Saturday, September 10, 2016



Its No Longer Safe For Kids To Go To School In America. Read This Horrific Story Of This School Teacher And His ‘Husband’ Raping And Molesting Underage Students

2016-09-07 21:21:23-04

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Aric Babbitt, a Minnesota elementary school teacher and “his faggot husband” Matthew Deyo were what many consider ‘nice gay couple’. They were found stinking dead last week on Lopez Island in Washington state in an apparent murder-suicide. Why did these ‘lovely faggots’ kill themselves? The police was after them. They were serial sexual abusers of children. According to court […]

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Hero Christian Pastor From New York Asks Christian Militia Fighting ISIS How He Can Help Them, They Say ‘We Need Weapons,’ He Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is And Buys Them Machine Guns, AK-47s, And RPGs

2016-09-08 01:19:01-04

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Now this is the America the world knows and loves. Pastor Bill Devlin of Infinity Bible Church from the Bronx had been watching the horrors of ISIS unfold for years. He wanted to help the Christian militias fighting against ISIS, so he reached out to the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit and asked them what they needed. […]

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The Alt-Right Is Absolutely Evil, It Is A Movement That Is Advancing Homosexuality And The Spirit Of Antichrist

2016-09-08 05:30:45-04

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By Theodore Shoebat The Alt-Right is an absolutely evil movement that is advancing homosexuality and the spirit of the Antichrist. It is an ideology of Social Darwinism and perversity. I did a very detailed video on this:   To Learn More About Christianity’s War Against Islam And The Antichrist, Get Our New 2-Disk Dvd Special […]

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Paris Has Been Taken Over By Muslim Hordes And Turned Into A Third World Slum- Filthy Mattresses Cover The Sidewalks, Garbage Is Everywhere, And Muslim Gangs Prowl The Streets In Broad Daylight

2016-09-08 06:29:31-04

messonstreetsPosted in FeaturedGeneral
This video was taken last week in northern Paris, which has seen a large Muslim influx, especially over the past year. It shows on-the-ground proof of how Paris, what was once one of the safest and cleanest cities in the world, has been turned into a filthy Muslim cesspool where dirty matresses line the sidewalks, […]

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ISIS Bans The Burka In All Of Their Territories, Says That It Poses A ‘Security Threat’

2016-09-08 13:15:24-04

protesta-australia-burkas_tinima20120402_0419_3-e1412323808686Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS actually put a ban on the burqa, saying that it poses a security threat since enemies can disguise themselves with the veil. As we read in one report: In a flip-flop from its oppressive dress code on Syrian and Iraqi women, which requires them to be covered head-to-toe in black burkas, […]

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Four Year Old Child Wants A Sex Change And Will Be Undergoing A Sex Change Operation To Become “Transgender”

2016-09-08 14:23:47-04

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By Theodore Shoebat A four year old child in Australia wants to get a sex change operation and will be undergoing a sex change operation to become “transgender.” Yes, this is being allowed in a nation like Australia. The Western world has lost its sense of culture, and has become a cess pool of spiritual […]

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Obama Nominates Foreign Born Muslim To Become Federal Judge- This Is The Beginning Of Shariah Law And The End For American Law As We Know It

2016-09-08 14:27:28-04

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This story has made headlines all throughout the mainstream media- but not for the right reasons. This is another milestone in the Islamization of the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood promised it for years, and we knew this day was coming, but now that it has arrived is a major warning to all Americans concerned […]

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Man In Russia Decides To Blaspheme Christianity, He Goes Into A Church And Starts Playing Pokemon Go, The Russian Police Arrest Him And He Is Sentenced To Five Years In Prison

2016-09-08 17:39:47-04

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By Theodore Shoebat A man in Russia deliberately wanted to be blasphemous and sacrilegious, so he entered a church and started playing Pokemon Go. The police arrested him, and now he is being facing five years in prison. I did a whole video on this:   According to the report: Russian vlogger Ruslan Sokolovsky is […]

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Leaked Information Reveals: Muslims Plan On Attacking Malls And Butchering Random Christians With Chainsaws

2016-09-08 18:58:51-04

PHOTO, New Terrorist Who Will Run So-Called “Islam Army” After AlloushPosted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat The son of a major Islamic cleric revealed to Belgium police of a plan that Muslim terrorists have, to attack random Christians and butcher them with chainsaws. Here is the report: ISIS reportedly has a dastardly plot to murder Christians. The radical terrorist group often kills Christians through bombings and public beheadings, […]

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Muslims Try To Blow Up Notre Dame Cathedral, Strikes At The Heart Of Europe’s Christian History And Fortells The Coming War With Islam

2016-09-09 04:08:36-04

This attack at Notre Dame Cathedral, Or The Cathedral Of Our Lady, is a strike at the heart of France itself. The country of France has a rich history, and for centuries upon centuries was known as the “eldest daughter of the Church.” The first crusade against the Muslims by Charles Martel took place in […]

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Major French Author Reveals The French Government Is Secretly Preparing For A Massive War To Reconquer France From The Muslims

2016-09-09 08:14:39-04

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The Franco-Algerian writer Eric Zemmour, a well-known critic of Islam in France, has just released a ground-breaking book called Five Years For Nothing: Chronicles Of The Clash Of Civilizations, in which he makes the shocking claim that the French Government has been preparing for a civil war against Muslims as well asperfecting a secret plan to destroy […]

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Major Islamic Leader In Mecca Declares This Command To All Muslims: ‘Slaughter The Christians, I Pray That Allah Will Give You Strength To Kill And Crush The Christians.’

2016-09-09 15:31:47-04

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By Theodore Shoebat A major Islamic leader recently did a speech in Mecca in which he commanded Muslims to slaughter Christians, even praying to Allah to give victory to the Muslims over the followers of Christ. Here is the report: A top imam in Saudi Arabia has called for the killing of Christians, Shia Muslims, […]

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Friday, September 9, 2016

U.S.A. crime syndicate's secret prisons for Americans


Friday, September 9, 2016
Will Potter | TED Talks

Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, within a US prison. These units were opened secretly, and radically alter how prisoners are treated — even preventing them from hugging their children. 

Potter, a TED Fellow, shows us who is imprisoned here, and how the crime syndicate 'government' is trying to keep them hidden.

"The message was clear," he says. "Don’t talk about this place." Find sources for this talk at

Francis Schaeffer Cox is a libertarian political prisoner

who was sentenced to 26 years.  He is being held in USP Marion, IL with an expected parole date of 10/03/33.

Schaeffer Cox is being held in the CMU in the Marion facility. He is decidedly a POLITICAL PRISONER suffering at the whim of the crime syndicate called our 'federal government'.

That crime syndicate is a mostly foreign owned, for profit, corporation masquerading as our 'government'. 

Schaeffer spoke out about those crimes while he was in Montana on December 9th 2009. 

If you want the real story from the source, you can see his speech in Montana at my youtube channel right here: 

 The Solution
Part 1

If you don't believe what I said about our so called "federal government" being a crime syndicate, you need to read the articles on this website by Judge Anna Von Reitz from Big Lake Alaska.
Americans, has this nation become a Nazi gulag? Is this Nazi Germany all over again? Are we going to continue to allow these Nazis in Wash DC to rule and reign over us and our nation? This 'government' is NOT our government, but a mafiaso crime syndicate pure and simple, and they are holding us 'stupid' Americans hostage, hiding their crimes against our nation and its people in secret. WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THIS TO CONTINUE IN OUR NATION? They refer to us as being 'stupid' - too stupid to run our own lives (Obama).  Perhaps it is true because we are doing NOTHING to put a stop to this. According to these Naxis, we are STUPID cockroaches (according to them) living on their plantation at their whim and will, and we have no rights nor privileges. They can stomp on us at their will - and they are doing so. They plan to set off the suitcase nukes in our nation shortly. They are pis*ed because Trump is so popular with the people, and that the people are now learning about the crime syndicate (in particular the Bushes/Clintons/Obamas/Soros/Cheney/Rumsfeld, et al)  and have had enough and are moving forward by these elections to be rid of them. America, if even one of us is treated illegally, then ALL of us are - and we ALL stand a chance of our constitutional rights being taken from us and our being incarcerated illegally. Our brothers and sisters held hostage in these CMUs or any other (for profit) prisons should be immediately released - by whatever means necessary. We need to unite and rise up, take control over this crime syndicate and rid our nation of this scum. They are NOT our 'government' - WHERE THE HECK IS OUR GOVERNMENT? IT SURE AS HE*L IS NOT THE AHOS IN WASH DC.
 WHY are we allowing them to continue to incarcerate us, extort from us, steal from us, and do all manner of crimes against humanity worldwide in the name of our nation?  If we claim this land as ours, then we need to take responsibility for its present and future and ACT like it is OURS and NOT THEIRS.  WHERE are the 'leaders' of this nation?  WHERE is our national militia of millions?  We have no right to complain if we are not uniting, planning and moving to reclaim our nation and rid our land of these scorpions and cockroaches. 


Teachers & Cops: Priceless
These are actual comments made on students' report cards by teachers in the New York City public school system. All teachers were reprimanded (but, boy, are these funny!)
1. Since my last report, your child has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.
2. I would not allow this student to breed.
3. Your child has delusions of adequacy.
4. Your son is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.                                                        
5. Your son sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
6. The student has a 'full six-pack' but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together.
7. This child has been working with glue too much.
8. When your daughter's IQ reaches 50, she should sell.
9. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming..
10. If this student were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
11. It's impossible to believe the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others.
12. The wheel is turning but the hamster is definitely dead.
These are actual comments made by 16 Police Officers. The comments were taken off actual police car videos around the country:
1. "You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went through."
2. "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while."
3. "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."
4. "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."
5. "Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you."                                                      
6. "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?"                                                         
7. "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?"
8. "Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."
9. "The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"
10. "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop."
11. "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."
12. "In God we trust; all others we run through NCIC." ( National Crime Information Center )
13. "Just how big were those 'two beers' you say you had?"
14. "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."
15. "I'm glad to hear that the Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail."
16. "You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't.. Sign here."


We do not need gas and oil....tell the Bozo crew to leave the Indian burial grounds alone!!
Why are we interested in gas and oil when we should be going here instead....
Sky News report on a perpetual Magnetic generator
 for households and automobiles!


And now the cover-up murders begin in Flint, Michigan: Water treatment plant foreman found dead...

Young mom murdered in her home after filing lawsuit against Michigan government


(NaturalNews) For those who wonder why, as the editor of Natural News, I carry a loaded weapon with me at all times, consider how often whistleblowers who threaten to expose government conspiracy crimes end up dead. In just the last few days a water treatment plant foreman who could have testified against the corrupt government of Michigan was found dead in his home. On the exact same day, Sasha Avonna Bell, who spearheaded a lawsuit against the government over the lead poisoning of the Flint water supply, was found murdered.

"She was identified Thursday, the same day the death of a Flint Water Treatment Plant foreman who was wanted for questioning in connection with the crisis was announced," reports the
Daily Mail.

Local government, state government and federal government all conspired to systematically poison the water supply of a predominantly black community, carrying out their criminal scheme for many months -- and poisoning countless children -- with extremely high concentrations of brain-damaging lead in the municipal water.

Deliberate mass poisoning of a black community, covered up by those in power

While the EPA says the limit of lead in public water is just 15 parts per billion, at times the water coming out of the tap in Flint, Michigan registered a jaw-dropping 13,200 parts per billion (13.2 ppm), according to Scientific American.

This crime was not only covered up by the government, it was allowed to continue for many months without anyone bothering to warn the public.
Screen shot from the Daily Mail:

Once the knowledge of this government-run mass poisoning of black people finally became known,
an EPA official resigned over the criminal cover-up, but no charges were ever filed against her because federal employees appear to have absolute legal immunity, even when they deliberately poison hundreds of thousands of people.

Before long, criminal charges were
filed against three local water quality scientists and managers, but not before the murders began.

Matthew McFarland was murdered, of course

Matthew McFarland, the foreman at the Flint Water Treatment plant, was found dead at his home on April 16th. "The Lapeer County Sheriff's Department said a friend found McFarland unresponsive at a home in Otter Lake. There were no signs of foul play," reported "An autopsy did not determine a cause of death and police are awaiting toxicology reports. The investigation remains open... Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette's office confirmed that McFarland was previously interviewed as part of its ongoing investigation into the city's water crisis."

Anyone who thinks McFarland's death is just an untimely coincidence is living in a delusional dream world. When it comes to government cover-ups and untimely deaths, there are no coincidences. There are, however, assassination teams that target those who might embarrass the government, and there's little question that McFarland was actually murdered in a way to make it look like a death from natural causes.
Do you honestly think that a government which conspired to mass poison an entire community of children with a toxic heavy metals that causes brain damage would hesitate to order the execution of a key witness?

For anyone reading this and screaming "conspiracy theory!" you need to wake up to the reality of conspiracy FACTS. The
Flint water poisoning was factually a conspiracy. Those who have now been charged with the crime have, in fact, been charged with conspiracy. It's no longer a "theory" when it's happening all around you. It's simply the way the government routinely works to poison the people while hiding all evidence from the public for as long as possible.

Sasha Bell also found murdered

When the bodies start piling up surrounding a massive government conspiracy to poison the population, you know something nefarious is afoot. Flint resident Sasha Bell, who spearheaded the first lawsuit against the government over the water poisoning, was also found murdered.

"A 19-year-old Michigan mother who was one of the first to file lawsuits on behalf of the thousands of children poisoned by water in Flint was found shot to death this week," reports
NY Daily News. "The body of Sasha Bell was discovered Tuesday night at Ridgecrest Village Townhouses in Flint, authorities said. The body of a second woman, Sacorya Reed, was also found in the home."

Note carefully that a second woman was also murdered in the same home. In other words, as these murders are carried out to silence people and protect the government, the murderers are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way.

An 18-year-old named Malek Thornton has been arrested in connection with the murders, with a local
NBC affiliate reporting, "Thornton has been charged and arraigned in this case for two counts of first degree murder, two counts of open murder and felony firearm."

He is obviously a patsy in all this. Does anyone really think Sasha Bell was executed by pure chance? Are we supposed to believe this is another crazy coincidence where so many people involved in the Flint, Michigan water poisoning case just happen to end up dead or executed?

America's cities have devolved into Third World cesspools of Third World justice

The upshot of all this is that Detroit, much like Oakland, Chicago and Miami, has devolved into a Third World cesspool of Third World justice. Here's how it works:

• Government gets away with murder, poisoning the population with an extremely toxic water supply (and food supply, for that matter) that causes brain damage and lifelong crippling side effects.

• Anyone who attempts to speak out gets threatened, intimidated or simply executed.

• The same government that covered up the original crime also covers up the murders, either designating them to be deaths from "natural causes" or blaming some young thug they set up as a stooge to take the fall.

• Federal officials are NEVER charged with any crimes in all this. They get away scot-free, demonstrating the absolute legal immunity currently enjoyed by the corrupt, criminal ruling class of regulatory totalitarians who repeatedly conspire to harm the American public.

• Black communities are routinely targeted in these schemes, just as we say with the mass water supply poisoning of the Washington D.C. area
just 12 years ago.

• NO COINCIDENCE: Black communities are also targeted for other depopulation agendas, including: 1) Vaccination sweeps that
cause autism in African-American boys, 2) Cancer "treatment" that kills people, 3) Abortion clinics that end the lives of black babies before they are even born. Connect the dots, people, and you'll realize that black people in America today are being systematically targeted and destroyed by the government itself.

Knowing what we all know about the criminality of government and how "science" is twisted and distorted to poison the people, are any of us really surprised?

Join my EPA Watch water project to protect America's children from criminal government

By the way, I run and have announced a program to test water supplies from across America, to root out other problems like Flint, Michigan and sound the alarm on government conspiracies that target innocent children for mass poisoning. That program is detailed at

I'm the lab science director of CWC Labs, where I run ICP-MS instrumentation to detect heavy metals in water. My lab was recently awarded a Certificate of Excellence for "100% acceptable data" in testing water for toxic elements.

People in Flint can send me water samples that I will test for free as part of the EPA watch program.
Click here for instructions and the custody form.

So far, I've
tested 100 samples from across America, and I've found an alarming high level of lead in one sample acquired north of Phoenix, Arizona. I'm about to publish the results of the first 100 samples, and then we'll continue with testing the next hundred, and so on.

Learn more:

Thousands Of Russian Troops Rushed To US Northern Border

Thousands Of Russian Troops Rushed To US Northern Border And South America 

September 9, 2016

A startling Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that up to 50,000 Federation military personnel, their equipment, aircraft and armaments were ordered earlier today to begin the nations largest ever  asymmetric warfare” combat operation bringing these troops within 85 kilometers (52 miles) of the United States northern border and into the heart of South America.  [Note: Obama-Clinton hatred of both Russia and Israel is due to neither of these nations acceptance of what is called open border globalization.] 

According to the MoD in their report, this “surprise/rapid” order was issued to the commanders of the over 120,000 Federation troops currently engaged in the Southern Military District, operation code named Caucasus-2016, and whose actions can only be described as being a preparation for all-out war.

The greater number of these troops are being deployed to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug on the border with Alaska where last week the MoD announced it was stationing a full division of Federation troops to defend against continued American aggression and warning: 

US military officials may get at least a taste of the concern Russian military planners feel when they see large-scale NATO exercises along Russia's western frontiers, and parades involving US troops just a few hundred meters from Russia's borders.”

Along with the thousands of Federation troops being deployed to Chukotka, Aerospace Forces (AF) have, likewise, begun deployment of hundreds of fighter aircraft to their 10 recently built airfields in the Arctic region and have begun equipping them with the highly feared Vympel R-37M RVV-BD and Novator KS-1 7 air-to-air missiles—and that global military analysts have warned are able to strike at the “Achilles heel” of American airpower, AWACS (surveillance aircraft) and US refueling tankers.

While these massive Federations military forces are being redeployed against the American northern border,  up to 1,500 Spetsnaz (special forces/commandos) have been ordered to immediately embark to the South American nation of Bolivia, too—and as authorized under the military cooperation agreement signed by the Federation and Bolivia last week. 

To the cause of this massive and unprecedented Federation war move against the United States is "directly” due to the United States this week ordering one of their P-8 Poseidon spy planes to cross the Black Sea, turn off its transponder, and attempt to penetrate Federation airspace in violation of all “international normals”— and follows on the heels of the 1 August US unprovoked aggression when they flew numerous nuclear capable strategic bombers all along Russia’s northern border.

To the elite Spetsnaz troops being deployed under this order to Bolivia is due to that South American nations fear that their government is next to be toppled after the Obama regimes successful coup in Brazil this past fortnight.

Though the Obama regime backed coup in Brazil is being portrayed to the American people as the impeachment of their popular President Dilma Rousseff, nothing could be further from the truth as new President, Michel Temer, was revealed by Wikileaks to have been a longtime informant for the American’s against his own nation, the Brazil Senate leader who led the impeachment against President Rousseff, likewise, being in the pay of the Americans, and the current US ambassador to Brazil, Liliana Ayalde, having previously, in 2012, engineered the successful Obama-Clinton backed military coup in Paraguay.   (This was NOT done with the knowledge or approval of the American people who most likely would NOT have approved of the coup. This was done by the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Soros crime syndicate.) 


This report concludes by grimly noting that the “nuclear element” in the Federations “asymmetric warfare” battle plans call for direct attacks against the United States itself upon the outbreak of war—and, with Alaskan and US West Coast regions lying in ruins, could very well spur the quick end of conflict as these peoples have long forgotten what the actual “horrors of war” look like and will quickly cry for peace to their 'elite leaders'. 

(These are NOT 'elite leaders' of the united States but criminal cabal crime syndicate traitors who bully the entire planet, including the people in the united States, and who need to be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED, PROSECUTED and THEIR SENTENCES PROMPTLY CARRIED OUT. Hopefully 'the people' will rise up - in the united States and worldwide - and take these criminals DOWN BEFORE any of this can happen. They will continue in position and power until the American and the world's people finally have had ENOUGH and DO SOMETHING about the problem.)