Saturday, July 9, 2016

Nuclear War Crime in Process in America

Nuclear War Crime in Process



Veterans Today

Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner, a correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to various online publications. He reports on war, politic...

Your Radiation This Week No 62 and 63

By Bob Nichols on July 2, 2016
June 18 to July 2, 2016  

Nuclear War Crime in Process
New Measurement is Spooky – High Rad All the Time
Three recorded cities were over 1,000 CPM all week long in America; One Thousand CPM Plus, 24/7, 100% of the time and no relief.
The Rad hit these cities hard: Colorado Springs, CO; San Diego, CA; Raleigh, NC; Portland, Maine; Navajo Lake, New Mexico;  Little Rock, Arkansas; Spokane, Washington; Idaho Falls, Idaho; and Phoenix, Arizona. 
All were over 1,000 CPM up to Eight (8) weeks straight. The Rad Contagion spreads day by day.
(San Francisco) July 2, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week” for the time period June 18, 2016 to July 2, 2016. These are the Top Recorded Radiation Highs that affected people for that week around the United States.

Sonoran DesertSonoran Desert

War Crimes in Process
There is no way to recover from these kinds of exposures. There is no medicine and there is no cure. Millions now are dying and will die before their time due to their radiation exposures. Are you next or already Zapped?

The Rad “Kill” is On at EPA
The EPA in America just can’t or won’t resist cozying up to the pro-nuker criminals, again and again. At the first of his two Presidential terms Obama tried to push through upping all the Rad danger levels hundreds and for some vicious isotopes, thousands of times.

The American “Normals” did not quite understand that Obama was totally sold out to the nuclear industry. Well, the President stayed bought and is just another nuclear industry lobbyist.
Now he is doing it again. Because of Obama, EPA is sanctioning the slaughter of more millions of people … and their pets, too.

President Obama is just another in the long list of paid off politicians in the nukers’ bag of captured Zombified politicians. Well, the pro-nukers are cranking up the same political machine for a last shot with this Prez.

If it doesn’t work with this Prez, the pro-nukers will wait for the next one. They’ll probably get it, too, with the help of all their bought and paid for politicians and political infrastructure. Rest assured, the bought politicos will do what they are told, guaranteed.

Radiation CPM * City State
Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is one Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]


Times Normal,
ColoradoSprings, CO.
Times Normal,
San Diego, CA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Louisville, KY.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Raleigh, NC.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Portland, ME.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Champaign, IL.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Navajo Lake, NM.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Bismark, ND.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Little Rock, AR.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Spokane, WA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Yuma, AZ.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Harrisonburg, VA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Kansas City, KS.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Atlanta, GA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Augusta, GA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Idaho Falls, ID.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Mason City, IA.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Worcester, MA.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Rochester, NY.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Tucson, AZ.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Riverside, CA.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Phoenix, AZ.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Pittsburgh, PA,
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Denver, CO.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Hartford, CT.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Pierre, SD.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Charleston, WV.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Omaha, NE.
Beta, Gamma.

Times Normal,
Billings, MT.
Beta, Gamma.
Times Normal,
Fresno, CA.
Beta, Gamma.

Count – 30 Cities Reporting Above 1,000 CPM
Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

Extreme Rad Alert

There is active consideration for changing the classification of the radioactive glass beads exiting the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, is considering changing the characterization of the Cesium 137 glass beads from “soluble” to “insoluble.”
The one-word change in characterization Multiplies the harm done by the Cesium 137 by 108 Times. This is a very significant change, an increase, in the harm to  life on Earth by the Rad. For those of you who are wondering, Cs 134’s Multiple is Eight Times.

Since the Cesium 137 (Cs 137) Rad makes up about a third of the Rad escaping from reactors at Fukushima Daiichi, this is an Extremely Dangerous situation. Be advised and act accordingly. This situation occurs world wide.
Soluble means Cs 137 dissolves in water – Slowly. As a result a person Pees it out or sends it off in feces; it is 99% gone in 2 years.
Insoluble means it does NOT dissolve in water and is trapped inside the organism, that means your body, for up to 300 years – Dead or Alive.
Bees, Bugs and Ocean Life are Goners, too

What is killing the Bees is pretty simple, really. It’s the Rad that is everywhere on land, sea and air and will be for millions of years. The result is no more Bees, no more insects and no more life in the Ocean. It is happening now, they are going down, it’s a done deal and nothing we can do will stop it. Of course, no more humans, either.

The shell of insects is made of “Chitin”. [9] It soaks up the Rad like a sponge then the insects die. If the bugs manage to produce another generation, they are deformed and contaminated till the last insect is gone. The Pro-Nukers have killed us all – bugs and humans alike.

Take Spiders, for example. Spiders are partial to radioactive silver and use it as a part of their webs. There is plenty of killer Rad to go around and 1,946 different varieties of Rad. They won’t run out of Rad; the world will run out of spiders first.

The latest count from Oak Ridge Nuclear Weapons Lab is 1,946 different kinds of Rad. All from the few Rad Isotopes that go into Nuke Weapons and Reactors.
My own thought: As a last resort some remaining contaminated, deranged humans will try to eat rocks and grass and become cannibalistic. It won’t be pretty.

Major Rad Sources This Week
Heavy duty sources this week in Rad include: undeclared nuclear wars in Central Asia; Fukushima in Japan; and, 438 big nuke reactors leaking non-stop, all the time worldwide.
There are approximately 104 operating reactors in the States. The number varies with reloading and repair schedules. The only known new sources are the wars, forest fires and grass land fires.

See for an Animation showing leaking nuclear sources of last night’s Rad leaks. The Animation is on the Front Page and is Free to the Public. Pretty good first page on the site, it kinda takes your breath away.

The YRTW Table of poisoned American cities has changed by adding a Column on the Right hand side. It is labeled “Corrupted?” The purpose of the column is to provide guidance as to the reliability, consistency and truthfulness of an individual city’s High Rad reading for that given week.
Since a city’s report is subject to many strongly felt opinions that can affect Rad Readings, whether or not the Rad Unit was reporting at least 168 Hours (24 X 7)  takes on additional importance. The number of hours the machines work in a week is not an opinion.

It is a documented fact; it is a number, a measure of efficiency. The unit either reported publicly; or it failed to do so 100% of the time. It can’t do both.

All things being equal there should be One Reading per Hour for 168 Rad readings a week. The corruption may originate with a machine error, programming glitch, human intervention or change, intended or not.

The response may be “Yes” for “Yes, it is corrupted.” The entry will be “Left Blank” for “Not Suspected.”

War Crimes in Process
The subtitle for YRTW is changed to add the phrase: “War Crimes in Progress.” Let’s not pretend this much Rad for this long is not a War Crime punishable by Hanging. It is purposeful and with intent. You are a Target for this campaign of random murder and sickness.

The perps do not care who is killed and maimed by their self made poisons. I call for War Crimes trials and prompt Hangings for all of those involved.

Rad Measuring Units Removed from Service
Some 24/7 Rad measuring units are flaking out or are removed from service for various reasons, including political reasons. I encourage the EPA to return them to service. Hundreds have now suffered this fate of oblivion.

The Rad Measurement Unit in Colorado Springs, Colorado is the most recent high profile Rad Unit removed from Public Reporting. Regular people are powerless to do anything about it. Just sit tight and we’ll see if the Rad Unit starts reporting again, with or without an artificially   changed Rad Count.

New Category – MIA 1YrHigh
“MIA 1YrHigh” is a new category under the column labeled Type of Rad. It means “Missing in Action – 1 Year High.”

I salute the brave scientists, physicists, techs and support personnel who continue to bring us the latest radiation numbers. Your work is valued and appreciated.  – Animation and Subscriptions
You are again encouraged to view daily the animation on their free, public site. The above referenced 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation lit up the subscriber’s page like a Xmas tree.

For those with more serious scientific interest, I highly recommend that you subscribe.   The cost is around US$20.  It is well worth it.

Rad Contagion in the States
Colorado Springs is back yet again as the Most Radioactive city in the US, “Recorded,” that is. Raleigh, Miami, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Billings, Montana are the recent victims of truly spectacular Radiation Counts per Minute (CPM) on EPA Geiger counters and radiation measurement systems.

No action has been taken by the US Government, nor is it expected. They are the biggest Cowards of all. The nation destroying strength of Big Time Rads cannot be denied; but, the Rads can be ignored till they kill you. You can run; but, you cannot hide, the Rads always win.

Follow Your Radiation This Week on Twitter, too, @YourRads 
Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.
Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols at .

Notes and Sources1  The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of an LLC.
3. These station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
4. Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved. 5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.”
Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.
6. Radiation destruction of chitin, IAEA, by Ershov, B.G.; Sukhov, N.L.; Nud’ga, L.A.; Baklagina, Yu.G.; Kozhevnikova, L.G.; Petropavlovskii, G.A. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation))


  • Doug McIntosh @ INI WORLD REPORT: 
It is symbolic that the final death stroke for the historical American Republic came on July 5th of 2016. It is another example of the way the elite do things in the USA. It is another example of what they really think. The level of contempt shown for the American people, the rule of law and the legal process is beyond the pale. You have the AG Lynch playing the street slut with Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton plays the part of the pimp offering her a seat on the Supreme Court. You have the head of the FBI as a gangster out of the GodFather movie. You have that vile and evil thing called Hellary Clinton. And finally, we have our Marxist Traitor in Chief who put the fix in to avoid being deposed if Comey had actually upheld the law.

Let me be clear, the idea Hellary Clinton didn’t commit treason, perjury, obstruct justice and other felony crimes, which is what our corrupt AG and FBI head are now saying, is absolutely wrong. They know it is wrong; they don’t care because they want to maintain the status quo at all costs. I don’t think the status quo can be maintained any longer, especially with such an in your face decision. The entire basis for the rule of law in the United States just collapsed. The powers that be have lost what the  Chinese called “The Mandate of Heaven.” This was the foundation of all political and social rule and was a basic part of the people’s acceptance of the political class.

  When I was 11 years old, I saw the movie with Paul Scofield as Sir Thomas More in “A Man For All Seasons.” One of the scenes I remember most vividly, is the one where More’s potential son-in-law is talking about how he would chase Satan down if he had to cut every tree in England down.  I will never forget the reply that great English actor gave: “What will you do when Satan turns around?” 

The rule of law is now officially dead in the USA. The AG and FBI head have dealt the death stroke. We will have the law of the jungle now. We will have the “might is right crowd” fully in charge. After all, if Hellary Clinton can not only do the things she did, on the scale she did, using the power and positions she held, but do them with complete and utter legal impunity, then do not tell me the rule of law still exists in the USA. The elite can now do whatever they want to, at least until we began the summary executions. At this point, talk of Civil War Two is very much in play.

We are a society of fools, led by scum, and addicted to our vices of power, greed and corruption. The Clinton Crime Cabal, like the Bush Crime Cabal, or any of the other elite crooks in charge of the planet, are now running around like peacocks, strutting, crowing, and waving their tail plumes in a victory dance. I will tell them nothing since I no longer consider them a factor. I now know what they are. I know the FBI head is the lead criminal in the USA. I know the AG Lynch is little better than a street hooker. I know what the liberals are. I know what the Democrats are.

I now consider them all the enemy. I will not rant and rave. I will not whine or protest. I am now beyond all of that, I will prepare. I will plan. I will pray. I will no longer hope for myself, for America, for truth, or for justice. We are long beyond all of that. I will simply gather my thoughts, steel my will, and gird my groin for all that will now be unleashed. You see my vile, corrupt leaders you have forgotten one of the main lessons of history. If the law is corrupt, and if it is used to crush freedom and the common people, then the common people owe absolutely nothing to the system at all.

You see Imperial Scum, in the law of the jungle the survivors are not the apex predators. The true survivors are the scavengers, the vultures, the feral dogs, the cunning the ruthless and all those that wait for the lion to make the kill. Our Imperial Scum rulers are pounding their chests now that the AG whore and her FBI and Clinton Pimp’s have saved Hellary Clinton. They should not be celebrating. Beyond the braying of our mutant elite, our media whores, and man is Trump right about the whore media, I hear the howling from the gathering wolf packs.

One of the things our Imperial Scum has never understood is the most lethal, dangerous and ruthless people are not those with everything, or even anything to gain, but those who have nothing left to lose. The American people, or at least those who understand what the whore Lynch and her boytoy the FBI’s Comey did today, know exactly what I am talking about here. The rest of you I no longer care about.

Oh Lord, let that which is coming be unleashed. And let that which is due to happen as a result of what we have done, our leaders especially, let that happen without delay, or mercy, or compassion. Let us like Samson push on our pillars and bring everything called America into a state of judgment. Let the Imperial Scum find out what real power is all about when God answers our prayers.

emailed by a reader

Black Lives Matter Put On Russia Terror List

US Hate Group “Black Lives Matter” And Its Billionaire Funders Put On Russia Terror List  

July 9, 2016
The Investigative Committee (SLEDCOM) is reporting today that Valentina Matviyenko, Chairperson of the Federation Council, has initiated a legal inquiry as to placing on the Federal Security Service (FSB) “Unified List of Organizations, Including Foreign and International Organizations That Have Been Recognized As Terrorist [Groups] By Russian Law” an American “racial-hatred” group known as Black Lives Matter, its three founders, and two of its US billionaire funders.

According to this report SLEDCOM derives its authority to conduct this terrorist investigation of Black Lives Matter based on its authorization under Federal Law of 28.12.2010 No 403-FZ to conduct preliminary inquiries relating to “the protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen” regardless of international borders.

The initiating document issued by Chairperson Matviyenko advocating that Black Lives Matter, its founders and its funders be listed as a terrorist organization, relates to this “racial-hatred” groups advocating the killing of American law enforcement officers in order to “incite/inflame” “racial passions” in the United States—and whose “tactics/rhetoric”, if transferred to Europe, would pose a grave threat not only to the Federation but, indeed, all of the continent. 

Evidence presented to SLEDCOM by Chairperson Matviyenko supporting her request  contains both public and classified materials—including the Black Lives Matter “tacit support” of the assassination this week of 5 American police officers in Dallas, Texas, and the attempted assassinations of American police officers in Georgia, Missouri and Tennessee, too.

The Black Lives Matter “racial-hatred” group was founded by American-based communist activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi who self describe themselves as “queer Black women” and whose organizations members have penetrated into the top echelon of US political 'elites' as evidenced by their over 90 minute meeting with President Obama in the White House this past February.

Black Lives Matter leader Brittany Packnett (left) meeting with President Obama on 18 February 2016

To the greatest concern(s) of Chairperson Matviyenko relating to Black Lives Matter, however, are the tens-of-millions of dollars being given to it by billionaire Obama regime supporters Tom Steyer and the heir to the Taco Bell fortune Rob McKay (otherwise known as “Obama’s trust fund baby”)   as well as US tech giants Google, who gave $2.3 million to this “racial-hatred” group, and Facebook—who stunningly erected in front of their main headquarters building a massive “Black Lives Matter” sign just hours after the Dallas police officers were gunned down.   

Facebook's massive “Black Lives Matter” sign erected at its Menlo Park headquarters on 8 July 2016

Rob McKay provides the main “funding conduit” to Black Lives Matter through his communist inspired Democracy Alliance (DA) organization aided by hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer—both of whom have raised hundreds-of-millions of dollars for the presidential campaigns of both president Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

As to why these 'elite', and white, billionaires, along with US tech giants, are funding the “racial-hatred” group Black Lives Matter and its “queer Black women” founders is listed as the “highest concern” of Chairperson Matviyenko in her referral—but which answers for have yet to discovered. 

SLEDCOM investigators do note that many American dissidents have long voiced concerns that the Obama regime is attempting to incite a race war in the United States—including former US Congressman Allen West who, in 2013, wrote about his fears of a race war occurring, and just yesterday another former US Congressman, Joe Walsh, threatening president Obama with “war” and warning Black Lives Matter demonstrators to “watch out.   

With Black Lives Matters gangs being tear gassed in Phoenix (Arizona) last night, and in Oakland (California) their attacking a police building and calling for more police deaths, too, Chairperson Matviyenko’s referral to place this “racial-hatred” group, its founder, and its funders on the FSB’s terrorist organization list has been “provisionally approved” pending further investigation.   

One Nation Under God - Ronald Reagan


President Ronald Reagan



Tim Hawkins



Hate spewing leftist media complicit

Hate spewing leftist media complicit in the mass shooting of Dallas police: Health Ranger issues statement in defense of police

Dallas police

(NaturalNews)   STATEMENT FROM NATURAL NEWS PUBLISHER MIKE ADAMS: I realize this statement has nothing to do with natural health, nutrition or GMOs. But as a Texan, a firearms owner and a long-time supporter of local law enforcement, I am appalled, disgusted and nauseated by the mass shooting of law enforcement officers in Dallas that took place this evening. I feel compelled to issue this statement and ask the all-important question, Where did all this hatred for police really come from?

The honest, politically incorrect answer is that it came from the leftist, liberal media which has, for the last several years, deliberately worked to maliciously paint all police officers as bigoted, racist murderers and executioners. Through this sort of vitriol, hate-spewing online publishers like the Huffington Post practically painted bulls eyes on the backs of police officers, riling up the very kind of hatred that has now turned to acts of extreme violence against our men and women in blue. (Four Dallas police officers now dead, according to reports, with many more critically injured...)

The leftist media encouraged and elicited the hatred that led to this violence

Under the false guide of "tolerance," the leftist media has engaged in extremely irresponsible journalistic malpractice by directly encouraging mass hatred directed toward police officers all across this nation. It was only a matter of time before this mass distribution of lies and hatred toward law enforcement ended in real world violence.

Guns alone did not kill these police... the weapons were deliberately used by angry, hate-filled individuals whose minds have been filled with intolerance and vitriol spewed by the leftist media. This violence deliberately targeted police officers, not just random people on the street. The people who carried this out clearly sought to inflict extreme pain, suffering and death of uniformed peace officers. Plans to engage in such carefully selected violence do not come into being out of nowhere... they must be elicited, encouraged and even invoked by the HATE MEDIA of the left.

By pursuing their editorial policies of hate, leftist publishers like the Washington Post have, in effect, unleashed open street warfare against police officers, putting all our lives at extreme risk. They have created nationwide conditions of extreme hatred and division, then they poured gasoline on the tinder box, knowing it would set the nation aflame. Their deliberate campaign of hatred and destruction against America has now been horrifyingly realized in pain, blood, chaos and racial division. This is what the left seeks!

Why I fully support local law enforcement

I have a long, established history with local law enforcement. I was granted a citizens' award by the Chief of Police of Tucson, Arizona, and I served two years on the board of directors of the Tucson Police Foundation. I'm also trained in tactical handgun combat and long-range target shooting. As a friend of local police and a firearms owner, I can tell you from extensive firsthand experience that nearly all the police are trying as hard as they can to do their jobs and protect public safety.

What the leftist media never tells you is that police operate under near-impossible conditions of extreme risk and horrible pay, and over the last several years, they've now had to deal with the extreme risk of being targeted by hate-filled individuals who have been "programmed" by the leftist media to seek out and threaten (or even assault) officers of the law.

Have no illusions that the leftist media is complicit in this violence against police officers, and they revel in the ratings they are able to achieve by covering the very shootings they have elicited in the first place.

Of no coincidence, this same leftist media is simultaneously doing everything in its power to see a traitorous, anti-American criminal elected to the White House. There is no crime that goes too far for the leftist media that routinely engages in defamatory, slanderous and violence-invoking hate speech directed at not just police officers but also people like Donald Trump, a man who, despite his faults, is maligned hourly by a vicious, deceitful leftist media that exists solely to advance an anti-America, leftist political agenda.

As a law-abiding American, I am sickened by the way in which the political left is systematically destroying this nation from within while aiding and abetting mass murderers and war criminals.

As influential publishers, we must all call for community peace and the respect of local police

It's time for all of us who are influential publishers to call out the complicity of the hate-spewing leftist media. Their extreme hatred and elicitation of violence has gone on for far too long; and even in covering this violence that they caused, they will dishonestly blame guns rather than pointing the finger at themselves for eliciting the hatred that inspired these extreme acts of violence.

The kind of "journalism" practiced by the left is beyond reprehensible... it is complicit in acts of mass murder. Simply stated, the leftist media as it exists today is the propaganda arm of anti-American mass murderers who are now deliberately targeting those who carry out law and order in America. The goal, it seems, is to destroy not just the fabric of law at the highest levels, but also to decimate those who carry out law enforcement in our communities.

Tonight, there is blood on the hands of the leftist media, which includes the Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC and all the other sources of intolerant, hate-based, anti-American and anti-police media outlets that are now ripping this nation to shreds from the inside out.

America cannot survive the left's insidious, destructive and deliberate intention to unleash mass violence across our cities in the false name of "social justice." We the People must take a firm stand against their unrelenting lawlessness and their total abandonment of the rule of law in America. It is time to restore law, defend our communities against leftist violence, and expose the real agenda of extreme radical leftist bloggers, journalists and publishers who revel in the very idea of destroying America from within.

As the publisher of Natural News, I will be loudly and repeatedly calling for citizen support of local law enforcement. As the same time, I am going to be calling out the hate-spewing publishers, bloggers and "journalists" who have contributed to the hatred and vitriol that has now led to heartbreaking bloodshed in Dallas. At the same time, my own firearms will be locked and loaded, not only in my own self defense but also in the defense of law enforcement officers who may need citizens' aid to survive ambushes that have been all but staged by the left.

These deaths did not happen in a vacuum. There are reasons for this violence, and an investigation of those reasons leads directly to the left's extreme hatred for America, hatred for police and hatred for the respect of law (as witnessed all the way up to the top presidential candidate of the left). It is time to call out this leftist hatred of America and start defending our nation against the "journalistic terrorism" of the leftist media. 


More news on Dallas police

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation.
Learn more:

‘The Event’ Update

‘The Event’ Update  

TRUTHEARTH.ORG – July 6, 2016
David Robinson

My intention for this article is to present evidence that we are coming up on a massive event the likes of which this planet has ever seen. Even a few of my ‘sleeping’ co-workers can feel something big is going to happen.

If you’re looking for evidence to back up the idea that The Event (Mass Arrests, E.T.  & Technology Disclosure, Financial Reset and Ascension) is going to happen, I will do my best to list this evidence right here.

For those who don’t know what The Event is and are new to it, I highly recommend checking out my videos below.

 What is the Event?

What is The Event? 
(Mass Arrests, E.T. Disclosure, 
Financial Reset, Ascension) 

I will summarize the events:
  • Temporary Bank Closures (2 Weeks Max)
  • Disclosure Playing on Television and Emergency Broadcast System
  • Mass Arrests of the Cabal (Televised)
  • Liberation of planet Earth from Dark Forces
  • Release of Suppressed Technologies
  • New Financial System Put in Place
  • First Contact
  • Ascension for some Beings
More info can be found here:
Prepare For Change – The Event
Robert Potter Explanation of The Event

Now onto the other stuff. Many preparations occurred in the public eye last year. There was a lot of fear around these things. If you don’t seek other sources for information, you can bet the Cabal’s plan to use and spin information these events to put you in fear will work. They’re very good at this. But if you follow many sources like I do, you’ll see it’s all for the good of humanity and has a benevolent purpose.

From April to May 2015 Canada conducted its largest military exercise and used 6,750 personnel from the U.S.A., Canada and the U.K.

CBC News Canada – Maple Resolve Preps Canadian soldiers, Allies for Next Conflict

Canadian soldiers use sandbags, wire and metal siding to build and defensive positive in the dirt surrounding CFB Wainwright, east of Edmonton, where 6,750 Canadians are training alongside American and British troops. (Brent Roy/Radio-Canada)

I’m sure you all remember Jade Helm 15. This one sent a lot of people into panic and fear. The Cabal definitely succeeded in getting people nervous about this one. I heard so many different things about what it was for; an AI testing people’s reaction to military intervention among other theories. 

Again, I am not claiming I know everything that is happening around the world. I’m just presenting my evidence for the big positive changes coming. You are free to disregard all of this as your free will permits.

MSNBC – The Quiet Uneventful End of Jade Helm 15
Russia Today – Jade Helm 15 Drill Explained
Jade Helm 15 kicks off on July 15.
Jade Helm 15 kicks off July 15th 2015. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Obvaldo Equite/SOCOM)

We have intel from Cobra on May 7th, 2015 where he calmed people down and gave some details about its purpose:

“Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer.“

Then on March 30th, 2015 the Emergency Broadcast System was tested across several states:

Russia Today – ‘Emergency Alert’ Sparks Panic Among TV Viewers Across U.S.
Info Wars – Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic/Confustion
Nationwide 'Emergency Alert' Test Causes Panic, Confusion

“The test began at around 11am EST and was broadcast in Washington DC, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The emergency alert contained no details and merely listed the states it affected and said the alert would run from 11am until 12 midnight.

Viewers in Sacramento, CA also reported seeing the test, which lasted for about 10 minutes before the regular TV broadcast resumed. At no point were viewers advised that the alert was only a test.”
On July 3rd 2015, per Cobra’s blog, we had a successful rehearsal for The Event in Egypt that involved the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement, White Dragons while being supported by the masses:
“This was one of the main rehearsals for the Event. The experience at the Event will be similar in a way, although it will happen on a scale hundred times larger. The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event.”
“As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved.  In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.”
  “This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses.”

This doesn’t include the massive military drills being conducted all over the planet, both now and last year. This operation is colossal in scale and everyone must be prepared and trained to play their role at The Event. We only get one shot at this. There are no do-overs. This is all I have for now. I did type up a document that presents facts about our corrupt 'government' and suppression of technologies along with info about The Event with links on one piece of paper.

One prepared person can be enough to calm dozens if not hundreds of people when the time comes. I hope some of you will study this information and be ready to be of service as you will have knowledge of what’s happening and be in a critical position to be the rock in the possible storm. I say possible because I do not know if there will be chaos or if it will be totally peaceful. A smooth transition is ideal and is what we are going for but some chaos is possible. This has never been done before on this planet so no one knows for sure how everything will play out. The end result will be positive though. 

Thanks for reading and much love everyone =]