Thursday, January 12, 2017



 G-d forbid!

How would the left wing bias news media handle it if over the last 8 years Trump was President and Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State and Trump entered into the agreement that Obama did with Iran, giving them $150 billion dollars and basically a free path to nuclear weapons  in 8 years.   

And how would they handle it if Tillerson took $145 million into his Foundation from the Russians and Tillerson gave the approval for Russia to control 25% of the total uranium production in the United States and then Trump gave his approval for the Russians to sell 16 metric tons of uranium to Iran?

If Tillerson took $25 million from Saudi Arabia and hundreds of millions taken into his Foundation from foreign governments.

I tell you how it would go. 

The news media would have both of their heads. They would call for an immediate impeachment of Trump and probably call for treason charges to be filed against Trump and Tillerson. 

The news media would be relentless. That is all you would hear on the news. They would beat that horse until Trump was impeached and both charged with treason.    

Yet what has the media done because it is Obama and Clinton who made those decisions.  Those that are reading this know that this is true.   

If what Obama has done in 8 years - if that was Trump - he would have been impeached in his first term.  All of his (Obama's) unconstitutional executive orders, thinking he is the 'ruler.'

We have gotten so 'politically correct' that it is sickening.  I am not racist and have many black and Mexican friends. I believe you judge someone by their character and moral fiber not the color of their skin. Let’s face it.  There were so many that voted for Obama because he was black and many of those that voted for him that are white, voted for him because in their own mind it was a way of forgiving the racism that has taken place in our country’s history.

Obama was a 'great speaker' and talked a 'great line', but they did not take into consideration his own history, his track record.  If a white candidate had gone to the church that Obama attended for twenty years and we evaluated a man, seeing the crap that came out of that so called 'preacher's' mouth, we would have immediately crossed that candidate off our list. We would not have voted for a man that attended such a church listening to that BS.  But because Obama was black we just overlooked common sense. We were all 'politically correct'. We do not want to show we might be 'racist', so we will overlook all of his background. A white man or woman who had Obama’s background and associations would not have been elected dog catcher.

I was praying that I was wrong, that Obama would be a President that we could all be proud to be our first black President, but time and time again we were so  disappointed.

Obama is half-black and he uses that fact to intimidate guilt-conflicted white people. Otherwise, he would have been impeached and likely in prison for TREASON by now.

Obama despises the American military because traditionally it has been a mainstay of America's strength, and our strength infuriates him. 

Obama has demonstrated on many of his international tours apologizing for the United States.

Obama reopened relations with Cuba because Cuba is communist. 

Legacy is not his concern here, either, but rather to scuttle America's attempts to keep communist influence out of the Americas. That Cuba has major issues with human rights does not matter.  (The U.S.A. also has MAJOR ISSUES with human rights.)

Like his Marxist African father before him, Obama despises the West and all that it represents.

Obama has lawlessly declared open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens because he wants to overrun America with third-world people who bring little more  than dependency with them. This tactic not only does not ensure a legacy, but rather it guarantees the eventual conversion of America itself into third-world status, if it is allowed to continue.

It is only the outcry of a majority of Americans that holds back this hateful invasion scheme, and Donald Trump's entry onto the political scene to oppose that scheme is a saving grace for our nation.

I was so disappointed to learn: Obama applied for financial aid and was awarded with a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. In order to qualify for this scholarship, students must first claim foreign citizenship. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California, along with evidence that he was first-born in Kenya and no record of him ever applying for US citizenship

I was so disappointed to learn:  CIA Officer Clair Lopez declared that Obama is a Muslim Terrorist with Brotherhood Ties to take down the USA  Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she has risked her professional career to call out president Barack Obama in the biggest way possible.

As she told WND earlier, Lopez believed that muslim brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama Administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden (not OBL - who worked for Bush - but those behind the Nazi Bush cartel): “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.”

I was so disappointed to learn: The disgraceful abandonment of our Ambassador and those brave ex-SEAL's who fought to their deaths to save others in that compound is nothing short of dereliction-of-duty.  Additionally, the patently absurd cover-up scenario that was fabricated in the aftermath was an outright lie in an attempt  to shield the President and the Secretary of State from responsibility. The White House strategy, with the aid of a "lap dog" press, has been to run out the clock before the truth is forthcoming.

The contention was "that there were simply no military assets that could be brought to bear in time to make a difference". The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was half-way around the world, you don't just sit on your penguin ass and do nothing. 

When Hicks in Tripoli receives a call at 9:40 PM from Ambassador Stevens informing him "Greg, we are under attack!" (his last words).  Hicks immediately notified all agencies and prepared for the immediate initiation of an existing "Emergency Response Plan." At AFRICON, General Carter Ham attempts to mount a rescue effort, but is told to "stand down". Absolutely TREASON in my book!

I have been so disappointed to see: Domestically, Obama's policies have had a grave impact on the American economy. He has overseen the weakest recovery from a recession in modern American history.

Obama has mired the country in unprecedented levels of debt: about $19.8 trillion — that is $9.5 trillion on his watch (more than the total of all previous presidents combined in his eight years (this after calling his predecessor “unpatriotic” for adding nearly $5 trillion in eight years).

Obama has fashioned a country in which more Americans now receive government aid — means-tested, let alone non-means-tested — than work full-time.

Obama had no method of paying for this debt other than printing more money — thereby surreptitiously taxing everyone through inflation, including the poor he claims to be helping, and cheapening the dollar to the point that some countries are talking about another reserve currency — and saddling the next generations with enormous debts.  

I have been so disappointed that ALL OF A SUDDEN:

*All Of A Sudden....Eight Years Have Passed! "Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.

*All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the Bible are banned in schools.*

*All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs every where and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses. 

All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons. 

All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by muslims who are offended by American culture.*

*All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn every where even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them. 

All of a sudden muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with sharia law. 

All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-muslim speech”.*

*All of a sudden, jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admittedly acted in the name of islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be
terrorism, but other nebulous terms like “work place violence." 

All of a sudden it becomes policy that secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by islamists and the muslim brotherhood. 

All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS. 

All of a sudden America has reduced it’s nuclear stock piles to 1950 levels, as Obama’s stated goal of a nuke free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.*

*All of a sudden a deal with Iran must be made at any cost with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their  programs. 

All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.*

*All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10Thunderbolt
close air support fighter.  A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress. 

All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama, rendering the Atlantic unguarded. NONE are in the Middle East. 

All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of
captured jihadists and let them loose in jihad-friendly islamic states. He demands to close the facility. 

All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE taliban commanders for a deserter and jihad

All of a sudden there is no money for American poor,
disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry  Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs. 

All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the

*All of a sudden the most important thing for Obama to do, after a mass shooting by two jihadists, is to disarm American Citizens.*

*All of a sudden the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.

These are but a few instances of behavior that display the loathsome character of Barack Hussein Obama. And he is allowed to roam freely through the American landscape poisoning and polluting as he goes, sure in the realization that no one will stop him because he is "black." 

We have allowed this man to create so much hate and dysfunction to our Country because we have to be 'politically correct'.

So, for all you left wing Democrats, you now know why I and so many Americans voted for Trump. Is Trump perfect -  no, but he recognized the many problems that both the Democrats and Republicans have brought on was by being 'politically correct'. 

Trump was sick of it and Middle America is sick of it. 

You all need to get off your high horse and support our President because, in four or eight years, you will not be able to put together a list of things that Trump has done to harm our great Country like this list of things  regarding Obama’s 'leadership'.  

The Trump list will be long and positive of all the things he and his administration will do to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN if the media and the Democrats will just shut up and let him develop and implement his plan.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Sun Is not what we have been told

The Sun Is not what we have been told 
This will Blow Your Mind

Published on Jan 7, 2017
The liars, murderers, and thieves of NASA

Report to U.N. Blasts Secret U.S. Torture Network

New Report to U.N. Special Rapporteur Blasts Secret U.S. Torture Network

LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA. 12 December 2016

A ground breaking report just released to the U.N., Special Rapporteur on Torture by the activist organization ITHACA, reveals the existence of a massive secret imprisonment and torture system that targets tens of thousands of Americans each year. (Some have estimated it yields annual profits upwards of $40-billion annually to the perpetrators.1)

The report contains affidavits of some 90 individuals documenting violations of the 1984 United Nations Convention Against Torture, including isolation, contraindicated forced drugging, starvation, medical neglect, intimidation, coercion, unnecessary/ inappropriate medical procedures, and physical and mental abuse. The victims are not charged or convicted of any crime and are often denied legal representation.
(Josef Mengele WW2 Nazism in the united States all over again )

“Our report, Adult Guardianships as a Form of Torture in the United States, uncovers something far worse–owing to its scope and extent– than the secret network of CIA prisons revealed last year by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee,” comments ITHACA spokeswoman Janet Phelan. “These victims are not terror suspects. They are ordinary US citizens who fell into a system which is geared towards fleecing their assets, with no regard for their well being.”

Unlike the overseas “black sites,” the ITHACA report points out, the domestic torture system barely reaches the public consciousness because it is protected by a fearsome network of judges, attorneys and other court officers, court-appointed guardians, law enforcement, APS social workers, psychologists and medical personnel. 

Some of the so-called care facilities are little more than prisons that isolate vulnerable seniors from their loved ones—often from all outside contact. Then the victims are “treated” while their finances are drained in a variety of ways, sometimes through documents they are coerced through a variety of “ways” to sign. Once their finances are sufficiently depleted, death often follows swiftly. And the evidence is frequently quickly destroyed by cremation before loved ones have a chance to see the body or get an autopsy.

Those fighting to defend their loved ones (and some times lawyers or others who make the mistake of trying to help) also face retaliation, detailed in the ITHACA report. This can include disbarment for attorneys and loss of licenses for medical and other professionals. In some cases, families are ruined by legal costs trying to save a loved one trapped in the system. (One account details an impoverished woman with a disabled husband threatened with $9000 in legal fees for objecting to a court-appointed guardian who was issued letters of guardianship, in violation of state law, listing false credentials. This threat was used to force her to drop the objection. ) 

Others grow sick from the hopeless struggle and die of heart attacks or other illness—some times under suspicious circumstances. Still others face legal harassment and are forced to leave the country. As detailed in the report, some have faced jail or prison.

The ITHACA report points out a major loophole for potential torturers. There is little hope from the higher courts, despite the fact that many victims and their loved ones should be protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA.) 

States the report:
The US Supreme Court has taken a position concerning guardianship and probate matters. Known as “the probate exception,” this essentially removes the Supreme Court from any necessity on issuing decisions in matters arising in state probate courts. The difficulty in finding remedies to exhaust is enhanced by the tendencies of probate courts to issue gag orders and restraining orders against litigants, which may bar them from exercising their legal rights to make further reports or otherwise engage justice agencies.
That’s right. The ITHACA report reveals to the U.N. Special Rapporteur that the U.S. legal system is complicit in this alleged wholesale looting and torture of seniors.  

The local courts have the power—and use the power—to seal records containing damning evidence, have photographs proving potential torture destroyed, issue gag orders to relatives and witnesses, and issue various restraining orders that prevent exposure of violations of the U.N. Convention on Torture.

Massive UFO War Above Us ?!

Spaceships All Around Earth 

Massive UFO War Above Us! 

Please send to General Dunford and President Trump.

98% of the people reading this will die 
if this weapon is not stopped from being activated. 

Please go to 14min.  30 sec. of video.

Published on Jan 7, 2017
Non-terrestrial officers? 
Have we already been to Mars? 
Are there actual monuments on the moon and Mars? Could there be a UFO war going on over the skies of earth in space? 
Are there spaceships all around earth involving extra terrestrials from other worlds? 
The evidence sure seems to imply that something is going on in the skies above. 
It would cost a lot for spaceships and a continuous flow of taxes and black budget dollars could imply a rational that there is more than meets the eye and or that of public knowledge.

Obama's legacy according to


       This   is certainly a different way to look at what is happening....................        
        One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point. She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream!  She gives us an entirely new slant on the "amazing" job Obama is doing, and she says that she will thank God for the 'president.'
        Keep reading for her additional comments and an explanation.
        When discussing Obama, she says:       
         1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through the heart of Hillary's presidential aspirations - something no Republican was ever able to do.        
         2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - no more Kennedys trolling Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.           
          3. Obama  is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes!
Dennis Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race.
Byron Dorgan had never lost a race.
Harry Reid - soon to be GONE!
These are just a  handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has destroyed. By the end of 2016, dozens more will be gone.
Just think, in December of  2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In two election cycles.  They had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party. However, in  just one term Obama put a stop to all of this and gave the House and the Senate  back to the Republicans.                
         4. Obama has completely exposed 'liberals' and 'progressives' for what they really are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why they should never actually put 'liberals' in charge.
Obama is bringing home the lesson very well:
Liberals tax, borrow and spend. 
Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America. Liberals want to take over the economy.
Liberals think they know what is best for everyone else.
Liberals are not happy until they are running YOUR life.            
         5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since Reagan. In one term,  Obama has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name one other time and one other 'president' when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America!           
         6. Obama,  with his "amazing leadership," has sparked the greatest period of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding citizens have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting  goods field while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.                   
         7. In  all honesty, 4 years ago I was more afraid than I have been in my life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country was going. I thought Americans have forgotten what this country is all  about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people has been flat wrong.                
         8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great Americans!  Again, I want to say: "Thank you Barack Obama!" After all, this is  exactly the kind of 'hope and change' we desperately needed!!             
         9. Obama has saved Carter’s legacy and made Jimmy Carter happy, since Jimmy is no  longer the worst president we've ever had. Credit goes to where credit is due. I feel better now!     


NEW 2017 All USA People Need To See This!

NEW 2017 All USA People Need To See This! 

Published on Jan 10, 2017

Caution! Walmart across the world is becoming reconstructed FEMA prison industrial complexes. WARNING: potential hazards include; Military Draft & Round-Up, WW3, Forced Vaccinations, RFID Chips and Elite Controlled Depopulation.

IRAN: Giants Kept Inside Glass Capsules

IRAN:  Giants Kept Inside Glass Capsules
Best PROOF Existence Giants EVER!
Published on Jan 6, 2017
This video obtained with a mobile phone is run by the networks as proof of the existence of giants of old who would remain dormant but alive!

Several of these giants were kept inside glass capsules, in a "deathlike" state (similar to death); But they were not dead.

At the time of its disappearance, this civilization possessed technological capacities that far surpass ours. The stasis chambers were a testament to their progress, employing glass technology that supposedly altered the flow of time. It could be 30,000 years, but for the occupants of the glass capsule, it seemed only about thirty minutes. This ancient technology is even beyond what even most believe. It is multidimensional technology, coveted not only by humans but also by extraterrestrials.

The underground cavern was no secret to Goode, who claims to have worked for the shadow government. In fact, it was discovered sometime during the 19th century. This place was covered with dark material up to about 90 feet. And there was an old unknown language that surrounded the interior. There were also three sarcophagi that were in a formation on the floor. "

Among the three sarcophagi was a cube-shaped pedestal with "a matrix of bright blue glass with a kind of spider web connecting the four corners."

BREAKING: FBI Makes Massive Announcement About Hillary Clinton – IT’S HA...

Anonymous US troops on Border We must ask ourselves why ?

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above….

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above….



Image result for Christina Sarich

Image result for chemtrail planes WITH A SKULL

If aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants aren’t good for us…

How can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighbourhood's be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying? In this important piece of social activism, we can learn how we are being sprayed with huge amounts of aluminum, strontium, and barium, among with other health-wreaking chemicals against our will, and without our consent.

Chemtrails: Confirmed and Denied

The government continues to lie to us about the existence of weather-ownership via geo-engineering, but Congress is planning to legalize Bills like Senate Bill 1807 and U.S. House Bill 3445, along with the Climate Security Act (Also known as the Lieberman-Warner bill, bill number S. 2191 ) which was not passed in 2007 when it was introduced, but is up for a vote again. On the surface it looks smart and snappy – a greenhouse gas reduction bill to reduce emissions to below 2005 levels, however, Rosalind Peterson explains the true malicious intent behind these bills:

“These bills are designed to sell out the health and welfare of the people of the United States in order to establish a national and international Cap & Trade Money Market Scheme, and under Section 6E, “…initiate programs to “mitigate” the impacts of any unavoidable global climate change…” These bills have nothing to do with “Climate Security”. They are designed to fleece the American people out of billions of their tax dollars to support a questionable “market scheme of carbon trading” by selling “emission allowances” to polluters to allow them to pollute more in the future.”

Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in chemtrails, aluminum, causes all sorts of health problems. The chemical attacks the nervous system, primarily, and cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional instability, memory loss, headaches, and impaired even impaired intellect. Whether this is an intentional or accidental side effect of chemtrails spraying remains to be uncovered.

Soil and water samples are being tested at the top of Mt. Shasta, California, and in Siskiyou County, for example, and the aluminum levels are high enough to kill a moose. The levels are “off the charts” with the highest reading so far at 4,610 times the maximum contaminate level for drinking water in the sunny state. A recent snow sample taken form Ski Bowl on Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 ug/L, 61 times the maximum contaminant level for aluminum in drinking water.

Even the minimal use of aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants can cause the back up of lymph nodes – fluids aren’t able to move through the body and cause breakouts along the temples and neck. Prolonged exposure to aluminum at high levels, such as those being sprayed across the sky, can also cause:

·        Brain degeneration

·        Impede the bodies ability to digest calcium, phosphorous and fluoride.

·        Prevent bone growth and lessens bone density.

·        Cause aching muscles

·        Speech problems

·        Anemia

·        Digestive issues

·        Impaired liver function

·        Impaired kidney function

·        Colic in babies

Barium is also a chemical being found in heavily sprayed areas. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, (CDC):

“Ingestion of certain forms of barium (e.g., barium carbonate or barium fluoride) in toxic amounts can lead to gastrointestinal signs and symptoms (e.g., vomiting, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea). Within 1–4 hours of ingestion, profound hypokalemia and generalized muscle weakness can develop which may progress to paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles. Severe hypokalemia induced by barium toxicity can cause ventricular dysrhythmias (1-7).”

In addition to exposure to aluminum and barium, we are also being poisoned with Strontium-90. While this statement may take your breath away – chemtrails are taking your breath away. Strontium-90 is used as a radioactive tracer in medical studies and in studies of agricultural crops. It is also used in beacons for navigating, remote weather stations and space vehicles. Strontium-90 is used in electron tubes to treat eye diseases and as a radiation source in industrial thickness gauges, but it was never meant to be inhaled, or consumed through water and soil.

If this compound dissolves in water, the chemical will dissolve in the moist surface inside the lungs. Strontium will then enter the blood quickly. If the chemical form of strontium does not dissolve in water easily, a small amount may remain in the lungs. Health problems can develop including lowered red blood cell counts including anemia, which causes excessive tiredness, blood that does not clot properly, and a decreased resistance to fight disease.

We need to start detoxing these chemicals being dumped on our heads every day. Stratospheric aerosol spraying, also called geo-engineering, or chemtrails, are not good for anyone’s health. When coupled with GMO monopolies, non-organic foods, the consideration by the US government to forcibly make us take vaccines, and the push for ever more pharmaceuticals instead of natural treatments, it is anyone’s guess what is really going on at the top.

PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward

Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward

"Our Liberty - our Republic - is at risk 
with no way to escape it!"

Diane Roark is a former congressional staffer who was assigned to the intelligence committee. Undaunted by FBI raids on her home and others who also served on that committee, she now comes forward to reveal NSA secrets that she learned of.

Whistleblower Says They Are Here

Whistleblower Says They Are Here 
"Dr. Eric Norton" has worked as a consultant for the National Security Agency (NSA) and NASA for about 12 years. He has worked on many projects for the government, most recently with the Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) which is involved in several research projects with the underlying goal of gaining a better understanding of the meteoroid environment so that the MEO models can be improved. They basically monitor the skies, track meteors and other objects in space. Here for the first time he talks openly about what we are not being told. The mass-media has begun covering this story. Outlets such as the London Daily Mail, New York Daily News and The Hindustan Times of India have versions of this story, but none of them has the initial, long-range-telescopic image of the craft that TRN has, nor do any of them have the audio interview with "Dr. Norton" whose name was changed to protect his identity.

Whistleblower Says They Are Here

Chemtrails And Aluminum Harm Heart, Lungs And Plants

Chemtrails And Aluminum Harm 
Heart, Lungs And Plants

Satanic super soldiers in ALL U.S.A. cities

We are tracking satanic super soldiers 
in ALL U.S.A. cities
Russ Dizdar

The work the Germans did in the '30 - '40's created a soldier race 
that is now hiding in every American city and town... Including Yours!

Russ Dizdar exposes what he believes is a growing threat to your family.