Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It's the Oil, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 23


By Anna Von Reitz

Today the world is a-flutter with news and disgruntlement about Donald Trump's Executive Orders re-enlivening the oil pipeline projects that Obama and the Army Corps of Engineers shut down. 
He's the Chief Executive of a worldwide conglomerate whose lifeblood depends upon oil.  What do you expect him to do? 
The interesting question isn't, "Why is Donald Trump doing this?"---- but rather, "Why didn't Obama do this?"
The UN Corporation (not to be confused with the United Nations chartered in 1945) founded in France during WWII gave birth to the IMF(INC.) not to be confused with the International Monetary Fund, also birthed in France at the end of the Second World War, which acquired the UNITED STATES,INC. at Bretton Woods--- basically via a Successor Contract Assignment from FDR. 
The International Monetary Fund like the Federal Reserve is an international consortium of banks and investors functioning as a central bank of central banks. So you have a public corporation (IMF) and a private association (International Monetary Fund) running it, just as you have the public corporation (FEDERAL RESERVE) and the private association running it (Federal Reserve).
This allows the banking associations running these corporations a very free hand to meddle as they please without any substantial risk to their member banks and their investors and officers.  They can pillage at will behind the so-called "corporate veil" on one hand, and then sanctimoniously huff and puff and stand on their right to privacy on the other. 
So they conduct almost all their actual, important business in private member meetings never open to the public, do their dirty work in peace, and then just make announcements and hold schmoozing sessions with insiders and trading partners before and after.
This is also why there is no sane and regular auditing of the Federal Reserve. Nor of the IMF, for that matter. All the dirty dealings of these private banker clubs are to one extent or another claimed to be private and when that is not sufficient, they allege that their wheeling-and-dealing is a "state secret"----which is a good trick, considering that the only states they have are fictional.
Anyway, it has been roughly 45 years since Tricky Dick Nixon ousted silver as the basis for the "UNITED STATES DOLLAR" (USD) and created the "Petrodollar" instead. This attached the value of the "UNITED STATES DOLLAR" to the value of oil, both crude and refined.  These commodities became the assets backing the USD instead of silver.
Please note that the UNITED STATES DOLLAR is a private, corporate currency and the United States Dollar (usd) also known as the American Dollar, is and has always remained, a unit measure of fine silver.
UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD) does not equal United States Dollar (usd), but both are asset backed currencies.  The asset backing one is oil, the asset backing the other is silver.
As fewer and fewer people have insisted on using "lawful money" the supply of silver dollars and silver and gold coins in general has dwindled, but there are still half a billion silver dollars in circulation and far more silver half-dollars, quarters, and dimes, so that the actual people of the United States who are non-citizen state nationals continue to have sufficient quantities of actual silver dollars for their trading needs and by international law, they continue to have the right to denominate any funds passing through their hands or bank accounts as lawful money. 
That means that money they use has to be considered specie money, actual money having value in-and-of-itself, like a gold coin----even if it's transferred around in the form of "Federal Reserve Notes" or "United States Notes".  It also means that all digits representing funds in their bank accounts have to be considered their assets, not the bank's.  Naturally, banks frown upon this stipulation, but it is the law and it has to be the law or every bank in America would have to be closed down as a crime syndicate.
As it would be very inconvenient indeed to carry around a gallon of crude oil every time you wish to buy a gallon of milk (they more or less have parity in the marketplace) a system of legal tender (promissory notes) rather than certificates (coupons for redemption) has been used to facilitate an exchange of value for the Petrodollar.  Thus the USD continues to be issued in the form of notes guaranteed by the value of oil, both crude and refined, and the value of the usd continues to be guaranteed by the value of fine silver.
Both are asset-backed and the only thing tricky about this is the same deliberate confusion created by the use of deceptively similar names that we have seen elsewhere. 
Now, Donald Trump has been elected President of the UNITED STATES---a foreign, mostly privately owned international conglomerate in the business of providing governmental services --- among other things. The UNITED STATE'S currency depends on the value of oil, both crude and refined.
This means that when OPEC went crazy with the Oil Embargo and when more recently, the price of gasoline topped $5 per gallon at the pump, the profits made by the UNITED STATES in the commodity markets of the world were enormous on the so-called "backside" of the transaction and nobody in Washington, District of Columbia, cared if you had to dig deeper into your piggy banks to get to work and school or pay your light bill.
This also means that Donald Trump as CEO of the UNITED STATES has every reason on the world to kiss oil company rump and kiss Saudi rings and name the former CEO of EXXON as his VP and bust through every obstacle on Earth to supply oil refineries with crude oil, build Trans-Continental oil pipe lines until the cows come home, and ruthlessly quash the development of any new energy technology that the UNITED STATES doesn't own and control.
You see, the UNITED STATES, INC., is in a lot of other businesses now beside just providing governmental services.  They've been in the oil business since the Second World War. They are the world's Number One exporter of Defense Technology and have been for decades. They are also in the drug business, the insurance business, the pension services business, the securities business, the banking business, Lord knows, they just tried to take over the entire health care sector, too.  Last time I looked, the UNITED STATES---through its municipal and pension fund "associations"--owned the majority interest in virtually every Fortune 500 company. 
And at the heart of the Octopus, the very center, is Wall Street--- the Biggest Casino on Earth, where the daily trading and manipulation of the values of stocks, commodities, and bonds allows the monopoly interests of the UNITED STATES to exert a stranglehold on competitors, forcing them to pay protection money as "taxes" or plaguing them with federal agencies (aka corporate mercenaries) enforcing federal regulations under color of law.
The UNITED STATES has become so predatory, so reckless, so lawless, that many corporations are refusing to do business here and others are fleeing to happier shores overseas.  Even the banks can smell the stench of corruption, gross self-interest, and a filthy business environment. 
And you know it has to be bad, bad, bad when that happens.
Donald Trump is a good enough Executive to know that he has to fix that. It's bad for business.  So that's why you are seeing him wave the Olive Branch and making Nice toward other big corporate interests, promising them tax shelters and deregulation and other favors to make this a tolerable place to stay.  It's basically Big Brother saying, "Aw, I'm sorry, guys, I won't beat you up anymore! Promise!" after fifty years of doing exactly that.
He's also savvy enough to know that Americans, the people victimized the most by the UNITED STATES, are waking up and ready to regurgitate, so he has to walk a thin line in all these endeavors.  The UNITED STATES has devolved into a Fascist Empire and that is not what the American people are owed. 
As my Father once explained it to me: "The Communists steal everything and pay for everything.  The Fascists steal everything and make you pay for everything, too." 
No need for politics or any idealism to enter into it. 

Dad always cut to the chase, and having seen the worst of Hitler's Germany, he knew what to think when the heirs of Standard Oil helped set up the IMF and took over the UNITED STATES.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Secret Service Agent Says She Wouldn't "Take A Bullet" For Trump

Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take                  'a bullet' for Trump

This 'agent', a supporter of Hillary Clinton, needs to be fired for her public confession of disloyalty to President Trump and the responsibilities of her position

Susan Crabtree
Senior Congressional Reporter, Senate
The Washington Examiner 

A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

She explained herself saying she viewed his presidential candidacy as a "disaster" for the country, and especially for women and minorities.

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, oversees coordination with Washington based advance teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to the area, including all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials.

Despite her senior security role, she has made her disdain for Trump and his incoming administration clear to her Facebook followers, who included current and former Secret Service agents and other people who were employees at the time of the posts. O'Grady's posts triggered at least one complaint to the office that oversees investigations into Secret Service misbehavior, two knowledgeable sources told the Washington Examiner.

In one Facebook post O'Grady wrote at 11:07 p.m. on a Sunday in October, she endorsed Hillary Clinton and said she would endure "jail time" rather than "taking a bullet" for what she regarded as a "disaster" for America.

The post didn't mention Trump by name but clearly referred to him. In the same post, she mentioned the Hatch Act, which bars executive branch staff, except the president, vice president and some other senior executive officials, from engaging in certain political activities. 

"As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median," she wrote. "To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides. "But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her."

Secret Service employees are among those federal employees subject to enhanced Hatch Act restrictions, including these two rules:
  • May not post a comment to a blog or a social media site that advocates for or against a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.
  • May not use any email account or social media to distribute, send or forward content that advocates for or against a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.

Asked for comment, the U.S. Secret Service responded: "The USSS is aware of the postings and we are looking into the matter."

In a lengthy interview with the Washington Examiner Monday, O'Grady said she took down the post after two to three days of greater reflection and wasn't trying to imply she wouldn't take a bullet for Trump or any officials in the Trump administration.

"It was an internal struggle for me but as soon as I put it up, I thought it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission," she said.

O'Grady repeatedly stressed that she would in no way shirk her duties to protect the president because of her opposition to Trump's candidacy and support for Clinton. "No, not at all. I firmly believe in this job. I'm proud to do it and we serve the office of the president," she said.

At the time of the posting, she said she was reacting to news about Trump 'sexually assaulting women.' O'Grady's Facebook post came in the wake of the release of a video in which Trump and "Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush engaged in a lewd conversation about women in which Trump bragged about being able to grab women by their genitals.

O'Grady said she had experienced sexual assault in college and "there was a very emotional reaction to what was said. But I recognize that the agency is the most important thing to me. My government is the most important thing to me," she said. "I serve at the pleasure of the president, but I still have the First Amendment right to say things."

O'Grady's negative stance regarding Trump did not end when he became president. O'Grady posted the logo for the Women's March on Denver as her Facebook cover backdrop on Inauguration Day, Friday, Jan. 21 at 12:25 p.m.

When one of her Facebook followers commented that "none of these women represent me #justsayin," O'Grady countered that "all of these women represent me! Proud to say it! #nasty." That back and forth, captured in a screengrab of the post, no longer appears on O'Grady's Facebook page.

Women anti-Trump activists have taken on the label of "nasty woman" to demonstrate their opposition to him. The phrase is a reference to Trump's remark calling Clinton "such a nasty woman" in the final moments of the presidential debate in late October.

At 11:23 p.m. on Inauguration Day, she updated her profile picture to an artist's rendering of Princess Leia with the words, "A woman's place is in the resistance.." "The resistance," with its allusion to the rebels in the "Star Wars" movies, has become a moniker for those opposing Trump's presidency.

Those posts remained on O'Grady's Facebook page as of Monday afternoon. She took the posts down after her interview with the Washington Examiner and replaced them with a backdrop of a snowy scene and a smiling photo of herself sporting ski gear.

The Department of Homeland Security's Office of the Inspector General, which investigates agency complaints of misbehavior, received a complaint about O'Grady's Facebook posts on Oct. 11, a source said. It's unclear whether the Secret Service explicitly bans agents and other employees from engaging in political speech on social media or has written rules prohibiting it.  But in operational security training, instructors have long warned agents or would-be agents against the use of social media because it can make them vulnerable to threats by exposing their personal information and their movements, according to two knowledgeable sources.

In another pre-election post that no longer appears on her Facebook page, O'Grady shared a Huffington Post story with the headline: "Scott Baio Defends Trump's Sexism with More Sexism." She accompanied her Facebook post of the story with the words: "One word: douche. How do you like them apples?!"

In a post in late November, O'Grady shared Facebook remarks from the liberal news outlet Vox, which carried a photo of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and a story with the headline, "Donald Trump nominates Jeff Sessions to serve as attorney general." The Vox Facebook post commented, "Just a few years ago, this would have been unimaginable."

O'Grady added her own comment on the post: "We are moving our civil rights into a period of bigotry, misogyny and racism that this country has not tolerated for decades. Dark ages. I am horrified and dismayed beyond words."

O'Grady appears to have removed the pre-election posts after fellow and former Secret Service agents complained to her supervisors and the Office of the Inspector General, according to two sources familiar with the timing of the posts' removal.

At publishing time, O'Grady released the following statement:

"I serve this country with pride and I proudly diligently and fiercely protect and support the institutions and pillars of our republic established by the very same document that allows my free expression. I do so with every fiber of my being for the very reason that those institutions are in place to guarantee my right and the rights of all our citizens to voice and express our opinions and beliefs even when and especially when those values may be contrary to those of the party in power. My devotion to mission and country is only strengthened by the fact that the founders recognize the value of dissent and the freedom to assemble and voice those opposing convictions.
"They enshrine those rights for future generations so we avoid the path of authoritarian regimes that shackle their people with fear."

In response to whether her expression of her opposition to Trump would affect her ability to do her job, she said:
"I hope you understand that's an emphatic 'no' and I need to make sure that's resoundingly clear and just reinforces that this job needs to be done well."!

This woman is one confused 'agent'.  She has been loyal to and serving the enemy within, Hillary Clinton, during her tenure and now she is worried about Trump?  This 'agent' needs to be fired.  She is not trustworthy to defend and protect Trump with her attitude.

Pope Francis enraged! 'Fires' Knights Of Malta Leader!

Pope Fires Knights Of Malta Leader As President Trump Media Grab Begins

Another stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin detailing the America coup being led by Freemason leader President Donald Trump states that when Trump’s Freemason forces began their planned takeover of the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media this week, Pope Francis became so enraged at the Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) for their aiding of this new president, he ordered the immediate firing of this ancient orders Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing.

Now fired Knights of Malta Grand Master Fra' Matthew Festing (left) and Pope Francis (right)

According to this report, Roman Catholic Church “demonic Anti-Christ  globalist forces” being led by Pope Francis are presently engaged in a global war with Freemasonic “nation state” forces being led by President Trump, and that in just the past week has seen President Trump “anointed” during his 20 January inauguration by American Knights of Malta leader Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who read from the Freemasons-Knights Templar most holy book called the Wisdom of Solomon, and the following day, 21 January, Rabbi Fred Raskin, at the National Prayer Service likewise invoking these ancient orders devotion to Solomon by his reading a passage in Hebrew from the Old Testament’s Book of Kings in which King Solomon, just beginning his reign, asks God for wisdom — “an understanding mind to judge Your people, to distinguish between good and bad.”

In retaliation against the Knights of Malta for their support of President Trump, Pope Frances ordered the Knights of Malta to immediately expel all Freemasons, compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler, and whose Papal forces participated in the arrests of two top Freemason spies Italy, nuclear physicist Giulio Occhionero and his sister Francesca Maria Occhionero.  

[Note: The legal term 'expulsion' from the Roman Catholic Church is not to be confused with excommunication, which is exclusion from the communion.]

From the electronic computer files obtained from Freemason spy Giulio Occhionero, Papal forces loyal to Pope Francis were able to uncover a vast global Freemason-Knights Templar-Knights of Malta empire that has existed for centuries, and since the Bush-Clinton Crime Families 11 September 2001 attacks upon America, have worked to retake control of the United States and that these Freemasons actually created in the first place.

Particularly to be noted from the computer files of Freemason spy Giulio Occhionero are them revealing that the American multi-billionaire David Koch has been the Freemasons US financier for decades and who critically aided President Trump’s victory through a secretive group called the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.

Funded nearly entirely by Freemason financier Koch, Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity Board Member Erik Telford is credited with devising one of the most successful social media campaigns in US election history that allowed President Trump to bypass the billons-of-dollars spent by Hillary Clinton and then win the US presidency.

Equally as critical to President Trump and his Freemason forces retaking control of America is the massive Koch funding of Ohio University and that Trump has used for decades to train “interns, and whose current White House is one-third staffed by “loyal” Koch associates.  

One of the most loyal Freemason Trump-Koch Ohio University trained interns is 1980 graduate Perry Sook   who this past week completed one of the largest media takeovers in American history giving the Freemasons total control over the second largest local broadcast television operator in the United States with 171 stations reaching 100 markets, or approximately 39% of all television households.

With just 6 large globalist corporations controlling 90% of the American mainstream media, President Trump’s Freemason forces takeover of local US television markets ensures his messages to the people of his nation will not be filtered and/or distorted and who remain angered after of the top rated television personalities named John Stewart was forced off the air prior to the 2016 election for his daring to tell his own liberal factions that Trump supporters weren’t racist.  

And as to how actually ingenious President Trump’s seemingly bizarre Freemason media strategy has been against his elite globalist enemies, when his leftist opponents began saying his election was not legitimate, Trump retaliated by saying that millions of illegal aliens voted for Clinton thus causing his leftist enemies to declare that the election was legitimate after all and none of them realizing how their sudden flip-flop made them look utterly foolish and exposed them for the charlatans they really are.
January 25 2017



WE hope this is not true, but it is looking like we are in the midst of being duped by TRUMP!! LET US KNOW IF YOU FIND OUT MORE...

Keystone XL. Dakota Access Pipeline. Approved.
Image removed by sender. Donate to fight back
We can't let Trump put people at risk. We can't let him destroy our environment.
The sleazy side now come out quick....Trump just signed an executive order approving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines even when he has no standing on sovereign Indian land without the Tribes permission.
He's greenlighting TransCanada to sue American landowners and seize their private property to pipe dirty fuel across the US for export. His actions suggestions point to him as being a Duper and dirt bag!!!!
He doesn't care that he's putting every person who lives in its path at risk.
This isn't over. We are going to fight this tooth and nail. We're already mobilizing on the ground to stop the pipelines at the local level. And if it comes to it, WE WILL SEE TRUMP IN COURT.
We need your donation to do everything we can to stop Trump's plans at every turn.
Make an emergency donation to Sierra Club right now to fight back.
Keep Resisting,
Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
Image removed by sender.
This email was sent by the Sierra Club
2101 Webster St., Suite 1300, Oakland, CA 94612

Friends, Urgent! Citizen Arrests launched by Common Law Grand Jury - Breaking News from the ITCCS (January 24, 2017) - Kevin Annett!

Friends, the Copy of the Warrant Arrest follows and is attached, with the signature and ITCCS stamp to be appended in the issued version.
Thank you, Dear Kevin!
God Bless You for defending our children!


-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Kevin A <hiddenfromhistory
Кому:Nina s.
Дата: Вторник, 24 января 2017, 11:28 -08:00
Тема: Fwd: Citizen Arrests launched by Common Law Grand Jury - Breaking News from the ITCCS (January 24, 2017) - please post

Breaking News from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) -  January 24, 2017

Citizen Arrests launched by Common Law Grand Jury:
Roman Catholic Church and suspected child abusers will be targeted
Brussels (24/01/2017)
A Common Law Grand Jury Investigation into child trafficking has equipped peace officers and citizen volunteers to begin making arrests of suspected child abusers and Roman Catholic clergy. A special warrant with universal jurisdiction was issued today that empowers anyone to make such arrests in the name of the Grand Jury. (see below)
This action was prompted by the continued refusal of police to arrest known abusers and those implicated in the harming of children, including Roman Catholic clergy and church officials who are compelled by their church's policy Crimen Sollicitationas to aid and abet in-house child rapists.
The Common Law Grand Jury Investigation into Child Trafficking was launched last July by the ITCCS to seek the grounds for prosecuting those responsible for the continued trafficking, disappearance and murder of children. The Jury's findings have been ignored by police agencies and Jury investigators have faced mounting opposition from governments in Canada, America and Europe.
According to an ITCCS official,
“The authorities are ignoring or colluding in a massive global child trafficking and killing network, so it now falls on every man and woman to protect the children of their communities. This arrest warrant allows common law peace officers and citizens the power to halt and detain anyone they know or even suspect has harmed or may harm children. The police are obligated to either assist the warrant holder or stand back and not interfere with the arrest. We have a list of known perpetrators in five countries and they will be arrested."
For more information, to assist, and to obtain the final issued copies of the Common Law Arrest Warrant contact or your local common law Republic convener. 

A Copy of this Warrant follows and is attached, with the signature and ITCCS stamp to be appended in the issued version. 

Common Law Arrest Warrant
Issued under the authority of the Common Law Grand Jury Investigation into Child Trafficking

This Warrant empowers the bearer to halt, detain and incarcerate anyone who is known or suspected to have harmed, trafficked or violated a child or group of children, or who has aided or abetted those who have or who will.

This Warrant has universal jurisdiction and may be applied in any country regardless of its statutory provisions. The police and judicial powers are required to assist in the execution of this Warrant, or refrain from interfering with its execution under the pain of being charged with obstructing justice and being an accessory to a crime.

This Warrant is valid for one year commencing January 25, 2017 and may be renewed by any judicial officer or court. It is issued by the authority of this Grand Jury and with the full weight of Natural Law and the Law of Nations.

Authorizing Judicial Officer

 Date of Issuance

Common Law Grand Jury Warrant No. 20170124-001, Case Docket No. A101-2017
The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels –


Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). 

Kevin's four latest books - "Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion", "Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada", "Truth Tellers' Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers", and "1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada" - can be accessed and ordered at these sites:

This book is also posted online at .

Truth Tellers' Shield:

White People in Canada:

LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Radio Free Kanata" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at .

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at and at .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
The first excavation at a mass grave residential school site: Mohawk school, 2011

See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at:
and eyewitness to the crimes: Dr. Jennifer Wade at:

Image result for kevin annett

Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). 

Kevin's four latest books - "Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion", "Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada", "Truth Tellers' Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers", and "1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada" - can be accessed and ordered at these sites:

This book is also posted online at .

Truth Tellers' Shield:

White People in Canada:

LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Radio Free Kanata" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at .

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at and at .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
The first excavation at a mass grave residential school site: Mohawk school, 2011

See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at:
and eyewitness to the crimes: Dr. Jennifer Wade at:


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -

Marvelous Investments Limited _ Executive Order No. 12333 >>>>> ATTACHMENT

Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 1:31 PM
Subject : Marvelous Investments Limited _ Executive Order No. 12333 >>>>> ATTACHMENT
               Truman Doctrine / Totten Doctrine Presidential Authorizations
Marvelous Investments Limited
303 Congress Street
Boston, MA, USA 02210.0001