By Anna Von Reitz
Hypothecation is a fancy word for fraud. It concerns a purely
hypothetical debt owed by a pure hypothetical corporation. It allows a
Third Party to claim that a corporation named after you and operating
under your NAME is standing good for their debts. It allows them to
take title to your body, land, home, marriage, children, and all else
you may have on earth, and use it as collateral for their debts---- all
without telling you or having any valid agreement with you at all.
Do you smell a great, big, fat, stinking rat yet?
Those who have been following along now know that Maritime Law (also
known as Commercial Law and (Roman) Civil Law and Law Merchant is an
ancient system of laws and codes that arose thousands of years ago and
is based upon the worship of Satan (the Father of All Lies) and other
pagan practices and beliefs.
You also know that no living man can form a contract under this
system of laws. Only corporations---that is, legal fiction entities---
can form contracts, because contracts are themselves fraudulent by
Think about it--- can you guarantee your abilities or conditions ten
minutes from now, much less thirty years hence? No, of course, not.
As the Prophet Jeremiah bemoaned, it is not given to us to be able to
guarantee a single step.
Can someone so limited in scope by nature ever enter into a contract
guaranteeing anything, much less the fulfillment of a contractual
obligation set far into the future, like the paying off of a mortgage
twenty or thirty years from now, or a car loan in five years?
The answer is no, no, no. The very best a living man can do is what
is called a "good faith agreement" --- which is sometimes misrepresented
as a "contract" but is in fact no guarantee at all, aside from one's
"good faith" intention to carry through on whatever is agreed to.
So you have fake entities--- corporations which exist only in the
mind and as pieces of paper known as a Charter--- making promises that
no man can guarantee for performance of contracts which everyone
concerned knows are bogus by nature.
In order to safeguard themselves against such obvious dishonesty and
folly, the perpetrators of this system also claim to have a "corporate
veil" to protect their own hides and fortunes from the consequences of
their actions. And they also seek to "privately insure" their
corporations against losses on top of it.
The "corporate veil" is a claim based on the fact that a corporation
by definition is a "dead entity" and nobody can hold a dead man
accountable, except to the extent of his "remainder estate". So what is a
corporation's estate? Only the assets it holds in its name. Under
normal circumstances, its shareholders cannot be sued for anything
beyond the corporation's assets.
So imagine that you "borrow" your neighbors name -- "Curtis Alvin
Foster" -- and you use his name to create a corporate PERSON named
"CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER" --- and you operate it as a franchise of another
corporation like the "UNITED STATES, INC.".
The UNITED STATES, INC. operating as the parent corporation issues
bonds ---that is, promises to pay in the future and names good old
"CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER" as the "surety" underwriting the bonds. People
then buy these "UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS" in the rational belief
that the UNITED STATES, INC. and all the "franchises" belonging to the
UNITED STATES, INC., are "standing good" for the debts of the UNITED
STATES ......
Well, what happens when the "UNITED STATES" declares bankruptcy?
All that the UNITED STATES has at risk are whatever bits and pieces
it hasn't transferred to the ownership of other corporations like: THE
OF DEFENSE, INC. and so on and on.
And those bits and pieces of property scattered around the world are
not sufficient to cover the debts of the UNITED STATES, INC., but the
actual shareholders in the UNITED STATES, INC., are protected by the
corporate veil. They have siphoned off all the profit and left nothing
of value on the table, and worst comes to worst, they are prepared to
seek bankruptcy protection just like the Big Boys---- the banks and
holding companies behind this whole fraud.
So the debt is insurmountable and the UNITED STATES, INC. and its
actual shareholders are all snug and protected behind the corporate veil
and also holding the option of bankruptcy protection for all the guilty
parties, such as the members of the "UNITED STATES CONGRESS" and who is
left wriggling on the hook for this?
Why, YOU and ME and good old CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER are on the hook for it, of course.
All those sureties---- all the "franchise corporations" and all their
assets get plugged to pay back the investors who bought those "UNITED
In just this way, you and your assets have been used as collateral
---as insurance underwriting--- the promises to pay made by the "UNITED
"name of" the UNITED STATES and all those franchises named after YOU and
"WHHAAATTT?" --- I can hear you all saying...... "How is that
possible? I never agreed to use my labor and my body and my home and my
business as collateral backing those spendthrifts in Congress! I
didn't sign any such agreement! I don't know what you are talking
It all goes back to the Father of All Lies and the system of "law" created in honor of him.
What's the First Lie?
It happened before you were even aware of what was going on. Your
Mother innocently and unwittingly signed undisclosed paperwork allowing
the vermin to "presume" that you were a "citizen of the United States"
and a fatherless bastard that nobody claimed----- and so their
"religious non-profit service corporation" operating the "Public
Charitable Trust" claimed you as a ward and dependent and set up a
corporate franchise named after you. They issued a "Birth Certificate"
under your name to keep it all "legal" but not lawful, and they listed
YOU as an asset and franchise of their parent corporation, the UNITED
Look at what you think of as your own Birth Certificate. It is
written on bond paper. It is signed by the Registrar of the Probate
Court in the County where you were born. Your estate on Earth was
probated when you were only a few weeks old. You will notice that your
actual birthday appears on the certificate---- say, June 6, 1956, but
there is another date there, too---- a "File Date"---- that is the day
that these vermin secretly enrolled you as a franchise of their
corporation and named YOU as a surety for their corporate debts. At that
time, when you were only a few days old, the Devil claimed you, killed
you, and left nothing but your NAMED ESTATE as a record that you ever
lived at all. You and your assets were also press-ganged into the
international jurisdiction of the sea and made subject to Maritime
Law--- Satan's "Law".
Since then, you have been ever-increasingly indebted by the senseless
spending of the Congress and the fake Governors running a "state of
state" ----- such as the State of California or the STATE OF
CALIFORNIA--- all of them making false claims against your name and
estate and against your actual state, the California state----and all of
them claiming that you and your state are franchises owned and operated
by their corporation and that YOU and all your land, etc., stands as a
surety for their debts and are fair game for any creditor that cares to
make a claim.
And of course, nobody hears a word of dissent from you claiming
otherwise. Why? Because your Mother was hoodwinked and coerced into
signing an undisclosed "information" sheet about you and just as
innocently gave wrong information. (In legalese, the word "Informant"
means that your Mother, listed as the "Informant", was giving notice of a
crime---- the abandonment of a baby.)
Your Mother never knew and was never taught the legal (as opposed to
common use) meaning of the words "US citizen" and she never realized
that she "donated" you into slavery. So of course she never took any
corrective action and when you came of age, you were totally uninformed
so you couldn't take any action, either.....
What's the only deal you can't refuse? The one that you never heard of in the first place.
What appears to be a Birth Certificate acknowledging your arrival is
in fact a Death Certificate announcing your "civil death". Father of
All Lies, right? A Death Certificate disguised as a Birth Certificate.
The men and women who approved and set up this fraud machine were the
worst most despicable kind of criminal imaginable, white collar slave
traders and inland pirates wearing nice suits, preying upon ignorant
women and little babies in their cradles.
They are all long since dead and beyond our ability to punish.
Today, their grandsons and granddaughters continue to operate the fraud
machine, but that is all they have ever known. When you capture them
and put the pieces together and ask them to account for their actions,
nine out of ten of them appear truly amazed.
They only saw a part of it---typically a small part of the total
machine---and they claim they didn't know what was going on. Not at
all. It was just "the way we do things.... this is the way it has
always been done"----and within their living memory, that is true.
By far the majority of the people who serve to create and implement
and keep this evil system running are totally innocent and have no idea
what they are contributing to and no idea that they have also been
victimized and claimed like unbranded cattle.
If they knew, then all the government workers and the people of these
fifty great nation-states would rise up with one voice and say:
"Fraud! Fraud against us! Fraud against our children! Fraud!
Identity theft! False records! False claims in commerce! I am an
American state national! Help! Help! Help!"
Okay, so that was Lie Number One, false records and false testimony
fabricated against you and then held against you without your knowledge
or consent, stacking the deck against you and allowing false
presumptions about you for the rest of your life.
So then, the rest of the lies came---Lies Two, Three, Four.....and on
and on. You were told that you had to sign up for Social Security or
you couldn't have a job, so under that coercion, you signed up. You
were told that you had to have a driver license, so you signed up. You
were told you had to have a marriage license, so you did that, too.
And it so happens that absolutely none of this "common knowledge" was
ever true for 90% of you. It's actually just disinformation put out by
self-interested parties and ignorance parroted by people who thought
they knew the truth and didn't.
Each one of these "voluntary" contracts is not really voluntary. They
are not actually required for American state nationals and the
consequences of signing these documents are never disclosed.
You are penalized and hounded and coerced under various kinds of
duress to have a "Social Security Number" and a Driver License and a
Marriage License and all the rest of it. And there is a reason for
this--- each one of these things seems to further lend credence to the
storyline these vermin are peddling about you--- that you wanted to be
classed as a ward of the state, that you voluntarily gave up your
birthright as an American state national, that you are subject to the
Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land and so on and on.
And, again, if people would stop talking about what they think they
know and stop making assumptions and start asking questions, all of this
would become very apparent. You would all realize that you have been
defrauded and you would start seeking remedy for it.
Begin with the fact that a "license" is official permission (from
some authority presumed to be greater than you) to do something that
would otherwise be illegal. You should all be asking---- when did it
become illegal to get married? Who says? Why?
Remember what I said about the sanctimonious monsters claiming that
you were an abandoned, unwanted, fatherless child and that their
religious non-profit Public Charitable Trust (PCT) adopted you?
The Public Charitable Trust was set up as a welfare fund for
displaced plantation slaves in the wake of the so-called "Civil War".
So who is eligible to receive help from the PCT? Abandoned babies and
unemployed Negroes and other "federal wards and dependents" who receive
welfare "benefits" from the fund, all of which they pay for themselves,
of course.
Likewise, the Marriage License was imposed on Negroes --- and only
upon Negroes who were deemed "citizens of the United States". The fear
was that displaced plantation slaves would breed like rabbits and become
a public nuisance so laws were passed requiring Negro men to prove they
had jobs and income sufficient to support a wife and family before they
got married and thus the requirement of the "Marriage License" was
imposed on all those receiving benefits from the Public Charitable Trust
Are you a "citizen of the United States"? Are you desiring
"benefits" from a Public Charitable Trust set up for the welfare relief
of African Americans? Are you required to have a license to get
Who dreams up this outrageous crappola? Not me. I am just describing it for you and noting the history involved.
Clearly, Satan is all about lies and half-truths and purposeful
omissions, and his system of "law" is, too. And through no fault of
your own, you have been commandeered into this system of lies, fraud,
racketeering, coercion, and crime. You've been made subject to it and
arbitrarily defined as both a criminal and a slave. You have been made
to dig your own grave--- and all this in your own country, using your
own resources against you---and this has been done to you by your own
employees, your supposed Allies, and Trustees.
The men and women who did this 150 years ago deserved to be strung up
and gibbeted for what they were--- British pirates. Those who have
knowingly and deliberately continued it -- like Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill--- deserved no better from the
American people. And those who continue these practices once they have
been fully and freely informed are also criminals in the modern day. A
crime is a crime is a crime is a crime.
In this entire matter, first to last, from the outrages of the
so-called "Civil War" onward, the British Monarch has acted in gross
Breach of Trust and so have the Popes from that day to this. The
British Crown Corporation and its subsidiaries including the Northern
Trust Corporation, the Government of the United States (Inc.), their
subsidiaries and franchises including the FBI, BLM, American Bar
Association, and Internal Revenue Service have all functioned as
international crime syndicates on our shores.
Just over a year ago, an innocent (and by my standards, young)
Rancher named LaVoy Finicum was deliberately ambushed and murdered by
members of the FBI, which is nothing but an armed mercenary security
company operated by a for-profit corporation calling itself the
"GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.)". They acted under color of
law and murdered an innocent American on his way to a public meeting and
the vicious miscreants--- murderers with malice aforethought---- have
to all appearances gotten away with it.
The British Bar Association members operating as District Attorneys
have failed to serve justice and have instead defended crime against the
people of this country in violation of the 1947 Bar Association Treaty.
And it isn't the first time.
The American Bar Association which claims to be a professional
association organized to promote continuing education and high
professional and ethical standards among its members stands revealed on
this matter and occasion as nothing more than a rubber stamp for the
brutal criminal regime in London which is ultimately responsible for
their existence.
It's a good thing that I am not into politics and am not Donald
Trump. If I were, every single one of these "federal corporations"
would be liquidated. Not just sold. Liquidated. For cause.
Every single one of the men responsible for the miscarriage of
justice in this country would be ferreted out and fired. The corrupt
judges and district attorneys would be no more. Fired, fired, fired,
and not eligible for pensions or rehire. Ever.
The members of the Bar Association would be given a choice---- either
renounce membership in the Bar or have all your worldly goods
confiscated and be deported to England or any other country stupid
enough to put up with the Bar's double-speak criminality.
The federal State of State franchises would be liquidated also and
all their ill-gotten gains including the over-stuffed employee pension
and CAFR accounts returned to the actual land jurisdiction state
governments we are owed.
I would do a department by department and agency by agency overhaul
and send forth an army of accountants to scour through the financial
records of every single one of these organizations and I would bring
suit against every corporation suspected of the crimes of racketeering,
coercion, extortion, falsification of vital records, unlawful
conversion, and conspiracy to defraud or other outrages against the
actual states and people. I would not only have their "corporate veil
pierced" but thrown away and trampled on.
I would dispatch a Special Counselor to every United States District
with strict orders to clean up this administrative nightmare and fire as
many people as necessary to get it done.
And I would also dispatch a team of Special Prosecutors to the United
Nations to bring formal complaints against Britain and France and the
Netherlands and Switzerland and the rest of the False Friends who have
preyed so relentlessly on the American states and people.
I would send another group of Special Prosecutors to France to
present the proof of criminal wrong-doing in the International Court of
Criminal Justice and demand a full scale investigation. And I would
make sure that the full allegations and all the evidence was placed
squarely on the public record for all to see. No more backdoor deals and
gentleman's agreements---- just a housecleaning like we haven't had
since Great-Grandma was a pup.
And now, finally, about "hypothecation"---- its a process of
"hypothetical debt". A corporation alleges that CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER is
its surety in case it can't or won't pay its debts. Another corporation
brings forward a debt for CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER to pay. They bring suit
against CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER, a corporate franchise of the UNITED STATES.
So far all this is nothing but lies and "theories", so the COURT goes
fishing. They send a SUMMONS and NOTICES to the name CURTIS ALVIN
FOSTER, and of course, poor old Curtis Allen Foster---- who doesn't know
that any of this is going on---- answers it.
And suddenly it "appears" that a corporation operating as a franchise
of the UNITED STATES, INC. under the name "CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER" exists.
Someone stepped forward and accepted the NAME. So, under the Doctrine
of Merger and the presumptions already existing as a result of the
deliberately concocted Vital Statistics records, the COURT logs another
You see, CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER, is already defined as a criminal and
slave and a guilty party. No matter what poor old Curtis Allen Foster
says in his defense, no matter what law or what evidence he produces,
the COURT cannot hear him. It can only give---as its own current rules
state---an "appearance" of justice, while the criminals in robes proceed
to pillage the ACCOUNT they hold in the name of CURTIS ALVIN FOSTER,
and charge his supposedly "abandoned" birth estate.
These courts have got to be shut down permanently. Those
administering them must be fired and removed. The judges who have known
about this system and who have participated in it must be fired and
removed. The District Attorneys who have stood by and let this go on
have to be fired and removed.
No more "hypothecation" of debt related to any implied contract
should be allowed, ever. And no political status should be presumed upon
anyone on the basis of Vital Statistics records, Informants, or
imposed by any so-called Public Policy.
Every single attorney and bureaucrat found guilty of supporting and
colluding in this gigantic fraud should be branded as a public
malefactor and pariah and deported permanently from our shores. The Bar
Associations which have promoted this criminal activity should be
outlawed and anyone having a Bar Card or "license" to practice law
should be given a choice--- either tear up your Bar Card and operate in
the honest court system owed to the people of these fifty nation states,
or get out.
Those that remain loyal to the Bar after learning the facts should be
stripped of their right to be here and put to sea in a leaky boat so
far as I am concerned.
I believe that was the intention of our Forefathers when they passed
the Titles of Nobility Amendment and I believe that they were correct in
their assessment of the situation. I believe that hundreds of millions
of people have died and have lived miserable, truncated lives because of
the criminality and dishonesty of legal professionals and the continued
use and abuse of the Roman Civil Law in modern times.
I call upon every member of the American Armed Forces, every sheriff,
every Marshal, every peace officer, traffic cop, special agent, provost
marshal, law enforcement official, corporate officer, bureaucrat,
politician, and rank and file American to demand an end to the use of
so-called "Executive" (Martial Common Law) and Roman Civil Law on
American shores.
Demand the correction of all the falsified and undisclosed vital
statistics records that have been deliberately and self-interestedly
created for the purpose of press-ganging and defrauding and
mischaracterizing the innocent American people. Demand prosecution of
those who have practiced both personage and barratry against us. Demand
restitution from England, France, and the other False Friends that have
contributed to this identity theft, fraud, and enslavement.
Expose the rot and clean it out like a pus-filled wound. Let us put
an end to Satan's "law" once and for all and embrace a new era and a new
international law.
Toward this end, people, discuss what I am telling you here with your
families and your friends. Take this article and any others that you
find helpful and give them to the elected bureaucrats, to the police, to
the lawyers themselves----many of whom have been blissfully ignorant of
the Bar Associations' true nature and misdeeds---- to the local county
sheriff and the school officials and the pastors and the priests who
serve your communities. Let everyone know what has gone on here, what
has been alleged and practiced against them.
Then start the process of declaring your actual political status as a
non-citizen American state national and get it on the record. Start
"assembling" your county jural assemblies. Post your public notices.
Hold your elections for your county sheriff for the land-based county.
Tell the current private office holder that he is welcome to be the land
sheriff, too, if he agrees to uphold the actual Public and Organic Law
owed to your county and if not, he is occupying a private office in a
corporation like any other corporation and he is required to recognize
the man who does hold the public office as a result of the jural
assembly election. Elect your Justices of the Peace (often mistakenly
called "judges"). Elect your Court Clerk, Bailiff, Grand Jury
Administrator and all other public offices of the county you are owed.
Put together your jury pools.
When you have your Jural Assembly up and running, create your Jural
Society to operate the Federal Postal District Courts that are owed to
your counties. These courts preside over matters arising in the
undelegated portion of the international jurisdiction reserved by the
states and the people under Article X of the actual Constitution.
Anything and everything that was not specifically and explicitly
delegated to the "federal corporation" to do, remains the province of
the states and the people and the Federal Postal District Courts are the
proper venue.
Get going, America. Get up on your feet. Raise the alarm. Take the
necessary steps to reclaim your birthright estates, operate the
government you are owed, and reform the operations of the federal
government on our shores. A great deal of work has to be done on all
sides to bring this criminality to an end and forge forward to a new
future--- and nobody else in the world can do it for you.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website