Saturday, December 17, 2016

Divide and Conquer....Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 5

By Anna Von Reitz

We have heard the words "divide and conquer" since we were in Kindergarten.  It's what we did when the two Big Kids ganged up on the 500 First Graders. 
We've heard it, and to some extent, we've all done it--- yet, somehow, I have proof that we haven't understood it--- haven't quite fully grasped the concept.
The Revolution:  Brits against Colonists
The French Revolution: Monarchists against their Serfs
The Civil War: North against South
The First World War: Brits/French against Germans
The Russian Revolution: Monarchists against their Workers
The Second World War: Brits/French against Germans
Democrats and Republicans
Robber Barons and Labor Unionists
Palestinians and Israelis
Are you beginning to see a pattern here?  There are two sides to every conflict. Why is that? 
Because it is purposefully designed to be that way.
Polarization and labeling of two sides is a mathematically necessary requirement if you want to start a conflict.
So let's take a look at an example of where and who and how such conflicts have been started and also look at who has benefited.
Where did the whole concept of the modern political parties in America and the whole "Two Party System" emerge?   
Answer: both the modern Democratic and Republican Parties began in Wisconsin, where the concept had been imported by Socialists who immigrated to this country in the wake of the 1848 Worker's Rebellion in Europe.
These people were a mix of early Communists, Utopians, and Trade Unionists, eager to take their fight for fair wages and humane treatment of workers and poor people into the public arena of government, but not all of them were idealists.  A great many were simply self-interested.
In that, they shared a major characteristic in common with their adversaries, the early industrialist Robber Barons, some of the most ruthless and greedy men to ever walk the Earth.
Very rapidly and very early in the development of the Two Party System it became a question of who could more effectively grab the bacon and hide their tracks.  First, the Robber Barons took over the Democratic Party, and then, they took over the Republican Party, and then they mixed things up a bit, to confuse the gullible public.
The public has, for the most part, remained confused ever since.
Most African Americans will be amazed to learn that it is the Democratic Party that engineered their re-enslavement after the Civil War, the Democratic Party that fought any and all recognition of state national status for black Americans, the Democratic Party that refused to let black Americans vote once they were deprived of state national protections----and in fact, far from being the champions of African Americans or of workers or of poor people in general--- the Democratic Party which has always promoted itself as the "Working Class Party" and the "Party of the Common Man" and so forth---- is anything but.
The Democratic Party has always pretended to be exactly what it is not.
And the Republicans?  Yep, you guessed it.  They have staked their turf as the Party of the Respectable People (or those who want to be respectable), the champions of the middle class and the elite, the defenders of the status quo, the plodding, practical, stolid elephants. But are they? 
Neither party stands for anything like what they pretend to stand for.  Neither party walks the walk they talk---- and interestingly, they never have.  Some of the most profoundly socialist and communist policies put in place in early 20th century and which still impact us today, were put in place by Republicans. 
And a great many of the most oppressive, prejudiced, nasty, inhumane practices and policies of the government against the Little Guy-- and which serve to steal from the poor and to deprive them of all dignity-- were put in place by the Democrats.
There is a reason that Theodore Roosevelt billed himself as a Republican and Franklin Delano Roosevelt billed himself as a Democrat, and the truth of the matter is that neither one acted upon, believed in, honored, or cared two bits about any Party Platform. 
It was all the same to them, and if we are wise, it ought to be apparent that our practical experience is what it is and it all adds up to the same thing.  There is no actual, factual difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. They are all part of the same old nasty Ball of Wax, like two football teams trading players and changing uniforms.
Now, it is true that the uninitiated inductees in these organizations are drawn in and usually believe in the "shop talk" and "shop fronts".  The vast majority of people are brought in and kept at a level below the Party Capos, like cheerleaders taught to parrot their cheers and go "Rah! Rah!" in rain or shine, without ever knowing or thinking beyond the one-liners and the gossip and the tag-lines provided by the speechwriters and other professional propagandists.
If you stick around and keep your mouth shut and your eyes open and do your duty plodding around selling the Party Line--- and show a certain spark of interest and immorality--- you will work your way up and inside the organizational structure. 
Do this two times, quickly, and you will know for certain that yes, the Democrats are the Republicans and the Republicans are the Democrats, and there is no actual difference at all.  At the higher levels of both parties, the same people sit, like big, fat, black spiders pulling this string and that.
It's all an illusion---- a purposeful illusion.  It's like a troupe of actors putting on a play.  They are all on the same payroll.  They are all reading their scripts.
That may be shocking enough and for most people, would be a natural stopping place to turn back and disengage and be disillusioned and walk away an older and wiser pup, but some of us are gluttons for punishment and once our curiosity is aroused, we push on through the gathering storm of freaks and nuisances and delusional psychopaths that make up the political elite of the United States, convinced that with so much manure there must be a pony.
Those who persevere long enough find out that the same play is being produced all over the world, in different languages by different players, but the same play nonetheless.
Not only are the actual leaders of the Democratic and Republican Parties one in the same, it's all the same demented nest of spiders pulling nearly all the strings in every government and creating every conflict and every evil that we have.  
The Queen jerks Obama's string and he barks at Putin; Evelyn de Rothschild jerks a string that jerks a string, and Putin bares his teeth at Obama; Netanyahu feels a sudden strong jerk on his tether and we have a crisis in the Persian Gulf and one of the Rockefellers crawls back under his rock....
And though there are some recognizable players the vast majority remain "private"-----just quiet, average, criminally insane people, living in mansions all over the world, literally feeding on the misery and death and destruction they cause. 
Just take a good look at what the Brits did in the Middle East when they created Palestine out of thin air, by drawing some lines on a map and applying a label to it, and then crowding a bunch of Jewish refugees inside. 
What did they do really?  Created one team --"the Palestinians" in the green and red uniforms---and then another team, "the Israelis" in the blue and white uniforms--- and sat back to enjoy the fruits of a nice, fat, intergenerational war.
The interminable and terrible war in the Middle East isn't about religion.  It wasn't written on the stars.  It was purposefully, maliciously, and deliberately caused and created by the British Government.
Just look at what was done and ask yourself---- what other possible outcome could there be, but generational warfare?
Understanding "divide and conquer" requires us to understand how we are in turn being sized up --- tested, stressed, to be subjected to exactly this kind of strategy.  If you think about it, our enemies who are also the enemies of all Mankind, have tried many different ways to "divide and conquer" America.
They have tried race wars and religious hatred and economic oppression.  They have tried every means available in their treasure chest of conflict to break us into factions---- Republican and Democrat, Black and White, Muslim and Christian--- and they just can't get it right.  Nothing sticks.  Nobody believes in it anymore.  Not really. 
 America and throughout the world--- wise up.  See how we are being played. 

Stop getting pulled into the "drama" and stop voting and participating in their show. Deprive them of any power or claim that they are your proxy. Deprive them of any mandate. Let them be seen for what they are: charlatans and fraudsters. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

WORD: 5 Signs the Russian Hacking Story Is Really Just Fake News

WORD: 5 Signs the Russian Hacking Story
 Is Really Just Fake News 

Published on Dec 16, 2016
The biggest problem with the system's propaganda machine is obviously that it's broken... because after this election, hardly anyone is buying it anymore.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Obama’s Russia Narrative: “Inside Leak, Russia Not Hacking”

NSA Whistleblower Destroys Obama’s Russia Narrative: “Inside Leak, Not Hacking”

The bottom line is that the NSA would know where and how any “hacked” emails from the DNC, HRC or any other servers were routed through the network. This process can sometimes require a closer look into the routing to sort out intermediate clients, but in the end sender and recipient can be traced across the network.

The various ways in which usually anonymous spokes people for U.S. intelligence agencies are equivocating – saying things like “our best guess” or “our opinion” or “our estimate” etc. – shows that the emails alleged to have been “hacked” cannot be traced across the network. Given NSA’s extensive trace capability, we conclude that DNC and HRC servers alleged to have been hacked were, in fact, not hacked.

The evidence that should be there is absent; otherwise, it would surely be brought forward, since this could be done without any danger to sources and methods. Thus, we conclude that the emails were leaked by an insider – as was the case with Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Such an insider could be anyone  in a government department or agency with access to NSA databases, or perhaps someone within the DNC.
Asked why intelligence sources would be leaking such dangerous allegations without proof, Binney echoed our thoughts that they're simply "concocting these things to support the existing administration and to also support the move toward a new Cold War.”  

Per RT:
“Certainly, that’s behind some of it. Hillary Clinton and a number of people were going that way, and certainly the military intelligence complex fosters that because that means for a “new Cold War” trillions of dollars going into the coffers of those people, they would certainly be advocates for this thing. There is a lot of vested interest to keep this kind of thing going,” Binney added.

If the CIA is alleging a different story, they need to produce the evidence like they did on the Chinese hack,” Binney said. “There is no reason to withhold this kind of information, especially if they can prove it and so far as I can see they won’t even brief the House Intelligence Committee on the evidence they are using to make this statement. That tells me that what they are saying is a pack of crap.”

They are just concocting these things to support the existing administration and to also support the move toward a new Cold War.”
Alas, who needs "hard evidence" when baseless narratives are so much fun? on+a +long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

From Kent Dunn


Hi Y'all,

​This one is for you..... I hope this is wrong....but until the Military puts all the cabal in bed this is what will be the case long into the future!!​



German Citizens Kill Muslim Immigrants, And The German Government Is Supporting And Protecting Them


There is a major conspiracy being done by the German government to advance and revive Nazi ideology. National Socialist terrorists have murdered immigrants, and the evil elements within the state have protected them, while facilitating the spread of their ideology. The Guardian recently published an in-depth article on this, and you can read it here. On the article published, I have written my own thoughts. 

There was a very violent cult called the National Socialist Underground, who went on a murdering spree, only for the crimes to be covered up by elements within the German government. The murders were carried out by Uwe Mundlos, Uwe Bonhardt, and Beate Zschape, and they murdered ten people. Their first victim was Enver Simsek; he was murdered by two gunmen while he was in his van, dying later from his wounds two days later in the hospital.

The next victim was Abdurrahim Ozudogru; he was shot and killed with two bullets while he was working in a tailor’s shop. The next victim was murdered three weeks laters; his name was Suleyman Taskopru, and he was shot three times while he was working in his greengrocer’s shop. Two months later, in August of 2001, these same National Socialists murdered another greengrocer, Habil Kilic. The National Socialist terrorists would continue on their murder spree, even killing a police officer in 2007, Michele Kiesewetter, and injuring her partner.

The manner of the murders exhibited a particular pattern: usually, the killers would fire at close range, and the victims were looking directly into the eyes of their murderers before being killed. Investigators took these patterns to mean that the murders were done by the Turkish mafia.

Investigators even attempted to get the wife of the first victim, Enver Simset, to say that her husband was involved with the Turkish mafia. Investigators even made up a story to her that her husband was having an affair with another woman, in order to enrage her enough for her to support their claims about mafia involvement. She said nothing. This fact proves that the investigators were lying to cover up for the National Socialists In 2004, the same National Socialist terrorists murdered Mehmet Turgut in a kebab shop, and later that year, they detonated a bomb in Cologne, in an area popular amongst Turks, injuring twenty two people. In June of 2005, they murdered Ismail Yasar in a kebab shop, and in 2006, they murdered a Greek Christian man named Theodoros Boulgarides, as he was working in his new shop in Munich. After Theodorus was murdered, investigators hit his family with all sorts of questions. 

They were questioned about possible contacts Theodoros Boulgarides had to drug addicts, the Turkish mafia, prostitute rings, internet crime, betting, and arms traders. The daughters were asked if their father had sexually abused them. The widow was temporarily suspected of killing her husband. Hundreds of witnesses were asked, but not a single one was of a National Socialist background. Investigators purposefully avoided this and wanted the conclusion of the case to be anything but a Nazi-motivated murder.

After Theodoros’ body was found, Greek-Orthodox priest Apostolos Malamoussis was called and asked to go to the scene of the crime to say a prayer.
“I entered the shop where the deceased lay on the floor,” Apostolos Malamoussis said. He recalls police were busy securing evidence. “I told them I was a priest and wanted to pray, and they showed me where I could stand so as not to smudge the murderers’ tracks.”
“It was a harrowing sight, the deceased Theodoros in a huge pool of blood, his face riddled with bullets,” the priest says.
That they murdered this Greek Christian shows that the murderers did not care whether or not the victims were Muslim or Christian, they just wanted to kill immigrants.

They murdered Halit Yozgat as he was running his internet cafe. His body lay behind the front desk, and there was blood on the counter. What was very strange about this murder was that there was a German intelligence agent present in the cafe - his name was Andreas Temme. After the murder was done, Temme walked up to the front desk, and, acting completely oblivious to the dead corpse behind the register and the blood on the desk, paid his bill by leaving coins on the desk and left. Later on in the investigation, Temme did not report that he was in the cafe during the murder, and when he was pressed about it during the trial, he said that he simply did not notice the blood or the corpse. The father of the victim said during the trial, “We all know this man is lying.” It was all part of a rubbish scheme contrived by people within the German government to protect and support the Nazi cause.

A police officer from the same village as Temme testified that the German intelligence officer was known as “Little Adolf.” After claims were made that Temme owned a personal library of Nazi literature, police wanted to dig deeper and investigate it. But the governor of the state of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, prevented any such investigation from occurring, protecting Temme — “little Adolf” — from being exposed by investigators and also the press. Bouffier is the chairman for the CDU, the Christian Democratic Union, the same party as Angela Merkel. The same party that has become supposedly supportive of mass Islamic immigration, is also protecting National Socialist terrorism.

Lets also remember that the CDU parliamentarian Bettina Kudla used the SS Nazi term umvolkung to describe the scenario of Germany losing its culture to immigrants, and she also voted against Germany recognizing the Armenian Genocide by Turkey, signifying her favor towards National Socialist ideology and the extermination of human beings. This means that there are Nazis within the CDU, and that the party, while being pro-immigrant one moment, can easily turn to eugenics in the next moment.

It does not matter which party takes power in Germany, the policy will remain, and that is the revival of the German empire.

That Bouffier, a CDU governor, protected the Nazi, Andreas Temme, an intelligence officer within the German government who coldly ignored the corpse of a victim of Nazi terrorists, and that Bettina Kudla, a CDU member of parliament, used a Nazi term and refused to allow for a recognition of the Armenian Genocide reveals that there are substantial Nazi elements within the German government who would not mind siding with the cause of systematic Islamic genocide, as is the case of Bettina Kudla refusing the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or the BfV, refuses the request of any commission to search the files for the investigation of the National Socialist murders. One has to request a specific file, and before it is given, it is edited.   

Not only do National Socialist murderers receive sympathy from people within the German state, but Nazi groups are receiving large amounts of funds to inculcate and spread their National Socialist religion. The German state is funding Nazi propaganda and even music. Neo-Nazi Tino Brandt, in 2014, admitted on German public television that the government gave him a quarter of a million Deutsche Marks in the early nineties to make Nazi propaganda fliers, and to organize concerts and demonstrations. The funds enabled Brandt and his cult to gain recruitment and expansion. Brandt was never tried for his connections with neo-Nazi terrorism and violence, but he was sentenced to five-and-a-half in prison on 66 counts of child sexual abuse and child prostitution. 

Ralph Marschner, a fanatic neo-Nazi who sang National Socialist songs, was also receiving money to be an informant for the state. He lived right around the corner from the National Socialist Underground murderers,  Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt, and according to Hajo Funke, a professor of politics at the Free University of Berlin, Marschner is one of the most important witnesses, because he “proves that the BfV almost certainly would have known about the two Uwes and Beate, either directly through Marschner, or by monitoring his activities.”
Marschner hired Zschäpe to work in his clothing store, Heaven and Hell, where he sold Nazi clothing under the counter. He also employed Uwe Mundlos in his construction company. This confirms that Marschner is a credible witness against the three terrorists. Yet, Judge Gotzl has rejected the measure to investigate his role, calling it “irrelevant.”

These stories stories are only a few examples as to the Nazi advocation being done by the German government. What is completely occurring is yet to be known, but whatever it is, it is sinister. The German government is funding the spread of Nazism, and is being protected by state officials, some of whom are in Merkel’s party. By bringing in the Muslim immigrants, it is further adding material for Nazi propaganda, and thus making National Socialist ideology more and more attractive to the masses.   

Article reposted with permission from

The Only Adult in the Room.... Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 4

By Anna Von Reitz

Have you listened to the arguments and accusations about purported Russian spying and hacking --supposedly to interfere in the US elections?   
I have taught school all my life.  Even as a teenager, I taught Church School.
I've taught grade school, middle school and high school students and as a TA in college I have taught adults, too.  One of the things that teaching forces you to do, is to learn. 
Ironically, you can't teach anyone else anything without learning things yourself. You are just learning different things than your students.
They are learning to spell or to write coherent sentences or unravel the meaning of statistics or discovering the evidence of electrical current or learning the names of stars. 
You are learning how people think and how they react to new information and being tasked to answer questions nobody in your text books bothered to answer.
So, one of the things I have learned and which any decent teacher learns very early on, is to discern when a student is "flibberty-gibbeting"---- trying to escape perdition (or at least a red ink pen) by arguing a non-related non-argument in answer to an actual fact or problem.
The actual fact or problem is that John Podesta's emails are evidence of filthy crimes and cheating and nastiness beyond belief.
And all Hillary and Obummer want to whine about is how they got caught. 
Oh, it was so unfair that criminals and psychopaths and child molesters were exposed----oh, those terrible, sneaky Russians!  Those devious Republicans! Oh, my! Oh, my!
(Don't pay attention to the evils -- the hideous, immoral, venal, corruptions--exposed by the leaked emails.)
(Don't screw together your logic circuits and say--- who cares how this filth was discovered or who discovered it?)
What's important is that the emails are true, that leading members of the Democratic Party are criminals and pedophiles and deserve to be rounded up and prosecuted. 
What they are trying to do now, unsuccessfully, is to argue a technicality in the court of public opinion.
They are trying to say that how they were caught or the identity of those who caught them, is more important than the crimes and acts of immorality they have committed.
And that simply isn't true.
They are trying to say, without any credible proof, that the Russians were trying to undermine Hillary. 
Looks to me like Hillary undermined herself, by participating in this nastiness as a major player and by hiring John Podesta----failures of both morality and judgment that she can blame on nobody else in the world.  Not even Bill.
As for the "Democratic Process" which the Democrats constantly invoke, except for now, when it yielded a result they don't like---- let me remind everyone on the planet that a democracy requires a mandate of 51% of the population and that all this drama is being fomented by less than 30% of the population on average counting both sides, Republican and Democrat.
Let me also remind everyone that this vaunted presidential election is a private corporate election, not intrinsically different, better, or more important than the election of a new CEO to lead Dairy Queen, International.  It has nothing to do with the actual government owed to this country.
When you put all the hype and provably false assumptions aside, there's nothing here to get excited about.  It's just Situation Normal for the United States which is a filthy little cesspool on our shores, being mismanaged as it always has been by European powers, and which is no more "American" than a goat is a sheep.
So stop being stupid.  Be glad that someone, somewhere, made the effort to begin draining the swamp, sucking up the septic, and cleaning up the vomit. It had to be done. 

Whether we like it or not, a great deal more of similarly dirty and thankless work has to be done.  The entire governmental structure of the planet needs to be flushed and composted and turned into something worthwhile. Who knows?  Maybe when it is all said and done, we can grow a rose bush? 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

OUTRAGEOUS! New York Times Says Trump Is A Threat To Democracy

WOW!! Judge Pirro Demolishes Obama, Hillary And Harry In Under 7 Minutes!!

CIA v Trump? / JFK v CIA / Tillerson / The Butterfly / Moving to Mexico (12/16/16)

   16 December 2016,  Friday

To:  The People's House (sic)
To:  Persons of the Nebraska Legislature (sic)
To:  Persons of the Iowa General Assembly  (sic)


Some very pertinent information for your consideration and awareness.

Klaus Becker, Speaker
The People's House

"The more a truth is told, the more it is believed."
"Freedom starts in the mind, as does authority."
    "An armed society is a polite society."
Check out the articles on Hornberger's blog: -- 2 of which are below:

2.  DON'T FORGET JFK'S FIGHT WITH THE CIA.  by  Jacob Hornberger.  [Great parallet to the situation now with Trump !! ]

3.  HOW REX TILLERSON CORRUPTED THE BOY SCOUTS --  3min video by Brother Nathanael.   [He calls for Donald Trump to withdraw Tillerson nomination.]


5.  MOVING TO MEXICO -  LETTER TO OBAMA  [Courtesy of a TPH member.]

Dear Mr. Obama:

I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.  We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.  We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.  I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, the President of Mexico , that I'm on my way over?

Please let him know that I will  be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking Government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. Please print all Mexican Government forms in English.

4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.

5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.

7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put U.S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced  on any business I may start.

13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.

14. I want to receive free food stamps.

15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.

16. I'll need income tax credits so that although I don't pay Mexican taxes, I'll receive money from the government.

17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Government pays $4,500.00 to help me buy a new  car.

18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all of his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico.  I am sure that the President of Mexico won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Do you see how stupid this looks when you put it in writing????
Logic is dead.
Excellence is punished.
Mediocrity is rewarded.
And dependency is to be revered.
This is present day America.
When people rob banks they go to prison.
When they rob the taxpayer they get re-elected.

Russia to Obama: Put up or Shut Up


Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Aaron Diamant has learned two more states’ election agencies have confirmed suspected cyberattacks linked to the same U.S. Department of Homeland Security IP address as last month’s massive attack in Georgia.

BREAKING: 2 other states’ election agencies confirm cyber-attacks linked to same DHS IP address as 11/15 cyber-attack on GA network. @wsbtv
— Aaron Diamant (@AaronDiamantWSB) December 15, 2016

The two states reporting the suspected cyberattacks were West Virginia and Kentucky.
"We need somebody to dig down into this story and figure out exactly what happened," said Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.
In the past week, the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office has confirmed 10 separate cyberattacks on its network over the past 10 months that were traced back to DHS addresses.
"We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know."
He says the new information from the two other states presents even more reason to be concerned.
"So now this just raises more questions that haven't been answered about this and continues to raise the alarms and concern that I have," Kemp said.
Through an open-records request, Diamant acquired the results of a survey Kemp asked the National Association of Secretaries of State to send to its members.
West Virginia wrote back, "This IP address did access our election night results on November 7, 2016." Kentucky responded the same IP address “did touch the KY (online voter registration) system on one occasion, 11/1/16.”
In a letter this week, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Kemp the department sourced the mid-November activity in Georgia to a federal contractor conducting what he called "normal" internet searches on the Secretary of State's website. But Kemp says there’s a problem with that answer.
“We haven't been able to recreate this the way they explained it to us,” Kemp said.
Kemp also told Diamant that DHS has yet to explain at least nine other suspected network scans linked to DHS IP addresses over the last year on or around important primary and presidential election dates. Kemp's call for answers is amplified now by the National Association of Secretaries of State, or NASS.
"We have one administration leaving town and another coming in so it does remain to be seen just who will be left holding the bag if we don't get a great explanation on what has occurred very soon,” said Kay Stimpson, with NASS.
Unsatisfied with the response he got from Johnson, Kemp fired off a letter Wednesday to loop in President-elect Donald Trump. He is still awaiting a response.
"We just need to ask the new administration to take a look at this and make sure that we get the truth the people of Georgia are deserving to know that and really demanding it,” Kemp said.
In an emailed statement the Kentucky Secretary of State's office told us it believes the IP address that sparked all this did not attack its system.
West Virginia's Secretary of State did not respond to our request for comment, neither did DHS.

Full Report: State election agencies have confirmed suspected cyber attacks are linked U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In short, Obama ordered the rigging of votes by way of cyber-warfare. Kentucky, West Virginia and Georgia confirm the hacks were an attempt to subvert democracy.

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Bi...


( Could this be the reason that Trump seems to have no trust in this agency ?  Sure seems like it to me…  /dt )

Published on Dec 13, 2016
WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE CALLED THE CIA!!! This is not a call for what is generally known as a military coup, because I am not calling for the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic, but for the eradication of an evil, unconstitutional, criminal, and treasonous agency/international organization that now openly inserts itself into the American Body Politic (not that they have not been here before). Brief the Electoral College? Really??? If anyone should do that, it is the FBI, and I would resist that!!!! The Electoral College has its rules, and they are to abide them. To try to influence them is no better than if the Russians really had influenced the American People, which the Russians DID NOT DO!!! The American People are waking up, and the CIA and PTB cannot have that, but claim the American People have been persuaded not by the facts of corruption in our government, but by a nearly Third World former superpower that can barely feed its people!!! China exercised more influence on the election than Russia did!!

Has Trump overturned the entire old world order?


Last week some very grave alarm bells began ringing around the world when the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) sent a letter to local authorities across the country telling them to make preparations for war with Russia.

Unfortunately though, none of these alarm bells were heard in America because that entire nation has gone totally insane.  And with insanity being described as madness, folly, foolishness and lunacy, there is no other apt description that coveys what is now happening in what used to be the most revered country in the modern world.

The first signs of this insanity that has overcome America began on 16 June 2015 when the global billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump announced that he was running for the US presidency and that, contrary to what you’ve been allowed to know, was the culmination of a nearly 20 year plan to retake control of the United States and overthrow the globalist elites who had seized this nation away from its citizens for their own gain, motives and profit and, as best described this past week by US historian and political leader Newt Gingrich:

Newt Gingrich on Trumpism 
How Trump Beat the Liberal Media

Now you really shouldn’t be reading this sentence unless you’ve watched this entire video, otherwise you’ll not be able to understand who Trump really is, who the forces behind him are, and how really, really, smart and ingenious he is.  After all, for this one single person to bring down the Republican Party, Democratic Party, the Bush Family dynasty, the Clinton Family dynasty and all others who opposed him, the world is now dealing with one of the most powerful persons ever to set forth on the global stage.

It is no coincidence, either, that the “movement” Trump is now in full control of is being evidenced throughout the world, too,  and that led to the stunning Brexit vote casting Britain out of the European Union, and too many other shocking events to mention in just one writing but, as the new year begins, will overturn the entire old world order.

Painted by his elite globalist enemies as a demagogue, they critically fail to realize that Trump is, instead, a populist who espouses government by the people as a whole (that is to say, the masses) that is in sharp contrast to aristocracy, oligarchy, synarchy or plutocracy, each of which is an ideology that espouse government by a small, privileged group above the masses.

To how these privileged groups seized power in the first place is through what is now called “identity politics” and, as practiced in America, involved the decades long division of this nation's citizens into warring camps divided by social issues (abortion/gun rights/etc.) and race, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, religion, culture, language and dialect.

This could not have been accomplished, however, unless these privileged groups were backed by an all powerful and consuming national media propaganda effort led by the 6 corporations that control 90% of all the media outlets in America, who call themselves the “official” arbiters of truth and all of whom have now devoted themselves to destroying Trump at any cost and by any means.

And in just one example of this to note — on Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks released over 2 publications, 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee, and that was followed in October and November by them further releasing over 20,000 pages of emails from the computer of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

To how Wikileaks obtained these US Democratic National Committee emails, their founder, Julian Assange, stated that they were not given to this whistle blowing organization by Russia or any other state actor, and former British Ambassador Craig Murray (and current Wikileaks senior advisor) further revealing that John Podesta’s emails were given to Wikileaks by an NSA operative as his emails were saved by this spy agency due to his contacts with Saudi Arabia.  

Now one would logically think that this would be the end of this admittedly bizarre episode in the 2016 US presidential election and that it would go down in history alongside the attempt made by Senator Ted Kennedy, in 1983, to get the communist Soviet Union to overthrow President Ronald Reagan in the 1984 election as even President Obama, on 18 October, discounted anything interfering in this presidential election, and who directly told Trump to “stop whining before the game's even over”.  

But then Trump won and America’s elites and their propaganda mainstream media backers went insane!
And not just normal insane, but crazy insane and that began with anonymous CIA sources falsely claiming that Russia was responsible for leaking the DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks in order to get Trump elected, and that led just hours ago to President Obama vowing to action against Russia.  

With the US propaganda mainstream media not even bothering to tell the truth to the American people that Wikileaks had already stated that Russia was in no way responsible for these email leaks they, instead, have used all of their power to spread this lie and that is being followed by a concentrated effort by them to overthrow Trump before he even takes office and includes them saying that the Electoral College “must make Hillary Clinton president”, the Electoral College “must fall on its sword” to prevent Trump from being president, and warning that if the Electoral College doesn’t delay its vote, Putin will be picking the next US president.

The CNN television news network also has even gone so far as having one of its commentators named Van Jones (who worked in Obama’s White House) set up a PR firm to keep Trump from taking office and who produced a video ad of American celebrities urging Electors to cause Electoral College chaos to keep Trump from becoming president.

For those of us who have done nothing more than tell you the truth about what is going on, I’m sad to report we’re now being targeted, too, with Facebook (where 44% American’s say they get their news) now actually censoring anyone daring to tell the truth by labeling them as “fake news—and that involves their readers being able to flag anything they believe as “fake news”, except for any articles published by the propaganda mainstream media of course.

Facebook says that every article flagged as “fake newsthey will filter through fact checking organizations like Media Matters—that is, of course, controlled by George Soros (who gave over $27 million to Hillary Clinton) and admits that its main goal is to destroy all alternative media websites in America.  

And, per Facebook, the reason that all American alternative news sites have to be destroyed is because without them Trump would have never been able to win!  It’s as simple as that folks!

Know this, too.  George Soros’s Media Matters is unrelenting in their destruction of all American alternative websites and compile a daily list of these sites to send to Google so that all of their revenue can be cut off. 

JPMorgan Chase (the largest bank in the US), in response to America having gone insane, has also issued a warning telling all of its investors to start ignoring the mainstream media and stated: “Geopolitical developments should be gauged from both traditional and non-traditional data sources (such as big data sentiment indicators, independent media outlets, etc.) given the failure of many traditional data sources to anticipate geopolitical developments this year.”

As just one example of these “traditional data (news) sources” failing to “anticipate geopolitical developments” was the entire American mainstream media who didn’t know what was going on in Turkey but as an “independent media outlet” we did, and on 2 December 2015 warned that the US was plotting a coup there and that began on 16 July. 

If you remember, it most certainly was NOT the American mainstream propaganda media that told you Trump would win.  It was us, and just like I told all of you in my 22 October letter titled Donald Trump Landslide Victory Races World War III To Finish Line: “And before anyone objects to my stating that Donald Trump is on the cusp of achieving a landslide victory, let me assure you this is based on fact, not supposition.”

Now, at this very moment, here’s where you stand and, like Newt Gingrich said, in the above video you watched “all that Trump’s victory means is that he has a ticket to the dance, but now he has to start dancing.

Likewise, when Gingrich said that Trump could only succeed in destroying these elite globalists if the movement supported him -- THAT MEANS YOU!

And that my Dear Friends is the reason Sweden is now preparing for war, because if these globalists for a second see your support failing, Trump will fall, and then will come World War III.

And to show and prove to these elite globalist monsters that your support is not failing is for YOU, in turn, to support those of us who’ve been telling you the TRUTH all along.

Today, right now, this crisis is in your very hands to do something positive about, and that begins by YOU giving what you can so that we, and others like us, can survive.

It is with my most heartfelt plea that I implore all of you to help us survive financially and, most of all, remember who YOU really are, not what “they” are making you out to be.

Have great peace with God, and make this a Christmas to remember,   

Sister Clara
Dublin, Ireland
16 December 2016