Sunday, July 17, 2016

Explosive Breaking Intelligence : Clinton-Bush Assassination Teams Now Fingered

Exclusive, explosive reports from the patriot
Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years
ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Protect and defend   YOUR Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   July 14, 2016
Clinton-Bush Assassination Teams Now Fingered
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Grand Jury in Washington D.C. has all the evidence they need to arrest lifelong CIA stooges Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with George Herbert Walker Bush, his wife, the 7th degree witch Barbara Bush and her sexual deviate son: election stealer, nation wrecker, Constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, cocaine snorter, AWOL, war criminal junior George W. BushFRAUD.

Reference: Their direct involvement in domestic FBI Division 5 assassination teams that recently executed Seth Rich, who was a Democratic National Committee employee working with former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and intelligence agents tied to the Russian Federation that had uncovered evidence linking the Clinton Foundation and secret Swiss bank accounts to the funding of the domestic assassination teams.

We can also divulge that the late DNC employee, Seth Rich, had received evidence from the Russian Federation reference the electronic audit which revealed the actual results of the year 2000 presidential election to former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. now year 2000 DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr. proving without a shadow of a doubt that Gore won the election by over FOUR (4) MILLION popular votes and over 330 electoral votes.

Rich had also turned over evidence to Gore detailing the FBI Division 5 domestic assassination teams aka the Bush-Clinton hit squads that plotted to assassinate then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. by vectoring his Air Force Two airplane over the skies of Chicago in 1999.

Note: This came a week after the Bush-Clinton FBI Division 5 “True Colors” assassination teams assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr.

The game plan was simple: Clear the field for junior BushFRAUD’s presidential ambitions and clear the field for the U.S. Senatorial candidacy of then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton aka Hildabeast.

We can also reveal that current FBI Director James Comey, a noted money launderer and Clinton Foundation-HSBC bank stooge, is now trying to cover up this evidence and allowing ISIS terrorists on American soil to blackmail the U.S. Military Grand Jury threatening a nuclear attack on an American city.

Comey’s co-conspirator includes current U.S. Secretary of State, hofjuden Jew and junior George W. BushFRAUD’s 3rd cousin, BushFRAUD’s year 2004 Massachusetts patsy, ‘Skull and Bonesman’ John Kerry Cohen.

Note: NBC General Electric is now a total threat to the national security of the United States given the direct role of its former CEO Jack Welch and stooge reporters like Chris Matthews, Mike Barnicle, and neocon homosexual and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate puppet Steve Kornacki in covering up the truth from the American People.

All three specializes in promoting bogus polls on behalf of lesbo demon, neocon Nazi Hillary Rodham Clinton.

P.S. At this hour, the U.S. Military Flag Officers are ready to pivot,
so identify the enemy of the Second American Revolution and they remain:

-   the Nazi Criminal U.S. CIA,
-   homosexual junior George W. BushFRAUD,
-   sociopath and sexual deviate Bill Clinton,
-   his lesbian demon satanic wife Hillary Clinton, and
-   Nazi CIA puppet, foreign born homosexual Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro


Comey may have outsmarted the Clintons & Lynch

From a friend.

very very say the least...thanks

It is your Universe and you have every right
                     to change it

On Sunday, July 17, 2016 8:31 AM, Ron wrote:

Subject: Fwd: Comey may have outsmarted the Clintons & Lynch

Consider this:

Comey is not a stupid guy.  He may have been directed to "take the
fall" with his Hillary announcement (we know that Loretta didn't want
this thrown on her desk to preside over, even though the FBI has no
authority to make decisions whether or not to prosecute crimes; they
only investigate and Justice Dept decides that).  However, he decided
to do something out of the ordinary -- lay out and disclose all of his
evidence during his Press Conference.  He knew what he was doing and
he knew that it would create a "firestorm" of controversy.  If he had
just sent everything he had to AG Lynch, it might have all gotten
buried or, at least, not disclosed until long after the election.
Instead, he threw it all out for the public to know.

He also knew that it would cause Congress to call for an investigation
so, now, he will not just be able to go and answer their questions; he
made himself available almost instantly ( tomorrow at 10 AM) full well
knowing that they will want to dig even deeper, hear about more
evidence and have an open-ended Q&A for the entire day if they want
to.  If he wanted to, he could have stalled this for a month just by
saying "he's busy; send me a  Subpoena or let's schedule it for a
convenient time.

I think Comey knew that this way the FBI's entire case will get a full
public airing (and, since there isn't a prosecution pending, he can be
candid and open about  (anything and everything).  If it went to the
Justice Dept's hands, it would die a slow death there.  Nothing will
be kept secret now; we'll learn about things (such as Hillary having
12 private servers) that no one even suspected existed.  Comey can,
literally, try this case before the public, just as he started to do
laying out the key evidence just before "dropping the case", when
everyone thought he was heading toward a recommendation of
prosecution.  The Public and Media will now get to know EVERYTHING
that would or could have been presented in court if there was a
prosecution (in fact, even more than what could be presented in court
because there will be no rules of evidence holding him back).  This
hearing could be extremely eye-opening.  Like I said, Comey isn't a
stupid guy and he might have just outsmarted Lynch and Obama when they
told him to "kill this case".

A Grand Jury might have taken 6 months or longer to accomplish, if
playing "according to Hoyle", plus it is secret, except for leaks.
Now nothing will be secret.  Again, Comey is not stupid and he might
also prove that he is no one's lacky; however, he will just "play it
straight"; answer all of the questions and not have to volunteer
anything.  After all, Obama and Lynch can't tell him to lie to
Congress.  He might look foolish laying out this case when not
recommending prosecution but he might be wiser beyond our thinking
because now he will just be responding to questions "under oath".

That's my take on this scenario.  This could come out to be the
biggest fake-out in American history and, possibly, the only way to
take down a liar and dishonest government official who is being
"protected".  It might, actually, be worse than anything Hillary and
Bill ever imagined.

Who knows; maybe this will also carry into the Foundation crap as
well.  We will see.