Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Stand Up for Religious Freedom RallyWorshipping Religious Liberty: SBC Joins Mosque Building Effort

Southern Baptists, through their Ethics And Religious Liberty Commission and their International Mission Board, have joined hands with Muslims and others to help build a mosque. But they have to.  It’s inevitable when you hold closely to the tenets of American Christianity.

While Muslims across world want to see the demise of America and Israel, the SBC’s ERLC and IMB have joined in with the likes of the Center for Islam and Religious Freedom, the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness, the Sikh Coalition, and other unlikely allies to support building a mosque.  According to The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty (An organization in which Russell Moore is on the Board of Directors) over 20 “interfaith” groups have united to push forward the agenda of the god of religious liberty in support of the mosque.

The specifics of the case itself are described in the March 10 article in the New York Times, Muslims Sue Over Denial To Build A Mosque in New Jersey.  The New Jersey township of Bernards, a suburb about an hour from Manhattan, has denied an application for a mosque to be built in their town.  The two SBC agencies have joined in the legal brief supporting the Muslims because of the religious liberty implications of the case.

For those who merely worship Americanism – with no regard for any God – the notion voiced by an opponent of the New Jersey mosque is likely amenable, stating that Islam and its Shariah law is “one of the greatest threats to American values and liberties.”  How can a mosque be allowed merely an hour away from where Islamists perpetrated the greatest act of terrorism on American soil?

However, for one driven by the theology of “American Christianity,” the prevalent flavor of faith within evangelical pews, especially Southern Baptist ones, mosque building becomes, perhaps, a “love your neighbor” issue.  When you define your faith by your nation, and that nation inherently defends “freedom,” the American Christian must abide by the demands of tolerance implicit within the framework of the Constitutional Republic.  But freedom, unrestrained, leads rapidly to corruption, destruction, and civil anarchy.

Indeed, American Christianity, as exhibited here by two SBC agencies, must worship the idol of religious freedom. Southern Baptists, led by Russell Moore and the ERLC, are increasingly vocal evangelists for this god, and they do it without clear Scriptural compulsion.  The compulsion they presume comes from the implied notion that America is particular to God, chosen by God, favored by God.  But, again, this notion glaringly lacks Scriptural credence.

It is the necessary worship of the god of religious liberty that compels Moore and the ERLC to be regularly out front chanting the mantra of a god not found in Scripture. From aligning with Muslims in the mosque lawsuit to standing with Catholics over Obamacare abortion mandates, the hypocrisy of failing to stand firm with any and all in the protection and propagation of this fundamental tenet would be tantamount to engaging in harlotry.

The Baptist Press, on May 25, reported on the latest interfaith consortium led by the ERLC.  All Need Religious Liberty, Baptist, Others Contend highlights the latest multi-faith panel assembled by Moore to promote religious liberty in America.  Moore is quoted stating that religious liberty “is about having the freedom and the opportunity to be genuinely different, to be able to genuinely respect one another and be able to have disagreements with one another, including about the issues that we believe are of ultimate, ultimate significance, while at the same time saying, “These are not matters of coercion, and we do not need a government referee to come and settle those issues.”

Looked at in light of American Christianity, it seems incumbent that Christians vigorously defend religious liberty.  After all, they may shut us down if we don’t.  On the other hand, Moore and others look to the government for the very thing they bemoan – interference that demands protection but not authoritarian coercion.  But looking to government, rather than God, for protection seems a woefully unfaithful form of obedience, does it not?  Is our God not faithful should persecution come our way?

While it is unsurprising that the ERLC would join hands with the world – the agency does that zealously – it does come as a surprise that the SBC’s IMB, under David Platt, would find a motive to add its moniker to the legal battle.  Are they hoping that such a stance might be a “scratch my back” example of co-existence that might be reciprocated elsewhere in the world?  Do we have some denominational plans for a church plant in Mecca?  While that would be tremendous, the fact remains that the Saudis do not entertain the worship of this particular idol.

Herein lies a critical issue when your flavor of faith is first “American” and then “Christian.”  The Word of God nowhere offers such a contracted definition of faith. While some may claim “Christianity” is the priority – as surely the ERLC and IMB would – it is their behavior that reveals the truth.  “American” takes precedence.
Proclaiming “there is no other name under heaven by which men may be saved” seems uncannily hollow when you’ve just joined hands to help build a Christ-denying mosque. Once again, Christianity becomes just another flavor of religion to an onlooking world and our witness as Southern Baptists diluted by our religious liberty defenses.

If your faith isn’t viewed through the lens of God’s sovereignty or His faithfulness and is seen instead through the lens of theologically-aberrant “American Christianity,” it is of little comfort that God is with you always.  What seems, rather, substantially more important is that the god of religious liberty is with you always.  And that god demands defense for itself at all costs with whoever is willing to battle alongside for it.  Indeed, the first commandment is supplanted in “American” Christianity, it seems, by one more akin to “you shall have no other gods before me, except the god of religious liberty.”

We have been supremely blessed in America to have been founded on principles drawn from Scripture.  But those principles, in themselves, do not make us an intrinsically “Christian” nation.  By strict definition, we have never been a “Christian” nation, but rather we have, for a blessedly brief tenure, been a nation of Christians.  We once were Christians first, and Americans second.  It wasn’t a subtle distinction, but an intentional one.  It’s one we seem to have lost since now we worship religious liberty, rather than the God who is with us always  … regardless.

Should Christians stand and fight for religious liberty?  Of course.  Absolutely. We should not forsake a vigilant fight to maintain fundamental American freedoms.  But, as Christians first, should we not be intentionally cautious as to how and with whom we defend them? Scriptural commands for us to be separate from the world are thoroughly ignored by the SBC in pursuit of a right that, while certainly expected in America, is unessential to our faith. I’m not too comfortable knowing a portion of my tithes went to help argue a legal case for the construction of a mosque.  What is the price of our witness, our faithfulness, and our trust in God’s sovereignty as we usurp His commands by our worldly alliances pleading for legislated freedom?

We should be cautious about how we align with this god of religious liberty because it is nothing less than the current “spirit of the world,” the one beckoning for tolerance and co-existence.  If you’re an American only, you likely find that acceptable.  But if you’re a Christian first, you might find yourself Biblically bristling at the notion of co-existence.  Indeed, you should.

How long is the leap from governmentally legislated religious liberty to authoritarian-induced tolerance for anyone and anything, regardless how bizarre, ungodly, or vile?  When will a transgender bathroom be dictated for your sanctuary’s foyer?  Religious liberty is not that dissimilar, you see, from personal liberty, in the tenets of Americanism.

Should we not be overly cautious with our alliances when lurking around the next corner may be a stronger, more powerful personal liberty lobby that, beseeching the government for its protection too, may one day dictate distinctly unpalatable expectations on the church?  Can we be certain that having our cake of mandated religious liberty might not later mean we may be forced to eat a slice of legislated personal liberty blasphemy? Does it not seem likely that gay marriage ceremonies, transgender bathrooms, and the like, as protected personal freedoms, forcefully find their legislated ways into the church?

The church is called to be separate from the world, not to join in building temples to its pagan gods.  But in the name of religious liberty the SBC stands united with pagans for the construction of a mosque.  How long before, perhaps, it is equally required to stand for the building of an abortuary in the name of defending personal “liberty?”  Would never happen, you say?  How long ago would you have denied the possibility of your tithes and offerings going to an SBC agency that would use them to stand in support of mosque building?

Religious liberty, for all the wonderful blessings it has bestowed in America, can quickly become a favored tool of a definite, destructive, God-hating enemy.  Is it necessary for us to stand with evil to build their temples in order to protect ourselves?  Must we stand with pagans pleading for legislated safety, unsure that God will actually be faithful?

Sometimes God blesses us, and increases His glory, by taking things away and allowing persecution to come.  It worked for that early, first Jerusalem church when persecution intensified the spread of the Gospel.  It worked again in the 16th century when the Reformation exploded God’s Word across the world.

We ought to pray it works again because the god of religious liberty doesn’t play favorites – it will eventually slay all comers by granting unfettered “freedom” while Truth goes ignored, un-worshipped, and increasingly unknown.  When our assurance is based on legislated tolerance in our favor, we must recognize the double-edged sword of tolerance slices not only along lines of religious liberty but also along personal liberty lines too. Trusting government for religious liberty seems rather culturally hypocritical when they come to change the bathroom signs in our churches in the name of personal liberty.

Is religious liberty perhaps just another mask of the enemy as he whispers appealingly for us to co-exist?   When do we determine “what fellowship has light with darkness?”  (2 Corinthians 6:14)  Freedom, unrestrained, rapidly becomes enslavement.  The world under Romans 1 judgment thinks it is free to do as it wills, unaware that very freedom leads to God’s full and final, wrathful justice.  Rather than standing for unfettered freedom with no regard for the embrace of a pagan world it seems to necessitate, at least for the SBC, should we not, instead, stand in obedience to the Truth that truly sets us free?  (John 8:31-32)

Let us continue to stand for religious liberty in America.  But let us stand first on our firm convictions that our alliance with God is paramount, that He will accomplish His ends without the necessity of our alliances with evil.  “Come out from among them.” (2 Corinthians 6:17)

There just may come a day, delivered to us via the god of religious liberty, and its close cousin of personal liberty – though under the certain, absolute, providential, sovereign permissive will of the true God – when we will be faced with an opportunity to echo Joshua’s words.  It might be best if we committed to it now …

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

It’s worth thinking about …

 Protest in downtown Chicago on 7/20/14


How evil is Hillary and Bill Clinton

How Evil is Hillary and Bill Clinton?
If you love America, PLEASE SHARE!
Published on Jun 12, 2016
Writer of "Clinton Cash" Peter Schweizer on concerns of potential corruption by the Clintons tells how he wrote the book on Hillary and Bill. Great in depth documentary. After watching this, it makes sense why all those emails were hidden. Please share this to everyone you know. This guy has done all the work for the FBI. These people should be in jail. No doubt about it. INFORM your friends let everyone know about this.

20 to Nothing on Foreclosures - All Wins for Our Side

The Living Law Firm: 20 to Nothing on Foreclosures Tonight--- All Wins for Our Side

by Anna Von Reitz 
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I want to make a name change from The People's Law Firm --- which though correct, sounds a bit like Mainland China --- to The Living Law Firm, because what we are doing is for living people.
Yes, you read the headline right.  Twenty homes have been saved, in a row, out of twenty million,  without a single loss.  I think that twenty straight wins says something important---- it says that we have it nailed. We have the fraud figured out.  We have the facts. We have the process.   And we are busting case after case---- but for this to really matter, more lawyers have to take the plunge to come walk the walk as a Private Attorney General, more paralegals have to be trained and it has to happen now.

It is of paramount importance that American homes and ranches and businesses be saved, that American families not suffer eviction, and that this scourge of lawless fraud by the banks be ended.   

We CAN stop current foreclosures in their tracks and return millions of homes that have been unlawfully foreclosed and seized back to their owners.  We can do this not just some of the time, but all of the time, not just for the lucky few and the wealthy and the famous----but for Mom and Pop, too. 

Standing here today I know full well that twenty wins is just a drop in the bucket. It's not even a scratch on the surface of the biggest real estate fraud swindle and betrayal of trust in history------but I also know that the Truth has been loosed, and when what is True comes, what is False must pass away.  

The crack in the dam of the monolithic foreclosure fraud is here. 

We know that this announcement will bring on a flood of urgent pleas for help and we have to admit that we don't even BEGIN to have the manpower and resources to answer the need at this time so we ask that all of those battling foreclosures bear with us.  We are continuing to move forward as quickly as we can on as many fronts as possible. For lack of a better way to proceed, we may establish a "Client Lottery" for now, and just draw names out of a hat to determine which foreclosure clients The Living Law Firm represents. 

The seed money people have sent and are sending is allowing us to get on our feet and keeping the "boys in the field" supplied with paper and ink and filing fees and beans and rice. No doubt by Wall Street standards this homegrown law firm is just a gritty little low-brow bunch of scrappers----- but as of tonight, it's scrappers who have gone toe to toe twenty times in a row, and carried off the prize. 

Despite all the nay-sayers, we must have something right.  
Added by the editor:
Support the team.  Get behind The Living Law Firm ---the only law firm on this planet that really, truly has your back and is pushing for broad spectrum remedy for you and yours.  

The PayPal account for this is: avannavon@gmail.com

The Only Living Law Firm in the United States

Question and Answer

The Only Living Law Firm
in the United States

by Anna Von Reitz 
Sunday, June 19, 2016
1. I just deleted 43,000 emails.  I have also been inundated with calls.  Please, unless you have something that applies to the Big Picture, leave me alone and let me work. I am up to my ears in vexatious international claims and banking issues trying to recoup and deploy American assets.  I do not have time to sneeze, and I cannot get involved in individual law suits.    

2. I have 390 million Americans who are in deep Kim Chee, all of them wanting answers and remedies for everything from tax issues to unlawful arrests to foreclosures to correcting their political status.  If there were any simple 1,2,3  and One-Size-Fits-All answers we would have published the recipe already.  It's not that we are stupid and just need someone to suggest it, okay?  

So far the kind of solutions that average people can easily apply by themselves have been few and far between.  

You can all expatriate.  You can all demand proof that you and your parents and grandparents ever knowingly and willfully accepted "United States" citizenship of any kind and that you complied with the Naturalization Act.  You can collect your records--- Birth Certificates and geneology.  You can get the Birth Certificates authenticated for use in a Non-Hague convention country such as Taiwan and Indonesia.  You can collect witnessed Affidavits from friends and family who have known you for a period of years who can attest that you were born in such and such place to such and such parents.  You can know for sure that being a "citizen" makes you a subject of the government, while being an American State National--- a Virginian, Ohioan, etc., makes you the master of the government.  

3. We have done successful probate actions to clear estates and reclaim property, but every state is different and has different procedures and rules and the process is not simple, so that it requires attorneys and the only attorneys who can do this work are non-Bar attorneys, who are in very, VERY short supply.  Paralegals can be trained to help people do this process, but that requires staff time and resources, too. 

4.  We have researched the MERS and other fraud systems and patent and trademark ruses being used by the banks to create secondary "loans on top of loans" associated with every mortgage in America---- obtained under conditions of deceit and fraud and used to foreclose on homes and businesses.  This is major league international fraud that needs to be addressed via class action law suits in Admiralty using Article X powers of the states of America against the federal corporations responsible.  This requires expertise at a high level and money to support the researchers and lawyers and paralegals. 

5. We have done highly successful habeas corpus actions and released people from federal prisons, but again, every case is unique and it has to be pursued one-by-one----and though much of the work can be done by family members, it has to be directed by someone who knows how to do this---- a paralegal, for example, who can assist.  Those people have to be trained and they have to be paid. 

6. Time and time again, I hear the whine--- "But what do I get out of it?"  Does it make sense to everyone that you are not existing on a desert island and that what happens to the mass of people happens to you, too?

If hundreds of millions of Americans and Canadians and Brits and Aussies and Europeans are picked clean and defrauded by these banks, you think that doesn't affect you and your business?  What does it mean to you to learn that "your mortgage" has already been paid off? Was in fact paid off at the closing table?  And that there was never any loan involved?   What does it mean to know that you have a false title on your property, so that you will never actually own it, even after you are done paying off that mortgage?  What does it mean to know that these banks are using your signature to counterfeit credit "in your name" without your knowledge or permission?  What does it mean that they are exercising trademarks and patents as a means to commit vast, wide-ranging fraud against you and your country?   Think that you and yours won't be affected by that, so that I need to explain more about why you should support the work of those lawyers that ARE throwing away their rice bowls to defend the people of this country? 

7.  How about the millions of Americans being used for slave labor in the Prisons for Profit scheme?  How much do you think their labor is worth?  And how much do you think you are paying to keep those people incarcerated?  Millions of Americans are in jail who have committed no crime according to the Public Law, and yet, they are being mischaracterized and living in the federal gulag system for no reason and you are paying up the wazoo for this "service"?  Hello?  What do you get out of seeing your brothers and sisters home and with their families and working in the private sector?  What do you get out of not having to pay these goons to keep people under unlawful arrest?  How does it benefit you and yours to see this ugly, criminal fraud scheme put down for good, so that it is no longer around to be a threat to you and yours? 

8. How about the billions upon billions of dollars collected every year from Americans as "federal income tax"---- when in fact, the vast majority of you don't owe any such tax at all? 
How would it benefit you and your family to tell the IRS to go blow?  And no longer have to lay in bed at night in fear and terror of these godless bill collectors intent on extorting the value of your labor from you? 

9. How would it feel to take back America from the Big Box Stores and restore mainstreet?  How would it feel to force Monsanto to act responsibly?  End chem-trails?  End forced vaccinations?  End "government" encroachment on your life and property?  

10. In the UN and at the World Court, the rat scumbags responsible for all the miseries enumerated above are trying to say that you no longer exist, that you agreed to all this, that you are all nicely corralled and ready for "slaughter" and that the Republic no longer lives.  They say that you are all good liitle "United States Citizens" and that you no longer run your own government and have no "Natural and Unalienable Rights"----- according to the treasonous vermin inhabiting the Beltway, you are just human "chattel" backing their debts, subject to their whims, "voluntarily" submitting yourself to be a "United States Citizen" and "voluntarily" using their funky I.O.U.'s in place of money, "voluntarily" putting up with all this fraud and extortion and crime against you and your property.  

What is it worth to you to effectively tell the UN and the World Court that all that simply isn't true and never was true and is all a bunch of self-interested hokum being promoted by agents of the British and French Governments and their banks, operating under conditions of deceit and fraud and breach of trust?   That you are very much alive and owed a LOT of consideration from all those who are otherwise pretending to be your creditors, but who are in fact your debtors?

What's in for you?  Your freedom or your enslavement.  You choose.  Does the government serve you, or do you serve it?  You choose.  

I have assembled the best team anyone could ask for and everyone on that team is working hard to bring forth the badly needed answers and remedies to address these issues and more, but if you want a better world--- it's up to you to get on your hind legs and push for it now.  

But HOW?  

Support the team.  Get behind The Law Firm ---the only law firm on this planet that really, truly has your back and is pushing for broad spectrum remedy for you and yours.  

The PayPal account for this is: avannavon@gmail.com

(Note from the editor:  Use the above email address from inside your own PayPal account by clicking on tools at the top, and in the drop down menu click on Send Money.  Then enter the amount you want to send, and enter the above email address. You can also write a short note if you like stating what it is to be used for. If you don't send a note your donation will be used for the People's Law Firm effort.  This goes directly to Anna.)

The thanks you get is in the form of:  (1) first notification as the remedies and class actions come down the pike; (2) generally increasing access to non-Bar attorney lawyers and American Common Law; (3) assistance reorganizing your government on the land so it is no longer confused with corporate "service" organizations; (4) representation internationally, so that the rats can no longer pretend to "speak for" you and sell you down the river at the same time.  

And lest anyone be confused--- this is very TEMPORARY need.  We are well on our way to not only being self-supporting, but also being able to fund many actions without donations. This is a one-time-only plea for seed money help to get the pump primed. 

Also, if you would like to give and get at the same time, you can always support the effort by buying copies of "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" and distributing it to friends, family, and bureaucrats.  This helps educate people about the problem and generates funding that is reapplied to the work before us. 
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.   


Why Do We Need a Totally Different Kind of Law Firm

Why Do We Need a Totally Different Kind of Law Firm --- And Why NOW?

by Anna Von Reitz
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Here's some good reasons for you all:

1. Millions of Americans are incarcerated in federal prisons and "federated state" prisons, even though they haven't violated any Public Law.  They are being cashiered --literally-- under pernicious and known false presumption that they are "United States Citizens" and obligated to obey the various statutory laws, when in fact they are not citizens and provably never have been.  These millions of Americans are being used as slave labor in these prisons, paid $0.25 an hour in many cases, and then the rest of us are being charged up the wazoo to keep them in these prisons.  This is the reason that America, with roughly five percent of the world's population has 25% of the world's prisoners.

These Euro Scum bankers are making money off of us and that's the only reason for this bizarre statistical aberration.

Most of these Americans are being held against their will and exploited like this even though they haven't harmed anyone or anything.  They have refused to pay taxes that in fact they do not owe.  They have had the temerity to grow crops and to smoke substances that they are in fact free to grow and to smoke.  They have been arrested and detained for things like driving without a license, when in fact, they are not under any obligation to have a license to travel anywhere they want to go. They have been arrested for debts and thrown in the equivalent of Debtor's Prison long after such institutions have been outlawed.
Our one of a kind People's Law Firm has pioneered a Writ of Habeas Corpus that works 100% of the time to return non-violent American prisoners home to their families.  With your support, literally millions of people can be freed from the oppressive so-called "prison industries" without further ado and the organizations promoting this abuse can be shut down permanently.  

2.  Millions of Americans have lost their homes in violent evictions and fraudulent foreclosure actions.  Millions more continue to lose their homes every year.  This is the result of a factory-like fraud system created and patented by Merrill Lynch and promoted by Freddie and Fanny Mae, Bank of America and other bank players to enrich themselves via illegal "government" takings and exercise of undisclosed trademarks and practices amounting to counterfeiting and identity theft.

This false claims process has also been applied to vacant land holdings, farm land, industrial and commercial and recreational properties and patents.

There is no doubt now that virtually ALL of these property asset foreclosures are fraudulent and that all the processes used to solicit and process and administer mortgages throughout the American States are nothing but crimes layered on crimes.

Our one of a kind People's Law Firm has discovered that: (1) There is never a loan made to the presumed Borrower; (2) The nature of the transaction misrepresented as a "loan" is instead a secured sale re-purchase agreement in which an undisclosed third party (MERS, usually) acted as the actual Borrower; (3) All the so-called Promissory Notes are misrepresented and are in fact Security Notes; as a result everyone thinks that the Notes are negotiable instruments under Article 3 of the UCC, when in fact they are all subject to Article 9; (4) The signatures of the victims of this vicious scam are being enclosed within Trademarked documents and false claims of Power of Attorney are being applied to control and reproduce the victim's signature to create "derivatives" ---- like copies of a book--- which results in counterfeiting against our currency. 

These and other atrocities have been allowed by the various "agencies" that are on the public dole to protect us from such crimes, including the court system, the FBI and the DOJ, because all these agencies and the courts have been bought up as brand names by the same banks and related investment firms guilty of these crimes.

Addressing this mess requires out-of-the-box expertise to invoke the proper venues of the courts in this country, including the One Supreme Court of the People, and to bring the prosecution of these corporations forward to liquidate them and punish those responsible for this entire circumstance.  

Bar attorneys can't do it.  United States Citizens can't do it.  Neither can "citizens of the United States".  Only those who have recouped their standing as American State Nationals and who have "studied to make themselves approved" can carry the action forward. 

Our proposal is to set up branch offices of the People's Law Firm in California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Oregon, Colorado, and Alaska for starters and expand as quickly as possible to all states of the Union, where we will employ non-Bar member attorneys and paralegals to bust these crime syndicates wide open and return the stolen assets to the American people. 

3. The criminal elements fostered by the two international banking cartels primarily responsible for this state of affairs--- the IMF which fronted the UNITED STATES and the Federal Reserve which fronted THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA haven't been content with the crimes and frauds enumerated above. They have seized upon all the land, public and private, all the businesses, all the municipalities, and even upon our given names and claimed to own everything under this same system of pernicious fraud.

They have recently claimed that our country and our lawful government no longer exists, that we no longer have representation in the international community of nations, that we no longer have a national currency in circulation. They are trying to peddle their lies to justify a claim that we have "abandoned" our property and that it is free for the taking by secondary creditors--- themselves, of course.

If this claim is not rebutted with force and determination, loudly, and with international clout--- they just might get away with it.  If we are too dumb to stand up and reclaim our own property and kick our so-called public servants who have disserved us so abominably to the curb, then what is the rest of the world supposed to think? 

This job requires lawyers who have torn up their Bar Cards into little itty-bitty shreds, men and women who have to face the possibility that they are flushing their careers down the proverbial toilet to save their country and their countrymen. 

Are these people worthy of your support---- ? 

Are these issues "worthy"? 

Do you know anyone who is being held in prison unjustly?  Do you know anyone who has lost their home?  Their land?  Their businesses? Their patents and copyrighted works?  Their savings?  Even their children?  

It's past time to get off the sofa and into the game for your own sakes---time to kick these Euro Trash pirates back into the sea. 

I've been asked a whole bunch of leading questions---again---by Arnie Rosner at Scanned Retina.  (1) Who am I going to hire?  (2) How am I going to set up these offices?  (3) Who will profit by them?  (4) Who is going to own them?  Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....

And the answers in order are:  (1) The best, most dedicated experts I can find; (2) Each state hub office will be set up by the non-Bar lawyers and paralegals involved; (3) Every American in this country will benefit. (4) These offices will be owned by the people who staff them and once up and running they will be supported by the funds they recoup. 

Is any of this too hard to grasp?
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 

Henry Kissinger - Depopulation highest priority

If a gorilla shot an alligator

Where the rubber meets the road. It's YOUR MONEY.

Sources: Social Security judge suspended in wake of Madison scandal

Pure corruption and not just about the sexual harassment.

People like this are deciding claims, and who gets paid or not.

Do Not Buy

Do Not Buy  - new U.S. POSTAGE STAMP HONORING MUSLIMS .............



Trump Assassination Attempt Stopped By Las Vegas Police

A 19-year-old man, identified as Michael Steven Sandford, tried to grab a Las Vegas police officer’s gun on Saturday during Donald Trump’s speech at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.

According to a federal source, the reason for reaching at the officer’s holstered handgun was to assassinate Donald Trump.

During the rally Sandford made his way through a crowd of Trump supporters who were seeking to get an autograph from Donald so he could get close enough to deliver a deadly shot.

Sandford reportedly told authorities he drove to Las Vegas from California specifically to kill Donald Trump and even shot off a few practice rounds at a local gun range the day before the rally.

The teen also had a U.K. driver’s license on his person.

The U.S. District Court in Nevada is charging Sandford with an act of violence on restricted grounds.

The would-be assassin is now in custody of the Secret Service where he is set to face charges.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Fulford Report for June 20: "General Dunford Addresses the UN"

In a first US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addresses the UN as head of Republic

Posted by benjamin
June 20, 2016

(Full Report)

On June 17th, in an unprecedented move, US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addressed the United Nations peacekeeping summit to discuss transitioning the US military into a global force for peace. US forces will now be replacing corrupt and poorly trained UN peacekeeping troops who have caused many scandals involving rape, theft, etc. The full text of his speech can be seen here:


Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F …

Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F. Dunford at a UN Meeting on Peacekeeping

Pentagon officials say that in addition to what Dunford told the UN, this also means the US military will now be focusing its energies on “Israel, drug cartels and China in the South China Sea.” They will also be fighting to protect eco-systems and hunt down poachers of endangered species, other Pentagon officials say.

The Rothschild family, secret rulers of Israel, for their part, told the White Dragon Society “We want to mend our ways.” They promise to reach an agreement on setting up and financing a new future planning agency during meetings due to take place in July, according to WDS sources.

However, a representative of a group who previously negotiated with what they call R&R or Rothschild and Rockefeller, warned that these families were just fronts for the Italian and Spanish black nobility headed by the Borgia, Medici, Orsini and Del Banco (Warburg) families among others. The negotiators they plan to send will be professional James Bond 007 type assassins, this source warned. He said his group lost several hundred of their agents as a result of their failed negotiations. The source said his group was warned by others not to trust these people but they decided to try to negotiate a new financial system with them anyway. “The result of such decision since then has cost the life of a few hundred agents, even though the ratio is about 1 of ours for every ten of them is has been an extremely painful experience to endure. In addition they will put a large price on the ‘heads’ of all the main people involved in the transaction (usually between 20 to 100 million dollars).”

In conclusion, the source continued, “The R & R have no honor, never keep their word and will bluntly lie to you ALL of the time to get their way. They act like this because in the past they never had to comply and that behavior has always worked great for them, so they strongly believe they never have to so they NEVER will… They follow no law, no rule no code of honor or of any type but their own benefit regardless of the human and capital cost! We have absolutely no value to them unless we are their 100% submissive slaves.”

The Rothschilds responded by saying Nathaniel Rothschild recently lost a $300 million lawsuit, a first ever loss for that family. Furthermore, the French head of the family, Baron David de Rothschild, is on the run from the French police after an indictment for fraud, In other words, they know they are no longer above the law.

They also want to find a new protector for their colony of brainwashed slaves known as Israel. That is why Benyamin Netanyahu has gone four times to Russia recently to seek Russian protection from expected Pentagon law enforcement actions against their country.

The Russian government, however, is now run by the Orthodox Church and the old Tsarist Nationalist network and is in no mood to protect the people who caused their nation so much torment during the 20th century.

The WDS will only protect the innocent among the Jews and will insist on their re-education based on their true history and applying the golden rule (do unto others as you would have others do unto you) to all peoples and not just Jews.

The black nobility, for its part, is fighting desperately to keep their EU fascist government intact. They staged a killing (real or fake is not clear) of pro-EU politician Jo Cox to try to manipulate public opinion towards staying or at least create a plausible cover story for a planned vote stealing of the Brexit referendum due on June 23rd. WDS and Illuminati sources have both previously corresponded with Jo Cox when she was identifying herself as a Rothschild agent. If the British people vote to regain their independence, it will be a huge blow to the black nobility.

Even if they don’t, the European banking system is in a state of collapse which will undo their fascist EU project anyway.

In any case, the WDS will only respect action, not promises, by the “R&R,” and their black nobility bosses. If they steal or try to steal the British referendum, there will be consequences.

Speaking about R&R, a CIA source says he recently saw Richard Rockefeller alive and well in Argentina. Rockefeller supposedly died in a plane crash in 2014 so, if this source is right, he just faked his death so he could escape from the US.

Pentagon sources say he is the exception and most top Khazarian mafia bosses still in the US will not be allowed to escape justice.

The source of their power in the US, the ability to create and distribute money, is also being confiscated. To that end there was an unusual meeting at the US Treasury Department on June 14th where US presidential spokesperson Barack Obama, General Dunford and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed

a military takeover of the Treasury Department in order to force the issuance of a domestic US dollar separate from the internationally traded one, according to senior Pentagon sources. “This was why the New York Federal Reserve Board hired a shred-it truck on June 14th as the FRB is now kaput,” a Pentagon source said. The truck can be seen here:


The creation of a domestic US currency is coinciding with a planned reboot of the global financial system. As the Rothschild family contact said last week: “Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities.”

A separate senior Rothschild source told a WDS member in Europe that their family would come through the current troubles intact “after making some adjustments” but that the Bush and Rockefeller factions were in much deeper trouble because of their association with the genocidal New World Order plan.

A senior Chinese government source affiliated with the Shanghai faction says his understanding of the districts is that the current 5 permanent members of the UN security council; China, France, Russia, the UK and the US, will be replaced by representatives from 7 regional groupings: Africa, Asia outside of China, China, India, Europe including Russia, the Muslim world and North plus South America.

Decisions will be made by a majority and each region will only have a veto valid for its own region. Australians will have a vote to decide which region they wish to join. Existing nation states will continue with strong autonomy within their regions.

The aim of this plan is to permanently end war on this planet and thus allow for the quarantine on the planet earth to be ended, sources who claim deep connections to the “secret space program” say.

Pentagon sources confirm the recent Paris Climate Change Accord which has been ratified by France, the BRICS nations and “soon” the US is a disguised gold and asset backed currency framework and global currency reset. In this new system the percentage of emissions will be seen as equal to the percentage of world GDP, so China would have 20% control of the global currency in this system, the sources say. This new system has a huge advantage over what has prevailed until now in that natural ecosystems will have value in and of themselves and so will be protected as never before. For example, a rain forest would have huge value as a carbon sink and so cutting it down would become prohibitively expensive.

This appears to be good news. However, the battle for the planet earth is still not over and we must all keep fighting until it truly is. For example, a group in Europe contacted the WDS to say they are planning to stage some huge incident at 15:30 Central European Summer Time on June 21st, the day of the summer solstice and a traditional time of sacrifice by fire. The sources would not be any more specific about what they plan. However, sources in the European black nobility have previously told this writer they plan big geopolitical events linked to the movements of the planets. Since this solstice coincides with a full moon, they could very well have something big up their sleeves.

The gnostic illuminati, for their part, are admitting their ISIS campaign has failed but say the remaining ISIS fighters will struggle to the last. They also say they still might nuke one city but would not say which one. It is likely any such attempt will be neutralized, they were warned.

We are also getting more X files type of information sent our way. Years ago Paul Laine of Pentagon military intelligence told this writer of a secret Nazi submarine base in Indonesia. Now a CIA source in Indonesia confirmed such a base does exist and can be found in Nabire, Indonesia. The submarines are busy transporting gold for use in the new financial system, he said. A Google earth screen-shot of what appears to be the base can be seen below.

The X-files part of the information is that these sources claim about 50 million people disappear around the planet every year and that “they are being taken off world and sold as slaves.” They said that, for example, relatively few bodies were found after the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 because most of the people had been “taken off world.” They add that the official death toll of 230,000 was wrong and that in reality 1 million people vanished and were “taken off world.”

This is crazy sounding stuff but some corroborating evidence is available. Korean government officials have previously told this writer that no bodies were found in the ferry disaster of 2014 there where over 300 secondary school students supposedly died. Nor have we been able to locate photographs of bodies from that incident. A member of the non-genocidal part of the Nazi faction of the cabal said the students were needed to counter-act the effects of too much “Aryan” inbreeding.

I have also previously confirmed that children in the US vanish at a 20 times greater rate than in Japan. Certainly nobody seems to know what happens to most of the children taken away by the authorities in the US.

The other X-file information is that this writer, while driving his car and listening to US Armed Forces Radio in Tokyo, heard recruiting advertisements for the “US Space Command.” The ads said serving in the command would be “similar to serving in a ship.” The disclosure and secret space program folk keep saying some big event is coming soon. Hopefully soon we will find out the truth.

Here on the planet earth we are working hard to make it happen without waiting for the sky to open and giant spaceships to come and save us. That is why we are concentrating on following the forensic trail to locate the sources of our problems. We are now dealing with the sources.

Muslim Terrorist In Ohio Takes Apartment Complex Hostage, And Then Opens Fire On American Police Officer

A Muslim terrorist in Ohio, Mohammad Laghaoui, took hostages in an apartment complex and then opened fire with an AK-47 on an officer once she arrived on the scene. The hostages were Mohammad’s father and brother. Mohammad threatened to murder his father and brother. His brother dialed 911 and Mohammad punched his father in the face and left, only to return with an AK-47. His father and brother locked Mohammad out. He opened fire through the door and shot his father in the arm. The officer, Deputy Katie Barnes, responded to the emergency call and arrived on the site.

That is when Mohammad opened fire on the officer. One bullet hit her gun belt and grazed her lower abdomen. “I heard two gunshots. Immediately shut the door. Hit the floor. Too close to home,” said Brianna Yarbrough, a resident at the complex.  “It’s very scary, you know. I never thought i would be anywhere near anything like this.”

Mohammad fled and was later arrested when he returned to the complex at around 4:30 AM.

Mohammad was the quiet type and did not talk a lot. He enjoyed skateboarding and worked at Subway. He was never perceived as someone who could kill someone. He was the typical case of the predator who kills, only for people to say of him later: “He was a nice guy, very quiet.”

The question arises, why would a Muslim try to murder his own father? To murder your own parents for the cause of Islam is prescribed in the Islamic religion itself. The teaching from the Hadith says Biabi anta wa-ummi ya rasul-Allah, which, in English, means: “to thee [Oh prophet] I sacrifice my mother and father."
The situation is obvious. By the look of Laghaoui’s beard, it is obvious that he is a fundamentalist. He tried to murder his father and brother because either he saw them as not Islamic enough, or because they reproached him for his violent ideas. Either way, Islam does not prohibit the murdering of one’s parents, as long as it is for jihad.
This is why the Scripture says that the Law is made “for murderers of fathers, and murderers of mothers” (1 Timothy 1:9), because Christianity is against all evil and is here to destroy evil.

Article reposted with permission from Shoebat.com

Crisis Actors Sought for Military Drill in Bernie Hometown During DNC

A private government contractor is seeking role players for a simulated military drill set to take place next month in Burlington, Vermont – the site of candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign headquarters – at the same time as the Democratic National Convention.

A Craigslist ad posted eight days ago by defense contractor Foreign Language Services Simulation, LLC, (FLSS) seeks “actors” and “role players” who will be made up with fake wounds and mock injuries to “support military in instructional exercises in a nearby location.”


The drill, which will include “various scripted situations with realism to assist military training,” will run from July 26th through the 31st, overlapping the dates of the Democratic National Convention, which takes place July 25th through the 28th.

Participants must be “physically capable of working in extreme weather conditions” and “must be sufficiently fit to participate in training.”

Additionally, “Some role players/Actors will get extremely wet, prop clothing will be cut off and they will be scrubbed with brushes and a lot of water (possibly cold water),” the solicitation states.

Burlington, where Sen. Sanders served as mayor in 1986, is also the site of his presidential campaign headquarters and his US senate office.

Many online are deeming the drill’s location and dates selected as suspicious, especially considering that opponent Hillary Clinton will likely defeat Sanders and win the Democrat nomination in Philadelphia next month – to the chagrin of diehard Sanders supporters.

“They’ll stage an event in Bernie’s state to make him look bad, that way it will lessen the detractors at the DNC, that are claiming that Bernie should be the nominee,” one reddit user speculated.

Recent mainstream media reports have also focused on disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters who Democrats fear may revolt following Clinton’s coronation, similar to how his supporters reacted last month when Hillary won the Nevada State Democratic Convention.

“…Many Democrats fear that if Sanders does not rein in his supporters, the same ugly scene that occurred in Las Vegas last weekend could replicate itself in the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia,” CNN reported last month.
Infowars verified the authenticity of the ad over the phone with an FLSS operator, who clarified the company only recruits viable candidates, but has nothing to do with the planning or organization of the military exercises.
“We did run an ad and it was for exercise support,” Tony with FLSS told Infowars, aware the ad had stirred controversy. “We do not have a contract, we are competing to gain a contract. The ad was just seeing what availability there was for local folks to get involved since the requirements were pretty light.”
“It’s nothing to do with politics,” Tony stated. “We’re just helping people be prepared to deal with stuff we hope they never have to.”


Obama Administration Wants War With Syria Not ISIS! Obama Wants To Stay ...


Ambassador Lee E Wanta 

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Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 2:26 AM
To: Vice President Joe R Biden <vice.president@whitehouse.gov>, OMB_President Barack Obama <bom.omb@whitehouse.gov>, "congress.affairs@nara.gov" <congress.affairs@nara.gov>
Cc: FBI_Director James Comey <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>

TITLE 18 USCode SECTION 4 - Misprision of Felony Continues

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From: Ambassador Lee Wanta <diplomate@live.com>
To: "The Honorable, President Barack Obama" <info@barackobama.com>; Vice President Joe Biden <vice.president@whitehouse.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:32 PM

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Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 12:08:51 -0500

Tony B


Your kind words mean more than you can possibly know or that any one of us could express. 

Though we have received several messages similar to yours from readers through the years, I wanted to let you know personally and the others as well how much we appreciate hearing from you and your taking time to make contact with us to let us know of your appreciation for what we do here at the NESARA website. 

We are happy to have you and the others on board as a follower of the website, and we hope you will continue with us.

We each wish to extend to you our sincere 'THANK YOU'!  

Many blessings to you and yours ....................

OliveOyl, Popeye and Freewill

Illuminati Human Sacrifice tonight Denver Colorado - Pray against this - protest there if you can be there

Stew Webb Discusses 
How we War against the Illuminati Daily 
with our prayers!

On the night of June 20th and going into the 21st, (between midnight of the 20th and 3:00am of the 21st) the Illuminati Council of 13 will descend on Denver Colorado for their regular sacrifice of an infant on the summer solstice.  We need your prayers against this evil now!    Stew Webb was the first to break this story when he was told by retired Secret Service personnel who guarded the outside perimeter of the meeting for the Bushes but were not allowed inside.  

Stew Webb got the first interview by an eyewitness  to the Illuminait Ssacrifices - Anthony Lavey!  Stew has a signed affidavit from Anthony stating everything you will hear in this interview is true!   His father, Anton Lavey was the head of the Church of satan and Anthony names both G.W. and H.W. Bush as being regular attendees to his father's sacrifice!  After this interview Anthony was beaten so badly he told Stew he could never discuss it again or they would kill him!  

In June of 2013 we got the final proof on the Illuminati Human Sacrifice!   On June 17th, Sammy Lamont attempted to kidnap a child in Walmart. He would later be shot by police but not before he told them everything about the Illuminati sacrifice on June 20th where the infant was going to be sacrificed!  They found all the proof in his apartment after he was killed.  

In the first video you will see the mainstream news report where the FBI admits the Illuminati is a satanic cult and goes over what Sammy Lamont told police!  Then you will hear Stew's interview of Anthony Lavey.

Please get the word out about this event!  The testimony of Anthony Lavey in the first video is priceless information!  It must be shared everywhere to destroy the lies of the fake news.

Anton Lavey's Disgusting Church of Satan! 

Anton Lavey Admits to Eating People!

Anthony Lavey Testimony

The Bushes Attended the 
Illuminati Human Sacrifice

Published on Jun 16, 2016
On June 17th, 2003 Sammy Lamont attempted to kidnap a child in a Walmart in Oklahoma. He was shot dead but not before he admitted to police he was taking the child for the Illuminati sacrifice on June 20th! In this video you will see the incredible news report on this event followed by the shocking testimony of Anthony Lavey who witnessed the Bushes at the Illuminati child sacrifices on several occasions! This devastating information was censored by Alex Jones, proving there is a reason he appears on the Illuminati Playing Cards as "Agent in Place! Please share and pray against the enemy daily!

Anton Lavey's Disgusting  
Church of satan

Published on Aug 6, 2012
Clips from "The Power of the Witch" (1971) and "White Angel/Black Angel" (1970) featuring the Church of Satan. For educational purposes only. For more information on the Church of Satan, see www.churchofsatan.com and seek out The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor LaVey, The Church of Satan, by Blanche Barton, and The Satanic Scriptures, by Peter H. Gilmore.

Anton LaVey, Author of The Satanic Bible, 
Admits to Eating People in Authorized Biography

Ex Satanist Testimony Rev. Antony 'Jess' LaVey 
Convertion to Christianity 1/8 

Illuminiati Sacrifice in Denver June 21st, 2016

Illuminiati Sacrifice in Denver 
June 21st, 2016

Published on Jun 20, 2016
Stew Webb goes into the Illuminati satanic sacrifice being held in Denver Colorado at the "Navarre" downtown. What we know about the event comes from secret service agents, spies and even people who attended such as Anthony Lavey. You can find Anthony Lavey's interview on this event by searching, "Anthony Lavey, Bush" on Youtube.

It took Stew over 20 years to learn about this event. This event and the testimony of Anthony Lavey is censored by all the fakes in alternative media.