Wednesday, December 7, 2016

International Notice Back to “The United States of America Government” --- And All Other Pretenders

By Anna Von Reitz

Among all the garbage that regularly comes across my desk, I have recently received this:
Not only was I born and raised in America (Wisconsin), my Father was born and raised in Illinois. Any attempt to misrepresent or mischaracterize me as a foreigner or a citizen or agent of any foreign country is nothing but a Big, Fat Lie. 
The words “United States of America” are not protected by any copyright or trademark, so any fool can claim to be or to represent the “United States of America”--- and that is what this group of expatriates in Costa Rica is attempting to do.
They are also attempting to allege that “Postmaster General” is equivalent to “United States Post Master”--- which just isn’t so, either.
These people might be well-intentioned, but they are ignorant as Pat’s Pig and none too careful about telling the truth or checking the facts before blowing off their mouths and misleading others.  
There are now --by my count-- four (4) different organizations claiming to be the federal government owed to the people of the United States and none of them are real.  Not one.
There’s the “Republic for the united States of America” (RuSA) which is claiming to be the federal government.  There’s “The United States of America” from Costa Rica claiming to be the federal government.   There’s the “Unity States of America” from Colorado claiming to be the federal government. And last but not least, there is “The New Republic”--- a French-sponsored group that I call “Le Neu Republique”.
Are any of these groups the actual legitimate government? 
No, they are not. 
Why?  Because the government in this country is vested entirely in the people of this country, and the people in this country haven’t been organized to speak for themselves for years.
That is the problem.  There hasn’t been a legitimate federal government since 1860 and there still isn’t and cannot be without a lot of people waking up and taking action.
Self-governance requires us to get on our own feet, organize our own Jural Assemblies in our own counties and then to organize the land jurisdiction states and do a LOT of work by a LOT of people, and none of these Wannabe groups want to do the work.
They all want to sit in some cozy location flapping their lips and pretending to be the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”-----when they are not.  
Did you ever hear of, much less participate in electing any “Government of the United States of America” located in Costa Rica?  No?  Well, neither did I.  The group now calling itself “The United States of America” is just another Wanna Be operation and there is no lack of those to be had.
The actual government is organized township by township, county by county, state by state.  It works from the bottom up, NOT the top down.  It takes tremendous amounts of work to organize this entire county and it can’t be done by any outsiders.  It has to be done by the actual people themselves and can’t be done for them.
We already let that one slide, and that’s how we were betrayed by Roosevelt and got in this mess in the first place.  Some things you just can’t trust someone else to do for you.  Some things you have to do for yourself.
Most importantly, what needs to be done can’t be done by “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States” or by anyone calling themselves a citizen of “United States of America”.   All these entities are foreign with respect to the actual people of this country and always have been so there is no use debating which one of these foreign entities is us, because none of them are.
The only people owed the government of the land jurisdiction of this country are non-citizen nationals of the actual states----people known as Virginians, Wisconsinites, Ohioans, Texans, New Yorkers, and so on.  And it is only people claiming this political status who have any right to organize the government of this nation.
The original “federal government” was never a sovereign government and no federal government organized since then has been sovereign, either.  
Instead, the states agreed to pay for certain enumerated services and the British Monarch agreed to provide them.   The federal government was a British government operation from Day One: strictly with regard to those nineteen enumerated services the British King was allowed to exercise the rights and prerogatives of the actual sovereign states---which is not the same as being the sovereign.
A dog can’t be a cat.
All these organizations trying to claim that they are our government are dogs claiming to be cats.
So---- to RuSA, to “The United States of America” located in Costa Rica, to “Unity States of America” and to Le Neu Republique---- I have this to say:  “MEOW!”
The only lawful federal government has to be elected by people who are legitimate state nationals and the only actual agents of the sovereign state governments are Fiduciary Deputies seated in a lawful Continental Congress.  Period.  All powers delegated to the “federal government” are exactly that--- delegated.
Until the people of this country are fully informed and get organized to operate in their own behalf, we operate under the Last Man Standing Rule. Our national currency is the United States Silver Dollar.  Our national language is English.  Our capitol is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Our Congress is a lawful body politic of Fiduciary Deputies elected by the people from each of the sovereign land-jurisdiction states. Our international agents are the Native American indigenous nations who have chosen to contract with us to maintain the federal side of the constitutional contract.  And I am a Wisconsinite.

These are the facts and that is the law --- by birthright, by tri-lateral international treaty, by national trust indenture, and by commercial contract.   The con men and ignoramuses among us can just go blow so long as we know who we are ---- and who they are.  
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

2016 Presidential Election Data

 2016 Presidential Election Data


Activists protest Wells Fargo

Activists protest Wells Fargo 
for providing loan for Dakota Access Pipeline

Published on Dec 6, 2016
Environmental and indigenous rights activists gathered to protest Wells Fargo in NYC for providing a loan to finance the Dakota Access Pipeline project. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports from New York City.

Globalist war against humanity shifts into high gear

Source: Natural News | by Mike Adams

Globalist war against humanity shifts into high gear: Cars, cash, literature and independent news all targeted for elimination

Monday, December 05, 2016 

(NaturalNews) As witnessed recently by the Washington Post’s horrifyingly dishonest “journalism” naming 200 independent media websites as pawns of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the dying establishment media is desperately trying to establish a news monopoly by discrediting all competing independent news publishers.

In doing so, the Washington Post (and its writer Timberg) just abandoned any last vestige of journalistic credibility. Now owned by Jeff Bezos of, the Washington Post’s willingness to prostitute its own credibility in an effort to destroy the independent media reveals something startling to the world: They’re desperate. Like a cornered, ravenous animal, the mainstream media is now fighting for its very survival and hoping it can eliminate all news alternatives before the public figures out how deeply they’ve been lying all long.

That description also applies to the globalists — nefarious manipulators of finance, technology and culture in order to achieve their selfish aims of world domination and depopulation. Following the BREXIT vote, the election of Donald Trump and the ending of the Renzi regime in Italy, the globalists are in full panic mode to regain control by eliminating every sector of freedom still remaining on our planet. 
It’s all happening right now, day by day, played out in the pages of the New York Times.

Here are the key areas where globalists have declared war on humanity (each is covered in more detail below):

1) The war on cash (freedom of commerce)  [soon coming: a chip in your hand or forehead]

2) The war on automobiles (i.e. freedom of travel)

3) The war on the internet (freedom of expression)

4) The war on dissenting literature and news (freedom of information)

There’s also, of course, the war on your health, but that topic is so enormous it will have to covered in a separate article.

The war on cash

The war on cash is well underway, and the massive debt collapse now being engineered by the globalists will be exploited to abandon (outlaw) all cash and force people into electronic currencies. Why the war on cash? Because cash offers too much freedom and anonymity to the very people the State wishes to control.

The electronic currency promoted by the globalists will have the following characteristics:

1) All transactions will be tracked by the government. It will be the end of anonymity… unless you’re using Bitcoin or a similar crypto-currency, all of which will of course be criminalized by the State.

2) All money can be frozen or confiscated by the government for any reason, including completely fabricated accusations such as “you are working for the Russians.” This gives the government absolute power to confiscate wealth, punish dissenters, put targeted commercial operations out of business, or even hand out endless currency to its crony corporate friends in Washington.

3) Confiscatory taxes can be automatically extracted from all your earnings, savings and transactions, without your consent or knowledge. This means governments no longer have to rely on you to “report” your earnings to the IRS. They can simply confiscate a percentage of all your earnings and expenditures according to whatever rates and schedules they desire.

4) Savings and deposits can be subjected to negative interest rates without causing a run on cash withdrawals. Negative interest rates are a key tactic that will be employed by globalist banksters and corrupt governments that incessantly seek new, innovative ways to steal productivity from the fiscally illiterate masses.

5) Once a government spends its way to debt oblivion, it can simply announce a massive nationwide “bail in” that confiscated all the electronic currency and issues a new electronic currency worth much less, all at the click of a button. This “wholesale confiscation” of economic productivity from the working class can keep government debt spending and money printing spinning for generations in a kind of e-currency perpetual motion machine.

The NYT, WashPost, CNN and all the usual presstitute globalists are already pushing bans of $100 bills for this very reason. Their goal is the criminalization of cash as step one in their push for a global totalitarian police state. As explains, negative interest rates are desperately needed by globalist banksters to thoroughly screw the world’s workers out of their earnings:

What’s really behind this? Why is there such a big movement to ban something that is used for felonious purposes by just a fraction of a percent of the population?

Cash, it turns out, is the Achilles’ Heel of the financial system. Central banks around the world have kept interest rates at near-zero levels for nearly eight years now. And despite having created massive bubbles and enabled extraordinary amounts of debt, their policies aren’t working. Especially in Europe, the hope of stoking economic growth (and even the sickening goal of inflation) has failed.

So naturally, since what they’ve been trying hasn’t worked, their response is to continue trying the same thing… and more of it.

Interest rates across the European continent are now negative. Japanese interest rates are now negative. And even in the United States, the Federal Reserve has acknowledged that negative interest rates are being considered. They have no other choice; raising rates will bankrupt the governments they support and derail any fledgling economic growth.

Look at how low interest rates are in the US– and yet 4th quarter GDP practically ground to a halt. They simply cannot afford to raise rates. As global economic weakness continues to play out, central banks will have no other option but to take interest rates even further into negative territory. That said, negative interest rates will be the destruction of the financial system.

The war on automobiles

Because an automobile allows a person to travel almost anywhere they wish — without government tracking or permission — automobiles are being targeted for replacement by “driverless” vehicles and a push for mass transit.

Both driverless vehicles and mass transit systems offer governments and globalists an easy way to track the movements of individuals in society. Revisit the Tom Cruise feature film Minority Report to understand the implications of all this… it essentially means the end of personal freedom.

Just this week, car manufacturer BMW managed to remotely lock a thief inside the car he was stealing, turning an automobile into a temporary prison. While we might all cheer the application of this technology to catch thieves, the far greater realization is that corrupt governments may consider any dissenting citizen to be a criminal. If you disagree with the government’s position on vaccine mandates, GMO labeling, fiat currency or the terrorizing of North Dakota Native Americans to build an oil pipeline, for example, you might be designated a “domestic terrorist” and locked in your own vehicle by order of the State. From there, the automobile might easily be directed to transport you to an awaiting jail cell, interrogation room or reeducation camp.

Don’t think it could happen? According to

A newly married man discovered his BMW 550i was missing last Sunday, the day after his wedding. The man called the theft into Seattle police, who contacted BMW. Employees at BMW’s corporate headquarters were able to give officers the exact location of the car and were able to remotely lock the 550i, trapping the suspect.

This report reveals that not only can corporations and governments track the exact location of your vehicle at any moment, they can also remotely disable the vehicle or turn it into a human prison cell. Consider the implications of that the next time you’re shopping for a new car that comes with remote security “features.”

The push for mass transit, by the way, also allows governments to corral citizens through “security checkpoints” where facial recognition systems scan thousands of faces a minute, comparing them to government database of “wanted” individuals. You can be placed on a “wanted” list just as easily as I was recently placed on a list cited by the Washington Post, ridiculously accusing me of working as a propaganda operative for Vladamir Putin. The Washington Post, doubling down on its commitment to false reporting, has so far refused to retract it’s obviously fictional article.

Such “lists,” in other words, can be completely fabricated out of thin air, yet cited as “authoritative” by any corrupt corporation or government that seeks to silence, intimidate or eliminate political opposition. Technology such as driverless vehicles will obviously be leveraged to control humanity, not to set it free.

The war on the internet

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo News and other internet gatekeepers have declared war on the internet in an attempt to control and suppress information they don’t want you to see.

For years, nearly all independent media organizations — the only real “free press” in the western world — have been banned from Google News and Yahoo News. Now, Google is blacklisting independent media websites from its Adsense program as a tactic to deny revenues to websites that publish information the left-leaning Google high priests don’t want anyone to read.

Facebook, too, has announced a new strategy to highlight “hand-picked” news publishers such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post and others that knowingly, deliberately and maliciously fabricate fake news. In doing this, Facebook has decided to diminish and suppress independent media news websites, effectively driving their visibility into the margins of public consciousness.

Twitter, similarly, has already threatened to ban Donald Trump’s account if he gets out of line, and Yahoo News has systematically removed nearly all conservative news websites from its index, reinforcing the “liberal bubble” of delusional leftist news for its already deluded followers.

The aim of all this, of course, is to eliminate dissenting views altogether. It’s not about “winning” any debate; it’s about silencing those with whom the left-wing tech giants disagree. This demonstrates the extreme, belligerent intolerance of the radical left: They have no tolerance whatsoever for views, opinions or even scientific evidence that contradicts their own twisted beliefs (which are often rooted in delusional paranoia as we’ve recently seen with their “Russian conspiracy” freakout).

The war on the internet also involves turning over domain name authority to globalist info-dictators. President Obama recently pushed hard to surrender the domain name authority ICANN to international control, placing it under the iron fist of China’s communist leaders. This is all by design, of course: International bodies can seize domain names or shut down DNS for targeted websites, completely free from domestic legal action. If these internet tyrants wish to silence a website like, they simply fabricate any accusation they want, then cite that accusation to seize the domain name via ICANN. Suddenly, the entire website gets “memory holed” or replaced with whatever propaganda the globalists want to push.

The war on dissenting literature and news

Radical leftists and globalists don’t merely want to silence opposing websites and monopolize the news; they also want to eliminate “offensive” books and literature from society. This effort, of course, involves all sorts of book burning initiatives disguised as “inclusiveness” or “tolerance.”

Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn book has already been targeted for elimination from human history due to its historically authentic use of racial terminology. For similar reasons, the Kurt Vonnegut book To Kill a Mockingbird has also been targeted for removal from libraries. The justification, as always, is that the book contains “offensive” content — a wishy-washy accusation rooted in astonishing ignorance… yet strongly upheld by the intolerant left as justification for burning whatever books they currently find “offensive.” (A slippery slope of totalitarian revisionist history if there ever was one…)

To get a sense of where all this is headed, watch the 2002 film Equilibrium, starring Christian Bale. The film paints a remarkably authentic picture of an intolerant, militant society banning art, literature, religion and even emotion. In essence, Equilibrium depicts what would happen if the radical leftist agenda of “safe spaces” were fast-forwarded another 20 years. In that dystopian future, collectors of art and literature are condemned as enemies of the state and executed on sight. (This is precisely how the radical left now views religious conservatives in America.)

Conclusion: The globalists’ war against humanity just
shifted into high gear

Globalist bloodline researcher David Icke is fond of saying that even people who consider themselves to be “truth seekers” nevertheless have limits of what they are willing to embrace as truth. I’ve also found this to be quite true, and it is with that realization firmly in mind that I’m going to share with you the final end game of all this: It is the elimination of 90% of the human population.

Globalists don’t merely wish to control billions of sheeple, you see. They ultimately want to eliminate them. Totalitarian control is simply one tactic toward that final aim.

Right now, billions of people won’t yet be eliminated because autonomous robots can’t yet replace human labor. But that day is rapidly approaching, and the minute it arrives, the “great culling” will begin. Do you seriously think the globalists’ future needs low-wage, low-income, low-utility humans hanging around, consuming the planet’s resources and disrupting the globalists’ plans with ballot box votes that can’t be entirely manipulated? No, the future doesn’t need you at all. We are all expendable in the minds of the globalists.

Globalists hold deep hatred for humanity, you see. Because they despise humanity as a whole, they also hate the individual members of it. This is why they hold such animosity toward liberty, individual preparedness and self-reliance. It’s the common thread behind everything they oppose: Vaccine choice, home schooling, the Second Amendment, independent media, off-grid living and even scientific truth.

My final warning is that you are not really prepared for what’s coming until you realize the globalists have declared war on humanity. You, as a free-thinking individual, are the enemy of the globalists. They are working overtime to either control you or destroy you. There is no room in their long-term plans for any individual who thinks critically and questions the status quo. The only humans they are willing to tolerate are obedient workers… and even those only for another generation or so.

For now, they demand your obedience. Once they have it, they will demand your silence as the culling begins. Before long, they will demand your head. This is the plan they have already set into motion, and this plan of monumental genocide is being meticulously set up by Google, Facebook, the WashPost and truly evil destroyers of life like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and George Soros.

Until you realize this, you have no chance to overcome it. Only those willing to accept the full reality of the globalist assault on humanity have a shot at defeating that demonic agenda and halting the mass genocide planned for us all. The Holocaust of history is nothing compared to the Holocaust they have planned for humanity. In WWII, a reported six million Jews were exterminated. Multiply that by one thousand and you now have the scale of the next depopulation holocaust planned for us all: More than six BILLION people are scheduled to be exterminated.

And they surely don’t want those who are on the schedule to be exterminated figuring out all this before the culling begins. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Michigan Recount Stopped - Jill Stein not an aggrieved Candidate

Mike Pence Gets Entangled in Pizzagate

Mike Pence Gets Entangled in Pizzagate

Betsy Woodruff

12.06.16 5:50 PM ET

The VP-elect had a hard time dodging Jake Tapper’s queries as to why one of the chief promoters of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory was being given White House security clearance.
Today on CNN, Pizzagate became a problem for Mike Pence.
The vice president-elect sat down with Jake Tapper at the top of his 4 p.m. show on CNN, and faced a grilling about the role that Michael G. Flynn—the son of Trump’s national security advisor pick, Gen. Michael Flynn—played on the president’s transition team. 

Flynn, the younger, recently gave credence to the baseless Pizzagate conspiracy theory—a theory that incited one North Carolina man to walk into a D.C. pizzeria with two guns. 

The man discharged one of his weapons, but didn’t hurt anyone. And that near-catastrophe has many—including Tapper—wondering why one of the people pushing Pizzagate was part of the team helping prepare Donald Trump to take over the White House.
Pence had trouble explaining.
“His son was helping him a bit with scheduling and administrative items,” Pence said. “But that’s no longer the case.”
Then Tapper asked if Pence knew the transition team, which he chairs, had requested a security clearance for Flynn’s son. Pence tried not to answer. 

The situation with Flynn’s son was a “distraction,” he said, so the transition team made the right decision by jettisoning him.
“I want to move on to other issues, but I am afraid I didn’t get an answer,” Tapper replied. “Which is, were you aware that the transition team had put in for a security clearance for Michael Flynn Jr.?”
 Mike Pence's entire interview with Jake Tapper

Published on Dec 6, 2016
Vice President-elect Mike Pence talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about President-elect Donald Trump's decision to cancel an order with Boeing and the transition to the White House
“I have worked closely with Gen. Flynn,” Pence replied. “We’ve met on many occasions. I have never—I have never seen his son present for any of those meetings.”
Tapper kept pushing back: Did or didn’t Pence know that someone on the transition team tried to get a security clearance for Flynn’s son?
“What I can tell you is that, in talking with Gen. Flynn today, he made me aware his son was assisting in scheduling meetings,” Pence said.
“You put in for the security clearance,” Tapper said.
“What was needed in that regard was taking place,” Pence replied. “But that’s no longer the case.”
It’s no surprise Pence wouldn’t want to take responsibility for Michael G. Flynn’s role in the Trump transition. 

Besides pushing the Pizzagate nonsense, Flynn has tweeted that people of color only voted for Obama because he’s black, and he’s also promoted the 9/11 truth site InfoWars, as CNN has documented. 

Why change the name Planet X to Planet 7X

Nibiru News 
Gill Broussard 
Why change the name 'Planet X' to 'Planet 7X'

Published on Nov 12, 2016

*Earth’s Axis Has Shifted!* And The Sky Has Changed.

*Earth’s Axis Has Shifted!* 
And The Sky Has Changed 

An explanation of why there have been
so many 'different' types of storms, etc.
around Planet Earth

Published on Feb 26, 2015

The Sky Changed Earth's Axis Has Shifted
Earth's Axis has changed
There will probably be more bad weather over the next month.
Possibly into March and early April as well.
Northeast is being pounded with historic levels of “Snow hurricanes”

The sun which should never be farther north than the tropic of Cancer in Mid Mexico or farther south than the Tropic of Capricorn in Mid Australia is now significantly beyond those points.

The sun is now about 2000 miles too far north in the summer shining in our northern windows and too far south in the winter shining in their southern facing windows at sunrise and sunset.
The orbit around the sun had possibly altered the direction of the angle

observations and measurements of the abnormal position of the sun due to a significant shift of our axis in Dec 2004 is now verified.
However, it has also significantly shifted again in the past year for the first time since 2004.

You can measure it for yourself when you see the sun position is too far north of your home in June (northern hemisphere) when it should never be north of the Tropic of Cancer and too far south in the winter.

Many people are not aware of the situation.
You can check out the sun position and verify the weather changes

Read more here:  Earth's Axis has changed

The Inuits are indigenous people that inhabit the arctic regions of Canada, the United States and Greenland and throughout history their very lives have been dependent on being able to correctly forecast weather.... and they are warning NASA and the world that global warming isn't the cause of what we are seeing with extreme weather, earthquakes and other events.

The earth has shifted, tilted or as they put it, "wobbled" to the north and they all agree "Their sky has changed!"

The elders maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used to, they have longer day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to be and warms up quicker than before. The elders who were interviewed across the north all said the same thing, their sky has changed.

The stars the Sun and the Moon have all changed affecting the temperature, even affecting the way the wind blows, it is becoming increasingly hard to predict the weather, something that is a must on the Arctic.

The elders all agree, they believe the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.

Read more here: "Earth Has Shifted" - Inuit Elders Issue Warning To NASA And The World

"Their Sky Has Changed!" Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth's "WOBBLE"


Massive  Oil  Spill  ‘The  Size  of  Seven  Football  Fields”  Found  In  North  Dakota

A farmer in North Dakota discovered one of the largest crude oil spills ever recorded in the state just “bubbling up out of the ground” while harvesting wheat a few months ago.

Farmer Steve Jensen stated that he smelled the crude oil a few days before his combines were covered in it. The oil was “spewing and bubbling six inches high,” he said in an interview with CBS News. The Tesoro Corp’s underground pipeline spilled 20,600 barrels of oil under the farmland. It was four times the size of a pipeline that burst in March of 2013 that forced the evacuation of more than 20 homes in Arkansas.

Luckily for the general population of North Dakota, however, the pipeline is in a remote corner in the northwest The nearest home is half a mile away, and there have been no water contamination reports. No animals or people have been injured in the spill.

Tesoro Logistics released a statement that the affected portion of the pipeline has been shut down.
“Protection and care of the environment are fundamental to our core values, and we deeply regret any impact to the landowner,” Tesoro CEO Greg Goff said in a statement. “We will continue to work tirelessly to fully remediate the release area.”
The company estimates it will cost about $4 million for clean up, and that “it is completely contained and under control” due to a natural layer of clay that is 40 feet thick underneath the oil spill site that has kept it from contaminating the water.

Eric Haugstad, Tesoro’s Director of Contingency Planning and Emergency Response has said there was a quarter-inch thick hole in the 20-year-old steel pipeline, which runs 35 miles from Tioga to a railroad facility near the Canadian border. The company is investigating possible causes.

Wayde Schafer, a North Dakota spokesman for The Sierra Club, said the spill is an example of the lack of oversight in a state that has exploded with oil development in recent years.
“We need more inspectors and more transparency,” Schafer said. “Not only is the public not informed, but agencies don’t appear to be aware of what’s going on and that’s not good.”
Unfortunately for the farmer, his field will be unable to be used now for multiple years.

This article (Massive Oil Spill ‘The Size of Seven Football Fields” Found In North Dakota) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist+%28True +Ac tivist%29

#NoDAPL Drones Monitor North Dakota Police

Students Demand "Sanctuary" From Immigration Laws, Student Loan Debt, And Finals

Ambassador Lee E Wanta 


ABC News Caught Faking Crime Scene for Story

WE FOUND IT! Dr Manning EXPLAINS WHAT OBAMA Did To Andrew Breitbart !!!!...

Pedophelia and its evil grip on all major governments


When top USG officials are completely compromised and wholeheartedly committed to serving evil, it becomes hard for We The People to take back our Republic

BPreston James, Ph.D on December 4, 2016

Right now it’s a sad fact that there is a worldwide Satanic Pedophile Cabal that has infiltrated and hijacked America and runs the 'US Government' and most of its major institutions.
If you are not initiated into this Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) and are thus not a part of it, the higher you are in rank in any USG, Intel or Corporate position, the less the Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) will allow you to disclose any of their evil secrets that you discover.
The reason for this is obvious. More status, higher position, a larger audience with the public, the greater the potential impact of any disclosure and the more likely the leaker will be believed.
Thus, if you are only a small time nobody can you usually can get away with publishing articles and videos on the Internet which expose the SPC’s unimaginable evil, and thousands of small time contributors have been doing this all over the Internet on hundreds of Alternative News websites for the last several years.
Since We The People outnumber the SPC by a huge margin, if they arkencide too many of us at once it is likely that We The People would rise up as independent, unorganized vigilantes and do the same to them in every sector of society, doing whatever was necessary to get them all.
What tactics are now available to the SPC right now?
If they then try to deploy DHS, LE and even the US Military against We The People on a grand scale, this would fail miserably because there would soon be numerous coup d’états on the inside against them.
So SPC’s modus operandus has been to stack the highest positions in the American Government and American Society, especially their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), and then use them to effectively mind-kontrol the masses and keep them believing all their big lies, false narratives and propaganda.
And we now know for certain that unless a majority of the American masses accepts and believes all these big lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the SPC, We The People will rise up, crush the SPC and take back America from their unimaginably evil clutches.
This means that those American LE or Intel who have high security clearances and know the full extent of the Satanic Pedophile network are dealt with quickly and severely if they publicly disclose the existence and reach and crimes against children of the Satanic Pedophile Network.
And we now know for certain that this Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) has set up a network of practicing pedophiles that kidnap and traffick in children and infants to pedophile and, torture and murder, sometimes cannibalizing them. Pedophilia, often combined with Satanic human sacrifice rituals as one becomes initiated to the highest levels is the main control mechanism of the Satanic Pedophile Cabal SPC (aka the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia “RKM”, the Babylonian Talmudic Black Magic practitioners, or the “Synagogue of Satan”).
The ultimate in human compromise and control of the SPC’s initiated, appointed USG officials.
The SPC’s Pedophile Network is used to control the actions of its high ranking members placed in high positions of the USG to serve as their Cutout Doofuses. This Pedophile Network is used to keep them obeying and conforming to the Satanic Pedophile Cabal’s Globalist NWO Agenda of unimaginable evil and staying within the SPC’s allowed parameters of behavior, acceptable and required at the very top of the SPC leadership and by the Jesuit Black Pope, the Superior General who runs the Vatican and the Pope.
If these SPC Cutout Doofuses go outside their allowed parameters or break the SPC’s rules, they are sanctioned. If the breech is serious, they are sanctioned in a most serious way and usually arkencided. If the breech is less serious, they are smeared and ruined by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which the SPC owns and operates through a large Swiss based investment house which claims to be on the Vanguard of investing.
This large investment house is bifurcated. If you track it historically, like all Swiss banking it was started as a secret institution of the Knight Templars which in turn is now completely controlled by the secret Jesuit Network and their Superior General (aka the “Black Pope”).
One part of this bifurcated investment house serves as a big SPC proprietary slush fund to finance ISIS and other terrorists mercenaries, which are deeply psychotronically, psi-chotronically, and biochemically mind-kontrolled (this part has been funding the purchase of America-supplied oil tanker trucks for ISIS to transport stolen Iraqi and Syrian crude oil, and to provide weapons for ISIS).
The other part of this investment house serves the investor and has nothing to do with financing terror. The legitimate part of this large investment house thus serves as great cover for the illegal, incredibly evil secret part which is deputized as an agent of US National Security like the major Oil companies and many large international corporations and defense contractors.
The staffing the SPC’s positions of highest power in government, industry, LE, military and Intel.
The Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) which is the Ruling Cabal (RKM) is committed to selecting, grooming and creating unimaginable, incomprehensibly evil, deeply human compromised, whitewashed and sheep-dipped Cutout Doofuses. These Cutout Doofuses are usually mind-kontrolled as children, groomed, pampered, spoiled, educated at the best colleges and guaranteed passing grades no matter what, then propelled upward and initiated progressively into the highest ranks of the SPC (“the Cabal”). They are then placed into the highest positions of the USG, the US Military, the think tanks, non-profit foundations, policy advisory boards, NGOs and the major corporations and ready to serve the SPC while maintaining an innocent outward appearance and keeping its vile secrets.
These highly compromised soulless evil individuals, the SPC’s Doofus Cutouts are needed because they will do the will of the SPC without question and can quickly be ruined by the SPC’s release of videos of them pedophiling or murdering little children. These whitewashed Cutout Doofuses (evildoers with a nice face on the outside) are willing to easily and repeatedly lie about anything and everything, violate the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, federal and state laws and international laws.
These entities are the inhuman scum that put on a nice face while creating all the illegal unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars of aggressions to make incredibly huge investment returns for the wealthy SPC families that own huge blocks of stock in the banks and Defense Contractors.
Any USG official who would participate in pedophilia, satanic child sacrifice and other occult rituals that are imaginably evil and anti-human can be expected to start and run these massive foreign wars like Korea, Vietnam, and all the Mideast Gulf wars to make massive profit for the SPC families, and never experience any guilt or hesitancy at all.

Bohemian Grove depiction
All recent presidents have been members of the SPC, all of them.
Sadly, it now looks like every single President since JFK with the exception of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan has been a practicing member of the SPC and have been closely associated with the CIA, their evil SPC occult practices protected by invoking the false-cloak of so-called “national security”.
It is now known for certain that these SPC Cutout Doofuses serve the dark side and unimaginable evil, have lost their souls, are deeply addicted to sexual perversions, most frequently pedophilia and often illegal drugs and alcohol, too, for those in the highest positions of the USG and society, also addicted to occult rituals based on child rape, mental and physical torture, vivisection and cannibalism of their child victims. 

All these outrageous crimes against innocent children who are powerless to defend themselves are all done to keep these cult members human compromised but to also strip their soul away and replace it with evil spirits of the lesser gods (aka the Fallen Ones, demons or djinns).
This and the severe sanctions they will receive by the SPC should they decide to leave the cult or if they break the rules in any way or disclose the PSC’s secret, by mistake or on purpose, keep them in line. These SPC recruits are initiated into in progressive steps where they engaged in more and more evil crimes against young defenseless children. This kind of human compromise and mind-kontrol assures that cult members will follow the rules of the SPC.
What we are all up against.
The Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) is worldwide. It is a large network run out of three separate and small cities which are designated as individual nations in and of themselves, the Vatican (spiritual capital), the City of London (financial capital) and Washington DC (war-making capital).
In order to become initiated into the highest levels of the SPC, one must enter into a blood contract with satan, that is, sell their very soul to him and receive incredible riches, power and status. Those at the highest levels of the SPC allegedly also receive a spirit guide as a special consigliore which appears to them after they engage in the most unimaginably evil pedophilic child sacrifice satanic rituals.

The Secret Jesuit control grid that hijacked the Vatican, most institutional Christianity, Wahabi’ism, Judaism, almost every western government including and especially the USG.
The SPC is secretly run by the Superior General of the Jesuits (aka the “Black Pope”) through a well-placed hierarchy of several top select SPC members who have been initiated into the highest level of the SPC.
The absolute control and modus operandi of the Jesuit Superior General (Black Pope), a man specializing in equivocation, casuistry and sophistry (sophisticated misrepresentation, secret lying and covert deception) is covered in Tupper Saussy’s legendary book, Rulers of Evil, now a free download on the Internet.
It is very difficult for most Americans to fathom the indisputable fact that the SPC uses Cutout Doofuses raised through the ranks of their Satanic pedophile Network to staff the highest positions of the USG, the Pentagon, American Intel and LE, Think Tanks, the CFR, trilateral Foundation, the UN and all of the largest Non-profit Foundations and NGOs and their six Controlled Major Mass Media. 
And this includes almost every director and CEO of the largest 147 International corporations in the world and all major American corporations. The SPC’s Doofus Cutouts are all two-faced, that is, able to engage in some of the most unimaginable evil possible while maintaining an innocent appearing exterior.
Thus as you can now understand, when the SPC has such an iron grip of secret control of all top government officials and societal leaders, it is very, very difficult for We The People to ever take back our republic from these Satanic Pedophiles and their cult. These soulless scum are the inhuman entities who attend yearly SPC perverted human sacrifice satanic rituals at Bohemian Grove for top male leaders and the Belizean Club for top women leaders.
Our best weapon right now against the SPC is the spontaneously emerging populism associated with the worldwide Internet.
Because the Internet is now spawning a massive populism in America and much of the world, the PSC is now going to attempt to use what is left of their CMMM to initiate and wage a well-financed war against the alternative news sites on the web.
They have now instructed their SPC Cutout Doofuses who run most of the large social networks and the CMMM broadcast websites to censor comments, remove any articles that run counter to their Globalist NWO agenda of satanic evil.
And the SPC has instructed their CMMM cronies to do their best to convince the American masses that these alternative web sites are based on big lies, false-narratives and propaganda, especially Russian propaganda and that they are all deeply penetrated by Putin’s foreign espionage machine.
These assertions of course are all lies, as is their new list of 200 websites which they have falsely claimed are filled with big lies, false-narratives and propaganda. VT is one of the ones listed on that phony concocted list deployed as a psyops against the alternative media provided on the Internet.
This is just another example of the SPC’s two-faced ability and willingness to turn truth upside down and promote big lies, false-narratives and SPC propaganda with a straight face.
Everything the SPC’s CMMM are accusing the alternative news sites on the Internet of doing, they themselves are doing in spades. And the only alternative news sites that do any of this are their own limited hangout phony sites, which eventually show their real colors over important Litmus tests — like 9-11-01 being an inside job, like no dead kids at Sandy Hook, and like nobody being killed at the Boston Marathon.
Right now, thanks to the Internet, which has become the world’s New Gutenberg Press, the secret Jesuit world control system of the SRC is under fire as it should be for all its evil doing and unimaginable crimes. The Gutenberg Press previously provided cheap Bibles which helped Protestantism spread, resulting in the great weakening of the Vatican’s secret Jesuit system, the SPC.
The Vatican’s secret world government, the Jesuit system, never fully recovered from the appearance of the original Gutenberg Press, nor is it going to be easy for it to ever fully recover from the appearance and presence of the New Gutenberg Press, the Worldwide Internet.
Why is this so? Because the internet is a vehicle for the emergence of the alternative news, which is a catalyst for the greatest emergence of populism in history.
Unless the SPC is able to neutralize the alternative press and re-establish the lost credibility of the CMMM, they will not be able to easily neutralize or alternatively be successful with any serious effort to hijack this newly emerging, incredibly powerful populism in America and much of the world.