Friday, July 08, 2016
It was only two days ago that we brought focus on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) leaked documents showing they were planning, in concert with the Obama Regime, a "Summer of Chaos."
We wrote:
Two days later, on 7/7 (the magic number 7!), the opening shots were fired in Dallas, Texas. Just as we predicted.
During an evening rally of Black Lives Matter to protest two deadly police shootings, a sniper or snipers took aim from rooftops and killed or wounded numerous government law enforcers.
Following all the trappings of past false flag attacks, the supposed sniper was killed... blown up in fact... before we could gain any information from him.
But, as we said earlier, two top Black Lives Matter activists had their email and Twitter accounts hacked last month and it showed their plans, in concert with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to cause massive riots and unrest in what they termed the "Summer of Chaos".
Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson confirmed that his Twitter and email accounts were hacked.
We wrote:
Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson had two of his email accounts hacked recently … [They] showed that they are planning to create massive unrest during this election period in something they call the “Summer of Chaos”.
The leaked documents show that Soros-embraced Black Lives Matter wants to create so much chaos that martial law will be instituted and the elections cancelled. Chaos is the goal in order to destabilize the populace.
Two days later, on 7/7 (the magic number 7!), the opening shots were fired in Dallas, Texas. Just as we predicted.
During an evening rally of Black Lives Matter to protest two deadly police shootings, a sniper or snipers took aim from rooftops and killed or wounded numerous government law enforcers.
Following all the trappings of past false flag attacks, the supposed sniper was killed... blown up in fact... before we could gain any information from him.
But, as we said earlier, two top Black Lives Matter activists had their email and Twitter accounts hacked last month and it showed their plans, in concert with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to cause massive riots and unrest in what they termed the "Summer of Chaos".
Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson confirmed that his Twitter and email accounts were hacked.
The hackers released some private messages between Deray McKesson and BLM activist, Samuel Simyangwe, where they discuss how they have 10,000 people ready to be bussed into Cleveland for the Republican National Convention to cause so much problems that they will shut it down.
The apparent goal is to cause so many problems in this "Summer of Chaos" as to cancel the upcoming US elections and institute martial law as can be seen by this further correspondence:
And they refer to their correspondence with "Mrs. Lynch" on it all... of course, that could be any Mrs. Lynch. Or it could be US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.
Now, in just the first days of July, two black men were gunned down by police and two high quality videos of it were streamed or immediately posted to the internet. Black Lives Matter protests sprung up nearly instantaneously... and in the case of Dallas, a sniper or snipers quickly deployed and began killing police. Rather than deploying their own SWAT team to try to take out the sniper the police decided to send countless police cars in the area of the building where they sat as sitting ducks. Then, according to the police, they negotiated with him for a few hours while he told them he wanted to kill white cops. They then sent a robot up to the building with a bomb and blew him up. I am not going so far as to say this was certainly a false flag attack nor that this was part of the BLM plans that were leaked during the hack of their accounts. But this does have all the trappings of a typical false flag attack and meets every checkbox on the governmental agenda. The shooter? He was former military. Check. They've already been pronounced to be probable terrorist suspects. He claimed, according to the police, to hate white people. Check. Race war incitement. And he used a "long gun" to carry out the act. Check. Gun control agenda. Don't forget too that BLM is funded by George Soros, the king of funding and creating riots, coups and regime changes. And, he's been known to employ snipers to cause chaos, as they did in the Ukraine. Meanwhile, the mainstream media headlines repeat the same theme, "The deadliest single incident for US law enforcement since September 11, 2001." This, to trigger the American public into remembering the fear surrounding 9/11, which was also a false flag attack. People in a state of fear are highly suggestable and can be controlled. The words "Civil War" graced many newspaper covers. Former Congressman and commentator Joe Walsh tweeted the Dallas killings ‘mean war’. The suspect reportedly said, “The End is Coming.” Remember that we've been saying that the globalist elites want to try to create a type of civil war in the US to destabilize it, just as they are destabilizing Europe, in order to usher in their globalist plans. Militarized vehicles with the United Nations logo on them have been spotted recently throughout the US and Jade Helm has now turned into UWEX 2016 which continues to see military equipment moved across the country. And info from sources is that military and National Guard reserves have been readied for some sort of action. We have taken to calling these Jubilee Jolts because they fit in with a larger elite intention to create a massive amount of chaos during this Jubilee Year. We wrote: Here in Jubilee 2016, we are witnessing the construction of global government. To see this latest occurrence regarding Hillary as part of the normal sociopolitical routine of American justice is to miss the point. The idea is to undermine society and drain away the confidence of the middle class in their society. We wrote that just after Killary Clinton got off the FBI's charges... another event meant to cause discontent with the populace. And it was only a day later that the events in Dallas happened to, possibly, try to incite violence. As we reach October and the end of Jubilee 2016, the pace of planned chaos and its destructiveness will advance. The intention is to set the stage for a more emphatic globalism, and the “Summer of Chaos” will enable that. Whether planned, or not, the events that occurred in Dallas last night will form the basis of a massive amount of crisis, chaos, riots, killings and destruction throughout the summer and into this fall in the US... which plays directly into the hands of people like George Soros and the globalists. As we said only two days ago, and has already come to fruition, get ready for the "Summer of Chaos."