Monday, April 10, 2017

Shoebat report: persecution increasing worldwide


The Islamic Government Of Sudan Plans On Destroying Twenty Five Christian Churches. Christians Gather Together To Protest, And Muslims Attack Them And Stab One Church Elder To Death


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat The Islamic government of Sudan is planning to destroy twenty five Christian churches. Christians recently gathered together to protest this persecution, and Muslims came in and attacked them, stabbing one church elder to death. Here is one report on the story: The American Center for Law and Justice said on Thursday that Christians, […]

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What The Media Is Not Showing You: Years Ago, Islamic Rebels In Syria Were Testing Chemical Weapons On Rabbits Before Using Them On Humans


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat In 2012, revealed how Islamic rebels in Syria were testing chemical weapons on rabbits before using them on human beings. Here is the video:   In the same 2012 report, we showed information fromThe Campaign to Return to Emergency Law which stated that the Islamist Al-Rih al-Sarsar Chemical Brigade […]

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Iraqi Christians Declare To The West ‘Please, We Don’t Want To Return To Iraq Because We Have Been Through Enough’


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
While there has been much talk about returning Iraqi Christian refugees to their homes, we at have been saying that is irresponsible and dangerous because ISIS might return. We know this because we actually have worked in these countries and are aware of the situation. We have said repeatedly that the best way to […]

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Burmese Military Arrests And Jails Christian Pastors On Bogus Charges And Without Trial For Months


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
While primarily a Buddhist country, Burma is one nation where Christians are severely persecuted for the last 60 years. Christians and missionaries are routinely arrested, tortured, and killed over there. The persecution is so bad that the last movie in the Rambo series with Syvester Stallone was about him helping persecuted Christian minorities and captured […]

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Major Catholic Leaders Declare: ‘Trump’s Bombing Of Syria Only Shows That The USA Wants The Violence And Slaughtering To Continue In Syria’ 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat Two major Catholic leaders, Patriarch Ignace Joseph Younan and Bishop Georges Khazen, are condemning Trump’s bombing of Syria. According to one report: Two prominent Catholic leaders in Syria criticized the U.S. missile strikes against their nation, wondering why they occurred before investigations into the origins of chemical attacks reported April 4. But U.S. President Donald […]

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MAJOR MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS JUST HAPPENED: Islamic Terrorists Go Into Church And Slaughter Twenty Seven Christians, They Then Go Into Another Church And Butcher Sixteen More Christians 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists just bombed two Coptic Christian soldiers, slaughtering forty three people (those numbers may change). ISIS is now claiming responsibility for the bombings that took place in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria. ISIS is claiming that it was “a security detachment” of their terrorist organization that carried out the massacre. The first […]

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The Hidden Apocalypse That Few Read Which Reveals How The U.S. And Russia Will Soon Destroy The Islamic Empire That Will Soon Arise In Asia


Posted in FeaturedGeneralHighlight
By Trevor & Walid (Shoebat Sunday Special) 2 Esdras holds interesting keys in unravelling prophecy that focus on “Asia” (Turkey). Today, the U.S. by its attack on Syria and its persistence to remove Bashar Al-Assad, a protector of Christians. When such events happen I always get the naive comment that this is fulfillment of prophecy since Isaiah […]

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God Bless Russia! Russia is defending Christendom against heretical cults and is affirming Orthodoxy


Posted in General
For awhile now, Russia has constantly been having problems with heretical cults, whether they are local or imported from USA. Thankfully, Russia is very strong in affirming her stance against cults and is reaffirming her Orthodox Faith that built Russia many centuries ago from the time of St. Olga and St. Prince Vladimir, who subsequently […]

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Muslims Attack Christian Man In Australia, Rip His Cross Off And Stomp On It While Screaming ‘F**k Jesus’ 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Don’t be fooled by the Islamic rhetoric- Islam hates Christ and it teaches Muslims to do the same. With the rise in Muslim immigrants to the West, the anti-Christian violence of Islam is becoming more obvious. In a case in Australia, a Greek Orthodox Christian man was minding his own business when four Muslims approached […]

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Major Christian Bishop In Iraq Declares ‘The West Cares More About Frogs Than It Does For Us Christians’ 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Just a decade ago, over a million Christians resided in Syria and Iraq. Now thanks to the wars in those nations and the rise of ISIS, almost all of them have been displaced or slaughtered. The few remaining survivors of the hell that ISIS brought are barely staying alive, relying entirely on help from the […]

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Violent Demonstrations In Italy As The G7 Member States Tighten Sanctions Against Orthodox Russia. The Spirit of Antichrist is Arising Sending Its Agents To Muster The World For Battle. Its Time To Learn How To Be As Wise As Devils And Innocent As Doves 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Walid Shoebat Whoever dreamt that a pro-Muslim Turk disguised as British can become British Foreign Secretary and now he is at the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Italy’s Lucca calling on the G7 member states to tighten sanctions against Orthodox Russia following the latest developments in Syria? Boris Johnson (aka Borris Ali Kemal Bey, a Turk) is a […]

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FBI Informers, the Bundys, and Watering Horses

By Anna Von Reitz

Ask yourself this question: if there are any “FBI Informants” operating in the take-down of the Colorado Grand Juries and State Justices— where are they?

Chances are they are in jail with the rest of the folks, so that they can continue to spy on and manipulate them from a position of trust.

They are certainly not standing here as I have been for yea, so many weeks, giving warning and instruction to people so that they might correct their ways and avoid arrest.

I hear that my name and that of Bella Haywood have been taken in vain and certain parties who are in fact to blame for this debacle have been accusing us of being traitors and informers and so on.

The plain fact is that if these people had followed our advice or even just paid attention to the Public Law they wouldn’t be arrested. There would be no big controversy.

I’ve also been getting a lot of mail about the Bundys. Save the Bundys! Save the Bundys!
The Bundys have had the benefit of my advice and the facts since Day One of their arrest. I explained it to them and I will explain it to all of you again.

United States Citizens and “citizens of the United States” have no constitutional rights. At most, they have “equal civil rights”– but those rights are at the discretion of the Congress and the courts. This is why that federal judge felt that she could afford to laugh in their faces and threaten them with contempt of court for mentioning The Constitution.

They are being tried under false presumptions in a court that is totally foreign to them. They are being tried as “US citizens” and with the possible exception of Ryan Bundy, they have done absolutely nothing to rebut that presumption.

They could get an authenticated copy of their Birth Certificate,  accept it as “Drawee” on the front of the document and then endorse it over on the back to the United States of America, U.S. Treasury Without Recourse— and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for AMMON BUNDY, for example.
That would very neatly separate them from the PERSON that is on trial.

They could also post a very hefty Private Registered Indemnity Bond with the Treasury and use that to insure (indemnify) themselves against any charges brought against AMMON BUNDY—- which is just a ledger ACCOUNT that the rats in Nevada are bent on pillaging.

They could ask to see the Bid and Performance Bond related to their case. If they did this in open court the clerk would poop green goo, but have no choice but to produce the incriminating evidence.

They could then accept those Bid and Performance Bonds for Value, charge them off against their Indemnity Bond, and return it to the same laughing Judge and make her laugh out of the other side of her ugly face.
And if no Bid and Performance Bonds were forthcoming, the Prosecutor would have to pay for the whole proceedings out of his pocket and the Judge would have to dismiss.

There have to be two dozen things that they could do to walk out of that court as free men, but no, they won’t listen.

Just like Bruce Doucette wouldn’t listen. And Michael R. Hamilton won’t listen. And Randy Drew wouldn’t listen. And Terry Trussell wouldn’t listen. And Tim Turner wouldn’t listen. And so many, many, many others.
They all insist on calling themselves some kind of United States citizens. They all insist on answering to names. They all insist that they have constitutional rights when United States citizens have never had constitutional rights in over two hundred years…. They all have to try to snow the court under with fancy common law documents that don’t apply and reams of case law that don’t apply.

They just can’t connect to the fact that they are being dragged through a commercial court in international jurisdiction.

And when I try to tell them this, they pause, stare blankly at me, and then go right on with whatever they were doing anyway. It’s like the information hits a “bumper” in their brain and they just reject it like a pinball being tossed aside.

So, please, everyone, this is what I have had to deal with. It isn’t that I haven’t tried or failed my duty to share information or anything else. I have talked and shared until I am blue in the face—- to no avail.

You can lead a horse to water, but….. if the “horse” wants to go to jail, then at a certain point, you just step aside and let him.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Obama Arrest Update

Why the White House won't publicize it
April 9 2017

Howard Duff: VT hacked and ordered to be eliminated


Duff:  VT Servers Hacked by US Army Cyber Command, Ft. Huachuca

Note: Published at suggestion of reader. This does NOT infer that NESARA believes or supports Duff's statements and claims. We can find nothing to support Duff's claims about Trump or about any hacking. There has been questioning about Duff in the past couple years as to who he is, his loyalty, his 'function' and for whom.

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
April 8, 2017

Sources at the highest levels of America’s intelligence community warned Veterans Today that President Trump, acting with select members of his team including General McMaster, ordered Veterans Today taken down.

Veterans Today has been subjected to national security level malicious software hacks for nearly 12 hours.

We have much more to tell.  We are now officially enemies of the gangsters that have taken control of America’s military and security apparatus.  

Wish us luck.  We are all you have left.


Syria and Assad: the OTHER SIDE of the story

Exclusive: British journalist
destroys MSM lies on Syria

Exclusive interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.
Interview conducted by Hanin Elias
Ex-UK Ambassador:
Assad wasn't behind the chemical attack
Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says those calling for intervention in Syria are likes "dogs returning to their own vomit"
Peter Ford says he believes it is "highly unlikely" that Russia or the Assad regime was behind the attack in Idlib.

Ron Paul on Syria gas attack:
'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'

“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad, under these conditions, to all of the sudden use poison gas. I think it’s zero chance he would have done this.” - Ron Paul

Wells Fargo in trouble again - clawing back $75.3 million


Monday, 10-Apr-17
Nathan Bomey, and Kevin McCoy

Wells Fargo said Monday it is clawing back $75.3 million in additional compensation from top former executives after an internal investigation of the bank's unauthorized accounts scandal found that the ex-leaders acted too slowly to investigate allegations of "improper and unethical behavior" in retail sales practices reaching back more than a decade.

The clawbacks are among the highlights of a  report that said aggressive sales practices in the community banking division of Wells Fargo (WFC) for years distorted "culture and management performance" and "created pressure on employees to sell unwanted or unneeded products to customers and, in some cases, to open unauthorized accounts."

Produced by independent board members of the bank along with outside legal investigator, the report blasted Wells Fargo executives for failing to properly investigate the activity, cultivating an atmosphere of unrealistic expectations and hiding information about the extent of the crisis that ultimately led to millions of dollars in fines, plus lawsuits and additional investigations.

Wells Fargo board Chairman Stephen Sanger also acknowledged in a Monday conference call with reporters that board members "could have pushed more forcefully to change leadership at the community bank."  "I think we have taken full responsibility to ensure that changes were made to make sure this never happens again," said Sanger.

While conceding he could not "promise perfection" in the efforts to regain trust from customers and regulators, Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan said "I'm very confident we're on the right track." Roughly 1,000 employees who left the bank for failing to meet sales goals or disagreements over the procedures have been rehired, said Sloan.

He succeeded former CEO John Stumpf who resigned in October amid the scandal fallout. Stumpf will lose an additional $28 million in compensation beyond the $41 million and 2016 bonus he previously agreed to forgo, the report said. (Our blog was the first to break the news about Stumpf and friends playing the platforms illegally with what was initially thought to be funds to be used for the GCR.) 

The report also said the bank has canceled $47.3 million in additional stock options owed to Carrie Tolstedt, who previously headed the community banking division where the scandal erupted. Tolstedt, who previously lost $19 million in compensation, resigned in June. (WOW!  You'll probably never be wealthy unless you become a dishonest bankster.)

The report's findings compound the San Francisco-based bank's crisis ahead of an April 25 annual meeting, where board members will stand for re-election. Stockholder advisory group Institutional Shareholder Services last week recommended that Wells Fargo shareholders vote against re-election for 12 of the company's 15 directors. Wells Fargo, which is scheduled to report quarterly earnings on Thursday, last week rejected the ISS recommendation.

Stumpf could not be reached for comment. However, Stumpf "took responsibility" for the improperly aggressive practices, and was "totally cooperative" with investigators, said Stuart Baskin, a Shearman & Sterling law firm partner involved in the bank's internal investigation.

Tolstedt declined to be interviewed on the advice of legal counsel, Baskin said. An attorney for Tolstedt, Enu Mainigi, in a formal statement said: “We strongly disagree with the report and its attempt to lay blame with Ms. Tolstedt. A full and fair examination of the facts will produce a different conclusion.”

In all, Wells Fargo has acknowledged it may ??!! have opened up to 2.1 million accounts without customers' permission, along with unwanted credit cards and other financial products.

(Remember folks, China was reported to own the lion's share of WF yet none of the researched info available online even mentions China but instead touts another criminal, Warren Buffet. Reports have also claimed WF to be very wealthy and profitable.  Remember,  WF was initially slated to handle the GCR exchanges and the establishing of bank accounts for exchangers.  You trust China for ANY negotiations or transactions or attempts at 'peace' in the world?) 

The sales resulted from community bank managers pressing lower level bank employees to meet aggressive cross-selling targets that for years had made Wells Fargo the envy of the banking industry as the sales boosted the bank's bottom line.

But the sales practices also triggered numerous complaints from employees. Spurred in part by a December 2013 report on the practices by the Los Angeles Times, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Los Angeles City Attorney's office hit Wells Fargo with $185 million in fines and penalties last year.

At that time, Wells Fargo acknowledged that an estimated 5,300 employees had been fired as the magnitude of the sales excesses emerged. Many bank workers complained that they had been victimized for acceding to their bosses' sales demands. Tolstedt allegedly "minimized and understated" the problems in a 2015 report to the board, whose members only learned of the extent of the employee firings when regulators penalized Wells Fargo last year.

The bank moved to take action after the penalties, launching its internal probe even as lawsuits mounted and new investigations by the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission got under way.

In addition to clawing back compensation from Stumpf and Tolstedt, the bank on Feb. 28 reduced compensation for eight current executives by $32 million, including eliminating 2016 bonuses and halving 2014 performance payouts.

Although the internal report found that Sloan's "direct involvement with sales practice issues was limited," his 2016 bonus and 2014 performance share payouts were reduced as part of the compensation cuts.

Additionally, Wells Fargo in January overhauled its compensation plan to remove financial incentives for aggressive sales of financial products to customers. Four present or former senior managers were fired the following month for their alleged involvement in the scandal.  On Monday, Sanger said no additional firings or compensation clawbacks are planned.

As part of the investigation, Shearman & Sterling conducted 100 interviews with current and past workers, reviewed more than 35 million documents and coordinated with FTI Consulting to conduct forensic analysis of the bank's digital archives.

Wells has previously acknowledged that aggressive sales incentives and pressure prompted many frontline bank employees to open fake accounts to meet their goals. The report focused on that issue at length, blaming senior executives for tolerating "low-quality accounts" and failing to terminate the people responsible for them.

The internal report singled out Tolstedt for allegedly having been "insular and defensive" and having "effectively challenged and resisted scrutiny from within and outside" her community banking division.

The report also said Stumpf downplayed problems and failed to investigate the allegedly unethical activity when the possibility of problems came to his attention. "Stumpf's long-standing working relationship with Tolstedt influenced his judgment," leading him to stand by her even though "he was aware that many doubted that she remained the right person" to continue leading the division involved in the scandal, the report concluded.

When an internal investigation launched after
the Los Angeles Times report revealed that about 1% of Wells Fargo employees were fired annually for sales integrity violations, Stumpf and Tolstedt "received the figure positively," according to the bank's internal probe.

"Stumpf was by nature an optimistic executive who refused to believe that the sales model was seriously impaired," the report said. "His reaction invariably was that a few bad employees were causing issues, but that the overwhelming majority of employees were behaving properly. He was too late and too slow to call for inspection of or critical challenge to the basic business model."  (Gee, could it also be that he was making too much money playing the platforms to risk losing all that 'free' profit to his bank accounts?!  Just a thought.)

While the report tried to close a chapter on major parts of the scandal, at least one issue remains. Shearman & Sterling investigators have not identified a pattern of retaliation against Wells Fargo employees who complained about the sales practices. But interviews and record-checking involving potential whistleblowers are continuing, the report said.

USA TODAY reporters Nathan Bomey and Kevin McCoy


Yes, I Dropped the Ball -- Please Resend and Post This - Anna von Reitz

FBI Informers, the Bundys, and Watering Horses

12405-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz

Ask yourself this question: if there are any “FBI Informants” operating in the take-down of the Colorado Grand Juries and State Justices— where are they?
Chances are they are in jail with the rest of the folks, so that they can continue to spy on and manipulate them from a position of trust.

They are certainly not standing here as I have been for yea, so many weeks, giving warning and instruction to people so that they might correct their ways and avoid arrest.

I hear that my name and that of Bella Haywood have been taken in vain and certain parties who are in fact to blame for this debacle have been accusing us of being traitors and informers and so on.

The plain fact is that if these people had followed our advice or even just paid attention to the Public Law they wouldn’t be arrested. There would be no big controversy.

I’ve also been getting a lot of mail about the Bundys. Save the Bundys! Save the Bundys!

The Bundys have had the benefit of my advice and the facts since Day One of their arrest. I explained it to them and I will explain it to all of you again.

United States Citizens and “citizens of the United States” have no constitutional rights. At most, they have “equal civil rights”– but those rights are at the discretion of the Congress and the courts. This is why that federal judge felt that she could afford to laugh in their faces and threaten them with contempt of court for mentioning The Constitution.

They are being tried under false presumptions in a court that is totally foreign to them. They are being tried as “US citizens” and with the possible exception of Ryan Bundy, they have done absolutely nothing to rebut that presumption.

They could get an authenticated copy of their Birth Certificate,  accept it as “Drawee” on the front of the document and then endorse it over on the back to the United States of America, U.S. Treasury Without Recourse— and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for AMMON BUNDY, for example.
That would very neatly separate them from the PERSON that is on trial.

They could also post a very hefty Private Registered Indemnity Bond with the Treasury and use that to insure (indemnify) themselves against any charges brought against AMMON BUNDY—- which is just a ledger ACCOUNT that the rats in Nevada are bent on pillaging.

They could ask to see the Bid and Performance Bond related to their case. If they did this in open court the clerk would poop green goo, but have no choice but to produce the incriminating evidence.

They could then accept those Bid and Performance Bonds for Value, charge them off against their Indemnity Bond, and return it to the same laughing Judge and make her laugh out of the other side of her ugly face.

And if no Bid and Performance Bonds were forthcoming, the Prosecutor would have to pay for the whole proceedings out of his pocket and the Judge would have to dismiss.

There have to be two dozen things that they could do to walk out of that court as free men, but no, they won’t listen.

Just like Bruce Doucette wouldn’t listen. And Michael R. Hamilton won’t listen. And Randy Drew wouldn’t listen. And Terry Trussell wouldn’t listen. And Tim Turner wouldn’t listen. And so many, many, many others.

They all insist on calling themselves some kind of United States citizens. They all insist on answering to names. They all insist that they have constitutional rights when United States citizens have never had constitutional rights in over two hundred years…. They all have to try to snow the court under with fancy common law documents that don’t apply and reams of case law that don’t apply.
They just can’t connect to the fact that they are being dragged through a commercial court in international jurisdiction.

And when I try to tell them this, they pause, stare blankly at me, and then go right on with whatever they were doing anyway. It’s like the information hits a “bumper” in their brain and they just reject it like a pinball being tossed aside.

So, please, everyone, this is what I have had to deal with. It isn’t that I haven’t tried or failed my duty to share information or anything else. I have talked and shared until I am blue in the face—- to no avail.

You can lead a horse to water, but….. if the “horse” wants to go to jail, then at a certain point, you just step aside and let him.

THIN RED LINE Russia and Iran pledge to hit back against further Syria strikes as they blast US for ‘crossing red lines’

 To all you left wing nuts! What about all the Trump-Russian ties you have all been whining about since last year?? What have you to say now?? Feel a bit stupid??

The command center for the two countries and allied groups released a joint statement today saying they would ‘respond to future breaches of red lines with force’

RUSSIA and Iran have said they will respond to further American military actions following the air strike in Syria last week.
In a joint statement the command center for the two countries and allied groups said: “We will respond to any aggression.”

Putin and Rouhani
Getty Images
Russia and Iran released a joint statement promising to respond to US aggression
The statement read: “What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.”
The warning comes on the same day that:

US President Donald Trump delivers a statement on Syria from the Mar-a-Lago estate
Getty Images
US President Donald Trump delivers a statement on Syria from the Mar-a-Lago estate
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemned “flagrant US aggression on Syria” following the missile strike on a Syrian air base in response to a suspected chemical attack by the Syrian government on innocent civilians.
The Iranian leader, a key ally of Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, called yesterday for an impartial investigation into the chemical attack that killed at least 70 people.

He warned that the American strikes in response risked escalating extremism in the region, reported Iranian state television.
In a phone call with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, Rouhani told him: “Allegations that Syria launched the chemical attack were just a pretext to disrupt the Syrian peace process.”
However, the evidence that the Assad regime carried out the horrific chemical attack is nearly overwhelming.
Autopsies confirmed there were chemical agents used in the bombing, which witnesses said was carried out by Syrian aircraft.
The international community has also backed President Trump’s decision to retaliate with an air strike.
Second front-on angle video of US tomahawk missile being launched at Syrian airbase
The diplomatic row was sparked by the US bombing a Syrian airbase, pictured, in response to Assad's chemical weapon attacks
The diplomatic row was sparked by the US bombing a Syrian airbase, pictured, in response to Assad's chemical weapon attacks
The strike was designed to warn Assad not to use chemical weapons on his citizens
The strike was designed to warn Assad not to use chemical weapons on his citizens
The Syrian state news agency SANA said Assad told Rouhani the Syrian people and army were "determined to crush terrorism in every part of Syrian territory" - a reference to the rebels who have been fighting his bloody rule for six years.
He also thanked Rouhani for Iran's support for "the Syrian nation".
In a speech on Sunday, Rouhani criticised US-allied Gulf Arab states for endorsing the missile strike.
Donald Trump launches Tomahawk missiles at Al-Shayrat Air Base after Syria gas strike
He said: "Unfortunately, there are countries in our own region which encourage America's acts of aggression" before adding the warning: "Your turn will come too."
Saudi Arabia hailed the strike as a "courageous decision" by President Donald Trump and a Saudi ally, the United Arab Emirates, declared they also supported the action.
Both countries are part of the US-led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria.
The world reacts to President Trump's attack on the Assad regime in Syria

Montana House Votes To Stop Sharia Law



Apr 7, 2017

The Muslim animosity toward Westerners is at its supreme pinnacle.

But then, Muslims hush up about formulating ways destruct. Each time we learn of another awfulness story, there appear to be Muslims behind it, around it, and before it.

It might be the ideal opportunity for whatever is left of the world to acknowledge that this inner battle under which the Muslim world gets itself is unfixable. There’s simply nothing anyone can do about it.

Now, the best way to “settle” the issue with radical Islamic terrorism is to threaten the terrorists.

This war with the heathen has been continuing for a huge number of years.  Why should we imagine that we can oblige and mollify individuals with an inclination for murder and pulverization and contempt and prejudice?

Why should we tie whatever is left of society to a guarantee, an agreement, under which the Progressives accept will conciliate executioners and all of a sudden make detestable see great in us?

Who are we? We are individuals who wish to secure ourselves.
Muslims in the USA want sharia law!
Send them back to where they came from

The Political Insider:

“A bill designed to block ‘the application of foreign law’ in state courts – including Sharia Law – advanced in the Montana House of Representatives earlier this week.

The vote for Senate Bill 97 was mostly along party lines, passing 56-44.

Republicans argued that the bill simply upheld the Constitutions of both Montana and the United States. Democrats meanwhile, argued that the bill – say it with us – targets Muslims! Democrats will NEVER 'GET IT.'

Via The Billings Gazette:

“After a lengthy debate, with Democrats and Republicans disagreeing on the intent of a Senate bill to prohibit state courts from applying foreign law, the legislation advanced in the House largely along party lines with a 56-44 vote.

Senate Bill 97, carried by Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, does not specifically mention Sharia law, but it was the only kind of foreign law mentioned during testimony in both the Senate and House judiciary committees.

Sharia law is the religious governance followed by people practicing Islam.

Sharia utilizes religious texts to determine divine will. Its implementation varies across the world, with Saudi Arabia adhering to strict punishments like stoning, while in other countries it is most regularly used in personal law such as marriage and divorce. (cutting off limbs is OK; stoning is OK; rape is OK; throwing acid is OK; pedophilia is OK; burning is OK; and much more. Is THAT what YOU want for the united States?!)

Democrats said 'the bill targets Muslims', while Republicans said it simply reinforces the Montana and U.S. constitutions.

Conservatives across the nation have sent a powerful message against Sharia Law. A petition on Stand United has been created, demanding Congress take action against the oppressive 'legal system'.

” ‘As far as being determined xenophobic, that’s an insult,’ Rep. Brad Tschida explained. ‘I’m not intolerant. This is not anti-Muslim. ‘

They have no intention to abide by our laws, nor are they interested in assimilating to our culture.’ “

Also, we arrive at the conclusion that is generally sensible.

They have never had the goal of maintaining our laws… just taking them over and driving us to submit to theirs. No more genuine words have ever been talked.

Ann Coulter said for all intents and purposes a similar thing a couple days back.  Anyone with a working mind not stricken around political accuracy fever sees this, plain as day.

Damn good thing the courts are beginning to see it as well.