Friday, June 24, 2016

Yep, Killary is bought and paid for!

Yep, Killary is bought and paid for!

Out of the 92, only about 5 or 6 are less than $225,000.00
Here's The FULL List of 92 Paychecks Hillary Collected From      Wall Street BETWEEN 2013 and 2015


 The media’s going nuts that Hillary Clinton 
took three big paychecks
for three speeches at Goldman Sachs.

At $225,000 a pop, that’s pretty good scratch
but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

She’s been very, very busy raking in millions in a three-year stretch since she left her post as the Secretary of State.

Her defense? It varies from “It’s what they offered me” to the hilarious “I happen to think we need more conversations about what’s going on in the world.”  

Pricey “conversations” indeed.
Here’s a list of the 92 “conversations” that Clinton has had in just the past three years
The Total:  $21.7 million
Hillary’s been very, very busy.
What did Hillary promise in all these speeches?

What was her advice to Deutche Bank, Cisco and the Council of Insurance Agents?
What did she tell eBay?
Or the “American Camping Association” and 
why on earth would the American Camping Association pay $260,000 
to hear from Hillary?

Has she ever been camping? 
We may never know because she refuses to tell us 

What Hillary discloses to us peasants
 is on a “need to know” basis only.

And we all know she wouldn't lie.

Why does the IRS need so many AR-15s?

It has been said that the Republic has been resurrected - yet it has not been announced to Americans
It has been said that the criminal corporation 'government' is dead
and that the IRS is dead and
that the sister corporation agencies are dead, and yet that also has not been disclosed to Americans, so

 Tom Coburn

Published on Jun 21, 2016
Dr. Tom Coburn, former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, goes on CNBC's Squawk Box to discuss the only solution as big as the D.C. problem:

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Posted by Benjamin, June 20, 2016

On June 17th, in an unprecedented move, US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addressed the United Nations peacekeeping summit to discuss transitioning the US military into a global force for peace. US forces will now be replacing corrupt and poorly trained UN peacekeeping troops who have caused many scandals involving rape, theft, etc. The full text of his speech can be seen here:
Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F…
Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F. Dunford at a UN Meeting on Peacekeeping
Pentagon officials say that in addition to what Dunford told the UN, this also means the US military will now be focusing its energies on “Israel, drug cartels and China in the South China Sea.” They will also be fighting to protect eco-systems and hunt down poachers of endangered species, other Pentagon officials say.
The Rothschild family, secret rulers of Israel, for their part, told the White Dragon Society “We want to mend our ways.” They promise to reach an agreement on setting up and financing a new future planning agency during meetings due to take place in July, according to WDS sources.
However, a representative of a group who previously negotiated with what they call R&R or Rothschild and Rockefeller, warned that these families were just fronts for the Italian and Spanish black nobility headed by the Borgia, Medici, Orsini and Del Banco (Warburg) families among others. The negotiators they plan to send will be professional James Bond 007 type assassins, this source warned. He said his group lost several hundred of their agents as a result of their failed negotiations. The source said his group was warned by others not to trust these people but they decided to try to negotiate a new financial system with them anyway. “The result of such decision since then has cost the life of a few hundred agents, even though the ratio is about 1 of ours for every ten of them is has been an extremely painful experience to endure. In addition they will put a large price on the ‘heads’ of all the main people involved in the transaction (usually between 20 to 100 million dollars).”
In conclusion, the source continued, “The R & R have no honor, never keep their word and will bluntly lie to you ALL of the time to get their way. They act like this because in the past they never had to comply and that behavior has always worked great for them, so they strongly believe they never have to so they NEVER will… They follow no law, no rule no code of honor or of any type but their own benefit regardless of the human and capital cost! We have absolutely no value to them unless we are their 100% submissive slaves.”
The Rothschilds responded by saying Nathaniel Rothschild recently lost a $300 million lawsuit, a first ever loss for that family. Furthermore, the French head of the family, Baron David de Rothschild, is on the run from the French police after an indictment for fraud, In other words, they know they are no longer above the law.
They also want to find a new protector for their colony of brainwashed slaves known as Israel. That is why Benyamin Netanyahu has gone four times to Russia recently to seek Russian protection from expected Pentagon law enforcement actions against their country.
The Russian government, however, is now run by the Orthodox Church and the old Tsarist Nationalist network and is in no mood to protect the people who caused their nation so much torment during the 20th century.
The WDS will only protect the innocent among the Jews and will insist on their re-education based on their true history and applying the golden rule (do unto others as you would have others do unto you) to all peoples and not just Jews.
The black nobility, for its part, is fighting desperately to keep their EU fascist government intact. They staged a killing (real or fake is not clear) of pro-EU politician Jo Cox to try to manipulate public opinion towards staying or at least create a plausible cover story for a planned vote stealing of the Brexit referendum due on June 23rd. WDS and Illuminati sources have both previously corresponded with Jo Cox when she was identifying herself as a Rothschild agent. If the British people vote to regain their independence, it will be a huge blow to the black nobility.
Even if they don’t, the European banking system is in a state of collapse which will undo their fascist EU project anyway.
In any case, the WDS will only respect action, not promises, by the “R&R,” and their black nobility bosses. If they steal or try to steal the British referendum, there will be consequences.
Speaking about R&R, a CIA source says he recently saw Richard Rockefeller alive and well in Argentina. Rockefeller supposedly died in a plane crash in 2014 so, if this source is right, he just faked his death so he could escape from the US.
Pentagon sources say he is the exception and most top Khazarian mafia bosses still in the US will not be allowed to escape justice.
The source of their power in the US, the ability to create and distribute money, is also being confiscated. To that end there was an unusual meeting at the US Treasury Department on June 14th where US presidential spokesperson Barack Obama, General Dunford and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed…
…a military takeover of the Treasury Department in order to force the issuance of a domestic US dollar separate from the internationally traded one, according to senior Pentagon sources. “This was why the New York Federal Reserve Board hired a shred-it truck on June 14th as the FRB is now kaput,” a Pentagon source said. The truck can be seen here:
The creation of a domestic US currency is coinciding with a planned reboot of the global financial system. As the Rothschild family contact said last week: “Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities.”
A separate senior Rothschild source told a WDS member in Europe that their family would come through the current troubles intact “after making some adjustments” but that the Bush and Rockefeller factions were in much deeper trouble because of their association with the genocidal New World Order plan.
A senior Chinese government source affiliated with the Shanghai faction says his understanding of the districts is that the current 5 permanent members of the UN security council; China, France, Russia, the UK and the US, will be replaced by representatives from 7 regional groupings: Africa, Asia outside of China, China, India, Europe including Russia, the Muslim world and North plus South America.
Decisions will be made by a majority and each region will only have a veto valid for its own region. Australians will have a vote to decide which region they wish to join. Existing nation states will continue with strong autonomy within their regions.
The aim of this plan is to permanently end war on this planet and thus allow for the quarantine on the planet earth to be ended, sources who claim deep connections to the “secret space program” say.
Pentagon sources confirm the recent Paris Climate Change Accord which has been ratified by France, the BRICS nations and “soon” the US is a disguised gold and asset backed currency framework and global currency reset. In this new system the percentage of emissions will be seen as equal to the percentage of world GDP, so China would have 20% control of the global currency in this system, the sources say. This new system has a huge advantage over what has prevailed until now in that natural ecosystems will have value in and of themselves and so will be protected as never before. For example, a rain forest would have huge value as a carbon sink and so cutting it down would become prohibitively expensive.
This appears to be good news. However, the battle for the planet earth is still not over and we must all keep fighting until it truly is. For example, a group in Europe contacted the WDS to say they are planning to stage some huge incident at 15:30 Central European Summer Time on June 21st, the day of the summer solstice and a traditional time of sacrifice by fire. The sources would not be any more specific about what they plan. However, sources in the European black nobility have previously told this writer they plan big geopolitical events linked to the movements of the planets. Since this solstice coincides with a full moon, they could very well have something big up their sleeves.
The gnostic illuminati, for their part, are admitting their ISIS campaign has failed but say the remaining ISIS fighters will struggle to the last. They also say they still might nuke one city but would not say which one. It is likely any such attempt will be neutralized, they were warned.
We are also getting more X files type of information sent our way. Years ago Paul Laine of Pentagon military intelligence told this writer of a secret Nazi submarine base in Indonesia. Now a CIA source in Indonesia confirmed such a base does exist and can be found in Nabire, Indonesia. The submarines are busy transporting gold for use in the new financial system, he said. A Google earth screen-shot of what appears to be the base can be seen below.
Secret Nazi submarine base in Nabire, Indonesia… a CIA source in Indonesia confirmed such a base does exist (click to enlarge)
The X-files part of the information is that these sources claim about 50 million people disappear around the planet every year and that “they are being taken off world and sold as slaves.” They said that, for example, relatively few bodies were found after the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 because most of the people had been “taken off world.” They add that the official death toll of 230,000 was wrong and that in reality 1 million people vanished and were “taken off world.”
This is crazy sounding stuff but some corroborating evidence is available. Korean government officials have previously told this writer that no bodies were found in the ferry disaster of 2014 there where over 300 secondary school students supposedly died. Nor have we been able to locate photographs of bodies from that incident. A member of the non-genocidal part of the Nazi faction of the cabal said the students were needed to counter-act the effects of too much “Aryan” inbreeding.
I have also previously confirmed that children in the US vanish at a 20 times greater rate than in Japan. Certainly nobody seems to know what happens to most of the children taken away by the authorities in the US.
The other X-file information is that this writer, while driving his car and listening to US Armed Forces Radio in Tokyo, heard recruiting advertisements for the “US Space Command.” The ads said serving in the command would be “similar to serving in a ship.” The disclosure and secret space program folk keep saying some big event is coming soon. Hopefully soon we will find out the truth.
Here on the planet earth we are working hard to make it happen without waiting for the sky to open and giant spaceships to come and save us. That is why we are concentrating on following the forensic trail to locate the sources of our problems. We are now dealing with the sources.

Supreme Court refuses to rescue Obama's amnesty program

Supremes  decide  fate  of  Obama's  amnesty  actions  -   Supreme  Court          refuses  to  rescue  Obama's  amnesty


9-word  decision  leaves  5th  Circuit's  order  halting  plan  intact


The Supreme Court just weighed in on Barack Obama's scheme to allow millions of illegal aliens to live and work in the U.S. without fear of deportation

Bob Unruh
World Net Daily 
June 23 2016 

In a nine-word ruling Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to rescue Barack Obama’s mass amnesty program that would have given residency and other rights to millions of illegal aliens now in the United States.

A divided court, 4-4, declared: “The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court.”

The decision upheld a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in favor of the states in a lawsuit against Obama’s plan, which he directed through a series of orders from his administrative agencies.

Texas and 25 other states sued to halt the plan from taking effect, and a federal district judge in Texas ruled the White House could not implement its program.

The tie vote in the Supreme Court means the 5th Circuit ruling holds.

In February 2015, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen granted a temporary injunction halting Obama’s unilateral action to allow as many as 5 million illegal aliens stay in the U.S.

The administration acted apart from Congress, even though Obama had acknowledged he is “not king” and “can’t do these things just by myself.”

Obama said Thursday he was disappointed the court was “unable to reach a decision” and said he looked forward to the confirmation of a ninth justice “to break the tie” in the case.

He blasted Republicans for refusing to consider his Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, saying they have refused to do their “most basic of jobs” under the Constitution, which actually gives Congress latitude regarding the confirmation process. 

Obama said that in the meantime, the tie-vote Thursday will have little impact, arguing his current policies don’t target illegals for deportation unless have a criminal record.

Administration ‘intentionally deceptive’

With an eight-justice court left by the death of Antonin Scalia, the tie was expected. But it is likely Scalia would have joined his four colleagues on the conservative side of the bench who voted against Obama’s plan.

At issue was the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, which would allow certain categories of illegal aliens to stay in America to work if they have been in the country for at least five years and have maintained a criminal-free record.

As WND reported, while it was widely reported that Obama signed two executive orders in November 2014 to initiate the controversial plan, no executive orders were ever signed, and the policy was carried out through a Department of Homeland Security memorandum signed by Secretary Jeh Johnson.

The case drew attention when Hanen chastised Justice Department attorneys for being “intentionally deceptive,” at one point ordering ethics classes for them.

“Such conduct is certainly not worthy of any department whose name includes the word ‘Justice,'” Hanen wrote.
The Justice Department attorneys had misled the court regarding when the Department of Homeland Security would begin implementing the plan.

In his Texas courtroom, the judge bluntly asked a Justice Department attorney whether or not Obama and federal officials can be believed regarding the administration’s executive action on immigration.

“I can trust what Secretary [Jeh] Johnson says … what President Obama says?” Hanen asked, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Fox News reported the judge even went further, instructing Justice Department attorney Kathleen Hartnett, “That’s a yes or no question.”

She responded, “Yes, your honor.”

Hanen had called a hearing on the issue of the deception. The Justice Department alleged Obama’s planned deportation reprieves would not go forward before he made a ruling. It turned out that federal officials already had delayed deportation for 108,000 people for three years and granted them work permits.

The administration had argued the reprieves were granted under a 2012 program that was not impacted by Hanen’s order. But the 2012 program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, granted only two-year reprieves, while the administration’s November order allows three-year deferrals.

DOJ officials argued “government attorneys hadn’t properly explained this because they had been focused on other parts of the proposed action.”

Hanen remained skeptical, asking, “Can I trust what the president says?”

The 26 states that brought the lawsuit at that time asked for sanctions against the federal government because of the misleading statements. Angela Colmenero, a lawyer from Texas, said the federal government provided “representations” that eventually proved untrue or “less than forthcoming.”

The states had brought the case because of the impact of the Obama policy’s potential impact on them.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said the Constitution “couldn’t be any clearer.”

“It’s Congress’s job to write the laws and it’s the president’s job to see that they are faithfully executed,” he said. “The president can’t just upend the Constitution any time the Congress disagrees with him. The separation of powers requires the president to seek congressional approval before policies can become law. That’s how the legislative process works and it is one of the things that distinguishes democracy from dictatorship, where a head of state simply rules by decree. President Obama doesn’t get to cheat the system just because it’s difficult.”

Issa said the case “comes down to is whether or not President Obama wildly overstepped the bounds of his office by unlawfully acting to circumvent Congress and forcing his will on the American people.”

Issa noted Obama had stated at least 22 times that he does not have the power to make the changes to immigration law. So when he took that action, Texas and 25 other states sued.

For example, in October 2010, Obama said: “I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. … I’ve got to have some partners to do it. … If Congress has laws on the books that says that people who are here who are not documented have to be deported, then I can exercise some flexibility in terms of where we deploy our resources, to focus on people who are really causing problems as opposed to families who are just trying to work and support themselves. But there’s a limit to the discretion that I can show because I am obliged to execute the law. … I can’t just make the laws up by myself.”

One hundred and thirteen members of Congress – including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith – had filed a brief in the case asserting Obama’s plans are illegal.

“Our position is clear – President Obama’s executive action is unconstitutional and impermissibly disrupts the separation of powers,” said Jay Sekulow, of the American Center for Law and Justice.

His organization is representing the members of Congress and nearly a quarter-million other Americans “who understand President Obama’s overreach amounted to changing the law.” The friend-of-the-court pleading was submitted to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which earlier upheld Hanen’s order.

“This is simply unacceptable. Impatient presidents don’t get to change the law. We’re confident that the appeals court will correctly conclude that President Obama’s action is unlawful and unconstitutional and will upholding the findings of the district court,” Sekulow said.

In his original order, Hanen said the court found “that at least one plaintiff has satisfied all the necessary elements to maintain a lawsuit and to obtain a temporary injunction.”

“The United States of America, its departments, agencies, officers, agents and employees and Jeh Johnson, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; R. Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of United States customs and Border Protection; Ronald D. Vitiello, deputy chief of United States Border Patrol, United States Customs and Border Protection; Thomas S. Winkowski, acting director of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and Leon Rodriguez, director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services are hereby enjoined from implementing any and all aspects or phases of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents,” the ruling said.

WND also reported when yet another a federal judge in Pennsylvania declared the amnesty unconstitutional.
“President Obama’s unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as the Take Care Clause and, therefore, is unconstitutional,” said U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab.

The judge noted Obama “contended that although legislation is the most appropriate course of action to solve the immigration debate, his executive action was necessary because of Congress’ failure to pass legislation, acceptable to him, in this regard.”

“This proposition is arbitrary and does not negate the requirement that the November 20, 2014, executive action be lawfully within the president’s executive authority,” the judge wrote. “It is not.”!