Wednesday, December 28, 2016

'Govt Owns The Rainwater' !!!!!

Couple Forced to Destroy 40yo Pond on Their Own Property Because 'Govt Owns The Rainwater' !!!!!


By Claire Bernish

Butte Falls, OR — An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond on their land — the property’s most attractive feature — because the 'government' said so!!!!!!!

Although Jon and Sabrina Carey purchased the 10-acre property near Butte Falls two and a half years ago, the pond has been in place for 40 years — but that fact doesn’t matter to the Jackson County Watermaster’s Office.

“I basically bought a lemon,” said Jon, who became teary-eyed at the edge of the partially ice-covered body of water being targeted by 'government' in an interview with the Mail Tribune. “That’s how they explained it to me.”

But the couple desperately wants to keep the stunning longstanding feature in tact so, as the Mail Tribune reports, the Careys have “pleaded with the Medford Water Commission to adopt the pond and treat it as a municipal water source, something Jackson County Watermaster Larry Menteer has opposed because of the precedent it would set.

“The Water Commission has rights to the watershed around the Careys’ property where dozens, if not hundreds, of ponds are located as well as Medford’s primary source of water, Big Butte Springs.” And the Careys aren’t the only people in the watershed who’ve had difficulties with, well, ‘the government’s’ water.

Eagle Point resident Gary Harrington spent 90 days in jail for illegally harboring some 13 million gallons of 'illicit rainwater' !!! — that’s enough rain to fill around 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Harrington masterfully crafted several ponds on his property — even building docks for one and stocking it with large mouth bass — but his insistence the water would assist in fire control and prevention didn’t satisfy the government, since a “1925 state law dictates that the water belongs to the Medford Water Commission.” (Is THAT ever a misinterpretation of 'law'!!!  Like twisting my arm and telling me that they have the 'right' to do that even though it is MY arm!))

As Mother Nature Network’s Matt Hickman reported in 2012,
The bigger story here is that rainwater collection is indeed kosher in Oregon, provided that you’re capturing it from an artificial, impervious surface such as a rooftop with the assistance of rainwater barrels. But an extensive reservoir set-up complete with 10- and 20-foot-tall dams is verboten without the proper, state-issued water-right permits — after all, Oregon law dictates that water is a publicly owned resource — and Harrington did not possess said permits.

(The rain falls on your land or in your pond - and it is on YOUR property - and you have to have a permit to have that rainwater on YOUR land and in YOUR pond?  Where the hell else is that water going to go?  Are the people to install a canopy over their ponds and lands so that the rainwater flows off that canopy and is directed on to the land proclaimed to 'belong to the state' or to the water municipality? Ridiculous! Will the 'government' make a contract to sell YOUR water to Nestle so Nestle can bottle YOUR water and sell it to the Chinese?) 

Harrington and the Oregon Water Resources Department waged an extended battle over the ponds, and at one point, it was ruled he would be allowed to keep everything in place — but that decision was backtracked in less than one year.

Ultimately, “Rain Man,” as he came to be called, found himself charged with nine misdemeanors, spent three months behind bars, and had to shell out $1,500 in fines — and was ordered to destroy the dams and drain all the ponds.

Harrington’s case might have been infinitely more complex than the Careys’ — considering the large volume of water and infrastructure he’d put in place — but they share the same theme of overbearing government and arguably wholly unnecessary law versus the right of people to do as they please with their property.

“When you’re honest, they take everything away from you,” said Sabrina Carey, who inspected country records — which plainly showed the pond — before they purchased the property.

Going by the book might have been the ‘fatal’ error for the couple, however, since the county didn’t take issue with the pond until Jon sought to grow legal medical cannabis on the land and had to prove there was a viable source of water for the grow operation.

According to the Watermaster’s Office, the previous owners had not received a permit for the pond, so the Careys were now in violation of Oregon regulations — and they would have to shoulder the cost of draining the water.

In an effort to prove the pond is legitimate and persuade county government to allow it to remain on the property, the couple stopped using it — even though the well on their land had run dry — and began shipping in the water for daily living and gardening from nearly Butte Falls.

They’ve also had no choice but to hire attorney Sarah Liljefelt, who filed a request with Jackson County to provide a permit for them to store water, stating, “The reservoir on Ms. Carey’s property, though small, is one of the largest in the area.”

As the Mail Tribune notes, “Liljefelt said the pond is an important source of water for beavers, otters, elk, deer, bear, mountain lion, bobcat, bald eagle osprey, great blue heron, snowy egret, Canada geese and the western pond turtle.”

By all appearances, the large pool of water does more good for the environment than if it weren’t there at all — during their fight with the State, the Careys even suggested it be used for fire control and prevention, like Harrington did, as the pond is easily accessible by fire crews.

But the county has displayed only nonsensical obstinance on the issue.

“This pond seems to be doing way more public good than not being here. Why, now, is it so important to be removed?” Jon lamented.

Indeed, the 40-year-old man doesn’t even profit from the medical cannabis grown on the land he and his wife own, as he literally gives the crop — free of charge — to friends. “I don’t make anything out of this,” he said.

Members of the Water Commission disagree on whether this is an issue worth fighting over at all, but as the Mail Tribune reports,
Water Commission staff found several problems with the Careys’ request, including setting a precedent that could prompt similar requests and weaken state statutes while not meeting the definition of ‘municipal water source.’ The staff found it would be very difficult to access the water stored in the pond for municipal reasons, and further monitoring and following up on compliance issues would be difficult and costly for the commission.

However, the commission also failed to state why this should be a matter for the government in the first place — why punitive bureaucracy needs to meddle with a pond on private property, serving as a valuable ecosystem, that poses no threat to anyone or anything, and isn’t even an eyesore, must be destroyed.

Besides a trailer home and dilapidated house, the pond is the only thing of value on their acreage, and, obviously, as Sabrina said, “We didn’t buy it for the double-wide.”  She told the Mail Tribune the pond should have been registered with the Oregon Water Resources Department nine years ago, but the owners at that time did not reside on the property and didn’t do so.

They have even offered to reduce the pond’s size, allow officials to inspect it when necessary, and have provided a draft easement to the commission in hopes of allowing the prized water feature to remain intact — thus far to no avail.

“We’re just trying to do it by the rules,” Sabrina explained. “I’m trying to cooperate.”  In 2012, Gary Harrington had already been through years of conflict with government officials over illicit water — and provided CNSNews with stronger sentiment on the topic:
When something is wrong, you just, as an American citizen, you have to put your foot down and say, ‘This is wrong; you just can’t take away anymore of my rights and from here on in, I’m going to fight it.’
That 'government' feels entitled to not only something located on private property, but that people should not be allowed to collect rain, is everything wrong with excessive government — and the overregulation of daily life.

Claire Bernish writes for, where this article first appeared. 


The U.S.A. Govt Carried Out the Largest Mass Execution in US History

Dakota 38 — 154 Years Ago Today, The U.S.A. Govt Carried Out the Largest Mass Execution in US History

By Claire Bernish

Mankato, MN — December 26 marks the 154th anniversary of the largest mass execution in U.S. government history — 38 Dakota men were publicly hanged in Mankato, Minnesota, in 1862 for their role in the war between the two sovereign nations.

Historians and attorneys examining the history of this gruesome act by the State say the justification lacked for the execution of these warriors — and the 'United States government' did not provide a fair trial.

Considering the U.S.’ history in dealing with those indigenous to the land, that assessment hardly comes as a shock — also unsurprising is its lingering trauma on the Dakota people and other Native American Nations to this day.

The trials of the Dakota were conducted unfairly in a variety of ways,” noted University of Minnesota associate professor, Carol Chomsky. “The evidence was sparse, the tribunal was biased, the defendants were unrepresented in unfamiliar proceedings conducted in a foreign language, and authority for convening the tribunal was lacking. More fundamentally, neither the Military Commission nor the reviewing authorities recognized that they were dealing with the aftermath of a war fought with a sovereign nation and that the men who surrendered were entitled to treatment in accordance with that status.”

For six weeks during the late summer of 1862, a war raged between members of the Dakota nation and the U.S. military in southern Minnesota, largely due to broken treaty promises — and particularly over promises of sufficient food and supplies for the Indigenous peoples.
Many Dakota, however, chose not to participate in the battle, instead, either staying away or protecting white settlers from their enraged brethren.

According to one albeit biased website on the history of the war:
There were a number of factors which contributed to the Dakota Uprising in 1862. Life was changing for the Dakota as both fur-bearing and game animals, upon which they depended, were getting scarce. It is likely that the Dakota had expected that they would be able to live off the proceeds from selling their land to the 'U.S. government', via the treaties of 1851 and 1858, but it was not working out that way.
In fact, the government had broken a number of promises, but appeared to be playing favorites with those willing to bend to its specific goals, as another source on the topic reported:
Hunger was widespread throughout Dakota lands in Minnesota.  Since crops had been poor in 1861, the Dakota had little food stored for the ‘starving winter’ of 1861-62. Their reservation supported no game, and increasing settlement off the reservation meant more competition with Euro-Americans hunting for meat. 
Reports about 'government agents’ corrupt treatment of the Dakota were ignored. 
Factionalism continued among the Dakota, as those who maintained traditional ways saw that only those who had acculturated were reaping government support. 
Finally, a delayed treaty payment made traders nervous, and many of them cut off credit to Dakota hunters. Indian Agent Thomas Galbraith refused to distribute food to the Dakota, and though Dakota farmers shared food with their relatives throughout the summer of 1862, it wasn’t enough.
Of course the situation looked particularly grim from the Dakota perspective, as the 'government' had corralled the populace into a specific area, and settlers continued to flood the previously sparsely populated area. (The U.S.A. 'government' corralled the Indians??!! Isn't that what they plan to do NOW under the UN/NWO plans to 'corral' the American populace from their homes - especially if they live outside the city perimeters. Should we not take careful note of the history of the U.S.A. government in its dealings both with Americans in general and with the sovereign Indian Nations??)

Taoyateduta, or Little Crow — Mdewakanton Dakota — penned a letter to Galbraith that year, cautioning what might be on the horizon should their situation not be alleviated:
We have waited a long time. The money is ours but we cannot get it. We have no food but here these stores are filled with food. We ask that you, the agent, make some arrangement so we can get food from the stores, or else we may take our own way to keep ourselves from starving. When men are hungry, they help themselves.
Fighting shortly ensued — and all told, hundreds of Dakota, settlers, and U.S. soldiers died over the course of the war — and hundreds of Dakota warriors were arrested and sentenced to death, primarily for killing civilians not involved in fighting.

President Abraham Lincoln ultimately spared the lives of the majority of the accused — except for 38 men. An utterly gruesome description of the public hanging appeared in the New York Times shortly after it occurred, stating, as cited by the Minnesota Star Tribune,
Their caps were now drawn over their eyes, and the halter placed about their necks. Several of them feeling uncomfortable, made severe efforts to loosen the rope, and some, after the most dreadful contortions, partially succeeded. The signal to cut the rope was three taps of the drum. All things being ready, the first tap was given, when the poor wretches made such frantic efforts to grasp each other’s hands, that it was agony to behold them. Each one shouted out his name that his comrades might know he was there. The second tap resounded on the air. The vast multitude were breathless with the awful surroundings of this solemn occasion. Again the doleful tap breaks on the stillness of the scene. Click! goes the sharp ax, and the descending platform leaves the bodies of thirty-eight human beings dangling in the air.
To commemorate that startling event — and to attempt to begin a collective recovery of the historical grief associated with it and generally the actions of settlers and the 'U.S. government' against Indigenous Americans — 38 people each year ride on horseback across North Dakota and Minnesota to Mankato.

“The past is really, really traumatic,” said Sarah Weston, member of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe and co-director of Dakota 38, a film chronicling and discussing the ride. “But we’re going to reach our hand out and say that we forgive. Because when you’re not in a forgiveness place, you’re linked to that person or that trauma for the rest of your life, all day long. And so by forgiving we’re no longer linked to that.”

This year, some of the riders left directly from encampments opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline near the Missouri River in North Dakota — where scabs have been picked once again for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, who are currently in a desperate race to protect their drinking water supply.

Also unshockingly, that battle — more than a century and a half later — also concerns broken treaties and promises from a government seemingly callous to anything but its own interests.

Remembering this lurid and wholly unjustified public killing — the mass execution — of 38 people is absolutely imperative in presenting a more accurate depiction of the bloody and ghastly history of this country straight. Without the knowledge of what’s actually occurred over time, there can be no way for us all to move forward from a place of understanding to ensure such atrocities will not repeat in a new and potentially equally horrific manner.

If we don’t learn the lessons of history, we’re doomed to repeat them — but if we never know the actual history, such preventive measures are impossible.

The full version of Dakota 38 can be seen below:
Published on Jul 19, 2012

FACEBOOK - You are being WARNED once again!

'US  Government' Can  Legally  Access  Your  Facebook  Data —  And  Now  We  Know  How

By Alice Salles

The end of the year is approaching, and data concerning government abuses of power has begun pouring in. According to Facebook’s Global Government Requests Report, government’s requests for Facebook account data rose 27 percent in the first half of 2016. Facebook’s official announcement explained that requests for user data went from 46,710 in the last half of 2015 to 59,229 in the first half of 2016. At least 56 percent of these requests, Facebook added, “contained a non-disclosure order that prohibited us from notifying the user.”

Law enforcement agencies from across the globe, Facebook continued, often send restriction requests demanding Facebook remove content from its forums. Fortunately, these requests dropped substantially this year, from 55,827 in the last half of 2015 to 9,663 in 2016 — an 87 percent drop. Most of the 2015 requests  revolved around “French content restrictions of a single image from the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks.”
Additionally, Facebook used its report to disclose for the first time what the company does when law enforcement agencies request “snapshots” of a user account that might be relevant to law enforcement for undisclosed reasons. These “preservation requests,” as they are known, are requests to “preserve data pending receipt of formal legal process.” They are often processed by the social media website as snapshots, which are preserved temporarily. 

According to Facebook, the company does not “disclose any of the preserved records unless and until we receive formal and valid legal process.” In the first half of 2016, Facebook received 38,675 preservation requests regarding 67,129 accounts, a staggering number of requests.  

Further, Facebook insisted it does not give law
enforcement any “back doors” to user information. Adding that requests are only fulfilled if they meet legal requirements or “legal sufficiency,” as Facebook puts it, they claim to “apply a rigorous approach to every government request [they] receive to protect the information of the people who use [their] services,” the company added. But this rigorous approach is not rigorous enough if “reforms” designed to avoid privacy overreach in America simply don’t go far enough.

Take the USA Freedom Act, for instance. The 2015 law was once supported by libertarian-leaning congressmen like Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI). Later, however, Amash criticized the bill after changes giving government more power were adopted. Mentioning the new rule by name, Facebook added that “as a result of transparency reforms introduced this year by the USA Freedom Act, our report also contains additional information concerning National Security Letters (NSLs).” NSLs are “extraordinary search procedures” that give the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the power to “compel the disclosure of customer records held by banks, telephone companies, Internet Service Providers, and others.” They are extraordinary because detailed information can be surrendered without proper oversight, an issue that has led to countless cases of abuse.

While NSLs are still being implemented, the gag order related to the procedure has changed. Now, “the government goes to court to justify the gag order only if an NSL recipient notifies the FBI of its desire for judicial review in the first place.” While the government bears “the burden of immediately going to court and proving its necessity,” NSLs give the FBI the power to bypass this important step.

Explaining that “the government lifted a gag requirement on one NSL issued in the second half of 2015,” the company decided to publish it. It’s unclear sure how many other NSLs Facebook has received.

Facebook may promise to “apply a rigorous approach to every government request” that comes its way, but rigor may only be practiced within the boundaries of U.S. law. If the law fails to protect the user’s privacy by allowing agencies to use “extraordinary” procedures, your data is never protected, no matter how well-meaning companies like Facebook claim to be.

According to Facebook, other government requests concerning “imminent risk of serious injury or death” are also granted on a regular basis. At least 3,016 of these requests were made in the first half of 2016. They targeted 4,192 accounts.

Search warrants were produced in only 13,742 cases of request for data while only 781 others were backed by court orders.

This article (US Government Can Legally Access Your Facebook Data — and Now We Know How) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alice Salles and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to

Trump on Pizzagate in 2012

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

ALERT: Obama's Quietly Signed Law Will Have You OUTRAGED

screen-shot-2016-12-26-at-10-19-26-am ALERT: What Obama Just Quietly Signed Into Law Will Have You OUTRAGED


On the surface this just looks like a budget bill. But looking closer, there is something more sinister about this bill. And the reason why Obama did this under the radar becomes clear.
Late on Friday, with the US population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration, Obama quietly signed into law the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which authorizes $611 billion for the military in 2017.
In a statement, Obama said that:
Today, I have signed into law S. 2943, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017.” This Act authorizes fiscal year 2017 appropriations principally for the Department of Defense and for Department of Energy national security programs, provides vital benefits for military personnel and their families, and includes authorities to facilitate ongoing operations around the globe. It continues many critical authorizations necessary to ensure that we are able to sustain our momentum in countering the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to reassure our European allies, as well as many new authorizations that, among other things, provide the Departments of Defense and Energy more flexibility in countering cyber-attacks and our adversaries’ use of unmanned aerial vehicles.”
Much of the balance of Obama’s statement blamed the GOP for Guantanamo’s continued operation and warned that “unless the Congress changes course, it will be judged harshly by history,” Obama said. Obama also said Congress failed to use the bill to reduce wasteful overhead (like perhaps massive F-35 cost overruns?) or modernize military health care, which he said would exacerbate budget pressures facing the military in the years ahead.
But while the passage of the NDAA – and the funding of the US military – was hardly a surprise, the biggest news is what was buried deep inside the provisions of the Defense Authortization Act.
Recall that as we reported in early June, “a bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth had been quietly introduced in Congress.
As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information. Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”
Also called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692), when introduced in March by Sen. Rob Portman, the legislation represents a dramatic return to Cold War-era government propaganda battles. “These countries spend vast sums of money on advanced broadcast and digital media capabilities, targeted campaigns, funding of foreign political movements, and other efforts to influence key audiences and populations,” Portman explained, adding that while the U.S. spends a relatively small amount on its Voice of America, the Kremlin provides enormous funding for its news organization, RT.
“Surprisingly,” Portman continued, “there is currently no single U.S. governmental agency or department charged with the national level development, integration and synchronization of whole-of-government strategies to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation.
Long before the “fake news” meme became a daily topic of extensive conversation on such discredited mainstream portals as CNN and WaPo, H.R. 5181 would task the Secretary of State with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to “establish a Center for Information Analysis and Response,” which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and — in true dystopic manner — ‘develop and disseminate’ “fact-based narratives” to counter effrontery propaganda.
In short, long before “fake news” became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news.”

ALERT! Obama Signs New Law Targeting Independent Media, Websites for Eli...

ALERT:Social Security Gun Ban

ALERT:  Obama  Admin Concludes  Social  Security  Gun  Ban,  4.2  MILLION  People  at  Risk

December 24, 2016
By AWR Hawkins


How many times do you read in the news about an elderly person defending their home with their gun? Pretty frequently. These are some of the most vulnerable people in our country and Obama is turning his back on them.  

Obama is not a man of the people and we can’t wait until he is out of there.

On Monday the Obama administration finalized a Social Security gun ban that could prevent “tens of thousands” of law-abiding elderly citizens from purchasing guns for self-defense.
Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a 'mental health issue', they are either a 'danger' to themselves or others or are 'unable to manage their own affairs'.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rule making process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
The reporting that SSA, in consultation with the Department of Justice, is expected to require will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits, and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, 'or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent.'
The rule making will also provide a mechanism for people to seek relief from the federal prohibition on possessing a firearm for reasons related to mental health.
In early May 2016 the SSA released more information on the ban in a 41-page preview. Page 19 said:
Under our representative payee policy, unless direct payment is prohibited, we presume that an adult beneficiary is capable of managing or directing the management of benefits. However, if we have information that the beneficiary has a mental or physical impairment that prevents him or her from managing or directing the management of benefits, we will develop the issue of capability. If a beneficiary has a mental impairment, we will develop the capability issue if there is an indication that the beneficiary may lack the ability to reason properly, is disoriented, has seriously impaired judgment, or is unable to communicate with others.
In other words, once the beneficiary has the SSA’s attention–by having someone help with finances–the process of determining mental health status begins, becoming incrementally intrusive. And if a ruling of mental illness sufficient to meet the reporting threshold is handed down, then the beneficiary will be reported to NICS and prohibited from purchasing firearms.
Despite public outcry, the rules have now been finalized. The NRA-ILA reports:
Barack Obama’s Social Security Administration (SSA) issued the final version of a rule that will doom tens of thousands of law-abiding (and vulnerable) disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients to a loss of Second Amendment rights under the guise of re-characterizing them as “mental defectives.”
The SSA, for the first time in its history, will be co-opted into the federal government’s gun control apparatus, effectively requiring Social Security applicants to weigh their need for benefits against their fundamental rights when applying for assistance based on mental health problems.

Chinese Gold, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 8

By Anna Von Reitz

Anyone who has bothered to listen to news outside the box for the past several years has heard rumors of vast hordes of "Chinese gold" in Indonesia, etc., etc.
You've also heard mindless claims that all the gold of Africa got mined and transported over the Silk Road to China, because, supposedly, the Chinese would only take gold in trade.

That is all plain out-and-out nonsense.  The Chinese traditionally traded in jade and in food, because then as now, they had a large impoverished population and relatively little arable land.

The gold in Indonesia is Spanish gold that happens to be under the control of Chinese people. Ferdinand Marcos was Chinese, not Filipino. 

The gold was shipped to Indonesia by Spaniards and by trustees of Spanish hordes as long ago as the 1400's.  Check out the Crown of St. Stephens---- a bank chartered in the 1400's ---to begin to get a clue of just how active Spanish (and Catholic) interests have been and for how long.

The majority of the gold and silver in all these stockpiles is Spanish gold that derived from South America, not Africa, and this can proven by assay. The gold of Africa was gleaned away by the Dutch East India Trading Company and transported to mainland Europe via Italy, Britain, and the US.  This, too, can be proven by the assay of the gold itself.

A third clump of the gold came out of the Far North, from Alaska and Russia. 
Again, provable by assay.

Most of all this gold and silver was stolen by men pretending to be soldiers, but actually acting as organized armed robbers: commercial mercenaries. They enslaved indigenous people and worked them to death in horrible mines at a "price" estimated at nine lives per ounce of silver.

The Chinese Communist government recently (2011) brought suit to reclaim gold that was left on deposit with the New York Federal Reserve Bank by the Nationalist Chinese Government in 1928.  This was a sizeable horde and the New York Fed was supposed to pay interest on it, but they never did. 

This is what Neil Keenan initially brought forward and fought for and it had nothing to do, per se, with any Global Collateral Accounts.

The Nationalist Chinese lost the war and the New York Fed refused to recognize the Chinese Communist government as the successor to the Nationalist Chinese government---- and instead self-interestedly claimed that the gold left on deposit was "abandoned assets". 

This is what these banks always claim and what they are trying to claim about American gold that was confiscated by FDR back in the 1930's, too---- "abandoned assets, heirs unknown".

We actually know that the Nationalist Chinese gold came from the Chinese people and that by rights it should go back to the Chinese people.  And we know that the American gold came from our grandparents and parents, so that is a no-brainer, too.   

It needs to be returned to the American people, Ms. Hudes.

We also know that most of the gold and silver in the world was stolen from poor people in Africa, Meso-America, South America, Alaska and Russia. 

Certainly, if we are enlightened, if we are fair, if we have any sense of decency----and if we propose to use gold and silver again as standard commodities underpinning a global currency system--- then there must be a conscious recognition of the historical facts and a redistribution of wealth back to the countries it was stolen from.

The Chinese have gold because they have been buying gold for the past dozen years in ever-increasing amounts.  They have been enabled to do this by those who stole the gold of others in the first place.  These brigands have passed on the stolen goods to the Chinese as Third Party Patsies, and have made a tremendous profit by doing so.

You will notice that China is not on the list of naturally gold or silver rich nations provided above. China is simply investing in gold and silver, betting that when the Oil Economy goes bust---which it inevitably will---the world will go back to the old gold standard for lack of anything better. 

Under normal circumstances, that would be a good bet--- but these are not normal circumstances. 

Not only have new technologies providing Free Energy arrived, but new technologies allowing us to produce vast amounts of silver and gold from materials like sand and seawater, have arrived along with it.

With abundant Free Energy we can crank out tons of gold or silver at will and for virtually nothing invested.

So the good news is that we are freed from the shackles of Big Oil and also from the shackles of gold and silver.  Boom.  The end of the world as we have known it has come.  The old Babylonian Fakirs just can't seem to find a leg to stand on.

Or anything safe to "invest" in. 

Take a good look at that word----invest, and ask yourself what are you doing when you undertake an act of "investiture".

Here's a clue--- it's a religious act.  When you invest your time and labor in a piece of yellow metal, or a piece of paper, or a gallon of oil, you have made it your master and your god. 


To overcome this enslavement to the material world requires us to develop an entirely different mindset and entirely different assumptions about value and "money" which some of us already have and which others are quickly developing.

For now, think seriously about the actual situation---- Big Oil and electric companies going down the chutes, nobody buying the "reasons" for war anymore, and gold and silver as easy (or easier) to make than cotton candy.

Where does this leave us, and specifically, where does it leave you?  What do you believe in?  And what master will you serve?

What is the meaning of true wealth and what is its measure?

These are eternal questions that we must answer for ourselves, each one of us and all together. Soon.  And the answer has nothing to do with Chinese gold.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Answer to Milt Farrow, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part Seven


By Anna Von Reitz

Some  Americans--at least the ones I consort with--- know that the Petro Dollar was engineered by Kissinger because we are consistently the top  EXPORTER of refined oil products in the world and always have been. 
(Get a clue: we are also the main supplier of guns and weapons and "defense supplies and materials".  We never re-tooled our industries for peace time after World War II.  We kept right on chugging out the same old crap and developing new versions of it and promoting wars for profit all over the world.)
Other Americans think that we are in constant dire need of oil and can never get enough oil----- and don't make the distinction between crude oil ---- the raw material that we can't get enough of, and refined oil products--- which we can't offload fast enough. 
Beyond paying for part of the nasty government operations none of us approve of, none of this has anything to do with Arabs buying Treasury Bonds.  Arabs do that because they figure that Treasury Bonds are a good safe place to store the value of their money, and as long as the world has an oil-based economy, they are right.
When Big Oil goes down as a result of new technology being released all those who have depended on the value of oil to back-stop their currencies and foreign trade markets, most especially the US and Russia and the Middle Eastern countries, will suffer greatly. 
The big monetary struggle between gold and fiat currencies isn't quite what it seems.  It is actually a struggle between gold and oil-based currencies, and it is in fact two asset based systems on a collision course, one that stands to be greatly impacted by the death of Big Oil and one that does not.
The governments have been trying for some time to figure out a way to tax Big Oil and make it more profitable for more countries around the world, thereby reducing the motivation to either release Free Energy technology or base competing economies on a gold standard. 
They came up with the scheme to impose a "Carbon Tax" to even things out and extract more money for other countries out of the oil based currencies.  This is all hokum and excuses to buy political accords that will allow the continuation of Big Oil and economies based on Big Oil. 
And no matter how oppressive the supporting regimes are or how wishful the thinking of the Pope and other western supporters of this scheme, it can't ultimately work.  At best, it can delay the death of Big Oil.
Why do I say that?  Because progress is based on science and science is based on truth and sooner or later, the truth always comes out.  It doesn't matter how many scientists you kill or buy off or how many university chairs you fund.  Physics is physics. Free energy will emerge.  It will emerge here or it will emerge in China or it will emerge in Iceland or it will emerge in Russia.....but it will emerge.  And when it does, Big Oil will dwindle rather quickly into a economic footnote. 
If the governments simply put their creative abilities to work on meeting new needs and new challenges, we wouldn't have to go through this ridiculous turkey trot.  The world survived the end of the whale oil industry and it can survive the end of Big Oil, too.  
The Oil Barons need to find a new need to meet and given the proclivity of mankind to be needy, that should be no big deal, but so far, they have been astonishingly stupid and panicky.  For example, they have tried to corner the market on fresh water and destroy natural aquifers, thinking that they can lay hold of a resource that people need even more than they need oil.
That isn't going to work, for the same reason that suppression of Free Energy won't work. 
Also, when people get thirsty and dirty, they get just as angry as when they are hungry or cold---- and the Oil Barons and Gold Barons and all the other "Barons" and their henchmen--- have the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolutions to think upon. Seriously.  
At a certain point, the rest of us have had enough and decide to overturn the control mechanisms and money machines, and when we do, the selfish power brokers and monopoly hogs and dishonest politicians are the first to go.
So while the Oil Barons and politicians are desperately casting about trying to find a replacement commodity for oil, and most Americans are continuing to make ignorant assumptions about nearly everything and everyone based on Mainstream Media propaganda, it's time to broaden the discussion among those who have a brain left. 
If America isn't selling the world refined oil products and armaments for wars nobody will support anymore, what can we sell as a value-added product that will replace oil and guns?
That is the actual, factual, get-down-to-it problem that we are facing, and because we are facing this dilemma, we are making the rest of the world face it, too.  

How do we beat our guns into plowshares and make a profit? 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Put His FIRST Executive Order In Writing And Obama Is FURIOUS!

Donald Trump has done what no other president-elect in history has done before: He has written his first executive order, dated it for the day he is inaugurated and placed it in a folder he carries with him ready to sign as soon as he’s finished taking the oath of office. The text, released just minutes ago, is said to have sent Obama into a little temper tantrum, slamming doors and knocking things off of the Resolute Desk.

After extensive research, Trump’s team figured out that the easiest way to rescind President Obama’s orders. What they’ve discovered is that Obama’s entire eight years can be erased with a single order that reads as follows:
All orders from the executive office dated from January 20th, 2009 through January 19th, 2017 are hereby null and void, regardless and in spite of the consequences or hardships inflicted on the American people.
That’s right, patriots. Whether it be protection of lands from environmental disaster, increases in benefits or salaries for executive branch workers, declarations for disasters and federal funds or amnesty for children who have lived here their whole lives because their parents broke the law and came here illegally, Obama’s entire tenure will just go buh bye.

It’s estimated that millions of people will need to scatter across the country to avoid prosecution for being brown in Trump’s America. Dozens of parks and wetlands will be handed over to ranchers, frackers and oil drillers and countless other who are affected in some way from such a sweeping and, quite frankly, moronic use of the president’s pen and power will struggle to figure out what to do next.

But true Americans, those of us who don’t need anything but our work boots and our red hats will be just fine and that’s all that really matters. Militiamen and patriots across the country will be free from all that government regulation that doesn’t really affect them but really ticks them off as the glorious US of A becomes the great land it once was before colored folk, the gays and women went and ruined it with grandiose ideas about “equality.”

Thank God for Donald Trump.

Anonymous Obama-Trump Secret Hawaii Meeting Erupts Into Secret Service S...

Clintons Busted in Massive $145 Million Scandal With Russia

USA 'Gov" Invasion of Sovereign American Indian Nations Land

 U.S.A. 'Government' Invasions of 
Sovereign American Indian Nations Land
And the Resulting Trespassing, Assault and Battery 
and Murder of our Peaceful Indian Nations

The following is dated a few years back
but the unlawful atrocities are continuing
today without justice for the persecuted

NYS Police Assault and Beating 
at Onondaga Nation 

Uploaded on Aug 22, 2010
On May 8, 1997 we started protest fire in support of Confederacy Nations' fight against State of New York's attempt to collect taxes on Nations.  On May 18, 1997 NYS Troopers beat Men, Women and Children at Onoondagay, who had gathered for Confederacy gathering in traditional method to resolve conflict. 24 people including 4 children were taken Prisoners of War. Pending lawsuit continues 12 years later. State of New York is making fresh attempts to collect taxes from the Nations on September 1, 2010. Ronald Jones Sr., giving notice at end of video, was murdered on February 11, 1999 having been bludgeoned not unlike Hiram Abiff and presumed attempt at 13 cuts of the Sword. His house burnt to the ground.
Ron stood against those within the State, Federal, Onondaga Nation Council of Chiefs and others to prevent the sell-out of the People's Right.
Ron Jones' murder goes unsolved.  I know Ron, I call him Friend. 
Part of Police report in regards to this Genocide @ this site:

John Kane: On NYS Police Assault & Beatings 
on Onondaga Nation @ Burning Books- Buffalo, NY

Published on Nov 24, 2013

AMERICA — From Freedom To Fascism
 (Full Length Documentary) 
Aaron Russo

Uploaded on May 12, 2011
Is there a law which requires you to pay the Federal Income Tax? 
Is the Federal Reserve a part of the United States Government?
Or is it a private bank owned and operated by multi-national corporate interests? 
Do they have our nation's best interests at heart? 
Unless something changes, what does the future of the United States look like?
The answer to all these questions and more in this incredible documentary by legendary filmmaker Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 - August 24, 2007).
The torch you lit, we will carry. Thank you, Aaron!

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)