Saturday, May 6, 2017



    “Something  For  Nothing?”
Thousands of Muslim refugees have already left Arizona on their own accord and many more will follow because of one VERY simple thing the Arizona residents are doing. This comes after hordes of Muslim refugees invaded the US and Arizona became a top destination for the immigrants.

At least 7,500 Somali refugees resettled in Arizona have moved out of the state because there are not enough welfare and government benefits to meet their demands. The state also requires them to learn English and find jobs in order to get food stamps. Apparently, this move doesn’t please many of them so they are moving out.

From USA News Flash
Here’s more… Each immigrant in Arizona receives $925 from the US Department of Health and Human Service every month.  
(More than most ENTITLED Americans receive in Social Security monthly!)
After this payment, each migrant is expected to foot the rest of their bills. The state of Arizona doesn’t offer additional funding unless these welfare recipients earn them.  For many of them that is too much to ask.
All the refugees are required to complete a monthly report proving that they are learning English, and looking for jobs. If some of them skip language courses or refuse to apply for job, their food stamps are cut off and they are denied all other state benefits. 
Here’s what one Somali refugee said about Arizona’s system: 
“The one thing that Arizona does very well is making sure that at least these families will not go hungry,” Somali asylum seeker Mukhtar Sheikh says. “But sometimes these families don’t get enough help — they come in saying, “Oh, my food stamps have stopped,’ so we have to call DES and ask them why.” 
He then admitted that he and his family were leaving Arizona for better benefits.  “If that money runs out and they don’t have a job, then there starts to be pressure for them to find a way to survive,” Sheikh says. “There’s not a lot of programs to help them with employment here.”

Friday, May 5, 2017

Update: Reports on muslim demonic activity worldwide


Cult In Great Britain Takes Man, Knocks His Teeth Out With A Hammer, And Rips His Testicles Out And Forces Him To Eat Them 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat  A cult in Great Britain horrifically tortured a man to death. In this horrific event, they knocked his teeth out with a hammer, ripped his testicles out and forced him to eat them. The story is reflective of the demonic takeover of society. I did a whole video on this: According to […]

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Three Out Of Four Christians Have Fled Iraq For Their Lives And That Number Continues To Grow


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Prior to 2003, there were millions of Christians in Iraq. Now after years of war and the horrors of ISIS, three out of four Christians have fled Iraq and that number continues to grow as those left behind struggle to escape with their lives before it’s too late: As many as 1.5 million Christians, or […]

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Pakistani Hospital Forces Christian Employees To Blaspheme Christ Every Day Or Be Fired 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Being a Christian while surrounded by others who hate you for your faith is very difficult. But imagine being forced by your employer to blaspheme your own faith each day or else be unable to pay your bills. That is what is happening at a hospital in Pakistan, where it has come out that a […]

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Once Secret Christian Converts From Islam In Morocco Now Demanding Right To Openly Profess Christ 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Being a Christian is dangerous anywhere in the Muslim world. This is especially true in Morocco, which is not only more than 99% Muslim, but has a history going back to the earliest days of Islam as being a bastion of war against Christian Europe. But in an interesting case, some recently former Muslims who […]

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Franklin Graham Goes To Iraq, And Meets With Muslim Iranian Militias, And They Tell Him: “We Are Here To Kill ISIS, And After We Kill ISIS, We’re Going To Kill Americans” 


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat Franklin Graham was in Iraq recently and recounted how he and his team met with Iranian militias who are fighting ISIS, and how they recounted to them: “We are here to kill ISIS, and after we kill ISIS, we’re going to kill Americans,” as we read in one report: Commenting on his […]

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The Turkish Government And The German Government Are Now Working Together In Major Operation To Build Up Their Militaries 


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By Theodore Shoebat The Turkish government and the German government are now working together in a major operation to increase their arms manufacturing and strengthen their militaries. I did a whole video on this situation: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World War That Is To […]

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Unheard Of And Unthinkable: Turkey Reveals That Hamas Terrorist Organization Just Ditched The Muslim Brotherhood And Is READY To Recognize Israel


Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Walid Shoebat If you plug “Hamas will recognize Israel” on Google, the only hit you will get is from You will not get anyone in the world making such a prediction. It was considered impossible to even fathom such an idea that Hamas will recognize Israel. And today we read the headlines from Turkey stating: The last support […]

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Serbian Military Confiscates Thousands Of Machine Guns, Rifles, Mortars And Grenades That Were Being Transported Into Macedonia To Cause Extremely Bloody Conflict


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By Theodore Shoebat The Serbian military just recently confiscated thousands of machine guns, rifles, grenades and mortars that were being transported from Serbia to Macedonia. Why were they being sent? To spark violent conflict in the Balkans. I suspect that Germany could have been behind this, since they were behind the formation of the Kosovo […]

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Russian Defense Minister: We are quietly “seeding” the U.S. shoreline with nuclear “mole” missiles

WARNING: What This Russian Just Revealed Is The Most Horrific Plot to Destroy America Ever!


Viktor Baranetz, a former Russian Colonel and defense ministry spokesman, just claimed that Putin has been burying sleeper nukes off the coast of America.

Viktor Baranetz then said that in the event of war that the bombs will be detonated and will cause a tsunami that could devastate the coastal U.S. Baranetz admits that Russia will outspend America on defense.

Baranetz made this claim in an interview with Russian paper Komsomolskaya Pravda. He then said that Russia is developing an “asymmetrical response” to America that would make sure that both countries would be destroyed.  “Our asymmetrical response is nuclear warheads that can modify their course and height so that no computer can calculate their trajectory.”

“Or, for example, the Americans are deploying their tanks, airplanes and special forces battalions along the Russian border.”

“We are quietly “seeding” the U.S. shoreline with nuclear “mole” missiles. They dig themselves in and “sleep” until they are given the command…”
“Oh, it seems I’ve said too much,’ he interrupted himself by saying, before adding: ‘I should hold my tongue.”
This is not good. We need to protect ourselves from foreign threats.
SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this if you are glad that Trump is our President and not Hillary Clinton.



Infowars 3-5: Plan To Overthrow Trump Discovered

Congress secretly discusses outing Trump

President Trump - who has done more for us in his first 100 days to remove traitorous actions of the prior administrations who have committed all manner of lies, deceit and traitorous actions against the nation and its people to get rid of the unlawful traitorous 'laws' and programs of the 5 prior Nazi cabal crime syndicate 'administrations' preceding him, especially bozo, and is making every effort to return to you your Constitutional rights is being considered by the 'CON-gress' to be removed?? 


Infowars’ Owen Shroyer and Rob Dew break down the news that CON-gress is secretly discussing ways to remove President Trump from power.



Obamacare Repeal would END more than $1 TRILLION in Taxes

GOP Obamacare Repeal would END more than $1 TRILLION in Taxes

May 5, 2017

20 Republicans who Voted to Save Obamacare

Meet  the  20  Republicans  who  Voted                to   Save  Obamacare!

Below are the names of the House Republicans who voted to save Obamacare on Thursday.

Please write, call, email and visit these GOP turncoats who spent the last 7 years promising us repeal Obamacare, and then voting against it as soon as they got the chance:

Andy Biggs, Arizona
Mike Coffman, Colorado
Barbara Comstock, Virginia
Ryan Costello, Pennsylvania
Charlie Dent, Pennsylvania
Dan Donovan, New York
Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania
Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
Will Hurd, Texas
Walter Jones, North Carolina
David Joyce, Ohio
John Katko, New York
Leonard Lance, New Jersey
Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey
Thomas Massie, Kentucky
Patrick Meehan, Pennsylvania
Dave Reichert, Washington
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida
Chris Smith, New Jersey
Mike Turner, Ohio

Nibiru, the Vatican and President Trump

Vatican Warns Trump:
Do NOT Talk About Nibiru
Published on Feb 6, 2017
In a stunning turn of events, the Vatican warned Donald Trump: Don’t Talk About Nibiru, or else. Recorded from my bug out spot, I provide alarming information surrounding a conflict that exists between the Trump administration and one of the world’s most misunderstood societies.


Published on Feb 14, 2017

The Nibiru saga continues to spin perilously close to the edge of reality as a new threat to world peace was successfully stymied at the Trump White House.

A country onto itself, Vatican City, the birthplace of Roman Catholicism and home to the Catholic Archdiocese, holds secrets and mysteries few outsiders have seen; of those who have, even fewer have lived to tell their tales. Every year, the walled enclave hosts millions of tourists, who visit St. Peter’s Basilica or the Sistine Chapel. However, what remains hidden from all prying eyes is the Torre dei Venti Observatory.

It was at the Torre dei Venti, in 1623, that Antonio Margheriti, professor of mathematics at the Jesuits’ Collegio Romano, while surveying the heavens, saw something no man was meant to see, the Nibiru system, a brown dwarf star with seven companion planets, all hurtling through space toward Earth.

The discovery was reported to the Celestial Bishops Congregation; after months of painstaking work and endless calculations, the conclusion reached was that, sometime in the first half of the 21st Century, Nibiru’s anterior axis would circle behind the dark side of the sun and intersect our inner solar system. At that moment, Pope Urban VIII issued the Papal Bull “NonoNibiru Diabolicum”, ordering that no man utter the word Nibiru, under penalty of death, disappearance, and formication.


Trump Breaking News Network - TBNN
Trump admits Nibiru is real
Signs executive orders


Published on Jan 21, 2017
Donald J. Trump alludes to the Nibiru Reality during his inaugural address. Exclusively reported by, the internet's #1 source of Nibiru news.

Published on Jan 30, 2017

In a candid interview with Pravda, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated implicitly that he would tell the world about Nibiru if Donald J. Trump loses the presidential election. In July and August, we ran a series of articles highlighting a three decade long secret war between the White House and the Kremlin, culminating in a confidential agreement between Putin and Trump. Putin promised to remain silent about Nibiru, and in exchange, Trump vowed to dismantle and expose the Nibiru cover-up as his first presidential act. At the time, Trump’s ascension to the White House seemed certain. In light of recent events, however, Trump’s presidential bid is in serious jeopardy, and Vladimir Putin has strong fears that Trump will lose the election and thus be unable to make good on his promise.

A Foreign Service Report, translated by the Russian Ministry of Defense, details Putin’s inner turmoil: “President Putin no like Hillary Clinton Lady. She very, very evil. When President Putin and Mr. Trump met, we had no doubt he would be next American President and reveal Nibiru. Comrade Trump we like him very much. He is wealthy and wise, but he put foot in mouth many times, and this Hillary lady has the dirt on him. Now Putin thinks real chance Trump will lose. And this will force Putin to act without hesitation.”

President Putin, the report continues, will refrain from making a decision until November 8, when election results are tallied. He has promised not to make an announcement based solely on exit polls. In the event of a Trump defeat, Putin plans immediately to disclose Nibiru on all major Russian television networks, including RT news. According to usually reliable sources, Putin has a hidden broadcasting location in an underground bunker somewhere in the enclave of Kaliningrad. From this secret fortress, Putin will act quickly and decisively, before Hillary Clinton has an opportunity to launch an offensive that would forever scuttle his chances of eviscerating the Nibiru cover-up.

“We have no doubt that Hillary Clinton is prepared to take any and all actions to prevent Nibiru disclosure,” a source within the Kremlin said. “She may even try to drone strike President Putin. But we have taken all precautions to ensure President Putin’s safety and guarantee that the world will know about these Nibiru. We still hope Trump wins and none of this becomes necessary.”

That comment represents an alarming revelation: it implies that Hillary Clinton is willing to risk World War III to stop Vladimir Putin from uttering the word Nibiru.


05-03-17-Pete Santilli Reports: Concerning Ammon & Ryan Bundy

05-03-17-Pete Santilli Reports: Concerning Ammon & Ryan Bundy pdf file

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thousands of 'Elite' Pedophiles Arrested


Navy SEAL Confirms: Thousands of 'Elite' Pedophiles Arrested – Media Blackout     

Thanks, L. We know a lot is happening that, as long as the cabal controls the lame stream media, we will not be privy to unless the independent media is apprised and puts it out there. 
Do what they may to suppress this information and sabotage the funding for their revealing documentary, it’s happening. 
Donate at:   ~ BP


Navy SEAL Confirms: Thousands of Elite Pedophiles Arrested – Media Blackout


Mainstream media ignores elite pedophilia ring arrests

May 1, 2017
As the blanket mainstream media blackout of Elite pedophile rings continues, a US Navy SEAL has gone on record to confirm thousands of high-ranking child abusers have been arrested, despite press silence on the busts.

Retired SEAL, Craig Sawyer, has vowed to tackle the pedophilia networks in Washington D.C. head on and says that Trump’s promise to take down Pedogate is being fulfilled – it’s just being covered up.

Sawyer has been working with high-level federal law enforcers and intelligence workers to conduct his own independent research that has led him to discover that top government officials routinely torture and kill young children during satanic rituals.

Sawyer says that, despite a concerted effort by social media and the mainstream to suppress this information, they cannot escape the avalanche of truth being released by the independent media.

Sawyer says it’s time for the people to wake up to and take action with a message for people everywhere: “We’ve got to do something – We, as American citizens, have to pull up our big-boy pants.”

Transcript of interview with Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer:   "We started a nonprofit organization called ‘Veterans For Child Rescue’ and we are raising money to expose high-level elite pedophile rings that are snatching up our children. Some of them are into satanic rituals and torturing little infants and toddlers to death. I’m getting high-level information from federal law enforcement and intelligence communities. There have been over 3,000 arrests since January. We have a President now who is not ok with children being raped and tortured to death, thank God. With all of these arrests going on, I’ve been learning more and more about it and I’ve realized I have to go independent to get around the gatekeepers in the mainstream media who refuse to report on it."
 Former SEAL -
Take down the pedophile 'elite'
My mission is to inform the American citizens of what they’ve been denied knowing. I want to provide a non-permissive environment against these acts for these children and make a better environment for the children going forward.

We have to do something. I’ve assembled a task force of high-level intelligence retirees and veterans who are very capable. So we’re going to shoot this documentary and shine a light on this cesspool of corruption and help clean it up.

Immediately after I told Alex Jones and announced our founding of the organizations, I got phone calls from officials saying there are two groups planning to attack the organization. I’m going to allow their attacks to illuminate what they’re doing.

Social media is suppressing my reach. Crowd funding sites have undermined us. But every day we are gaining more and more support from high-level officials. It’s a grassroots movement that is growing very very quickly.
Can most people rally around Trump, Vets
and others against accepting pedophilia?

How Men Age, according to Home Depot

This is about the way it goes ~~

You are in the middle of some home projects: putting in a new fence, painting the porch, planting some flowers and fixing a broken door lock. You are hot and sweaty, covered with dirt, lawn clippings and paint. You have your old work clothes on. You know the outfit -- shorts with a hole in the crotch, an old T-shirt with a stain from who-knows-what, and an old pair of tennis shoes.

Right in the middle of these tasks you realize that you need to run to Home Depot for supplies. Depending on your age you might do the following:

In your 20s: Stop what you are doing.  Shave, take a shower, blow dry your hair, brush your teeth, floss and put on clean clothes. Check yourself in the mirror and flex.  Add a dab of your favorite cologne because, you never know, you just might meet some hot chick while standing in the checkout line.  And yes, you went to school with the pretty girl running the register.

In your 30s:   Stop what you are doing, put on clean shorts and shirt. Change your shoes.  You married the hot chick so no need for much else.  Wash your hands and comb your hair.  Check yourself in the mirror   Still got it!  Add a shot of your favorite cologne to cover the smell.  The cute girl running the register is the kid sister of someone you went to school with.

In your 40s:  Stop what you are doing.  Put on a sweatshirt that is long enough to cover the hole in the crotch of your shorts.  Put on different shoes and a hat.  Wash your hands.   Your bottle of Brut is almost empty, so don't waste any of it on a trip to Home Depot.  Check yourself in the mirror and do more sucking in than flexing.  The hot young thing running the register is your daughter's age and you feel weird about thinking she's spicy.
In your 50s:  Stop what you are doing.  Put on a hat.  Wipe the dirt off your hands onto your shirt.   Change shoes because you don't want to get dog crap in your new sports car.  Check yourself in the mirror and swear not to wear that shirt anymore because it makes you look fat. The cutie running the register smiles when she sees you coming and you think you still have it.  Then you remember -- the hat you have on is from Bubba's Bait & Beer Bar and it says,  'I Got Worms ' 

In your 60s: Stop what you are doing.  No need for a hat any more.  Hose the dog crap off your shoes. The mirror was shattered when you were in your 50s.  You hope you have underwear on so nothing hangs out the hole in your pants.  The girl running the register may be cute but you don't have your glasses on, so you're not sure.

In your 70s: Stop what you are doing.  Wait to go to Home Depot until you call the drug store to have your prescriptions ready for pick too and check your grocery list for a quick stop there.  Got to save trips!  Don't even notice the dog crap on your shoes. The young thing at the register stares at you and you realize your balls are hanging out the hole in your crotch who cares.

In your 80s: Stop what you are doing.  Start again.  Then stop again.  Now you remember you need to go to Home Depot.  You go to Wal-Mart instead.  You went to school with the old lady greeter.  You wander around trying to remember what you are looking for. Then you fart out loud and turn around thinking someone called your name

In your 90s & beyond: What's a home deep hoe?   Something for my garden?   Where am I?   Who am I?   Why am I reading this? 
Did I send it?   Did you?   Who farted?