Friday, September 30, 2016

Immigration by the Numbers

Immigration by the Numbers
Off the Charts


Immigration by the Numbers
Part 1


Immigration by the Numbers
Part 2

Illegal Aliens Coming to a Town Near You

Russia: U.S. controlling an "international terrorist alliance"

State AGs sue to stop Obama's internet transition

Four Republican state attorneys general are suing to stop the Obama administration from transferring oversight of the internet to an international body, arguing the transition would violate the U.S. Constitution.
The lawsuit — filed Wednesday in a Texas federal court — threatens to throw up a new roadblock to one of the White House’s top tech priorities, just days before the scheduled Oct. 1 transfer of the internet’s address system is set to take place.
In their lawsuit, the attorneys general for Arizona, Oklahoma, Nevada and Texas contend that the transition, lacking congressional approval, amounts to an illegal giveaway of U.S. government property. They also express fear that the proposed new steward of the system, a nonprofit known as ICANN, would be so unchecked that it could “effectively enable or prohibit speech on the Internet.”
The four states further contend that ICANN could revoke the U.S. government’s exclusive use of .gov and .mil, the domains used by states, federal agencies and the U.S. military for their websites. And the four attorneys general argue that ICANN’s “current practices often foster a lack of transparency that, in turn, allows illegal activity to occur.”

“Trusting authoritarian regimes to ensure the continued freedom of the internet is lunacy,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a statement. “The president does not have the authority to simply give away America’s pioneering role in ensuring that the internet remains a place where free expression can flourish.”

A spokeswoman for NTIA, the Commerce Department agency handling the transition, declined to comment on the case Thursday. Previously, federal officials have said any delay to their transition plans would embolden the U.S. government’s harshest critics.

Larry Strickling, the leader of NTIA, said earlier this month that the government had spent “two years developing a plan,” stressing that any last-minute attempt to abandon it would “hurt the credibility of America in the eyes of the rest of the world.” And his agency has repeatedly refuted some of the claims made in the lawsuit filed Wednesday. For example, it's pointed to a study by the Government Accountability Office, a federal watchdog, which concluded that the transition does not wrongly turn over U.S. government property.

Since the 1990s, the U.S. has sought to unwind its influence from the Web’s architecture, arguing that experts from the international community — and not governments, including Washington — should oversee its day-to-day operations.
But the transition of the domain-name system to ICANN gained new momentum in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s leaks about U.S. surveillance, with the Obama administration eager to avoid criticism from world leaders that Washington has too much power over the internet.

Tech companies have largely supported that plan, which the Commerce Department first announced in 2014. But conservatives on Capitol Hill, led by Sen. Ted Cruz, have argued that by loosening its grip on the internet, the administration will empower the likes of Russia and China and give them a bigger opening to control and censor the web.

Cruz initially sought to block the transfer as part of the Senate’s latest spending deal, hoping to revive a congressional ban on the Commerce Department’s ICANN work from the previous budget. He even enlisted the help of GOP nominee Donald Trump, who chided the Obama administration for risking the future of internet freedom.

But Senate lawmakers, fearing a shutdown, ultimately opted against blocking the internet governance transition as part of a budget deal brokered on Wednesday. The House, hours later, followed suit. House Republicans, however, have not yet decided whether they intend to launch a legal action of their own against the Obama administration over the internet issue.

In an interview Thursday with POLITICO, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich stressed he joined other states in the lawsuit because "essentially Congress went into its default mode, which is do nothing."

"I think, as a matter of philosophy, turning this over ultimately is maybe a great idea in the long run," the attorney general said, "but I do think there are a lot of stakeholders involved, and we want to make sure no one in the future can limit or suppress access to the internet or punish people for speaking their minds."

Mental illness soars in young women...


Young women at staggeringly high risk of anxiety and depression

Young women at staggeringly high risk of anxiety and depression
A quarter of young women have self-harmed (Picture: Getty Images)

here’s been a huge spike in the number of young women suffering from mental health problems, a major health report has found. According to the latest study from NHS Digital, more than a quarter (26%) of young women aged 16 to 24 are suffering worrying symptoms – more than three times the rate for men the same age (9%).
And around a quarter of young women have self-harmed – most commonly by cutting themselves – compared to just 10% of men the same age.
In 1993 young women were twice as likely as young men to exhibit common mental health disorder (CMD) symptoms. Now, they are three times more likely to experience them.
CMD symptoms include irritability, worrying, depression, anxiety, feelings of panic, compulsion and trouble sleeping.
The study, which looked at responses from 7,500 people, also found that young women are the most likely to drink at hazardous levels compared to women of other age groups, and they have high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Social media encourages the pursuit of perfection (Picture: Getty Images)
Social media encourages the pursuit of perfection (Picture: Getty Images)

ave now suggested that, while it’s known that women suffer because of violence and abuse, the young women in this study are the ‘first cohort to come of age in social media ubiquity’. Sally McManus, the study’s lead author, says that social media and the pursuit of ‘perfection’ could be fuelling the rise in anxiety and depression in young women.
‘This is the context they are coming into and it warrants further investigation,’ she added.
Dr Hayley van Zwanenberg, clinical director of the Priory’s well-being centres, said: ‘Younger people of today – the “touch screen” generation – see the internet as their friend but for many it is actually a huge distorting mirror, presenting a world of “perfect” people with perfect lives against whom they judge themselves very harshly.
‘This is particularly true for women, who worry much more about their weight and their appearance as a result of being deluged with social media. This worry fuels eating disorders, stress, and self-harming.’
And Stephen Buckley, head of information at Mind charity, said the rise in depression, anxiety and self-harm was down to a combination of factors.
‘Young people are coming of working age in times of economic uncertainty, they’re more likely to experience issues associated with debt, unemployment and poverty, and they are up against increasing social and environmental pressures, all of which affect well-being,’ he said.
‘[Social media is] instantaneous and anonymous nature means it’s easy for people to make hasty and sometimes ill-advised comments that can negatively affect other people’s mental health.
‘It’s important to avoid sites that are likely to trigger negative feelings and/or behaviour and to take a break from social media if you’re feeling vulnerable.’

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pressure is building for Germany to show it's ready to rescue Deutsche Bank

German officials could be about to find themselves in an uncomfortable position: Being called on to show they're ready to rescue a bank in a part of the world where such operations are considered taboo.

Deutsche Bank came under intensified market fire Thursday, the latest salvo being a Bloomberg report that a small number of hedge funds are trimming their sails at the German bank.
In a broad perspective, the move would represent a minor dent in Deutsche's derivatives clearing business. Barry Bausano, chairman of Deutsche's hedge fund business, told CNBC on Thursday that while there have been some outflows, there have also been inflows, which he said is "part of the typical ebbs and flows" of the prime brokerage business.
But at a time when investors are fearing what the future holds for the highly leveraged institution, such news is enough to cause ripples. Shares tumbled more than 7 percent in mid-afternoon trading. The plunge took the broader market down as well.
Consequently, market talk intensified that it's becoming time for the German government step in and assure investors that it will be at the ready to stabilize both Deutsche and the broader system — much along the lines of what U.S. officials had to do during the 2008 financial crisis.
"They're going to probably have to say that they would be willing to put funds into the bank," said banking analyst Christopher Whalen, senior managing director and head of research at Kroll Bond Rating Agency. "It's exactly like what (former Treasury Secretary Henry) Paulson did with Citi ... It's a very analogous situation. Hopefully, the German government will take a page from that particular book and look at how the U.S. responded."

Deutsche bank clock ticking
Kai Pfaffenbach | Reuter
In a statement, Deutsche Bank pointed out that it is financially stable: "Our trading clients are amongst the world's most sophisticated investors. We are confident that the vast majority of them have a full understanding of our stable financial position, the current macro-economic environment, the litigation process in the U.S. and the progress we are making with our strategy"
As Citigroup teetered in late-2008 and early-2009, Paulson's Treasury stepped in with two cash injections to keep the financial contagion from spreading after Lehman Brothers failed on Sept. 15, 2008. The highly unpopular bailouts kept Citi afloat as fear spread about further implosions in the financial system.
However, the European corporate culture is different, particularly when it comes to banking. Bailouts are considered anathema, and German officials in recent days have signaled an unwillingness to step in.
"The Germans have to stop talking about this publicly unless they say, 'Yep, we got 'em, there is no issue here,'" Whalen said. "The concern is that the statements they did make were not helpful."
The situation conjured dark images of the 2008 financial crisis — with the important caveat that the overall risks are nowhere near as great now as they were then.
"After being there I am literally sitting here with chills coming down my spine because we're in a very similar dynamic," Larry McDonald, head of global strategy at ACG Analytics, said on CNBC's "Power Lunch." "Deutsche Bank is not Lehman in terms of the overall global risk, but the political situation is almost identical."
"The politicians in Germany aren't in position right now to do anything ahead of the election," he added. "The beast in the market, the serpent in the market, knows this, and the market will push and push and push until they break the politicians in Germany to come up with public funds."
In the meantime, market angst builds.
Millennium Partners, Capula Investment Management and Rokos Capital Management are among the 10 hedge funds that have pulled cash and cut positions at Deutsche, according to the Bloomberg report, which noted that most of the 200 firms that conduct derivatives clearing with Deutsche have not altered their positions. Rokos declined comment to CNBC and the other firms did not respond to requests.
Bloomberg cited a company statement in which the bank expressed confidence that most of its clients understand the path Deutsche is taking toward resolving its issues. The bank is in the midst of negotiating a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department over mortgage-backed securities. Reports indicate a figure of $14 billion is on the table, which would hit Deutsche hard.
The bank has about about $16 billion in equity and some $160 billion in debt.
"The thing that people forget is the EU has very, very strict rules on the book. The whole thing is no state assistance," Kroll's Whalen said. "The Germans have let this situation with banks fester for years, and unfortunately the guys at Deutsche have waited to settle their outstanding issues. They've always been this way."
—CNBC's Wilfred Frost and Patrick Allen contributed to this report.

1 Dead, More Than 100 Hurt in Hoboken Train Crash

Reply to Aptly Named "Son of Wind"

by Anna Von Reitz

What do we know about "Judge Anna's Courtroom" is that it is a courtroom serving an American Common Law Court and on occasion as an Article X Federal Court.  It is very simple and has no trappings, no bench perched on high for the judge to be separated and held aloft over the people, no gallery, no bar, no pomp and circumstance or false symbolic religiosity whatsoever. 
My courtroom has four tables, eight chairs, a speaker system and room for guests, but quite often we hold court wherever we happen to have an appointment to hold court.  We have held court in the lobby of office buildings. We have held court on docks.  We have held court in airport concourses.  Such is the nature of the American Common Law and American Common Law Courts. 
This is because our court system is a system that serves the needs of the people, not the needs of the court. 
What you will find in Judge Anna's Court wherever it may be held is a plain and simple copy of the King James Bible and an American Civil Flag.
And why is that?  Because in the American System of things, the court doesn't support any god-like superiority of any judge, but instead venerates the source of the Law of the Land ----- the Bible and especially the Ten Commandments that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have at least tried to obey and held as standards of behavior for roughly 4,000 years.
This is also why (for those old enough to remember this) the Judges in American Courts always came into the courtroom carrying a copy of the King James Bible.  This is why the Clerk always said, "All rise!" when the Judge appeared in shows like "Perry Mason"-----not because the Judge came into the room, but because the Bible entered the room with the Judge, carried in his hand.  
It would be ignorant to think that the Law of the Land or any other form of Law is separate from the religious beliefs, conscience, and ethics that give it birth, meaning and reality, and it would also be ignorant to suppose that the American Common Law can be practiced without a thorough understanding of the Bible and its precepts.  That would be like drinking milk without the necessity of a cow. 
Yes, I do keep harping on the necessity of returning to the land jurisdiction, because it is only as a man --- not as a corporation--- that we have life and can claim the traditions, treaties, property, rights and all else that we are heir to. 
The Law of the Sea was never designed to serve the needs of people, but rather designed to make people serve the needs of kings.  As a result, it reduces men to things----corporations, offices, job descriptions, and calls them "human resources".   The King and his Proxies--- the judges known as "chancellors" are placed high above mere commoners, because of their office and their loyalty to the King, not because of their moral character or their religious tenets.
And all the "gibberish" I am afraid, comes only from the Son of Wind.  The jurisdiction of the land does exist outside the courthouse and inside the courthouse, too, to the extent that that courthouse is not rented or owned by the foreign Admiralty court inhabiting it.  When they rent a place it becomes "theirs" in the sense that any habitation is possessed for the use of a renter, and when they own the deed it is no different from any other private leasehold.
The Bar Association operates under a Treaty like any other agency of a foreign government.  The most recent Treaty is The Bar Association Treaty of 1947, which they regularly dishonor.  They are allowed to operate their foreign courts on our soil as a result.  So it isn't that our land jurisdiction magically disappears, it's that it is waived under treaty--- to allow them to establish their foreign courts on our land, in the exact same way as a foreign embassy is established.
What Son of Wind (a very apt name) calls the "STATUS QUO" court and accuses of tricking people into contract is in fact a private service employed by corporations to settle disputes.  When such a COURT sends out a "summons" it is making an "offer" which you can refuse by returning a "counter offer".  You never have to step foot in their courtroom or enter their jurisdiction at all. 
Yet, here is "Son of Wind" jumping up and down and screaming "Rape!" -----?  This pre-supposes that in spite of all the information I and others have offered him, Son of Wind is not capable of saying, "I am not the DEFENDANT being addressed and I do not voluntarily represent this ACCOUNT, but if the COURT wishes my assistance to settle the referenced matter, I charge $5000 per hour or part of an hour for this service, payable when rendered, and require that the Clerk prepare and send me all the proper vouchers and Standard Forms including the reports required by the IRS before I visit the court.  Please advise if my help is needed ."
And then Son of Wind is wondering who is in charge of his town, where he lives-----?    He wants me to tell him?
Who, indeed, is in charge of his town, if he and the other people who live there are not running their own affairs?  And whose fault is that?  As I have said before, self-governance requires your participation.  You can't hire someone to be you.  It's like going to the bathroom.  Or turning 70.  There are some duties you literally cannot hand over to proxies.
When the organizations functioning as "county" and "state" governments decided to incorporate themselves they left the jurisdiction of the land behind and vacated all their public offices.  This is because the moment you incorporate anything, it begins functioning in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  The abdication of these organizations didn't destroy the jurisdiction of the land or invalidate the public offices---- it simply vacated those offices.  So what needs to happen?  Obviously, new organizations need to be formed to fill the vacated public offices and to enforce the public law again, and those organizations can't operate as incorporated franchises of any other level of government.  They have to stand on their own gritty little unincorporated Body Politic feet. 
This is no "mumbo-jumbo".  This is fact.  This is how jurisdiction works.  This is the way it has always worked.
I would be the exact last person in the world to defend the criminality and corruption and godlessness and moral turpitude of the court systems operating in this country today, but I am also not here to defend ignorance, paranoia, laziness, or lack of initiative.
Son of Wind is another disillusioned armchair quarterback ranting about the "status quo" without the faintest idea of how we got into this mess and therefore, doesn't have the foggiest idea how to get out, but he wants to sit around and gripe and complain and express his suspicions about anyone and everything----- including me.  And somehow, the rest of the people stand around and listen to him and then expect me to "answer" him when in reality, there is nothing of substance to answer. 
He thinks that the court system we have is criminal.  So do I.  The difference is that I know exactly why and in what sense and in what ways it is malfunctioning.  I don't have to stand in the rain and wave my arms.  And since I know what is wrong, and know how it came to be wrong, I am in a position to take action to fix it and teach others how to fix it, while all "Son of Wind" can do is blow more hot air in every direction. 
The first step toward correcting any problem is to clearly define what the problem is.  Until you know what the problem is and what caused it, all you can do is what Son of Wind does----- rant about his stubbed toe, while continuing to stumble around in a dark room full of heavy furniture.  There may be many people in his exact same position and they may feel emotional sympathy with him as a result, but at a certain point they have to realize that what I say is true.

I may be the messenger and some people may want to shoot me rather than waking up and addressing the very real problems bearing down on our nation, but that doesn't change a thing,  I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I am not here to babysit, or answer Son of Wind's frequent rants.  I have brought forward the history and the information.  It's up to the rest of you to dig in and see what you see for yourselves.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website



The U.S. is at significant risk for terror attacks, according to the experts.

Nicholas Rasmussen, the nation’s top director of the National Counterterrorism Center, testified to the Senate Homeland Security Committee Tuesday that the world’s near limitless army of terrorists is “broader, wider and deeper than any point since 9/11.” While Rasmussen notes that ISIS affiliates are losing territory in Syria and Iraq, the terrorist group’s influence is growing internationally – particularly in the United States.

Rasmussen’s revelations contradict with the Obama administration claiming the war on terrorism is on a positive trajectory. Like Rasmussen mentioned, Obama and the White House are touting about how ISIS is losing grounds in key states of the Middle East, yet fail to mention how to cease homegrown terrorism.

“Even ISIL’s leaders know they’re going to keep losing,” President Obama said in August. “In their message to followers, they’re increasingly acknowledging that they may lose Mosul and Raqqa, and ISIL is right … they will lose them. And we’ll keep hitting them and pushing them back and driving them out until they do.”

Following the testimony, the Department of Homeland Security issued a confidential warning: U.S.-based terrorists are people who become quickly radicalized, and focus on simple yet fatal attacks before authorities can track them down.

According to the Washington Times, the DHS’ warning also lists the likely locations these home grown terrorists will commit these small-scale attacks in the future: festivals, concerts, sporting events, schools and other outdoor events.  And in terms of weaponry, the terrorists will likely use edged weapons, small arms, vehicle assaults and IEDs (improvised explosive devices).

Rasmussen’s full statement below:
“While we’ve seen a decrease in the frequency of large-scale, complex plotting efforts that sometimes span months or years. We’re instead seeing much more rapidly evolving threats, or plot vectors, that emerge quickly or suddenly. And this so-called flash-to-bang ratio, the time between when an individual decides to attack and when an attack actually occurs, the flash-to-bang ratio of this kind of plotting is extremely compressed and allows very little time for law enforcement and intelligence officials to get their arms around a plot.”

Regarding Calls for My “Arrest” and My Turn to Ask Questions

12405-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz
I am not even Catholic.  And even if I were, I obviously wouldn’t know a thing about any “Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children” or any other such hyped-up morbid nonsense.  Despite years of these ugly rumors circulating first about Jews and then about Catholics and then about Muslims, too, there isn’t a shred of any credible evidence of any such things taking place.   It’s all always just rumors and gossipy fear-mongering by people with nothing better to do than let their imaginations run wild.
If there ARE any Satanic Rituals going on, you may all rest assured that they are being carried out by Satanists and NOT by any people who are actually Jews, Catholics, or Muslims, either.
Every time I see anything from Cindy Kay, I turn the knob.  Early on, I tried to teach her about law and it was like talking to a beagle.  If she’s your guiding light your darkness will remain very great indeed.
I myself left my Facebook page open for a solid day and asked any victims who had first-hand knowledge of any such activities to come forward.  You know what I got?   Nothing.  Not a single claim from anyone who had ever witnessed anything or been abused.  Zip.  Nada.  So far as I have ever been able to determine, all this talk of “Satanic Ritual Abuse” is sensationalist garbage being churned out by mindless, irresponsible muckrakers who have no evidence, no first-hand knowledge, and no business spreading all this crap.
Everyone on this planet has to raise their minds and heart up to a point of being able to turn their “Shinola Sensor” on, and know the difference between truth and fan fiction.
Why don’t you arrest the people who are causing you the problems?  David Rockefeller, for example, whose family has been undermining America since the 1890’s?   Or Hank Paulsen?  Former head of the mis-named “Treasury Department” who allowed such egregious trading and “relaxation” of enforcement policy that the SEC has been run like a gambling casino for two decades?   Or Bill Clinton, who sold off half your country to private investors under false pretenses?
Why don’t you all wake to #$@$@# up?
Why don’t you focus on the real problems?
People, except with rare exceptions, as noted— are not the problem.  The real problems are more enduring than the lives of single people.  These problems have names that are well-known and yet nobody “arrests” them—– poverty, war, ignorance, sickness, hunger.
Americans would rather chase their own tails and worry about their neighbor’s new hair color and nurture morbid bad dreams about “Satanic Rituals” than deal with reality and the results of their own bad choices and apathy?  Is that the truth about the vaunted American People?  If so, why am I defending your property rights and enforcing the international treaties you are owed?  Are you worth the time and sacrifice?  Or should I just sit on my porch and let the world burn?
All day long every day, I get asked questions, questions, questions.  And I faithfully plug away and either try to answer directly or find the information for people myself or refer them to those who can help them.  Today, I am going to turn the tables and ask you the burning question I have on my mind—–and I want everyone to give it some thought:
How do we make war unprofitable?   Or, to phrase it a different way— how do we make peace far more profitable than war?
Here is what appears to be from my long examination of history—that we have war because war is profitable and for no other real reason.  As long as war is profitable, it will be in our midst—- so if we want to get rid of it, we have to make it unprofitable.
We have to do this at the same time that we find profitable ways to re-tool the industries that have been committed to war-making—- so that people don’t lose their homes and jobs and economies.
So there you have one of the Big and Worthwhile Questions to stew about—– feel free to send your ideas to me as emails flagged “War and Peace” or via snail mail at:  Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
As for any confusion about my given name, it’s “Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck”.  The bureaucrats shorten it to “Anna Maria Riezinger” because they don’t have space for such a moniker on their forms.  I confused things further by adopting the pen name “Anna von Reitz” back in the 1980’s— which as anyone can see, is a variation and shortening of names I inherited anyway. So, I will grant you all that my name is a mouthful and inconvenient, too, but it is what it is, and like all the rest of you I had no choice in the matter. For whatever reason, God looked down and decided that “Jane Smith” wouldn’t do.
As for arresting me, anyone who wants to try can find me with no big problem, but I caution you all that false arrest is a crime and I will prosecute anyone who does it. Better have more in your hand than specious “questions” about things I know nothing about.  Last time I looked, neither Catholics nor Lutherans condone baby killing for any reason, including any rituals related to false and evil gods.

Deutsche Bank COLLAPSE Tomorrow – Friday 9-30-2016

Deutsche Bank COLLAPSE 
Friday 9-30-2016
Will wipe out banking system worldwide

German Bank insiders are confirming to SuperStation95 that Germany’s largest, Bank, Deutsche Bank” will “collapse” tomorrow, Friday, September 30, 2016.  The German government has no plans to bail out the bank and its demise could wipe out Banks in the US and other countries worldwide!

According to the insider:

System downfall tomorrow. A collapse of this bank is unavoidable now, and it wipes out everything immediately.  
Wolfgang Gerke, President of the Bavarian Finance Centre, the German bank sees in a serious imbalance.

“This is absolutely not about Peanuts. We experience real shockwaves. The Bank is in real trouble, “Gerke said the Thursday edition of the” Passauer Neue Presse “.
This is as good as a death sentence. It is insider info (presumably from the DB itself), after the financial collapse is to take place on 30 September.
MORE:  A “run” is taking place against Deutsche Bank in Germany as citizens rush to take out money . . .  but they are being systematically delayed.  At least one Depositor ordered 2,000 Euros transferred out yesterday via wire transfer.  At close of business, Deutsche Bank had still NOT sent the money.  When challenged, the bank claimed they needed to verify all the information.  The Depositor now says he feels they no longer have liquidity and cannot pay depositors.


Germans are being quietly told that ALL BANKS in Germany will close on October 1.  ALL ATMS, Credit and Debit Cards are likely to be “unavailable” for unknown duration!!!

European Central Bank Chairman  Draghi refused to talk about Deutsche Bank today, saying It is not his fault the bank appears to be in trouble.

German Insider:
There is panic in DB now. A lot of People withdraw money, close accounts. One guy says he transferred 25’000 Euro and the bank called him back if the amount and transaction is correct and true! Still has not sent the money!

This is a developing story.  Please check back.

Stock markets worldwide have now tuned-in to this situation and they are falling fast . . . .

modified on Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:07

the Presidential Debate

Reality Check: 
What You Didn't See in the Presidential Debate...Choices

Published on Sep 28, 2016

Reality Check: What You Didn't See in the Presidential Debate...Choices. Taken Away By A Private Organization Called the Commission on Presidential Debates

Reality Check
Presidential Debate Moderators
Have Major Conflicts of Interest

Published on Sep 6, 2016

Target's dangerous policy - transgender bathrooms



American Family Association

                      10 examples of men abusing Target's dangerous policy
Thursday, September 29, 2016                                                        9:19 AM (7 minutes ago)

The overwhelming evidence continues to pile up against Target's policy to allow men into women's restrooms and dressing rooms it its stores.

Target says, "[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. ...Everyone deserves to feel like they belong."

This means a man can simply say he "feels like a woman today" and enter the women's restroom...even if young girls or women are already in there. Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And the proof keeps mounting.

Clearly, Target's dangerous policy poses a threat to wives and daughters. Over 1.4 million people have pledged to boycott Target stores until protecting women and children is a priority.

Here are 10 examples that show Target should immediately rescind their dangerous policy and keep men out of women's bathrooms and dressing rooms.
  1. Man wanted for taking photos inside Target changing room
  2. Transgender woman caught filming in Target changing room
  3. Man seen reaching under stall with phone in Target dressing room
  4. 'Peeping Tom' reported in Target dressing room
  5. Teen girl reports dressing room peeper at Target
  6. Police Looking for Target Peeper
  7. Target peeping Tom pleads guilty
  8. Man Arrested for Taking Photos of Woman in Target Bathroom
  9. Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms
  10. 'Peeping Tom' took pics of people in Target bathroom
1. Help Target understand the problem. Copy and paste this link ( of 10 examples to Target's Facebook page.
2. Sign the #BoycottTarget pledge. Encourage family and friends to sign the pledge, too.
3. Share the boycott information on social media and be sure to use #BoycottTarget

If our mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association


Wells Fargo or the Federal Reserve: Who’s the Bigger Fraud?

The Wells Fargo bank account scandal took center stage in the news last week and in all likelihood will continue to make headlines for many weeks to come. What Wells Fargo employees did in opening bank accounts without customers' authorization was obviously wrong, but in true Washington fashion the scandal is being used to deflect attention away from larger, more enduring, and more important scandals.
What Wells Fargo employees who opened these accounts engaged in was nothing more than fraud and theft, and they should be punished accordingly. But how much larger is the fraud perpetrated by the Federal Reserve System and why does the Fed continue to go unpunished? For over 100 years the Federal Reserve System has been devaluing the dollar, siphoning money from the wallets of savers into the pockets of debtors. Where is the outrage? Where are the hearings? Why isn’t Congress up in arms about the Fed’s malfeasance? It reminds me of the story of the pirate confronting Alexander the Great. When accused by Alexander of piracy, he replies “Because I do it with a small boat, I am called a pirate and a thief. You, with a great navy, molest the world and are called an emperor.”
Over two thousand years later, not much has changed. Wells Fargo will face more scrutiny and perhaps more punishment. There will undoubtedly be more calls for stricter regulation, notwithstanding the fact that regulators failed to detect this fraud, just as they have failed to detect every fraud and financial crisis in history. And who will suffer? Why, the average account-holder of course.
Any penalties assessed against Wells Fargo will be made up by increasing fees on account-holders. Clawbacks of bonuses, if they occur, will likely face resistance from the beneficiaries of those bonuses, leading to protracted and costly lawsuits. Even if the Wells Fargo CEO and top executives of Wells Fargo step down, the culture at Wells Fargo is unlikely to change anytime soon. As one of the largest banks in the world, Wells Fargo knows that it is not only too big to fail, but also too big to prosecute. At the end of the day, no matter how much public posturing there is, Wells Fargo and the regulators will remain best buddies. And those regulators who failed to catch this fraud will be rewarded with more power and larger budgets, courtesy of the US taxpayer.
Through all of this, the Federal Reserve will continue its policy of low interest rates and easy money. Retirees who hoped to be able to live off the interest on their investments will find themselves squeezed by continued low interest rates. Those living on fixed incomes will see their monthly checks buying less and less as the prices of food staples continue to rise. The fat cats on Wall Street will continue to have access to cheap and easy money while those on Main Street will face a constantly declining quality of life.
It is well past time for the Federal Reserve to face the same music as Wells Fargo and the bad actors on Wall Street. It is, after all, the Federal Reserve's creation of money out of thin air that enables all of this fraudulent behavior in the first place, so why should the Fed remain untouchable? Let's hope that someday Congress wakes up, hauls the Federal Reserve in for questioning, and puts as much pressure on the Fed as it does on private sector fraudsters.
Article reposted with permission from The Ron Paul Institute


4 FT. X 5 FT. acrylic on Masonite
Created and painted by Therese Daniels

When I heard Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith—one of the four Benghazi victims speak to the world at the Republican convention last summer, I deeply felt her profound sorrow over the loss of her son. I also felt her frustration over being lied to by Hillary Clinton that the cause of her son’s death was a video about Islam. I wanted to give poetic and artistic dignity to the families’ grief.  I knew I had to paint the painting to memorialize for all the Benghazi victim’s families and the world the story of Benghazi.  It is very important to me to share the pain, senselessness and reasons why this happened—political incompetency.  The world must understand and never forget.  In some small way I hoped to validate and honor the families who will agonize for eternity over their loss.  Maybe it will bring some closure to the rest of the world who has been so deeply devastated by Benghazi.

Pat Smith is the lady on the left with a hole in her chest and tears streaming down her face.  When she spoke at the convention I heard those tears in her voice.  The loss of her son tore out a piece of her that will never be replaced.  Yet, she shared her sorrow with such dignity.
The four men at the top of the painting are the four Benghazi victims from left to right: Tyrone Woods,  Ambassador Chris Stevens,  Sean Smith, Glen Doherty.  They are portrayed as who they were in life—strong, patriotic, loving,  outstanding men. My portraits of them is my way of honoring them. I would have loved to know each and every one of those men.

Hillary is portrayed with her arms spread wide and a smirk on her face as if she were saying “What difference does it make?”  There is blood on her hands dripping onto one of the coffins of the four victims is the eternal accusation of Hillary’s guilt.  Obama is behind her with a sly, sneaky look on his face. The middle of the painting shows the American Embassy building in Libya in flames with a man holding up a gun.  The flames run horizontally across the painting symbolizing the passion, the conflicts and political problems between the west and the Middle East.

The bottom of the picture are the four coffins that held of bodies of the victims in their journey home. Each coffin has a cross on it and a flag draped over it.   
The American flag—in smoke and flames completes the background of the painting.  There are many symbolisms in that.  America went up in flames in Libya.  It has diminished in respect though out the world.  America needs to wake up and stop believing the lies.
Therese Daniels

The ship was the USS Constitution

The ship was the USS Constitution


September 27, 2016

I recently dreamed I was standing in water. Others were standing with me. I could see a ship sinking underneath us. The ship was the USS Constitution. I researched it. This ship was commissioned by George Washington as one of our first warships and is still afloat. 

I asked the Holy Spirit what to do with dream. He said, "Ask others to go to war with you in prayer to keep the US constitution afloat." 

Will you join me?

Ephesians 6:18 (NASB) "With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit and, with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints."

Bev Robinson