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This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
“Whether it occurs by the quirk of nature or the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists show through their models a respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.”Silicon Valley has been talking about the bio terrorism battle and its price tag for years now. Tesla’s latest Model X will even have its own counter-bio terrorism system. It makes you wonder. Is Gates feeding us fear porn, as many did with Zika, Bird Flu, and other ‘probable’ epidemics that were pumped and dumped by mainstream media, or is he disclosing his next method of depopulation?
“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We (??) have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.” (death, riots, fires, shootings, demands, special privileges for blacks, etc. are ideals of 'our' Founding Fathers'? What are the names of those 'Founding Fathers' - WHO ARE THEY?)
“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”You can watch her chilling plea here.