Friday, May 12, 2017

For the British Prime Minister and Principle Parties

By Anna Von Reitz

These items are a simple communication presented to the British Prime Minister by the lawful government of the United States.  We consider the British Government responsible for much of the harm that has been done --- responsible, though in the current generation, not to blame.  We would like:
1.      Permanent cessation of any Territorial, Municipal, or Regional “citizenship” obligations being presumed upon the American people who are not by birth or actual occupation naturally subject to these foreign political statuses;
2.      The establishment of a non-invasive means of identifying American state nationals to distinguish between them and United States citizens at a glance, to expedite issuance of proper passports and travel IDs and also allowing for efficient administration of applicable law;  
3.      The end of registration and conscription of American state nationals into federal pension plans, e.g., “Social Security”, health insurance plans, and other corporate enrichment schemes executed under color of law as government mandates when in fact such mandates do not apply to them;
4.      The end of legal prosecution of American state nationals as presumed federal citizens and their unlawful incarceration and harassment under these false pretenses;
5.      The  end of personage and press-ganging used against American state nationals by members of the Bar Associations acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents and unlicensed privateers;
6.      The reform of federal government accounting and reporting practices to guarantee transparency;
7.       The reform of commercial banking law to prevent acquisition of state bank and government agency names, trademarks, and copyrights so as to confuse the actual nature of the parties involved in transactions and also to prohibit the combining of commercial and investment banks;
8.      The vacating and/or voluntary sharing of our state and local public facilities as local need dictates; 
9.      The release of American political prisoners and others who have been convicted of non-violent victimless crimes, regulatory infractions, and failure to comply with implied contracts which do not exist under American Common Law;
10.   A Declaration of Lasting Peace ending any and all “war” or “emergency” related to the American states and people or purporting any controversy on our shores or within our states;
11.   The concurrent end of any presumption of “enemy” status attaching to American state nationals at home or abroad;
12.   The honoring of the obligations of the British Monarch and Holy See and Westminster to protect all Americans engaged in peaceful international trade;
13.   The recognition of our lawful pre-1860 civil peace flag of the Republic as our international ensign and flag now flying, characterized by its red and white vertical stripes and blue stars set against a white left corner block;
14.   The recognition of the American Silver Dollar and certificates based on silver as our traditional and lawful form of money;
15.   The recognition of the American Common Law as the law form owed to our states and people;
16.   The return of our land patents absent any false claims of abandonment, neglect, or voluntary release;
17.   The return of all titles, patents, trademarks, and copyrights taken to American assets, including our given names and estates;
18.   The return of unlawfully converted American fungible assets –public and private business, bank, retirement, escrow, and estate accounts-- to their rightful owners;
19.   The reform of the Internal Revenue Service(s) to properly re-venue all assets public and private per Items 12, 13, and 14 above;
20.   The end of media manipulation, monopolization, black-outs, gag orders and spying without probable cause;
21.   The de-militarization of all police and federal agencies to expedite peace time functions;
22.   The re-tasking of the FBI to investigate and prosecute interstate bank fraud, interstate securities fraud, copyright and patent infringement, and human trafficking;
23.   Recognition of our land jurisdiction County Sheriffs and our Federal Marshals who serve the international land jurisdiction under the un-delegated reserved powers of the states;
24.   A moratorium on new non-essential legislation and a mandatory review process to correct former legislation so as to expedite implementation of these remedies and reforms;
25.   The end of all efforts, practices, and directives seeking to confuse, deceive, or defraud anyone;
26.   The establishment of a truly equitable credit-based monetary and financial system that reflects abundance and which properly values the abilities, resources, and labor of all people. 

Most of all, we would like the sincere and solemn commitment of the British Government and all Principle Parties to fully support the complete restoration and success of our lawful government.  We feel that the long and uncompensated labors of our people, the use and often the abuse of our resources, and the overall criminal nature of the methods and means that have been employed against us merit your complete understanding. 
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website


Trump Just Cut Off Food Stamps
For 2 MASSIVE Groups
Americans Are CHEERING!

Published on May 11, 2017

BREAKING: Trump Just Cut Off Food Stamps For 2 MASSIVE Groups…Americans Are CHEERING!

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We have to wonder why liberals think Obama did such a good job as president.

The national debt and the shocking number of people on government programs proves he did a poor job. A good president helps restore the economy, so that Americans have job opportunities. Instead Obama made it easy for more and more people to take instead of give.

A thriving nation is one full of people who work. They earn a living to support their families. They take ownership of their own lives.

A nation full of people getting food stamps is weak. Those people need the government to take care of them. That’s a bad situation to be in.

But now that President Trump is in office, things are changing. We see jobs coming back into the country. The stock market is booming. Companies have promised to invest in American labor.

On top of that, Trump is getting the federal budget under control. He is reforming government handout programs.

The first one to get serous changes will be food stamps. And a few freeloaders are getting the boot.

From Yes I’m Right:

Overseeing the food benefit program (SNAP) is The U.S. Department of Agriculture, who reportedly has almost 43.6 million people getting food stamps as of April 2016.
On that massive meal ticket are a particularly grotesque bunch of criminals who have been convicted of sickening sex crimes and murder. These violent perverts are among those getting the boot…

Felons aren’t the only ones on the potential chopping block. Those who were lucky enough to win a large lottery sum or gambling winnings aren’t so lucky that they get to keep their welfare and windfall of funds.

If they happen to spend through that cash and wind up in need again, they can get on welfare, but the proposal would prevent them from being on it while benefitting from their cash prize.

Imagine that. Under Obama, murderers and sex offenders were getting free food, courtesy of you and men. Even worse, people who won millions on the lotto or gambling were getting their food bill comped–by the U.S. tax payer.

Why was Obama so intent of protecting these two groups? Food stamps and Welfare are meant to help those struggling to find work, not criminals and lotto winners.

It seems like liberals just love spending our money, regardless on who. They love to punish hard-working tax payers to reward child molesters and gamblers. Insane.

But that’s all coming to an end. President Trump is ending such abuses and getting federal programs back on track.

Yet another reason you should be happy he won.

Elite - Be Very Afraid

Trump reported to be out of the country on business
for 30 days

Elite - Be Very Afraid

Published on May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Canadian Leveraged Buy Out of the US Corp? Hahahahahahah!

From Anna Von Reitz

Today I was given a copy of a Ben Fulford story in which he floats the idea of a Canadian "Leveraged Buy Out" of the old US Corp.  

An "offer" brought to you by the same people who arranged to have you pay off their mortgages under conditions of violent fraud.  
I "counter-offer" that the Priority Creditors are here with their fully restored international standing, including their agricultural liens, and we are fully funded, too, so why not toddle on down the road and give someone else a good laugh? 
We understand the fraud, boys.  The jig is up.  

A full list of "items" will be forthcoming to the Prime Minister.   It won't include a Leveraged Buy Out by Canadians.

An Overlooked Truth About the Shemitah

By Anna Von Reitz

The Shemitah is a holy mystery associated with the “Sabbath of Years”.
Every Seventh Year in the Sacred Calendar of the Hebrews is what we farmers would call a “fallow year”.
The land is to lay fallow. The vinyards are to rest. People, too, are instructed to store up for the Shemitah, so that they can rest and the poor may be taken care of in the year without harvest.
The last day of the Shemitah Year falls on the last day of Elul, the 29th day of the sixth month in the Sacred Calendar.
This last day of the Shemitah Year is called “The Day of Remission” or “The Day of Nullification”.
On this day, all truly Orthodox Jews are required to cancel out all credits and debts and start over fresh.
This means they lose claim to all the credit they accumulated in the last seven years and forgive all the debts owed to them. It is a complete “reset”. A financial Ground Zero. The slate is wiped clean and the game begins again the next day, Tishri 1, which begins the Festival of Trumpets and the most holy month in the whole Hebrew Calendar.
The ramifications of this reset are always hard to deal with. The guys that used to have all the money have lost their liquidity. On the other hand, the other guys who were carrying all the debt, are relieved. Society gets reshuffled. Fortunes are lost and fortunes are made, and another seven years begins.
A Rabbi from New Jersey has established a very plausible and indeed, frightening, statistical correlation between the Shemitah and larger scale financial disasters and cataclysms, including 9/11. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn also notes a frightening correlation between what is happening in America today and what happened in Israel just prior to the Babylonian Captivity in 586 BC.
The Kingdom of Judah was given a warning of Judgment, a short incursion by the Assyrians that caused relatively minor destruction. The Prophet Jeremiah warned them to repent, but instead, they were haughty. They defiantly declared that they would rebuild with their own hands and make it better than ever. They forgot their reliance on God, first and foremost.
And eerily, so did the members of Congress do the same thing following 9/11. Without as much as lip-service to the Great Architect, they defiantly declared that they would rebuild bigger and better than ever. From there, everything has followed in lock-step, right down to replacing Sycamore Trees with other trees, just as King Zechariah did 2,600 years ago.
The Kingdom of Judah had also begun following after the foreign gods of the Babylonians and participating in idolatry and the horrific practice of child sacrifice to the Babylonian gods. Rabbi Cahn notes that just as in Judah then, carnality, selfishness, materialism, and criminality are steadily on the rise here, and millions of babies are now being sacrificed here, as a result of legalized abortion---all with the same affect: judgment.
Are we in the cross-hairs of Divine Judgment?
Jesus said, when you see the Great Abomination standing where it shouldn’t be standing, you will know that the time of reckoning is near.
And what is the Great Abomination? It’s a woman. A Babylonian goddess. She has many names--- Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Columbia….as in District of? She is also known as the Mother of All Harlots.
Ashtoreth invented money and idolatry in general. She created her own religion--- sacred groves, sex as sacrament, ritual child sacrifice. Sound familiar? She is always shown as a beautiful woman with rays of light coming from her head…..yes, just like the “Statue of Liberty” standing in New York Harbor.
There she is, the Great Abomination, standing where she shouldn’t be standing. Jesus told us 2,000 years ago, and there she is.
We might as well paint a red-and-white target on New York City.
The Rabbi has some very important insights published in his two books, The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah, but there is just one thing…… he makes the common mistake throughout of talking about “America” when what he is really talking about is the federal United States.
Like nearly everyone else, he has been bamboozled into thinking that the federal United States is America, when it isn’t. There are two distinct nations here--- one that is apostate, one that is faithful.
And this time, it is of vital importance that the faithful override the Babylonians, repent our sloth and gullibility, and do what has to be done to create a moral, spiritual, and cultural rebirth, beginning with turning our faces to our Father, with tears and trust.
The Jews of Jeremiah’s time left him to stand alone, just one young prophet to face off the weak and venal King.
When millions upon millions of Americans stand up and demand change, the US may indeed go down in flames, but America –the actual America-- will place its faith where it belongs in our Father and Eternal King. We will not be disappointed in our Holy One.
Remember Joshua. Remember Caleb. Remember Elijah. Remember Jeremiah. Remember Yeshua most of all.
Those who have been contemplating setting up more monuments to Ashtoreth and her consort, Satan, need to think again. Just like those who are busily eroding families and redefining marriage need to think again.
Just like those proposing to set up “Fellatio Bars” where a guy can buy a cup of coffee and a blow job for $60 need to think again. Just like those sneaking around participating in nasty old Babylonian and Druid child sacrifices need to think again.

We are coming and we aren’t coming alone. The Angels of the Truth are coming with us.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

"A" Does Not Equal "A"

By Anna Von Reitz

The fact that the name "John Mark Doe" can function as either a Trade Name of a "vessel" belonging to one of the land jurisdiction states operating in international trade, or as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust belonging to the Territorial United States operating in international commerce, was the basis of the entire fraud  that FDR used to fleece your parents and grandparents out of everything they had--- their labor, their money, their land, and their peace.  

Since "John Mark Doe" looks exactly the same as "John Mark Doe" there is no way to tell the difference, except whatever anyone claims and can prove.  So they got your Mother to sign an undisclosed contract and they lied and told you that you had to sign up for "Social Security" when in fact you were never eligible and didn't want to apply.  And they took title and claim to everything including your DNA in exchange for nothing but their hot air. 
Similarly, there is little or no distinction visually or verbally between the unincorporated United States of America that our organic states are part of and a foreign for-profit corporation merely calling itself the United States of America (Inc.).
Are you "John Mark Doe" an innocent private non-citizen "vessel" belonging to one of the sovereign states of the unincorporated United States of America? 
Or are you "John Mark Doe" a public franchise citizen and chattel property standing as surety for the debts of the incorporated United States of America (Inc.)? 
Now the vermin are trying to repeat the same basic trick again, a generation or two later, and the stakes are higher.  This time they mean to steal everything you are and everything that is yours forever. 
Are you the "lost" American Holder in Due Course of the Trading "Vessel" known as "John Mark Doe" and the rightful possessor of the public estate trust known as "JOHN MARK DOE"?  
Or are you a United States Citizen operating the public estate trust and commercial vessel known as "JOHN MARK DOE" for the benefit of the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC.?  
In the first case, you are an American state national owed every protection under the sun. 
In the second case, you are a United States Citizen and a slave having no protection at all.
So which one are you?  
Ah, let's see..... I get back my ESTATE free and clear, together with indemnity against all claims accrued against the ESTATE, or, I get boarded, raped, and pillaged as an Admiralty "prize" by any attorney who "claims" that I am operating as a US CITIZEN...... ?
Hmmmm...... I dunno...... I am too helpless and clueless to know the difference and I have been lied to all my life and told that I am a US citizen....... by the same people who stand to benefit greatly if I accept that role.....
I can tell you what my answer is: go straight to Hell if you call me any form of US citizen or refer to me as "Mr." or "Mrs." of "Miss" anything--- which are all titles of employees.  I am not an employee.  I am your employer.  I am also the sovereign of the land jurisdiction you are standing on.  I am a non-citizen national of the unincorporated Wisconsin State and I am fed up with your British Bullshit all the way to the gills and more.  
I have surrendered any and all PERSONS that have been foisted off onto me back to the Secretary of the Treasury and have informed the Secretary of State that any participation whatsoever in the programs of either the Territorial or Municipal United States is purely involuntary and under duress and the result of unlawful and predatory extortion and conscription and racketeering and Bad Faith and Breach of Trust being committed against me and others by my own misdirected and insubordinate employees.  Blow the same clear, unequivocal message up the skirts of the "US" Attorney General and ask Jeff Sessions which "United States" he is working for?  
If he is working for Ammon Bundy and me, by what upside down fantasy does he propose to have any "delegated authority" to charge or arrest -- much less abuse-- Ammon Bundy?  And what is the "Nevada Franchise" doing pretending to have any such granted authority, either?  If the parent corporation doesn't have any such authority, how does the franchise pretend that it does?   Jeff Sessions knows its fraud and identity theft resulting in personage being committed against  Ammon Bundy and others. He knows that the claims of "US Citizenship" allowing this are all bogus, all built and based on self-interested fraud committed by foreign for-profit corporations that are supposed to be here working for us to provide "essential government services" to our states, not their own "state of state" franchises.  
If you are one of those misdirecting and misinforming my employees and supposedly acting in my behalf as my "representative" you are fired. Here is your formal Notice that you are not my Agent, do not represent me, have no power of attorney over my name or estate, and are  ordered to cease and desist acting in any such capacity, making any such claim or engaging in any further infringement upon my name or property.  
I sent the "US Congress" its Pink Slip years ago and have the letters and mailing receipts to prove it.  
So, are you a slave or a free man?  Only you know the answer.  Only you make the choice.  
But if you are going to be a free man, know that it comes at a price.  Everything that you see around you belongs to you--- the land and everything on it.  If you are going to be free, you have the obligation to self-govern and to make decisions about how your county, your state, and your country are run---and by whom. Are you going to do it, or in the face of the current Mess, are you going to continue to hire foreigners and "trust" them to do it?  
You also have an obligation to defend your county, your state, and your country in time of need.  
If you are going to stand up and be counted as a free man instead of a state corporation-owned slave, then you need to accept your responsibilities that go with the rights.  Help organize and participate in your local county Jural Assembly.  If you are between the ages of 21 and 45, accept your obligation to serve in the local militia.  If you are younger or older or physically unable to serve as a militia member, serve as a Supporting Member.  Make their sandwiches.  Donate to their training and equipment needs.  
I am not talking about any foreign territorial "State of" or "STATE OF" militia.  That little word "of" means "apart from, separate from, or belonging to".  Why in Heaven's name would you be joining and supporting a foreign corporate militia on your shores instead of forming your own state militia?  For example, its the California Militia, not the "State of California" Militia, that you belong to as a birthright member if you were born in California.   
Learn to see through these veils of deception that the enemies of all free men and women have sought to put in place to better serve their greed and power lust. 
Your ancestors made you a sovereign of the land jurisdiction.  So be a sovereign instead of a slave.  Operate the land jurisdiction government you are owed and learn to operate the undelegated powers of the international jurisdiction of the sea that you are owed.  
Ninety percent of Americans are engaged in innocent international trade, but they are paying taxes and being "regulated" as if they were engaged in international commerce. 
It is time to slap Congress and the Territorial United States and Municipal United States--all three--- silly.  But in order to do so, you have to grow up, accept responsibility, educate yourself, and take action in your own behalf.  You can't just sit there like a complacent bump and expect that these vermin that have piled on your back and ridden you like sex-crazed dogs will just voluntarily and naturally pop off when you tell them to.  You and your country are being raped.  It takes more than a little "Pardon me, but...." or a gentle reminder to people who never knew or who have long since forgotten you and your rights in their eagerness to serve themselves and glut at the public trough.  
Send those "Birth Certificates" back to the Secretary of the Treasury and appoint him your Fiduciary to deal with this situation.  Inform the Secretary of State of your decision.  Send it all Registered Mail "from without the United States" and keep copies of the correspondence and mailing receipts.  
Write to the Secretary of the United Nations and bitch, bitch, bitch.  Make it clear that your country has been misrepresented and so have you.  
Same thing with Pope Francis.  Give him an ear-full of what has been going on here and point out that this is happening on his watch.  The misbehavior and criminality of all these "governmental services corporations" are the responsibility of the Roman Curia that ultimately created them.  These corporations all have clauses allowing them to participate in any "lawful" activity, not every "legal" activity.  Hound these men. Hold them responsible. Expose what they have been allowing to go on.  They can yank the charters of these criminal empires and liquidate them for cause.  
It's more than past time that they liquidated the Bar Associations.  And the British Crown, which they own and secondarily operate.  
And as for Donald Trump, the only way he is going to drain the swamp and make American great again is with our help and a lot of it.  

I am not the only American with a voice and a will and a pocketbook and two legs to walk out the door of any "Territorial" or "Municipal" jurisdiction merely presumed to exist. Get educated.  Get mouthy.  Get going. 
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

For the Record, Rothschilds v. Rockefellers

By Anna Von Reitz

It isn't the Rothschilds that are primarily responsible for the misery and defrauding of America. It's the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, and all the other Players named yesterday in my explanation of the fraud process used to undermine and commandeer our institutions including our governmental organizations.
The Rothschilds are businessmen. They are there to make a deal. If they can make money or leverage an advantage, they take the shot, they win or they lose. They are, for the most part (some noted exceptions) rather jaundiced and jaded, unimpressed with money and all it means, merely very, very adroit users of money as a tool -- which is all that money is or was ever meant to be.
They, of all people on the planet, know what "money" and "credit" are, and also all the uses of "debt" and "securities".
But taken on the whole as an entire family, the Rothschilds are not particularly malevolent or ill-intended. They generally take the tack that good business results in profit for everyone. They'd rather milk the Cash Cow than kill it for the insurance money.
And besides, their basic interests are rooted in Europe and expanded into the East and other spheres many, many years ago. America is a pie, to be sure, but far from the only pie on their table.
The Rockefellers are scions of the old corrupt, criminal, nasty, and ultimately suppressed Dutch East India Company, like the Roosevelts and Vanderbilts. The Dutch East India Company was far larger and more powerful than the British Crown and one day in the early 1700's, it simply disappeared. Where did the largest merchant transport fleet in the world go?
That's how we had a vast merchant fleet but not a navy when the Constitution went down.
It's the homegrown traitors that are the always the real danger, and this is no exception.
Just as you are 95 out of a 100 times more likely to be murdered by a friend or relative than a stranger, when it comes to being the victim of fraud or treason the same percentages apply. What has been done to us is an inside job, done by people who have lived in this country for generations, yet have not attached their loyalties or affections to it.
The worst of this current Mess hasn't come to us from the Rothschilds. It has come from the Rockefellers and their allies. The French have profited from it---immensely. The British, too. But the cause of the problem, the root of the evil and treason at the bottom of the pile in this case is homegrown. It stems from people who grew up here, who went to school here, who should --rationally--- care what happens to this country and their neighbors. And don't.
Colonel House, the engineer of this enslavement and corruption, was an American born in Houston, Texas.
So, if you want to deal with the problem, deal with the problem.
Don't get on the "Blame the Rothschild" bandwagon when your real beef is with Dutchmen called Rockefeller and Roosevelt, instead. And despite my disgust with the almost-equally depraved and unjust behavior of the British Monarchy and the British Crown--- let's own the fact that those responsible for the actual nuts-and-bolts of the Great Fraud grew up here, sat in Congress here, served as Governors here---- and betrayed us all, deliberately, with malice aforethought.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Common Law, COMMON LAW, English Common Law, American Common Law....

By Anna Von Reitz

Just the title should clue you in that, like everything else, there's common law, and then, there is COMMON LAW..... 
The Masters of Deceit have been at work. 
Common Law has its origins in the Stone Age.  It's the tradition, often verbal, that a group or tribe has established as its standard of justice over time.  Please note that such a standard applied to a Zulu Warrior standing before a gathering of his tribal elders is just as much the "common law" for him as British Common Law is for a Brit. 
Also note that English Common Law is different from British Common Law and they are both distinct from the Common Law of the United Kingdom...... and so on and so on.  
It's apparent, then, that "common law" is one of those catch-all or nearly all terms that can apply to tribal traditional law that is preserved as a verbal standard passed down generation to generation, or a written standard of law, code, or doctrine adopted by a tribe or a nation or even a commercial corporation.  
It is also apparent that "common law" can exist in any jurisdiction.  
"Ecclesiastical Law" is, generally speaking, the Common Law of the Universal Church, whereas "Canon Law" is a specific codification of Ecclesiastical Law used by the clergy. 
There's Military Common Law.  Commercial Common Law.  State Common Law.  County Common Law.  
No doubt we can derive a Bird Common Law and Dog Common Law and Cat Common Law based on the Natural Law of their kind. 
That's why when someone starts talking about "common law" you should jump on them and grill them---- what common law?  
Katie Courier, always a blind guide, has come up with her own definition which appears to be "any written law" is "common law".  Many generations of jurists would beg to disagree, and in fact, it is a famous disagreement about the nature and definition of "common law" that lies as part of the major impetus behind the American Revolution. 
When Lord Mansfield became Lord Chief Justice in Britain in 1756 he brought along both his experience as an Admiralty Lawyer and as a Scotsman.  
At that time, English Common Law, which required actual wet-ink, two party, fully disclosed, equitable agreements based on a "meeting of the minds" expressed in writing by freely consenting parties, was deemed old-fashioned by Mansfield and not convenient for the conduct of modern business. 
Instead, he advocated a system of "honor" by which full disclosure and consent to contracts should and could be merely implied by acceptance of some service or benefit  and which also favored giving judges the "discretion" to act "in equity"---allowing them to escape the "narrow confines" of a written law. 
So, Lord Mansfield "merged" the Common Law into the Admiralty system and created a dreadful mish-mash that could be "interpreted" endlessly by the courts that were supposed to be administering justice in behalf of the people who instead became victims of what then posed as their own justice system. 
It is from this "merger" of law forms that we get such horrors as "unilateral contracts" in which only one party signs and bears all responsibility, "victimless crimes" in which one may not harm anyone or anything and still be subjected to lengthy and arbitrary prison sentences, and abuses of "judicial discretion" in which the judge's personal buddies and political betters receive the property of whoever the judge doesn't like or isn't paid to protect.  
The Americans, rightly, objected strongly to this merger of English Common Law and Admiralty Law and all the abuses that logically follow from it.  
The upshot is that English Common Law was hopelessly polluted, twisted, and made into a tool for the Bar Associations to screw everyone and everything else to the wall, at their "discretion".  
The American Common Law retained its separation from Admiralty Law, maintained its prohibitions against implied and unilateral contracts, and
"judicial discretion" and "equity decisions".  
But they are both still called "Common Law". 
Lately, we've been beset with US attorneys (all US courts including federated "State of State" and "STATE OF STATE" courts practice this horrific hybrid British "Common Law") attempting to present their bastard as our "Common Law".  
Common Law, lamentably, it still may be called in Britain.  
But it is not our American Common Law.  It is a shady, depraved, debauched, prostituted sister, a tool of feudalism and oppression since 1756.  

So when you hear or speak of "common law" with respect to yourself, your family, your assets---- be sure to stipulate and identify your form of law as American Common Law.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

What the heck is in the drinking water in California??


BREAKING: SHOCK – This State Considering Hiring Open Communists To Work In Government!

First the Muslim Brotherhood, and now the communists??  Our nation's leadership just never seems to learn but continues to make mistake after mistake.

What the heck is in the drinking water in California??
The California State Assembly passed a bill Monday to allow state employees to be communists — a surprise to observers who may have presumed many state employees were already communists.
California approves bill allowing communists to take government jobs
Published on May 9, 2017
Forbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes on California ending the ban on communists taking government jobs.
From Breitbart
The bill, AB 22, would amend existing laws — passed, the Sacramento Bee says, “during the ‘Red Scare’ of the 1940s and ’50s” — that allowed state employees to be fired if they were found to be members of the Communist Party.  
Moreover, the bill would delete existing section of the state code declaring California’s official opposition to communism. The section of the state code proposed to be deleted states:
The Legislature of the State of California finds that: 
(a)There exists a world-wide revolutionary movement to establish a totalitarian dictatorship based upon force and violence rather than upon law. 
(b)This world-wide revolutionary movement is predicated upon and it is designed and intended to carry into execution the basic precepts of communism as expounded by Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. 
(c)Pursuant to the objectives of the world communism movement, in numerous foreign countries the legally constituted governments have been overthrown and totalitarian dictatorships established therein against the will of the people, and the establishment of similar dictatorships in other countries is imminently threatening. 
The successful establishment of totalitarian dictatorships has consistently been aided, accompanied, or accomplished by repeated acts of treachery, deceit, teaching of false doctrines, teaching untruth, together with organized confusion, insubordination, and disloyalty, fostered, directed, instigated, or employed by communist organizations and their members in such countries. 
(d)Within the boundaries of the State of California there are active disciplined communist organizations presently functioning for the primary purpose of advancing the objectives of the world communism movement, which organizations promulgate, advocate, and adhere to the precepts and the principles and doctrines of the world communism movement.  
These communist organizations are characterized by identification of their programs, policies, and objectives with those of the world communism movement, and they regularly and consistently cooperate with and endeavor to carry into execution programs, policies and objectives substantially identical to programs, policies, and objectives of such world communism movement. 
(e)One of the objectives of the world communism movement is to place its members in state and local government positions and in state supported educational institutions. If this objective is successful, propaganda can be disseminated by the members of these organizations among pupils and students by those members who would have the opportunity to teach them and to whom, as teachers, they would look for guidance, authority, and leadership.  
The members of such groups would use their positions to advocate and teach their doctrines and teach the prescribed Communist Party line group dogma or doctrine without regard to truth or free inquiry. This type of propaganda is sufficiently subtle to escape detection. 
There is a clear and present danger, which the Legislature of the State of California finds is great and imminent, that in order to advance the program, policies and objectives of the world communism movement, communist organizations in the State of California and their members will engage in concerted effort to hamper, restrict, interfere with, impede, or nullify the efforts of the State and the public agencies of the State to comply with and enforce the laws of the State of California and their members will infiltrate and seek employment by the State and its public agencies. 
The new bill, proposed by Assemblymember Rob Bonta (D-Oakland), would leave intact the provisions of the state code that bar state employees who belong to organizations that “advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of any state by force or violence.” 
Several Republicans, including Assembly members Randy Vopel (R-Santee) and Travis Allen (R-Huntington Beach) spoke out against the bill.



Militias joining Secret New U.S. Continental Army to oust U.N. troops

Ex Military Vet Says It's Time To Join Or Start A Militia Before It's Too Late

A look inside a modern-day militia in the United States (Part 1)

Discovery Channel Watchmen Militia Rising

Texas BANS sanctuary cities

Texas Governor Signs Law Banning Sanctuary Cities

By :
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has made no secret of his stance on illegal immigration or the cities that choose to shield illegals from deportation. On Sunday, Abbott turned talk into action by signing a new piece of legislation that will effectively ban sanctuary cities from the Lone Star State.

“Let’s face it, the reason why so many people come to America is because we are a nation of laws and Texas is doing its part to keep it that way,” Abbott said at the signing, which was telecast on Facebook.

The law has naturally garnered outrage from immigrant-rights groups and Democrats, who insist that it will drive illegals back into the shadows and make it more difficult for police to keep local communities safe. They also predict that the law will lead to an increase in racial profiling, making Texas an inhospitable place for Hispanics, whether they’re here legally or not. 

(Any one in Texas LEGALLY need not be concerned, but those who are here ILLEGALLY - better make their escape out while they can!)

From the AP:

Reaction to the signing spread swiftly in Texas and beyond. Thomas Saenz, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, said millions in the nation’s second most populous state will now be subjected to racial profiling and suggested that worried Hispanic residents will now be less willing to cooperate with police investigations.

Given the size of the state, this may well be the most costly gubernatorial signature in all of United States history,” Saenz said.

If this law is the “most costly” in American history, it shows you just how necessary Abbott’s signature really was. That just means that we have far, FAR too many people in this country that don’t belong here. We’ve apparently reached the tipping point where so many people are flagrantly breaking the law that it has become “inhumane” to even THINK about enforcing it.

The mere idea that we have hundreds of cities whose officials refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities is ghastly when you really think about it. Even more disturbingly, the courts have blocked President Trump from taking even the most reasonable measures to ensure that those cities are in compliance with federal law. It’s not like he’s threatening to go in and start deporting city councilmen and local sheriffs; he’s merely saying, “Look, if you don’t play ball, you’re on your own. Don’t come groveling for money.” But no, even that’s too much for the liberal judiciary.

Hopefully, there are a few other Republican governors willing to follow Abbott’s lead. The guy might be confined to a wheelchair, but he damn sure knows how to stand up for what’s right.




CRITICAL! Oil Spill From Dakota Access Pipeline!!

Statement from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Report of Oil Spill From Dakota Access Pipeline!!!!  CRITICAL


Statement from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Report of Oil Spill From Dakota Access Pipeline
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 10-May-2017 18:27:47

Hi, Folks - Found here: ===== Statement from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Report of Oil Spill From Dakota Access Pipeline FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
May 10, 2017

Jodi Gillette,
‘It’s more important than ever for the court to step in and halt additional accidents before they happen’
The following is a statement from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman Dave Archambault II in response to reports of an oil spill from the Dakota Access pipeline along its South Dakota leg:
“The Dakota Access pipeline has not yet started shipping the proposed half million barrels of oil per day and we are already seeing confirmed reports of oil spills from the pipeline. This is what we have said all along: oil pipelines leak and spill. Our lawsuit challenging this dangerous project is ongoing and it’s more important than ever for the court to step in and halt additional accidents before they happen – not just for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and our resources but for the 17 million people whose drinking water is at risk.”
         30 YEARS.......OR  MORE............

Obama’s Internet takeover - STOP IT NOW!


The radical left is kicking our butts! This weekend they wheeled out their favorite liberal comedian on HBO to drum up support for Obama’s Internet takeover. AND IT WORKED!
In just a few days they drove over 160,000 comments to the FCC urging them to keep Obama’s Internet takeover in place!!! 

Don’t let them get away with it.

Contact President Trump’s FCC right now. Tell them to undo Obama’s Internet takeover. Tell them to roll back Title II regulations.
Make no mistake about it, this is our one chance to undo Obama’s Internet takeover. But time is running out and we’re losing ground fast.

If you’ve already submitted a comment, please write two more. THIS IS THAT IMPORTANT!

By repealing these oppressive Obama regulations, new, good-paying, American jobs will be created and you’ll get a better, faster Internet.

Please contact the FCC and tell them to undo Obama’s Internet takeover today.

For Freedom,
Adam Brandon
President, FreedomWorks Foundation

Tell the FCC to Roll Back Obama's Internet Takeover!

Go to the following page to send an email NOW!


Emergency financial meetings worldwide

Dr Wm Mount
There have been meetings across the word dealing with the current financial crisis. We see:
1) A few weeks ago we discussed the IMF meeting where they openly discussed how to have a world with fewer and older workers. What this means is mass killing of younger people in a world wide conflict.

As soon as this was exposed they changed the subject.

This species, these Demon Possessed people who rule this planet are afraid of the people.
2) Shortly after this we saw Puerto Rico default on US Treasury Bonds - something they did last year
but this time it is known worldwide that the US Corporation is now bankrupt.

Puerto Rico is not incorporated and therefore part of the US Corporation - and it defaulted.

This is the End Game for the Cloward-Pivens Model. Overloaded with debt the economy collapses leading to Civil War and the rise of a Dictatorship.
3) At the End of March Oil Hedge Fund Contracts are now running out - allowing oil to be sold at $30 a Barrel not $80-90 a Barrel.

Banks heavily invested in Oil Contracts are now unable to pay on their own loans…and are extremely insolvent.

Banks like: Wells Fargo, CITI Bank, Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CIBC), and many others may be in over their heads.

Do they get bailed out again and cause massive inflation
or allowed to fail???

4)) Several weeks ago we saw the Federal Reserve taken over
by the Chinese.

5) On Friday we saw the Chinese Finance Minister meeting with South Korean and Japanese Finance Ministers at the Asian Development Bank’s Annual Conference in Yokohama Japan suddenly pulled
away and headed back to China for an:

“Emergency Domestic Meeting” concerning finances.

6) A few days ago we saw Huge “In Your Face” Voter Fraud in the French Presidential Elections to try and stabilize the Euro - as bank after bank in the PIGS Nations (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and now Ireland) become insolvent.

7) The Massive Voter Fraud was created to hide the fact that thousands of German Troops are now in France and taken
control of their Government


8) Tens of thousands of Russian Troops have landed in Serbia to burn out the Dope Farms in this region of the world and destroy the Hasheesh Trade in Europe - or maybe stabilize the prices.
 Who really knows???

Hasheesh is concentrated Dope meant to send a person into orbit.

9) We now see Deutsche Bank nearing default on $70 Trillion dollars in Hedge Funds as their bank corporation are declared insolvent.

10) Last nigh we saw the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meeting with the Russian Federation  Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov to sum up with solutions like:

>>>>…a) Blow 9 US Cities with huge 20 KT Conventional Firecrackers in Late May or Early September just before the Collapse, cancel all worldwide debt, and begin afresh new world.

…b) Re-collateralize the banks like was done in 2008 - continue to create massive digits to support these  Elites at the top while we at the bottoms see huge inflation and tax increases.

…c) Creating a New Treasury Note and allow the United States Corporation to move quickly into a Third World Status.

.,,d) Create a world Conflict anywhere in the world - Serbia,
Middle East, etc.

…e) Destroying the Saudi Royal Line to cancel $5 Trillion in Debt and having the Rothchild’s Banking System forgive the other $20 Trillion and continue to operate the US Corporation under   Bankruptcy Provisions run by the Asian CHIPS System under
the Chinese?.

Remember - the US Corporation ran from 1 March 1933 through
1 March 2003 under the provisions of Bankruptcy - answering to those in London.


Draining the swamp!