Wednesday, September 28, 2016

No Dog in the Fight

By Anna Von Reitz

You have elected all these jokers in good faith, assuming that you were electing them to public office.  They have occupied similarly named private corporate offices instead, and left the public offices vacant.  
Read the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act (FSIA) and the International Organizations Immunity Act (IOIA) for blatant proof of what they have done.
You thought you elected Fiduciary Deputies to conduct your business in Congress, but no, they redefined their role to be mere "representatives".  They then "represented" you any way that padded their pockets and boosted corporate profits. 
See their Amendment to their phony corporate "Constitution" published in 1868 that changes the accountability of "US Senators" making them only accountable to their peers in Congress.  Being a Senator is as close to being "king" as it gets. They can't be recalled by the people who elected them. And you have allowed all this crap, because frankly, you and your parents and grandparents have been asleep at the wheel.
You have believed that the "federal government" was your government, but in fact, it has always been a foreign service vendor operated by British Subjects here on our shores to provide "essential governmental services".  Read Article IV of The Constitution. 
Go back and read the actual founding documents --- the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 spells it out.  There are two populations in this country and there always have been: "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" and the British Subject "inhabitants" loyal to the King, here on our shores to provide "essential government services".
The same treaty reveals that King George III remained the acknowledged "prince" and Arch-Treasurer of the United States after the Revolution. 
That thing in Washington, District of Columbia, is not your government and it never has been.  It is a foreign, self-interested--- and since 1868--- incorporated
entity that is in the business of providing governmental services under contract.  Period. 
It's the governmental services equivalent of Exxon.
Your states of the Union were its original customers. They agreed to receive and pay for nineteen strictly enumerated services spelled out in The Constitution----all of them carried out in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
But, corporations being corporations, they've drummed up business however they saw fit, often via extortion (IRS) and racketeering (Social Security, Obamacare, etc.) and theft (BLM). 
The agents of the "federal corporation" routinely lie to you and tell you that you have to buy something or pay something or take some action (like signing up for Social Security) because it is a "government mandate" and you are stupid enough to go along with this, so they continue to get away with it. 
They routinely criminalize normal activities of common right, like traveling from Point A to Point B or getting married, so that they can charge you for "licenses" and "regulate" your private business as "commerce".  They consider all "United States Citizens" their slaves and all "citizens of the United States" are defined as criminals.
Read the 13th and 14th Amendments of their bogus corporate "Constitution" more carefully and you will see what has gone on. 
In their 13th Amendment they abolished slavery---- except for criminals.  In the 14th Amendment of their filthy look-alike, sound-alike corporate charter document, they made all "citizens of the United States" criminals.  By definition. And then they have contrived to define all of us as "citizens of the United States" by any means fair or foul.
We have played unwitting host to the most vile, venal, oppressive, out of control crime syndicate in the history of the world, and we have mistakenly thought that this THING was our own dear government and paddled along like good little ducks, acting in good faith,  doing whatever we were told. 
Imagine that you are a magazine publisher and you can order 390 million people to buy three subscriptions or six subscriptions or a dozen subscriptions each....and the limit of this abuse is only what the victims will tolerate? 
That's what you have going on in Washington, DC, but it is actually much, much worse than that. 
These vermin have gotten away with their abusive profit-hunting for so long, that they have promoted violence and piracy and criminality throughout the world. 
These people are all British Subjects and they are commandeered as such ---literally press-ganged and falsely identified as British Subjects---  the moment they take an oath of office or accept a federal job or are herded like sheep and coerced under false pretenses into accepting a "Social Security Number".
These British cons have hidden behind our skirts and used us as front men to carry out their dirty work, so that the Americans are being blamed for it all.
This is what comes from allowing foreign governments (both British and since WWII, French) to "share" your country's international jurisdiction and to dictate your trade policy and issue your money and wipe your butts for you. 
There are two main (and many subsidiary) federal corporations providing you and their franchises operated as fake "states of states" with "governmental services". 
The IMF has operated the UNITED STATES, INC. on our shores and that vicious fraud machine has finally been bankrupted and forced into liquidation.  The FEDERAL RESERVE has operated THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., and it has been forced into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 
So now we have Jacob Rothschild here promoting the NEW REPUBLIC, INC., as a replacement for these "governmental services corporations" and the UN Corporation, not the actual United Nations, is shipping in blue-helmeted commercial mercenaries from around the world to keep the peace while these despicable corporations are dismantled and taken down and their assets returned to their creditors.
The Big Problem has been that the Priority Creditors of these vicious crime syndicates have been absent from the table.  Nobody has raised their hand or made a "Peep!" in behalf of the actual American nation-states and the living American people who have been the prime victims of all this chicanery, nor have they spoken up for the equally defrauded people of the UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, and so on and on.
Instead, we and our assets have remained on the table as the Feast prepared by the Evil Ones for their Secondary Creditors--- the banks and foreign investors they have defrauded in our names without our knowledge or consent--- at the same time they have been robbing and defrauding us.
Which is why I and numerous others have labored for many years to bring forward the claims of the American States and people.  We saw the crap the rats pulled during the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. and we haven't sat on our thumbs for another round of it.  Instead, we have spent twenty-plus years of our lives documenting the debts owed by these corporations to the actual, factual states and people. 
Is this going to cause dismay and disruption?  Will it require an armed invasion of Washington, DC?   If so, we should be standing shoulder to shoulder with the "Blue Hats" and helping them flush the sewers of the Beltline, not shooting at them----but to be honest, we don't have a dog in this fight.
These corporations are not---repeat, NOT--- our government. They never have been. Both the UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are just foreign, corporate vendors of governmental services gone horribly wrong. 
Our interests are best served by flying our own peacetime Civil Flag (vertical stripes, blue stars) or a simple white truce flag, and minding our own business while the odious debts accrued against us and other nations are wiped away and the criminals are removed.
And, most importantly, we need to wake the @$@$@ up. 
There is no reason for Britain or France or any other foreign interest to control such vital functions of our government as the issuance of our money or dictate our international trade policies or command the deployment of our Armed Forces under color of law.
It's time to renegotiate the contracts, i.e., treaties, to correct this situation and to reorganize our own thinking and assumptions to deal with the truth.
Now that you know the factual and long-standing truth--- that the organization operating "as" your government isn't actually your government and that it is a foreign, self-interested  commercial corporation that has not functioned as it is obligated to function---you can get on with the business of operating the government that you are owed: a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Our rights and property, which we hold dear, are not being wrested from us by any foreign invasion.  They can, however, be lost if we fail to step to the plate and do the job of self-governance mandated by our actual Constitution.
For months now, I have been telling people Coast to Coast to organize their local county governments and to operate as unincorporated associations, because the moment you incorporate anything you remove it from the land jurisdiction and place it (and its operations) under the Law of the Sea and in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 
Can the land be represented by the sea? 
I think not. 
All these incorporated counties and "states of states" are operating in a foreign and improper jurisdiction.  They have all been seduced by federal corporation racketeering kickbacks called "federal block grants" and have been taken over by the criminally mis-administered federal corporation(s) and run as franchises, just like Dairy Queen franchises.
The only actual, true, legitimate government standing on the land jurisdiction of this entire country is vested in me and you and the unincorporated organizations that we operate on the land jurisdiction---- the actual county government and the actual state government owed to us is of the people, for the people and by the people, not of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation.
So it is imperative that while the international community deals with the bankrupt and criminal corporations that have been operating out of the District of Columbia--- and with the British and French governments which are responsible for those corporate miscreants-- that we, the American people, do our own dusting and cleaning.
The Colorado State is not the State of Colorado.
The Colorado State is the lawful business agent of the Colorado Nation and its people.  The State of Colorado is a franchise of a bankrupt foreign corporation.
Now that we have all that sorted out --- please understand that we don't have a dog in the fight that is coming to Washington, DC.  Please also be aware that you and your property interests have been properly and faithfully protected. 
You need to understand that you are an American state national--- one of the peaceful, honest people of America---not a war-mongering British Subject called a "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States" bent on piracy and promotion of corporate colonialism.
If what you want is your country back in your control, with all its peace and property intact, all its constitutional guarantees being honored, then it is time to take the following actions: (1) Record your "Expatriation Act" formally stating that you are a peaceful American State National reclaiming your birthright political status; (2) Organize your local Jural Assemblies; (3) Elect your local government officers--- judges, sheriffs, assembly men, etc. -- to operate the land jurisdiction government owed to you; (4) Pay no attention to what happens to the federal corporation(s) or to the incorporated counties or states of states.
These things aren't your government.  They are actually none of your concern. They are just foreign corporations like Target here to provide governmental services to your States, and so long as you have sense enough to realize that that is what they are and maintain your identity as an American State National, not a "US citizen" of any stripe, all will be well with you and yours and the country you love.
Jacob Rothschild is making an offer to buy these bankrupt corporate entities and boot up a new organization calling itself the New Republic.  This is calculated to maintain some infrastructure and keep the peace--- but now that you know the truth, you will realize that the "New Republic" is just a re-branding and new management for the whole federal corporate apparatus, and is not your actual government at all.  It's just a new "governmental services corporation" coming on board --- and it does not have a contract.  It is just offering its services and temporarily providing them. 
As with any consumer contract, you aren't any under obligation and neither are your States, beyond paying for actual stipulated services received on a month by month basis.
It will be up to you and your properly elected and actual Fiduciary Deputies to determine whether or not the New Republic gets the service contract and it will also be up to you to operate your own land jurisdiction government quite above and separate from their activities undertaken in behalf of actual British Subjects who are legitimately "United States Citizens" and in pursuit of their duties under The Constitution----the actual one.
It will also be up to you and your actual Fiduciary Deputies whether or not the current oddball arrangement in which foreign corporations get to dictate your foreign policy, your trade policy, issue your national currency, and perform other vital functions that a mature nation should undertake for itself---endures.  It has obviously not worked for us and has caused great damage to other nations, so its continuance is not--- in my opinion---desirable for us or anyone else. 
We have indeed "spawned a new nation" in the words of Benjamin Franklin. It's time for us to take our place among the nations as a fully functioning part of the world community, instead of playing the role of the Infant Terrible, being jerked around by foreign interests and used and abused to in turn use and abuse other nations.
The British and since WWII the French Governments have used the American people as bullies and commercial mercenaries and have done so in Breach of Trust. They have plundered our assets and mischaracterized us as British Subjects and hypothecated debt against our assets and made false claims against us. They have undermined our lawful government on the land and used legal chicanery as an excuse not to honor their obligations to us in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 
Britain, like Cronos, the Father of the Titans, has attempted to eat all its colonial "children" and France has been seduced by the lure of easy money and power to follow suit.  Their criminal mis-administration of their faithful, if gullible, Allies stands as a grim warning to the entire world regarding the dangers of letting any incorporated profit-motivated entity provide governmental services.
And now we come to the end of this saga.
The New Republic is just the latest re-branding and new management ploy of the same old perpetrators and though it may be better managed than the old federal corporation, it is what it is, and it is NOT your government, not your Republic----which you are owed.
In order to enjoy the blessing of your Republic, you have to get off your butts ---and thanks to British chicanery--- reclaim your birthright political status as American State Nationals: Coloradans, Virginians, Texans, etc. Having made that choice very clear, you need to organize your own local Jural Assemblies and elect your own local American Common Law court officers and local county government officials to run the counties owed the land jurisdiction of this country. 
The only way to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people is to accept the responsibility of self-governance. You cannot just "hire" someone to do it for you.
The United Nations and the Vatican Chancery and the Pope and the other governments involved in this fiasco and Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of International Settlements have all been given plenty of Due Process Notice regarding this whole circumstance. 
They have Cause to Know that literally billions of innocent people--- not only Americans, but Brits and Canadians and Aussies and Japanese and French and Germans and Indians and......have been victimized by this criminality in Breach of Trust and contract. 
They have Cause to Know who the actual Priority Creditors of these criminal corporations are.   Competent Fiduciaries and Witnesses have informed the Heads of State and the Central Banks and the Divine Trust officials. 
Your claims and the claims of your states of the Union have been properly brought forward and your assets have been re-conveyed to the land jurisdiction where they are owed every jot of the original and actual Constitution---and where they stand under the protection of the Spanish King and are not subject to any self-serving "presumptions" by Queen Bess in international jurisdiction. 
Slowly, but surely, the same machinery that was abused to press-gang and defraud the living people to enrich the governmental services corporations is being employed and brought to bear to liquidate the offending corporations. That they are being dismantled and their assets seized and re-distributed to their creditors should be a cause of rejoicing and not any cause for bloodshed, strife, or even unrest.
As the Priority Creditors of all these various corporations the American States and the American People are in the cat-bird seat and have proposed both ways and means to provide for peaceable settlement that puts the power of the purse back where it belongs---- in the hands of individual people and unincorporated government structures operating in the best interests of the Public Good. 
So, as far as the Blue Hats are concerned----don't be overly alarmed. Some elements of the old governmental services corporations may have to be removed.  There may be mass confusion.  Jacob Rothschild may be tempted to try to usurp position and pull another sleight of hand by pretending that his "New Republic" is your actual lawful government----but as long as you know the truth and do your part to assemble your unincorporated land jurisdiction government, any action against you and your efforts would be instantly recognized as more corporate fraud. 
The Central Bank and Government of France does not want to be accused of willful commercial fraud.  They are already in enough trouble for their failure to maintain oversight on the IMF and its operations on our shores as the UNITED STATES, INC.  Ditto the Central Bank and Government of England and the Central Bank and Government of Westminster.
So, no worries.  Just work to do.  And a better, more clear-eyed vision of the future and the world and your own role and responsibility in it.  If you see UN Troops move into Washington, DC-----yawn and go about your business.  It's not your concern.  It's not your government.  The "UNITED STATES" they are liquidating is just a corrupt and evil and bankrupt foreign commercial corporation being liquidated for cause.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with American State Nationals peacefully residing on the land.
Your own government resides within you and among you and in the organizations you create and operate on a local level --your own counties and states owed the land jurisdiction of this country.
Bottom line---- We, the People, have no dog in this fight and don't be stupid enough to make a fight where there is none. 

Let Lord Rothschild earn his money and clean up the mess his Government created.  And keep an eye on the crooks so that you don't ever get defrauded and mischaracterized again.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

Hillary's Behind the scenes Tirade



Image result for hillary mad

Behind the scenes look at Wednesday, September 7 Commander-in-Chief Forum what Hillary Clinton said and did...

According to inside sources, after the town hall with Matt, Hillary went ballistic, throwing a huge tantrum, with personal calls to Comcast executives, the parent company of NBC Universal.  I guess they got the message with all of the ridiculous headlines to follow over the next couple of days.

“Matt Lauer was heavily criticized After Moderating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Forum by the Clinton camp. Matt Lauer is now facing major backlash following his moderation of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Forum.

 Image result for hillary and matt lauer
As viewers witnessed during Wednesday night’s broadcast, Lauer, 58 — who was granted only 30 minutes with each presidential candidate — devoted a good portion of his time with Clinton, 68, to questioning her about sending confidential information over a private email server while she was serving as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.
Hillary’s meltdown included throwing a water glass at a staffer- narrowly missing her head, and demanding Matt Lauer be fired!  She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fu*# will have us swinging from nooses! What the fu*# is wrong with you idiots?”
 Image result for hillary and matt lauer
It is reported Hillary then screamed at everyone for close to an hour and staffers felt like she was having a “Hitler-like rage meltdown”.
Calls were made to New York Times, Washington Post and Huffington post and Twitter executives with orders to “Crush Matt Lauer”.  As you can easily see with all the headlines from these puppet MSM sources, they are completely bought and paid for.
 Hillary also screamed that she wanted Matt taken off the October debate…  
Let’s see if that command is met.  My bet is that it will be.
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Staffers at HRC campaign report that they scared of her, and one described Hillary as “an out of control psychopath”.
Since Hillary does not allow any staff to have cell phones when she is there, no footage is available, but Hillary is in full frenzy now.  She has made it clear that she wants Matt Lauer to be “persona non grata for the rest of his days on earth“.  

Donna Brazile was singled out by Hillary during the rant.  Donna was told “You stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo, while letting fu*#ing Lauer get away with this betrayal?  Get the fu*# to work janitoring this mess- do I make myself clear???”
Is this the person we want running the United States... I think NOT!
Image result for hillary and matt lauer

Dr William Mount : Updates

Censored UN Broadcast That Effects Your Life 
William Mount

Published on Sep 20, 2016

William Mount

Published on Sep 26, 2016

Shortages Appearing Across America  
William Mount


Published on Sep 22, 2016 

Trigger Pulled For Economic Collapse  
William Mount

 Published on Sep 1, 2016

Dollar Demise Being Hidden From You 
 William Mount

Published on Sep 5, 2016

Shocking Shaming In Shanghai Saturday
That Effects You Directly
William Mount

William Mount - Important Updates for the United States

America Under Siege By It's Own Government

Published on Sep 18, 2016

William Mount 

Published on Sep 28, 2016

FBI Confirms That The Big Event Is Coming 
To The US Very Soon - Episode 1086b 
William Mount

 Published on Sep 27, 2016

VP "Mr Clean" Propositions 13 Year Old On Video

VP "Mr Clean" 
Propositions 13 Year Old On Video

Published on Sep 14, 2016

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf gives back $41 million

Wells Fargo CEO gives back $41 million made in equity scandal

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf will forfeit an estimated $41 million in equity awards and his salary as the banking corporation conducts an independent investigation into the firm's handling of retail banking sales practices, the company announced Tuesday evening.

Carrie Tolstedt, former consumer banking executive, has also left Wells Fargo without a severance package.
Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., demanded Wells Fargo executives resign for requiring employees to create false accounts to boost company numbers.
"You should resign," the liberal Massachusetts senator told Stumpf during his testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. "You should give back the money that you took while this scam was going on, and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission."

The Department of Labor said last week it will investigate Wells Fargo to determine whether the bank violated any labor laws with its fake accounts.

JP Morgan worker, 37, and her trader sister, 42, from Minnesota are found dead in their $1,800-a-night villa at luxury resort in the Seychelles after a day of drinking

  • Annie Korkki, 37, who works for JP Morgan Chase in Denver, and Robin Korkki, 42, a trader from Chicago, were found dead last Thursday
  • They were found unconscious in their villa at the Maia Luxury Resort and Spa in the Seychelles off the coast of Africa a week into their vacation
  • Preliminary examination indicated there were no signs of violence or aggression on the women's bodies
  • Police said the women had been drinking alcohol throughout the day and were helped to their room by staff that night
  • It was the last time there were seen before they were found dead the next morning
  • Their heartbroken family is currently pressing officials for answers into what led to their sudden deaths

Two sisters from Minnesota were found dead inside their luxury resort villa a week into their vacation in the Seychelles.

Annie Korkki, 37, and Robin Korkki, 42, were discovered in their villa at the Maia Luxury Resort and Spa last Thursday around noon, authorities in the Seychelles said.

The sisters, who had been on vacation on the tropical island off the coast of Africa since September 15, were found unresponsive and were later pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor.

A preliminary examination conducted by police indicated there were no signs of violence or aggression on the women's bodies, The Seychelles Nation reported.

Scroll down for video

Minnesota natives Annie Korkki, 37, (left) and Robin Korkki, 42, (right) were found dead inside their resort villa a week into their vacation in the Seychelles island off the coast of Africa

Minnesota natives Annie Korkki, 37, (left) and Robin Korkki, 42, (right) were found dead inside their resort villa a week into their vacation in the Seychelles island off the coast of Africa

The sisters were discovered in their villa at the Maia Luxury Resort and Spa (pictured) last Thursday, authorities in Seychelles said

The sisters were discovered in their villa at the Maia Luxury Resort and Spa (pictured) last Thursday, authorities in Seychelles said

The women had been drinking alcohol throughout the day on Wednesday and were helped to their room by resort staff around 8.15pm that night, authorities said.

It was the last time they were seen before they were found dead on Thursday morning, according to police.

Now, their heartbroken family is searching for answers into what led to their sudden deaths.

Authorities in Seychelles were called to the scene after a personal butler assigned to the villa arrived at 8.45am on Thursday to find the sliding door locked as he had left it the night before.

After there was still no movement in the room as the day continued, the butler raised his concerns with a supervisor and management who reported it to police, authorities said.

The sisters pictured in a September 19 photo while on vacation in Seychelles. They had been vacationing on the tropical island since September 15 and had extended their stay from September 22 to September 24

The sisters pictured in a September 19 photo while on vacation in Seychelles. They had been vacationing on the tropical island since September 15 and had extended their stay from September 22 to September 24

In this September 17 photo from their vacation showing Annie, she commented on the photo, calling the trip 'indescribable'

In this September 17 photo from their vacation showing Annie, she commented on the photo, calling the trip 'indescribable'

Annie is pictured jumping on the beach during their holiday in this September 19 photo

Annie is pictured jumping on the beach during their holiday in this September 19 photo

The sisters (pictured) were described as adventurous women who 'wanted to experience life to the fullest'

The sisters (pictured) were described as adventurous women who 'wanted to experience life to the fullest'

The sisters were found unresponsive on the same bed and there was no disturbance in the room, police said.

While their bodies did not show any signs of trauma, certain medications were confiscated from the room by police as part of their investigation, authorities said.

The Korkki sisters' stay at the resort was originally set to end on September 22, but they had extended it to September 24.

Both sisters had shared photos of their stay in Seychelles on Facebook, with many showing the resort, where an ocean panoramic villa costs upwards of $1,800 per night.

In one photo on September 17 appearing to show the beautiful view from their villa, Annie wrote in the comment section calling it 'the best place ever'.

The sisters were staying at the at the Maia Luxury Resort in the Seychelles off the coast of Africa

The sisters were staying at the at the Maia Luxury Resort in the Seychelles off the coast of Africa

Annie and Robin pictured left and center with Caitlin Korkki. Their brother said their mother Sue and brother Mike, are currently in Seychelles making arrangements to bring the women back to the US

Annie and Robin pictured left and center with Caitlin Korkki. Their brother said their mother Sue and brother Mike, are currently in Seychelles making arrangements to bring the women back to the US

In another photo, Annie described their trip as 'indescribable.'

The sisters were both graduates of Eden Prairie High School and were described as adventurous women who 'wanted to experience life to the fullest,' their brother Chris Korkki told The Star-Tribune.

Annie, who lived in Denver, worked at JP Morgan Chase, according to her Facebook page.

Her sister Robin lived in Chicago and is the Head of FX and Metals at Allston Trading. Both are described as healthy women and experienced travelers.

'The family is in shock,' Chris told KMSP of his sisters' deaths.

'Everyone is trying to understand and come to terms with what happened.'

Their mother Sue and brother Mike, who both live in Colorado, are currently in Seychelles, pressing local and US officials for answers, The Star-Tribune reported.

Annie shared this photo that shows a view from their luxury resort villa at the five-star hotel

Annie shared this photo that shows a view from their luxury resort villa at the five-star hotel

Another view shows part of their villa's thatched roof and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean

Another view shows part of their villa's thatched roof and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean

They are also making arrangements to bring the women back to the US, their Chris, who lives in Minnesota, told the newspaper.

He also noted that at this time, his family has limited information on what led to his sisters' deaths.

'At this point, the only details we know are the articles flying around online,' he told The Start-Tribune.

'My mom has been talking with people from the U.S. Embassy. I don't think they've provided her with any information.'

A Giveforward page has been started to help the family with expenses of returning the sisters to the US.

A note on the page written by Kim Haller, who organized the fundraising account, describes the women as 'loving sisters and best friends.'

The page had raised more than $14,600 as of Wednesday afternoon.

In a statement to KMSP, Haller called the sisters one of a kind.

The Maia Luxury Resort and Spa is a twelve-acre property on the secluded Anse Louis located on the island of Mahe

The Maia Luxury Resort and Spa is a twelve-acre property on the secluded Anse Louis located on the island of Mahe

'They were fun, compassionate and the life of every party… they loved to be adventurous and would travel to places we would only dream of,' Haller said.

'These girls were one of a kind.’

The sisters' bodies are in a mortuary as authorities await autopsy results to determine the cause of death.

Local police have been working with the American embassy in Mauritius during their investigation, according to The Seychelles Nation.

The Seychelles is located more than 900 miles off Africa’s east coast and is a tourist destination with its beaches, natural reserves, warm weather and coral reefs.

The Maia Luxury Resort and Spa is a twelve-acre property on the secluded Anse Louis located on the island of Mahe.

The five-star hotel's 30 suites, ten ocean-front villas and 20 panoramic villas, each offers guests private pools, a 24-hour personal butler and views of the Indian Ocean, according to its website.

Radio Host Taken Off Air Censored

What Are They Hiding? 
Radio Host Taken Off Air
Censored for Saying 1 Word

Published on Sep 28, 2016
Popular radio host Michael Savage was pulled off the air during his program yesterday in a shocking move. His show, with over 20 million listeners, went dead on WABC New York, but Savage, known for his hard-hitting style, continued on. However, he was then pulled from a slew of affiliates. It was clear censorship, and you’ll be shocked to learn the one word that Savage said that caused him to be sabotaged.

What was so controversial that WABC had to censor Savage? Well, Hillary Clinton’s health of course. That’s right!  All Savage was talking about from a medical standpoint was Hillary’s health and the rumor that she takes Levodopa, the Parkinson’s disease drug. After Savage mentioned Levodopa, that was all it took, just that one word to cause the liberal CEO to take him off air mid-show.

Learn More:

Heads Up! United Nations UPDATE in America

Heads Up! 
UN Fuel Tankers and Armored Vehicles In Maryland FEMA Coffins In Texas

Published on Sep 28, 2016

A big shout out to Travis B, The person that took the images!

As you can see in the photos, there is a bunch of UN equipment being staged at this Kellog's Factory In Williamsport, MD. There is not only armored vehicles, but there are containers and fuel tankers marked with UN as well. This goes along with other activity we have seen recently across the country.
If you have any info you want me to break and get out, let me know at

Trump Told EMP To Halt Election If He’s Selected

Dave Hodges Insider......
'Trump Told EMP To Halt Election If He’s Selected' Trouble??


Published on Sep 26, 2016
Here's the link that goes with the video:
Dave Hodges Youtube:
Dave Hodges Website:

Trump Told EMP Attack to be Used to Stop the Election

The title is bold, the conclusions are frightening. However, there is truth behind the statement and the information comes from four sources and the information is relatively recent.

Source #1

This source communicates with me on a semi-regular basis. I often know the condition of his plant and who is visiting and what the concerns are. I have had dialogue with this person since 2013.
Hello Dave how are you? I just wanted to let you know that Palo Verde Unit 2 tripped last night, which means it went from 100% power to 0% power. Not especially news worthy, except U-3 tripped last week. And U-1 tripped the week before. So all three units have tripped within two weeks. This is very bizarre because these units will normally run “breaker to breaker” with NO issues at all. They normally run 18 months straight with no problem.
There is actually another source at the same plant saying much of the same. Although this source did not indicate this, I think these problems he described are drills. The reasons behind this will be made clear.

Source #2

Source number two has been communicating with me for 3 years. I know when the DHS visits and when NERC runs a disaster drill at the plant he is stationed at. He does not trust the powers that be connected to the government.
Dear Dave,
I know it has been awhile, but I wanted to update you on what’s going on ____Nuclear Power Plant (facility name withheld by request). We had a DHS inspection, along with FEMA presence, along with NERC, almost 2 weeks ago. The premise of the inspection was to determine how long we could continue to cool the rods in case of a total lack of power. At our facility, the answer is exactly 10 days and then we go into a catastrophic melt down without outside assistance. I had some interaction with DHS and I can tell you that they are worried and the results scared the hell out of them. Dave, I believe we are going to have a grid down scenario and DHS knows it. I cannot offer substantial proof but if you would have been with us, you would think the same thing. People here are scared shitless. I had a discussion about bugging out with a colleague and my wife, and I mean leaving the entire area. However, if we wait too long, the traffic grid lock would keep us in the city. 
I remember when you wrote about Grid Ex II, do you think this is going to be a reality as you suggest it would? This would explain much of what I know. 

I know the names of both men and the facilities that they work at. They are not joking. I have had numerous conversations with them over the past three years when I first wrote about the threat of an EMP

Source #3

On Sunday night’s show, Gary Haevin, the producer of Amerigedon joined me in the second hour of the show.  Gary Haevin is not just a movie producer. He is personal friends with the Governor and texas and with Senator Rand Paul. I know Gary well enough to know he does not say things for effect. He is convinced about the accuracy of what he was told below.
About half way through the show, he dropped a bombshell on the audience. He stated that he knew someone very influential in the Trump campaign and they have been told that the globalists will unleash an EMP to stop the election from happening. The link to the interview can be accessed here. The discussion about EMP attacks begins at around the 10 minute mark.

Source #4

Many know that I have a number of intelligence sources from both the agencies and the military (e.g. ARSOF). These contact started with my father’s colleagues and were friends of the family and the tree of associations branched out and now I am well into the second generation. Some contacts have come to me in a serendipitous fashion. However, there is one contact whose track record is unquestionably accurate. He was my source for the events at Benghazi.
The source in question was a senior commanding officer in ARSOF and he told me over the Labor Day weekend that an EMP attack was on the table if it looked like Trump was going to win the election. I sat on this information because I did not have any confirming information, until now.
I spoke with this person after my Sunday night show and told him about the contacts I have had in the past 48 hours regarding this possibility. He said an EMP attack was still very much on the table and that we are looking at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DHS preparing to strengthen the defense of our nuclear power plants. He said they have stepped up the plants ability to maintain cooling capabilities in case of an EMP attack.


Critical Analyses Regarding Critical Melt Downs

According to Judy Haar, a recognized expert in nuclear plant failure analyses, when a nuclear power plant loses access to off-grid electricity, the event is referred to as a “station blackout”. Haar states that all 104 US nuclear power plants are built to withstand electrical outages without experiencing any core damage, through the activation of an automatic start up of emergency generators powered by diesel. Further, when emergency power kicks in, an automatic shutdown of the nuclear power plant commences. The dangerous control rods are dropped into the core, while water is pumped by the diesel power generators into the reactor to reduce the heat and thus, prevent a meltdown. Here is the catch in this process, the spent fuel rods are encased in both a primary and secondary containment structure which is designed to withstand a core meltdown. However, should the pumps stop because either the generators fail or diesel fuel is not available, the fuel rods are subsequently uncovered and a Fukushima type of core meltdown commences immediately.
At this point, I took Judy Haar’s comments to a source of mine at a nuclear power plant. My source informed me that as per NERC policy, nuclear power plants are required to have enough diesel fuel to run for a period of seven days. Some plants have thirty days of diesel. This is the good news, but it is all downhill from there.


The Unresolved Power Blackout Problem

A long-term loss of outside electrical power will most certainly interrupt the circulation of cooling water to the pools. Another one of my nuclear power plant sources informed me that there is no long term solution to a power blackout and that all bets are off if the blackout is due to an EMP attack. A more detailed analysis reveals that the spent fuel pools carry depleted fuel for the reactor. Normally, this spent fuel has had time to considerably decay and therefore, reducing radioactivity and heat. However, the newer discharged fuel still produces heat and needs cooling. Housed in high density storage racks, contained in buildings that vent directly into the atmosphere, radiation containment is not accounted for with regard to the spent fuel racks. In other words, there is no capture mechanism. In this scenario, accompanied by a lengthy electrical outage, and with the emergency power waning due to either generator failure or a lack of diesel needed to power the generators, the plant could lose the ability to provide cooling. The water will subsequently heat up, boil away and uncover the spent fuel rods which required being covered in at least 25 feet of water to remain benign from any deleterious effects. Ultimately, this would lead to fires as well and the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. This would be the beginning of another Fukushima event right here on American soil. Both of my sources and Haar shared exactly the same scenario about how a meltdown would occur.


Placing Odds On a Failure Is a Fools Errand

In the event of an EMP attack upon the power grid, the greatest danger to American lives would be the resulting melt down of nuclear power plants. Each plant, that would melt down, would represent a Fukushima event. An analysis of individual plant risks released in 2003 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows that for 39 of the 104 nuclear reactors, the risk of core damage from a blackout was greater than 1 in 100,000. At 45 other plants the risk is greater than 1 in 1 million, the threshold NRC is using to determine which severe accidents should be evaluated in its latest analysis. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, in Pennsylvania has the greatest risk of experiencing a core meltdown, 6.5 in 100,000, according to the analysis. These odds don’t sound like much until you consider that we have 124 nuclear power generating plants in the US and Canada and when we consider each individual facility, the odds of failure climb. How many meltdowns would it take in this country before our citizens would be condemned to the hellish nightmare, or worse, being experienced by the Japanese?


The Question That’s Not Being Asked

None of the NERC, or the Nuclear Regulatory tests of handling a prolonged blackout at a nuclear power plant have answered two critical questions, “What happens when these nuclear power plants run out of diesel fuel needed to run the generators”, and “What happens when some of these generators fail”? In the event of an EMP attack, can tanker trucks with diesel fuel get to all of the nuclear power plants in the US in time to re-fuel them before they stop running? Will tanker trucks even be running themselves in the aftermath of an EMP attack? And in the event of an EMP attack, it is not likely that any plant which runs low on fuel, or has a generator malfunctions, will ever get any help to mitigate the crisis prior to a plethora of meltdowns occurring. Thus, every nuclear power plant in the country has the potential to cause a Chernobyl or Fukushima type accident if our country is hit by an EMP attack.
The ramifications raised in the previous paragraphs are significant. What if the blackout lasts longer than 24 hours? What if the reason for the blackout is an EMP burst caused by a high altitude nuclear blast and transportation comes to a standstill? In this instance, the cavalry is not coming. Adding fuel to the fire lies in the fact that the power transformers presently take at least one year to replace. Today, there is a three year backlog on ordering because so many have been ordered by China. This makes one wonder what the Chinese are preparing for with these multiple orders for both transformers and generators. In short, our unpreparedness is a prescription for disaster. As a byproduct of my investigation, I have discovered that most, if not all, of the nuclear power plants are on known earthquake fault lines. All of California’s nuclear power plants are located on an earthquake fault line. Can anyone tell me why would anyone in their right mind build a nuclear power plant on a fault line? To see the depth of this threat you can visit an interactive, overlay map at this site.


If the globalists are not able to collapse America through debt and false flag terrorist events, I am convinced that, through their minions, they will unleash holy hell upon the country through a devastating false flag event such as an EMP attack.
Will this be used to stop the 2016 election? I am sorry I am not a psychopath and have trouble imagining something like this. However, I can say for certain that the Clinton’s have the mindset to unleash this. And we know the Clinton’s through brokering favorable trade deals with terrorist nations, have the contacts to pull this off through the Clinton Foundation.

Terrorist False Flag Events

A series of terror attacks would push the American economy over the edge.  I have previously written about various alphabet soup agency people and their families who have gone into hiding in specially prepared enclaves with their colleagues in anticipation to what is coming. Many, including one FEMA family that I knew personally, have repeatedly spoken about  the taking down of the power grid. For DHS head,Janet Napolitano knows what’s coming as she stated in her farewell address, “It is not a matter of if, but when the power grid will be taken down”.  Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) has been issuing the same exact warnings.


Certainly, an EMP attack poses more threats than a threat to our nuclear facilities. However, this is the most grave threat. America is in the most critical five weeks in its history. I do not believe the globalists even know what they are going to do at this point. However, as my FEMA friend said before he went into hiding, “they will do whatever is necessary to maintain control”.
I am so convinced as to the reality of this threat, I am spending the next two days publishing articles regarding the threat resulting from an EMP attack beyond the threat to our nuclear facilities. Enjoy tonight’s debate and make sure you keep a flashlight nearby.

Hillary Clinton = Cheater, Cheater, Cheater

DEBATE  SEPT 26TH                      DID  HILLARY  CHEAT?

Internet  Abuzz  After  First  Debate 
2  Ways  She  May  Have  Cheated

Hillary Clinton is not above cheating, lying or stealing (or murder) to get what she wants so it shouldn’t be any surprise that she is being accused of cheating during Monday’s 1st Presidential debate.  Here are the 2 ways that she may have cheated:

A picture from after the debate shows Clinton with some sort of device taped to her back below her clothing. Speculation is that this is a device that works with an ear piece that Hillary could have used to receive feedback from advisors during the debate.

Another way that Clinton was accused of cheating was in signals that she gave to the moderator Lester Holt. During the debate when Clinton wanted to signal Holt that she wanted the floor, she rubbed her face in a manner similar to a baseball manager.

According to True Pundit she has not done this in any other debates during her career supporting the accusation that these were signals.

We know that NBC crank Lester Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and Hillary only 7 and Holt lied about Trump’s positions so it is not unlikely that he cheated in other ways during the debate as well.  

After the debate a strange man quickly rushed the stage and picked up Hillary’s notes off of her podium.  This stranger then handed the notes to Holt as he was leaving the stage.  Holt stated at the beginning of the debate that neither candidate had received his questions before the debate but with a Clinton in the debate, this was highly unlikely.

Hillary Clinton = Cheater, Cheater, Cheater