Thursday, December 15, 2016

The True History of the Income Tax and IRS ---- Again

By Anna Von Reitz

The first income tax was called "Peter's Pence" and it was collected along with a Confession of Sins on April 15 every year in both England and France beginning in the early 1100's as an extra mandatory "offering" to pay for the cost of the Crusades.
Sound familiar?  A tax on income..... a confession (filing)....due on April support the cost of a war? 
Fast forward to the "American Civil War" --- a tax on income fails the constitutional test, but is imposed on all "territorial citizens", that is, federal civilian and military employees and those born in the "territories and possessions" of the United States.
American state nationals are protected under the provisions of the Constitution(s) but federal citizens are not. Federal citizens can be taxed to the moon and back, and imposed upon and even killed by the whim of Congress acting as a plenary oligarchy operating a foreign municipal city state government.
Look at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 and read Justice Harlan's dissenting opinion in Downes v. Bidwell and the rest of the Insular Tariff cases.  You will see what has gone on here, how and why.  You won't like it a bit, but you will catch on.
The first modern "Internal Revenue Service"---then as now-- was operated entirely in international jurisdiction by privateers running first out of Barbados and later removed to Puerto Rico.  The personnel responsible for collecting the tax are Merchant Marine Warrant Officers called "Withholding Agents". The personnel responsible for oversight of all these Merchant Mariners and federal corporation operators are Internal Revenue Agents.
Abraham Lincoln fundraised for the war effort by selling "1040 Bonds"---- so called because these bonds mature in either 10 or 40 years.  The revenue realized by the sale is used to pay off war debt.
Today, the funds from the yearly collection of "1040 Forms" results in the issuance of more bonds based on the labor and assets of the people, but with the federal government and its "federated state" franchises being the beneficiaries.
Up to World War II, most Americans were not subject to the "federal income tax" at all---- only federal civilian employees, military personnel, African Americans, people born in Puerto Rico, Guam, etc., federal welfare recipients and federal dependents (wards of state such as political asylum seekers), and actual corporations that held their charters under United States auspices were required to file as a condition of their employment or else their receipt of "benefits" from the Public Charitable Trust set up for the relief of poor black plantation slaves who were displaced by the Civil War or the "privilege" of a public charter to do "indemnified" business.
Then, as we entered WWII, Congress passed The Victory Tax---- allowing non-citizens, that is, people who were not federal employees, not political asylum seekers, not African American, etc., to "voluntarily" pay the federal income tax as a patriotic gesture in support of the war effort.
Millions of patriotic American state nationals signed up and gave an average of two bucks extra a month to the government via direct contribution at their workplace, collected by their employers.
There was no specific end date attached to The Victory Tax, because there was no specific known date for the end of the war, so the tax was supposed to end with the "end of hostilities"------meaning in real life, it should have no longer been collected from American state nationals as of August, 1945. 
Instead, the Federales kept right on collecting----and enforcing the collection--- of federal income taxes from people who were never federal citizens and who never knowingly or voluntarily received any charter to operate as federal corporations, and who should have been released from any obligation upon the Japanese surrender.
This is why generations of Internal Revenue Commissioners and other IRS higher-up employees have stood in front of the TV cameras and described this as a "voluntary tax".  
You were misinformed about the nature of the tax and you were misinformed and told that it applied to you, when in fact it never did. 
The word "income" itself by definition is a corporate accrual.  Your wages, salaries, tips, and other earnings are private property.
So what's going on here? 
A gigantic, vicious, self-interested  fraud.
The fact is that by far the vast majority of Americans are naturally exempt from the federal income tax, and if you are, you can "revoke your election to pay".
If you are an average American state national who is self-employed or employed in the private sector, you never really owed the federal income tax in the first place--- that is, if you were born on the land of one of the sovereign states and are not voluntarily choosing to operate as a federal corporation named after YOUR NAME, not a federal employee (United States Citizen), not a federal dependent (citizen of the United States), not African American, not born in Puerto Rico, etc. --- you are paying a tax you don't owe, one that never applied to you, and one that can't be forced upon you if you correctly object. 
As you can see, there are people and there are organizations (actual corporations) that do owe the federal income tax, but there are also millions upon millions of people and organizations who do not and who never did owe any federal income tax who are being coerced and extorted out of large portions of the value of their labor under false pretenses and criminally self-interested legal presumptions.
The last time I looked, the "revocation" clause was located at Section 6013 of the Internal Revenue Code, Title 26.   It gets moved around a bit, thanks to shuffling of pages and sections, but it remains as it has to remain as remedy for the crime being perpetuated against the people of this country.
You are free to send Notice to the Commissioner(s) of Revenue declaring your decision to "revoke my election to pay federal income taxes" at any time, and once you do this, you can NEVER pay federal income taxes again---by law.
This will, I know, be a great disappointment to many.....
However, there are a couple of caveats yet to be observed.
Your letter of revocation must be proven to be received, so you have to  keep your mailing receipt and a copy of your letter and a return receipt, if at all possible, to prove that you sent your correspondence and that it was received by the (now three) IRS, Internal Revenue Service, and INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Commissioners.
You have to remember that the federal fiscal year ends June 30 and begins July 1 of each year and that "tax years" lag behind normal calendar years.  Thus, if you wish to stop paying taxes effective with the federal tax year of 2012, you would make your revocation of election effective July 1, 2011----the prior year.
And you should be at some pains to explain that you "made a mistake" and that you were never actually a volunteer Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service and were confused about what a "Withholding Agent" was when you signed your prior 1040 forms. 
Now that you know, you won't be confused again....
The submission of a 1040, 1065, or any other "federal" tax form creates the presumption that you are either a "United States Citizen" (employee) or "citizen of the United States" (slave) or operator of a federal corporation (YOUR NAME) or an actual business corporation with a federal charter.  This presumption can be rebutted with a "revocation of election to pay" or simply never filing any federal tax forms to begin with and standing your ground as a private American state national---so long as you are not naturally a member of one of those groups who are actually required to pay federal income taxes.
If you have already made the mistake of filing paperwork as a "Withholding Agent", the act of doing so creates a "novation contract" which is a repetition of performance contract-----another legal presumption that you are in fact a volunteer Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marines and that you will be filing tax forms again the next year.
This is what gives rise to "Failure to File" charges. 
However, now that you have admitted your mistake and that you know what a Withholding Agent is ---and know that you are not a Withholding Agent---it would be illegal inducement to perjure yourself to require you to file anything saying that you were voluntarily acting in that capacity, wouldn't it?
Yes, indeed.  It would.
One of the most curious facts is that if you file a 1040 or other form and you make any mistakes at all---- on purpose or not --- you can be held accountable for a felony and up to five years in prison and all sorts of fines.  But if you never file anything at all, the most you can be charged with is a misdemeanor and up to a year in jail.
This is because when you claim under penalty of perjury to be a federal officer ---- a Withholding Agent--- and fail to perform your duty, it is a serious crime under martial law.  But when you claim no such official capacity and are merely presumed to be a "federal citizen" in the first place, the court has nothing but a legal presumption backing its actions against you and no actual evidence provided by your wet-ink signature on a 1040 or other filing.
So bust their presumptions. If you aren't naturally subject to federal territorial or municipal jurisdiction, nor overjoyed with the "service" you are receiving from the "federal government" corporation and its federated "states of states"----- claim your exemption. Revoke your election to pay federal income taxes.  Stop paying the Beast that is offering to eat you.

It is your right and at some point, your responsibility, to see to it that your money is funding the actual government that is owed to you and not a fly-by-night foreign subcontractor making false claims against you and fleecing you blind.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

NAZI U.S.A. - Secret Imprisonment and Torture System

Dec 12 (2 days ago)


LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA. 12 December 2016:

A ground-breaking report just released to the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture by the activist organization ITHACA reveals the existence of a massive, secret imprisonment and torture system that targets tens of thousands of Americans each year. Some have estimated it yields annual profits upwards of $40-billion annually to the perpetrators. (1)

The report contains affidavits of some 90 individuals documenting violations of the 1984 United Nations Convention Against Torture, including isolation, contraindicated forced drugging, starvation, medical neglect, intimidation, coercion, unnecessary/ inappropriate medical procedures, and physical and mental abuse. The victims are not charged or convicted of any crime and are often denied legal representation.

“Our report, Adult Guardianships as a Form of Torture in the United States, uncovers something far worse--owing to its scope and extent-- than the secret network of CIA prisons revealed last year by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee,” comments ITHACA spokeswoman Janet Phelan.

“These victims are not terror suspects. They are ordinary US citizens who fell into a system which is geared towards fleecing their assets with no regard for their well being.”

Unlike the overseas “black sites” of the USA, the ITHACA report points out, the domestic torture system barely reaches the public consciousness because it is protected by a fearsome network of judges, attorneys and other court officers, court-appointed guardians, law enforcement, APS social workers, psychologists and medical personnel. Some of the so-called care facilities are little more than prisons that isolate vulnerable seniors from their loved ones—often from all outside contact.
Then the victims are “treated” while their finances are drained in a variety of ways, sometimes through documents they are coerced through a variety of “ways” to sign. Once their finances are sufficiently depleted, death often follows swiftly. And the evidence is frequently quickly destroyed by cremation before loved ones have a chance to see the body or get an autopsy.

Those fighting to defend their loved ones - and sometimes lawyers or others who make the mistake of trying to help - also face retaliation, detailed in the ITHACA report. This can include disbarment for attorneys and loss of licenses for medical and other professionals. In some cases, families are ruined by legal costs trying to save a loved one trapped in the system.

One account details an impoverished woman with a disabled husband threatened with $9000 in legal fees for objecting to a court-appointed guardian who was issued letters of guardianship, in violation of state law, listing false credentials. This threat was used to force her to drop the objection. 

Others grow sick from the hopeless struggle and die of heart attacks or other illness—sometimes under suspicious circumstances. Still others face legal harassment and are forced to leave the country. As detailed in the report, some have faced jail or prison.

The ITHACA report points out a major loophole for potential torturers. There is little hope from the higher courts, despite the fact that many victims and their loved ones should be protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), states the report:

“The US Supreme Court has taken a position concerning guardianship and probate matters. Known as “the probate exception,” this essentially removes the Supreme Court from any necessity on issuing decisions in matters arising in state probate courts. The difficulty in finding remedies to exhaust is enhanced by the tendencies of probate courts to issue gag orders and restraining orders against litigants, which may bar them from exercising their legal rights to make further reports or otherwise engage justice agencies.”

That’s right. The ITHACA report reveals to the U.N. Special Rapporteur that the USAmerican legal system is complicit in this alleged wholesale looting and torture of seniors. The local courts have the power—and use the power—to seal records containing damning evidence, have photographs proving potential torture destroyed, issue gag orders to relatives and witnesses, and issue various restraining orders that prevent the exposure of  cross violations of the U.N. Convention on Torture by the USA.


The complete report and attachments are available from ITHACA, P.O. Box 50, PMB 207, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352, Tel.: (541) 708-3534.

(1) Estimate on pg. 53 of “Guardianship: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money,” by M. Larsen, Copyright 2015, M. Larsen. ISBN No.: 0692586210.

Janet Phelan, Co-chair
e-mail: janet_c_phelan[AT]>
phone: +1 (541) 708-3534

To publish research findings like the above soon might be banned in the USA


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The Russians did it!

Anonymous: Hillary Clinton US PRESIDENT In 2017?

Proof Foreign Governments Did Interfere In Election – to Help Hillary!

Hillary Clinton has received financial compensation from multiple foreign entities


Hillary Clinton has a rich history of being influenced by outside forces, yet the media is currently focused on claiming Russia helped Trump get elected despite having no substantial evidence.

Private emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private email servers during her tenure as Secretary of State provide a clearer picture of the “pay-to-play” connections between Clinton’s State Department, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and the private investment consulting and investment firm of Teneo Holdings, Inc. in Manhattan.

For a full list of the foreign governments Clinton has answered to, you can download an extensive spreadsheet because the list is almost too large to publish in a web-friendly format.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the top two players:
– A Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, bragged about the Saudis funding 20% of Clinton’s presidential campaign earlier this year.
– The Communist Chinese have put massive amounts of money into the pockets of Clinton via U.S. subsidiaries.

Some of the other donors include countries that may surprise you:
From selling millions of dollars of weapons to corrupt governments such as the Saudis, Qataris and Kuwaitis, to “influence-buying” within the Clinton State Dept., there is no shortage of evidence exposing Clinton’s level of compromise.

Alex Jones breaks down the amount of influence foreign countries have on Hillary Clinton:

Alex Jones sends an emergency message to Donald Trump that he must fight back against accusations of Russian involvement in our elections:


On a brighter note, more than a year ago the POPE said 2016 would be the year of Jubilee and debt forgiveness would occur 12-23-16.

Dollar surges after Fed raises rates, signals faster rate hike pace

By Sam Forgione | NEW YORK
The U.S. dollar hit its highest level against a basket of major currencies in nearly 14 years on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time this year and signaled a faster pace of increases in 2017.
The dollar index hit 102.350, its highest level since early January 2003, after the U.S. central bank raised the target federal funds rate by 25 basis points to between 0.50 percent and 0.75 percent and projected three rate hikes next year from two as of September.

The index, which gained about 1.3 percent, measures the dollar against a basket of six major currencies. The Fed's last hike was a year ago, when it increased rates from the zero lower bound reached during the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
All 120 economists in a recent Reuters poll had expected Wednesday's rate hike. Of more significance to markets were new forecasts for future rates. Analysts said that just one additional rate increase projected into next year, combined with a cautious tone in the policy statement, boosted the dollar without sending it excessively higher.

"The rise in the dollar is really being driven by the shift from two to three hikes next year, which obviously isn’t priced by the market," said Ian Gordon, FX strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York.

"The overall tone of the statement is generally still somewhat cautious," Gordon added. He cited the Fed's reference to risks to the economic outlook as having been roughly balanced, as well as discussion of the shortfall in inflation, as examples.

The euro fell about 1.2 percent against the dollar EUR= to $1.0497, its lowest level since mid-March of last year, easing from a six-day high of $1.0669 touched before the Fed decision. The dollar rose nearly 2 percent against the yen to a 10-month high of 117.38 yen JPY=.

The dollar hit a more than 10-month high against the Swiss franc of 1.0223 francs CHF=. Sterling GBP=D4 fell about 1 percent against the dollar to a nearly two-week low of $1.2530.
"The game was higher U.S. yields, which has been in place for some time, a higher dollar against core defensive currencies like the euro and the yen, and that trend persists," said Shahab Jalinoos, global head of FX strategy at Credit Suisse in New York, on the Fed decision.

(Reporting by Sam Forgione; Editing by James Dalgleish and Meredith Mazzilli)

Anonymous: 5 Ways To Rock Jihad world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Flash Mob - O Come All Ye Faithful

O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD

O Come All Ye Faithful Lyrics:

O Come All Ye Faithful
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

O Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word.
Give to our Father glory in the Highest;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning,
O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Published on Dec 9, 2015
One little girl starts caroling and you won't believe the reaction she gets! #LIGHTtheWORLD

►Get the song for free here!
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►Subscribe for future videos!

Follow us on:

Merry Christmas Everyone! We are The Five Strings, a family band of five siblings.Thank you so much for watching our video! Be sure to subscribe to our channel, and be notified for future videos!

We love this time of year, and it was such an amazing experience filming this video! We wanted to share our light with others through music, and the families that we went and surprised had no idea of the production awaiting them when they opened their doors!

You can buy this song not by paying money, but by giving a little bit of your light to someone else this Christmas season. You could go caroling at a nursing home. Make a meal for a family in need. Surprise your parents by cleaning the house or making breakfast. Get creative! Everyone has something to give. Share your ideas in the comments below. Click here to get the song by pledging to share your light with someone else.

We would like to thank all of the individuals that helped us share the light this Christmas season!

Thank you all so much for your love and support! We couldn't do this without you!

Merry Christmas! We love you all!
-The Five Strings

Performed by The Five Strings & The Marked Generation Choir
Music arranged by - Ricky Valadez
Music produced by - Ricky Valadez
Video produced, filmed & edited by - Tel Stewart
Aerial Footage - Carson Stilson
Second Camera - Andrew Hansen

We would like to thank these families for letting us come and surprise them with this production!
The Terry Family, The Weir Family, The Barney Family & The Orr Family

The Marked Generation Choir:
Sadie Brinkerhoff, Matt Warr, Adam Proffit, Eliza Baker, Emily Baker, Madeline Baker, Michaelah Ort, Cory Mathewson, Andrew Swan, Mckayla Pierce, Lexi Winkle, Natalee Dent, Emily Gierisch, Eleanor Solstad, Jadon Webster, Gracie Haslem, Mariah West, Coy Cox, Jake Forsythe,

Cajon - Austin Hafen
Handbells - Thomas Valadez, Amelia Valadez, Samuel Valadez
Cello - Josh Hafen

Epic Christmas Carol - O Come All Ye Faithful - TheFiveStrings #LIGHTtheWORLD
O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD

Anonymous Technology will shake the world

What Donald Trump is Telling You

By Anna Von Reitz

The past few days have been rife with controversy about Donald Trump, and particularly, Donald Trump’s supposed feud with the CIA, which the Mainstream Media is busily promoting as a Big Deal.
What is Trump actually saying, from his own mouth?
1. The CIA doesn’t really know that Russia hacked anything about Hillary Clinton.
2. That he doesn’t need to be told the same things day after day as a briefing. 
3. The information he is receiving has become politicized – tweaked and groomed to serve political agendas rather than being served up straight.
Okay, well, let’s just take Donald Trump at his word.  He has heard what the CIA had as proof that the Russians did anything wrong, and in his opinion, the proof was lacking.  So he has asked for further investigation into the matter to get to the bottom of it and find out where the proverbial Bear went --- or did not go – through the buckwheat.
That’s just common sense.  That’s nothing controversial.
Then, more interestingly, he let you know what all those Presidential briefings really consist of--- repetitious pap: “North Korea bad. Iran bad.  Iraq unstable… oil prices up.”
The CIA briefing he gets every morning is a waste of his time is what he is telling you, and for several reasons, that should be alarming. 
First, it should be alarming because you are footing the bill to the tune of billions of dollars invested in CIA operations worldwide to keep the government tuned in to what is going on behind the scenes.  If all the President gets in return is information that any fool can get from a news reader service, it’s time to pull the plug.
Second, it should be alarming because there is actually a need for more intensive and directed news gathering activity than what is available through CNN.  If that isn’t happening and the CIA isn’t doing it, then the real job of keeping our ears to the ground isn’t getting done---and that is worse than simply being ineffective.
Third, the boring sameness of the reports indicates that no real data analysis is going on.  Proper data analysis always yields useful results.  The results of any real data gathering would be interesting and leading to new questions--- but that isn’t happening.
I can take the five year averages of pork belly futures traded on the commodity exchanges of the world and turn that into a truly interesting analysis of world economic and political changes over the same time period.  If the CIA isn’t doing as much, we are in a heap of trouble.
Finally, and most damning, the information Donald Trump is receiving from the CIA has been laundered and tailored to fit a political agenda instead of presenting facts. 
Donald Trump is telling you that the CIA alters the facts to suit political agendas – to get desired results out of the President and manipulate his office and his decision making process – rather than being a trustworthy source of factual information the President can rely on.
Of all the problems presented by what Donald Trump has told you, the American people, this last one should really leave your ears burning. 
If the CIA is serving up politicized information, who or what is driving the political agenda behind the CIA’s editing process? 
Political parties?  Members of Congress?  Lobbyists?  Or some Guru of the George Soros kind?
If the President isn’t getting the straight skinny from the CIA, we need to scrap the whole operation and start over.
When the President is being fed doctored information, he’s playing blind in a game where billions of lives are at stake.

We don’t even know who is doing the stacking of his deck or why, but two things are certain: (1) Donald Trump is President-Elect and he has no reason to lie about what he is directly experiencing; (2) we are paying for it.  
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Cousin Bubba --- Call Out to All Serious Historical Researchers

By Anna Von Rietz

Cousin Bubba --- Call Out to Serious Historical Researchers
Yes, I have groups of serious historical researchers working with me from all over the world now, and that’s great--- but this morning we are all being called upon to consider a question of such gravity that it requires asking for even more help from more people, indeed, for everyone on the planet to get involved to whatever extent is practical.
Here is what has surfaced over the past few years of prodding and poking at the BEAST--- the Belgian Electronic Asset System.  To begin getting a handle on this, read the following reprint of a Lexology news blurb from three and a half years ago:
Belgium June 6 2013
On Thursday 30 May, the Belgian Parliament approved the overhaul of the Belgian legislation on security interests in movable assets
Under the new legislation, an electronic National Pledge Register will be established so that a pledge on movable assets (tangible as well as intangible) could be created by a mere agreement of the parties without dispossession of the assets. Important are further, amongst others, the simplification of the enforcement rules (enforcement without prior court authorization), the facilitation of a pledge over a fluctuating pool of assets or a universality of assets and the possibility to create pledges in the name of a security trustee to the benefit of third parties as beneficiaries.
The final text can be found here. The law will enter into force through publication of a Royal Decree, and ultimately on 1 December 2014.
An assessment of the law’s impact on financing transactions will be provided upon publication of the Royal Decree in the Belgian State Gazette.
So what are these people talking about?  Pledges? “Without dispossession of assets”?  Moveable assets?
They are talking about you and your supposed “pledge” of all you are and have and own to the “government of the United States of America” as well as the same supposed “pledges” made by the Belgian people in support of their government.  It’s the same system.  It’s the same thing.  Without all the euphemisms, it all adds up to the same thing: feudalism.
Modern feudalism.  And you are the serfs.
According to the perpetrators of this “voluntary” enslavement--- you agreed to this status, knowingly and willingly, and pledged yourself, your labor, your land, your good name, your copyrights and patents and everything else “material and immaterial” to the benefit of your friendly local government services corporation in exchange for the Nanny State providing you with whatever level of “services and benefits” it is convenient for your Masters to provide.
Let’s look at some legal definitions---
Look up the word “pledge”--- originally the act of a serf pledging his allegiance to a king or local robber baron in exchange for protection.  That is what you have supposedly engaged in--- pledging.
And then recall the endless reiteration of “The Pledge of Allegiance” with a more jaundiced eye: “I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…..and to the Republic for which it stands…..”
So what is a “flag” actually?  It is a symbol standing for a nation in international admiralty, like a visual logo or icon or trademark used to identify ships in commerce and war.   So you are pledging—giving yourself to an icon?  Really?  
And who or what or which “United States of America” owns the icon at this point? 
The bankrupted and long defunct religious non-profit corporation calling itself “The United States of America” or the similarly bankrupted commercial corporation calling itself “the United States of America” or the United States of America (Minor)--- a consortium of territorial Insular States plus the District of Columbia (calling itself the “State of New Columbia”) or the United States of America (Major)—a consortium of fifty-seven (57) incorporated “states of states” acting as an international commercial conglomerate? 
When the cat is away, the mice will play---- and boy, howdy, have they ever played fast and loose with your good name and your property interests!
Before we go onward, let’s ask another salient question about “The Pledge of Allegiance”---- since when did the Republic ever need any other organization to “stand for” or “represent” it?  Hmm?
Answer---- when the same rats responsible for this whole situation fraudulently involved the Republic in bankruptcy proceedings that had nothing to do with the Republic, and falsely claimed that the American people and their actual states of the Union were responsible for the debts of the perpetrators.  That placed the Republic in the clutches of the bankruptcy Trustees--- the “US Trustees” and the “Custodian of Alien Property” took control and title to you and all your assets.
Look up the definition of “moveable assets”.   You are a moveable asset.  So is your house.  Your car. Everything you own and the title to everything you have.  All “moveable assets”.
And how did they do this?
Via a process of “hypothecation”--- look that one up.  Basically, it’s another name for institutionalized fraud.  On the basis of whatever proof they can contrive, they can claim that they have permission to sign you up as a “surety” ---- read that, “collateral” backing their debts, and they can do it as the Belgian article says, “without dispossession of the asset”.
Imagine this situation: Reckless Cousin Bubba needs a car loan.  Fast Freddie needs to make a car sale.  But nobody in their right mind would give Cousin Bubba a car loan….. so what happens?
Cousin Bubba offers you and your good name and your assets as collateral for a car loan to Fast Freddie.  Fast Freddie readily agrees and very quietly, without you knowing it at all, he “hypothecates” a debt against your name and estate---- places a lien and “title” on it----and sells Cousin Bubba a car, backed by your supposed promise to pay if Cousin Bubba defaults.
Now just replace the name “Cousin Bubba” with “Government of the United States” --- whatever those five words really stand for---- and “Fast Freddie” with Bank of England or whatever other bank applies----and ask yourself, “What can go wrong?”
Well, having already purchased a car on your credit, Fast Freddie is anxious to sell Bubba a house, too--- and Bubba is eager to have a place of his own, so they just “hypothecate” another “loan” to Bubba for a house…. And then, of course, he needs new appliances and landscaping, a pool, a motor home, an F-35 fighter jet….
And it is all getting stacked up against you and your credit and you are never told a word about any of this.  Not a word.
Pretty soon, Cousin Bubba (represented by the members of the United States Congress) is panting from the effort of keeping up with all those loan payments.  He can’t even keep up with the interest owed on all those loans….. that’s what the Grace Commission reported to Ronald Reagan about “US Government debt” back in the 1980s.
So having maxxed out your credit and having given up a “title” on everything you own including the value of your labor over the course of your lifetime, what else does Bubba do?
Oh, he “volunteers” your unborn children into slavery and “hypothecates” debt against the value of everything they will ever inherit and all they will produce and the value of their labor, too. 
But in the end, Maggie Thatcher proves correct---- thirty years down the track, Cousin Bubba can’t borrow any more.  He has finally “run out of other people’s money” and Fast Freddie is so glutted he figures he doesn’t need any more sales.
So what is the key to this situation for you and for me?  It’s called the “Alien Masterfile Account” and “Alien Birth Certificate” ---- also an account. 
This account is very peculiar, because instead of using numbers, it uses your name written in “American Sign Language” (otherwise known as “Glossa”--- look it up in Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition) ---- to create a “sign” that appears to be your name only written in all capital letters: JOHN HENRY DOE.
It’s an “alien” account because you aren’t really a “United States Citizen” nor are you a “citizen of the United States”. Both these political statuses translate as either --- “federal corporation employee obligated to obey and serve the government” or as “slaved owned by government”.   As an American state national, you are “alien” with respect to the federal government and the federal corporation(s), including the “federated” State of State franchises.  So they routinely call you an “alien” in your own country.
Look up Title 26, the old IRS Code---- and what do you see referred to constantly?  “Non-resident aliens”.  That’s you, folks, in the language of fraud known as “Federalese”.
And where is the nexus of all this chicanery, falsehood, and fraud?   It’s the “PCT”---- the Public Charitable Trust, set up by Congress for the welfare relief of poor black plantation slaves displaced by the Civil War. 
Supposedly, you knowingly and willingly “pledged” away your land and your labor and everything you are and own, including the copyright to your given name, in order to receive “benefits” from the Public Charitable Trust and have your estate “insured” --- with the nearest government corporation “State of State” franchise named as your beneficiary, of course.
And where are the records of all this crappola kept for Fast Freddie’s convenience?  Well, in the BEAST catalog system, of course, and locally, on our shores, by the Depository Trust Corporation (DTC and DTTC). 
If you aren’t boiling mad, if you aren’t beside yourself, if you aren’t ready to stand up and do something about this situation, then, Good Joe, you certainly ought to be.  I am.  But following my dictum of “Keep Calm and Get Even”--- what I want you all to address your attention toward is this question: was there ever a Declaration of War at the onset of the American Civil War (aka War of Secession) and if so, who or what made it?
No corporation on Earth has the right to declare war.  The most they can do is declare a police action and pretend its war. 
I very much suspect that no actual, factual, lawful Declaration of War starting the American Civil War was ever made by any properly empowered government, just as no actual, factual Peace Treaty ending the Civil War exists.  I very much suspect that all that has gone on here has been purely criminal and private in nature, a matter of “warring” commercial corporations---- gangs of thieves overrunning everything---- the transplanted Dutch East India commercial corporation versus the British East India commercial corporation, for example---- just feeding off the people and assets of this country like two giant bloated tape worms, neither one of which have any honest claims or any right to be here.
Call it “Fast Freddie” and “Fast Eddie”---- the “United States of America” and the “United States” standing for the “Federal Reserve System” and the “International Monetary Fund” ---- both dishonest, both benefiting from what I shall term “Modern Commercial Feudalism” and all feeding off the fraudulent practice of “hypothecation of debt” against innocent and uninformed people who have been deliberately misled and systematically lied to and defrauded.
And the same “system” has been extrapolated worldwide--- Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, India….
I postulate that there was never any actual “war between the states”--- only a “war” between two foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing “governmental services”. 
Okay, researchers nationwide--- got your motors running?
I know that there is no Peace Treaty officially ending the American Civil War.
See if you can find me a valid Declaration of War starting it?
And ask me, why is this important? 
Well, folks, if there was no valid Declaration of War starting the American Civil War and no valid Peace Treaty ending it, then literally--- there was never such a war according to any agreed upon definition of what “war” is.
Every action undertaken by any of these governmental services corporations since then, including the vicious fraud schemes involving “pledging” and “hypothecation” and “liens on titles”--- which is all identity theft and theft of credit and surreptitious enslavement of “moveable assets”---- is nothing more or less than vast and entrenched international crime.  It is owed no political solution. It is owed nothing but determined worldwide prosecution. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

What Voter Fraud? Michigan Recount Uncovers Too Many Votes in 37% of Detroit Precincts

Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s Michigan recount unintentionally exposed major voter fraud in Detroit.

Election officials in Michigan found that 37% of precincts in Detroit tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.

Hillary Clinton won Wayne County over Donald Trump 67% to 30%.
State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot discrepancies occurred.

Detroit News reported:
Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during last month’s presidential election, according to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News.
Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday.
The Detroit precincts are among those that couldn’t be counted during a statewide presidential recount that began last week and ended Friday following a decision by the Michigan Supreme Court.
Democrat Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly prevailed in Detroit and Wayne County. But Republican President-elect Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes or 47.5 percent to 47.3 percent.
Overall, state records show 10.6 percent of the precincts in the 22 counties that began the retabulation process couldn’t be recounted because of state law that bars recounts for unbalanced precincts or ones with broken seals.
The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes.
“There’s always going to be small problems to some degree, but we didn’t expect the degree of problem we saw in Detroit. This isn’t normal,” said Krista Haroutunian, chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers.
State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day.
Previously: Michigan Recount Uncovers Serious Voter Fraud in Detroit- VOTES COUNTED UP TO 6 TIMES

BREAKING! UPDATE from Standing Rock!

From Standing Rock 
12/13/2016 #NoDAPL 
Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl 

Published on Dec 13, 2016
#NoDAPL #WaterProtectors #WeAreTheMedia #1N Update by Brave #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl..."More updates on dakota access Pipeline spill near Belfield, ND"...

GoFundMe page to support Shiyé Bidzííl's Dr0ne2bwild Photography & Video.  Known around camp as "DRONE WARRIOR," he stands and flies for justice and the Indigenous way of life. A drone environmental activist who exposes from the sky.


NEW! Oil spill in Billings County ND by same company as at Standing Rock!

First visual of the oil spill in Billings County ND
Same company drilling on the Indian Reservation
at Standing Rock!
This is why we are protesting the
DAHL Pipeline Project 
Watch and Weep!
Get Involved!
Make calls to Kelcey Warren
Dallas Texas 
and give him HELL!