by Anna Von Reitz
When a woman is in labor the pain comes in waves and along with that pain comes
exhausting physical effort that leaves you tired and weak in the aftermath. You
coast down the back side of the pain and then fall back, only to rise up again
on the next wave. That's how this whole effort has been.
Yesterday I got word that confirms what I have hoped for. The Living Law
Firm is getting ready for the final PUSH on the foreclosure issue.
We have to shuttle some folks around the country. We have to pay for hotel
rooms. We need about a week of group effort to bring all the pieces of the
puzzle together and maybe another week to write it all up-----but I am confident
that a major goal is within reach.
We can end the foreclosure madness.
It's that simple, that major, and for everyone who has lost or who is in
danger of losing their home, this is very good news. For the rest of America
it's good news, too---- because your communities and families and neighbors and
friends will no longer live in fear or be out on the streets while their homes
stand empty or commercial mercenaries "flip" them for profit.
We need your help to end this scourge on our people and our land. We need
your prayers and we need contributions toward the expenses of this special
project. Several people have to be transported from around the country and put
up in a hotel where we can talk directly across the table from each other.
All the pieces are present. All that remains is to sort them out and put
them together and write the results up in a non-legalese way that everyone can
understand and follow for remedy. We think we have the answer to all this misery
reduced down to two evidence documents, one agency, and a letter anyone can
Now you know why I am so excited.
We've found various answers to the foreclosure fraud before, but they
always proved to be too complex for non-lawyers and people who were on the ropes
financially to begin with couldn't make use of them, so we've kept at it looking
for a Silver Bullet that applies across the board, is simple and inexpensive to
implement, and puts an end to all these bogus foreclosures.
It's been eight years in the making, but I think we have it.
I am not looking forward to spending a week --- probably a very hot week
--- indoors with a bunch of other law geeks hammering this out. That is, I am
not looking forward to the labor involved. But I am looking forward to the
How soon we can do this depends on you. It will cost at least $8000 to fly
in and house the non-Bar lawyers and paralegals we need to pull together for
this effort, and the people who really need us to do this are already tapped
out, facing foreclosure and the loss of their homes.
That's why I am asking my readers who are NOT facing foreclosure all across
this great country to make a "thank offering" to help all those who are. When a
wildfire or a flood or a tornado wipes out a small community, Americans step
up. Those who haven't been harmed help all the others and together we make it
I can't begin to explain how many heartfelt and desperate letters I have
received from people facing foreclosure, nor how bad that makes me feel.
Recently, there has been a ray of hope via Chapter 7 bankruptcy as
explained at and that process can indeed give
families a second start. I highly recommend that anyone facing foreclosure
right now listen to their YouTube video "Settle All Claims" to get an overview
and then go to their website.
That said, we have been on a different track--- looking for a systemic
answer that addresses the foreclosure issue simply and administratively, without
dragging everyone through bankruptcy. I am placing this rug in front of God and
before all of you. I know we haven't come this far, this fast, to be left
lacking a few thousand dollars.
If you can, send a donation and mark it "End Foreclosures" in token of our
joint intention to do exactly that. Donations can be made through me at PayPal: or by snail mail
---- Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Let's do it. Let's begin the final PUSH.
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.