Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton has supported the VERY people that seek to destroy our Great Nation

BREAKING: Julian Assange Just Delivered The Next Batch Of Emails! She’s TOAST!

In  reality  she  has  supported  the  VERY  people  that  seek  to  destroy  our  Great  Nation
There has never been a time in US history where our leadership has failed us this badly.
Over the last either years, Obama, with the help of Hillary Clinton, has done everything in his power to destroy what makes this country great.
Obama wants our military depleted, he wants the world not to be afraid of us, he wants millions of immigrants to come and go as they please, and he is perfectly content with allowing ISIS to grow into the global threat that they are today.
There’s absolutely no denying that WikiLeaks has been a world champion of bringing justice to those that are corrupt and abuse their political powers, like Hillary Clinton. In a BRAND NEW leak late last night, Julian Assange (Editor-In-Chief for WikiLeaks) not only guaranteed that he had enough evidence on Hillary Clinton to put her in jail, he released a PDF file that we have our hands on.
The file from Congress reveals that there are strong ties between Hillary Clinton and high members of the Islamic cleric in Turkey.
       She Has ALWAYS Promoted Sharia Law
Remember about a month ago when you saw thousands of people in Turkey try to pull off a coup against their leader Erdoğan? 
WikiLeaks has proven Hillary Clinton was one of the chief architects behind that.
Sources speaking anonymously have indicated that the connection between Clinton and acolytes of the imam, Fethullah Gulen, will end the relationship between the U.S. and Turkey, a key NATO ally, if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.
Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has initiated an extreme retaliation against Gulen and his followers, as well. Erdoğan, who was once allied with Gulen, has asked President Obama several times to pull strings to have Gulen extradited to his other home in Pennsylvania.
The WikiLeaks documents indicate that Erdoğan  blamed Gulen for the uprising against the Turkish government. The documents show that on April 1, 2009, an email from a Gulen follower named Gokhan Ozkok asked a Clinton deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, for help in connecting one of his allies to President Obama.
The documents show that Ozkok is a founding board member of the Turkish Cultural Center and part of a large business apparatus that is closely tied in with the Gulen movement, also known as Hizmet.
Hillary Clinton Represents The Corrupt 'Elite' 
This Country Cannot Afford to Have Anymore
Had WikiLeaks not gained control of these emails, we never would have been able to see this major connection. 

The documents show us that Ozkok served as the national finance co-chair of the pro-Clinton Ready PAC. He is on record contributing $10,000 to the committee in 2014 and $2,700 to Clinton’s campaign in 2015. 

He is also a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and has given between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton charity.
In these documents, we also found out that there is a connection between Gulenists and Hillary Clinton in that a Gulen-aligned group called the Alliance for Shared Values hired the Clinton-connected Podesta Group to lobby Congress on its behalf.
The Podesta Group primarily exists for those wanting influence from Clinton. The firm was co-founded by John Podesta, which is Clinton’s campaign chairman. See the connections building?  
Erdoğan has had trouble stopping the Gulen’s influence in the US, but it hasn’t worked because he is closely tied into a network with Hillary Clinton.

In 2011, the New York Times conducted an investigation and proved that the Gulen’s were given work-visas (by the State Department when Hillary was Secretary of State) in order to teach at Turkish schools in the US. The teachers were forced to give nearly all of their salaries back to the Gulen movement.

The idea was that the teachers could come to the US for a better life, but nearly all of their money would go to their bosses, the Gulen Movement, and then the Gulen’s would make large contributions to Hillary Clinton in exchange for her allowing them to bring thousands of workers over here from Turkey.

In 2015, the documents reveal that Gulen followers donated to Clinton’s various political campaigns and to her family charity in sums of $500,000 and $1 million. 

WikiLeaks provided the following email to Huma Abedin (Hillary’s long-time aide) showing a Gulen follower had direct access to Clinton’s staff and wanted a favor.

 Huma Forwarded This To Hillary And Her And Obama Immediately Accomplished His Favor

Ihsanoglu, a Gulen ally, not only met with Obama in Istanbul days after this email, Obama invited him back to the White House where he asked Obama to create a U.S. ambassador to the Muslim world in 2009.

CIA officials have indicated that Ihsanoglu has a very long history of working with the terrorist group Hamas, but Hillary and Obama turned their cheek to that.
The new leaks clearly show that the Podesta Group made connections with several Turkish companies even though they had known ties to terrorist organizations. The leaked documents show that Clinton took millions in donations in exchange for allowing Turkish schools to be run in the US by terrorist supporters.
Julian Assange also leaked documents PROVING the Podesta Group represented Uranium One, a Russia-controlled uranium company that was approved to buy 1/5 of our uranium by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Documents show that Hillary received $145 million to her “Foundation” in return.

An anonymous FBI source indicated that this is a very serious situation and that Hillary could end up being prosecuted if more information is released proving she took money in exchange for political influence. The source indicates that she could be in prison before the election in November if WikiLeaks dumps more information like this.
This story cannot gain enough traction unless thousands and thousands of patriots like yourself share this message. The mainstream media has continued to block the Silent Majority Patriots movement, but they can’t hide this leak if we all unite as one and make this go viral.

Our time is running out to put Hillary Clinton in prison. If we do nothing and let major stories like this sit, she will become president and we will never be able to touch her again. We must have your support and help to spread this movement to defeat Clinton for good.

What the CFR is and Why They View Trump as a Direct Threat

Aug 9 2016 
Much has transpired since the laughable time when Donald Trump announced his candidacy.  Yes, it was laughable then when theorizing that this non-politician only sought another venue for fame and fortune.  But that was then. Today, the stakes are higher with Trump’s viability increasing.

Whether it be foxes in the hen houses or rats in the wood
piles, what was formally an unknown entity of various unseen players and their designs has now been outed. Self preservation overtakes the leisure of secrecy every time.  And today’s all out offense is a last ditched effort to protect the establishment’s three cherished fiefdoms.

Well, at least three!  The first two are the usual the Republican and Democrat establishments.  The third, was at one time respected as “the Fourth Estate,” however, its digression now connects with being just the “main stream media’ or more precisely, America’s Liberal Press.

So there is the line up with which Trump contends.  And yes, this unseasoned candidate now finds that by his robust manner and possible final success, those assumed to be allies have now disrobed and left their comfy confines.

One in particular, a Governor from Wisconsin, was even a favorite of the upstart Tea Partiers.  Mr. Walker has flushed his singular fame to the wayside by joining in with the “never Trump” RINOs.  This togetherness is bound with a growing sense of uncertainty that all will be dashed if Trump actually succeeds.

However, what should be regarded as the referee in this contest has turned against its moderating role.  As such, the field of competition for the public’s hearts and minds has become a marginalized affair of rigged proportions.

The media has discarded its once fair and free being, as it has for quite some time has been identified with and even protective of the progressive elements within recent Presidential bouts.  Especially since 2007-08, what has surprised is its blatant and brazen disregard for reporting facts, events and even recorded statements. 

Our media acts, when called upon, as a propaganda branch of the Democrat/Progressive Establishment.

It now becomes imperative for the average American to dissect truth from fiction, to be above the siren calls of falsity and to ignore the ploys of emotions which intersperse our daily messaging.  Truth must remain as an active reference during the coming months.

As a rule, these word salads are tossed about as a disguise and a diversion so that what needs to be studied or at least considered, remains at a distance.  distance.  The work of these word smiths tend to confuse while creating perceptions that are often difficult to dismiss emotionally and which clouds the coldness of facts and the frankness of truth.

Given this word approach, and without any awareness of its origin, a blanket has spread across America.  In a land of “free speech,” the diversity of thought has become guarded through the stranglehold of “political correctness.”  This threat against our First Amendment joins with another assault directed at the religious portion of that Amendment.

Aside from these three anti-Trump combatants, another unknown remains with unlimited prestige and influence.  While it seeks the shadows and shuns notoriety, it’s very adept at pulling various Washington strings as its interests remain prominent through ample representations in all fields of endeavors with special emphasis allotted to the journalistic and political arenas.

Billed as an available discussion/advisory asset for government outreach, with its primary focus directed at the foreign affairs desk, it’s Council on Foreign Relations handle is often just referred to with the letters CFR.

Contrary to its persona of being a non-profit/non-partisan group, its advisory capacity has for much of the twentieth century overflowed into the cabinet level and even to the top executive position of Democrat and Republican Presidents.  Advising has thus morphed into directing policy.  Since Trump is truly an outsider, his presidency would represent a direct and severe threat to the CFR agenda.

The CFR’s scope of influence and control promotes a game plan calling for the disintegration of national borders through globalization.  Its ability to gain public acceptance stems from its style of repetitive messaging, often from the subliminal variety.

Whether from the desks of a TV channel ownership, the army of syndicated CFR journalists, or from its representation in the fields of academia, the military, banking and religious leadership, their programs are dispersed effectively.

A perfect example of such abilities was on recent display with the statements of a four star Marine General, who just happened to stoke the CFR’s anti-Trump position.  And due to its available media avenues, CFR member General John R. Allen became a temporary household name.

The same can be said, on a lesser promotional scale of another CFR foot soldier, former CIA Director Michael Morell, who let loose when stating that Trump would make “a poor, even dangerous commander-in-chief.”  Of course, his claim for recognizing “a poor” or “dangerous commander-in-chief” could be rooted by his CIA Directorship during the Obama years!

Also worthy of mentioning; Trump may have rebuffed a trusted primary advisor, the CFR’s own President, Richard N. Haass, when selecting Mike Pence as his running mate. CFR stalwart Newt Gingrich, who was rumored to be the VP front runner was by-passed for the Indiana governor.  This of course would be unprecedented within this present day CFR version of America’s governance.

Our present course cannot continue.  Neither can we afford appointing additional progressives onto our Supreme Court, or to any other Court.  This frequent reversing the will of the people, as was the recent Voter ID rulings in Texas and North Carolina must not become the norm.

Finally, Hillary’s penchant for lying eliminates any chance of efficient or proper leadership.  For all his bombastic speech making, Trump has yet to mention Obama’s “57 State” version of America or be responsible for the needless deaths of four Americans or then lying to their grieving families.

FBI conducts massive raid on Hillary supporter

BREAKING:  FBI  Conducts  Massive  Raid  into  Hillary  Clinton  Supporter’s  Office!

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents have sized a massive truckload of financial records from a large Philadelphia-area labor union which supports Hillary Clinton. 
As the video shows (below) the entire raid was conducted in front of their large “Hillary for President” campaign sign for the 2016 presidential election.

It appears the suspects in question have close ties to Hillary Clinton:
Video of the raid posted to YouTube shows FBI
agents carrying the boxes from the front door of the union hall, right below a huge “Hillary for President” sign. The national IBEW union endorsed Clinton’s presidential bid in June.
According to NBC Philadelphia’s report, the raids also targeted “two rowhouses, a pub, … and the political offices of a City Councilman.”
A common link for all the search sites became clear immediately: the city’s most influential labor union, IBEW Local 98, and its powerful leader known by the moniker Johnny Doc.
The FBI confirmed by mid-morning that the searches and subsequent seizures of enough boxes to fill an actual rental truck were part of an “ongoing investigation,” apparently into the Philadelphia local for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
John Dougherty, who played a major role in getting Mayor Jim Kenney elected last year and at the same time helped his brother Kevin win a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, paced outside his home as agents searched inside.
Dougherty and Kenney both attended “a very private meeting with Secretary Clinton” in April, Dougherty said in a statement at the time.
“We talked with Ms. Clinton for 20 minutes about her support of Pre-Apprenticeship Programs, diversity in the workforce, and Project Labor Agreements,” he revealed. “It was a quick but great meeting and we appreciated Secretary Clinton’s time and attention to our issues.”
 Fed and State raid on IBEW and
Hillary Clinton Headquarters

via Free Beacon  

The union spent roughly $80,000 hosting events in Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention (DNC), where Dougherty was spotted lobbying top-DNC officials on behalf of his union’s legislative agenda. 

During the convention, the DNC promised to use union labor for the convention, and in return the union pledged not to strike or conduct work stoppages. 

What do you think about this FBI raid?


When I'm elected ................... 'ELECTED'??!!

Economy 'on vacation'



A lesson on islam

What Russia has done to control the muslim terrorism
What America has to keep in mind is that it is Wash DC that is PURPOSELY BRINGING IN the muslim terrorists for the distinct PURPOSE of internal civil war - whereas Russia is NOT and is EXPELLING THEM!

29 July 2016

Like many of you I, too, have been fascinated this past week with Donald Trump’s open embrace of Russia, especially President Putin as it regards Hillary Clinton’s emails—if for no other reason then it makes a great spectacle.  What is more intriguing about Trump’s affection for Putin, at least to me, is how it pertains to Islamic terrorism—and that Putin figured out how to stop it in Russia, and may be the reason that Trump isn’t going to tell anyone how he’s going to stop ISIS.

To understand fully how Putin stopped Islamic terrorism in Russia, you must first remember some American history from the last time the US had to deal with “terrorists”—and it was a terrorist force so fearsome it took the US Army nearly 40 years to defeat them and, before that, neither the Spanish nor the Mexicans even came close in 190 years! This 'terrorist' force was called Indians, and the worst of the lot were called Apaches—and that took the full weight and might of the entire US military to finally defeat even though there was only fighter left named Geronimo.

Now the reason that neither the Spanish nor Mexicans could defeat these “terrorists” and the US military had to resort to outright genocide against their main food source (bison’s) and then the Indian’s themselves lies in none of them understanding that they weren’t fighting against an ideology.  Rather they were pitted against tribes and clans whose rules and customs were foreign and not easily understood. The most important of the rules of these Indian clans and tribes lived by involved conflict resolution or, in Western terms, war—and that called for a blood price to be paid when someone was killed no matter what the reason.  That’s the reason that the Indians never fought a lot of wars among one another.  It was just too expensive.

If you think that the North American Indians had a monopoly on the paying of a blood price for those members of their tribes or clans who were killed, you’d be wrong!  Because right here in the 21st Century we have tribes and clans calling themselves Shiite and Sunni Muslims who not only live by this ancient code, they will fight to death, even forever, if they don’t get paid for what they are owed. 
The Muslim peoples call their blood price code Diyya and, though it takes many forms among the various tribes and clans of these people, it’s the same system they’ve used for centuries—and those who fail to understand it pay dearly for their ignorance.

After the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s, the Western backed Russian government of President Boris Yeltsin began to find this out first hand in what is now called the First Chechen War.  This war involved a number of muslim clans and tribes in Russia attempting to form their own country, to which Russia said 'No'.

Though the First Chechen War ended in a decisive defeat of these muslim tribes and clans by the Russian military, up until 1999 they kept committing acts of terror throughout all of the country leading to the Second Chechen War—and that’s when Putin took power and said “no more”.   What Putin did first was to send the Russian military into Chechnya, surround the capital city of Grozny, told everyone who wanted to leave to go, and then he leveled the place.  

Grozny at the end of Second Chechen War

What Putin did next wasn’t in anybody’s playbook, though.  He had his military commander’s meet with every leader of every muslim clan and tribe, paid for the deaths of every single rebel/terrorist killed, paid for the lives of all civilians killed to their proper clan or tribe, re-established the ancient boundaries for all of these clans and tribes, and then rebuilt everything!   

Grozny in 2016

Over these past 16 years, very few terrorist incidents have originated from this region as the muslim clans and tribes like their peace rather than war—and, to this very date, only one American military figure has bothered to study it—his name was General David Petraeus.  In the early 2000’s, General Petraeus worked side by side with some Russian commanders in Bosnia and Herzegovina where he learned what Putin had done in Chechnya to stop Islamic terrorism—and in 2007 he used these same tactics among the clans and tribes in Iraq in what is now called “The Surge”—which nearly brought peace before president Obama ended the practice of the US military paying Diyya. General Petraeus wasn’t through, though, and when he took over in Afghanistan in 2010 he began the practice of Diyya again, but it only lasted a year before Obama fired him and then later charged him with a made up crime. 

Even to this very day in Syria, Russian paymasters work with the Syrian government to pay for every single death their bombings cause, even the terrorist ones, and pay immediately for all property and innocent civilians who are killed, too—and unlike the US and NATO, Russia is not only free from Islamic terror attacks, there isn’t a single muslim clan or tribe that will threaten one. (ISIS - U.S.A. CIA creation - being the exception.)

In the US, the media called General Petraeus’s use of Putin’s tactics to make peace with muslim clans and tribes a “surge of bribes”, while at the same time missing the point—it worked!  So, finally, and if I had to make an educated guess, Trump’s plan to deal with ISIS and the Middle East is going to be like Putin’s—go in and smash everything up, have all of the muslim clans and tribes stand in line for blood money payments to settle the score once and for all, and then leave to “Make America Great Again” instead of spending another penny, or drop of American blood, ever again in that troubled region. 

If I’m wrong, or Hillary Clinton gets 'elected' (??!! God forbid), get ready for another century of terrorism.   


The Doggone Dumbest Waste Of Taxpayer Money

Obama’s State Dept Caught In The Doggone Dumbest Waste Of Taxpayer Money On… What?!

Who the heck sets the spending priorities for the obama administration!!?

Yes, a pleasing work environment is certainly better than a dull, drab one. And if you’re trying to impress visitors with your work space, putting artwork on the walls is generally a good idea.

But when it’s a 'government' building, and the American taxpayers are picking up the tab for those decorations, the decision about what to hang should be made responsibly, smartly, conservatively…right?

Wait, did I actually use the words “government” and “responsibly” in the same sentence? Okay, but my bad can’t compare with the State Department’s super-bad in what it bought and how much it spent to “beautify” a portion of a single wall in a new embassy in Pakistan ... with colored balls of thread and yarn!!!! (And Hitlery says she is going to raise the taxes on the middle class?)

As the Washington Free Beacon points out, Obama’s State Department shelled out $185,000 for a work called “Lares and Penates” by an American artist living in Paris. 

Purchased for the New Embassy Compound in Islamabad, the work consists of 98 balls of thread and yarn — described on an art site as “found materials” — attached to a plain background.

That works out to approximately $1,888 per ball!! Such a deal for the work by Sheila Hicks, known as a “pioneering fiber artist” who — according to a promotional site — “blurs the boundary between painting and sculpture with her vibrant woven and textile works.”
Now, this is not a critique of Ms. Hicks’ art or its intrinsic value. What should be questioned, however — and questioned hard — is why the United States 'government' is paying such huge amounts of money for art in a building halfway around the world…art that you and I will never be able to appreciate.

And this is no isolated case of 'government' officials who can’t seem to fork over our money fast enough, even as the nation’s economy remains on shaky ground.

The article in the Free Beacon notes:
'Government' spending on lavish art has come under scrutiny in recent weeks after a report revealed the Department of Veterans Affairs spent $20 million on artwork while veterans died waiting to see doctors. (Folks, something BIG is WRONG here - the heads of these departments need to be FIRED ASAP AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR IRRESPONSIBLE LACK OF PROPER PERFORMANCE. These positions should be replaced with PROVEN QUALIFIED, LOYAL AND EXPERIENCED REPLACEMENTS WHO WILL BE MONITORED FOR THEIR PERFORMANCE. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE GOOD OLE' BOY PRACTICES OF THESE CRIMINALS in this cabal U.S.A. corporation 'government'.)
As for the Hicks’ piece in the new embassy in Pakistan that reportedly cost $699 million to build, equip and decorate, maybe the bureaucrat buyer who approved the purchase price was looking at how long the artist said it took to find and roll into balls all that multi-colored fiber — some 23 years, as “Lares and Penates” was created between 1990 and 2013. 


BREAKING: Prominent Anti-Hillary Clinton Researcher, FOUND DEAD at 54!


BREAKING: Prominent Anti-Hillary Clinton Researcher, FOUND DEAD at 54!

Victor Thorn
American Free Press contributor Victor Thorn, 54, a long-time researcher and critic of Hillary and Bill Clinton, has been found dead. Police reports indicate he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The author of more than 20 books, he was best known for the Clinton trilogy, “three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.”
AMERICAN FREE PRESS contacted the State College [Pa.] Police Department this morning for any news on the suicide of Victor Thorn, whose birth name was Scott Robert Makufka.
AFP asked the policeman who answered the phone if the department could provide any updates.
“There was something that occurred on Monday morning, but I don’t know if we’ve released any identities or any details about it at this time.”
AFP asked if he knew when the release might happen.
“I don’t. I don’t know what the status of the investigation is. I have not seen the detective that’s in charge of that today yet. They’ll release it as soon as they can. I don’t know what the holdup is or the details are at this point.”
Thorn’s most recent book is “CROWNING CLINTON: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House” and is described as a serious prosecution of Hillary Clinton’s criminal activity:
In Crowning Clinton, Thorn provides groundbreaking information that mainstream media sources only caught up with months or even years afterward, if they had the courage to even touch it at all. Including more than 50 one-on-one interviews with experts, this collection taps into some of the nation’s most astute political minds to present a preponderance of evidence as to why Hillary and Bill’s return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would be disastrous for America.
For example, all in one place you’ll find the real truth about the Benghazi scandal; Hillary’s covering up of Bill’s sexual assaults against innocent victims; the email scandal that has rocked her candidacy; her recent shady business dealings and money laundering; and much more.
At a time when this nation’s future hangs on a delicate thread, every argument must be made to prevent Bill and Hillary from inflicting any further damage on the nation. Crowning Clinton arrives at precisely the right time. This new, potent anthology is a must read for those who can’t rely on other venues for their news.
Authors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow of the The Clintons’ War on Women dedicated their book to Victor in 2015.
Let us pray for Victor Thorn’s family during this difficult time. Rest in peace

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/breaking-prominent-anti-hillary-clinton-researcher-found-dead-54/#ixzz4GoCrhhY7