4/4/91 #2 HATONN
Allow us a break for lunch and then, before moving back to the subject of national disarming and weapons control, I will respond as briefly as possible to inquiries stacking up regarding robotoids. Please understand that I will not jeopardize the safety of ones in service by giving other than general terminology or concept. You, the readers, must become comfortable, however, with the knowledge that this is a pretty well-perfected technology.
I am not deliberately evasive about the subject; it is that we take things out of sequence and context and then we have myriads of scattered fragments which often cause more concern than giving solutions to acute problems and malfunctions. For instance, it is better to act and start shutting off the fuel supply to whichever is in POWER OVER YOU AND YOUR NATION than to fully understand the details of the beings themselves. These beings in charge, these days, feed on power and control, and the fuel for their actions is supplied at YOUR permission and contribution.
I particularly wish to share with you a letter which came this hour to my attention. This person has gone far beyond that which we could hope and I want to respond to him. This man has taken all save two of the Journals and all of the Expresses and has computerized subject matter for reference purposes. We will reprint his letter and then I will effort to give a little more intelligent response.
Thank you all for your patience.
4/4/91 #3 HATONN REGARDING “ROBOTOIDS” Dharma, it is well worth the time to duplicate that which was sent to us by R.S. of S. CA. (for his own identification). I shall always protect our contacts for we will all need to be very much “alive” if we are to reverse the tide sweeping you away. We also need to be united in understanding and goal intent; therefore, we will simply have to share and re-share information until we all come into comfort and it will be through the sharing of “proof” confirmation as it flows unto individuals which shall unify the nucleus sent forth for specific purpose and allow the unseeing to gain insight.
Do not spend time in great concern for the blindness of children, friends, etc. As God makes his Truth the unvarying foundation of our work—so shall ones simply come to see.
I am in receipt of a letter this very day, from one who not only withdrew from me but called me many, many quite unsavory names and pulled several away, temporarily, fortunately, as he went in anger and confusion. Today he comes to say, again in brotherhood, “thank” you that although learning “silence” is hard, he is so doing and is working diligently to be worthy of coming again within the fold as student rather than as “know-it-all”-better than God.
We rejoice as the lambs come home. It is GREATNESS in the human who finds errors, recognizes errors and rectifies same—for I care not for name-calling (I have at least five feet of very resilient shoulders—with great bounce-back capability). Dharma is a bit more fragile and often thinks she must protect ME—she is quickly learning that I have plenty of room for her beneath my wings for the whole of us, and she often trusts me enough these days to come on in out of the storm.
I have plenty of room aboard for all of you and us too.
Now for R.S.’s correspondence:
My observation is that there will be many readers who still have no idea what we are talking about and will object if I do not give fill-in and therefore, though it be tedious—R.S. has done our real work for us, and that is in pulling out that which we have already covered.
Then it becomes easy to fill in some blanks for you. If this is repetition for most of you, I still ask that you study it carefully for it is, as I have said—the very hardest concept to accept and yet, you shall see that it is one of the easiest, if understood, to accomplish.
Let us take a short break.
Thank you, friend, you have done a lot of work and, also, have saved me work in reconstruction. One problem is that, somehow, some of my prior information IS still missing and therefore, I can only assume it to be in one or two of your missing Journals. It is not sufficient to stop me from responding for I have not yet told you HOW you grow so fast, at any rate.
Know that you will read my discussion (or it got omitted which I think not probable) that there are already working duplicates of, for instance, cattle. There are also the projects in research to clone “body parts” for identical transplantation of heart, limbs, etc., without rejection of the attachment for it will bear identical genetic structure and the body will not recognize the difference. Now to a bit of specific technology to consider. There are two kinds of cells in the body—the germ (the sperm cells and the egg cells, which produce the next generation) and the soma (the cells of the blood, brain, muscles, and everything else). Each somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes in its nucleus. When it divides into two cells, all the chromosomes double, and each daughter cell receives a complete double set. But when the eggs and sperm are formed, by a process called meiosis, the two sets of chromosomes are broken up, and only one set goes to each of the daughter cells. Each egg cell and each sperm cell carry a random mix of half of an individual’s traits; the only time they have a complete set of chromosomes is when their nuclei come together during fertilization.
At the moment of fertilization, life begins anew with an individual that is identical to neither its mother nor its father but rather is a 50-50 combination of both.
Starting out as a single cell, the embryo grows rapidly, not in size but in number of cells—first two cells then..... The growth begins when the nuclei come together during fertilization. The point then, of replication is to introduce two identical nuclei from the same entity. Upon integration they will multiply identically as above stated for it represents fertilization—the cell recognizes no difference. And thus begins replication of an identical clone. As the cells multiply the embryo is a mulberry-like cluster of cells called a morula, scarcely bigger than the fertilized egg. As division continues, the morula turns into a hollow mass called a blastula (blastocyst in mammals), which is first hundreds, then thousands of cells strong. In the event of “artificial cloning” it is much like a test-tube embryo except that it is completed in a medium which allows the nutrients of life to be utilized. While this is happening—there is a holographic image available for alteration as necessary for duplication of the finished entity. In the early division, all the cells of the embryo are indistinguishable from one another. But later some of the cells begin to specialize, and the process of differentiation begins. As development proceeds and the embryo takes on shape and form, more and more cells become committed to a particular pathway, changing in form and function. The blood cells make hemoglobin, the muscle cells make a muscle protein, and so on. The facts are, and research now shows—every single cell in a body contains all the necessary things to reproduce a replica. It must be noted that adult differentiated cells and egg cells, are on two very different time tables for division. The egg is on the fast track, ready to spring into action about an hour after fertilization if left absolutely alone, while the far slower differentiated cell is programmed to divide every two days or longer. So when the nucleus of an adult cell is placed in a recipient egg, it is forced to divide before it is ready.
Chromosomes get left behind or are torn apart. The result is that some of the clones have chromosomal abnormalities and may be genetic “monsters”.
Now it gets more technical and tedious. Several things must take place to reproduce a “well-rounded” duplicate. As the cells are growing there must be introduced something which will accelerate growth and reproduction. You have in each body a functioning gland called the pituitary (I think is your label) which regulates growth.
If something happens, say a tumor, in an adult wherein the pituitary gland becomes hyperfunctional, a disease, which I believe you call something like “acromegaly” which is chronic hyperpituitarism marked by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face—, occurs and within very short periods of time the body will simply outgrow itself—become huge and because the bone structure cannot house it the monstrously rapid growth can simply kill itself from overgrowth.
So, if the pituitren from the gland is introduced in increased amounts during the early formation and duplication of cells—the growth rate is incredibly rapid.
As the body reaches proper proportion and the cells mature into proper function in the proper placement—the hormone is decreased and additional amounts stopped completely. Understand that this is oversimplification of a rather complex mechanism—however, once the duplication process has been accomplished once or twice, the amount of additives is pretty well decided and the duplication becomes indeed rote.
I believe you can understand that as these reproductions are created they become less stable and much less sturdy although they will replicate even to the age category depending on giving additional hormones or withholding same. Then what is not perfected by “natural” growth and aging can be surgically altered. So, what have you? You have a body functioning as a machine and a pretty empty mind of a womb-infant. It becomes very easy to down-load information from one brain to another—especially if there is no preconceived ideas or thoughts in the recipient brain. It becomes simple to place the outgoing replica or “person” into a state of imaging and the images in response to questions and input guidelines are extremely rapidly “read off” just like a rapid-fire computer system.
Don’t be fooled by that which you are not told much about—but there are cameras which can now photograph thoughts—down-loading a mind is nothing and can be completed in only a few brief hours. During this same period of time programming for current and future functioning is integrated.
“Flaws” in personality will most often be continually exaggerated and this is that which becomes the problem—that of keeping the entity under control.
What happens to the original? It goes where all first creations go—the soul departs and goes to its proper placement for progressive experience. The clones, when no longer useful, are simply “dumped”. If the expression within the essence is recovered and given again the gift of soul entrance through Grace (and there is no other way, beloved ones) then the “clone” becomes a functioning “whole” and separate entity but will bear the mental rememberings of the original and will pretty much continue the original’s experiences.
Hence comes the term of terms—”walk-in”. Now I remind you ones who like to consider yourselves “walk-ins” for God—forget the concept. Clones are of evil beginnings by any measure of the term. Replacement of energy form into an existing body is indeed of evil. God needs no such fabrications. If God needs a body, He creates one.
Remember, “Satan” as you call him, cannot create—he must utilize that which is already created—havoc is all that evil one can create.
So you see, it is not even longer speculative among the scientific community. By combining the techniques of nuclear transfer with those of in-vitro fertilization, the technology for cloning human embryos is now on-line. Using the same basic technique of serial transfer, scientists can duplicate the same embryo over and over again thereby cloning not just embryos but human adults. Scientists have long been able to trick adult body cells, normally differentiated to perform specific tasks, into going backward in time to an early embryonic stage when all the genes were fully turned on and all things were possible. The researchers reached the power to turn back the clock, so to speak, making an adult cell young or duplicating a being at any age level through manipulation. You must understand that in the beginning of this idea it was set forth as wondrous to be able to have a second set of organs, etc., if ever needed for individuals. Well, of course one secret thing led to another until they were taking a cell from an individual, transferring it into an enucleated egg, growing the embryo in culture for a few days, and then putting it into a surrogate uterus.
After about six weeks into the embryonic development, the collection of primitive cells called the telencephalon, the forerunner to the higher brain, would be removed and frozen. In this way the body clone “would never develop a brain capable of anything more than secreting hormones and commanding the most basic vegetal bodily functions. It would never perceive pain or love.
Without any portion of the higher brain, the body clone would be less human than the fish that graces your dinner table.
Once the body clone would be grown to the appropriate size by intravenous feeding and hormone injections, it could serve as the equivalent of a brain-dead organ donor, only in this case there would be no rejection of a transplant. Since the clone would have exactly the same genetic makeup as the person from whom it was derived, all its parts—from the facial features to vital organs—could be replaced as though they were the person’s own—which they would be. If now, the desirability is of having a functioning higher brain, then the additional steps would need to be taken to re-establish the telencephalon. The problem that many scientists face in cloning is that in the reproducing much of the “personality” which makes a human sexual is lost and also it gets rid of all the very characteristics that are enjoyed about a human. As a matter of fact, as dangerous as the actual cloning of beings is what is happening already on a massive scale—the brain control which causes everyone to act in various controlled manners.
How is it that a hundred million Americans watch the Super Bowl, or millions of people buy little plastic disks with scratches on them? Basically this is worse for the perfectly good and functional gifted mind is wasted. The potential for abuse is incredible and so it has become a fact.
The fact that contents of a brain can be transferred only requires knowledge of the psychochemical way in which memory is stored—and you have known how memory is stored in a computer. With the proper psychochemical balance it is merely a matter of transfer as from one computer disc onto another. With cloned brains and memory transfer, the individual is raised to the nth power—but without the capacity of moral conscience as given unto man in the form of soul. You see, the purpose is not to just serially immortalize but to produce parallel infinity. Please allow this to be sufficient for this sitting as I have a very weary scribe who is wishing I would just clone her a little bit more time and a few more fingers. I thank you for your inquiry and I hope I have been complete enough to satisfy without overburden. I am sorry to leave out any of your questions but I simply may not jeopardize my beloved counterparts by speaking of the other advanced technical achievements at this time. Too much information makes you targets and I refuse to allow that as my scribe, for instance, is marked like a neon sign already and therefore I give her nothing more than any of you have in access for if there is nothing to gain from her, she is left alone and our adversaries know that she is given nothing for they glean exactly that which I give her—right as she writes it on this apparatus. Our sole mission is to “awaken” mankind—not invent new or re-invent old technologies and man’s problem, already, is that his technology is far advanced of his ability to socially survive. Know that as things are acceptable, proper ones will be given into knowing the information in proper sequence.
God does pretty well at planning—and remember—HE WINS! THAT, BROTHERS, MEANS WE WIN!
Close this out, Dharma. I want to share the other information and confirmation received from A.B. regarding Egypt, etc., but we are too fatigued for this day. Thank you, chela, for relentless service and know, dear one, that when we pull this off—then you can go clean your cupboards. In great love beyond your knowing, I humbly bend in appreciation to you precious ones who struggle along with us in this journey acting as alarm clocks—the rewards shall be grand indeed for the promises of God are always met although you rarely have perceived them properly. Even so—they are always more wondrous than you can imagine. In brotherhood and friendship I take leave this evening. Hatonn to clear, please.
[Editor’s note: There are several stories. Carter was changed out so early in the game as to actually end up embarrassing the thugs to bits. He talked of attack rabbits, only “lusting inside” and thus and so.
He was supposed to die in one of his “runs” at Camp David—in public—but instead he simply collapsed while “running in the air with his legs never missing a beat” and DID NOT DIE. It was necessary to take “that image personage” inside Camp David and outfit a nice new one who came out and gave out awards as if nothing had happened but couldn’t even recognize where he was.
Now this is all documented, readers, so don’t go saying I have gone bonkers!.]
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Robotoids - Carter, Bushes, and more
Biggest Government Cover-up In U.S. History
Police Officer Goes Public with Biggest Government Cover-up In U.S. History (Video)
When it comes to government corruption, there aren’t too many areas I won’t dive right in at the first mention of an interesting story. However, there two or three areas of discussion that I tend to stay away from, and I do so for personal reasons. They are stories concerning what happened on 9/11, stories about vaccines, or stories similar to the one below.
In this particular case, I was awestruck by the strength with which this officer conveys his message. Despite having no personal attachment to what the officer says, I assure you I didn’t demonstrate even a fraction of the strength he did while he was telling his story. Then, when I read the video has been viewed more than 20 million times in one form or another, it gave me confirmation that the video must hit everyone who sees it in a powerful way, not just me.
Bill Clinton Raped Juanita - the victims of Clinton's rapes just never ends
Juanita Broaddrick Witness Comes Forward: Bill Clinton Raped Juanita (Video)
Wow. This sure has been a rough week for Team Billary. After almost 40 years, Norma Rogers broke her silence and came forward to discuss the case involving the brutal rape of Juanita Broaddrick by none other than Bill Clinton during his 1978 gubernatorial campaign.
At the time, Rogers relationship to Juanita Broaddrick was as a nurse, back when Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator. I'm going to go out on a limb and conclude that Team Billary didn’t see this little snafu coming, otherwise the number of former Clinton associates now dead from mysterious accidents would most likely be 71 people, rather than 70 people.
Throughout U.S. history, there have been many scandals coming out of administrations from both parties, so there’s always been an unwritten rule that when the new President takes office, the focus is on the future, not opening investigations into the past. I’m sure most Americans would agree, regardless of party, that’s been a good practice for the most part.
Regardless of how good that practice has been until now, it needs to END if Trump somehow manages to take control of the White House. Sure, it might set an ugly precedent moving forward, but not 1/100 as bad of a precedent as letting treasonous felons who should be serving life sentences in Leavenworth walk free, not the least of which include Barack Obama, and both Clinton's.
Oh yes, I almost forgot… A message to Norma Rogers: “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard, and you have a right to be believed. Hillary is with you.”
Hillary's Message to Survivors of Sexual Assault | Hillary Clinton
Published on Sep 14, 2015
Hillary's message to survivors of sexual assault: We're with you.
The nurse who discovered Juanita Broaddrick moments after she was brutally raped by Bill Clinton has finally spoken out, and these secrets are big enough to sink the Titanic!
Retired nurse Norma Rogers told Breitbart:
“She was crying. The thing I think I remember most is that her mouth was all swollen up. It was cut … Her pantyhose were all ripped.”
Norma Rogers worked for Broaddrick 38 years ago as a nurse when Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator. Broaddrick was also volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial campaign.
Rogers even remembers driving her to the Hospital after the rape,
“I think we stopped at least twice to get ice. I would go up and get fresh ice and put it on her mouth because she was trying to keep her face from bruising and looking like something bad had happened to her, you know. It was just crazy. The whole situation was just crazy.”
Broaddrick even CONFIRMED to Nurse Rogers that it was Bill Clinton who raped her and asked her to keep it quiet.
Bill Clinton - Juanita Broaddrick rape accusation
Network tv interview
Published on May 8, 2013
1999 major network prime-time interview with Juanita Broaddrick. Broaddrick recounts Clinton raping her, and then raping her again. Ms. Broaddrick seems as credible as any other Clinton accuser. And in almost every publicly reported he-said/she-said clash of claims involving Clinton and an accuser, which claim proved true? The charge was too serious and the woman too credible for the networks to pursue the story. And still, every day on Twitter and other social networks, women who call themselves feminists and deem themselves champions of the weak and vulnerable, gush over Clinton like little Judy Garland gushing over that Clark Gable photo in Broadway Melody.
The Clintons are awful human beings. If Hillary Clinton is elected, they will rape our entire country just like they raped Juanita Broderick.
Share this out on Facebook if you want to see the Clintons locked up for their tremendous crimes once-and-for-all!
Official Military Base Closure List
US Official Military Base Closure List
NOTE: This article from 2005 is being provided in conjunction with another article,
Pentagon Wants 33 Major Military Bases Closed. Questions have come up: "Why are soldiers from other nations here in the US? Where are they staying? And WHY?" Perhaps those foreign troops are 'staying' in the closed US bases, or in facilities for them in our nation's national parks? Perhaps Americans need to begin close surveillance of these areas - and awareness of other locations - to discern the locations of the enemy within in preparation for the take down of our nation. If you have not already, you can read the explanation at the top of that article for why these two articles are being published for you here today. Besides 'entertainment,' we are here to educate and inform.
Official Military Base Closure List
James Joyner · Friday, May 13, 2005
Pentagon Proposing to Shut 33 Major Bases (WaPo – AP)
The Army, the service with which I’m most familiar, is taking the largest “hit” in terms of sheer numbers but it is closing nothing that the Army has an institutional attachment to. One will note with a quick scan the incredible number of Finance and Accounting centers being closed, indicating a major consolidation of functions.
It’s hard to call Fort McPherson, by far the biggest Army installation being targetted, “major” by any meaningful standard in Army terms.
List of Proposed Military Base Closings (AP)
Update (1209): Richard Gardner has a statistical analysis of the gainers and losers here. What’s particularly noteworthy from an Army perspective is how much the already large maneuver bases are gaining. In my view, that’s simply outstanding. The Army, more than ever, is a combined arms operation. There’s no reason to segregate small support functions away from the major combat arms operations centers.
The Pentagon will propose shutting more than 150 military installations from Maine to Hawaii, including 33 major bases, The Associated Press learned Friday, triggering the first round of base closures in a decade and an intense struggle by communities to save their facilities. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will also recommend a list of scores of other domestic bases from which thousands of troops would be withdrawn, or in some cases added from other installations in the United States or overseas. He has said the move would save $48.8 billion over 20 years while making the military more mobile and better suited for the global effort against terrorism.Full list in the extended entry. The remarkable thing about the list is that, while it’s very long, it contains essentially no noteworthy bases. I’ve highlighted the handful of even remotely notable bases below with bold text.
Rumsfeld’s plan calls for a massive shift of U.S. forces that would result in a net loss of 29,005 military and civilian jobs at domestic installations. Overall, he proposes pulling 218,570 military and civilian positions out of some U.S. bases while adding 189,565 positions to others, according to documents obtained by The AP. The closures and down sizings would occur over six years starting in 2006. “Our current arrangements, designed for the Cold War, must give way to the new demands of the war against extremism and other evolving 21st Century challenges,” Rumsfeld said in a written statement.
Among the major closures were Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico, which would lose more than 2,700 jobs, the Naval Station in Ingleside, Texas, costing more than 2,100 jobs, and Fort McPherson in Georgia, costing nearly 4,200 jobs. Other major bases _ including the Army’s Fort Bliss in Texas, the Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Va., and Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland _ would see gains, as they absorb troops whose current home bases are slated for closure.
Before closures or downsizings can take effect, the Defense Department’s proposal must be approved or changed by a federal base closing commission by Sept. 8, and then agreed to by Congress and President Bush, in a process that will run into the fall. In four previous rounds of closures starting in 1988, commissions have accepted 85 percent of bases the Pentagon recommended for closure or consolidation. However, the current commission’s chairman, Anthony Principi, has promised not to rubber stamp Rumsfeld’s list.
The Army, the service with which I’m most familiar, is taking the largest “hit” in terms of sheer numbers but it is closing nothing that the Army has an institutional attachment to. One will note with a quick scan the incredible number of Finance and Accounting centers being closed, indicating a major consolidation of functions.
It’s hard to call Fort McPherson, by far the biggest Army installation being targetted, “major” by any meaningful standard in Army terms.
Fort McPherson / Fort GillemWhile McPherson has been around quite some time, its functions could be absorbed at Fort Benning or Fort Bragg with barely a ripple.
Both Fort McPherson and Fort Gillem are small in area, but they are giants in the defense picture due to the many headquarters and tenant organizations. Forts McPherson and Gillem serve and support a number of “internal” audiences: Active Duty and Reserve Component soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, Department of Defense civilians, military retirees and family members. Both installations are good neighbors, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort McPherson, was named Atlanta’s fifth largest employer by the Atlanta Business Chronical in March 1999. Fort Gillem in Forest Park is Clayton County’s third largest employer according to the March 1999 Clayton County Chamber of Commerce survey.
Personnel assigned to Forts McPherson and Gillem are as follows: Active Duty, 3,510; Army Reserve, 2,359; Civilians, 5,038; Retirees, 29,430; Family Members, 36,843. In addition, from 4,500 to 5,000 local, state and international guests take tours of or book events at Forts McPherson and Gillem each year.
Fort McPherson, steeped in tradition and proud of its appearance and history, is a blend of the old and the new as it begins a second century of service to the nation. Fort McPherson is home to Forces Command (FORSCOM), U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC), and Third U.S. Army. Fort McPherson is located in Southwest Atlanta, approximately four miles from downtown Atlanta and eleven miles from Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport. The installation sits on 487 acres; historic district sits on 33 acres and has 40 buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Fort McPherson was established in 1886 and became a permanent Army installation on May 4, 1889. On December 30, 1867, the post was named “McPherson Barracks” in honor of Major General James Birdseye McPherson, who was killed on July 22, 1864, during the Battle of Atlanta. Between the years 1867 and 1881, the barracks was garrisoned in turn by elements of the 2nd, 16th, and 18th U.S. Infantry Regiments and the 5th Artillery. Their mission was to enforce Union regulations during the reconstruction period following the Civil War. The installation sits on 487 acres; historic district sits on 33 acres and has 40 building listed on the National Register of Historic Places. There are 39 segments of internal roads which have been designated in honor of distinguished military personnel; 23 from the Civil War, 11 from WWII, and two are named for distinguished General Officers. Throughout its century of service to the country, the 505-acre post was used as a general hospital during World Wars I and II, a prisoner of war camp, training for the Civilian Conservation Corp, and as a separation center. Today, Fort McPherson is home to Forces Command (FORSCOM), Third United States Army, and United States Army Reserve Command (USARC).
Fort McPherson is home to Forces Command Headquarters, Third U.S. Army, and U.S. Army Reserve Command. As the Army’s largest major command, FORSCOM supervises the training of almost 800,000 Active, Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve soldiers to provide a strategic ground force capable of responding rapidly to crisis worldwide.
List of Proposed Military Base Closings (AP)
Alabama:*Bolded on advice of knowledgable e-mailer.
Abbott U.S. Army Reserve Center, Tuskegee
Anderson U.S. Army Reserve Center, Troy
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Mobile
BG William P. Screws U.S. Army Reserve Center, Montgomery
Fort Ganey Army National Guard Reserve Center, Mobile
Fort Hanna Army National Guard Reserve Center, Birmingham
Gary U.S. Army Reserve Center, Enterprise
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Montgomery
Navy Reserve Center, Tuscaloosa
The Adjutant General Bldg, AL Army National Guard, Montgomery
Wright U.S. Army Reserve Center
Kulis Air Guard Station
Air Force Research Lab, Mesa
Allen Hall Armed Forces Reserve Center, Tucson
El Dorado Armed Forces Reserve Center
Stone U.S. Army Reserve Center, Pine Bluff
Armed Forces Reserve Center Bell
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Oakland
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Bernardino
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Diego
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Seaside
Naval Support Activity Corona
Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Detachment Concord
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Encino
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Los Angeles
Onizuka Air Force Station
Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant
Sgt. Libby U.S. Army Reserve Center, New Haven
Submarine Base New London*
Turner U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fairfield
U.S. Army Reserve Center Maintenance Support Facility, Middletown
Kirkwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Newark
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Orlando
Navy Reserve Center, St. Petersburg
Fort Gillem
Fort McPherson
Inspector/Instructor, Rome
Naval Air Station Atlanta
Naval Supply Corps School, Athens
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Columbus
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Honokaa
Navy Reserve Center, Pocatello
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Carbondale
Navy Reserve Center, Forest Park
Navy Marine Corps Reserve Center, Grissom Air Reserve Base, Bunker Hill
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Indianapolis
Navy Reserve Center, Evansville
Newport Chemical Depot
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lafayette
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Seston
Navy Reserve Center, Cedar Rapids
Navy Reserve Center, Sioux City
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Dubuque
Kansas Army Ammunition Plant
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Paducah
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Lexington
Navy Reserve Center, Lexington
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Louisville
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Maysville
Baton Rouge Army National Guard Reserve Center
Naval Support Activity, New Orleans
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Baton Rouge
Roberts U.S. Army Reserve Center, Baton Rouge
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Limestone
Naval Reserve Center, Bangor
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Patuxent River
Navy Reserve Center, Adelphi
Pfc. Flair U.S. Army Reserve Center, Frederick
Malony U.S. Army Reserve Center
Otis Air Guard Base
Westover U.S. Army Reserve Center, Citopee
Navy Reserve Center Marquette
Parisan U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lansing
Selfridge Army Activity
W.K. Kellogg Airport Air Guard Station
Navy Reserve Center Duluth
Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant
Naval Station, Pascagoula
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Vicksburg
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Jefferson Barracks
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Kansas City
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, St. Louis
Marine Corps Support Center, Kansas City
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Kansas
Navy Reserve Center, Cape Girardeau
Galt Hall U.S. Army Reserve Center, Great Falls
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Columbus
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Grand Island
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Kearny
Naval Recruiting District Headquarters, Omaha
Navy Reserve Center, Lincoln
Hawthorne Army Depot
New Hampshire:
Doble U.S. Army Reserve Center, Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth
New Jersey:
Fort Monmouth
Inspector/Instructor Center, West Trenton
Kilmer U.S. Army Reserve Center, Edison
New Mexico:
Cannon Air Force Base
Jenkins Armed Forces Reserve Center, Albuquerque
New York:
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Amityville
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Niagra Falls
Carpenter U.S. Army Reserve Center, Poughkeepsie
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Rome
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Buffalo
Navy Reserve Center Glenn Falls
Navy Reserve Center Horsehead
Navy Reserve Center Watertown
Niagra Falls International Airport Air Guard Station
North Carolina:
Navy Reserve Center, Asheville
Niven U.S. Army Reserve Center, Albermarle
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Mansfield
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Westerville
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Dayton
Mansfield Lahm Municipal Airport Air Guard Station
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Akron
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Cleveland
Parrott U.S. Army Reserve Center, Kenton
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Whitehall
Armed Forces Reserve Center Broken Arrow
Armed Forces Reserve Center Muskogee
Army National Guard Reserve Center Tishomingo
Krowse U.S. Army Reserve Center, Oklahoma City
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tulsa
Oklahoma City (95th)
Engineering Field Activity Northeast
Kelly Support Center
Naval Air Station Willow Grove
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Reading
North Penn U.S. Army Reserve Center, Morristown
Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station
Serrenti U.S. Army Reserve Center, Scranton
U.S. Army Reserve Center Bloomsburg
U.S. Army Reserve Center Lewisburg
U.S. Army Reserve Center Williamsport
W. Reese U.S. Army Reserve Center/OMS, Chester
Puerto Rico:
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Humacao
Lavergne U.S. Army Reserve Center, Bayamon
Rhode Island:
Harwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Providence
USARC Bristol
South Carolina:
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Charleston
South Naval Facilities Engineering Command
South Dakota:
Ellsworth Air Force Base
U.S. Army Reserve Area Maintenance Support Facility, Kingsport
Army National Guard Reserve Center No. 2, Dallas
Army National Guard Reserve Center (Hondo Pass), El Paso
Army National Guard Reserve Center, California Crossing
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Ellington
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Lufkin
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Marshall
Army National Guard Reserve Center, New Braunfels
Brooks City Base
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Antonio
Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant
Naval Station, Ingleside
Navy Reserve Center, Lubbock
Navy Reserve Center, Orange
Red River Army Depot
U.S. Army Reserve Center No. 2, Houston
Deseret Chemical Depot
Fort Moore
1LT Richard H. Walker U.S. Army Reserve Center
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Everett
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tacoma
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fort Lawton
Vancouver Barracks
West Virginia:
Bias U.S. Army Reserve Center, Huntington
Fairmont U.S. Army Reserve Center
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Moundsville
Gen. Mitchell International Airport ARS
Navy Reserve Center, La Crosse
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Madison
Olson U.S. Army Reserve Center, Madison
U.S. Army Reserve Center, O’Connell
Army Aviation Support Facility, Cheyenne
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Thermopolis
Update (1209): Richard Gardner has a statistical analysis of the gainers and losers here. What’s particularly noteworthy from an Army perspective is how much the already large maneuver bases are gaining. In my view, that’s simply outstanding. The Army, more than ever, is a combined arms operation. There’s no reason to segregate small support functions away from the major combat arms operations centers.
Pentagon Wants 33 Major Military Bases Closed
Pentagon Wants 33 Major Military Bases Closed
NOTE: We are fully aware of the 2005 DATE of this article, so please don't waste time to comment to us about the date! Before certain people start calling or emailing us, going beserk over the title and asking us to tell them all about this on their phone call to us at 7 or 8 AM, I am providing information regarding base closures in two articles today simply to inform those who may not know about all the bases that have been shut down across the US. Some have been 'closed' for the 'reason' of streamlining the military budget. Others for other reasons, including agreements between nations, etc. However, know this: the UNITED STATES MILITARY knows full well what bases have been closed down - or provided for the use of other nations on our soil - and WHY. Understand that the United Nations is NOT our 'friend'. When you have nothing better to do than to phone or email us (!), a good way to spend your time is to educate yourself. Do some serious web surfing on the UN, on US base closures, on the NWO, on what the plans are for the people and the nations regarding the famous Bush NAZI NWO agenda. This may help some to assemble the puzzle pieces together to get a complete picture of WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ON US SOIL - OF WHAT IS PLANNED AND PUT IN PLACE FOR OUR OWN NATION using closed military bases, our national forests, etc. The militaries of the nations, through the UN, are the soldiers for war - to be used for manipulating, controlling, ENFORCING, SEARCHING, CONFISCATING OUR GUNS and killing the people under the guise of "UN PEACE KEEPING FORCES". Most soldiers will not fire on their own people, but soldiers from other nations have no qualms about killing the people of other nations. That's why our soldiers are stationed all over the planet, and why soldiers from other nations are stationed right here in the US. You may not know it - you don't see tanks (YET ANYWAY but it's coming) and jeeps and soldiers patrolling the streets and highways - but that is part of 'the plan' and it is coming on our soil. WHERE are the foreign troops that have been sent to the US? They can be anywhere around you - in the national forests - in the 'closed' military bases, etc. These two articles provide a foundation for you regarding the bases. DO SOME INVESTIGATION ON YOUR OWN AND REPORT BACK TO US WHERE YOU ARE OBSERVING THE FOREIGN TROOPS, AND WHAT THEY ARE SEEN DOING. WHAT TYPES OF VEHICLES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT DO YOU SEE? DO SOME WORK ON BEHALF OF THIS NATION, ITS MILITIA AND ITS PEOPLE. THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN. IT IS NOT GOING TO REMAIN 'QUIET' FOR EVER - THINGS ARE LINING UP FOR THE TAKE DOWN OF THIS NATION. DO YOUR PART TO MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR THE UN AND THE NWO. Do some investigative work and report back - we can pass it on where it needs to go.*****************************************************************************************************
Pentagon Wants 33 Major Military Bases Closed
WASHINGTON – The Defense Department (search) on Friday proposed shutting down 33 of the 318 major military bases across the United States.
The proposal triggers the first round of base closures in a decade and kicks off an intense struggle by communities and lawmakers to save their facilities.
Aside from the 33 bases recommended for closure, another 29 based are being recommended for realignment. More than 775 other smaller military installations, including National Guard and Reserve facilities, will also be closed or realigned, according to the recommendations.
For a complete list of the closures and realignments, click here (pdf).
"Today's announcement is a very important component of the military transformation President Bush asked us to conduct in 2001," Michael Wynne (search), defense undersecretary for acquisition, said during a press conference Friday in announcing the recommendations.
The Pentagon's list merely comprises recommendations. The list then goes to a nine-member commission that will review it, travel to those installations and discuss the potential closings with community members.
The panel is known as the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) commission (search). Lawmakers likely will lobby the BRAC commission in an effort to keep some of their districts' bases open. In the end, the BRAC list must be approved by President Bush. The entire process likely will run into the fall.
Rumsfeld: '21st Century Challenges' Require Change
In four previous rounds of closures starting in 1988, BRAC commissions have accepted 85 percent of bases the Pentagon recommended for closure or consolidation.
The Pentagon's list was delivered to Capitol Hill earlier Friday morning for distribution to lawmakers.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (search) has said the move would save $48.8 billion over 20 years while reshaping the military for America's expected 21st century adversaries and the War on Terror.
Rumsfeld's plan calls for a massive shift of U.S. forces that would result in a net loss of 29,005 military and civilian jobs at domestic installations. Overall, he proposes pulling 218,570 military and civilian positions out of some U.S. bases while adding 189,565 positions to others. The plan would add at least 400 jobs to each of 49 domestic bases, with troops and other workers coming from other U.S. facilities or abroad.
The closures and downsizings would occur over six years starting in 2006.
"Our current arrangements, designed for the Cold War, must give way to the new demands of the war against extremism and other evolving 21st century challenges," Rumsfeld said in a statement.
The BRAC process was revived in the late 1980s with the idea of cutting waste and maximizing the effectiveness of taxpayers' dollars. This is the fifth round of BRAC; the last was in 1995.
In previous rounds, 97 out of 522 major bases were closed, saving an estimated $29 billion. This year's cuts were expected to be even bigger, but U.S. military officials are planning to move some 70,000 personnel currently based in Europe and Asia back to the United States.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Friday that the president was aware of the base closures and said the administration supports the process established by the Defense Department as to what happens next.
"This is the recommendation by the secretary of defense. There is a process in place, and there are steps in the process. It will now go to the [BRAC] commission. Then it will go to the president after that," McClellan said.
McClellan said base closings are a necessary, if painful, part of transforming the military into a force matched to modern demands.
"We want to make sure that our troops, particularly those in combat, have all the resources they need to do their job," (BUT ASK THE SOLDIERS WHO WERE SHIPPED TO IRAQ IF THEY WERE PROVIDED WITH SAFETY GEAR, REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR BROKEN DOWN EQUIPMENT, ETC. - THIS IS ALL BS) he said. But the White House, well aware of the dread in many communities, is focused on helping affected towns move on, with federal assistance available through the Defense, Labor and Commerce departments, he said.
"I think this is basically the right decision," Graham Allison, former assistant secretary for defense under President Clinton, told FOX News. "If they're not necessary for national security, we should shut them down."
Closures From Coast to Coast
New England took a major hit, and Connecticut suffered the biggest loss in terms of jobs with the proposed closure of the Submarine Base in New London, Ct. Shuttering the installation would result in the loss of 7,096 military jobs and 952 civilian jobs.
Another facility that barely made it through the previous rounds but showed up on the latest hit list was Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine, whose shutdown would affect 201 military jobs and 4,032 civilian jobs.
President Bush's home state wasn't immune from the chopping block. Texas is slated to lose 15 facilities. In addition to Naval Station Ingleside, the Red River Army Depot and several Reserve and Guard installations are on the hit list.
New Jersey's Fort Monmouth is also slated for closure, triggering an angered Democratic Rep. Rush Holt to vow to "Fight like hell to change it. I'm not about to let the Pentagon's error put the fort and the soldiers it serves in harm's way."
Pennsylvania would lose 13 facilities, including the Naval Air Station at Willow Grove, while Alabama and California — the state hit hardest in the previous four rounds of closures — are to see 11 installations apiece shuttered, mostly affecting Reserve and Guard units and Defense Department accounting offices. New York is to lose nine.
Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico also could lose more than 2,700 jobs, the Naval Station in Ingleside, Texas, costing more than 2,100 jobs, and Fort McPherson in Georgia, costing nearly 4,200 jobs.
New Mexico stands to lose Cannon Air Force Base, which would cost the area 2,385 military jobs and 384 civilian jobs. That doesn't include costs to the surrounding communities. A separate study last year said closing Cannon would cost Curry County alone $98 million annually.
"It'll kill Clovis," said Linda Hanks, manager of a Dairy Queen there. "We don't have any industry here. We rely on the base. Probably 75 percent of our business comes from the base. That's not only us, it's every business in town."
Other major bases — including the Army's Fort Bliss in Texas, the Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Va., and Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland — would see gains, as they absorb troops whose current home bases are slated for closure.
"I think we have quite a few bases that may be closed in addition to what we have here," Ret. U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen Burton Moore told FOX News. "After the Berlin Wall fell and after the fall of the Soviet Union, we reaped the peace dividends and we reaped it again after the Gulf War I" when the United States was able to reduce its structure due to fairly peaceful times.
"There's been a drawdown" but not enough of one, he added.
Also among the major closures is the Naval Station in Pascagoula, Miss. (search), which barely survived previous base closure rounds. The decision was a blow to Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., who had fought the 1995 round of closures. At stake are 844 military jobs and 112 civilian jobs.
"I opposed the BRAC process at its initiation because it represents a cop-out by the Congress of its duties," Lott said in a statement. "I continue to dislike the process and the fact that any Mississippi facilities are on today's closure list. That being said, I'm breathing a sign of relief for those facilities that weren't on the list."
Base closings represent a high-stakes political fight, because they affect jobs in congressional districts.
When a U.S. military installation shuts down, its officers and their families are uprooted and relocated to facilities elsewhere, leaving holes in customer bases of local businesses.
"Affected communities will be offered support and assistance through the Office of Economic Adjustment following the completion of the process," Wynne said.
For years, the military has operated more bases than it needs for the 1.4 million troops on active duty. Congress has refused to authorize a new round of base closings since 1995 but reluctantly signed off on the idea last year after President Bush threatened to veto an entire spending bill.
Lawmakers say it is unwise to close bases while U.S. troops are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Pentagon argues that the timing is perfect to enlist cost-cutting measures given pressures from the ballooning federal deficit and to reshuffle the stateside network of bases while it reshapes the entire military.
Closures in 1988, 1991, 1993 and 1995 eliminated or realigned 451 installations, including 97 major ones, resulted in a net savings to the government of about $18 billion through 2001. The Pentagon projects recurring annual savings of $7.3 billion from those four rounds combined.
FOX News' Mike Emanuel and Liza Porteus and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
The proposal triggers the first round of base closures in a decade and kicks off an intense struggle by communities and lawmakers to save their facilities.
Aside from the 33 bases recommended for closure, another 29 based are being recommended for realignment. More than 775 other smaller military installations, including National Guard and Reserve facilities, will also be closed or realigned, according to the recommendations.
For a complete list of the closures and realignments, click here (pdf).
"Today's announcement is a very important component of the military transformation President Bush asked us to conduct in 2001," Michael Wynne (search), defense undersecretary for acquisition, said during a press conference Friday in announcing the recommendations.
The Pentagon's list merely comprises recommendations. The list then goes to a nine-member commission that will review it, travel to those installations and discuss the potential closings with community members.
The panel is known as the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) commission (search). Lawmakers likely will lobby the BRAC commission in an effort to keep some of their districts' bases open. In the end, the BRAC list must be approved by President Bush. The entire process likely will run into the fall.
Rumsfeld: '21st Century Challenges' Require Change
In four previous rounds of closures starting in 1988, BRAC commissions have accepted 85 percent of bases the Pentagon recommended for closure or consolidation.
The Pentagon's list was delivered to Capitol Hill earlier Friday morning for distribution to lawmakers.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (search) has said the move would save $48.8 billion over 20 years while reshaping the military for America's expected 21st century adversaries and the War on Terror.
Rumsfeld's plan calls for a massive shift of U.S. forces that would result in a net loss of 29,005 military and civilian jobs at domestic installations. Overall, he proposes pulling 218,570 military and civilian positions out of some U.S. bases while adding 189,565 positions to others. The plan would add at least 400 jobs to each of 49 domestic bases, with troops and other workers coming from other U.S. facilities or abroad.
The closures and downsizings would occur over six years starting in 2006.
"Our current arrangements, designed for the Cold War, must give way to the new demands of the war against extremism and other evolving 21st century challenges," Rumsfeld said in a statement.
The BRAC process was revived in the late 1980s with the idea of cutting waste and maximizing the effectiveness of taxpayers' dollars. This is the fifth round of BRAC; the last was in 1995.
In previous rounds, 97 out of 522 major bases were closed, saving an estimated $29 billion. This year's cuts were expected to be even bigger, but U.S. military officials are planning to move some 70,000 personnel currently based in Europe and Asia back to the United States.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Friday that the president was aware of the base closures and said the administration supports the process established by the Defense Department as to what happens next.
"This is the recommendation by the secretary of defense. There is a process in place, and there are steps in the process. It will now go to the [BRAC] commission. Then it will go to the president after that," McClellan said.
McClellan said base closings are a necessary, if painful, part of transforming the military into a force matched to modern demands.
"We want to make sure that our troops, particularly those in combat, have all the resources they need to do their job," (BUT ASK THE SOLDIERS WHO WERE SHIPPED TO IRAQ IF THEY WERE PROVIDED WITH SAFETY GEAR, REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR BROKEN DOWN EQUIPMENT, ETC. - THIS IS ALL BS) he said. But the White House, well aware of the dread in many communities, is focused on helping affected towns move on, with federal assistance available through the Defense, Labor and Commerce departments, he said.
"I think this is basically the right decision," Graham Allison, former assistant secretary for defense under President Clinton, told FOX News. "If they're not necessary for national security, we should shut them down."
Closures From Coast to Coast
New England took a major hit, and Connecticut suffered the biggest loss in terms of jobs with the proposed closure of the Submarine Base in New London, Ct. Shuttering the installation would result in the loss of 7,096 military jobs and 952 civilian jobs.
Another facility that barely made it through the previous rounds but showed up on the latest hit list was Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine, whose shutdown would affect 201 military jobs and 4,032 civilian jobs.
President Bush's home state wasn't immune from the chopping block. Texas is slated to lose 15 facilities. In addition to Naval Station Ingleside, the Red River Army Depot and several Reserve and Guard installations are on the hit list.
New Jersey's Fort Monmouth is also slated for closure, triggering an angered Democratic Rep. Rush Holt to vow to "Fight like hell to change it. I'm not about to let the Pentagon's error put the fort and the soldiers it serves in harm's way."
Pennsylvania would lose 13 facilities, including the Naval Air Station at Willow Grove, while Alabama and California — the state hit hardest in the previous four rounds of closures — are to see 11 installations apiece shuttered, mostly affecting Reserve and Guard units and Defense Department accounting offices. New York is to lose nine.
Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico also could lose more than 2,700 jobs, the Naval Station in Ingleside, Texas, costing more than 2,100 jobs, and Fort McPherson in Georgia, costing nearly 4,200 jobs.
New Mexico stands to lose Cannon Air Force Base, which would cost the area 2,385 military jobs and 384 civilian jobs. That doesn't include costs to the surrounding communities. A separate study last year said closing Cannon would cost Curry County alone $98 million annually.
"It'll kill Clovis," said Linda Hanks, manager of a Dairy Queen there. "We don't have any industry here. We rely on the base. Probably 75 percent of our business comes from the base. That's not only us, it's every business in town."
Other major bases — including the Army's Fort Bliss in Texas, the Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Va., and Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland — would see gains, as they absorb troops whose current home bases are slated for closure.
"I think we have quite a few bases that may be closed in addition to what we have here," Ret. U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen Burton Moore told FOX News. "After the Berlin Wall fell and after the fall of the Soviet Union, we reaped the peace dividends and we reaped it again after the Gulf War I" when the United States was able to reduce its structure due to fairly peaceful times.
"There's been a drawdown" but not enough of one, he added.
Also among the major closures is the Naval Station in Pascagoula, Miss. (search), which barely survived previous base closure rounds. The decision was a blow to Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., who had fought the 1995 round of closures. At stake are 844 military jobs and 112 civilian jobs.
"I opposed the BRAC process at its initiation because it represents a cop-out by the Congress of its duties," Lott said in a statement. "I continue to dislike the process and the fact that any Mississippi facilities are on today's closure list. That being said, I'm breathing a sign of relief for those facilities that weren't on the list."
Base closings represent a high-stakes political fight, because they affect jobs in congressional districts.
When a U.S. military installation shuts down, its officers and their families are uprooted and relocated to facilities elsewhere, leaving holes in customer bases of local businesses.
"Affected communities will be offered support and assistance through the Office of Economic Adjustment following the completion of the process," Wynne said.
For years, the military has operated more bases than it needs for the 1.4 million troops on active duty. Congress has refused to authorize a new round of base closings since 1995 but reluctantly signed off on the idea last year after President Bush threatened to veto an entire spending bill.
Lawmakers say it is unwise to close bases while U.S. troops are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Pentagon argues that the timing is perfect to enlist cost-cutting measures given pressures from the ballooning federal deficit and to reshuffle the stateside network of bases while it reshapes the entire military.
Closures in 1988, 1991, 1993 and 1995 eliminated or realigned 451 installations, including 97 major ones, resulted in a net savings to the government of about $18 billion through 2001. The Pentagon projects recurring annual savings of $7.3 billion from those four rounds combined.
FOX News' Mike Emanuel and Liza Porteus and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
BODY DOUBLE! Hillary Clinton and Teresa Barnwell
Hillary Clinton and Teresa Barnwell
911 Memorial Ceremony and
Chelsea's (former) Apartment
Published on Sep 14, 2016
Tyranny: The Lead Poisoning Of American Children
Friday, September 16, 2016
The Chinese Military Buildup on American Soil
The Chinese Military Buildup on American Soil
Common Sense
Dave Hodges
Published on Sep 14, 2016
Isaiah 59:19
Direct Intel on Chinese Soldiers in Arizona Desert
Got a phone call from a couple retired military friends that were traveling the west. They stopped into an old base in Arizona that is closed down. To their surprise the base was occupied by many heavily armed Chinese soldiers. The Military and FEMA trucks were looked at and shackles and cuffs were visible.
Take it how ever you want. Just reporting what was seen.
Take it how ever you want. Just reporting what was seen.
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