point out that these could simply be paranoid ramblings of an insane person who killed himself.  
On the other hand, these could also be revelations by a person who was so distraught over the ugly truth, that he killed himself.  We at SuperStation95 just don't know.
We urge everyone to stay calm, think rationally, and decide whether or not to take any action to prepare in case this person's suicide note is telling the truth.
(1) ICE Agent Suicide in NYC:   NY Daily News
(2) Taken to Lenox Hill Hospital   NY Post  
(3) REX-84 FEMA CAMPS   Wikipedia
(4) National Guard being stripped of Crew-Serviceable Weapons and communications gear - Republic Broadcasting, John Stadmiller
(5)  Dept. of Homeland Security Orders 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition Forbes Magazine
(6)  US Army over-deployed and intentionally shrunk  ARMY TIMES
(7)  Clergy Recruited by Gov't to quell opposition   KSLA-TV Channel 12 
(8) Executive Order 13603   White House      US Government Printing Office

 UPDATE - MAY 10, 2016  10:00 PM EDT--

The web site has issued a declaration that our story is some sort of hoax, that we are somehow NOT a radio station and attributed the story - and this web site - to a former FBI National Security Intelligence Asset named Hal Turner, whom she smears as a "White Supremacist." 
This is not the first time has made accusations against us simply because we have been the exclusive source of politically-incorrect news.  And while we stand-by our stories in every regard, this barrage of attacks by is becoming libelous.
We address the accusations one at a time:

1) No aspect of our story above is a hoax.  What seems to take issue with is the existence and content of a suicide note which was revealed to us by the NYPD.  The  person from NYPD who gave us this information did so after trying to get two other New York Media outlets, (one TV, the other a newspaper) to publish the
story and was rebuked within minutes by media contacts who said aid "we won't touch this with a ten foot pole." The fact that the NYPD now claims "no note was found" does not surprise us at all; NYPD has very close ties with the feds and the feds have an intense interest in concealing or discrediting the information it contained.

2) According to the FCC Licensing Bureau, 95.1 FM in New York City is the HD-4 frequency for WNSH 94.7 FM as licensed  by the FCC as shown HERE

3) Our story was written by our News Room staff, not anyone named Hal Turner.

4) Mr. Turner was formerly a paying customer of this radio station from October 7, 2015 thru March 30, 2016.  He bought air time from us to air his personal radio show "The Hal Turner Show." Finances caused Mr. Turner to cancel his programming on our radio station and continue his show on WBCQ International Shortwave, where he is on the air live from

9-11 PM every Wednesday evening.  Mr. Turner's web site is: . He is welcome to return to our airwaves if his finances improve.

5) claims Mr. Turner is a "white supremacist."  In reality Mr. Turner worked for the FBI from 1993 - 2008, with his TOD as the Joint Terrorism Task Force from 2003-2008.  His job was to infiltrate white supremacist groups to thwart violent criminal acts by such persons.  This information came out when the
Obama Administration betrayed Mr. Turner in 2009 and arrested him for writing in 2009, what the government PAID HIM $3,000 TO SAY on DATELINE NBC and FOX NEWS CHANNEL just four years earlier in 2005!  
After three trials (two hung juries) Mr. Turner was Bankrupted by legal fees, was appointed a public defender, who threw the case, resulting in Mr. Turner's conviction.  For to smear Mr. Turner as a "White Supremacist" when federal court records show the exact opposite, is a prime example of the utterly shoddy research and reporting provided by
The criticism and outright falsehoods about this story, and others, have been written mostly by:
Ms. Kim A Lacapria, Age 37 (born Mar 20, 1979)
39 Cockonoe AVE
Babylon, NY 11702-1901
Those of you who are offended by this type of journalistic  misconduct, may wish to contact Ms. LaCapria in a peaceful, lawful, non-threatening and non-violent manner to complain about her shoddy journalism. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THIS IGNORANT PERSON and PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE do not make any threats or commit any intimidation.  None of us need that and it will only result in serious legal trouble.
Ms. La Capria can be reached at:   Tel.  (516) 422-7943     
                                                           (516) 422-7494  
and/or                                                  (631) 691-3415

If you prefer e-mail, you may contact Ms. LaCapria at 
You may be interested in knowing that at some point - and perhaps to this day -- Ms. LaCapria was employed by FACEBOOK with a contact telephone number (in the past) of: (650) 308-7300

In closing, we at SuperStation95 work very hard to get real news that the public can make use of.  We do not filter our news based upon political correctness.  We stand-by this story and all the stories we write and hope that you, the reader, can hear the "ring of truth" in our reporting, as we continue to uncover exclusive information and report the facts.  To that end, we have now "exposed" the journalistic writing of Ms. Kim LaCapria as "FALSE" and hope that Snopes enjoys a dose of its own medicine.  

Ms. LaCapria and others at SNOPES, put themselves out in the public domain and hurl criticism and accusations at us and many other fine people.  Since they put themselves out in the public domain, they are public figures who can be publicly criticized.  Our goal with this update is to achieve that.  Anyone else at SNOPES who performs similar acts against us can expect the same treatment.

 UPDATE - MAY 12, 2016  1:16 AM EDT--

Despite our clear rebuttal above, yet another "Journalist" chose to attack us and this story, repeating the misstatements by and adding some new outright falsehoods of their own!
In a article entitled "Right Wing Loon turns agents suicide into Conspiracy Hoax" writer Travis J. Gettys claims this story is a hoax that "essentially recycles last year’s “Jade Helm 15” conspiracy theory . . " and goes on to claim that:
  1. SuperStation95 ". . . is neither a radio station nor a news site, . . ."
  2. [This] website [is]" linked to white supremacist — and former Fox News regular —
  3.  Hal Turner"
  4. "Superstation95 is linked to neo-Nazi Hal Turner, who frequently appeared on
  5. Sean Hannity’s Fox News program"
  6. "begging Americans to “rise up” and overthrow the U.S. government before it’s
  7. too late."
With regard to item #1 above,  shown in our Rebuttal to the original hit-piece, the FCC Licensing Bureau shows the licensing of 95.1 FM and is linked above.
As to item #2, we made clear in our rebuttal to that Mr. Turner was merely a paying broadcaster who ended his 6 month relationship with SuperStation95 on March 31.

He does not own, operate or contribute to the content of this web site.  Moreover, repeats the same false, misleading and defamatory claims that Turner was/is a "white supremacist" when in fact, as shown above, Turner was with the FBI from 1993 thru 2008 and in his final 5 years, was with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) to infiltrate white supremacist groups to thwart acts of violence!    All this is proved by federal court records, yet Travis Gettys from Raw Story went ahead and ignored these facts nonetheless.

Speaking of court records, both and mention that the contact attorney for this website "is the same as Turner's criminal defense attorney." 
We wonder if it ever occurred to or to RAWSTORY that, as a media outlet, SuperStation95 was mortified that Turner was arrested and imprisoned for an editorial and, when he was wrongly convicted, that it was us who suggested Turner seek out OUR law firm because we knew they would help?  

SCHLAM, STONE & DOLAN is a very large law firm, with dozens of attorneys. 
The firm occupies three floors at 26 Broadway in New York City, the old "Standard Oil Building" in the heart of the financial district. They usually handle commercial litigation but took Turner's case because it was a dire affront to the rule of law and a direct attack
by government upon freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Even worse, RAWSTORY's writer, Travis Gettys went on to say, in item #3 above that Turner is a "neo-Nazi" then utterly fabricated a claim that Turner "frequently appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox New program."   This proved to be a flat-out falsehood.

One of the Editors here at SuperStation95, Christian Rivera, telephoned Hal Turner to inform him of these two "articles" and ask for Turner's response.  

"Never once, in my entire life, did I ever appear on Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel program" said Turner.  

In fact, the only appearance Turner ever made on Fox News Channel was on the program "At Large with Geraldo Rivera" and when he appeared on that program,
Turner did so with the direct approval of the FBI JTTF because it was part of an effort to uncover who murdered the family of federal Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow in Chicago, which had taken place just days before!

Video of Turner's appearance on FOX NEWS CHANNEL is available on Youtube from various uploaders such as this one:

"Folks who view the Youtube video need to understand that at the time, I was operating under deep cover for the national security of this country, in an active Murder investigation. What they are seeing is an intelligence operation by and for the FBI and the federal government" Turner said.  "All of this came out in federal court in 2009 and 2010, where that video was actually played for one of the three juries! For RAWSTORY to use my work with the FBI against me, is disgraceful" he went on.

With respect to Item #4, wherein RAWSTORY writer Travis Gettys claimed our story suggested the dead Agent's note was ". . ."begging Americans to “rise up” and overthrow the U.S. government before it’s too late." you need only scroll up to see it said nothing of the sort! The third Block Quote from the Agent's suicide note reports
his note as saying "If the American people knew what this  government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it."

Nowhere did the Agent -- or our story -- "beg the American people to rise up and overthrow the government before it's too late."  It simply isn't there, and for Travis Gettys to assert otherwise shows he's either lacking in reading comprehension, a retard, or a despicable twisted manipulator of the facts.  This is the beyond shoddy journalism on the part of Travis Gettys, in our view it is outright journalistic fraud.

If this is the type of half-assed reporting that routinely appears in articles, then they just shot their credibility straight to hell.  Knowing what our article actually said, and comparing it to what RAWSTORY reported, how can any rational
person believe anything RAWSTORY ever publishes?  They appear to make things up as they go along.

The outright falsehoods about this story, appearing in were written by: Travis J Gettys   Age 43 (born Feb 25, 1973)

Those of you who are offended by this type of journalistic misconduct, may wish to contact Mr. Gettys in a peaceful, lawful, non-threatening and non-violent manner to complain about  his shoddy journalism. 

Mr. Gettys can be reached at Phone Number  (859) 581-6713
If you prefer, you may elect to write to Mr. Gettys at his home located just outside Cincinnati at:
710 Maple AVE
Newport, KY 41071-2044

PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THIS IGNORANT PERSON and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not make any threats, commit any intimidation or break any law at all.  None of us need that and it will only result in serious legal trouble.

You may be interested in knowing that at some point - and perhaps to this day -- Mr. Gettys was employed by The Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper.  If he is still employed there, we would urge the  newspaper to make a very serious review of any news stories written by this person since his ability to check facts and accurately report
do not seem to exist!  In closing, we at SuperStation95 work very hard to get real news that the public can make use of.  We do not filter our news based upon political correctness. The fact that went to great lengths to attack us, and now a radical left-wing cesspool like has chosen to do the same, calls to mind the saying "Thou doth protest too much."  

This seems like an awful lot of media exposure and effort to unleash if, as these outlets claim, our facts are wrong.  Why such a strenuous response to something which is allegedly incorrect?  Perhaps, as you may be starting to see, our story IS correct.  The powers-that-be know it . . .  and they're now pulling out all the stops to cover it up.

Sorry folks, the cat's out of the bag and nothing you folks in government - or your henchmen in the mass-media - can do, will cover this up. We stand-by this story and all the stories we write and hope that you, the reader, can hear the "ring of truth" in our reporting, as we continue to uncover exclusive information and report the facts.  To that end, we have now "exposed" the journalistic writing of Mr Travis J. Gettys as "FALSE" and hope that RAWSTORY enjoys a dose of its own medicine.  

Mr. Gettys and others at, put themselves out in the public domain and hurl criticism and accusations at us and many other fine people.  Since they put themselves out in the public domain, they are public figures who can be publicly criticized.  Our goal with this update is to achieve that.  Anyone else at RAWSTORY who performs similar acts against us can expect the same treatment.

Since this story has become dated, we have decided to incorporate our and rebuttals seen above, into a new story for publication later today, May 12.  The politically-correct left wing is clearly on the warpath that certain government plans seem to have been exposed.  It thus seems best to bring this issue to the fore rather than let it go quietly into the night. The more they try to cover this up or discredit it, the more we will cover it.

Last modified on Thursday, 12 May 2016 01:49
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Concentration Camps For Americans

How would you like to enter one the over 600 American concentration camps across the USA? 

The barbed wired, shackle embedded camps have been built and are awaiting to enslave huge numbers of the population. Should a fitting event take place, current laws allow FEMA to legally incarcerate civilians into these camps.

The Federal Government admits plans to detain millions of people

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States federal government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national emergency. Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen periodically. Plans for roundups of persons in the United States in times of crisis are constructed during periods of increased political repression such as the Palmer Raids and the McCarthy Era. For example, from 1967 to 1971 the FBI kept a list of persons to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" list

U.S. Military Preparing for Martial Law against the American People!

Even before 9/11, the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down cities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps. Read for yourself.


Concentration Camps For Americans Word.Doc

Concentration Camps For Americans Word.Docx

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Dutchsinse : Craton edge earthquakes caused by new upwelling magma

5/03/2016 — Scientists say CRATON EDGE Earthquakes caused by new UPWELLING magma          from the ASTHENOSPHERE

Earth's mantel moving up and down like a yo yo


Researchers have compiled the first global set of observations of flow within the Earth’s mantle – the layer between the crust and the core – and found that it is moving much faster than has been predicted.

Although we’re talking about timescales that seem incredibly long to you or me, in geological terms, the Earth’s surface bobs up and down like a yo-yo.

Mark Hoggard
Researchers have compiled the first global set of observations of the movement of the Earth’s mantle, the 3000-kilometre-thick layer of hot silicate rocks between the crust and the core, and have found that it looks very different to predictions made by geologists over the past 30 years.

The team, from the University of Cambridge, used more than 2000 measurements taken from the world’s oceans in order to peer beneath the Earth’s crust and observe the chaotic nature of mantle flow, which forces the surface above it up and down. These movements have a huge influence on the way that the Earth looks today – the circulation causes the formation of mountains, volcanism and other seismic activity in locations that lie in the middle of tectonic plates, such as at Hawaii and in parts of the United States.

They found that the wave-like movements of the mantle are occurring at a rate that is an order of magnitude faster than had been previously predicted. The results, reported in the journal Nature Geoscience, have ramifications across many disciplines including the study of oceanic circulation and past climate change.
“Although we’re talking about timescales that seem incredibly long to you or me, in geological terms, the Earth’s surface bobs up and down like a yo-yo,” said Dr Mark Hoggard of Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences, the paper’s lead author. “Over a period of a million years, which is our standard unit of measurement, the movement of the mantle can cause the surface to move up and down by hundreds of metres.”

Besides geologists, the movement of the Earth’s mantle is of interest to the oil and gas sector, since these motions also affect the rate at which sediment is shifted around and hydrocarbons are generated.

Most of us are familiar with the concept of plate tectonics, where the movement of the rigid plates on which the continents sit creates earthquakes and volcanoes near their boundaries. The flow of the mantle acts in addition to these plate motions, as convection currents inside the mantle – similar to those at work in a pan of boiling water – push the surface up or down. 

For example, although the Hawaiian Islands lie in the middle of a tectonic plate, their volcanic activity is due not to the movement of the plates, but instead to the upward flow of the mantle beneath. “We’ve never been able to accurately measure these movements before – geologists have essentially had to guess what they look like,” said Hoggard. “Over the past three decades, scientists had predicted that the movements caused continental-scale features which moved very slowly, but that’s not the case.”

The inventory of more than 2000 spot observations was determined by analysing seismic surveys of the world’s oceans. By examining variations in the depth of the ocean floor, the researchers were able to construct a global database of the mantle’s movements.

They found that the mantle convects in a chaotic fashion, but with length scales on the order of 1000 kilometres, instead of the 10,000 kilometres that had been predicted. “These results will have wider reaching implications, such as how we map the circulation of the world’s oceans in the past, which are affected by how quickly the sea floor is moving up and down and blocking the path of water currents,” said Hoggard. “Considering that the surface is moving much faster than we had previously thought, it could also affect things like the stability of the ice caps and help us to understand past climate change.” 

M.J. Hoggard et al. ‘Global dynamic topography observations reveal limited influence of large-scale mantle flow.’ Nature Geoscience (2016). DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2709


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

AMERIGEDDON Official Trailer (2016) Action Movie HD

Beyond Scary, this is very upsetting but true.

Coming to the USA 
This video is most disturbing but...., one that everyone should see.  It is beyond scary.  And, if we don't get this election right, we WILL be facing the same fate right here in America as it has become increasingly obvious some of our iniquitous leaders have the same in mind for us.
​ Most of the leftist democrats want us to let in ALL THE REFUGEES.....Plus more and more Muslims
Be very careful how you vote, if you don't want the USA to look just like this video....
And don't forget to pray for God's protection.....

About "transportation" -- From the front lines

The further below commentary goes hand in glove with this video:
PFR - EP8: The "Con" of the Constitution
Sent: 5/11/2016 9:30:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: About "transportation" -- From the front lines
11 May A.D. 2016 [GMT]

This author has been blessed by having several path-finder clients ready, willing, and able to learn the details and apply them where it matters most -- in court.  It's bold to engage litigation; it's super-bold to do so pro se.  It takes the super-bold to blaze these particular paths, because we're curbing a system that has no intention of being curbed.

What does Pharaoh say when the people say, "Let me go!"?  He just laughs.  Well, he's not laughing so much these days.

The main correction this author has learned he's had to make is best illustrated by correcting this author's favorite analogy for "transportation."  The catch-all analogy for "transportation" has been that of the cabbie on his way home with this "Not for Hire" sign going.  Is he good for the speeding ticket?

In the "actual use" theory applied by this author from the beginning, the answer to that question is No.  "Vehicle" is defined by language that looks to "actual use."  Algebraically, where there's no "transportation," there's no "vehicle," thus also no "motor vehicle," no "driving," and no "operating."  All of these terms of semantics depend directly on "transportation."

This "actual use" perspective seemed to be 100% confirmed by the relatively recent Lozman ruling.  In fact, in the Lozman ruling, the Supreme Court launched "coulda, shoulda, woulda" directly into the sun.  There's none of this "coulda, shoulda, woulda" been used for "transportation" purposes.  Either the "actual use" was that of "transportation," or it wasn't.  In Lozman's case, it wasn't.  There was no "actual use" of his floating house for "transportation" purposes.

In application of the "actual use" perspective, we were getting a substantially high success rate, but it wasn't 100%.  And, that's a problem.  If it's not 100%, then there's another fact to be marshaled to have the law apply and produce a pro-defense ruling.  One appellate court opted to corrupt the definition of "transportation," so that it purports to include "travel," despite statutes in that same state that very specifically distinguish between 'transportation" and "travel."  An appellate court in a different STATE opted to corrupt its traditional method of calculating when the judgment is "final" for purposes of the time period by which to initiate the appeal.  In other words, rather that address the semantics and the reality, they've opted to corrupt the language of law.

Welcome to our present legal reality.  The "law" is not intended to be clear but rather to be obfuscated.  The more obfuscation, the better.  "Babylon," as in "babble on," has everything to do, definitionally, with "confusion."

Back to the top with a clean slate, applying the reality one more time, we know that "transportation" regulations apply under only two circumstances: (1) one is actually engaged in "transportation," i.e., removing someone or something from one place to another for hire (which hire is recognized in "this state," i.e., "funny money" or "dollars"); or (2) one has agreed commercially to be regulated as if one were actually engaged in "transportation." 

In all the application matters, we've not only proved "not in transportation" but also "no consent" from the time of the stop forward, and there are some beautiful trial Records proving both "not in transportation" and "no consent."  Where those few cases that were not dismissed were subjected to the crucible of trial, and where the appellate courts confirmed the "civil" nature of these "transportation" matters but provided no relief, there was only one option remaining:  the necessary commercial consent pre-dated the "transportation" stop.

We've known from the beginning that the cars with tags are owned "in trust" to the benefit of the relevant STATE agency.  In TEXAS, that agency has changed a couple of times, and it's now the Department of Motor Vehicles.  Each STATE has its own Department and Division/etc. that issues the "Certificates of Title."  The long and the short is that what this system is using as the act of "commercial consent" that pre-dates the stop is that threshold ownership scam by which the title of the car is split (put into trust, splitting the "legal" and the "equitable" titles, which is the entire point and purpose of a trust, namely the split the title).

The confirmation comes in the Lozman ruling.  How could we possibly have applied Lozman so completely and yet continue to run into an apparent anti-Lozman barrier?

A curiosity in that ruling is the Court's recitation of the case style in the trial court.  It's not "CITY OF RIVIERA BEACH v. M/V 'SUCH AND SUCH.'"  Instead, it's "CITY OF RIVIERA BEACH v. (a multi-word description of Lozman's floating house)."  How many times was that case style read, and how many times did the significance of it not scream from the page (audibly)?

What this case style is teaching us is that Lozman never put his floating house into trust for the benefit of some STATE or national agency or other.  He never "registered" it as a "marine vessel."  Thanks to some expert research assistance into the background on that floating house, we learned that the floating house was built from scratch.  Thus, there was never a "title" document to be put into trust by some "be a good Prussian and do as you're told" process.  In the analogy of the car, there was no MSO to be send to this or that STATE agency so that the (mere) "Certificate of Title" could be returned to the owner/purchaser.

Thus, yes, if we want to build our own cars from scratch, we'd avoid these "transportation" racket/scam entanglements.

Is there a solution if we happen already to have fallen into the system-wide scam set up to be used against us.  Sure.

What is it?  In general, it's the mechanism by which those threshold trust interests are "merged" back into a full title.

Since litigation may be involved in the final resolution of these (types of) matters, this author is still reluctant to get into many more details.  It's still the situation that whether through ignorance or agents provocateur, that which "works" is very subject to intellectual corruption so as to be made to appear not to "work."

There's one particular matter that already bears out this perspective, that the "commercial consent" being used against us starts at the time we buy the car.  Two tickets, almost a year apart.  One trial/appeal/review matter is pending before the high court of that STATE; one matter is still in trial.  The one matter still in trial has recently been dismissed.  Each of these involve the same car, and what's been established in the review phase of that first matter is the effective termination of the trust.

For STATE to have standing, STATE has to prove that there's a viable "case or controversy" at all phases of the dispute.  Thus, where we prove, even in the review phase, that there is no continuing "case or controversy," then the matter should be vacated or dismissed as moot.   If no continuing trust, then no continuing "case or controversy."

The trial matter, the second of the two, involving that same car is the trial matter recently dismissed.  We're presently awaiting results from the high court regarding that first matter.

Key, then, about "transportation" matters, is this.  There are two and only two ways for anyone to bring himself/herself within the "transportation" enforcement scheme: (1) engage in "transportation," by getting paid, in "dollars," for removing someone or something from one place to another or (2) agree to be so regulated.  And, key about that agreement is that it doesn't happen at the time of the stop but rather at the time the car is purchased, where that purchase doesn't involve the transfer of "full title."  If it's a new car purchase, and if what the new owner gets is a "Certificate of Title," then, Congratulations to that new owner, they've just "volunteered" into the "transportation" regulatory scheme.  If it's a used car, and if what the new owner gets is a "Certificate of Title," then, Congratulations, they, too, have just volunteered into the "transportation" regulatory scheme.

Is there a way to end those trusts?  Yes.  Of course there is.  One agreement to get into trouble; another (agreement or act) to get back out.  Again, that process will depend on each STATE's statutes relevant to this, and each STATE may have a different agency (many have a similarly-titled agency) with which to engage the discussion.  Since litigation is likely involved, it's a matter that requires more than just a conceptual understanding to bring about the end result.

And, as we open this gate, such that it'll never be closed, again, we can expect some changes in how the STATEs "respond" to as to slow down our assertion of our "right not to contract" so as to regain some measure of distance between ourselves and this "Beast" system.  What we need to do "today" may not be the same as what we'll need to do "tomorrow."

All that in mind, yes, we're at the solution-level of this matter.  And, it may be that we've got plenty more litigation ahead to overcome what may be a deliberate absence in training of the front-line law-enforcement officers tasked with implementing this part of the bankers' games being played to our disadvantage.

Pharaoh isn't laughing so much anymore.  But, neither is he just rolling over, yet.  It's a study, and it's a debate, and those interested in getting loose from the "transportation" enforcement mechanism may certainly do so, where they're ready, willing, and able to learn the concepts necessary to accomplish that task.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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It was only a matter of time -- AL Chief Justice Moore suspended

11 May A.D. 2016 [GMT]

MOORE may actually and sincerely still believe there's a "constitution."  From experience, this lawyer can state quite confidently that it's fair to characterize such position/argument as (1) frivolous, (2) without merit, (3) of no authority, and (4) ludicrous.

The national legislature has "taken over" the issue of "marriage," which is possible, because a "licensed" "marriage" is a commercial relationship, and where the "choice of law" is related to the "funny money," it's 100% within the scope of the national legislature to regulate.  They did, and they tried to write out the notion of homosexuality, and the bankers' policy, which is an implementation of the bankers' population reduction programme, compels recognition of homosexual "marriages."

We left Scripture behind at light speed circa 1965, when we abandoned God's system of honest weights and measures and opted for the bankers' "funny money," instead.  How empty are the messages from the pulpit where neither MOORE nor any of his national congregation of followers recognizes these simple facts?

If the authorities in ALABAMA yank his bar card, then he'll be ineligible for any judicial office.  To keep his position, he needs promptly to repent of his defiance of his twice-sworn oath of office to support and to start defending this "Beast" system, to which he's sworn at least two oaths ("license" and office) and get with the "Beast" system's programmes.  Otherwise, he needs to do what at least one lawyer we know of has done and resign the "license" by which he obligates himself to support and defend the "Beast" system.

Choose ye this day is not a light activity.  He purports to stand with God while taking oaths to support and defend the "Beast."  It's a materially confused position, and that's just to say that he's in wonderful company.  He's a STATE's high court Chief Justice, and he doesn't "get it," yet.  So, what is the reality about expecting lawyers to "get it," much less non-lawyers?   Since the system burdens us to understand our present legal reality, we just have to learn it.  And, when the student is ready, the Teacher appears.  MOORE and his throng of supporters are just not ready, yet.  What cost?  Time will surely tell.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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Federal Government Can Hack

Obama: "'Federal Government' Can Hack Into Anyone’s Personal Computers, Phones, Whenever it Wants"

Rise Of The Militia

Rise  Of  The  Militia

Published on May 10, 2016
Lessons have been learned by people who have suffered under the illegal, tyrannical actions of the federal bureaucracy in Oregon. We look at how mainstream media reports the rise of a viable political resistance at the local level and how they try to create fear in the urban population using SPLC labels and talking points.