Friday, December 2, 2016

Photos of those who committed treason



The  Photos  of  those  Who  Committed Treason

  Against  We  The  People

Source: The White Hats  

          Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf                    Lindsey Graham                            Eric Cantor

      David Axelrod                                  Gloria Borger                               Clarence Thomas
      Valerie Jarrett       
      Robert Gibbs
        Rahm Emanuel                                   Rand Paul                            Michele Bachmann
           Harry Reid                                        Nancy Pelosi                            Loretta Lynch

             Ron Paul                                       John Kerry                     Wolf Blitzer
                                                                                                      Anderson Cooper
                                                                                                      Chris Cuomo            
       Antonin Scalia                                        Joe Biden                               Lloyd Blankfein

      Hillary Clinton                                 Alberto Gonzales                               Eric Holder                                                         
  Bush Crime Family                                    Jack Lew                                 Matt Lauer                                   
           Bill Clinton                                    Jill Stein                                        Rudy Giuliani                                                                                
         Donald Trump                               John Bolton                                      Jamie Dimon                                                                                                                       

             Mitt Romney                               John McCain                              Terry McAuliffe                         

Where are photos of those like Dick Cheney, Charles Schumer, Henry Kissinger, Huma Abedin, and many many others?

Record Cold Coming to ‘Almost Entire USA’


Record cold coming to ‘almost entire USA’ – Low temperature records set to be SHATTERED

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Vatican is Controlling History

The Vatican is Controlling History
Tim Alberino

Ann Romney Trust Invested In Sex Site


04/03/2012 08:48 am ET
By Greg Roumeliotis

A blind trust in the name of Ann Romney, wife of Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, was an investor in a fund run by Goldman Sachs Group Inc that had invested in a media company which critics say facilitates sex trafficking

While there is no suggestion the Romneys knew about the investment, the disclosure highlights the difficulty for politicians and their families when they invest in blind trusts that are supposed to protect them from conflicts of interest and ethical questions.

According to an August 2011 financial disclosure report by the Romneys, Ann Romney’s blind trust had an investment valued between $15,001 and $50,000 in Goldman’s GS Capital Partners III.

Goldman said on Sunday that GS Capital Partners III signed a deal last Friday to sell its 16 percent stake in Village Voice Media, which owns the website, back to management.

Critics argue that facilitates the trafficking of underage prostitutes and sex slaves, although others question that.
Andrea Saul, a spokeswoman for Romney, stressed that the funds were managed on a blind basis, “so the trustee, not the Romneys, makes their investment decisions.”

“Furthermore, the trustee invests in funds but, as a passive investor, has no control over the funds’ investments.”

Goldman’s divestiture is the latest development in a growing controversy over online adult advertising that has pitted celebrities, law enforcement officials, members of Congress and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof against Village Voice Media.

The private media company has the largest share of revenue in the United States from online advertising of adult services.

It has responded aggressively, challenging critics’ data with editorial investigations and claiming that it goes to far greater lengths than competitors in cooperating with law enforcement and monitoring its ads for illegal activity.

The original size and timing of the blind-trust investments were not disclosed, though in 2007 the Ann Romney trust reported during Mitt Romney’s previous failed attempt to get nominated as Republican presidential candidate that its investment in the Goldman fund was then worth between $100,001 and $250,000. 

In Ann Romney’s 2010 tax return, which was made publicly available in January, the trust’s investment in the Goldman fund was reported as showing a $28,226 loss.

Goldman could not be immediately reached for comment on questions about the Ann Romney trust investment. 

GS Capital Partners III invested $30 million in the Village Voice in 2000. This was a fraction of fund’s capital, which totaled $2.78 billion.

Goldman Sachs said the fund lost the vast majority of its investment when it sold its Village Voice stake last week.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Martin Howell and David Brunnstrom)
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions.

Ohio State University Attack Is CONFIRMED - Was Carried Out By At Least 3 Muslims, 1 Named Ali Mohammed And Has All The Hallmarks Of An ISIS Lone Wolf

UPDATE: “Law enforcement officials told NBC News the suspect’s name is Abdul Artan, an 18-year-old student at the university. He was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident of the United States, officials said.” [END UPDATE]
Confirmed reports on the shooter on the Ohio State University campus was a Somali Muslim immigrant. Reports reveal his name was Ali Mohammed, as Liz Wheeler from One America News Network reported and the police scan (below) reveals “Ali Mohammed, 353 Nationwide Blvd."

One suspect was pronounced dead after going on a rampage at Ohio State University Monday morning, injuring at least eight people.

A federal law enforcement official said there was only one attacker, who mainly used a knife and a car in the attack – countering earlier reports that there was a shooting while the Columbus Post-Dispatch reported that there were two attackers – one armed with a gun, and the other with a knife.

But the question remains: if one person was involved to create the chaos, who then pulled the fire alarm at Watts Hall, home to the chemical engineering department?

This is typical: evacuate while another man driving a car jumped the curb and mowed down the crowds of innocent bystanders, then got out of the car and started stabbing and slashing victims until an officer shot the suspect dead.

SWAT teams then stormed the building just before 11am, and minutes later, two men, one Somali and the other in our estimation is Chechen or Afghan, were led out in handcuffs. The Columbus Dispatch reports that one person in the car had a gun, while the other had a “large knife.” WBNS reports that nine people have been shot on the campus. The station says that of those nine, eight are in stable condition, while one is in critical condition. NBC Columbus’ Ted Hart reports that a person attacked with a large knife is a professor at the school.
WBNS reports that a suspect has been killed. NBC Columbus reporter Matt Barnes tweeted that two people have been “escorted out of garage in handcuffs and put into SWAT vehicle.” However, later reports state the only suspect was killed.

All this suggests its was the work of a sleeper ISIS lone wolf cell using the typical alarm, bait, and then attack. That with Muslims involved and ISIS promising to attack during the holidays spells out ISIS lone wolves on the move.
This (bait and attack) is what I have been saying in almost every lecture to emergency responders, FBI, and police force. I told them it would be coming and here it is.

Article reposted with permission from

Judge Anna Blurb - Savvy Served Up Hot Every Thursday Night!

Anna von Reitz <>
Savvy Served Up Hot Every Thursday Night! 
You will all remember that our right to "peaceably assemble" is absolutely guaranteed?
 Although there may be other kinds of "assemblies"---- this one, the Jural Assembly, is the assembly our Forefathers were thinking of and the one that cannot be obstructed or abridged, because it is the foundation of all local land-based government and it is also the fundamental means to restore and empower our American Common Law Courts.
If you are fed up with foreign courts being used to fleece Americans silly it is time to boot up your local Jural Assembly, pitch your tents, and set up your local American Common Law court system to enforce the Law of the Land.
Now you have powerful help available to do just that, brought to you each Thursday evening via the National Assembly Conference Call, hosted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly.
This is not your average conference call.
There are now (by my count) many hundreds of large group conference calls every week discussing one or more aspects of the issues and action items facing our country. I don't disparage any of them, but if I personally had to choose the one addressing the most urgent need we have, I would tune into the National Assembly Conference Call:
Call Number: (712) 770-4160, Participant Access Code: 226823#.
It takes place every Thursday, 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, 7 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, 8 p.m. Central Standard Time, and for you Night Owls on the East Coast, 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Here you will learn what a Jural Assembly is, how to properly set one up, how it is supposed to function, what its rights and responsibilities are, how to conduct elections, how to create a jury pool, how to convene a Citizen's Grand Jury, and much, much more.
You will learn history you never knew.  You will learn about the American Common Law and the  People's Court you are heir to.  You will learn how to establish a Court of Record. How to elect a Sheriff to uphold and enforce the Law of the Land.
This is serious nuts and bolts hands-on training for those who are sick of spinning around in circles and wondering what to do?  If you want something meaningful, something important, something action-oriented that you can do right now where you are and as you are----this is it: form your own local Jural Assembly.
The National Assembly Conference Call will connect you with experts who have already walked the walk and answered the questions.  It will also connect you with other people in your state and around the country who are similarly engaged in restoring our lawful court system throughout the nation.
Setting up competent Jural Assemblies is by far one of the most necessary tasks facing America.  For more help, information, and assistance, visit and review the handbook. The conference call is in support of the handbook.


Preparing for pole-shift 2017- Retired Military Man John Moore


Ambassador Wanta






We aren't going through all of this for them to continue putting bad guys up there. And that includes this one... Paul Ryan is not even supposed to be there right now. NO ANNOUNCEMENTS OF OUR RESTORED REPUBLIC AND NESARA,, THEN NO PAUL RYAN, MIKE PENCE, OR CONGRESS, ALL BE GONE AND ARRESTED SO THE PEOPLE WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF. !!!

Electing a New Speaker of the House, Mike Pence?

11/30/2016 08:42:00 PM  , , , ,  
Submitted to Operation Disclosure,


Electing a New Speaker of the House - Mike Pence?

Under the Constitution, the Speaker of the House must be elected each Congress by a majority of present Members of the House – 218 votes at the current count – and the Speaker election must occur before any other business in the new Congress on January 6, 2017.

Although both parties typically nominate a single candidate before the vote takes place, any Member of the House can vote for any person to become Speaker – House members can even vote for someone who is not in Congress at all!

This means that under the current numbers (239 Republicans to 194 Democrats) when current Speaker Paul Ryan resigns to accept the Presidency after the House of Representatives nominates and ratifies him post Electoral College 270 majority vote failure, the House will then hold as many votes as necessary until another individual reaches the magic 218 votes for Speaker.

An important point to take away from this is that there is literally no way the Democrats could get the necessary votes to elect either the President or Speaker of their choice unless a large number of Republicans were to join them.

Because if you believe an obvious fraud like Donald Trump would ever become the GOP's true choice for President of the Republic, you are both deceived and misinformed as to how American President's are elected under Constitutional Law.

Time to awaken America.
IS EVERYONE BLIND, DUMB, JUST DON'T GIVE A SH&T OR  ......................S T U P I D  ????

They Want To Take Your Guns Away For Martial Law!

Red Alert UN Weapons Enforcement Vehicle Seen! 
They Want To Take Your Guns Away For Martial Law!

Red Alert ! DHS Checkpoints are being set up

Red Alert ! DHS Checkpoints are being set up
Martial Law and FEMA Camps Coming!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Links  between  Germany's  Merkel  and  the  money  laundering  Clinton  Foundation  revealed    

An astonishing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that Germany’s Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD) has exposed a plot “devised/engineered” by the “leftist atheist’s” Chancellor Angela Merkel and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to bomb the 20 January 2017 inauguration ceremonies of President-elect Donald Trump and place the blame of on Islamic terrorists from Syria—and that Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov informed the Trump Team about within the past hour (12:35 PM Moscow local/GMT+3), but with his only stating publically “These are different people whom we have known for a long time already”.

According to this report, both Merkel and Clinton have long been opposed to the rapprochement between the US and Russian militaries in regards to their fighting against Islamic terrorists in Syria which President-elect Trump favors and who is supported by the US Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff who have indirectly been providing the Syrian military with intelligence on Islamic extremists via Russia in their fear that the Obama-Clinton regimes agenda to oust Bashar Assad would engender total chaos in Syria, if not outright cause World War III.

With Merkel and Clinton planning for the “dawning of a new female world order, German military analysts at MAD became “alarmed/alerted” when Chancellor Merkel ordered the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) to wire transfer $4.8 million (€4.5 million) to the international money laundering organization known as the Clinton Foundation just 5 weeks prior to the 8 November US presidential election

In their “analysis/investigation” of Merkel’s transferring this money to Clinton,  MAD military investigators discovered that this illegal payment to the Clinton Foundation had been “approved as legal” by an official at the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

The BfV official who illegally approved this transfer of BMUB funds to the Clinton Foundation, however, had only been employed in the ministry since this past April (2016) with his previous employment being with Deutsche Bank and who was also the official when he worked at Deutsche Bank that authorized the payment to Clinton of $485,000 in what was designated in this banks accounting ledger as a “speaking fee

For reasons still not yet determined, this former Deutsche Bank official who approved Clinton’s “speaking fee” was granted a “special security clearance” by Chancellor Merkel’s office and infiltrated into the BfV, but whose “actions/movements” were continuously monitored by MAD military intelligence agents.

By MAD’s monitoring of this Clinton-Merkel linked former Deutsch Bank official, German military intelligence analysts were able to “discover/un-hide” his secret communications with Islamic terrorists and that shockingly included a plan to bomb the headquarters of the BfV

Though the exact details of this Clinton-Merkel-Deutsche Bank “spies” monstrous plotting with Islamic terrorists remain more classified than this general SVR report details, Federation intelligence analysts do note that of the “width/distance” of the terror attacks being planned not only included the headquarters of the BfV, but also the inauguration ceremonies scheduled for 20 January 2017 in Washington D.C. when President-elect Trump is due to take power.

This report concludes by stating that this Clinton-Merkel terrorist spy has now been detained and handed over to the Dusseldorf Prosecutor’s Office and has already made a “partial confession for his many crimes, and that should now include attempting to assassinate an American president. 

November 30, 2016

NATO Now In Declared War With Russia!

A Really Big! Teddy Bear

Meet Stepan, a domesticated bear who lives with his humans Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko in Moscow, Russia. The Panteleenkos adopted Stepan when he was just a 3-month-old orphaned cub. He was found by hunters in a forest all alone and in a very bad condition, so Svetlana and Yuriy decided to give him a home.

23 years later, Stepan has grown into a loving bear who helps around the house by watering plants and loves watching TV with his humans. “He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear – despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all,” said Mrs Panteleenko. “We have never been bitten by Stepan.”
Stepan eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs every day! But the goofball manages to stay in shape thanks to his love for football. He also keeps himself busy with acting in films and posing for photo shoots.

This couple adopted Stepan when he was a 3-month-old orphaned cub

He was found by hunters in a forest very weak and lonely

But Svetlana and Yuriy nurtured him back to health

Now he’s a 23-year-old loving goofball!

“He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear”

The bear eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs every day!

He does enjoy his cup of tea, too

And did we mention that gardening is his ultimate passion?

Adding a few more images I found.

This one looks like Steven Segal has a new friend.

Obama : Flurry of 'midnight' actions

Obama's  agencies  push  flurry  of  'midnight'  actions


But  in  Congress,  Republicans  are  warning  them  to  stop  and  are  preparing  to  repeal  those  regulations  en  masse.

Federal agencies are rushing out a final volley of executive actions in the last two months of Barack Obama’s presidency, despite warnings from Republicans in Congress and the reality that Donald Trump will have the power to erase much of their handiwork after Jan. 20.

Regulations on commodities speculation, air pollution from the oil industry, doctors’ Medicare drug payments and high-skilled immigrant workers are among the rules moving through the pipeline as Obama’s administration grasps at one last chance to cement his legacy. So are regulations tightening states’ oversight of online colleges and protecting funding for Planned Parenthood.

Also moving ahead are negotiations on an investment treaty with China and decisions by the Education Department on whether to offer debt relief to students at defunct for-profit colleges. The Department of Transportation may also go ahead with a ban on cellphone calls on commercial flights and a rule requiring that most freight trains have at least two crew members on duty.

Some agencies are pulling back, fearful that Trump and the GOP-led Congress will use a seldom-invoked legislative tool to permanently wipe out their 11th-hour regulations. For example, the Interior Department has failed to release a long-awaited rule to protect streams from coal mining pollution — and indications are it might never issue it.

But other agencies have signaled full steam ahead despite the threat of Republicans consigning their work to oblivion, in a dynamic that will be crucial to deciding how much of Obama’s legacy survives the ascendant Trump era.

"As I've mentioned to you before, we're running — not walking — through the finish line of President Obama's presidency,” Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy wrote agency employees the day after the Nov. 8 election. “Thank you for taking that run with me. I'm looking forward to all the progress that still lies ahead."

As many as 98 final regulations under review at the White House as of Nov. 15 could be implemented before Trump takes office. Seventeen regulations awaiting final approval are considered “economically significant,” with an estimated economic impact of at least $100 million a year.

Miffed congressional leaders are warning the agencies to halt their work on so-called midnight regulations, specifically objecting to Obama’s call earlier this year for “audacious executive action.” In a letter to agency heads on Nov. 15, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and every House committee chairman cautioned them “against finalizing pending rules or regulations in the Administration’s last days.”

“Should you ignore this counsel, please be aware that we will work with our colleagues to ensure that Congress scrutinizes your actions — and, if appropriate, overturns them.”

Trump has promised to wipe out as much of Obama’s regulatory agenda as he can, saying he will cancel “all illegal and overreaching executive orders” and eliminate “every wasteful and unnecessary regulation which kills jobs.”

One powerful weapon at Republicans’ disposal is the Congressional Review Act, a 1996 law that essentially allows lawmakers and the president to impose a death penalty on regulations they oppose. Come January, Congress can use the law to repeal any rule that an agency finished after this past May 30, using simple-majority votes — and afterward, agencies will be forbidden to enact any regulation that is “substantially the same.”

Republicans are seeking to make that tool even more powerful by pushing legislation allowing Congress to repeal bunches of regulations en masse instead of one at a time. Some GOP lawmakers are compiling lists of 100 regulations they’d like to kill in the first 100 days, POLITICO reported last week — lists that would include already-completed rules as well as those Obama’s agencies are completing in their year-end sprint.

Other rules may fall victim to court challenges, such as the Obama administration overtime regulation — set to take effect Dec. 1 — that a judge in Texas blocked on Tuesday. And Trump's administration may decide not to defend them.

Despite those threats, agencies are pushing ahead.

In one effort that seems especially doomed, health officials are scrambling to finish rules designed to further entrench Obamacare, even as Republicans plot to repeal the entire program. Just two days after voters swept Trump into power, the administration proposed rules for the 2018 version of the state insurance marketplaces.

The Department of Health and Human Services is also expected to follow through on controversial changes to the way doctors and hospitals are paid for administering drugs under Medicare Part B, an effort that both Republicans and Democrats have criticized. It’s also pushing an overhaul of the way it pays doctors who treat Medicare patients, moving toward a system that better evaluates the quality of care they provide — although these changes have bipartisan support and could end up surviving.

Separately, HHS may still move to complete a rule it proposed in September to stop states from defunding Planned Parenthood, even though axing the nonprofit’s funding will only gain momentum with the GOP takeover.

Also likely on the Republican hit list is an Obama administration effort to ease the flow of high-skilled immigrant workers into the U.S.

A final rule designed to help employers to sponsor and retain these workers would limit the grounds under which a visa petition can be revoked and would establish a one-time, 60-day grace period for certain high-skilled immigrants who change jobs. Under the regulation, immigrants with certain employment visas who lose their jobs would not have an approved green card petition automatically revoked. The provision applies to visa holders who are unable to obtain a green card due to immigrant visa backlogs.

The rule is due to take effect Jan. 17.

The change “would allow these high-skilled workers to more readily pursue new employment,” the measure reads. But it would hurt American workers, argued David North, a fellow at the anti-immigration Center for Immigration Studies. “There are no benefits for any resident workers who have been shouldered aside by the H-1B workers in these regs,” he said in a statement.

Also in the agencies’ year-end action plans:


Immediately after the election, EPA took preliminary steps toward regulating methane releases from oil and natural gas production — even though Trump’s win means that the overall effort to rein in the potent greenhouse gas is most likely doomed. In addition, the Fish and Wildlife Service released the final version of updated rules governing almost 1,700 oil and gas wells inside national wildlife refuges, and the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management released a major rule on leases for wind and solar projects on federal land.

Interior also released a final rule to limit fracking-related methane pollution on public lands a week after the election, prompting oil industry groups to file a lawsuit within minutes. And by Dec. 1, EPA faces a court-ordered deadline to propose a rule requiring companies that mine for minerals like gold and silver to demonstrate they can afford to clean up any pollution they cause. EPA is also awaiting White House approval for a rule governing emergency preparedness at chemical plants, in response to incidents such as a deadly 2013 fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas.

Less likely to emerge by year-end is a long-in-the-works Interior Department effort to update the so-called stream protection rule, a 1983 coal mining regulation designed to prevent water pollution from coal mining. Though the administration appears to be on the cusp of finishing the update, fierce opposition from Trump and GOP leaders means it would be a certain target for a Congressional Review Act repeal.

Whether Congress repeals the rule, or Interior never releases it, coal magnate and Trump backer Robert Murray said he’s confident the regulation will not survive.

“It’s gone,” he told POLITICO. “Hillary’s gone. It’s gone. Obama, the greatest destroyer in America, will soon be gone. There was never any need for this rule. It was an attempt to close underground coal mining. There is no environmental benefit from that rule. Never was.”


The Education Department is finishing a long-awaited rule that would effectively force state regulators to step up their oversight of colleges that operate online courses in their states, even if they aren’t physically located there. But the regulation, which Republicans and many for-profit schools have criticized, won’t take effect until July 2018, which gives Trump’s administration plenty of time to delay or repeal it.

The department also still has to resolve an appeal by a college accreditor whose recognition was terminated by the feds amid concerns that it was approving too many dishonest for-profit schools. And the administration is rushing to fully implement one of its signature higher-education policy achievements: a rule that aims to cut off federal funding to college programs whose students end up with high loan debt relative to their income.

In addition, the Education Department is sorting through a backlog of tens of thousands of debt relief claims from students at ITT Tech and Corinthian Colleges, two troubled for-profit colleges that folded in recent years as the administration cracked down on allegations of fraud. The department previously said it expects to resolve the more than 82,000 pending claims by this spring — but given the Republican opposition to the administration’s debt-relief efforts, the department will face pressure to speed up the pace.

The department still has to finish a number of rules under the K-12 education law that passed last year, which shifted much power from the federal government back to states and school districts. Two of the most controversial regulations include a rule holding schools and school districts accountable for student learning and progress, and a rule that aims to ensure poor and minority students get their fair share of state and local education funding.

Financial regulations

After years of debate, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is striving to complete a rule on so-called position limits, a regulation that would place curbs on commodities trading by some investors to discourage speculation. But both Democratic and Republican former commissioners questioned whether the rule would survive after Trump names a new chairman to replace Timothy Massad, whose term ends in April.

Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is under pressure from the Credit Union National Association and other groups to freeze its rule making for now, including a controversial proposal to curb payday lending and another to limit the use of mandatory arbitration clauses that prevent consumers from taking companies to court. Both rules won’t be finished until at least next year.

Workplace safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is expected to issue its final rule before the end of the year to decrease occupational exposure limits for beryllium, a light metal used in the aerospace and electronics industries that poses risks for lung cancer when inhaled. The agency is also expected to finish a proposed rule to streamline standards for fall protection and working surfaces.


The Obama administration is likely to take action before year’s end on rules and guidance that would ease the adoption of “connected” technologies, which allow cars to communicate with each other and with features such as traffic lights. The rules are also crucial to the eventual widespread adoption of self-driving cars.

Also on deck for possible movement in the next two months is a proposed rule prohibiting cellphone calls on commercial flights — a ban widely popular with the flying public, but one on which Trump's position is unknown.

Other candidates for quick action may include a Federal Railroad Administration mandate for two-person crews on most trains — a move unions have cheered amid freight railroad opposition — and a revised regulation to forbid the transport of lithium ion batteries as cargo on passenger planes.


Trump’s fierce denunciations of “stupid” trade deals would bode ill for any 11th-hour agreements to ease international commerce. But that’s not deterring the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, which has been pushing to wrap up a bilateral investment treaty with China before leaving office.

The agreement could open China’s market to more U.S. investment by easing a number of restrictions while reassuring Beijing that its companies won’t face discrimination in the United States.

“Those conversations are ongoing,” Trade Representative Michael Froman recently told POLITICO. “I think it’s important that it be a high-standard agreement that really reforms and opens up the Chinese economy and creates real disciplines to address the kind of problems our companies have had in that market. Again, we’ve made progress, but we’re not there yet.”
If a deal is reached, it would require ratification by two-thirds of the Senate, and it appears unlikely that Trump would be inclined to push for a quick vote. However, supporters hope he could warm to the initiative later in his administration.

As to other trade negotiations, only one has a realistic shot at being concluded this year: an environmental agreement that aims to eliminate tariffs on about 300 “green" goods. Working alongside 17 other members of the World Trade Organization, including China and the European Union, the U.S. trade office hopes to finish the negotiations at a concluding ministers' meeting set for Dec. 3-4 in Geneva.

Assuming the talks wrap up as planned, the question becomes whether the Obama administration could implement the environmental deal itself as an executive agreement, or whether Congress would have to vote on it. House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said it will depend on whether the final agreement changes U.S. law. If it does, the deal would have to be submitted to Congress.

Andrew Restuccia, Michael Stratford, Caitlin Emma, Patrick Temple-West, Lauren Gardner, Doug Palmer, Adam Cancryn, Cogan Schneier and Ted Hesson contributed to this report.