Friday, July 22, 2016

Paul Ryan: In case you don't know this - you need to know

Congress Votes To Fund Nearly 300,000 Visas For Muslim Migrants In One Year

The House passed Paul Ryan’s $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, negotiated with Nancy Pelosi. A majority of House Republicans voted for the measure, which fully funds Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior.

In perhaps a display of loyalty to Ryan, three-fifths of the Republican conference supported his legislation, and even gave him a standing ovation following the bill’s passage.

In passing this legislation, the House has approved funding for the issuance of nearly three hundred thousand visas to migrants from Muslim countries in the next year alone.

Ryan’s bill accomplishes this migrant surge by fully funding every U.S. immigration program currently in existence, as well as funding the President’s expansion of the refugee program through Syrian migrant resettlement.

The most recent available data published by the Department of Homeland Security shows that in 2013, around 118,000 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States on green cards, as well as approximately 40,000 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries. 

Additionally, according to data from the State Department, in 2013 the U.S. voluntarily admitted approximately 123,000 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers.

On top of those autopilot admissions, which will be funded throughout all of 2016, the House is also funding the President’s plan to add another 10,000 refugees from the Muslim country of Syria. As a result, Ryan’s House-passed omnibus will bring in nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants in the next 12 months alone, including roughly 170,000 who will be permanently resettled within the country. In a December 3rd letter to administration officials, Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz explained that the permanant resettlement of 170,000 Muslim migrants will be on top of the already huge inflow of temporary Muslim migrants:
Congress is days away from consideration of an omnibus year-end funding bill that would set the U.S. on an autopilot path to approve green cards, asylee, and refugee status to approximately 170,000 migrants from Muslim countries during the next fiscal year. In addition to that would tens of thousands of temporary visas for entry and employment, and the entire sum is added to the rest of the annual autopilot green card, asylee, refugee, and foreign worker flow.
This means that next year, the U.S. will admit more than two Muslim migrants for every one Iowa Republican primary voter.

Reports have documented how the admission of large flows of Sharia-sympathetic Muslim migrants has posed several assimilation challenges for the nation. For instance, Equality Now issued a report detailing how Muslim migration has put half a million U.S. girls at risk of suffering Female Genital Mutilation.

Similarly, Aayan Hirsi Ali has documented how honor violence and honor killings have become prevalent throughout the nation. Hirsi Ali has explained how the number of honor violence victims is only “likely to rise in the years to come” since “immigration trends over the last ten years, show a significant increase in the number of people moving to the United States from countries with high-honor violence rates—notably Somalia… as well as Iraq.” 

Moreover, a September 2015 Congressional report found that Minnesota, which has the largest Somali population in the country, also has the largest number of radicalized individuals who have attempted to take up arms and join ISIS in the fight against the West.

Yet many members of Congress do not seem aware of these reports. For instance, in an October interview with Congressman Jim Jordan, Breitbart News asked Jordan if he thought visa issuanances to Muslim countries should be reduced, citing the fact that in his home state of Ohio, which has a large Somali population, more than 20,000 girls are at risk of having their sexual organs cut from their bodies.

Jordan’s response was, “In Ohio? Wow.” Jordan could not say whether he would support curbs to Muslim immigration declaring, ” I’d have to look at that closer. I have not looked at that particular.”

Yet in addition to funding visas for nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants, Ryan’s omnibus bill also funds the expansion of the H-2B guest-worker visa, which according to immigration attorney Ian Smith will disproportionately “hurt America’s most vulnerable workers” such as black workers, single women, the elderly, and first-generation immigrants. This provision– tucked 700 pages into the bill– resuscitates and expands a controversial provision of Marco Rubio’s Gang of Eight immigration plan to increase guest-workers.

The expansion of the H-2B program seems to confirm previous Breitbart News reporting, which observed that a Ryan Speakership would mean the desires of 9 in 10 Republican voters to reduce future immigration growth would be trumped by donor class’ desire to increase immigration.

As Breitbart News wrote prior to Ryan’s election as House Speaker:
House conservatives would have as much, if not more, to fear from Ryan as Pelosi in terms of striking a deal to advance amnesty and immigration-expansions on the House floor… Conservative lawmakers will be blocked from any attempt to advance legislative campaigns to curb immigration or to coordinate any public messaging designed to give voice to the concerns of working class Americans whose schoolhouses, job sites and emergency rooms have been transformed by massive immigration.
However, on Thursday morning Steve Scalise, a member of Ryan’s leadership team, sent out a WHIP alert to Congressional legislative staff, touting Bob Goodlatte’s  visa expansion program.  Goodlatte, who serves as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has been a long time supporter of importing more foreign workers into Virginia.

Scalise– in praising Goodlatte’s proposal which Mark Levin has said will hurt black Americans filling blue-collar jobs– said that quadrupling H-2B visas will help employers suffering from so-called “worker shortage”.
However, the data contradicts Scalise’s claim.

As Sen. Sessions has highlighted, the Economic Policy Institute has documented how, “wages were stagnant or declining for workers in all of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014,” and “unemployment rates increased in all but one of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014, and all 15 occupations averaged very high unemployment rates… Flat and declining wages coupled with such high unemployment rates over such a long period of time suggest a loose labor market—an over-supply of workers rather than an under-supply.”

In his sales pitch to the Republican Conference, Scalise failed to mention that the U.S. has admitted an unprecedented 59 million immigrants since 1965, which has transformed the nation demographically, socially and economically.

This influx was the result of a Ted Kennedy-backed bill, which lifted Calvin Collidge’s immigration caps and opened up American immigration visas to the entire world. In the four decades following the enactment Coolidge’s immigration caps, there was no immigration growth at all in the United States, indeed U.S. foreign born population underwent four decades of decline.

However, just three days before Steve Scalise was born, the Kennedy-backed bill was signed into law, resulting in an explosion of America’s foreign-born population from 9.6 million in 1965 to 42.4 million today. Census data shows that every three years, as a result of Kennedy’s immigration rewrite, the U.S. adds another immigrant population the size of Los Angeles.

When Scalise was born fewer than 1 in 20, U.S. residents were foreign-born. Today, that figure is rapidly nearing 1 in 7, and will rise to never before seen highs in coming decades if a pause or reduction to visa issuances is not enacted. Yet Scalise apparently believes that the unprecedented pace of foreign worker arrivals is not high enough.

Perhaps the greatest political irony surrounding the House’s passage of the Omnibus may be that Paul Ryan was able to get away with what John Boehner never could – namely, the decision of the House Freedom Caucus to support Paul Ryan has enabled the donor class to lock in President Obama’s immigration policies for his final year in office in a way that would otherwise never have been possible.

As Talking Points Memo reports:
The rabble-rousing conservatives who were such a problem for former Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) are giving new House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) the benefit of the doubt on the year-end funding package…Some of the House’s most conservative members credit Ryan’s honeymoon period or their desire to skip town for the holidays for smoothing the path for them not to stand in the way of a deal…  Under Boehner, 11th hour budget negotiations all but guaranteed intra-party fireworks in the GOP conference… But this time, members are giving Ryan a break, at least in part in hopes of making a dash for the holiday exit.
Talking Points notes that many of the most vocal critics of John Boehner seemed eager to Ryan. For instance, Rep. Mark Meadows told Talking Points that Ryan   “passed the test in terms of process and openness. He passed with flying colors.”

The nine founding members of the House Freedom Caucus include Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI),Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID).
All nine of them voted for Paul Ryan as House Speaker. 


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Thursday, July 21, 2016

The TRUTH about Paul Ryan


House Speaker Paul Ryan is out with a new television ad that tries to convince Wisconsin voters that Ryan has taken action to keep Islamic terrorists from entering the United States.

In recent months, Paul Ryan, who leads the pro-Islamic migration wing of the Republican Party, has come under fire for his long standing support for open borders. Ryan is now facing significant opposition in his August 9th primary election from Wisconsin businessman, Paul Nehlen, who is running on a pro-America platform and argues that the needs of American citizens should be a Congressman’s first priority.   

The new 30-second television ad — Ryan’s first television ad of the election cycle — focuses on immigration and keeping Islamic terrorists from entering the U.S.

Ryan’s campaign provided reporters with a copy of the ad’s transcript. In the ad titled, “Do More,” Ryan tells Wisconsin voters:
After the terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernadino [sic], Americans are right to be worried about ISIS plotting more attacks. As your Congressman, I have passed legislation to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering the U.S. and I’m working with national security experts to change practices so we can prevent future attacks. Just talking about national security is not enough. We need new laws and action by the Administration to protect Americans.
It’s perhaps interesting that Ryan felt the issue of immigration security was important enough to his constituents to make it his first television ad of the election cycle. 

Pew polling data shows that Ryan’s position on immigration is opposed by 92 percent of the GOP electorate, and 83 percent of the American electorate overall.

Earlier this week, Ryan’s campaign sent out mailers attempting to assure Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border — despite the fact that he has spent two decades pushing for policies that would effectively open America’s borders.  

Reports show that Ryan has roughly $10 million cash on hand to spend during this election to convince Wisconsin voters that he is a border security hawk.

However, contrary to what Ryan suggested in his new television ad, after the terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, Ryan failed to advance a strategy that would keep radical Islamic migrants from entering the United States.

In fact, far from it — after the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Speaker Ryan sent President Obama a blank check to fund visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants in the next 12 months alone.

Given Ryan’s long history of pushing open borders immigration policies, it is perhaps not surprising that Ryan’s response following the terror attacks was to expand Islamic migration. As one Congressional aide said at the time, “Having [Paul] Ryan in charge of refugee strategy is like putting the world’s fattest man in charge of your diet plan.”

Indeed, Ryan went to great lengths to ensure America that, as long as he was in charge, no proposals to restrict mass Muslim migration would be tolerated.

One of Ryan’s first major acts as Speaker of the House was to have his leadership team block a proposal offered by Congressman Brian Babin that would have paused the nation’s refugee program.

In a nationally televised interview with Sean Hannity, Ryan ruled out the possibility of curbing Muslim migration, proclaiming: “that’s not who we are.”

In early December, Ryan held a press conference publicly condemning Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily pause Muslim migration. Ryan declared that Trump’s plan “is not conservatism” — even though seven out of ten Wisconsin GOP voters agree with Trump and want to see Muslim migration paused.

Although Ryan supports an immigration policy that is overwhelmingly opposed by his constituents, Ryan has previously explained that he believes his job as a U.S. lawmaker is to put himself in the shoes of foreign citizens and craft legislation that serves the best interests of those foreign citizens. (NOTE: NOT the best interests of our nation, but those of foreigners, INCLUDING MUSLIMS/JAHADIS)

Ryan has even echoed Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric in condemning conservative proposals to pause Muslim migration — declaring that such proposals are “not reflective of our principles.”

Ryan has yet to explain how importing hundreds of thousands of migrants from nations that may hold sentiments that are anti-women, anti-gay, anti-religious tolerance, and anti-America benefits the United States or helps to protect or advance Western principles.

Rather than considering curbing Muslim migration, after the Paris terror attack, Ryan put forth a bill that was widely panned by conservatives as a “show vote” because, even if the President had signed Ryan’s bill, it would still allow Obama to bring in an unlimited number of refugees from an unlimited number of countries.

Congressman Walter Jones’s office said that Ryan’s bill would “do nothing to cut off the funding for President Barack Obama’s plan to import tens of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees into the U.S.” 

Mark Levin slammed Ryan’s entire proposal as a fraud. “You’re not securing the homeland, you’re pretending to secure the homeland,” Levin said. Hot Air’s AllahPundit even observed that Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s bill was “more substantive” than Paul Ryan’s.

Jeff Sessions said that the Ryan-backed proposal would “allow the President to continue to bring in as many refugees as he wants from anywhere in the world.”

Even National Review’s Rich Lowry pointed out that the Ryan-championed proposal, “when you get down to it, it doesn’t do anything,” Lowry wrote in a piece titled, “Uh, the House Bill to Pause the Syrian Refugee Program Doesn’t Really Pause the Syrian Refugee Program.

In recent weeks, Ryan’s challenger, Paul Nehlen, has attacked Ryan for his support for expanding Islamic migration into the United States. In his most recent billboard ad, Nehlen slammed Ryan for protecting himself and his family with armed security while continuing to push an immigration policy that puts the American people at risk.

Attorney General BANS Sale Of AR-15s

Amendment II Right to Bear Arms

BREAKING: Attorney General BANS Sale Of AR-15s… It’s Happening

And Americans are going to allow this bitch to do this? To puke on your 2nd Amendment rights??!!  Since WHEN does the private defunct corporation have the 'authority' to eliminate your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Amendment II  Right to Bear Arms

Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What happens when liberals pass a law and it doesn’t have the desired effect that was so heavily touted to rally the votes for it? Why, they find ways to reinterpret or rewrite the law, whether they have the constitutional or legal authority to do so or not.

Such is the case for Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, who lamented in an op-ed for the Boston Globe that, gasp, people are still able to buy AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles in her state despite an “assault weapons” ban.

Healey took issue with a supposed “loophole” that has been “exploited” by gun manufacturers to continue selling the murderous “weapons of war” that, oh my gosh, were used a handful of times in a few high-profile mass shootings. (No mention of the thousands shot dead every year by handguns.) The horror!

Judge Anna: Men and Angels

Men and Angels

4f522-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz    |

Begin with the fact that everyone on this planet exists as a physical body inhabited by a spirit. Everyone knows this at some level, but we don’t normally think about this and the implications of it.
Without a spirit the body cannot live, and without a body the spirit lacks a material, physical vehicle to do work in this dimension.  The spirits that inhabit us are immortal and boundless and easily transcend both time and space.  Our bodies are like space suits—the means for the spirit to adapt to and operate in this environment. 
Vast, vast amounts of energy are required to create and maintain this three dimensional reality. The amount of energy it takes to create and maintain your fingernail is currently beyond your wildest imagination. 
Your spirit which exists as ordered energy is able to plug into the energy grid of the Universe and it generates a spirit body to do so.  This spirit body has organs just like your physical body has organs—- eyes for example —- but it also has its own peculiar organs including the spinning energy vortices called chakras.  
You are thus a marriage of immortal spirit and mortal body.  This appears to some people to be a mismatch, as if you must hate one and love the other, but this is a basic misunderstanding.  An astronaut may find fault with his spacesuit. He may chafe against its clumsiness and restraints. Yet, he needs his spacesuit to survive in space, and would be a fool to abuse it. 
The same holds true for our physical body.  We may chafe against its limits, including its short lifespan, but if we want to explore and interact with the Third Dimension we need our body to serve as our vehicle.  
Okay, given all this, it should be apparent that there are different kinds of spirits, just as there are different kinds of physical bodies. The spirit of an angel is different than the spirit of a man, yet either may inhabit a man’s body and while in the flesh they are close enough to mate and create viable offspring. 
Think of two quite radically different species of horse, for example—-a draft horse and a carriage horse.  Or an Airedale and a Springer Spaniel.  They can mate.  They can have viable fertile offspring.  That isn’t saying that they should mate or that life for the offspring is going to be easy but physically you can cross a Dachshund with a Bulldog and you wind up with something that is recognizably a “dog”. 
Thus in many instances in the Bible angels are described as looking like comely men—those that went down to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah for example—though obviously also different enough for Abraham to recognize them for who and what they were. 
satan is an angel who mated with Eve to produce Cain—- a man without a conscience. To this day, about five percent of all people are born with no inate sense of right or wrong, and they create the lion’s share of all the trouble in the world.  
They can be taught social do’s and don’ts the same way a dog can be trained to fetch slippers, but as to why something is wrong or right, or how to know the difference—-all that is a mystery to them.  They continue to ask, “Am I my Brother’s keeper?” and they continue to tell lies and half-truths because they have no internal yardstick. They see no reason to prefer truth to falsehood. For them, there is no such thing as morality, so they become natural proponents of immorality. 
Cain spawned progeny like himself, the Canaanites, and they in turn spawned their own religion— satanism. satanists practice to deceive in every way imaginable. Every lie and half-truth is a prayer to their Father, the Father of all Lies. Think of Brer Rabbit and the Briar Patch.  Think of Jacob Rothschild loaning you your own assets at interest.  Think of training you to call yourself a “United States Citizen” so that from childhood you are taught to unknowingly cling to your chains.
satanism in turn became associated early on with another venal religion of the Mideast — the Sumerian cult of Ashtoreth—- also known as Astarte, Isis, Cybele, and Columbia. Yes, as in “District of Columbia”.  You see Ashtoreth’s image all over the Middle East: a beautiful woman with rays of light coming out of her head.  A giant statue of her stands in New York Harbor. It’s called the “Statue of Liberty”.  People need to remember that “liberty” is what British sailors are given when they reach port and it has nothing to do with freedom. 
Ashtoreth is called the “Mother of Harlots” and the “Mother of all Abominations”.  The religion she founded practices sex as a sacrament, blood sacrifices, infanticide, capital punishment inflicted by being burned alive, worship of idols, and chief among the idols— graven images, also known as money. 
It used to be common to see bas relief carvings of handsome, curly-haired, one-eyed Satan copulating with Ashtoreth, but as their cults have come forward into the modern world fewer and fewer of these remain.  Apparently, the adherents of these ancient profane religions don’t want you to make the connection and figure out what is going on. 
These religions have been suppressed many, many times because they are so nasty, so vicious, so deceptive, and so destructive.  Sodom and Gemorrah, the Great Flood, Carthage, Phoenicia, and the Druids in Great Britain—- all associated with these religious practices and their suppression. 
For millenia these religions have been associated with the sea.  Take a good look at the Greek god Poseidon, the god of the sea?  Horns, scaly tail, curly hair, carrying a trident.  It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that satan and Poseidon are one-in-the-same. It also doesn’t require a lot of thought to see why these religions are associated with civilizations that have been great sea-going powers and why the Law of the Sea is infamously unjust, an “upside down law” where people are presumed guilty until proven innocent, positive arguments have to be stated as negative averments, and facts can only be established by asking questions. 
This is the flip-side of our British heritage, the dirty secret hidden in plain view.  The British Monarch has always occupied two offices, one Christian, one Pagan, just like the Pope.  For those who have followed Muu’ad Dibh’s charges against the Queen for violation of her Coronation Vow, it all now makes sense.  In one office she promises not to create legislation, and with the other hand, in another office, she signs it by the reams. 
This connection with Satanism also explains the long-standing bad reputation of the British Government and the appellation “Perfidious Albion”. Take a hard look at what Britain did to cause the current situation in the Middle East. They came under the guise of establishing a “Protectorate” —- so they drew some lines on a map and arbitrarily labeled it “Palestine” and thereby also created “Palestinians” out of thin air. 
Then, having created one “group” via this labeling process, they set out to create the opposing team by dumping a lot of displaced European Jews on the same little plot of ground. 
This was done with malice aforethought, deliberately, to create, enhance, and guarantee conflict between the arbitrarily defined Palestinians —most of whom are Muslim Arabs, and Israelis—-most of whom are Jewish.  
Then the perpetrators stood back and let the two sides begin duking it out, and they have faithfully done so ever since, resulting in multiple wars, terrorism and genocide.  
This Satanic practice of labeling groups according to arbitrary differences and then playing them off against each other is Satan’s Standard Operating Practice—-which is more than simply “divide and conquer”.  It’s divide to conquer, profit, and commandeer. 
Britain’s set up of the whole Middle Eastern conflict is a picture book perfect example of Satanism applied.  First you identify and label two groups— let’s call them Republican and Democrat.  Then you pit them against each other.  And use this for your own ends. 
In the case of the Republican v. Democrat match up, the purpose isn’t to wage war or even to engage in any honest corporate policy debate.  The purpose is to keep the American people hoodwinked and enthralled and entertained—- keep us believing that this sideshow is “our government” and that we have a voice in it and that our votes count—-when in fact absolutely none of these statements are true—-and to keep us voting in their elections instead of booting up and operating our own government. 
Driven by the false idea that the United States is America and the false presumption that the federal corporation is their government, millions of Americans faithfully trot to the polling stations and vote in private foreign corporate elections every year—–thereby needlessly blaming themselves for the outcomes and identifying themselves as “United States Citizens”—-when in fact their votes don’t count for anything but a popularity poll and most importantly, they are participating in the affairs of a foreign government. 
What if someone convinced you that “Sweden” meant “America”?   It’s a good trick, but imagine that that happened somehow.  Now imagine that the same people convinced you that a single Swedish corporation was the government of America and convinced you that when you voted for officers to run that privately owned corporation you were instead voting for people to fill public offices.  
THAT is what has happened here, and it is the height of Satanic deception at its finest. The Holy See and the British Monarch set the fraud up after the Civil War and have milked the fraud and deception ever since.  France got in on the act after the Second World War, and now we have to deal with the UN. 
Absolutely all of this has been accomplished via semantic deceits, half-truths, and deliberate deceptions, using Satan’s full basket of tricks. And it is all fraud. 
The good news is that we finally caught onto it.  
Once you realize that the United States is not America and that you are not (most likely) a “United States Citizen” nor a “citizen of the United States”, it is easy to see why you are not eligible to vote in their elections and also easy to see why you should not do so. 
Instead, you need to be expatriating yourself from any presumption of “United States Citizenship” and putting your energy and money into fully restoring your own government and especially concentrating on restoring your court system at the local and state level.  
Without your own court system and your own enforcement capability you are at the mercy of their foreign statutory and martial law courts and that is where they have been fleecing us blind and oppressing us for so long.  They are only able to do this because of our ignorance and failure to run our own courts, and it is therefore very much to their advantage to keep us ignorant and bamboozled.
Imagine the set up they’ve got?  They have control of all our public lands and resources and the benefit thereof, without having to pay a penny.  They get to issue “money” on our credit– just boot up the printing presses and exchange their promises to pay for our gold and silver and land and labor and everything else that is actual and factual on a “dollar for dollar basis”. They get to charge us whatever they want for all the services they provide and sell us services we don’t want, like Obummercare.  They get to steal our children.  They get to conscript us into their mercenary armies.  They get to steal our homes and land.  They get to import drugs and aliens into our country.  They get to run human trafficking operations and sell slave bonds.  They get to do all this and they also get to throw you in jail and make more profit off of your labor and from charging you for this “service”.  They get to tax you into oblivion and do it all with a sanctimonious veneer of “legality” backed up with Mall Cop corporate “sheriffs” for hire. 
Are you sick of it yet?  Ready to get off your duff, learn a few things and kick some judicial rump clear to the ceiling?   
Then stop talking about Trump and Hillary.  Stop thinking of yourself as a “United States Citizen”.  Stop mistaking the “United States” for America.  Stop being complacent, helpless, exhausted, and scared of people who are taking their paychecks from your purse. 
Whether they be men or fallen angels, they are due a major come-uppance from God’s Children.



Facebook  Is  Being  Sued  For  Aiding  A  Terrorist  Organization

Facebook, the global media giant, was launched in a dorm room by a Harvard dropout named Mark Zuckerberg, who was infamously characterized in the 2010 film, The Social Network, for his social awkwardness, ruthlessness, and arrogance.  

Zuckerburg’s Facebook remains grossly successful and has earned a current net worth of approximately $325 billion dollars according to

Now the relatives of four Israeli-U.S. dual nationals and a visiting U.S. citizen who died in attacks in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem between 2014 and 2016 have recently filed a civil suit against Facebook for $1 billion dollars (you read that right) for aiding Hamas groups.

Hamas groups are considered to be a terrorist organization, and the suit declares Hamas used Facebook to communicate operations and tactical details with each other.  They also went as far as posting notices on everything from roadblocks, to Israeli military actions, to instructions on operatives and how to implement attacks.

The plaintiffs’ Israeli lawyer, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, says Hamas has formally claimed one of the attacks mentioned in the lawsuit, but that experts have confirmed Hamas was linked to other attacks as well.

Darshan-Leitner went on to claim, “Facebook has knowingly provided material support and resources to Hamas in the form of Facebook’s online social network platform and communication services.”

Now, this may be a bold accusation to imply Facebook was aware of Hamas’ intentions, but the suit explains, “Simply put, Hamas uses Facebook as a tool for engaging in terrorism.” However, it would also be genuinely naïve to assume Facebook does not use specific algorithms to recognize certain words and phrases, and flag any illegal content to higher authorities.

The bottom line is, if the NSA is capable of monitoring the entire American publics’ texts, phone calls and emails, it may be accurate to assume Facebook’s capability is the same.

A Hamas leader replied to the suit by saying, “suing Facebook clearly shows the American policy of fighting freedom of the press and expression.”  Freedom of expression is subjective here when clearly they’re using it as a tool to commit murder.  Although, do you blame #2 pencils, legal pads, and the United States Post Office if the same terrorist threats are handwritten and mailed?

If you’re familiar with the ‘Deep Web’, you might draw a comparison to Facebook and this suit.  If you’re not familiar with it, the Deep Web is a part of the Internet whose contents are not indexed by standard search engines like; Google, Bing, Ask, etc. And it is the go-to place for anything a consumer might need – from drugs and prostitutes that show up at your doorstep like an Amazon package – to hiring a contract killer to murder your worst enemies.

One of the first and more popular Deep Websites was called Silk Road.  In October, the F.B.I. shut down and arrested its owner, Ross William Ulbricht, who was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.  Now, obviously Ulbricht faced other charges like money laundering, computer hacking, conspiracy to traffic narcotics, and attempting to have six people killed.  It wasn’t that Ulbricht himself was the pimp, dealer and killer, but his website was the vehicle between his clients and the consumer.  To say these two are exact comparisons is a bit of a stretch, but of course Facebook was the communication vehicle between terrorists.

At this point, Facebook’s suit is a civil court case, but are there grounds for formal criminal charges?