Please share and post this Letter to US Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions as
Public Notice given to him, President Trump, Secretary Mnuchin and Secretary
Ross. Feel free to compose your own letter. Let these men know for certain
that the horrifying betrayals of former Administrations are known and the
mechanisms are ferreted out. Let them know that the people of this country are
not asleep and not standing still for this anymore.
May 13, 2017
Big Lake, Alaska
United States Attorney General Jeffrey
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mr. Sessions:
It has come to my attention that
certain banks have lied and made insupportable claims and accusations to the
Treasury Department about the American states and people and also the Native
nations that have treaties with the actual United States as well as the
Territorial United States.
This insulting obstruction comes
after Wells Fargo and its management has been for years in the past under the
ownership of former United States Attorney Generals---- and should know better.
Which prompts me to ask if you know better? Wells Fargo is a foreign securities
investment firm operating under the trademarked name of a defunct bank it
acquired, deliberately hiding its nature and identity so as to better defraud
the unsuspecting people of this country.
Let me suggest very broadly that
it is your job as “Attorney General” to return our property to us
as expeditiously and with as little upset and fanfare as possible, and that this
will not be accomplished if we have to deal with Wells Fargo in the manner that
its history and actions invite.
There was no “Civil War”. There
was only an illegal commercial mercenary conflict that took place on our
Everything from 1860 onward is
fraud, including the creation of your office, Mr. Sessions.
The false claims upon our land as
surety backing debts accrued by The United States of America, Inc. in 1907, and
the equally false claims of “abandonment” by the heirs in 1953, all reek of
fraud, graft, extortion, self-interested claims, unlawful conversion, inland
piracy, bankruptcy fraud, conspiracy against the actual Constitution and more.
So does FDR’s rank constructive
fraud in 1933. Enough is more than enough.
The basic claims against the
banks are more than hundred years old and they have been brought forward. The
liens against the federal municipalities and territorial franchise “states of
states” are all cured. The Payment Bond has been delivered and posted and cured
against the Vatican Chancery Court. The entirety of E Pluribus Unum and E
Pluribus Secundum has been re-conveyed to the land jurisdiction.
This may be hard to fathom if you
are unfamiliar with the facts, but Alaska is owned by the people of
Alaska who operate under a Statehood Compact---not a “Constitution” which
is merely a debt agreement instrument used to hire foreign subcontractors to
provide “essential government services”. See Article IV of The Constitution for
the united States of America.
The Alaska State is an
unincorporated business operated by the people of Alaska as detailed by
the Session Laws of this state; the Alaska State operates the land
jurisdiction of Alaska and the undelegated jurisdiction of the sea
reserved to the states and people under Amendment X. The State of
Alaska, by contrast, is a foreign subcontractor of the Alaska
State and a Territorial United States franchise defined as a “state of
state” under the Uniform Commercial Code. See UCC 1 -207,
In the case of Alaska, this is
all definitively spelled out in Alaska Statute 45.77.020. Similar
statutory admission exist in every other state in this country and the
situation is identical in every state. All the “State of_________” organizations
are foreign subcontractors and territorial enclaves without exception. The
STATE OF ALASKA is, in turn, a municipal subset of the State of
So the power flows downhill in
this pattern: Alaska (state and people) > Alaska State (unincorporated) >
State of Alaska (Territorial corporation) > STATE OF ALASKA (DC Municipal
That is, Ohioans operate the Ohio
State (unincorporated, land jurisdiction) which subcontracts for services with
the State of Ohio and the State of Ohio then hosts the STATE OF OHIO. Neither
the State of Ohio nor the STATE OF OHIO have any right to address, impugn,
coerce, defraud, arrest, convert, suborn, presume upon or assume the political
status of any American state national and I am sick and tired of telling you
this obvious fact of life. Your corporations are here as guests. You are hired
to provide “essential government services” to us and to our states--- not to
serve yourselves at our expense.
We are tired of having our hired
help tie us up, bugger us, and hand us the bill for the “service”.
Pay attention. No matter what
undisclosed adhesion contracts may be produced in pale support of murder, armed
theft, and unlawful conversion, Ammon and Cliven Bundy and the others have told
the “STATE OF NEVADA” who they are in fact and have claimed their substantive
rights. That will shortly be borne home to anyone defending the actions of the
The only “attorning” that you,
Mr. Sessions, and your cohorts working as State Attorney Generals are supposed
to be doing is to return our land and our property assets to
us in the wake of a “war” that never really was and which has now been
over for 150 years.
This self-interested constructive
fraud of going out and claiming that our babies are “abandoned” on a
non-existent battlefield created by an illegal, criminal action perpetuated by
our own employees, and conscripting the heirs of the land jurisdiction as
“wards” of your foreign corporations via undisclosed adhesion contracts has got
to stop.
The federal corporations and
especially the members of the American Bar Association have engaged in inland
piracy, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, coercive adhesion, and many,
many other crimes on our shores in flagrant Breach of Trust and violation of the
treaties and commercial contracts that allow them to be here on our soil.
The members of the American Bar
Association operating as Undeclared Foreign Agents and their friends operating
“State of State” organizations have created and operated the greatest fraud
scheme in human history and promoted the largest scale genocide on paper ever
Kidnapping, press-ganging, and
inland piracy have all been outlawed for over 200 years and are all recognized
capital level international crimes. Personage, barratry, and
constructive fraud are also crimes of long-standing. Inequitable
contracting practices, extortion, unlawful conversion of assets, racketeering by
undeclared Foreign Agents and more crimes have been willingly committed by
members of the Bar Associations on a continuing basis even after Pope Francis
cancelled their privateer’s licenses effective September 1, 2013.
You are the Attorney General, Mr.
Sessions. You are the one responsible for aiding and abetting this outrage
if you do not immediately take steps to end it and to countermand it. It’s
past time to order your “troops” into a complete and permanent withdrawal and
“cease fire” with respect to American state nationals and for the federal
corporations to quit these phony claims of “war”. No corporation on Earth has
any ability to declare “war” and this specious self-serving drivel has to end.
The actual land jurisdiction
States and the people to whom they belong are still standing and aware of
the Crime of the Century that has been practiced against them by their own
I have gone to the considerable
trouble of correcting my political status records all the way back to 1860 and
re-conveying my name and assets and all PERSONS/Persons associated with me to
the land and soil of my birth state. I have surrendered all federal
PERSONS/Persons associated with my given name to the Secretary of the Treasury
after permanently domiciling them as vessels of the land jurisdiction state
engaged in peaceful international trade---- not commerce.
This whole nasty process should
have been totally unnecessary but for the greed and power lust and betrayal and
disservice of people taking their paychecks from our pockets while working to
defraud and disinherit us. It is an affront to sanity and a testament to the
complete criminal lack of disclosure which has accompanied this whole “process”
of undermining the lawful government of this country that it has continued this
Mr. Sessions, your predecessors
have unlawfully converted the private assets of the American people into public
trusts without their knowledge or consent and they have ruthlessly
pillaged everyone in this country blind----and all under conditions of
non-disclosure, similar names deceits, constructive fraud, and pretended
friendship, all in Breach of Trust and commercial contract.
Well, we are here, Mr. Sessions,
disgusted to the bone. The vermin responsible this circumstance couldn’t even
face us man to man. They had to attack us while we were still innocent babies in
our cradles. They had to come to our Mothers and lie to them and
mis-characterize these trusting women as “Informants” against their own children
and coerce them into signing unilateral undisclosed contracts surrendering their
babies to the tender mercies of “States of States”.
I want to vomit, Mr. Sessions,
every time I think of it.
Look up the legal meaning of
“Informant”. Were any of our Mothers knowingly and willingly acting as
“Informants” against us? Was there ever any actual “government mandate”
requiring them to surrender their children to these vile “State of State” or
“STATE OF STATE” franchises engaged in enslavement and trafficking of kidnapped
The guilt, the infamy, the pure,
venal criminality of the organizations that have run this system on our shores
under color of law is beyond description or compare and they need to be
eradicated, root, stem, and leaf.
Make way for our national and
international trade banks and clear the decks for us to receive our lawful
passports and state national identifications without any further obfuscation,
resistance, false arrests, extortion, racketeering, presumptions of political
status or complaints.
If you have any questions or
anything whatsoever to reply other than a complete apology and immediate action
to correct your procedures, presumptions, and records concerning the people and
states you are supposed to serve, I may be contacted in care of: 1336 Staubbach
Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, called at (907) 250-5087, or emailed at:
As of November 6, 2015, we
established a new interim service contract to uphold the actual Constitution.
The Sovereign Letters Patent and Declaration of Joint Sovereignty accomplishing
this are on record with the Hague, the United Nations Security Council, Pope
Francis, Elizabeth II, and other institutions and Higher Contracting Powers as
well as posted on the internet worldwide. We are also the Principal Priority
Creditors of the States of States and STATES OF STATES and you are notified of
the fact.
You will find that our sovereign
indemnity bonds have been posted and similarly noticed and cured on a worldwide
basis. We are claiming our land and our land assets and our undelegated
international jurisdiction of the sea and this is your Notice rendering any
plausible deniability null and void.
Make haste to make peace with
your brothers.
Anna Maria Riezinger
President Donald J. Trump
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin
U.S. Treasury Department
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20220
Secretary Wilbur Ross
U.S. Secretary of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20230