Sunday, July 17, 2016

UN Takeover Activated

UN Takeover Activated: 
US Mass Casualties
Civil Wars! 
Obama Preps With New Chilling Executive Order

Published on Jul 11, 2016

Infowars Wages Aerial Assault Against Hillary at RNC

The USA Is a Corporation and you're an Employee!

The USA Is a Corporation and you're an Employee!

Published on Jul 12, 2016
This is the reality of our story.


Americans, while your enemy parties with glee .......


A Tale of Two Cities:

A Tale of Two Cities:    
2.7 million
2.15 million
Median HH Income
% 'African'-American

% Hispanic
% Asian
% Non-Hispanic White

Pretty similar until you compare the following:
Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
Concealed Carry    - Legal
# of Gun Stores
184 Dedicated gun stores plus 1500 - legal places to buy guns--Wal-Mart, K-mart, sporting goods, etc.
Homicides, 2012
Homicides per 100K
Avg. January high temperature  (F)
Conclusion : Cold weather causes murders.
                       This is due to 'global warming'.

Hillary Clinton fans - do as Bill does!!

Cleveland - WHO is lighting the match for the GOP?

There’s a powder keg in Cleveland And here's who's lighting the match!

If we had a nickel for every moron in this country, we could pay off the national debt in about five minutes. And, unfortunately, a lot of those morons and goons are packing their bags for Cleveland right now.

Just days from now, the Republican Party will be gathering in Cleveland to engage in a simple ritual it performs every four years. Thousands of delegates will nominate a GOP Candidate for presidentAnd if that was all that was going to happen, there wouldn’t be much to talk aboutBut, unfortunately, these delegates will not be alone in Cleveland. 

Thousands of demonstrators will be descending on the city, too, to protest presumptive nominee Donald TrumpAnd, judging by these protesters’ behavior at previous anti-Trump rallies, violence is probably inevitable. 

But it’s not too late to stop it. And for the good of the country… and for the safety of delegates and the protesters themselves … it’s time for Democratic party leaders and their special interest pals to find their backbones. 

Make no mistake about it. The protests we’ve seen at Trump rallies nationwide are not happening organically — they are not simple uprisings of 'concerned' citizens. They are being encouraged and funded by Hillary Clinton PACs, organizations bankrolled by billionaire George Soros, labor unions, and other liberal-friendly interests. And it doesn’t look like these groups will be happy until someone is dead. 

We’ve come close in places in California where Trump  supporters were beaten… or New Mexico, where police were attacked.  And what we’re already hearing out of Cleveland is frightening. The New Black Panther Party has announced this week it plans to bring guns to the city. I guess avoiding violence by not bringing themselves to Cleveland wasn’t an option. 

The City of Cleveland has spent $50 million on security measures, including the purchase of 2,000 batons and riot gear.  This has all been made necessary by a bunch of two-bit, idiotic protesters who fail to realize something very simple.  If they don’t like Trump or his positions, don’t vote for him. That’s something you can do easily without punching someone in the face because they’re wearing a Trump hat, or setting fire to the American flag like you’re in some Tehran town square. (Not 'liking' Trump is NOT what the riots are all about - it is about the communist takeover of America via civil war, death and destruction under the guise of 'Black Lives Matter' and 'police brutality.)

If this powder keg goes off in Cleveland, Trump will not be to blame. Blame the disruptions on the people being sent to disrupt — simple as that. It’s time to hold the special interest groups (and their leaders) behind these protests accountable for whatever may come. Its time to name names. Some of the groups that have been working to fuel anti-Trump unrest for months include:

Service Employees International Union (SEIU): SEIU has been represented at several anti-Trump rallies, including ones that got particularly ugly in Chicago, San Diego, and San Jose, CA. President Mary Kay Henry said in January that the group was going into “hyperdrive” to stop Trump, and a state union leader in Washington took to Twitter to encourage members to shut down a Trump rally in Seattle. The group has admitted it provided signs and encouraged turnout at some raucous anti-Trump rallies. Political Action Director Ilya Sheyman claimed his organization was just putting the Trump campaign on notice. Well, Mr. Sheyman, now we’re putting you on notice, too.

Black Lives Matter: This group will be in Cleveland in force, as they’ve been at other anti-Trump events. Despite their rhetoric and at times extreme tactics, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly refused to criticize BLM.  

George Soros: This filthy-rich titan, reportedly worth nearly $25 billion, flies around in private jets while funding these protest groups that do his dirty work for him. He’s even accused Trump of doing the work of ISIS — and they accuse Trump of inflammatory speech? It’s safe to say that whatever happens in Cleveland, at least some of it can be laid at Soros’ feet. 

Hillary Clinton:  Clinton is arguably in the best position to tell these protesters — and the groups behind them — to stop and go home. But despite all the violence we’ve seen at Trump protests over the past several months, Clinton seems more interested in coddling the protesters than speaking out against them. 

This is just the short list of some of the individuals and groups that have been organizing, funding, sparking, and encouraging the anti-Trump activities around the country. Now, with things coming to a boil, they have the power to turn down the temperature. 

But they won’t. Because, at the end of the day, they are cowards who would rather hide behind these protests, cry crocodile tears over whatever violence ensues, and later wash their hands of it. 

Kevin Hart is the Publisher of The Horn News.

Please Pray For Mainstreet

by Anna Von Reitz

I have spent the day pouring through piles of correspondence--- answered what I could, and despaired of the rest.  My helpers have done their best to sort mail into piles and with any luck donations for the Living Law Firm and the 50 States Claim have been gleaned out and distributed to the many who need support to continue their work. 

As always I am overwhelmed with the misery and the vast numbers of innocent Americans who have been silently, day after day, preyed upon---- property stolen, lives ruined, years spent in prison, all under the guise of law and order and the American Way.  
Read Psalm 119: 105-178, if you would commune with me tonight.  This is my outcry tonight and the outcry of all those who have not forgotten His Ways and His Commands, who remember what the Law really is and is supposed to be, as opposed to this horrible corporate sham. 
I am here to tell you that the United States--- our "neighbor" headquartered in the District of Columbia has been the author of this misery and the cause and the reason from Day One. While pretending to work with us and for us, it has done anything and everything to undermine, steal from, and ruin America.  Both the British and the French Governments and those backing their Central Banks are responsible, as are the Vatican agents who have stood mum and profited and looked the other way.  
Let the Truth and the Fruits guide your way.  If any man, cause, or religion would have your allegiance, let them prove worthy with thought, word, and deed.  
We all bear a part of the responsibility and own a share of the fact that things have come to this, a time when we have had the rankest kinds of criminals running our government and presiding over our courts. We have not done our part.  We have been asleep at the wheel.  We've been here and yet not present, lulled into a dull and deadly complacency, fooled by political parties and sideshows, brand names and semantic deceits, thinking that someone named "George" could do it all for us, though he has been dead for over 200 years. I still run into that every day--- someone wanting to rant at me under the assumption that it is my job--- and not theirs--- to run the actual American government.
To the extent that our government exists or has ever existed, it is an inner government that begins with ourselves; it exists in our determination to govern ourselves and to do so according to high principles, to choose those principles with discernment and to join with others in pursuit of their manifestation on Earth: we hold these Truths to be self-evident....that all men are created equal. 
Today, it has been announced that massive bounties payable in gold are being offered for the arrest of former leaders of this country.  There can be no doubt that mercenaries from around the world will flock like crows, eager to waylay such familiar figures as the Bush Family and President Obama. That these false leaders are guilty of many sins and omissions cannot be disputed, yet in my opinion, the true problem goes much deeper and lies in fact not with these kings, but with the king-makers, who are now offering these people up as sacrifices for their own sins. 
Ask yourselves--- who has a ton of gold to offer as such a reward, and who would answer the call to claim such a reward?  Only members of the Illuminati, the Pope, the Queen, a few foreign governments have tons of gold to give away. Only bounty hunters will answer, violent commercial mercenaries motivated by such things as gold and now they will be "in action" on our shores, prowling around in quiet hamlets like Crawford, Texas. And the local police will have to do battle with them.  
All those who are celebrating this action by the "White Dragon Society" think again.  A form of gangland style war has begun on our shores, without any big news announcement, without any vote from Congress. And we must ask ourselves-----why? 
Our failure to arrest these people and hold them accountable ourselves is the root of all of this. It should have happened years and years ago.  We should have arrested the entire remaining Congress after the Civil War and charged them with treason.  The Army dawdled, concerned about their pay--- then as now----and we slept on.  
We should have arrested those who passed the Federal Reserve Act and executed them for treason.  
We should have arrested FDR instead of electing him for four terms. 
We should have and we would have, if we had known, but we mistook the "United States" as part of ourselves and so it has continued on its destructive, venal course, and we reap the inevitable truth that when you fail to govern yourself, someone else is eventually forced to do it for you.  
I don't doubt that Comey's failure to indict Hillary Clinton and Jacob Rothschild's attempts to play still more games in France have been the final straws mandating all of this.  Perhaps, too, our recent Estate Claim Letter laying bare the history of the Holy See's former involvement and present responsibility with respect to the ongoing criminality of our court system and banking system has prodded certain parties into action. 
So now we have foreign mercenaries of every kind and stripe coming to Mainstreet, America. 
The very best thing that could happen would be for those named to voluntarily enter into protective custody and to remain in protective custody pending trial.  In this way, the whole situation could be diffused and lives could be saved.  The second option, which would also be acceptable, would be for our own police and military to arrest the miscreants pending trial. It might be too little and too late, but at least we would be taking responsibility and enforcing order on what will happen anyway. 

Tonight, please accept my special thanks to all those men who stepped forward in support of our 50 States Claim and all those who have sent donations to me, purchased our book, and supported the Living Law Firm.  We can't possibly respond to the sheer volume of correspondence, but you can be sure that we hear and we care and we are doing everything we can to restore honesty in banking and government and justice to the courts.  This is a battle no less than any other battle and we are against vast and evil forces. Our poor country is still struggling with issues left over from the Civil War, but we must all place our lamps on a lamp stand and let them be burning brightly even so---and each of us, according to our own insights and talents must take up our part.  
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 

ALERT! Intel update - be on alert - get prepared

July 17 2016

Regarding what's coming in the next couple weeks during the time of both the GOP and Dem conventions and to continue thereafter ...... 


Weather control is and will be used to create massive tornadoes to interrupt the nation.  Many chemical compounds are being loosed upon the US. One A&P airplane mechanic verified modifications to wide-bodied aircraft.

The Rothschild cabal controls the chemtrail mixtures from their trucks into planes; planes dump it into a jet stream grid. Rothschilds own Weather Channel which is then misleading and disarming for a region.  

The tornadoes will form and come down, do their devastation, and immediately the angry troops come in, banging at the door for gun confiscation and roundups.  
How do you coordinate bad weather with foreign troops taking over a town or city?"  The immediate answer : "HAARP" and chemtrails.  They are coordinated with the shock troops.   Clearly, for National Defense, weather-as-a- weapon HAARP must be seen as a major threat to American security!

Consider:  Tornadoes coming - ominous literal tornadoes.  You will watch them as they form in the sky.  Several will touch down.  Immediately after, coordinated into the partial rubble, arriving on the scene will be armed forces ready for a systematic takeover along with the blacks and the muslims. 

The foreign troops are on alert for action immediately after the manufactured tornadoes. (The placement of the foreign troops and equipment has been ongoing for a long while for the final takedown of America.) 
After the locals are rounded up - while stunned and confused by the tornadoes - the Chicago Mercantile Exchange routinely pays out billions in weather derivatives to insiders who know the HAARP agenda, profiteering billions from the destruction of America!  
Do not be surprised if power is cut off, water cut off, availability of funds from ATMs and banks cut off, martial law declared with troops on the streets, and a quickly diminishing supply of food. 

This civil war will be exacerbated when Obama and the NWO begin to take the guns and as the jihadists begin, in earnest, to make their holy war move in the USA (the sole reason Obama's henchmen have been bringing the muslims in to the country by the thousands).  The abominable events by the muslims that continue to be portrayed in the news in the European and Scandanavian countries will soon begin to happen on the streets of America.

Who is it that has been reporting to the people that the 'cabal has lost', that 'the cabal is negotiating' and that 'the cabal is running for their lives?

America, do you not 'see' who the liars are and what they are setting up to do to YOU and ME???

Updates will be posted as they are brought forth. 

It's Been A Long Time Coming....Federal Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years...

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established with the New Deal were totally unfounded and unconstitutional. With the anniversary of Magna Carta and the right to a jury trial coming up on June 15 after 800 years, the era of Roosevelt’s big government is quietly unraveling.
White-Mary-JoA federal judge’s ruling against the Securities and Exchange Commission for using its own Administrative Law judges in an insider trading case is perhaps the beginning of the end of an alternative system of justice that took root in the New Deal. Constitutionally, the socialists tore everything about the idea of a Democracy apart. It was more than taxing one party to the cheers of another in denial of equal protection. It was about creating administrative agencies (1) delegating them to create rules with the force of law as if passed by Congress sanctioned by the people; (2) the creation of administrative courts that defeated the Tripartite government structure usurping all power into the hand of the executive branch, as if this were a dictatorship run by the great hoard of unelected officials. 

Not discussed in the coverage of this story is that the Administrative Law Courts are a fiefdom, to put it mildly. They have long been corrupt and traditionally rule in favor of their agencies, making it very costly for anyone to even try to defend themselves. If someone were to attempt this feat, first they have to wear the costs of an Administration proceeding and appeal to an Article III court judge, then they must appeal to the Court of Appeals, and finally plea to the Supreme Court. The cost of such adventures is well into the millions, and good luck on actually getting justice. 

Furthermore, Administrative Law Courts cannot sentence you to prison, but they can fine you into bankruptcy. So the lack of a criminal prosecution meant the judges did not have to be lawyers. They could be anyone’s brother-in-law looking for a job where he just rules in favor of the agency not to be bothered with law. Unless the victim has a pile of money, there is no real chance that he or she can afford to defend themselves. This is why the agencies cut deals with the big houses and prosecute the small upstarts who lack the funds to defend themselves. 

In a 45-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May in Atlanta issued an injunction halting Administrative Law proceedings against Charles Hill, a businessman who the SEC accused of reaping an illegal $744,000 profit trading in Radian Systems stock. This is typical. The legal fees involved will exceed the amount of money he is alleged to have made, the typical result is to just pay the fine and they go away, it is cheaper. 

The judge ruled that the SEC agency violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution by subjecting Hill to proceedings before an Administrative Law judge, who isn’t directly accountable to the president, officials in charge of the SEC, or the courts under Article III. The ruling is 81 years overdue. The entire structure of administrative agencies blackmailing people has been outrageous. Then you take the banks who just entered a plea of CRIMINALLY guilty to manipulating markets. They are now formally FELONS who engaged in violating SEC rules and thus under the SEC rules, they are no longer eligible for a banking license. The banks are “too big to jail” and the SEC has waived their own rules, of course, to exempt the banks. So they can engage in fraud and manipulation, get caught, pay billions in fines, and the SEC exempts them from losing their licenses. This is how corrupt the administrative agencies really are.

This new decision calling the Administrative Law Courts what they really are is reminiscent of the notorious extrajudicial proceedings of the Star Chamber operated by King James I. The court of Chancery set up outside of the King’s Bench, so there were no trials by jury. It had the same purpose, to circumvent the law. This is where our Fifth Amendment privilege came into being. That came about following the trial of John Lilburne (1615-1657) for handing out a pamphlet the government did not like.

The Miranda v Arizona 384 U.S. 436 (1966) decision of the Supreme Court came only after decades of abuse by American police against citizens, not unlike what we are watching today. The Miranda decision is hated by police, prosecutors, right-wing judges, politicians, and citizens. The decision is based upon the history of the right not to be coerced that began with the famous trial of John Lilburn before the English court of the Star Chamber in 1637 where he stood tall and objected to the King’s torture. Lilburn’s crime was handing out pamphlets against the king. John Lilburne (1615–1657) was a leader in the Leveller Movement of the 1640s and was a prolific pamphleteer who defended religious and individual liberty of the people. He was imprisoned many times for his views and was active in the army of the New Parliament rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In October 1649, he was arrested and tried for High Treason for printing and circulating books and pamphlets critical of the government but was acquitted of all charges by a jury of his peers.