Monday, October 3, 2016

Marshal's Round Table #9

Good Day,

Please join us for our ninth (9th) Continental Marshals Round-Table Discussion to be held every Tuesday night, at the following times:

8pm - Eastern
7pm - Central
6pm - Mountain
5pm - Pacific
4pm - Alaska
2pm - Hawaii

This meeting will now be hosted by Marshal Tresa Haywood until further notice, and last approximately 2 hours. Discussion focused mainly on the role and responsibilities of our Continental, De Jure Marshals.

Topics of discussion may include:
*Marshal Screening Process
*Oath-Taking and Filing Procedures
*Judicial, Juror and Courthouse Security
*Fugitive Operations
*Prisoner Operations/ Security and Transportation
*Witness Security/Protection
*Service of Court Process
*Tactical Operations
*Property/Asset Seizures
*Proper Identification
* and other related topics and concerns

There will be a voting process to establish unity within the Marshals as a whole. 

To join this Round-Table discussion, please use the folliwing call-in number and access code:

Phone Number: 712-775-7035
Access Code: 141013#

Thank you, and may all your days be blessed!


Marshal Tresa Haywood

Benjamin Fulford Update - October 3, 2016

Document dump shows Federal Reserve Board based on outright fraud

Documents leaked by US government personnel reveal in detail how the owners of Federal Reserve Board created the 2008 Lehman crisis as a way to steal vast sums from the people of the planet.

The documents show how an Indonesian by the name of Yohannes Riyadi used 700 tons of gold that originally belonged for former Indonesian President Soekarno to back a US$500 billion bond issue. This money was used to bribe senior Indonesian government officials, according to CIA officials based in Asia.

Johannes RiyadiThe 700 tons gold was then magically transformed by Khazarian mafia employed forgerer and fraudster Wilfredo Saurin into 750,000 tons of gold backed certificates, the sources say. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank then took the “750,000 metric tons” and sent the rights to the gold to the Royal Bank of Scotland, with payments going to HSBC holdings before the “gold” ended up at the Federal Reserve Board who then transformed the gold into dollars in a sort of reverse alchemy.

Wilfredo-Sarabia-Saurin-DOB-02NOV54-Philippines-passport-wil1The 23 trillion dollars thus magically created were used by the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to buy on the cheap assets around the world whose value had crashed because of the engineered Lehman shock crash, the sources say. “This has amounted to the largest criminal theft of global assets in history using digital money created on computers, backed by nonexistent Gold,” was how one CIA officer described the scam.

This huge fraud vastly increased the concentration of the Khazarian mafia’s ownership of the world’s corporations and assets.

Various documents related to this fraud, including copies of the SWIFT transaction documents, can be seen below in the subscription portion of this blog and will be made available free of charge to the general public on Thursday, October 6th.

As this document release illustrates, action against the Khazarian mafia and their Federal Reserve Board based fraudulent financial system is escalating. That is probably why document shredding trucks were seen parked in front of the Fed’s New York headquarters last week.

Just Spotted In Front Of The New York Fed | Zero Hedge

Three months later, the shredders are back…

There can be no doubt about it, the New York Federal Reserve bank is a crime scene and evidence is being destroyed.

The Pentagon meanwhile, has released more details about the new financial system that is will replace the fraudulent and defunct Federal Reserve Board, possibly as early as this month. The voting rights in the new system will be allocated as follows: with China getting 20.09%, The Republic of the United States of America 17.89%, the EU 11.61%, Russia 7.53%, India 4.1% and Japan 3.79%.

These are the same proportions as the carbon rights issued by the COP21 agreement which was more about a new financial system than it was about carbon. A full list of countries’ voting shares can be seen here:

Paris Agreement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Paris Agreement (French: L’accord de Paris) is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse …

The agreement will become law when 55 countries accounting for at least 55% of global carbon emissions ratify. That threshold will be passed when the EU ratifies which their government promises to do by the end of this month.

“The new October fiscal year coincides with the Jewish New Year, China’s national day, and the collapse of Deutschebank as the yuan becomes a gold-backed, convertible international reserve currency in the new financial system,” Pentagon sources say. This is what is really behind the official inclusion, starting on October 1st, of the Chinese yuan into the IMF’s SDR currency basket, other sources confirm.

Once the new system is up and running the US military and agencies will have a much freer hand to take action against the Khazarian mafia because they will no longer have to worry about getting money to pay for their salaries, gasoline etc. At the same time, the Khazarians will no longer be able to afford to pay the salaries of their ISIS, Boko Haram and other mercenary armies.

In any case, it is now obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that the US military is not obeying the orders of the Khazarian mafia slaves in the State Department or the White House. Skull and Bones Khazarian mafia don US Secretary of State John Kerry was forced to admit in public last week that the military was unwilling to back his threats to take action against Russia in Syria.

Continue Reading at ......

Soros : European 'forced migration'

Business magnate George Soros © Luke MacGregor, Johan NilssonSoros to make a killing with European 'forced migration'

The 'philanthropist' (HOW does an EVIL man responsible for the enslavement and deaths of millions, one who MEDDLES in the affairs of nations and people, acquire a reference to being a 'philanthropist'?) George Soros recently published a letter in the Wall Street Journal entitled, 'Why I’m Investing 500 million USD in Migrants'. In this article I will be looking at that letter and separating what it means from what it appears to say. 
Soros' letter begins: “The world has been unsettled by a surge in forced migration. Tens of millions of people are on the move, fleeing their home countries in search of a better life abroad. Some are escaping civil war or an oppressive regime; others are forced out by extreme poverty, lured by the possibility of economic advancement for themselves and their families.”

This is quite true. And Soros should know since his think tank is fully on board with that “forced migration”. He has either initiated it or facilitated it and, according to Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary (which is presently holding a referendum on whether to accept migrant quotas as demanded by the EU), as quoted by Bloomberg: 

His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle […] These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Soros-backed activists are at the center of that network.

Soros continues:  

"Our collective failure to develop and implement effective policies to handle the increased flow has contributed greatly to human misery and political instability—both in countries people are fleeing and in the countries that host them, willingly or not. Migrants are often forced into lives of idle despair, while host countries fail to reap the proven benefit that greater integration could bring.”

I have touched on Soros’ psychological peculiarities elsewhere; his narcissistic traits notwithstanding, I shall assume he is not using the royal “we”. That granted, about whom is he speaking when he talks of “Our collective failure to develop and implement effective policies”? If about governments, we should remember that he is elected to no nation’s government, nor has he ever been.

That does not prevent him, however, from meddling in their internal affairs and supporting insurrections such as so-called Color Revolutions, including in Georgia and Ukraine, and whipping up chaos via BLM in the US.
He also famously attacked the British pound, making himself a billion dollars.

He wishes the reader to assume inclusion by his use of “our”. But we are not included; we are simply being told what is to happen.

He then writes of “the proven benefit that greater integration could bring”. This is almost a rhetorical conundrum; he and his lawyers expect – not without reason – that most people will provide their own color to what the words on the page say. He claims proof but provides none – and that is a major omission given that we are expected to entrust our entire cultural and economic future to his assertions.

Many countries, including Japan, China, UAE, Israel and Singapore, are extremely careful to whom they grant citizenship. If the benefits Soros claims were proven, surely they would be on board, too.

To continue: “Governments must play the leading role in addressing this crisis by creating and sustaining adequate physical and social infrastructure for migrants and refugees. But harnessing the power of the private sector is also critical.
Recognizing this, the Obama administration recently launched a “Call to Action” asking U.S. companies to play a bigger role in meeting the challenges posed by forced migration. Today, private-sector leaders are assembling at the United Nations to make concrete commitments to help solve the problem.”

Soros, naturally, does not blush at telling us what our governments “must” do.

The term "forced migration" is clever mind hook. You may be sure that it was worked on for hours and many alternatives discarded. Its power lies in the fact that it implies both helplessness in the face of an unstoppable external force and inevitability of result – while at the same time disregarding causes.

If anyone still cares, the causes include: attacks by the US and Nato on countries which have done them no harm; Angela Merkel’s open invitation to the third world to move to Europe; material and informational support from Soros-funded organizations.

Soros continues: “In response, I have decided to earmark $500 million for investments that specifically address the needs of migrants, refugees and host communities. I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees themselves. Although my main concern is to help migrants and refugees arriving in Europe, I will be looking for good investment ideas that will benefit migrants all over the world.”

I will translate: “Now that the inflow of immigrants has been set up, I am going to invest $500 million to make the process unstoppable, endless and self-funding, and make a lot of money for myself at the same time. And since this is dressed in the language of compassion, there is nothing you can say against it.”

Back to Soros’ letter: “This commitment of investment equity will complement the philanthropic contributions my foundations have made to address forced migration, a problem we have been working on globally for decades and to which we have dedicated significant financial resources.”

Just remove the words 'philanthropic' (which does not mean at the elite level what you think it means) and realize that 'address' means 'facilitate' to Soros, and you will understand this sentence correctly; this is a carefully crafted statement of policy.

He continues: “We will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technology, which seems especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face. Advances in this sector can help people gain access more efficiently to government, legal, financial and health services. Private businesses are already investing billions of dollars to develop such services for non-migrant communities.
This is why money now moves instantaneously from one mobile wallet to another, drivers find customers by using only a cellphone, and how a doctor in North America can see a patient in Africa in real time. Customizing and extending these innovations to serve migrants will help improve the quality of life for millions around the world.
All of the investments we make will be owned by my nonprofit organization. They are intended to be successful—because I want to show how private capital can play a constructive role helping migrants—and any profits will go to fund programs at the Open Society Foundations, including programs that benefit migrants and refugees.”

Thus, anyone who wishes to will be able to plug into the system you and your families have been paying into all your lives and access its main arteries with nothing more than a mobile phone. Soros, meanwhile, makes a load more money which he can then plough into the very organizations which will make sure the inflow of migrants never stops.

Soros goes on to claim: “As longtime champions of civil society, we will be focused on ensuring that our investments lead to products and services that truly benefit migrants and host communities.”

Leaving what Soros may mean by 'civil society', I turn to his use of 'benefit'; benefit according to whom? 

According to George Soros – a man who destabilizes sovereign states as part of his modus operandi.

Soros concludes: “We will also work closely with organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Rescue Committee to establish principles to guide our investments. Our goal is to harness, for public good, the innovations that only the private sector can provide.
I hope my commitment will inspire other investors to pursue the same mission.”

What this means in English is: The fix is in, and now all you smaller fish further down the food chain can make a nice buck off the gravy train of selling your countries out because if this weren’t a sure thing, I wouldn’t be in it.

This is cultural- and ethnic-cleansing in a business suit; it is the de facto usurpation of the nation state as a social construct for the peoples of Europe as part of a multi-purpose war – one designed to destroy oil-rich states and any state with no central bank, while simultaneously collapsing sovereign states.

However, my point here is not the mass immigration – although with the inevitable, eventual annihilation of the middle class in Soros’ “host countries” there will be nowhere for genuine refugees to go; it is that we have taxation without even the fig leaf of representation so long as men like Soros can openly create and dictate policy.

URGENT WARNING to the American people : WAR III is coming!

Russia Issues Full-Scale War Alert As West Faces Financial Armageddon

A new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the first squadrons of Sukhoi Su-24, Sukhoi Su-34 and Sukhoi Su-25 ground support fighter aircraft ordered to Syria by President Putin to take part in the freeing of Aleppo from Obama regime backed Islamic terrorists have begun to arrive in the Levant War Zone at the same time that the Ministery of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is warning that “full-scale war may be imminent” and as the West “is nearing financial Armageddon”.  

President Putin’s ordering these fighter aircraft to support the freeing of Aleppo from the grip of “Obama’s terrorists” is in “direct retaliation” to these “modern day barbarians” ceaseless attacks upon the innocent civilians of this city, and that the US shockingly this week stated they were preparing for nuclear war with Russia in order to let this “senseless slaughter of innocents” continue. 

To how grave the situation in Aleppo has become, Syrian supreme commander Major-General Zaid Saleh outlined this week by stating: “The terrorist groups are using civilians as human shields to prevent the Army from targeting them. They heavily depend on US and Turkey to supply them with weapons. But we won't allow this to happen”.

As all hope is now lost for the Obama regime to protect its Islamic terrorists, the Americans and its allies have gone into “hyperbolic mode” accusing Russia of “savagery” and are not only threatening to “send Russian’s home in body bags”, they are also now saying that they are going to give these terrorists portable ground to air missiles which, if happens, most assuredly will soon after be used to shoot down planes over Europe and the United States. 

Particularly angering the Obama regime about Russia’s impending total victory in Syria over these Islamic terrorists is President Putin’s playing by what the American’s call the “Grozny Rules” which is a reference to Russia’s total war against Chechen Islamic terrorists where the entire city of Grozny was destroyed in order to eliminate these terrorists forever. 

Angering the Obama regime even worse is their “losing the information war” over this conflict to Russia but that Federation experts more rightly state is people simply knowing what the truth is, and who have bluntly stated about Western media hypocrisy: 

With Russia knowing what an “outlaw state” looks like, the Ministry of Affairs this morning bluntly told the Obama regime about their continued support of Islamic terrorists by warning that unless stopped it will result in a full-scale war that will lead to “tectonic shifts” in the whole region—if not the entire world.

With Brexit clearly showing these Western elites the limitations of their continuous fear-based campaigns against all who oppose them, MoD experts point out they still fail to see that the credibility of their “third-way politics” as championed by Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and other communist-like leftists ruling Europe and America, has been completely savaged by the very people they rule over but who are now prepared to start World War III in their last gasp bid to continue their monstrous rule. 

But to the latest tragedy to befall these Western peoples at the hands of their elite rulers is the financial Armageddon they are soon to face as one of their largest banks, Deutsche Bank, is nearing complete collapse due to its over $42 trillion in derivatives (bets) and whose failure will take down nearly every bank in the United States and Europe with it

With German Chancellor Merkel already stating that her government will not bail out Deutsche Bank (as it would be political suicide to do so), these German bankers are now rushing to the United States in hopes that the Obama regime will.

Grimly, too, is that aside from Deutsche Bank nearing collapse, according to the global banking body The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), both Canada and China are nearing a total banking collapse, too.

 Don't Be Silly

This report concludes by noting that among the least prepared people in the world for total war and economic collapse are the Americans who, like in 2007 when they failed to heed the warnings that their entire economy was about to collapse (and we, likewise, reported on in our 28 June 2007 report US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant) and who, once again, are listening to their propaganda media instead of hearing the truth, while their life savings, pensions and stock holdings are about to disappear into the hands of their elite rulers—just like the last time.  

Other reports in this series include:

October 2, 2016
Sorcha Faal 



Julian Assange - Wikileaks has the email put Clinton in prison!

Russia Issues Full Scale War Alert

WAR, ALERT, ALERT, Russia Issues Full Scale War Alert As West Faces Financial Armageddon




October 2 2016

Hillary/Bill Clinton Crime Family)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Lord is releasing vision for the future right now.


Lana  Vawser     Oct 2 2016 

This morning, as I spent time with the Lord, Jeremiah 31:25 was highlighted to me and the Lord spoke to me that He is now giving rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.

I could hear the heart of the Lord for His people right now.  Like He said to Rachel "Do not weep any longer, for I will reward you. Your children will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy. There is hope for your future" says the Lord." (Jeremiah 31:16)

The Lord is releasing vision for the future right now. Where your "past" and your "present" has been wearying and sorrowful, the Lord is releasing His vision and manifestation of His plans for your future to give you a hope and a future. He is giving you rest, weary ones. He is strengthening you and filling you with JOY again. Laughter will be all around.

"But the time is coming when you’re going to hear laughter and celebration, marriage festivities, people exclaiming, “Thank God-of-the-Angel-Armies. He’s so good! His love never quits,” as they bring thank offerings into God’s Temple. I’ll restore everything that was lost in this land. I’ll make everything as good as new.’ I, God, say so." (Jeremiah 33:11)

Restoration is upon you! The vindication of God is upon you.

"But all who devour you will be devoured and all your enemies will be sent into exile. All who plunder you will be plundered, and all who attack you will be attacked. I will give you back your health and heal your wounds." (Jeremiah 30:16-17) The Lord is going after the enemy as a mighty warrior on your behalf!


I had a vision where I saw the Lord as a warrior and He was bringing that victorious breakthrough into the lives of His people, and before Him I saw the arch angels Michael and Gabriel with large swords and they were doing battle with the Lord to create the PATHWAY OF MANIFESTED VICTORY in the lives of believers to RID DELAY from the lives of God's people. As they severed the heads and hands of the demonic forces that have caused a great HINDRANCE and DELAY of manifestation in the lives of God's people, they were being CUT AWAY and as the Lord walked behind them as the mighty warrior, His presence released DOUBLE PORTION MANIFESTATION, ACCELERATION and RESTORATION in EVERY PLACE there had been a DELAY. The land I saw God's people entering into was the land we HAVE IN JESUS, ABUNDANCE! John 10:10, and a land that LACKED NOTHING.

At the end of this vision I saw the HUGE PATHWAY of VICTORY in the lives of God's people that has ALWAYS been theirs through Christ with all the DELAY'S that have attempted to hinder that MANIFESTED VICTORY being SEEN in their lives, CLEARED AWAY!!!! I saw Jesus look at His people and He said "Do not be afraid of prosperity and abundance, for the tidal wave of its manifestation is about to flood into your lives in various forms. Steward this manifested victory and abundance in your lives well in your DEEP INTIMACY with Me. In your land being FULL and PROSPEROUS, do not forget Me, but REJOICE IN ME coming DEEPER in intimacy."

"For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with fountains and springs that gush out in the valleys and hills. It is a land of wheat and barley; of grapevines, fig trees, and pomegranates; of olive oil and honey. It is a land where food is plentiful and nothing is lacking. It is a land where iron is as common as stone, and copper is abundant in the hills. When you have eaten your fill, be sure to praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. But that is the time to be careful!   Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey His commands, regulations, and decrees that I am giving you today. For when you have become full and prosperous and you have built fine homes to live in, and when your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver and gold have multiplied along with everything else, be careful! Do not become proud at that time and forget the Lord your God, who rescued you from slavery in the land of Egypt. Do not forget that He led you through the great and terrifying wilderness with its poisonous snakes and scorpions, where it was so hot and dry. He gave you water from the rock! He fed you with manna in the wilderness and a food unknown to your ancestors. He did this to humble you and test you for your own good. He did all this so you would never say to yourself "I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy. Remember the Lord your God. He is the One who gives you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath." (Deuteronomy 8:7-18)

Let us remember daily from whence this blessings comes, from whence cometh our help lest His blessings be removed from us.  Let us repent of our sins and the sins of this nation and praise Him daily. 

BREAKING : Roger Stone Prediction “Wednesday Clinton’s Campaign Will be Over”


BREAKING : Roger Stone Prediction  

By Wednesday the Hillary Clinton bid for the White House will be over!

Amy Moreno
October 2, 2016 

Wikileaks is reportedly dropping their NUKE BOMB on Hillary Clinton this Tuesday, according to some internet reports.

Roger Stone, a Trump surrogate and enthusiastic Hillary basher, predicts that by Wednesday the Hillary Clinton bid for the White House will be over.
He tweeted out this message yesterday.

Wednesday@HillaryClinton is done. .

If the Wikileaks emails are as “horrific” as we hear they are, Roger may be right.
Tick, tock, Hillary.
Support the Trump Movement and help us fight Liberal Media Bias.

Update: Bank Foreclosures and Mountain Climbing


by Anna Von Reitz

Our focus is the "get to the root" of this evil, both in terms of its process and the mechanics of it.  This Fraud is go vast and has its tentacles into so many areas of our lives that it is like peeling an onion---- layer after layer after layer.
As a young woman I lived in Juneau, Alaska, and I was friends and housemates with some Californians.  They were all very athletic, leggy, tall, Nordic types who were out hiking in the summer and kayaking and fishing and skiing in the winter.  Me, not so much.  I am the more phlegmatic German type.  Squarish in build and practical by nature.  So when they began pestering me to climb a mountain for no reason but to climb a mountain I politely declined.
They it up, however, and after a year of being pestered to climb this stupid mountain for no reason, I grimly said, okay, we'll climb the @$#@@% mountain. 
Being a German, I knew it wouldn't be any fun.  My attitude was sour as buttermilk.  I put on my thick socks.  I packed my pack with care.  I took a deep breath.  And the hike up the mountainside began early one Saturday morning.  They all took off like gazelles and I was soon all by myself plodding up switchback after switchback. No doubt that they thought it was funny to see just how far behind them I would be.
But, within half an hour, the Sister appeared, looking white-faced and shaken.  She was cold and had tripped over a tree root and wasn't feeling well, so was headed home.  And half an hour after that, her Brother showed up, looking dazed and weary.  He had developed a painful blister and was headed down the mountain, too.  Half an hour after that, the Brother-in-Law appeared.  He was winded and panting and red-faced and shaking his head.  Well, he was worried about the other two, and it was cold and misty up at the tree line, so, he had had enough and was going home. 
That left me, the lone tortoise, chugging up the trail, the only one who kept going hour after hour.  The switchbacks and deep forest gave way to willow scrub and alpine flora at the tree line.  As reported, it was cold and very misty.  Soon, the climb began in earnest and I walked and scrambled up one stair-step plateau after another, each time thinking that I was near the summit only to be disappointed when another plateau and rock face came into view. 
Finally, about three o'clock in the afternoon, I hove over the final edge and found myself in easy walking distance of the true summit and peak marker, with a view of a beautiful hidden valley beyond.  It was quite a reward for the effort, and unexpected.  For a moment, I just sucked in my ragged breath and thought how incredibly beautiful it was. 
Then I went the final leg to the summit, picked up all the beer cans and litter that other climbers had left there, and began the trek back down the mountain.  It was early summer in Alaska and it stays light past midnight, so it was no problem getting back to town.  I was tired and well-exercised, but really no worse for the wear.  I showed the others what they missed at the summit, the view of the hidden valley.
And none of them ever pestered me about climbing a mountain again.  Not a peep.
In a way, this is what this work is like now.  I didn't want to undertake it, but having undertaken it, I won't give up.  My team and I are very methodically unravelling it step by step by step, and when we are done, it will be well and truly finished. There will be a clean sweep of the problem and the patents and the systems and practices causing it. 
We aren't going for the stems and leaves of the foreclosure fraud.  We are going for the root. 
The entire system of fraudulent bank loans and fraudulent foreclosures will be utterly destroyed and swept away.
I regret to say that there is no known truly simple remedy, because the system itself is so multi-layered. In every case, we are dealing with a single central fraudulent house mortgage, yes, but that then requires dealing with fraudulent escrows and many other accounts attached to it.
This is a mammoth, automated, patented fraud machine that was created for the sole purpose of generating ill-gotten profits and unregistered security interests.    We thought several times that there might be a simple, straight forward answer, a key that people could turn on a one-by-one basis,  only to face another stair step, another layer to the onion.

We are still climbing the mountain.  That's the bad news.  We aren't quite at the summit yet.  The good news is that people won't have to worry about going through any big legal process or battle in their own right when we are done.  There will probably be some action required from individual homeowners, like recording a new land record or posting a claim with a specific insurance company--- but the days of facing bank foreclosures in court will be done and over.