Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blowing the Lid Off the Banks!


Here ye! Here ye!   The team of Americans 1000 against SPS and ALL other thieves is having a a nationwide whistle blower call Monday night, September 12, 2016

Linda Alamonte, largest whistle blower on mortgage fraud in the nation, has agreed to come on board and she is blowing the whistle like you will not believe! 
We ARE going to hear what the SEC and CFPB hid and it is all public now as Linda is pissed that they buried it in all the hearings and more. 
BUT she has the proof and it is all in the depos and more that she was in.
Gloves are off and the truth is going to set us free, and the work Anna has done, combined with proving the departments are ALL acting through fraud upon the court is going to be the golden ticket that brings all this together! 

Hosted by the Adventures Into Sovereignty team and Featuring Our Investigative Journalist Rene Powers


Topics will include:

• Linda's evidence
• Group lawsuits 
• FDCPA joinder or something as such
• Citizens arrests
• Whistle blower cases 
• Identity theft of our estates
• Suits against DOJ, FDIC, DO Real estate et al. for failing us all!!!
• Shutting down board of supervisors based on violating county charters allowing their third party contractors, sheriff's-police-judges, to damage homeowners  (Orange county houses the criminal database for recording of counterfeit docs across the country.  Check to see if your county is using the S.E.C.U.R.E software owned by Orange County-Riverside-Los Angeles-San Diego counties) 


CALL IN INFORMATION:  (PLEASE be in a quiet place and be courteous to mute yourself with *6)

On 1,000 lines available 
so get on early!
(Can't make the call?  YES, we will be recording)

Free Conference Call

Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000 

Access Code: 204661#


Help Support Linda who has sacrificed so much to get the word out and is still risking her and her family’s well being to help homeowners across the County:

Read more of Linda’s Story and Sacrifice in Huffington Post Here

In the Rolling Stone here 


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Hillary Insulted Me! Hillary is Arrogant Pathological Liar! Judge Jeanin...



George Orwell Biography
Author, Journalist (1903-1950)
Born Eric Arthur Blair in Motihari, Bengal, India, in 1903, George Orwell, novelist, essayist and critic, went on to become best known for his novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.
He was a man of strong opinions who addressed some of the major political movements of his times, including imperialism, fascism and communism.

Ministry of Truth
The famous George Orwell book 1984 had many cautions for mankind, including warnings about the surveillance state (Big Brother is Watching You), double speak (War is Peace), and of course effectively telling lies to the public (Ministry of Truth).

Nineteen Eighty-Four
In a dystopian 1984, Winston Smith endures a squalid existence in the totalitarian superstate of Oceania under the constant surveillance of the Thought Police. The story takes place in London. Winston works in a small office cubicle at the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history in accordance with the dictates of the Party and its supreme figurehead, Big Brother. 60 years after Orwell wrote 1984 and was destroyed by the book, a chilling reminder that his sinister vision is almost reality.
60 Years after Orwell Wrote 1984, a Chilling Reminder that his Sinister Vision is almost Reality
June 12, 2009
Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in London on Wednesday, June 8, 1949, and in New York five days later. The world was eager for it. Within 12 months, it had sold around 50,000 hardbacks in the UK; in the U.S. sales were more than one-third of a million. It became a phenomenon.  Sixty years later, no one can say how many millions of copies are in print, both in legitimate editions and samizdat versions. It has been adapted for radio, stage, television and cinema, has been studied, copied and parodied and, above all, ransacked for its ideas and images. Orwell never recovered from the effort of composition. He died six months after publication, aged 46.
The prevailing theme in 1984 is Abuse of Power. The government, those in charge, can do anything they wish! When Hillary Clinton was excused for her misuse of classified and top secret information, and for deleting government documents she swore to preserve, the phrase “laws are for little people” was born to describe her attitude. How would such a person, with such an attitude, run the most powerful government in the world? The FBI would become her own private squad of thugs, the CIA her own private hit squad, the IRS a tool to punish her enemies, and the appointment of judges and the prosecution of crimes by the DOJ anything but what might be termed justice.

The Roman Gods and Overlords Flew High above the People, Committing Crimes at Will. Sound Familiar?
July 6, 2016
FBI director James Comey told us on Tuesday what many of us have already known or long suspected: Hillary Clinton serially lied about her homeland-security-jeopardizing homebrew e-mail server, and the Obama administration is letting her get away with it. One standard for Jove, another for the ox. So it was in the fallen civilization of ancient Rome. So it is in corrupted America in 2016.
Hillary Clinton: Laws Are For Little People
July 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton has finally proven once and for all that the rule of law doesn’t apply to the power elite and that she can do whatever she wants without consequence.
Abuse of Power
Improper use of authority by someone who has that authority because he or she holds a public office.
And who would stop this? The do-nothing Republican Congress? The Clintons are adept at corrupting those who would block their way to power and wealth. Are we to imagine the GOP would impeach Hillary, when the most powerful politicians in the Republican Party are now throwing their weight behind Hillary? Both the Democrats and Republicans are now behind Hillary. She stands for the status quo, politicians pigging out at the trough, starting wars that are profitable to the Military Industrial Complex. But more to the point, Hillary and Bill have seen hundreds of millions of dollars flow through the Clinton Foundation. And that’s not even counting the funds that are likely in the laundry elsewhere, like in the Caribbean. That’s a lot of money to share, and to buy cooperation!

The Biggest GOP Names Backing Hillary Clinton—So Far
July 25, 2016
Some of the GOP’s best brains are now With Her. And, according to a source within the Clinton camp, highlighting Republicans who’ve crossed over will be a key fixture in campaign ads this fall. It’s not surprising that the list of converts to Clinton leans toward national security types and former Republican Party or Bush officials.
Several GOP Business Leaders Are Backing Clinton
June 23, 2016
Democratic presidential candidate to get backing from executives, some of whom cite unease with Trump’s candidacy. More than 50 business executives, including several longtime Republicans, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
Another precept in 1984 is double speak – it is what it ain’t and it ain’t what it is, essentially. Hillary is adept at this already! She lies as a matter of course. She claims the Clinton Foundation is in place for charitable purposes, but only 10-13% of the funds go to charities, the rest to fun and games with the Clintons. Doctors without Borders, for instance, has that reversed, with 90% going for actual charitable work. Now that’s a charity!

Hillary is virtually known for endlessly telling lies, almost as a matter of course. Thus, polls show she is considered a “liar” by a huge majority of the public. What could be more appropriate for the Queen of what might become the new Ministry of Truth! Someone who is immensely comfortable with lying, who has done so for so many decades, and so effortlessly, that it has caused some to call her a ‘compulsive liar’. She says she is for fair treatment of woman but did everything in her power to dismiss and degrade and punish the woman Bill had affairs with.

Damning New Poll shows Overwhelming Majority of Americans think Hillary’s Lying about her Emails
June 10, 2016
By an astounding margin, Americans believe that Hillary Clinton is lying to the public about her email scandal and that her use of a private server to conduct official business while serving as secretary of state put the nation at risk. A full 60 percent of the random national sample of 1,004 registered voters polled believe that Clinton is lying about her emails, versus 27 percent who believe she is not. And by a 57-32 percent margin, the respondents said she put U.S. national security at risk by mishandling classified information.
Hillary Clinton’s Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations
June 27, 2016
Secretary Clinton’s claim that she tried to join the Marines in the 1970s is coming under fresh scrutiny from the media. Clinton Claim 1: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Clinton claimed she landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire” during the 1990s. Clinton Claim 2: In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt”. Clinton Claim 3: Secretary Clinton claimed her e-mail server set up was in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” Clinton Claim 4: When talking about immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.”
Is Hillary Clinton a Compulsive Liar?
January 26, 2016
Compulsive liars lie with ease and without guilt.  Often they are so caught up in their lies that they don't realize the distinction between fact and fiction. Their lies may be plausible on the surface, requiring some effort to disprove. Often the lies present the liar in a favorable or flattering light or else seek to hide failure. Does Hillary Clinton fit this picture? Hillary Clinton has a long history of tall tales. But lying is not a recent phenomenon for Mrs. Clinton.  William Safire, of the NY Times, wrote in 1996 that Hillary "is a congenital liar." He noted a string of deception beginning in Arkansas and following her to the White House – cattle futures, Travelgate, Whitewater, lost billing records, and missing FBI files, to name some of her most prominent deceptions and cover-ups. Going even farther back in history to the 1970s, Hillary Clinton was fired from her staff position on the Watergate House Judiciary Committee over "lies and unethical behavior."
And the Ministry of Truth is not waiting for Hillary to occupy the White House! They’ve started during the campaign. Despite the massive evidence that Hillary has serious health problems - double vision from MS, early dementia from strokes and hardened arteries in the brain, frequent falls, urine collection bags and a catheter, and seizures on camera – getting the truth out in the media is virtually impossible. All a forbidden subject on CNN, the Huffington Post, MSNBC, and the Daily Beast. Dr. Drew lost his job promptly from CNN’s HLN when he dared to suggest that Hillary might not be all that well. Big Brother is watching, after all. Only Fox News, InfoWars, and the Drudge Report seem to be telling the truth.

‘Dr. Drew’ Show Canceled days after Host’s Negative Speculation about Hillary Clinton’s Health
August 26, 2016
The decision came eight days after Pinsky’s comments on a radio show on Aug. 17 questioning the health and medical care of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president. After looking at bits and pieces of Clinton’s health-care records she made public in 2015, he said he was “gravely concerned not just about her health, but her health care.” Pinsky’s views, which he said were shared by another physician with whom he had consulted, aired on KABC’s “McIntyre in the Morning.” The episode has been removed from the station’s website.
Huffington Post Bans Journalist for Writing about Hillary’s Health, Deletes Article
August 29, 2016
The Huffington Post has sensationally censored an article pertaining to questions about Hillary Clinton’s health and banned the journalist who wrote it from posting on their website altogether. David Seaman penned a commentary piece discussing questions surrounding Hillary’s health problems.
1984 has arrived, during the Hillary campaign and in the United States of America, and the media is almost fully compliant! How is it that the United States, supposedly the world’s premiere democracy, became so subverted that lies are truth and truth is a lie.

The Ministry of Truth is hard at it, with their double speak. Hillary is healthy. Never mind all the evidence out on the Internet, gone viral, the seizures, the eyes dilated and unable to track together, the stumbling and falling, the mental lapses when she has an absence seizure, the signs of a medic with her constantly, the many photos and videos of her catheter and urine collection bag, her inability to hold a press conference for 270+ days.

Rigged Polls
So given that the Ministry of Truth is in control in the US, and is feeding the public Hillary’s lies, should we believe the polls? Are the polls rigged for Hillary? Are they ever! When taking the poll, the respondents are asked their party affiliation – Democrat, Republican, or Independent. The percentage in each group is already known. Gallup reports in 2016 that 29% are Democrats, 26% are Republicans, and 42% are Independent. These numbers remain fairly consistent. For instance, the number of Independent voters has remained about 40% for the last five years.  This consistency can be seen in the Cornell University analysis of the party identification during the 2012 Presidential election – 38% were Democrats, and 32% were Republicans, with only 29% of the actual voters being Independents.

So would it not be logical, and in keeping with past history, to include only slightly more Democrat responses in a poll? Yet this is not what is being done! The polls are loaded with Democrat responses, to force an anticipated win for Hillary so a stolen election does not seem obvious. The pollsters openly admit they select from the results to fit a proper political leaning. They should, thus, use percentages approximating past election turnout. But instead, the late July Reuters/IPSOS poll tweaked the results they issued so that these percentages were loaded for Hillary – 899 Democrats to 753 Republicans with only 266 Independents.

Data for Rasmussen Reports survey research is collected using an automated polling methodology. After the surveys are completed, the raw data is processed through a weighting program to ensure that the sample reflects the overall population in terms of age, race, gender, political party, and other factors.
Hillary Lead over Trump Surges after Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
July 31, 2015
Over the past week, there was a troubling development for the establishment: Trump was soaring in the polls. In fact, in the widely watched, Reuters/IPSOS poll, for the first time Trump had taken an inexcusable 1 point lead following the Republican National convention. So, as we reported last night, something had to be done. And something was done: Reuters "tweaked" its polling methodology.
Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead over Trump
August 2, 2016
Donald Trump shattered the previous GOP primary record by 1.4 million votes this year — and that was with 17 candidates in the race! Hillary Clinton received 1.5 million fewer votes this year than she did in 2008 – when she lost! Trump continues to sell out venue after venue. Hillary can’t fill a high school gymnasium this week without hauling in high school kids to sit in the stands. So leave it to the media to jump in and help their candidate. Reuters tweaked their polling methods this week to give Hillary a lead. Reuters -Ipsos used more than 100 more Democrats in their poll to give Hillary a lead over Donald Trump. Does anyone in their right mind think Democrats will have more people voting this year than Republicans?
Election Fraud
So if the polls are fraudulent, was the Primary stolen from Sanders? Without a doubt. The Zetas note that Sanders won the caucuses, where the counts were taken in front of crowds that were double checking the results officially recorded, but when a Primary vote was taken by machine, Hillary won.  Per the Zetas, Seth Rich lost his life because he was aware of this. The power elite want Hillary in the White House because she backs Wall Street and corporations, and allies with the Saudis, just as the Bush family did. The Bush and Clinton families are two sides of the same coin.

ZetaTalk Insight 8/6/2016: The obvious assassination of Seth Rich in DC was a warning to others to keep their mouths shut. A DNC employee, Seth knew more than compilation of Democratic voter lists. He knew how election theft was being conducted, the plans for this during the general election. Electronic voting machines are not secure, as the Diebold theft for the Bush family in 2000 and 2004 showed. Does no one wonder why Sanders won the caucus votes during the primary, but lost in general when the votes were collected by machine? How could this difference exist? A caucus is hard to steal, when monitors are present and recording the votes, but electronic numbers can be quickly switched or erased.

Where we, in the ZetaTalk newsletter, have not done the extensive analysis on election fraud done by others during 2016, the facts are there. Just scan through some of the sites writing concerns about the validity of the upcoming November 8 election. Electronic voting is so very vulnerable to fraud. Just look at the 2000 and 2004 elections, where votes with a paper trail aligned with exit polls, but electronic vote results did not.

Suddenly, this concern for the 2016 election went beyond what might be considered fringe media to the major media when it was learned that the election databases in several states had been hacked! Once again, supposedly by the Russians.  This only seems to be a concern of the major media because their darling, Hillary, might lose by such maneuvers. When the Primary was being manipulated, stolen from Sanders, they looked the other way. So what is to be done? Federalize the Presidential election process. Send in the Marines!

FBI Alert Sparks Fears that State Voting Systems are under Digital Assault
August 29, 2016
The FBI’s decision to issue a nationwide alert about the possible hacking of state election offices after breaches in Illinois and Arizona is raising concerns that a nationwide attack could be afoot, with the potential for creating havoc on Election Day.
Russian Hackers Targeted Arizona Election System
August 29, 2016
Hackers targeted voter registration systems in Illinois and Arizona, and the FBI alerted Arizona officials in June that Russians were behind the assault on the election system in that state. The Russian campaign is also sparking intense anxiety about the security of this year’s elections. Earlier this month, the FBI warned state officials to be on the lookout for intrusions into their election systems.
Homeland eyes Special Declaration to Take Charge of Elections
August 30, 2016
Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a "critical infrastructure," giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and the electric power grid.






It is regarded as fairly common knowledge that most of Hollywood leans left politically, so when a popular movie star take a shot at the supporters of the Republican presidential nominee, it’s not much of a surprise.

Prominent actor and director Brad Pitt recently sat down for an interview with The New York Times to discuss a range of topics, one of which was billionaire businessman Donald Trump and the people who support his bid for the presidency.

“I can’t bring myself to think that Trump will be in charge,” Pitt said. “In the simplest terms, what brings us together is good, and what separates us is bad.” “When things are going wrong and we can’t find the reason for it, we just start creating enemies,” he continued, referencing a line from his recent movie “The Big Short” about the 2008 economic crisis.

As to the “extremism, bigotry, religiosity and fear” that the liberal media has tarred Trump and his supporters with harboring, Pitt said, “Coming from Oklahoma, southern Missouri, which leans more toward a Trump voice, I try to understand it.” “It seems that the people who suffer the most end up betting for the party that would hurt them,” he continued, perhaps unknowingly echoing an argument made by Republicans regarding minority voters supporting Democrats. “And so I try to understand where they’re coming from.”

Pitt then seemed to borrow an idea from President Barack Obama, who stated not too long ago that racism and strife is ingrained in the DNA of Americans.  “You gotta understand, that it’s also in our DNA,” Pitt explained. “Most Americans don’t have time to watch CNN and Fox and Al Jazeera. They’re trying to make the rent, get the kids fed, they’re tired when they get home and they want to forget about everything. And so suddenly when this voice comes in — and it doesn’t have to be a voice of substance — saying he’s fed up with all of this, that’s the part that hooks into the DNA.”

What I’m most hopeful about is that we’re a global neighborhood now, and we start to understand each other more and more — and yet, you see this reactionary push for isolation and separation again,” Pitt continued with a shrug. “A Trump supporter is fighting against just about everything,” he added. “What does he even mean, take our country back? Would someone please explain that to me? Where’d it go?”

Where’d it go? Perhaps you should ask Obama or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as they charted the path that our country has traveled down the past eight years, if you really want to know, “Where’d it go.”

Or perhaps Pitt just needs to spend some time talking with his father-in-law, conservative actor Jon Voight, who could no doubt explain to him what Trump’s supporters are all about and “where they’re coming from,” as he actually 'gets it'.

One thing we CAN do to change our nation is to BOYCOTT those who are on the left - the far left - as is Brad Pitt. When these ignorant leftist self-aggrandized pink panted commies begin to feel the pinch of a diminishing bank balance, perhaps THEN they will 'get it' and take a serious second look at what is REALLY going on in this country besides their parties, pedophelia, increasing purchases of palaces and limos, satanic meetings and negotiations with their Illuminati masters on raising the percentage increase in their movie receipts. Money - or the lack thereof - literally speaks volumes. My money no longer will be among the receipts for Pitt. George Clooney is another one. 


9/10/2016 From another contact !! 

Published on Sep 10, 2016

9/10/2016 From another contact !!
The International Court, the Hague, issued a proclamation today, based on an "anonymous" writ they received, that mandates the rv/gcr be released and finalized asap, all under contract law since all countries signed off at the G20.

Basically, they said "TONIGHT" or all involved will be sanctioned under the different agreements and contracts in place. They are the int'l court of justice, they have jurisdiction.

Now, we will see if the countries abide by the mandate or suffer the consequences I use anonymous because I know where it came from' The silence has been shattered. The International Court in the Hague issued an order that overrides the Obama. Redemption codes were entered this morning and exchanges begin today. There can be no more delays. 

…. Most people have heard this so many times that they are numb ... but today is the day and it cannot be stopped sanctions are very tough in this one let me be blunt, everyone is at an OH CRAP moment right now.

The Hague received a similar writ weeks ago, before the accords agreements were signed, and did nothing at that time. This time, contracts were the important factor, and the "justices" were told to show some testicular fortitude or they would have any testicualrs ever again, got me?

All countries were foisted on their own petards, so to speak

That is the end for now, we wait and see how long they are willing to dally and dance King O has been rebuffed 6 times in the Supreme Court and 14 times in the District Courts on the RV for trying to stop it. He told the Chinese G20 that the RV would not happen and they took him apart for 3 hours and told him off. I think personally that the Chinese were the driving force in getting the Hague court to act with all the evidence against him. There


ALERT: FBI, Homeland Security issue warning

ALERT: FBI, Homeland Security issue warning
 of ISIS-inspired extremists targeting sports venues

Saturday, September 10, 2016

RED ALERT: Minn demoRATS move to remove Trump from ballot

RED ALERT: Major State Moves to Remove Trump From Presidential Ballot

Democrats will often stop at nothing to get their way. In an election year, we can expect their enthusiasm for taking down Republicans to reach a fever pitch.

Case in point: Democrats in Minnesota are looking to remove Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump from the state’s ballot, claiming that the Republican Party of Minnesota improperly put Trump’s name there to begin with.

Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Chairman Ken Martin submitted a legal petition to the state’s Supreme Court seeking to remove Trump’s name from the ballot.

Martin claimed that the Minnesota GOP “did not elect to elect alternate presidential electors” at the state’s convention earlier this year. After they failed to provide the names of alternative electors, they decided to appoint “alternate electors” in a closed-door meeting. That process violated state laws, Martin’s statement read.

Michael Brodkorb, a former deputy Minnesota Republican Party chairman, took issue with Martin’s claim, pointing out on social media that the Minnesota GOP’s rules don’t allow for such a fix, as Martin’s suit insisted.

“Last night #MNGOP ‘appointed’ alternate electors to fix problem — BUT this isn’t allowed in #MNGOP constitution — so we have a mess,” Brodkorb said.
Whether Republicans complied with the law or not, there is no statute to specify any penalty for noncompliance. So, it could very well be a mess.

Martin’s petition followed a brouhaha in August when Trump and his running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s name didn’t appear on the state ballot. Republicans worked quickly to resolve the situation.

It remained to be seen whether Democrats in Minnesota will succeed in removing Trump’s name from the ballot in November. It certainly isn’t surprising that they are stooping to this level to ensure Trump doesn’t win the White House.

Everything is ready for the alien colonization of planet Earth

Following sent to us from anonymous source with request to post: translation from Russian to English

Friends,  please read.

I made an auto-translation of an article of the Russian Colonel-General Skryabin who, during his duty, communicate with extraterrestrials and who personally saw how President Michael Gorbachev met extraterrestrials.

This interview was given to a newspaper of Czech Republic and published in its website.  However, in two days this interview was deleted from everywhere…  

The Russian General said that this will be last election in Russia and everywhere, and we approached a time when our world will be as a concentration camp since 2017.

This Russian General personally communicated with extraterrestrials. He was sent underground to have training with them… He said that this was a terrible experience… The General said the humanity was sold to the Satanic extraterrestrials by our Presidents and our corrupted governments.

The Russian General said, "True.
I'm telling you, all of us have sold our own rulers. There has always been the norm, as they could abduct people for their own purposes. And their targets, though it is hidden even from us, but I still know - brutal. They butchered the meat and continue to butcher people. Conduct experiments bullied. They also invented the cult of Satanism, in fact, is the servant stanisty aliens eating mostly cattle and people, sometimes - only power of death, that is - the souls of the victims."

Colonel General SKRYABIN "ELECTIONS 2016 LATEST TO RUSSIA. Everything is ready for the alien colonization"
08:00. 6 августа 2016 Просмотров - 6,222 11 коммент. Опубликовал:

This shocking statement made by Colonel-General Russian Air Force Retired Alexander S. Skryabin in an interview for the Czech newspaper Lidové noviny July 26, 2016. July 28 this interview has been completely removed from the site of the newspaper, and all the other resources that are currently managed to publish this interview is also eliminated. There were people who did not believe his eyes when he saw a headline did printskrin page. And apparently for good reason. And the insider information was received today that the newspaper had time to even print a full print run of this interview, and they had to destroy the whole edition. This whole situation leads to a terrible thought that Skryabin told the truth ... It turns out that this has already happened in 2004, when the editor has started an article entitled "Russia: books behind bars" (the Czech Rusko:. Knihy za mřížemi), which stated that the Russian apartment bombings in September 1999 were organized by the FSB. Then the situation has affected the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic, published an open letter addressed to the chief editor of the newspaper "Lidové noviny" V.Vachkova. Now, apparently, on Vachkov influenced quietly.
Part of an interview with Scriabin:

- Alexander S., you are known as not only an experienced 
military commander of the USSR and Russia, which is completely dedicated themselves to the service of Russia but also as a good analyst, and maybe even a little scientist. What are your predictions for the near future, and for Russia, and for Europe. The world seems a little bit crazy.
- Yes, really mad. I am 73 years old and I've seen a lot. I can not keep silent any longer, I can not sleep, I can not walk the streets and see idly strolling young people who have no idea what is actually happening in the country and in the world. I'm sick of watching television, reading the newspaper. Everywhere pack of lies. I was unbearably painful for the younger generation, so much so that the heart is about to stop. Nobody knows the truth. World discusses the elections in the United States, conflicts in Turkey and other countries, in Russia, even your choices do not discuss, we generally all concerned where cheaper to go to rest. But this election is the last of all. For all, again. There will be no more of this world, which we'll see this summer. All will soon dramatically change.
People for many decades led by the nose. You live in a different reality. Humanity is on the verge of death. We look to the capture of the respiratory films about aliens attack the planet, colonizing people come out of the theater and live on. But you do not just show. This is in fact true! I recently watched a film about the attack of the aliens, and was surprised how well the director has given the truth, and you look like a fairy tale. Military first know that no aliens are not fiction, but a cruel and sad reality. All sign a non-disclosure papers. Who controls the Oboronservis think? US same pawn. I remember the first time I was faced with this, learned, I was so horrified a few months! When we were warned that in the next month we will train at the base and they will be there. We were instructed to prepare the meeting. We signed the papers on non-disclosure of state secrets. And then we, the boys in uniform, it was said - only 20 years from now in a society begins to leak information about them will be careful to handle the population, to cook. Movies, stories in newspapers ... Then there will be those who will explore this topic and will themselves have to publish information. All we made according to plan.
Now I can only say how disgusting it was to see them. All these years I feel an empty space on his own planet, and they here owners. Presidents of countries, all of them run errands. And most importantly, that they fulfill the agreement. They have long since passed as a recycled material. Those who will go on to be a labor for them.
- And how long ago it all started?
- Back in the Soviet times, when the General Staff acted top-secret military unit number 10003 dealing with psy-war. He oversaw its Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov, the Soviet Union and led by Lieutenant-General Alexei Savin. These were military ekstrassensy. What tasks do not just put before this part! In June 1991, an order came from his superiors to fly to Uzbekistan .. receive aliens. And these orders we have received a lot of years since the 70-th. Sometimes these stories published in the media. People were laughing, and we were in a depression ... For power offensively.
There was also a Colonel Ivan Pavlovich Nazarenko, chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of air defense forces of the USSR. He often organized their arrival in the territory of the USSR. To no one I saw not noticed. A favorite place was Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and those edges.
- And you've seen how presidents communicate with them?
- Yes, several times I have personally seen how Gorbachev met with them, and then once Yeltsin.
- Are they, really, like in the movies kidnapped people and then people do not remember?
- True. I'm telling you, all of us have sold our own rulers. There has always been the norm, as they could abduct people for their own purposes. And their targets, though it is hidden even from us, but I still know - brutal. They butchered the meat and continue to butcher people. Conduct experiments bullied. They also invented the cult of Satanism, in fact, is the servant stanisty aliens eating mostly cattle and people, sometimes - only power of death, that is - the souls of the victims.
- Why Uzbekistan and that region? I've also just recently read that there has always been, and still there is increased activity of UFOs, people often encounter aliens.
- There's a lot of gold and uranium. They take it yourself. We have in fact gold in the world - and not in the back. There are no storage facilities. They are all given. I do not know why.
Remember the scandal with the American poddelanym gold that China has revealed? And all of that gold in global reserves available virtually none. Even at banks, when you buy it on your hands is not given, is just a virtual, that is - the money for it.
- What do we expect in the near future? You say that the end will come around soon.
- Their goal - the colonization of the planet. Governments are perfectly prepared for all this. Russia, one did not have time, and now is catching up rapidly. We've never taken so many laws at such a rate. And look, they are mostly punitive and controlling character. Our people do not understand and do not see why it makes me even sicker. A TV and special units treated with the people of the brain so that even if the alien is now alive will come to the area and will be dancing, it is very few people have touch. Firstly, for many years the processing and implementation, they will be the main thing here, and secondly, people are emotionally exhausted psyche left to shock and resist. This technology is also all the presidents have been trained and more security services - and the military brought them to life. This election really last. More choices will be. Although it was only a parody of the election. Even Wang predicted that the 44th president of the United States is black, and it will be the last country. And Wang, as we know, was a great psychic and practically wrong. From 2017 to begin another time for the whole planet ... The time of the camp ...- But what - what we all - we can still do to prevent their plans?
- Find the force that is commensurate with them. And this is also an alien, but a spiritual orientation. Only they do not go on contact - too low we have fallen, they are harmful to such a dirty thing to have energy. They look like a law of free will we use. After all, we - the masters of the planet, we have to order it and put things ... They can help only if we turn .. (to the Lord God Almighty and His Son Yeshua ONLY by SINCERE REPENTANCE)
- How to apply?
- As always, in his own words. "Lord, help me" - does not help. It is necessary to know the exact address. In the old days they turned towards the sun. And now there are suggestions that there is a hollow space, and live the higher civilization. I think sooner easier contact with them was - people were able to trust, communicate with them and bowed respectfully. And now all rejected, do not believe anything. That's it and sought unwelcome aliens. So far everything is going according to plan ...

Tags: Elections to the State Duma in 2016, UFOFlag as inappropriate material


Compare Putin and Obama arrive in China 
ahead of the G20 summit 2016

Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese
 in chaotic arrival at G20

Obama Body Language after being Snubbed in China 
and forced to exit "The Ass" of Air Force One


President Xi Jinping takes ‘family photo’ with world leaders at G20

We have been told that Obama and Biden were forced to resign their corporate offices last fall, that neither are in their respective 'offices' of the foreign owned mafia crime syndicate, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and yet Obama attends the G20, supposedly uninvited, and is photographed as a 'family member' of the G20?
We have been told that China no longer recognizes Obama and, in fact, gave a COLD shoulder reception to Obama, including Obama's having to exit Air Force One through the a** of Air Force One because the Chinese refused the red carpet treatment?  And Obama is photographed here as 'one of the family?'

We have been told that the United Nations and the G20 recognize this nation, the united States, as having changed their government back to its original Republic - yet WHERE IS THE PHOTO OF THE INTERIM PRESIDENT OF OUR REPUBLIC, GENERAL JOSEPH DUNFORD, as an attendee of the G20? 

We have been told that Obama refused yet again to sign the documentation to initiate the RV for our nation?  And that General Dunford, in his position as interim president of the Republic, signed the documents instead, but that his signature had to be recognized and approved by the IMF through Christine LeGarde?