Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Russia Collapses Entire US Intelligence System

Russia  Collapses  Entire  US  Intelligence System  Using  Microsoft,  Facebook  And  Google

A very interesting (and actually gleefully written) Federal Guard Service (FSO) report circulating in the Kremlin today claims that the United States entire Domestic Surveillance Directorate (DSD) has been brought to near total collapse due to Federation intelligence analysts utilizing American tech giants Microsoft, Facebook and Google “spying agreements” to achieve a “digital tsunami” that has, in just barely 3 years, rendered the US National Security Agency’s (NSA) multi-billion-dollar Utah Data Center (UDC) obsolete.

The Federal Guard Service is responsible for safeguarding presidential, governmental and other types of special communications and information provided to all Federation government ministries while the United States Domestic Surveillance Directorate states it’s mission is to “collect, process, and store U.S. citizen data for the good of the Nation”, while the Utah Data Center (code-named Bumblehive) is described as a  massive data repository” designed to cope with the vast increases in digital data that have accompanied the rise of the global network.

In 2013 the Federal Guard Service became “alarmed” when top secret NSA documents were released by one of their employees, Edward Snowden, showing how America’s largest tech giants were working in private with US intelligence agencies to spy not just on the American people but, indeed, the whole world.

Upon the release of Snowden’s NSA documents the Federal Guard Service ordered all Federation ministries to begin using typewriters for communication—but did allow the continued use of Microsoft (Outlook) and Google email and Facebook usage for “selected purposes”.  

As to what those “selected purposes” for Federation ministries using Microsoft, Google and Facebook were, President Putin’s order yesterday that they now be totally banned for use.  

And, according to these details, in 2013 the Federation had no existing counterpart to immediately replace
Microsoft-Google-Facebook communications, but upon Federation computer intelligence experts discovery that Microsoft had given the NSA unrestricted access to their users encrypted messages, Google had made a secret alliance with the NSA, and Facebook had become the perfect mass surveillance tool for both the NSA and FBI, a “once in a lifetime/forever” opportunity was seen for the Federation to “strike back” against the Americans.

This “once in a lifetime/forever” opportunity was made even more “grander” in 2015 when it was discovered that Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10, would not allow its auto-spying function to be turned offthus allowing the NSA to have immediate access to all personal data, including content (such as the content of emails, other private communications or files in private folders) on any computer that installed it. 

To how best to exploit the outrageous spying of Microsoft-Google-Facebook against not only the Federation, but the whole world, this report says, was provided in Edward Snowden’s leaked NSA documents that provided the massive number of “keywords American intelligence analysts were using to flag what they considered 'suspicious communications' and/or computer files.  

Once knowing these NSA “keywords”, Federation intelligence analysts then began “flooding” the NSA with tens-of-millions of emails, files and other such computer documents on a daily basis from not only official Russian ministry computers using Microsoft-Google-Facebook, but from all other governments in the world, too. (Yea!  You GO Russia! Thanks for helping out us peon Americans who also are being 'spied' on!!!!) 

Not just from governments, either, did the NSA get “flooded” with Federation derived “keyword” messages, but from personal and company computers from ordinary citizens in these countries, too—including the United States where this report estimates the NSA, over the past 3 years, has had to flag nearly every single one of their citizens emails and/or computer files for them being 'suspected' of having “terrorist linkages”—and that has put millions of them on their governments 'terror watch' lists. (Would this not ALSO INCLUDE NSA EMPLOYEES??!!)

With the NSA having no ability to physically read the hundreds-of-millions (if not billions) of Federation derived “keyword” inspired emails and computer documents flooding into their servers, they’ve been rendered useless in determining who are real terrorists and who aren’t—but that hasn’t stopped these American “spy idiots  from putting even babies on their 'terror watch' list as they did with 7-month-old “Baby Doe” this past year. 

To how exactly Federation intelligence experts were able to exploit Microsoft-Google-Facebook to over whelm the NSA with a literal tsunami of digital information remains in the highly classified portions of this report—but it is interesting to note the 2013 news reports of the sudden Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hijacking events allowing hackers to spoof the IP address of another entity to misdirect traffic so the receiver would have no idea where it actually came from. 

This report concludes by noting that, as of now, Federation intelligence experts are estimating that the US Domestic Surveillance Directorate’s Utah Data Center is now holding in their servers 4-6 billion gigabytes of essentially useless information with more flooding in on a daily basis and that the American’s are unable to stop—or make sense of.   

Sorcha Faal
September 28, 2016

"Volume + Vision = Victory" - RV Op Ed.......

"Volume + Vision = Victory" - RV Op Ed.......

Wednesday, September 28, 201

Received via email at 4:52 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles


"Volume + Vision = Victory"
RV Op Ed
September 28, 2016


Why in the world is everything suddenly all about Zimbabwe as it relates to the RV?

It's only the 61st largest nation by square miles (roughly about the same size of Japan) and a nation of less than 15 million people. And sure it's valuable, but so are a lot of nations in Africa. We're told there are enormous deposits of rare earth elements, easily accessible minerals and massive precious metals deposits, plus plenty of water (not typical for most African nations) which creates an unusually fertile agriculture industry.

But what about this out-of-print "collectible currency" everyone keeps talking about? This magical ZIM rate? What's the rub?

Well, there are two simple reasons for Zimbabwe's sudden rise to prominence on the global monetary scene, and few know either. One has to do with volume, and the other vision, and together they have equated to victory.

Let's explore the theoretical space shall we...

Volume. Largest stack wins at the poker table nearly every time, right? Well, the ZIM back in 2008-2009 was sure printed with unprecedented volume. The ZIM currency has been out-of-print until just recently, and now they've resorted to printing sovereign bonds that act like currencies to gain trust against with locals. But what if there was precedent for such a monetary decision in Zimbabwe?

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has done this before, the last time was in 2008-2009 but they didn't tell anyone.

The RBZ printed bonds that acted like currency, and used the last hyper inflated series (AA,AB,AC) to pay back IMF loans that were imposing brutal austerity measures against their population. That final ZIM dollar series was circulated just like a currency, but with the notes having an incredibly high face value, and holding an even higher sovereign bond value.

So why hide a sovereign bond beneath the facade of an everyday currency? There must have been a good reason, just like ZIM bond/currency suddenly being reissued today, yes?

Yes. But few were aware back then, and even less are today. Turns out the 2008-2009 ZIM currency was secretly printed on special sovereign bond paper in Germany--at the same bond printing company that printed China's sovereign bonds--and together, they colluded and engaged in a clandestine printing without the awareness of top white cabal European leaders.

When the Europeans found out of course they promptly shut down both the Zimbabwe bond/currency printing and destroyed the plates, but the damage was already done as quintillions upon quintillions of high valued sovereign bonds were already circulation.

This means that each of you are bearer bond holders with legitimate title to the land and assets of the Sovereign Nation of Zimbabwe. Don't believe it? Well, look at the front of your bills… see what it says in the far left quadrant. See the words "I promise to pay the bearer on demand…" yup, that means it's a bond, printed on sovereign bond paper, and you're the final bearer of said bond. Cha-ching! 

So why would fiercely loyal Zimbabwe leadership intentionally give away such valuable sovereign bonds to foreigners? And why were some of these "bond/currency" printed with face values as high as 100 trillion units?

This makes absolutely no sense unless there's a much bigger vision at play. Now everyone would agree that Africa is very old continent… sure. And China too? Sure. Both probably have some very old even ancient families that know each other very well, and maybe a few control a majority of the world's raw assets do to age and experience. Ok, that's all reasonable.

So, if that's true, then maybe these old families probably keep a very close eye out for younger, power hungry races like the Anglo-Saxons of Eastern Europe, who's appetite to accumulate, steal, rape and pillage everything on planet earth is historically well documented. White people are freakin' crazy, yo...

It also was no secrete the Vatican attempted to seize the entire world--for God--through self-imposed laws and doctrines in the middle ages, and the military arm of the Vatican (The Jesuits) had long attempted to infiltrate and overtake both the African and Asian continents to absorb their vast wealth.

So it stands to reason that the African and Chinese Royal Families might have hatched a plan several hundred years ago to defeat the young white European invaders once and for all. It's even rumored they set a clever economic trap using the in-ground raw assets of Africa as bait, allowing resource hungry European bankers to issue as much institutional debt as they could bear in order to default all the European banks at once.

This trap was neither cheap, nor a short-term strategy. We're talking about a few centuries to execute let alone accomplish victory. But in the high stakes global poker game of world domination, the player with the shortest natural resources stack always loses, as eventually the larger stack waits out all opponents through a series of masterful moves demonstrating both unparalleled patience and discipline.

And that's exactly what the African and Chinese Royal Families did, they waited out Rome and the Europeans because they knew collectively they had no significant raw asset holdings (shortest stack), thus their potential was limited and their vast natural resources (largest stack) would wear them down over a long-enough timeline if they remained patient and disciplined. Which thankfully they did.

They also knew their fiat money lie would one day to collapse under it's own deceptive weight, exposing the Roman, European and American fractional reserve central banking network until it ultimately burned out from lack of financial oxygen--raw assets. Which as of Friday, it has.

Keep in mind, fractional reserve banking was not new to to ancient cultures. Usury had been in existence since the days of Ancient Egypt, but never to this extent where it threatened human survival. And it only really became a serious threat to humanity in the last two hundred years when central banking was introduced as a monetary savior mechanism by a few hyper aggressive Eastern European Banking Families who like to call themselves the "Dark Nobility."

So yes, ancient African and Chinese Royal Families used Roman and European aggression to their advantage, and began slowly accumulating the world's remaining raw assets while also depleting their cash and buying up their bogus government treasuries. And when they needed some military muscle, they recruited the Russians. And when they needed to ensure oil supply, they recruited the Persians… first Iran, then Iraq… both were more than willing to team up with the BRICS Alliance.

With Russia agreeing to provide military cover it meant that the Romans and Europeans could be kept check, and along as the Iranians (and later the Iraqis) could supply future oil reserves to fuel this alliance, together they had a winning combination that could both stop and defeat the Great Satan (i.e. The Money Changers). Which is what we are seeing play out on a global stage daily. Told you white people were whak...

Imagine, all of this was planned long before the United States of America was even founded back in 1776 (which ironically the American Revolution was funded by the Chinese Royals, and why Americans pay tribute by shooting off Chinese fireworks every 4th of July). The world is a very old place, and America is a very young country. It's sad they don't teach real history in public education anymore, but it is not unexpected… that will change dramatically in the upcoming century.

So getting back to the little African/Asian/Russian/Persian save the world saga… it's very important to understand this pre-forged alliance in respect to modern day events because all defaulted or historic sovereign assets (bonds, currencies, bank instruments, loans, trades, ETF's, etc..) must now be reconciled by the new global monetary authority--who's raw assets are used as tangible collateral collectively known as the Global Collateral Accounts.

Zimbabwe did its part by appearing to be economically destitute when in truth they were fabulously wealth, as was the plan per the Chinese, Russian and Persian Royal Families. Zimbabwe then over printed their ZIM bond/currency knowing full well that one day all debts would be reconciled as part of a worldwide Golden Jubilee Year of Debt Foreignness. Even the Vatican was made to release all corporate claims on its foreign assets / nations / populations, including assets they acquired several centuries prior in Africa.

Where the European Banking Families faltered is instead of folding for a few centuries, they doubled down and manufactured a terrorist false flag (9/11) which lead to war everywhere on the planet. This really pissed off the world community, which lead to the overt dismantling of their fractional reserve central banking system, as well as many of their private banks, which have all been drained down to the point of complete insolvency. See Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland…

Remember, the poker player with shortest stack always loses given enough hands… well, ultimately time and patience won the day. This means that not only has Zimbabwe's national debt been covered in full, but the bond/currency you hold is also mercifully now being allowed to be redeemed at modern values based on Zimbabwe's audited in-ground natural asset reserves. So the entire world can abundantly benefit, and you personally can enrich yourself, home, community, country and continent.

And that's exactly what happened folks, a patient and disciplined pathway to victory through volume and inspired vision means that you and 144,000 of your closest friends will all be depositing an incredibly high volume of these digital ZIM credits onto a Chinese global financial system right here the new Republic of the United States this weekend; which by the way not only resurrects our own Republic of the United States economy in record time, but also thrusts Africa into most valuable continent status overnight!!!!!
Talk about win-win-win-win for Africa, China, Russia, Iran/Iraq, North America… and an insurmountable defeat for Rome and the Anglo-Saxon European Union. Yo, what an awesome strategy to ponder, let alone participate in and profit from. Just amazing. God is so great.

Side note: Due to the ZIM's incredibly high deposit value on China's new financial system, global circulation percentages and central bank holding reserves will rise exponentially and literally within the first few hours post RV, making Zimbabwe the wealthiest per capita nation in all of Africa--bar none. Which will allow Zimbabwe, in the near future, to lean on China's and Russia's powerful diplomatic leverage and qualify the ZIM Dollar as Africa's first and only representative in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of global reserve currencies.

We understand the ZIM will be added eventually along with the Russian Ruble to create a basket of seven global reserve currencies (there are five now, including the United States Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, and European Dollar). But that's another tale of volume plus vision that has yet to be written.

So maybe just enjoy the ZIM's rich buffet of blessings with this little history lesson as desert. For as you cultivate and steward your own family fortune moving forward, remember that it takes the mastery of patience and discipline to both achieve and maintain generations of victory.

God is with us.

NSA Psychotronic warfare - Remote Neural Monitoring

NSA Psychotronic warfare with Tesla tech 
radio frequency weapons for mind control

Published on Jul 4, 2014

Neural Enslavement
Human Trafficking and Gang Stalking
Remote Neural Monitoring used

Published on Jan 27, 2016

EMF radiation exposure

Nutrition and food that can help 
with EMF radiation exposure

Published on Jun 18, 2016 - Our bodies are amazing! Considering the health burdens our bodies have to put up with from our environment and of what we eat.
Essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals play an important role in keeping the body coping as best it can. Often the burdens are so great that health slowly decays towards chronic health complaints. Supplementation or eating the right foods that contain nutrients that the body needs when exposed to the never ending exposure to EMF radiation, is helpful and a valuable tool to assist, but it does not replace radiation avoidance/shielding.

Brian Hoyer is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner in the USA and also one of our consultants. Combining a 'body' approach with environmental medicine to help optimize especially the bedroom for health repair and maintenance. 

In this video Brian Hoyer explains what foods and nutrients will be helpful and also goes into some of the workings of the brain, melatonin and the function of hormones.

There are foods and supplements you can take to support you during radiation exposure

 Brian Hoyer is an established complementary health practitioner, specializing in nutritional therapy, kinesiology and other modalities. Brian is also one of our first US consultants and available for home assessments along the Pacific region.  We live in a world that has progressed rapidly in just 150 years.  Our food has fundamentally changed.  It has been industrialized, sprayed with pesticides, and processed in ways like never before.  It is also being genetically modified to contain toxins that our bodies simply don’t recognize as food.

In addition to the changes in our food there has also been many changes in our environment.  When most people think of environmental stressors they think of chemicals, mold,mildew, heavy metals, and maybe even nuclear radiation.  These are all self evident because a person  can see, smell, or taste many of these things.  It is very important to avoid these things or reduce exposure to lower the burden on your body.

Invisible radiation can be deceptive

Probably the most deceptive environmental bodily stressor of all is low-level man-made radiation.  There are extremely low frequency (ELF) ranges that create electric and magnetic fields.  There are also higher frequency radio and microwave radiation from radio, TV broadcasting, mobile phones, mobile phone towers, Wi-Fi, baby monitors, smart meters, bluetooth, and other wireless technologies.

Radiation exposure to the body has increased astronomically in the last 100 years.  Scientists estimate that humans get 30 to 100 million times the amount of electromagnetic radiation than just 100 years ago.  Much like modern processed foods suddenly appearing in human history, these frequencies were rapidly introduced to humankind as the invention of electricity gradually expanded and more and more people were exposed to this new type of low level radiation.  The higher frequencies were not prominent much at all until the invention of radios, TV broadcasting, and now mobile phone and other wireless technologies.  Our exposure throughout history DEFINITELY has not been anywhere near the levels that we are exposed to today.

There are many studies that show the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation.  One of the most detrimental biological effects is the way that this type of radiation disrupts proper functioning of melatonin in the human body.  Frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum have been shown to physiologically distort signals to the hypothalamus and pituitary, both of which depend on light frequencies to get information about the environment.  This information is used to send proper instructions to various hormone producing glands.

Electronic pollution in our environment is constantly being pumped out and creating an environment where our bodies may “think” that the sun is still out when it is dark.Light is a key player in this equation and part of the environment that the hypothalamus monitors. Light is also a part of the electromagnetic spectrum and plays a crucial role in the balance between cortisol and melatonin.  Cortisol is activated by the presence of light along with circadian clock signals that depend on melatonin secretion the night before.  When cortisol is high enough during sleep it causes a person to wake up.

Melatonin is produced when the sun goes down and there is an absence of light.  Many studies suggest that light and other electromagnetic frequencies stimulate the hypothalamus in a similar way that light does.  If this is true then the implication is that all of this electronic pollution in our airways is constantly being pumped out and creating an environment where our bodies may “think” that the sun is still out when it is dark.  

Reducing both artificial light and electromagnetic radiation at night can be immensely helpful in optimizing the proper signaling of the hypothalamus and pituitary glands that in turn ensures a timely secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland before bedtime. 


The Zika Virus - What It Really Is

The Zika Virus - What It Really Is
 It's NOT what you THINK it is!

Published on Sep 18, 2016
The virus is causing terrible defects to unborn children and they are in the US now. 

This is very informative and should give people the help they need to put up a resistance to the spraying in their area (as well as protecting yourself if in an affected area)...
The channel this is from is here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LaVoy Assassination forensic Study released!

You Won’t Believe What’s About To Come!!!

Look What The UN Just Did! 
You Won’t Believe What’s About To Come!!!

Published on Jul 19, 2016
You’ll Be SHOCKED Once You Find This Out!

While your Mainstream Media continues to distract you with the upcoming “elections” and alleged-suspected “terrorists,” the United Nations (U.N.) has just recently approved the use of force in order to protect civilians in the event of armed conflicts. In fact, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power has even said at a U.N. meeting back in May 2016 that the U.S. is “proud” to be joining with the U.N. “Peacekeepers” — in order to “act” in case civilians are ever in danger. In preparation for civil unrest, staged rioting and upheaval, and finally, Martial Law...

Along with the U.S., these 29 nations are set to act under the Kigali Principles in times of conflict. These nations include: The U.S., Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Djibouti, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malawi, Montenegro, Netherlands, Niger, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Togo, Ukraine, Uganda, Uruguay, and Zambia.

But There’s Something BIGGER Going On Here!!!

Because President Obama has recently signed in a very important executive order — this one having to do with pre- and post-strike measures in order to address civilian casualties in U.S. Operations involving the use of force. Which basically gives the U.N. and your military the right to use force, in the event(s) of chaos and upheaval. According to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a survey was also put out regarding the use of drone strikes outside of the U.S. in specific conflict zones — mostly involving the Middle East.

But Is There Something ELSE Going On?!?!





ALSO SEE — U.N. Military Vehicles IN AMERICA???

Military Times:

Kigali Principles
Activist Post:
Kigali Principles (Document):

Obama Executive Order (Drone Strikes)
Washington Post:
Drone Report Summary (DNI):
Drone Report Full (DNI):
White House:

List Of Executive Orders:

Hillary Clinton and Globalists frantically rushing to DESTROY America

Say Goodbye to the 50 States, Get Ready for FEMA Regions For the North American Union

The infamous agenda for the North American Union is taking shape and the plans to do away with the 50 states and create FEMA regions is happening right now.

Economically according to Parag Khanna, a contributor for the NYTimes, America would thrive more if the government did away with the states and created regions. At first glance, the plan seems to be a good idea, but rather we must observe the hidden motive. The States of America exist to protect the rights of the individual rather than that of the collective. However, given the agenda currently underway, the rights of the individual are being forsaken, and the “feelings of the collective” throttled upon the masses.

According to Parag, and those sourced in the report; the 50 states are dysfunctional and very messy, especially economically. With America continually on the downturn of leading the world in innovation, it becomes increasingly more evident that the USA is failing. Advanced economies in Western Europe and Asia are reorienting themselves around robust urban clusters of advanced industry.” Says Parag. However is that the real motive behind it all?

The plan for a New World Order is very clear, a centralized worldly government where there are no borders and only a ruling class of elites who run the world. Placing that as another boundary line for the end times. Using the discontinuation of the 50 states, paints a clear picture that America is preparing itself for the New World Order.

The entire plan for seven states bases itself on the fact that some states are failing while others have already bounced back after the 2008 financial crisis.

However, exposing the real motives behind the crisis shows that this agenda for seven states is all apart of a larger scheme to further dwindle the individual rights of Americans, and to do away with borders and boundaries furthering the agenda of the One World Government.
The idea to combine states and do away with border lines is not a new one, but rather it began 32 years ago, proposed by a man named Joel Garreau, his idea was to have nine states. Given the furthering of time, its now been dwindled down to seven, which should only make one wonder how long till it dwindles down to one.

Centralizing government is never a good idea, and that is the undoubted plan for it all, federalizing all police forces to act as one rather than several hundred; painstakingly showcases the agenda for the North American Union.

Survival Things We Lost To History

Fellow Patriot,
Shock and disbelief has rocked our world in the past years…
Call me old-fashioned, but I completely believe in America and what our ancestors stood for.
And how they used to fight back…
loost (1)
The SHTF we all prep for is what Folks Called 150 years ago “Daily Life”

…no electrical power, no refrigerators, no Internet, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive law enforcement, and no Safeway or Walmart.I must admit, as a true Christian and Patriot this video really sent shivers down my spine…
Because it exposes a long-forgotten secret that could bring God’s Judgement onto America…

Where the plan began is where the answer lives. Taken from his bio:
Joel Garreau is an explorer of culture, values, and change. To aid those who follow later,
he frequently publishes mental maps.

Most recently he is the author of Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human, published in 2005 by Doubleday. Joel’s latest book takes an unprecedented, sometimes alarming, always spellbinding look at the hinge in history at which we have arrived. For hundreds of millennia, our technologies have been aimed outward at altering our environment in the fashion of fire, agriculture, or space travel. Now, for the first time, we are increasingly aiming inward at modifying our minds, memories, metabolisms, personalities, progeny and possibly our immortal souls. Radical Evolution is about altering human nature — not in some distant tomorrow, but right now, on our watch.
Joel is a transhumanist, further proving the point that the agenda for North America to be split into regions is an elitist one and not that of furthering the rights of individuals but rather the feelings of the collective. Joel is not the only one who is pushing this agenda.

Hillary Clinton is also pushing the agenda, and she claims that America will have no borders within one hundred days after her arrival in the Oval Office.


Furthering the agenda of the North American Union, and doing away with the states brings about a strange coincidence. Under Martial Law, or during a national crisis a new map takes shape; and that is the FEMA regions map. Which uncovers an astounding resemblance of the new seven states map.

The idea is not a new one, and the plan to create the North American Union is happening right now. In fact, according to Forbes, it will potentially happen over the next decade; which began in 2013. This entire agenda resembles that of the North American Union, which is a part of the larger United Nations agenda for 2030.

History repeats; destroying the current states bears the resemblance of something which happened in the past and brought about the bloodiest civil war in the world. The question is, as they further the agenda for The North American Union will it bring about another one?

Who Will Live, Who Will Die in the 1st 72 Hours-SHTF! The first 3 things to do during a disaster SURVIVE A Martial Law Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )



Other useful resources:

Pioneer Survival - Lessons We Should All Learn
Alive After The Fall (Advice onto handling crisis situations )
US Water Revolution (Have Plenty of Water when others don't have any!)
Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness guide)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Backyard Innovator (All Year Round Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water)
Liberty Generator (Easy to build your own off-grid free energy device)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )


Obama Signs Executive Order Banning The Pledge Of Allegiance In Schools Nationwide

  Obama seen here signing an Executive Order today which bans the Pledge of Allegiance in all public schools around the country!  According to reports by Republic sources, Obama and Biden were 'resigned' last fall 2015. Their seats are vacant and the U.S.A. corporation is defunct and no longer in official position of running this nation. SO WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE THAT BOZO WOULD BE SIGNING ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY AN EXECUTIVE ORDER????
September 22, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Early this morning, President Obama made what could very well prove to be the most controversial move of his presidency with the signing of Executive Order 13738, which revokes the federal government’s official recognition of the Pledge of Allegiance. Under the new order, it is now illegal for any federally funded agency to display the pledge or for any federal employee to recite, or encourage others to recite, the pledge while on duty. This law also applies to federal contractors and other institutions that receive federal funding such as public schools. Individuals who violate this order can face fines of up to $10,000 and up to one year in federal prison.
During the press conference, the President explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held values.”
“The pledge excludes so many Americans who are vital to making this country what it is,” Obama said. “Asking someone to pledge their allegiance to our country excludes Jehovah’s Witnesses, Amish, Muslims, and many others whose religious beliefs prohibit strong displays of nationalism. By calling this ‘one nation under God’, we exclude the millions of hard working atheists and agnostics who call America home. By saying ‘liberty and justice for all’, we ignore the grievances of millions of Hispanics, African Americans and Muslims who feel they have neither liberty nor justice.”
Obama told reporters that he believes the inclusion of “under God” runs afoul of the First Amendment’s establishment clause. He summed up his press briefing by challenging congress to create a new pledge that more accurately reflects America’s values.
“I am willing to rescind my decision here today and allow the Pledge of Allegiance back into the schools if we can all agree on the creation of a new Pledge, something that is includes everyone’s beliefs and not just the belief of one nationality or faith.”
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has already offered her support of president Obama’s decree and has vowed to uphold the order if she wins in November’s general election. She echoed his concerns about the pledge’s language and suggested that the pledge’s mention of God sends the wrong message to America’s children.
“I fully support the President and the decision that he has made here today. In January, when I take office as the next President of the United States, unless I see otherwise, I will do my best to uphold this new law and ensure that it stays in effect.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump did not mince words when voicing his contempt for the president’s order, referring to the president as an “illegitimate Muslim traitor.”
“As a Christian nation, the Pledge of Allegiance helps our children be the greatest children out there, the best there is, greater than all the other children in this world combined. Obama, who founded ISIS by the way, wants them not to be great, he wants them to be weak, and by banning the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools, he has proven that here today. This is the first step in many in his master plan to force Sharia law onto this great country of ours before he leaves office in January. We all must remember that this is one nation under God and not some guy and his beliefs in whatever he chooses to believe.”



NOTE:  We  are  not  responsible  for  whether  or  not  the  asteroid(s)  actually  do  impact  with  the  planet,  so  please  read  and  decide  your  own  personal  course  of  action. OO

Published on Sep 24, 2016

LATEST UPDATE 2016. Are we about to see the prophecy of the bibles WORMWOOD come to pass? Will the planet be hit by a deep impact METEOR? Experts are warning the potentially world-ending space rock is heading towards us – but no one is certain how close it will actually come. Worryingly, it is not yet clear when the huge meteor – believed to be up to ten miles wide – will brush past the planet.

The asteroid was spotted by astronomer Zhao Haibin using China’s largest telescope at Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing. The images of the asteroid, dubbed 2009ES by the Minor Planet Center, were captured by the 1.2 meter Schmit telescope last Wednesday.

It is one of 1,640 near Earth asteroids – known as “minor bodies” – heading towards Earth, according to Chinese Academy of Science. Haibin said: “With the help of our images, astronomers across the globe have a more accurate moving trajectory of the asteroid.”

Scientists are keeping a close eye on the meteor as just a minor change in its flight path could have catastrophic consequences for the human race. Experts say if the asteroid were to smash into Earth, it would create an extinction level event, meaning humans are toast.

The impact would equal the explosion of three billion atomic bombs, triggering effects similar to those that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Conspiracy theorists are in a state of panic over the incoming space rock.

Most asteroid passes classed as "near-Earth" by NASA fly by at millions of miles away, but the space rock 2015 SZ2, due today, is estimated to be on an orbit of just 309,000 miles - only 1.3 times the distance from Earth to the Moon (238,000 miles).

Significant asteroids pass Earth every week, and NASA monitors them at up to 12 million miles away, so this is considered a cosmic close shave.

The cosmic skim comes straight after wild predictions were made online that a huge space rock would strike Puerto Rico by the end of this month....something that doesn't appear to have materialized.

Fears became so widespread a rock may be about to strike that NASA took the unusual move of issuing a statement ruling this out.

The most unsettling pass was a monster 270-metre space rock called 2012 TT5 - one of six "near-earth" flybys between September 22 and TODAY when online doomsday prophets claimed the world could end.

What are your feelings about the possibility that we will experience a DEEP IMPACT in the next 72 hours? Do you think that NASA or the GOVERNMENT would warn us or would they hope it passes without being noticed?





Published on Sep 16, 2016
9-16-16 M2U01266



TAKE CARE FOLKS!  Pray Psalms 91m 23m 35 and I think 37. :) these are prayers of protection, plead the Blood of Yahshua/Jesus


Jacob Rothschild = The New Republic = La Neu Republique

by Anna Von Reitz

Everyone needs to get real sober, real fast.  Especially Jacob Rothschild.
Mr. Rothschild has performed a worthy, albeit, self-interested public service.  He has bought the debts of the International Monetary Fund in sufficient quantity to stave off World War III, but the quid pro quo is that he and his new "governmental services corporation" calling itself "The New Republic" inherit the service contract created by The Constitution for the united States of America and get to provide (and charge us for) the nineteen enumerated federal services.
The problem is and has been (for 150 years) that we are the States of America and we get to choose who provides services for us and we also rule the land jurisdiction of this country, so there is a new contract to be negotiated. And this time it is going to be negotiated by us, not by service providers making deals behind our backs among themselves and then pretending to "represent" us.
We were not impressed by the service provided by earlier Rothschild companies that were bankrupted under false pretenses.  And we liked the service provided by the Rockefellers and their partners in crime even less.
So any idea that we are under any obligation to accept Mr. Rothschild's company doing business as "The New Republic" as our federal service provider is to say the least, premature.  We have accepted some services on an as-needed, temporary basis---- and we thanked Mr. Rothschild for his willingness to provide them, but we have made no commitments and have not allowed him or his corporation to assume anything but a pay-as-we-go position. 
The perps in DC have caused a real problem for us and for the rest of the world. And those perpetrators are NOT Americans.  They are all British Subjects and always have been.  The "United States" they represent is not The United States that belongs to us as a birthright forever.
All the fraud and all the banking and legal chicanery in the world won't change the facts and we have adequately demonstrated the facts and objected to any self-interested interpretation of them before the Suprema Tribunale--- the Vatican Chancery Court.
The official international contact for the American States at this point is the American Native Nations, and the indigenous American delegations that include the Athabascan and Lakota nations at the United Nations,  not the Neu Republique, which is just more European meddling in our business.
We have acted as the Priority Creditors of the Federal Reserve and documented our claims with twenty years of Due Process and Recorded Claims and international Liens in behalf of the living people and the actual American States. 
We are the Priority Creditors of all 185,000 corporations registered in this country including national corporations like "JAPAN" and "AUSTRALIA" and "CANADA" and all the corporations standing under their auspices, too.  
In that capacity we have discharged all our debts and everyone else's, first by mutual offset credit exchange, and second by debt forgiveness.  There is no excuse for any bankruptcy schemes or probate fraud and no excuse either for any Secondary Creditors or Bankruptcy Trustees to show up on our doorsteps claiming that we owe any debts to anyone. 
Such false claims and racketeering will be promptly rebuffed and recognized as commercial war crimes. 
The American States have been officially re-conveyed to the jurisdiction of the land and are under the protection of all the international treaties and guarantees owed to them.  The King of Spain has been duly notified and he has taken up position to make sure that the Queen and Prince William get their paws off our assets and stop usurping against our lawful government. 
Mr. Rothschild's role in all this is not resolved in that he and his organization are welcome to offer their services, but acceptance of those services on any long term or continuing basis has not been agreed to by the Fiduciaries. The New Republic employees are being paid month-to-month. And any attempt to confiscate the assets of the Federal Reserve by The New Republic would certainly be a crime and an act of war recognized by the entire international community.
Our country is finally undergoing the reorganization that should have happened at the end of the American Civil War, 150 years ago.  As part of that reorganization we have a great deal of catching up to do and our people have a lot to learn about their actual history and about the organization of the rest of the world, banking, and a great many other things.  America, in a sense, is finally growing up--- and however difficult and painful a process that has been, we have survived our Mommy, Dearest relationship with Great Britain and emerged on the other side of it.
We entertain Mr. Rothschild's assistance and are grateful for it, but it should not be taken as any long term contractual agreement to receive services.  Our people must be fully informed and any such contract must be fully disclosed and appropriately administered from now on.  Our states must be properly organized and new Fiduciary Deputies trained and sworn in and bonded.  A true Continental Congress must be assembled and many issues must be addressed including who gets the federal contract and if there is to be a federal contract.
Alone among the great nations of the world, America has tolerated "sharing"  its international jurisdiction with foreign nations--both Britain and France.  Our experience with this arrangement has not been good and after more than two hundred years of European chicanery on our shores, many of us feel that America has outgrown it. We are ready and willing to discuss new agreements and to undertake complete responsibility for the conduct of our business and yes, to take our rightful place among the nations of the Earth--no longer playing the part of an immature adjunct of Britain or France. 
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website