Thursday, March 2, 2017

Obama ready to jump back into the political pool


Former  U.S.A.  cabal  corporation  'president,'  Barack  Obama,  is  getting  ready  to  jump  back  into  the  political  pool,  former  US  Attorney  General  Eric  Holder  said  Tuesday. 

Former 'president' Barack Obama is getting ready to jump back into the political pool, former US Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday.

Holder said he has been talking with Obama about different ways to help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, according to Politico. Obama asked Holder to be chairman of the group last year.  “He’s ready to roll,” Holder told reporters at a briefing.

Obama and other top Democrats are focusing efforts on state-level races and ending the reconfiguring of voting districts through the political process known as gerrymandering — a combined effort to end “Trump-ism” and help the Dem party regain control of Congress and legislatures across the country.  

(QUESTION: What about the illegals, the 'migrants', the muslims and all those who are NOT of this nation, and what about those who - for bribes - board busses and travel city to city 'voting' illegally using social security numbers of the deceased?  Are you aware of how the social security number for bozo was obtained? Are you ready for your trip to the FEMA camps for extinction if those in shadow 'government' running bozo, clintonistas, et al because that is your fate if you allow these Nazi traitors back in control of this nation.)

Politico reported that the group seeks to direct resources into winning certain state elections (by illegal actions and rigging?), push ballot initiatives for nonpartisan district-drawing commissions and wage legal wars over existing maps.

By accomplishing their 'goals', the group hopes it would put Democrats at a better advantage in state legislatures and the House of Representatives.

Obama indicated last fall before leaving the White House that his short-term, post-presidency focus will be on General Assembly races and redistricting after the 2020 Census. Voting districts are redrawn after a federal Census to reflect the changes in population and other demographics. Much of the redistricting across the country is done by the political party that controls the state legislature.

Democratic 'superlawyer' Marc Elias and financial tycoon George Soros

Marc Elias, a top election lawyer advising the group, said they expect states to file new lawsuits to change the districting maps and are guiding states on where they could see legal victories.

Holder said the fight will be more difficult with Jeff Sessions running the Justice Department. He added that the decision to throw out a challenge to voter laws in Texas was “disheartening.” “This is really a battle for our democracy,” Holder said. (No! This is a battle for muslim rule and the death camps.)  “The notion that people are denied their ability to cast a meaningful vote … is inconsistent with who we say we are, inconsistent with what we say our democracy is about.”

(Democracy is mob rule - communism - and that is NOT what this nation is about. This nation is a Republic - of, by and for the people and Americans want their country and their Republic back - not 'democracy'.  Obama and those supporting his reign are the WORST 'presidency' ever experienced by this nation. We do NOT want the cabal back in power. WHEN ARE THESE TRAITORS TO BE ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR TREASON AND RECEIVE THEIR JUST 'REWARD'?) 

Fox News’ Joseph Weber contributed to this report.
This article originally appeared on Fox News.

Trump Card will be played this month

AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anna von Reitz <>
Date: Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 3:14 PM
Subject: Trump Card will be played this month.

In Reply to Fears About the "National Debt"

What people are missing --- and Mr. Stockman, too --- is that the "National Debt" is in fact falling, not rising anymore. 

How is that possible? 

Simple.  The "National Credit" is being applied to pay down the "National Debt".

Last month, Winston Shrout applied $400 billion directly against the National Debt.  And that is just one man properly applying the remainder of a commercial claim against the so-called "National Debt". 

As I have tried and tried to get through to people, there actually is no "National Debt".  There is only a criminally mismanaged bookkeeping system.

In a monetary system based on Promissory Notes (I.O.U.'s aka "Federal Reserve Notes") there is only one transaction possible and it is known as "passing the buck".  When someone pays you with a debt (an I.O.U.) and you accept that debt as payment, a credit is created for him and a debt is accrued for you. 

You never get paid for anything until you "pass the buck"---and use that debt instrument as a means to receive something real in return.

Think about it in another way--- every time a debt is created, so is an answering credit of equal amount.

The debts and credits naturally cancel each other out.  There cannot be a $20 Trillion dollar "National Debt" created without the existence of an answering and equal $20 Trillion "National Credit" being created.  

So what is all this horse-hooey about? 

The "United States Government" --- as opposed to the American Government --- has been very profligate.  It has borrowed and borrowed and avoided paying its debts and squandered money like a drunken sailor for decades, and in the process it has accrued a $20 Trillion dollar National Debt for itself. 

The American Government as a whole, meanwhile, has been very circumspect and diligent and has accrued no commensurate debts so that a $20 Trillion dollar National Credit (and a great deal more) has accrued on our side of the ledger. 

It's time for the Internal Revenue Service to do the bookkeeping and zero out the "National Debt".   It should be a routine process akin to balancing a check book, but instead it has been made into an excuse for fraud and theft on an unimaginable scale.

It's also time for the vast majority of the members of the U.S. Congress to be sacked, thrown out on their ears, given a pink slip, sent home in dishonor, and held feet first to the fire for their gross lack of accountability, honesty, and competence.  

After having spent considerable time talking to members of the "U.S. Congress" I am convinced that most of them (1) have no idea how the government of the United States is supposed to work or fit within the framework of the American Government as a whole, (2) have no clear knowledge of how the government bookkeeping and accounting system is supposed to work, (3) and aside from knowing how to "appropriate" money for every unauthorized and questionable purpose in the western world, have no idea where the so-called money comes from, how it created, or anything else about it. 

A more brainless, irresponsible, unfocused, unaccountable, indecisive, self-absorbed, egotistical, crooked, and abominable assemblage of human flotsam than the "U.S. Congress" has seldom been collected on the face of the Earth.  One can only assume that Washington, District of Columbia, is the drain-hole of the world, and that the dregs of society have been dressed up in $2500 suits and trotted out as a joke.

Clearly, when the actual land jurisdiction states convene a Continental Congress and examine the topic of credentials and requirements for Congressmen and US Senators, having a brain and an I.Q. above 60 should be first on the list, followed by a solid understanding of how the American Government functions, followed by an equally solid grasp of basic economics, bookkeeping, and accounting.  Congress, after all, has the singular task of holding the purse-strings, and they have also very apparently failed to do so.

As for the political parties supporting such appallingly unqualified candidates for office, they should be universally despised as significantly worse than useless and self-interested. 

The whole idea of "political parties" was imported here by European immigrants cast out of their own countries for their participation in the 1848 Communist Worker's Rebellion.  It is a foreign concept and practice being promoted by a foreign "government" services corporation that is under contract to us and our states to provide stipulated services.  None of the familiar political party frou-frou-rah  has anything to do with our actual and lawful government, except that the "United States" Incorporated has been criminally mismanaged and allowed to run rampant over the people and states that it is hired to serve and polarized by different political party platforms which serve special-interest agendas instead of seeking the Public Good..

As part of the much-needed overhaul and reform of the "Federal Government" as its functions pertain to our states of the union,  I believe that political parties should either be outlawed as seditious special interests or all political elections should be publically funded or both.  Continuing to allow the "end results" of two rival gangs' selection process to control corporate offices that have such important duties to perform is nothing short of madness.  Elections for actual Public Offices must be resumed within the broader framework of the American Government and new restrictions and requirements must be imposed upon those offices and processes of the United States Government which affect us and our states.

Anyway, folks, next time someone starts prattling about the "National Debt", be sure to cock an eyebrow and inquire--- "What National Debt?"

CIA Paid $600 Million To WaPo To Publish Trump Disinformation





February 27, 2017
Sean Adl-Tabatabai 

Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, was awarded a $600 million federal contract by the Obama administration to publish disinformation about Donald Trump.

The Amazon founder was tasked with undermining the new President via ‘leaked’ CIA documents given to him when he first took over at WaPo. reports:

Much worse and even more suspicious is the majority of the people have not been informed that Bezos landed a $600 million federal contract and by who? The CIA.

The “deal” is for a computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It also just happens AWS services all 17 agencies within the US intelligence community.

An unholy alliance in which Bezos stands to gain many more millions by pacifying and working with the CIA through his publication The Washington Post. “Leaks” and “information” Bezos will publish without question, without proper verification and journalistic sourcing.

The CIA will now have its own propaganda publication to do whatever it likes in misinforming and manipulating the American people and the voters.

Vital information intentionally withheld from the American people, as Bezos uses the Post to forge pocket lining government contracts while promoting his own personal political agenda.

Is this lack of reporting of the Bezos/CIA partnership by the MSM the result of massive incompetency? Or a very well organized cover up within the MSM inner circle of four or five elitists who now own six companies that control over 90 percent of MSM outlets?

The same outlets which through diverse company divisions own every television station and newspaper in this country with the exception of very small, weekly community publications and certain Christian networks. Even many of those community weeklies have been scooped up by larger publication divisions.

Are we connecting the dots at each cross section of intertwining strings holding together this corrupt spider web? 

A vast interlocking network designed to lure and trap average American citizens into its carefully woven web of manipulation and deceit.

A Brief History of Government Control of the Mainstream Media (Evidence & Examples)  
The Washington Post is the most widely known and respected news outlet in the world, reaching more people than any other publication including the NY Times. It has always been the standard in which journalistic ethics are established and adhered to by other publications. It sets the example to be followed by the everyday journalists out there on the beat trying to do their jobs.

By utilizing the internet and social media, the Post has literally millions of subscribers and followers reading and watching online video on a daily basis. It is the media center of the nation’s capital and the eye of the DC political belt.

Control the Washington Post and you control the message; the MSM and the “agenda.”

“The Post is unquestionably the political paper of record in the United States, and how it covers governance sets the agenda for the balance of the news media,” journalism scholar Robert W. McChesney revealed to in a December investigative article.

“Citizens need to know about this conflict of interest in the columns of the Post itself,” he added.

In the same article, a statement released by the Public Institute of Advocacy quoted McChesney as saying:

“If some official enemy of the United States had a comparable situation — say the owner of the dominant newspaper in Caracas was getting $600 million in secretive contracts from the Maduro government — the Post itself would lead the howling chorus impaling that newspaper and that government for making a mockery of a free press. It is time for the Post to take a dose of its own medicine.”

If this alliance between the CIA and Bezos isn’t illegal, then it is certainly unethical and displays a huge conflict of interest while also exposing the corruption existing within the MSM. The main sources of news and information Americans sought and believed, until the rise of alternative media outlets.

Alternative sources of information the MSM bash and attempt daily to discredit as “fake news,” when “fake,” misleading and sometimes right out lies being spread across social media come out of the MSM and pseudo extremist left-wing sites erected simply to misinform and confuse the American voter.

Many Facebook pages and websites that have “popped” up over the past several years whose resources and money are being funded by George Soros’s well oiled “Media Matters” machine. Just one of many “nonprofit” organizations extending from his Open Society Foundation.

Soros also has imbedded ties to many MSM outlets including The New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC and here it is again, the Washington Post. Readers are urgently encouraged to research Soros, his history and his worldwide organizations.

Altnet also writes, “Amazon’s offer wasn’t the low bid, but it won the CIA contract anyway by offering advanced high-tech ‘cloud’ infrastructure.”

So how is it that at a time government should be pinching pennies due to the increasing national debt, the CIA passed over lower bidders for the contracted services?

The answer tracks back to the infamous blocking of the WikiLeaks website by Bezos’s company Amazon Web Services (AWS), a service Bezos personally and publicly brags is the most advanced and best high-tech “cloud” infrastructure on the market.

“WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s web hosting service AWS. So, at the height of public interest in what WikiLeaks was publishing, readers were unable to access the WikiLeaks website,” reported watchdog group Fair in 2013.

So why did AWS give WikiLeaks the boot? Most likely at the bequest of the CIA, whom Bezos has been doing business with since 2013 when the $600 million contract was awarded to AWS. Bezos also has close ties to the Clintons and backed Hillary in her failed run for the presidency, both in the 2008 primary campaign and in 2016 as the Democrat nominee.

Bezos also publicly voices open contempt for President Trump, and his policies. He recently was behind the Washington challenge to Trump’s 90-day immigration ban and threatened suit himself in an email to his employees, as was reported on this site.

Bezos, without any reference to stock holders input or lack of agreement, said he will put the full resources at Amazon to defeat the policy and implied his mission of taking down President Trump.

It was Bezos’s Washington Post that first leaked documents and led the charge to discredit Trump’s national security advisor cabinet pick. General Michael Flynn was forced to resign due to the unverified information touted in the “leaks.” Flynn was cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing in those leaks, but the damage was already done.

In recent days it has been revealed the CIA has full intention of attempting a coup to remove Trump from office, even though “The Donald” was democratically elected by American voters in a free election.

And it appears in the CIA is in conspiracy with Bezos’s plan to use the Washington Post to achieve a mutual goal: to disrupt and destroy President Trump and his administration. A goal that has no regard or concern for national security or the safety and well-being of American citizens.

Any impact on the average citizen, including possible loss of life by terrorist attacks, is considered “collateral damage.”

In an exchange of tweets on Feb. 15, John Schindler, former NSA analyst and national security columnist for the Observer answered a question asking what he thought was going on at the NSA right now. Schneider responded, citing a friend in the intelligence community reference to Trump:

Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: "He will die in jail." 

Which begs a bigger question than the unethical alliance between the CIA, Bezos and his Washington Post:

Could Trump be impeached? Or is he in danger of befalling the same fate as President Kennedy? Being a previous “anti-establishment” president, Kennedy sought to disengage from the Vietnam conflict and  dissolve the Federal Reserve, but was assassinated.

Actions that directly impacted the CIA and wealthy elitists.

  • that’s a ridiculous statement
    The Washington Post is the most widely known and respected news outlet in the world…SAYS F*CKING WHO?……that’s a ridiculous statement…
    • Tall T
      Right on! Washington Post had been an untrustworthy paper for ten years. Any one with a lick of sense can see through their BS. For crying out loud - they do polls on themselves and it still turns out unfavorable.
  • the bob
    Time to completely refund the cia
    • Katana Man
  • the bob
    Time to completely defund the cia. Apparently they are also in my phone
  • Mark Mitchell
    If the free press is going to be the forth pillar of our government, it must be neutral in it’s reporting. The editorial page is reserved for the owner or editor to add his political slant. If it can be influenced by money, then its nothing but a tabloid rag that spewing s*it. There must be a separation of powers.
  • Jimmy
    Time for Jeff Bezo”s to see some heat.I have worked with him.He is the creepiest person I have ever had the displeasure to be with.
    Hope he goes down hard.
    This man has injured and hurt so many people it is truly unimaginable.
    Hope you have it tough from here on out.
  • Josh Stern
    There is a long tradition of CIA control at WaPo going back at least to Katherine Graham, her husband Philip Graham (who was “suicided” by the CIA went he got out of control and started talking about Deep State events), and Ben Bradlee – who used his autobiography “A Good Life” to brag about his perjury in Mary Pinchot Meyer’s murder trial, a CIA sham show.
    Check out this link at Washington’s blog for related discussion:
  • Bob McGillicuddy
    And, yet, if Bezos was a conservative, this would all be well and good with the libertarians. It would be viewed as a “strategic alliance.”
    Such hypocrisy.
    The media in all its forms is beholden to about a half a dozen giant corporations. There is no free press, if there ever was.
  • Bob McGillicuddy
    Also, are you serious with the headline?
    The CIA paid $600 million to use Amazon’s computing cloud, like every other intelligence agency and thousands of businesses.
    You can make up a fake headline to imply Amazon’s in cahoots with anybody who uses the cloud, if you are so inclined.
    Does Fox News use Amazon’s computing services? Well, then, I guess Bezos has a secret deal with Fox to destroy Obama or Clinton, too.
    You can’t have it both ways. This is a story about nothing. Nothing, except that the intel apparatus has its fingers in everybody’s pie. But we all knew that anyway.
  • Katana Man
    Boycott Amazon.

One can have HOPE, can't he?!






An award winning documentary film produced for German television by Freider Wagner and Valentin Thurn. The film exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the current war against Iraq. The story is told by citizens of many nations. It opens with comments by two British veterans, Kenny Duncan and Jenny Moore, describing their exposure to radioactive, so-called depleted uranium (DU), weapons and the congenital abnormalities of their children. Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, a former colleague of Albert Schweitzer, and Tedd Weyman of the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) traveled to Iraq, from Germany and Canada respectively, to assess uranium contamination in Iraq.







The US government and its military have a very long and sordid history (since at least the 1940s) of using the American people without informed consent in their 'experiments'. As Carole Pellatt notes:
The U.S. military has been spraying chemical and biological weapons in open air testing over civilian populations since the 1940’s. They are called “vulnerability tests”. This is not a controversial statement. The military has admitted to this practice on many occasions and there’s plenty of documentation from the government to corroborate it. There is also documentation of intentional, experimental releases of radiation on civilian populations. Unfortunately, this information tends to surface long after it could have saved lives, or eased the suffering of victims.(3)



The U.S.A. 'Military' and Dick Cheney responsible for HORRIFFIC ATTROCITIES TO HUMANITY

Dick  Cheney  Poisoned  Hundreds  Of  US  Troops  In  Iraq.  Now  They’re  Dying,  And  The  Media  Is  Silent

HOW?   Depleted  Uranium  weapons  furnished  by  the  U.S.A.  corporation  crime  syndicate  posing  as  the  'government'  of  this  nation
February 25, 2017 

The legacy of death and misery from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan continues today, and, once again, Dick Cheney plays a central role. A new book by Joseph Hickman, a former U.S. Marine and Army sergeant, titled The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiersdetails how soldiers and local civilian populations were exposed to constant streams of toxic smoke from the burning of waste.

The infamous Kellog, Brown, and Root (KBR), which was a part of Dick Cheney’s corporate empire under Halliburton, operated about 250 burn pits which contributed to the $40 billion that Halliburton made during the Iraq occupation. “Every type of waste imaginable” was burned, including “tires, lithium batteries, asbestos insulation, pesticide containers, Styrofoam, metals, paints, plastic, medical waste and even human corpses.”

(MORE IMPORTANT is what is NOT mentioned - the DEPLETED URANIUM provided by U.S.A. weapons.  Soldiers were NOT advised as to the lethal ramifications of their handling the casings without proper attire while loading canons for shipments, for firing and while burning.  The U.S.A. crime syndicate did not consider advisement of the dangers nor providing proper protection for the soldiers was worth spending their enormous profits on.)

This reprehensible practice proves yet again that nothing is sacred when it comes to the military machine.
Just as the U.S. laid waste to Vietnam’s human health and jungle environment with Agent Orange, it wrecked human health and environmental quality in Iraq. That country will suffer from this toxicity for decades, as evidenced by sharp increases in birth defects and cancer and leukemia rates. (Our military and their families are also sorely affected.)

Likewise, U.S. veterans and their families are bearing the brunt of this travesty.

The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers begins with the story of a healthy young soldier sent to Iraq who was constantly exposed to smoke from burn pits. When he returned home with respiratory problems, the Veterans Administration (VA) denied him care, and he later developed brain cancer and died.

Those who do survive are having children with birth defects at a rate three times higher than normal, according to the book. The denial of medical coverage by the VA for burn pit-related illnesses is a central strategy in denying that burn pits even posed a health hazard.

Beau Biden, the son of vice president Joe Biden, died of brain cancer after serving in Iraq in the vicinity of burn pits. Even this tragedy, which is similar to many stories of exposure and death, never brought attention to the issue of burn pits. (Convenient for the military, right?)

Salon interviewed author Joseph Hickman, who provided even more shocking details, and how the Department of Defense (DoD) does all it can to keep this knowledge from the public.

“I think the Department of Defense does its best to squash this story and so does Veterans Affairs. They really don’t want this out at all.”

Hickman interviewed one former KBR employee who was very reluctant to even talk about burn pits for fear of repercussions, as he was harassed by KBR when he previously came forward about the issue. By using private contractors for such operations, the DoD facilitates these egregious assaults on human and environmental health because contractors are not held to the standards of the military. 

This dependency on contractors feeds their tendency for carelessness. According to Hickman, the upper management said at one point, “If they’re going to investigate us over these burn pits, don’t worry about it. If we pull out, they can’t run this base.”

The U.S. 'government', in its effort to conceal the impact of burn pits, even managed to influence a World Health Organization report that downplayed the effects. It stands in stark contrast to several independent researchers who found large increases in birth defects, leukemia, cancer and other carcinogenic diseased in populations living near burn pits.

“There’s a large group of epidemiologists that absolutely believe that that report was influenced by the U.S. government. Dr. Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, a widely respected environmental toxicologist, has been there and seen the birth defects and how we literally destroyed that country with pollution. There are birth defects there that don’t even have medical names yet.”

The evidence compiled by Hickman and presented in his book makes it downright criminal for the DoD and politicians to continue denying the issue. When veterans suffering from burn-pit illnesses contact their Congressmen, there is silence because they are in bed with the defense industry.

General David Petraeus and other top DoD officials have denied the health effects of burn pits, but veterans have no recourse because they can’t sue the 'government'. There is a lawsuit against KBR, but the DoD will not acknowledge that the burn pits were misused.  (The 'government' is a private corporation pretending to be the government of this nation. Surely  it is possible to sue the U.S.A. corporation on a number of counts??)
While politicians and military brass issue patriotic
platitudes about honoring those who serve their country, the reality is that soldiers are just a name and a number, and they’re thrown away when the military machine is done with them. Defense corporations reap billions as veterans and local populations suffer sickness and death.   

(Perhaps a solid case against Cheney and his board of directors can be brought forward?  And against the U.S.A. corporate crime syndicate and its 'CON-gress for allowing these atrocities to continue and DENYING their existence??) Poisoned_Hundreds_Of_US_Troops_In_Iraq._Now_They%E2%80%99re_Dying%2C_And_The_Media_Is_Silent/57022/0/38/38/Y/M.html

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

David Stockman-Everything Will Grind to a Halt in 2017

 Thanks for the email Susan

Published on Feb 25, 2017
Former White House Budget Director David Stockman drops a bomb in his latest interview by saying, “I think what people are missing is this date, March 15th 2017. That’s the day that this debt ceiling holiday that Obama and Boehner put together right before the last election in October of 2015. That holiday expires. The debt ceiling will freeze in at $20 trillion. It will then be law. It will be a hard stop. The Treasury will have roughly $200 billion in cash. We are burning cash at a $75 billion a month rate. By summer, they will be out of cash. Then we will be in the mother of all debt ceiling crises. Everything will grind to a halt. I think we will have a government shutdown. There will not be Obama Care repeal and replace. There will be no tax cut. There will be no infrastructure stimulus. There will be just one giant fiscal bloodbath over a debt ceiling that has to be increased and no one wants to vote for.”

Stockman also predicts very positive price moves for gold and silver as a result of the coming budget calamity.

Babylonian Endgame – Hell on Earth

The root cause of all evil on Planet Earth is the Babylonian Talmudic Cabal

by  Preston James

The Four Horsemen
Esteemed Veterans Today author Jonas Alexis has laid out the secret evil agenda of the Babylonian Talmudists in his articles better than anyone else anywhere on the Internet. 
His latest article on the Babylonian Kabbalah has defined this secret Globalist NWO agenda that is hidden in plain sight extremely well.
The Babylonian Talmudists’ Globalist NWO agenda has been seriously stressing our lives in almost every way possible.
This Ruling Cabal that hijacked America is working hard to asset strip us of all our wealth and to destroy our Republic and Balkanize it and take into a continuing stream of wars for their personal profits.
The more one studies what the Babylonian Talmud and its Kabbalah actually teach, the more one becomes convinced that its secret teachings advocate the destruction of the natural societal order, America itself and eventually the whole world.
The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal’s final goal is to create Hell on Earth. So far they have been pretty successful doing this in many nations of the world they have brought major war to, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. And they have done a bang up job mass-murdering lots of innocent Syrian women and children.
The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal BTC (also known as the Khazarian Mafia KM) specializes in the Black Arts of the Darkside. This includes trauma-based mind-kontrol and “soul-murder”, covert assassinations of enemies of the BTC often unrecognized as such, and numerous evil human compromise operations often involving serving up young children to demented politicians and officials as blackmail bait.

The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal (BTC) basically runs the world by creating and lending Fiat, fake money at pernicious usury, and buying up, bribing and human compromising almost every single elected and appointed official and large corporate Directors. When you can create all the money you want and need, it is quite easy to gain control over almost every single government.
Once you’ve got control you can direct the society in the direction you want to produce massive drug addictions, out of control crime, major societal breakdown and war, all of which produces massive death, suffering and destruction which is the true secret goal of the Babylonian Talmudic Cabal (BTC).

Those at the very top of the BTC run most of the world through its three key interlocked private nation-states (the City of London Financial District (COL), Washington DC, and the Vatican). This system is being used to attain a specific Globalist NWO Agenda for the BTC and it is all based on creating death, mass-death, massive bloodletting and horrific human suffering, all done to provide negative energy to their god Satan and the Darkside.
The BTC is so evil that it is unfathomable to most folks who even if told just cannot fit this sinister reality into their heads. It is this lack of knowledge about who really runs the world and who they serve and the unmatched pure evil they do, that prevents the masses from rising up and repeating the purge of the French Revolution all over the world.
If the masses truly understood what this small number of incredibly evil soulless perps were actually doing they would rise up in mass and hunt them down like rapid animals.
So far the Internet is doing a pretty good job informing some the masses of this, but the process is slow and the majority of the populace will not believe the truth of all this unless it is “christened” and announced repeated on the evening Network world news. This is not a likely prospect because the nightly news is delivered by a CIA created six part News Cartel that is functioning as an illegal monopoly that must be broken up into a thousand pieces.

Through their secret three part government, the BTC is working hard to implement age-old intergenerational secret satanic Agenda to create Hell on Earth and reduce the population by 90% in the first round of major destruction. Then they plan to replace humans with their own gene-spliced derivative that is combined with A.I. and mechanical bodies (e.g. a transhumanist agenda to combine “clay and Iron”). So far they were well on their way until the advent of the Internet, the New Gutenberg Press from which a strong populist uprising is emerging very rapidly, a great and unexpected concern of the BTC.
Through their three separate secret nation-states the BTC runs most of world.
The Vatican is the BTC’s secret spiritual head; the COL is the BTC’s secret financial head; and DC is the BTC’s secret military and acquisition arm.
This planned destruction is planned to include a 90% reduction of the world’s population by numerous sophisticated means including hard-kill of war and engineered crime, and various types of soft-kill including engineered toxic GMO food, toxic additives in vaccinations, fluoride in the water and various toxic chemicals sprayed in the skies.
Advanced psychotronics can easily be weaponized by changing the specific frequencies and wave forms and used to create mass cancer, and various illness including instant death for many.

The BTC’s Globalist NWO Agenda of pure evil of course includes the destruction of natural human institutions such as the family, sex roles, basic right and wrong morality, all substituted for political correctness, diversity, “relative morality”, all kinds of strange unnatural new sex roles (the USG has now constructed a list of over fifty transsexual and intersexual roles acceptable for children and adults who have become confused).
There has been a strong movement in the public schools and certain businesses to construct special transsexual lavatories by filing lawsuits against public school systems. The unexpected victory of Donald Trump due to an explosive emergence of massive populism has suddenly brought much of this program to create massive sex role confusion to a screeching halt.
The BTC specializes in dirtying up what they view as “dumb Goyim” by proliferating pornography, drugs, crime and perversions of every variety. This is their stock and trade. Continual streaming of murder on TV dramas assault the human soul and serve to mind-kontrol the weak and suggestible that become prone to crime, violence and deviance.
Who specifically are the folks that comprise the BTC. John Coleman (formerly MI-6) claimed that there were 300 families that ran the world. Some insiders who have left the BTC System have claimed it was an age old secret Satanic collection of a small number of families who date all the way back to ancient Babylonia. Others claim it is the “Old Black Nobility” families than secretly run the Vatican

The BTC’s commitment is to create a new Satanic order of the ages, their NWO through the creation of massive chaos, death, suffering, disability and destruction. Only then do they believe that their Satanic NWO Kingdom will arise from the ashes. If necessary they will try to create a full scale nuclear WW3 while they hide underground in their hug network of over 140 Deep Underground Military bases (DUMBs). Once they have their NWO one-world system in final form they believe they will be made eternal gods by Satan.
The number one characteristic and trademark of the Babylonian Talmudists that run the worldwide BTC through their Fiat banking is their extreme duplicity. Anyone who climbs upward in their system must be skilled at projecting this duplicity and two-faced behavior, acting good on the outside, while secretly incredibly evil beyond imagination on the inside.

The BTC continually sics their News Cartel to lie and wrongly attack healthy political movements and populist media appearing on the Internet, calling it Fake News. The BTC’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is of course completely controlled by their agent of control and chaos, the CIA.
A great recent example of this extreme duplicity is reflected in the almost constant recent accusations broadcast by the CMMM as if it were a factual given that the Russian hacked the DNC emails and manipulated the election making Ms. Clinton lose and that the Russians attacked and invaded Crimea and are the aggressors in the Ukraine.
These are blatant lies and yet the CMMM persists in broadcasting this duplicitous propaganda of the Babylonian Talmudic Satanic cabal that hijacked America in 1913.
Despite what traitorous Senators John McCain and (light on his loafers and still closeted) Lindsay Graham espouse continually, it’s an easily provable fact that the secret mercenary army of ISIS was created by the CIA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. The USG constantly accuses Assad and Iran of creating this, when it is actually the BTC.
It is time for the American people to be told the truth about this, and the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) broken up and prevented from continuing to advance the BTC’s blatant lies and misrepresentations.
This complete duplicity because the real Fake News is their own Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) comprised of six subordinate Media Conglomerates joined at the hip and run by a large investment house based in Switzerland. Some insiders claim this investment house that claims to be on the vanguard of investments is a derivative of the Knights Templar.

Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse plus one?
The Cabal and its Six part Controlled Major Mass Media News Cartel never expected to lose the election to Trump and are pouting.
The CMMM is blaming the Internet and accusing it of being fake news, when actually it is just the opposite, the CMMM itself is the fake news. And it became the fake news soon after the BTC’s City of London Zionist private Central Banksters hijacked the American money creation and distribution system in 1913 with the passage of their Federal Reserve Act.
The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is not a bank, nor a reserve, nor is it any kind of USG agency at all. And it has never been audited. It issues as much fiat money its owners mandate, always enough to secretly pay off any politician or foreign banking system it desires.
The BTC’s FRS is the operational root cause of all the Babylonian Talmudic Satanic evil that has been unleashed on America and so much of the world. Its handiwork is a continuing progression of illegal, undeclared, unconstitutional, unwinnable, perpetual wars.
Right from the very start in 1913, the FRS was set up to engulf the whole world in a web of debt, progressively altered by the FRS to morph into a worldwide debt-bomb designed to destroy ever society when it crashed as deigned. It appears we are now rapidly approaching that end point.

Because of the Internet, you can read about Bohemian Grove anywhere
If Satan is your god and you love the works of evil and all the earthly rewards it can provide at other people’s cost and their very lives, you will be pleased with what the Babylonian Talmudic Cabal (BTC) has planned for America and the world. Otherwise you are going to be very, very unhappy and should be quite motivated to work to expose their evil, satanic Globalist NWO Agenda and stop it cold.
It has taken a while for the Ruling Cabal to figure out that the Internet is the new Gutenberg Press and has dealt them serious damage by creating a strong, widespread American populism.
Many if not most of their Psyops and covert ops against the American People and the American Republic have been completely exposed on the Internet to many millions in America and all over the world. You can imagine the BTC’s concern right now and why they are working hard in special emergency consultations to try and capture this tiger.
However it is not going to be easy and may be impossible. Pandora’s box has been opened and is unlikely to ever be closed again, the genie has been let out of the bottle and can never be put back in it. Stopping the Alternative Media on this Internet is no easy project and their best bet is to institute intermittent censorship and blockage.
If it were to become too widespread, serious backlash, even a major American revolt could occur at all levels, even inside DC, the military and the Intel agencies too. Some insiders are now claiming that there is a huge split and rebellion inside the NSA and other Intel agencies, with some who are making sure everything is going to be leaked, including all secret phone calls and email between top corrupt politicians.
Right now, according to well placed deep cover inside sources, the Cabal has recognized this problem and is running numerous special “emergency” meetings in their think-tanks, non-profit foundations and NGOs on how to neutralize the Truther disclosures from the Internet’s massive number of Alternative Media websites that are truthfully exposing their major RICO crimes.
And the Cabal has induced some of their associates who control major Internet search engines or social media to start censoring certain Truthers.
Time will determine the outcome to this battle for our very Republic’s continued existence and our very lives which are now being seriously threatened by the Cabal. Hopefully Americans will continue to wake up and take their Republic back from the Babylonian Talmudic Satanists who hijacked America in 1913 and who have proceeded to asset-strip our wealth, and destroy our language, borders and culture.
Stay tuned, because one thing is for sure. This battle of the ages between good and evil is now reaching it final stages.
