Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Trending petition
There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.
Petitioning U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, President of the United States

Investigate  the  Wild  Horse  &  Burro  Count  in  Captivity  and  in  Freedom

Petition by Protect Mustangs

Demand an Urgent Congressional Investigation and Head Count of all Wild Horses and Burros in Captivity and in the Wild
Secret documents reveal the plot from 2008 to kill and dispose of America’s wild horses and burros. Read the documents here:
Then on September 9, 2016, the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board voted to kill the alleged 45,000 wild horses in taxpayer funded holding facilities and pastures. Do they want to cover-up the fraud that has been going on for years by killing the evidence?
Taxpayers and the general public want to know:
  • How much fraud has been committed regarding the wild horse and burro count on public land and in corrals?
  • How many budgets were approved using fraudulent information?
  • How many wild horses have gone to slaughter?
  • How many wild horses and burros have been shot and killed?
  • How many unbranded foals did the kill-buyers get to sell overseas?
We request an immediate Congressional investigation and independent head count, with photo IDs, of the alleged 45,000 wild horses and burros rounded up and held in captivity--at taxpayer expense.
In addition, we call for an immediate moratorium on roundups, transport and removals for a precise independent count, with photo ID, of all the federally protected wild horses and burros in the wild. This must occur before any more wild horses or burros are rounded up and/or transported, trapped, chipped, collared, removed, sterilized, given pesticide PZP, GonaCon®, SpayVac, IUDs, etc., researched or experimented on in any manner to prevent further fraud against taxpayers as well as prevent abuse against wild horses and burros who should be protected from harassment and abuse by law.

We request a complete inventory of American wild horses and burros at the following locations:
  1. Every Herd Management Area
  2. Every Herd Area
  3. Every "Complex"
  4. Every temporary holding facility
  5. Every short-term holding facility
  6. Every long-term holding facility, pasture, eco-sanctuary, etc.
  7. Mustang Heritage Foundation facilities and all equids in their program
  8. TIP Trainers' facilities
  9. All private contractors' facilities
  10. Research facilities
  11. Any other locations where wild horses and burros are held in captivity and/or live on public land.
The public, voters of America and taxpayers are outraged and demand immediate action. Thank you.


 This little guy really gets in to it!!

This HAS to be the movie Psycho!
I had the SAME reactions!



The Citizens Audit
September 19, 2016

This is serious.

  • David Brock operates over a dozen pro-Clinton organizations from his office in Washington DC.
  • Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between his organizations.
  • Brock’s unregistered Professional Solicitor, the Bonner Group, receives a 12.5% cut every time money is moved.

There’s a reason why David Brock chooses to house an unregistered Professional Solicitor in his office to raise money for his conglomerate of Super PACs and non-profits.

Professional Solicitors are required to disclose their active solicitation contracts.  Brock wants his unregistered solicitor, the Bonner Group, to keep their client list hidden for a very specific reason.

David Brock is laundering money

David Brock has 7 non-profits, 3 Super PACs, one 527-committee, one LLC, one joint fundraising committee, and one unregistered solicitor crammed into his office in Washington DC. Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between these organizations.

The Bonner Group, his professional solicitor, works off a commission.  Every time money gets passed around, Bonner receives a 12.5% cut.

Follow the money

Nonprofits are required to disclose who they give cash grants to, but they aren’t required to disclose who gave them cash grants.

This weak system of one way verification is being abused by Brock.  He’s been cycling money between his organizations for years, and the Bonner Group’s 12.5% commission gets triggered after every pass.

In 2014, Media Matters for America raised $10,021,188.

The Bonner Group was credited for raising these funds.  Media Matters paid them a $1,147,882 commission.

That same year, Media Matters gave a $930,000 cash grant to David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum, an organization that shares office space with Media Matters.


In 2014, the Franklin Education Forum reported $994,000 in total contributions.  93.6% of that total came from Media Matters!

Surprisingly, though, the Franklin Education Forum gave full credit to Bonner for raising that money.  They paid the fundraiser a $124,250 commission in 2014!

Notice what happened?

  1. David Brock’s Media Matters gave a $930,000 cash grant to David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum
  2. David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum credited the Bonner Group for raising those funds, triggering the 12.5% commission
    • David Brock paid the Bonner Group a $124,250 commission to solicit a cash grant … from himself!

It doesn’t stop there

After the Franklin Education Forum retained $869,750, they sent a $816,224 cash grant to David Brock’s The Franklin Forum:

Note: The ‘Franklin Education Forum’ is a 501(c)3, and ‘The Franklin Forum’ is a 501(c)4. They are not the same company.

Since The Franklin Forum 501(c)4 paid Bonner a commission in 2013, it’s safe to assume fundraiser received a $102,028 commission in 2014. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell for sure. They still haven’t filed their taxes for 2014!
Let’s recap.  Say, for example, you donate $1,062,857 to Media Matters for America.   This is how David Brock would have used your charitable donation in 2014:
  1.  Media Matters would receive your $1,062,857 donation
    • The Bonner Group would earn a $132,857 commission
    • Media Matters would retain $930,000
  2. Next, Media Matters would give what’s left of your entire donation, $930,000, to the Franklin Education Forum
    • The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $116,250 commission
    • The Franklin Education Forum would retain $813,750
  3. The Franklin Education Forum would then forward the remaining $813,750 to The Franklin Forum
    • The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $101,718 commission
    • The Franklin Forum would retain $712,031
In the end, Brock’s solicitor would have pocketed $350,825, almost a third of your initial donation! That’s a far cry from the advertised 12.5% commission.

As bizarre as that scenario may sound, this is exactly what David Brock did in 2014.

How can we be sure this is intentional?

David Brock is the Chairman for each of these organizations!  How could he not know what’s going on?

He’s a hands-on Chairman.  According to their tax returns, Brock allocates time, weekly, to his organizations:
  • Media Matters: 31.50 hours per week
  • Franklin Education Forum: 3 hours per week
  • The Franklin Forum: 1 hour per week
Furthermore, the New York Times reports that David Brock shares a summer rental in the Hamptons with Mary Pat Bonner, the President of the Bonner Group!

David Brock will have a hard time claiming ignorance on this.  These transfers are intentional. He vacations with his solicitor.  Case closed.

Still not convinced?

David Brock didn’t even bother to give his organizations different phone numbers.  They all share the same phone number!

Let’s recap

Say, for example, you donate $1,062,857 to Media Matters for America.   This is how David Brock would have used your charitable donation in 2014:
  1.  Media Matters would receive your $1,062,857 donation
    • The Bonner Group would earn a $132,857 commission
    • Media Matters would retain $930,000
  2. Next, Media Matters would give what’s left of your entire donation, $930,000, to the Franklin Education Forum
    • The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $116,250 commission
    • The Franklin Education Forum would retain $813,750
  3. The Franklin Education Forum would then forward the remaining $813,750 to The Franklin Forum
    • The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $101,718 commission
    • The Franklin Forum would retain $712,031
In the end, Brock’s solicitor would have pocketed $350,825, almost a third of your initial donation! That’s a far cry from the advertised 12.5% commission.

As bizarre as that scenario may sound, this is exactly what David Brock did in 2014.

How can we be sure this is intentional?

David Brock is the Chairman for each of these organizations!  How could he not know what’s going on?

He’s a hands-on Chairman.  According to their tax returns, Brock allocates time, weekly, to his organizations:
  • Media Matters: 31.50 hours per week
  • Franklin Education Forum: 3 hours per week
  • The Franklin Forum: 1 hour per week
Furthermore, the New York Times reports that David Brock shares a summer rental in the Hamptons with Mary Pat Bonner, the President of the Bonner Group!

David Brock will have a hard time claiming ignorance on this.  These transfers are intentional. He vacations with his solicitor.  Case closed.

Still not convinced?

David Brock didn’t even bother to give his organizations different phone numbers.  They all share the same phone number!

What if…?

We even located the Bonner Group’s solicitation agreement with Media Matters on Florida’s Gift Givers’ Guide.  Clarification on their commission can be found on page 2:

In English:  Contractually, David Brock has the option to exclude certain contributions from triggering the commission.  In spite of this option, he intentionally chooses to trigger the 12.5% commission for money grants between his organizations.

Note: Yes, we are making the assumption that all of Brock’s organizations have the same solicitation agreement with the Bonner Group.  Given that his organizations share the same address, board members, and telephone number, we feel it’s safe to assume they also share the same solicitation agreement.

This barely scratches the surface

Utilizing public facing tax returns, along with records submitted to the FEC, we mapped out all the significant money transfers from 2014 that took place in Brock’s office:

This is all from just one year!  No further commentary required.

We understand this may be hard to believe.  We first came across this in July, and are still having a hard time wrapping our heads around it.
All of the data referenced in this article originated from publicly accessible sources.  Check for yourself – we provided links to the source material in our article exposing the organizations operating in Brock’s office,  This data has been sitting out in the open, gathering dust for years!  


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
We’ve spent months trying to find some sort of loophole to justify this activity.  But there aren’t any loopholes.  David Brock has something to hide.  Just last week, The Daily Caller reported the following:

“Brock’s former long-time live-in boyfriend William Grey (whom Brock has thanked in several of his books) threatened to go to the IRS with damaging information about how Brock was running his Media Matters empire.  What did Brock do? He paid Grey $850,000 to keep quiet. Brock reportedly had to sell his home in Rehoboth, Delaware to come up with the money. This certainly seems to indicate that Brock was terrified about what the authorities would uncover.”

Adding to this, Fox News reported the following:

“Grey accused Brock of “financial malfeasance” and threatened to undermine Brock’s fundraising efforts.

“Next step is I contact all your donors and the IRS,” Grey wrote in an email dated May 19, 2010. “This is going to stink for you if you do not resolve this now.””

We believe that the information presented in this article is what has Brock so terrified.  We feel confident in saying, with close to absolute certainty, that David Brock is laundering money through his Media Matters conglomerate.

Look at the argument we’ve been making on The Citizens Audit:
Adding to this, we can also say, with close to absolute certainty, that David Brock’s Media Matters conglomerate is breaking campaign finance law by illegally coordinating with the Clinton Campaign:

The Clintons have even managed to out do satan himself. satan weeps that he is being outdone by a witch and a rapist, his own employees.


BREAKING NEWS: Reason Why Comey Didn’t Charge Hillary And This SOB Is The Head Of Our FBI....

Too many uninformed in this country that vote for the likes of Obama ( particularly a second time ) and apparently will vote for Clinton, despite all the corruption and convenient deaths over many years. The bastions of influence, the education industry, the media and entertainment industry and the courts have accomplished their respective goals .

They have produced a majority of people dumb enough to vote for these phonies. That and a system of Government so corrupt that voter fraud is now an accepted element of a National Election.

     Everywhere we look, we find more CLINTON
When James Comey decided not to indict Hillary Clinton, the whole American public was shocked. Everyone expected him to charge Hillary.
However, now we now the real reason why Comey didn’t charge Hillary.
His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.
These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.
Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.
According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.
In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.
In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings
When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.
Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.
DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.
DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.
And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.
Trickle-down corruption.
When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.
He lied. He has in fact politicized the FBI— that is supposed to support the Rule of Law.
The FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton needs to be re-opened, Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should recuse themselves and Congress should demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.
As you can see, Hillary is tightly connected to Comey. If you still didn’t know why Hillary wasn’t indicted, now you know!
Let’s share this article everywhere. America deserves to know!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

US Bombs Syrian Forces - Assisting ISIS

Syria Ceasefire Collapses
US Bombs Syrian Forces - Assisting ISIS ??!!

Published on Sep 19, 2016

Less than a week after a cease-fire agreement had been brokered by Russia between the United States and Syrian government – the United States carried out an airstrike in Eastern Syria that killed forces of President Bashar Assad.

Four U.S. Aircraft (Two F-16s and two A-10s) targeted six “troop carrier” vehicles and one tank against what it believes to be Islamic State insurgents near Deir Ezzor Airport. Syria and Russia claim that the United States actually struck a Syrian military base - which was itself surrounded by ISIS forces. The attack left between 62 and 83 Syrian soldiers dead and approximately 120 wounded.

This attack marked the first known direct U.S. strike on the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad and the Syrian military released a statement claiming the airstrikes were “conclusive evidence that the United States and its allies support ISIS and other terrorist organizations.”


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Published on Sep 19, 2016
Yes! I'm outraged.

Body doubles? CGIHillary? Is Hillary dead?

This about sums up what America thinks of Hillary Clinton. People aren’t even pretending to buy the BS anymore.
Check out what happened when former Florida governor Charlie Crist stood up on a stage and told an audience that he believes Hillary Clinton is honest:

Funny, he didn’t look like a stand up comedian… at first.

6-1/2 min video: "DESTROYING 19 Red Light Cameras and Turning Yourself In"

Hi, Folks -

DESTROYING 19 Red Light Cameras and Turning Yourself In

Published on Sep 20, 2016

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews the Red Light Robbin Hood Stephen Ruth who one night decided to go out in Long Island and destroy 19 red light cameras in an act of civil disobedience. Find out why in this video and the darker truths about red light cameras.

To find out more about Ruth check out


Pentagon Promises 'Will Never' Unleash Killer Robots


Americans would probably put some credence in the Pentagon's statement EXCEPT for the FACT that DRONES have been seen routinely frequenting various neighborhoods across the nation as well as 
blackhawk military choppers frequently buzzing various patriots'/vets homes - some for a few years now - nearly landing on roof tops

Sept 16 2016

Despite the Pentagon’s push for improved artificial intelligence, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter promised it is not interested in developing killer robots. 
Last month, veteran US Air Force pilot Gene Lee went up against a flight simulator using the latest in artificial intelligence. © Wikipedia/ Flying Autonomous Robots: The Future of Air Combat? "It seemed to be aware of my intentions and reacting instantly to my changes in flight and my missile deployment," Lee said, according to Breaking Defense. "It knew how to defeat the shot I was taking. It moved instantly between defensive and offensive actions as needed." 
While some might see this test as early signs of a Pentagon attempt to build autonomous killing machines, Carter put those fears to rest. "In many cases, and certainly whenever it comes to the application of force, there will never be true autonomy, because there’ll be human beings (in the loop)," he told Breaking Defense on Thursday. 
Carter recently completed a trip to San Francisco where he met with tech leaders as part of the Pentagon’s outreach to Silicon Valley.  DARPA 'Like What You See?' DARPA to Use Museum Exhibit to Recruit Talent. "We’re making big investments" in autonomy, he said, but asserted that any strides would have to be made within an ethical framework. "Whatever the mix [of manned and unmanned systems], there’s always going to be human judgement and discretion," he added. "That’s both necessary and appropriate." 
While the rest of the world has good reason to be suspicious of an autonomous US killing machine, claims made by an American Air Force official last month indicate that AI development may be a symptom of Pentagon paranoia. "I don’t think it’s impossible that somebody will try to build a completely autonomous system, and I’m not talking about something like a cruise missile…or a mine that requires a human to target it and release it and it goes and finds its target," Paul Selva, vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "I’m talking about a wholly robotic system that decides whether or not, at the point of decision, it’s going to do lethal ops.
Pentagon Study Examines the Impending Global Domination of Killer Robots.  Selva called for international regulations on AI. "I think we do need to examine the bodies of law and convention that might constrain anyone in the world from building that kind of system," he said. "But I’m wholly conscious of the fact that, even if we do that, there will be violators…" 
Hopefully, one of those violators will not be the Pentagon.

N.Y. Bomber Tied to CIA’s al-Awlaki

Questions surround NY bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami’s manifesto praising known CIA-asset Anwar al-Awlaki as well as numerous visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A manifesto found on Rahami made mention of the Boston Marathon Bombing, as well as Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was reportedly killed by a US drone strike in Yemen.

al-Awlaki, a known CIA and FBI asset who dined at the Pentagon shortly after 9/11, directly inspired the Chattanooga shooter, the Ft. Hood shooter, the underwear bomber and the Charlie Hebdo terrorists.

“American-born cleric al-Awlaki’s role as a key figure in almost every recent terror plot targeting the United States and Canada, coupled with his visit to the Pentagon, only confirms our long stated position that al-Awlaki is a chief terrorist patsy-handler for the CIA – he is the federal government’s premier false flag agent,” wrote Paul Joseph Watson.

Rahami’s high school girlfriend, with whom he has a child, expressed surprise over his involvement in the bombings, despite prior comments denouncing American culture and homosexuality.

“I never thought he would do something like this. I think he was brainwashed,” said the woman, identified only as Maria.

A U.S. official said Rahami made at least three months-long trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan since 2014. During one trip to Pakistan in 2011, Rahami reportedly visited Quetta, a hotbed of Taliban activity.

One of his friends noted that, upon returning from one of the trips, Rahami sported a beard and traditional Muslim robes; he reportedly began praying regularly in the back of his family’s fried chicken restaurant in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

“It’s like he was a completely different person,” said Flee Jones, a childhood friend of Rahami. “He got serious and completely closed off.”

Rahami met his wife in Pakistan, and procured a visa for her to come to the United States in 2012. Law enforcement officials are now looking to speak to the wife, who seemingly fled the United States to Pakistan, via the United Arab Emirates, just a few days before the attacks.

215 Million Gallons Of Radioactive Water Threaten Drinking Water In Florida

Officials waited 3 weeks to inform the public

Mulberry, Florida is now home to a giant sinkhole that has caused 215 million gallons of radioactive water to leak into the state’s supply of drinking water.

The contamination occurred when a sinkhole appeared at a phosphate fertilizer plant near Tampa, which damaged the stack where waste water was stored. This filtered into the state’s aquifer system, which supplies water to residents, making the water contain phosphogypsum.Phosphogypsum is classified as slightly radioactive and is a byproduct of the creation of fertilizer. This is due to the naturally-occurring uranium and radium in the phosphate ore.
The contaminated water also flows into springs used for activities like snorkeling and swimming.
Mosaic, the fertilizer company responsible for the contamination, has kept this sinkhole leak concealed for the better part of 3 weeks, leaving many residents wary when they state that there is no risk to the public. Mosaic claims that the water moves far too slowly to be a threat, however, many people aren’t buying the rhetoric.
Jacki Lopez, Florida director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said of the newfound problem:
“It’s hard to trust them when they say ‘Don’t worry,’ when they’ve been keeping it secret for three weeks.” [3]
Mosaic claims it didn’t inform the public when it initially occurred because they felt they were doing an adequate job of diverting the water source before it became a public hazard. They did inform the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), but the DEP also failed to make it known to residents.
Lopez added:
“We don’t know what the long-term effects will be. If I were living in this area, and I had well water, I would be worried about my health.”
The company is attempting to recover the water by using production wells. They have also increased the water sampling and pumped water out of one of the effected ponds to hopefully reduce some of the leak.
The DEP is also performing frequent visits to the company to ensure that protocol is being followed and that no radioactive water makes its way into the water of residents of Florida. [4]
This article originally appeared at Natural Society.

Petitioner sues six Federal judges and 41 others to recover home stolen two years ago under color of authority

The subject of this post is a comprehensive suit at equity (see post of March 18, 2016, infra, for the principles of equity) for a constructive trust based on constructive fraud, filed with the 284th District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, August 11, 2016, and amended August 16, 2016.
The root word of “constructive” is construe (not construct):
“con׳strue . . . to determine the meaning of ; interpret ; explain, as to construe a foreign language (into English) ; to construe one’s conduct ; to construe a clause or a law.”  A Standard Dictionary of the English Language, Isaac K. Funk, Editor in Chief (Funk & Wagnalls Company: New York, 1903) (hereinafter “Funk & Wagnalls”), p. 404.
“constructive, adj. Legally imputed; having an effect in law though not necessarily in fact. ● Courts usu. give something a constructive effect for equitable reasons <the court held that the shift supervisor had constructive knowledge of the machine’s failure even though he did not actually know until two days later>.”  Black’s Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, Bryan A. Garner, Editor in Chief (West Group: St. Paul Minn., 1999), p. 309.
A constructive trust is not an actual trust per se but an equitable remedy imposed by the court to redress wrongs and prevent unjust enrichment resulting from, among other things, constructive fraud; to wit:
“constructive trust . . . a trust set up by a court to deal with property that has been acquired by fraud or by inequitable means; specifically : a trust so formed to distribute property where distribution and enjoyment under the original transaction was against the principles of equity.”  Webster’s Third New International Dictionary: Unabridged, (Merriam-Webster, Incorporated: Springfield, Mass., 2000), s.v. “Constructive trust.”
“Constructive fraud occurs when there is a breach of a legal or equitable duty that, irrespective of guilt, the law declares fraudulent because of its tendency to deceive others, to violate confidence, or to injure public interests . . . . An example of constructive, as opposed to actual, fraud involves the failure to disclose facts when there is a duty to make a disclosure. . . .” William V. Dorsaneo III, Texas Litigation Guide, Vol. 4, Ch. 55 (Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.: New York, 2016) (“Dorsaneo”), p. 55-5.
“The most important and common type of constructive fraud supporting the imposition of constructive trusts involves the breach of a fiduciary or confidential relationship . . . . When an abuse of a confidential or fiduciary relationship is alleged, the burden of proof is on the fiduciary to establish the fairness of the transaction, that there was full disclosure of all facts and circumstances, and that there was good faith and the absence of pressure or influence on the part of the fiduciary . . . .”  Id. at 55-8.
“Fiduciary relationships are those that, as a matter of law, are relationships of trust and confidence. . . .”  Id. at 55-9.
Every judge is a fiduciary toward the public, of which Petitioner is a part; to wit:
“  ‘Fraud in its elementary common law sense of deceit — and this is one of the meanings that fraud bears in the statute, see United States v. Dial, 757 F.2d 163, 168 (7th Cir.1985) — includes the deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation. A public official is a fiduciary toward the public, including, in the case of a judge, the litigants who appear before him, and if he deliberately conceals material information from them, he is guilty of fraud. . . .’ ” McNally v. United States, 483 U.S. 350, 371–372 (1987), quoting Judge Posner in United States v. Holzer, 816 F.2d 304 (1987).
United States District Judge Lynn Nettleton Hughes of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division had an equitable duty to disclose certain material facts and information to Petitioner, but failed to do so, even when expressly requested of him.
Further, Defendant Hughes failed to discharge / perform a certain legal duty imposed by law (this same legal duty applies in every Federal civil case in every Federal court throughout the Union), which resulted in Petitioner’s loss of, among other things, beneficial use of Petitioner’s real property (Petitioner’s home) for the last 27 months and permanent loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal property (in law, called “personalty”). 
“A constructive trust may be imposed on anyone who knowingly participates in another’s breach of a fiduciary duty or knowingly benefits from the breach. The remedy ‘reaches all those who are actually concerned in the fraud, all who directly and knowingly participate in its fruits, and all those who derive title from them voluntarily or with notice.’ ”  Dorsaneo, p. 55-14.
There are 46 other Defendants who knowingly participated in Defendant Hughes’ breach of fiduciary duty, one of whom is JPMRRE, LLC, who acquired title to Petitioner’s home in Porter, Texas (the “Porter Property”)—not at a public auction as ordered by Defendant Hughes in his May 23, 2014, Order of Sale and Vacature, but privately and secretly and at less than 75 percent of its fair market value on date of sale, August 25, 2014.
Defendant JPMRRE, LLC is not entitled to retain the Porter Property; to wit:
“A third party who obtains property as a result of the defendant’s [Defendant Hughes’] fraud or other wrongdoing is not entitled to retain that property . . . . The key is whether the recipient is unjustly enriched. A bona fide purchaser for full value would not be unjustly enriched by being allowed to retain the property; instead, the constructive trust is imposed on the proceeds of the sale in the hands of the wrongdoer . . . . In contrast, those who benefit from another’s wrongdoing and do not pay full value for the property may be forced to accept a constructive trust on the property they have received. . . .”  Dorsaneo, p. 55-21.  
Normal Federal solution: Remove case to Federal court
What normally happens in cases like this when someone sues the Federal government or a Federal officer in a state court, is that an officer of the United States Department of Justice simply gives notice to the state court that he is removing the case to a Federal court under authority of 28 U.S.C. § 1441 or 1442 and thereafter opens a new case in the closest United States District Court.
Any application to remove this Texas case to a Federal court is unauthorized, fraudulent, and willful—because the only species of court to which the aforementioned statutes authorize removal—a limited-jurisdiction District Court of the United Statesno longer exists, rendering lawful removal impossible.
Typically, Federal actors just bulldoze over anyone and everyone in their path to achieve their objective; in this instance, removal of the Texas case to a Federal court.
The commercial liability that accrues to each defendant personally / organizationally for unlawful removal of this case, however, is far more extreme than the few millions of dollars in damages owed as a consequence of Defendant Hughes’ constructive fraud and theft of Petitioner’s home under color of authority and the 46 other defendants’ participation therein.
The penalty for such removal is spelled out in Petitioner’s “Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace,”  which appears at the top of Plaintiff’s Amended Original Petition (hyperlinked below).
Petitioner on (a) August 11, 2016, filed the original petition; (b) August 15, 2016, a “Notice of Lis Pendens”  (lis means controversy or dispute or suit at law or equity; pendens means pending) against Petitioner’s stolen home; and (c) August 16, 2016, an amended original petition.
The amended original petition was served on Defendants either by personal delivery or USPS Certified Mail, return receipt requested, beginning August 25, 2016.
In the process of conspiring criminally and committing theft of Petitioner’s home under color of authority, Defendants committed collectively between 10,000 and 15,000 felonies—each of which has a substantial monetary value and for which every Defendant, beginning as of his respective initial date of participation in the purported case employed to defraud Petitioner of his home, would be personally liable to Petitioner should any Defendant purport to remove said Montgomery County, Texas, case to a purported United States District Court without statutory or constitutional authority.
A description of the two files hyperlinked below:
  • “Plaintiff’s Amended Original Petition, August 16, 2016 (18.6 MB)”  (a) dissolves any confusion the reader may have developed over his life as to the exact nature of what he mistakenly believes is the United States, Department of the Treasury, Secretary of the Treasury, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Internal Revenue Service, United States Department of Justice, Office of the Clerk of Court (of any Federal court), United States District Courts, United States Marshals Service, United States Courts of Appeals, United States Treasury, and Federal Reserve—intentionally manufactured by Congress (and actors within the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and these organizations) over the last 152 years, in order to defraud Americans of their birthright and deprive them of life, liberty, and property without due process of law, (b) documents the constructive fraud of the trial-court judge, Defendant Lynn Nettleton Hughes, and connivance with Defendant Hughes on the part of the five circuit judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, (c) demonstrates that (i) no Defendant individual is bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, (ii) every United States District Court is a municipal court of the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation; and (iii) other than Defendant United States of America, no Defendant organization is part of the organic general government of the de jure Republic of March 4, 1789, (d) itemizes the dollar-value of the constructive fraud and various types of damages resulting therefrom, and (e) demands judgment decreeing, among other things, a constructive trust on the Porter Property, with Defendant JPMRRE, LLC as constructive trustee for the benefit of Petitioner, and ordering Defendant JPMRRE, LLC to convey to Petitioner within 20 days free and clear of all encumbrances the entire interest held by Defendant JPMRRE, LLC in the Porter Property;
  • The “Notice of Lis Pendens, August 15, 2016,”  filed four days after the original petition, one day before the amended original petition, in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County, Texas, against the Porter Property warns potential buyers that the title thereto presently held in the name of Defendant JPMRRE, LLC is in litigation and that, should someone purchase Defendant JPMRRE, LLC’s claim to the Porter Property, he is in danger of being bound by an adverse judgment.
* Note: This document has numerous references to the United States Statutes at Large. In this context, the phrase “at large”  means “Not included within particular limitations; in general; for all; as, a Congressman at large (Funk & Wagnalls, p. 1003, s.v. “Large”). For example, 104 Stat. 4935 means the 104th volume of the Statutes at Large, page 4935. Using the following link the reader can verify for himself the accuracy of any reference herein to the Statutes at Large: When the page comes up, simply insert the number of the desired volume and page in the appropriate box and click “Get Document”  and that particular page of that particular volume of the Statutes at Large will appear. From there the reader can click to go to the next sequential page or prior page or insert new numbers and go to an entirely different volume or page.