Sunday, May 14, 2017

Jeff Sessions Public Notice 2.0

Please share and post this Letter to US Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions as Public Notice given to him, President Trump, Secretary Mnuchin and Secretary Ross.  Feel free to compose your own letter.  Let these men know for certain that the horrifying betrayals of former Administrations are known and the mechanisms are ferreted out.  Let them know that the people of this country are not asleep and not standing still for this anymore.
                                                                           May 13, 2017
                                                                            Big Lake, Alaska
United States Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions                                   
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mr. Sessions:
It has come to my attention that certain banks have lied and made insupportable claims and accusations to the Treasury Department about the American states and people and also the Native nations that have treaties with the actual United States as well as the Territorial United States.
This insulting obstruction comes after Wells Fargo and its management has been for years in the past under the ownership of former United States Attorney Generals---- and should know better. Which prompts me to ask if you know better? Wells Fargo is a foreign securities investment firm operating under the trademarked name of a defunct bank it acquired, deliberately hiding its nature and identity so as to better defraud the unsuspecting people of this country.
Let me suggest very broadly that it is your job as “Attorney General” to return our property to us as expeditiously and with as little upset and fanfare as possible, and that this will not be accomplished if we have to deal with Wells Fargo in the manner that its history and actions invite.
There was no “Civil War”.  There was only an illegal commercial mercenary conflict that took place on our shores. 
Everything from 1860 onward is fraud, including the creation of your office, Mr. Sessions.
The false claims upon our land as surety backing debts accrued by The United States of America, Inc. in 1907, and the equally false claims of “abandonment” by the heirs in 1953, all reek of fraud, graft, extortion, self-interested claims, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, bankruptcy fraud, conspiracy against the actual Constitution and more.
So does FDR’s rank constructive fraud in 1933.  Enough is more than enough.
The basic claims against the banks are more than hundred years old and they have been brought forward. The liens against the federal municipalities and territorial franchise “states of states” are all cured.  The Payment Bond has been delivered and posted and cured against the Vatican Chancery Court.  The entirety of E Pluribus Unum and E Pluribus Secundum has been re-conveyed to the land jurisdiction.
This may be hard to fathom if you are unfamiliar with the facts, but Alaska is owned by the people of Alaska who operate under a Statehood Compact---not a “Constitution” which is merely a debt agreement instrument used to hire foreign subcontractors to provide “essential government services”.  See Article IV of The Constitution for the united States of America. 
The Alaska State is an unincorporated business operated by the people of Alaska as detailed by the Session Laws of this state; the Alaska State operates the land jurisdiction of Alaska and the undelegated jurisdiction of the sea reserved to the states and people under Amendment X.   The State of Alaska, by contrast, is a foreign subcontractor of the Alaska State and a Territorial United States franchise defined as a “state of state” under the Uniform Commercial Code.  See UCC 1 -207, “Definitions”. 
In the case of Alaska, this is all definitively spelled out in Alaska Statute 45.77.020.  Similar statutory admission exist in every other state in this country and the situation is identical in every state. All the “State of_________” organizations are foreign subcontractors and territorial enclaves without exception.  The STATE OF ALASKA is, in turn, a municipal subset of the State of Alaska.
So the power flows downhill in this pattern:  Alaska (state and people) > Alaska State (unincorporated) > State of Alaska (Territorial corporation) > STATE OF ALASKA (DC Municipal corporation). 
That is, Ohioans operate the Ohio State (unincorporated, land jurisdiction) which subcontracts for services with the State of Ohio and the State of Ohio then hosts the STATE OF OHIO.  Neither the State of Ohio nor the STATE OF OHIO have any right to address, impugn, coerce, defraud, arrest, convert, suborn, presume upon or assume the political status of any American state national and I am sick and tired of telling you this obvious fact of life.  Your corporations are here as guests.  You are hired to provide “essential government services” to us and to our states--- not to serve yourselves at our expense.
We are tired of having our hired help tie us up, bugger us, and hand us the bill for the “service”. 
Pay attention.  No matter what undisclosed adhesion contracts may be produced in pale support of murder, armed theft, and unlawful conversion, Ammon and Cliven Bundy and the others have told the “STATE OF NEVADA” who they are in fact and have claimed their substantive rights.  That will shortly be borne home to anyone defending the actions of the BLM, FBI or “STATE OF NEVADA”. 
The only “attorning” that you, Mr. Sessions,  and your cohorts working as State Attorney Generals are supposed to be doing is to return our land and our property assets to us in the wake of a “war” that never really was and which has now been over for 150 years. 
This self-interested constructive fraud of going out and claiming that our babies are “abandoned” on a non-existent battlefield created by an illegal, criminal action perpetuated by our own employees, and conscripting the heirs of the land jurisdiction as “wards” of your foreign corporations via undisclosed adhesion contracts has got to stop.
The federal corporations and especially the members of the American Bar Association have engaged in inland piracy, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, coercive adhesion, and many, many other crimes on our shores in flagrant Breach of Trust and violation of the treaties and commercial contracts that allow them to be here on our soil.
The members of the American Bar Association operating as Undeclared Foreign Agents and their friends operating “State of State” organizations have created and operated the greatest fraud scheme in human history and promoted the largest scale genocide on paper ever attempted. 
Kidnapping, press-ganging, and inland piracy have all been outlawed for over 200 years and are all recognized capital level international crimes.  Personage, barratry, and constructive fraud are also crimes of long-standing.  Inequitable contracting practices, extortion, unlawful conversion of assets, racketeering by undeclared Foreign Agents and more crimes have been willingly committed by members of the Bar Associations on a continuing basis even after Pope Francis cancelled their privateer’s licenses effective September 1, 2013.

You are the Attorney General, Mr. Sessions.  You are the one responsible for aiding and abetting this outrage if you do not immediately take steps to end it and to countermand it.  It’s past time to order your “troops” into a complete and permanent withdrawal and “cease fire” with respect to American state nationals and for the federal corporations to quit these phony claims of “war”.  No corporation on Earth has any ability to declare “war” and this specious self-serving drivel has to end.
The actual land jurisdiction States and the people to whom they belong are still standing and aware of the Crime of the Century that has been practiced against them by their own subcontractors.
I have gone to the considerable trouble of correcting my political status records all the way back to 1860 and re-conveying my name and assets and all PERSONS/Persons associated with me to the land and soil of my birth state.  I have surrendered all federal PERSONS/Persons associated with my given name to the Secretary of the Treasury after permanently domiciling them as vessels of the land jurisdiction state engaged in peaceful international trade---- not commerce.
This whole nasty process should have been totally unnecessary but for the greed and power lust and betrayal and disservice of people taking their paychecks from our pockets while working to defraud and disinherit us. It is an affront to sanity and a testament to the complete criminal lack of disclosure which has accompanied this whole “process” of undermining the lawful government of this country that it has continued this long. 
Mr. Sessions, your predecessors have unlawfully converted the private assets of the American people into public trusts without their knowledge or consent and they have ruthlessly pillaged everyone in this country blind----and all under conditions of non-disclosure, similar names deceits, constructive fraud, and pretended friendship, all in Breach of Trust and commercial contract.
Well, we are here, Mr. Sessions, disgusted to the bone.   The vermin responsible this circumstance couldn’t even face us man to man. They had to attack us while we were still innocent babies in our cradles. They had to come to our Mothers and lie to them and mis-characterize these trusting women as “Informants” against their own children and coerce them into signing unilateral undisclosed contracts surrendering their babies to the tender mercies of “States of States”.
I want to vomit, Mr. Sessions, every time I think of it.
Look up the legal meaning of “Informant”.  Were any of our Mothers knowingly and willingly acting as “Informants” against us?  Was there ever any actual “government mandate” requiring them to surrender their children to these vile “State of State” or “STATE OF STATE” franchises engaged in enslavement and trafficking of kidnapped babies? 
The guilt, the infamy, the pure, venal criminality of the organizations that have run this system on our shores under color of law is beyond description or compare and they need to be eradicated, root, stem, and leaf.
Make way for our national and international trade banks and clear the decks for us to receive our lawful passports and state national identifications without any further obfuscation, resistance, false arrests, extortion, racketeering, presumptions of political status or complaints.
If you have any questions or anything whatsoever to reply other than a complete apology and immediate action to correct your procedures, presumptions, and records concerning the people and states you are supposed to serve, I may be contacted in care of: 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, called at (907) 250-5087, or emailed at:
As of November 6, 2015, we established a new interim service contract to uphold the actual Constitution.  The Sovereign Letters Patent and Declaration of Joint Sovereignty accomplishing this are on record with the Hague, the United Nations Security Council, Pope Francis, Elizabeth II, and other institutions and Higher Contracting Powers as well as posted on the internet worldwide.  We are also the Principal Priority Creditors of the States of States and STATES OF STATES and you are notified of the fact.
You will find that our sovereign indemnity bonds have been posted and similarly noticed and cured on a worldwide basis.  We are claiming our land and our land assets and our undelegated international jurisdiction of the sea and this is your Notice rendering any plausible deniability null and void.
Make haste to make peace with your brothers. 
                                                                   Anna Maria Riezinger
President Donald J. Trump
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin
U.S. Treasury Department
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20220
Secretary Wilbur Ross
U.S. Secretary of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20230

Ontario Canada Fracking operation struck

5/14/2017 — Nightly Earthquake Update + Forecast — Ontario Canada Fracking operation struck

by Michael Janitch
A very rare earthquake has occurred at a fracking operation located at the Ontario Canada / USA border near Detroit Michigan.
This location in Ontario just so happens to also be a location which had a giant methane burst come out of the ground two years ago (2015).
It would appear that the location in question is vulnerable to seismic pressure as the pressure is coming from the West Coast of the United States + Canada.
This is a screenshot of the fracking / oil / gas pumping operation which was struck.
Information on the fracking earthquake can be found here:
MagnitudeML 2.2
Date time2017-05-14 01:50:56.3 UTC
Location42.16 N ; 82.47 W
Depth5 km
Here is the nightly earthquake update + forecast showing the Ontario fracking earthquake:
5/13/2017 --
Nightly Earthquake Update + Forecast --
ONTARIO fracking operation struck 
Michael Janitch | May 14, 2017 at 6:44 am | URL:

Airplane Accident happened on Mukilteo in May 2 2017

This is what happens when things get a bit too Grand Theft Auto for our liking

Recently, we’ve had sleepless nights worried that dash-cams were
heading the same way as Tamagotchis and Von Dutch trucker hats.

Like Furby however, they’re back. The latest jaw-slackening dash-cam
footage comes from Washington, USA. And it’s something straight from
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

On Tuesday, a Piper PA-32-260 light aircraft crash-landed
into some powerlines – turning into a fireball in the process – before
crossing an intersection and hitting a couple of unsuspecting cars.
Police reported that two people on the ground had minor injuries, but,
amazingly, the 30-year-old pilot and passenger did not report injuries.
And it was all caught on dash-cam.

 It wasn’t because said pilot had been binging on GTA destruction, rather
that the engine on the single-prop aircraft decided it’d had enough of
being an engine and decided to shut down unexpectedly. Scary stuff. As
we said, luckily no one was seriously hurt. Check it out for yourself
above. And long live the dash-cam…

Dr Steven Greer 2017 It's Happened "Really"




Hello Grandfather,

All of our Chinese friends believe that you may be the only person able to help with the dilemma most of the world is experiencing at this moment.…

We all know you are in charge of the global currency revaluation that, when finally implemented, will provide for currency holders to finally be able to exchange their currencies.  This will make it possible for all currency holders to have the finances required in order to implement their special projects to serve humanity, and to help resolve serious issues affecting the health and life of everything on this planet. 

We have been informed that you recently had the world (all 209 nations) sign a peace treaty pledging to no longer inflict wars upon other nations.  We believe your intent was to bring peace to the planet, kindness, provide assistance to those in need, and to prevent the nations of this planet from blowing each other up. We are wondering if you will consider the addition of an addendum to the Treaty prior to releasing the revaluation, being the requirement that all chemtrail spraying is to be stopped immediately worldwide, never again to be resumed. 

Currently there are millions of people worldwide who are so sick that they are literally dying. The cause is the toxic chemicals being sprayed throughout the skies planet wide. Are you aware of the chemtrail planes dumping heavy metal poisons and death viruses on the planet day and night? These toxins are literally killing off all animals and plant life, destroying our air and water, poisoning the soil used in food production, and committing genocide of all human population on the entire planet. This is called GENOCIDE.  If these planes are not stopped immediately, the whole planet will be dead.

The lies being told to the people are that the chemtrails are to protect the planet from the sun, and that the chemtrails are for protection from foreign warfare upon the nation, but most now know from their own research that these are blatant lies and that these chemtrails are meant for genocide to reduce the population of the planet by over two thirds population, which is not needed or justified. Website addresses are included below which, if you can take time to click on these, will show you in pictures the harm that is being imposed on the entire planet.

There are 2 people in top positions in our nation that can immediately stop the chemtrail program but, despite repeated notices by the American people, these 2 high level individuals have not stopped the chemtrail genocide program for some unknown reason.  Humanity needs the genocide chemtrail planes stopped throughout the whole world if we are to revitalize the people and the planet….
without stopping the worldwide chemtrail genocide project what you want the people to do is null and void....

We who are ‘Anonymous 2’ are very excited to be part of implementing our projects to help humanity through proceeds received from the revaluation and to work with you in using our projects to revitalize the world.  Thank you for making it possible for us to do so.


The Illuminati agenda playing out before our eyes

The pope has a SHOCKING plan for 2017
Celebration of the super state of  Europe
The Illuminati Agenda playing out before our eyes!
Illuminati Ritual at Vatican today will SHOCK you!

The full extent of NSA / NAZI/ NWO spying on Americans

Whistleblower William Binney
gives terrifying information about the NSA

 The Government is Profiling You
(The NSA is Spying on You)
William Binney

NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney
 on Tucker Carlson

NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney
on 9-11

(The Program)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

HORRIFYING announcement about Social Security!

 Announcement About Social Security!!

Jason Chaffetz is being forced out of politics

First James Trafficant, then Dr Ron Paul and now
Jason Chaffetz
Auditing the Rothschild banksters private corporation for profit Federal Reserve Bank
is a "NO NO" - it could mean your life
or the lives of your family
Jason Chaffetz is finding this out
FBI Insider Reveals Why Jason Chaffetz
Is Being 'Forced Out Of Politics'

Careful what you wish for

At a DC Protest March...

    Does that mean that this woman  wants...

- Women to be banned from entering school and college campuses?
- Women to be banned from any establishment selling alcohol?
- Women to be banned from polling places on election days
- Women to be banned from any official government group meetings?
- All women to be banned from all airports?
- All women to be locked up at all times that they are not in use?

Here's the one I like best...
- That women should come with silencers?

 Maybe this was not well thought out. 

US Federal Prison Ordered To Prepare For 23 “High Security Political Defendants”

US Federal Prison Ordered By Trump To Prepare For 23 “High Security Political Defendants”

May 13, 2017

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the unprecedented “grouping/converging” of US Marshals Service-Eastern District of Pennsylvania (USMS-EDP) agents in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. this past week was due to President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) “informing/notifying” the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to prepare for at least 23 “high security political defendants” being placed in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) located in Philadelphia—one of whom the SVR believes will be Hillary Clinton. 
According to this report, while the US mainstream propaganda media this past week was being consumed by their “Russia hysteria” meme against President Trump that has led to a $150 million “kill contract” being put on his life, and whom had just fired his leftist-leaning Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey, SVR intelligence analysts were reporting that a team of FBI agents and US Department of Justice prosecutors had just returned from Bangladesh where they had secured under oath testimony from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirming Hillary Clinton’s criminality.
Prime Minister Hasina testified to the FBI and the US Justice Department that in 2011 then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called her office demanding that Muhammad Yunus be restored to his role as chairman of the Bangladesh’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank—but who had been paid between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative, with Yunus himself personally giving between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation website, too.

Grameen Bank was created by Muhammad Yunus and purported to be a pioneer in the concepts of microcredit and microfinance to help poor peoples but whose “reasons and ability” to pay Hillary Clinton nearly $500,000 led the SVR (among others) to question its true motives and whose charges of embezzlement and loan-sharking against have yet to be fully investigated.

As part of the Bangladesh government Prime Minister Hasina further told the FBI and US Justice Department that, under her nation's banking laws, no one could be the director of Grameen Bank past the age of 60 and that by his management of this bank, until she dismissed him upon taking power, Yunus, at age 70, in effect had stolen 10-years of salary and benefits, too.

Most shocking about this newly discovered crime by Hillary Clinton is that the FBI had known about it but after Director Comey had ordered the investigation to cease, and barely a fortnight prior to President Trump taking office, someone” at the FBI mysteriously posted on its website over 300 emails that Clinton had sent to an unnamed colleague not in the government (suspected to be her adviser Sid Blumenthal) that had fallen into the hands of foreign powers, including Bangladesh (though funneled through China).

To who had mysteriously posted these over 300 Hillary Clinton emails to the FBI website prior to their being destroyed by Director Comey, and before President Trump took office were FBI agents loyal to US Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod Rosenstein whom the SVR says was enraged at the Clinton’s for their diabolical decade long scheme with the controversial Indian drug manufacturer called Ranbaxy to sell watered down AIDS drugs to Africa and who then US Attorney Rosenstein prosecuted and won an astounding $500 million judgment against with his stating:

This is the largest false claims case ever prosecuted in the District of Maryland, and the nation’s largest financial penalty paid by a generic pharmaceutical company”.

With President Trump’s current US Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his Senate confirmation hearing testifying that he would recue himself from any case involving Hillary Clinton, Trump then determined that US Attorney Rosenstein (who had more knowledge of the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation's crimes than anyone else) would be his pick for Deputy Attorney General and who barely two weeks from being installed in office by a nearly overwhelming US Senate vote of 94-6, provided Trump with a scathing memo justifying the firing of Director Comey that he concluded by stating:

“The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”

Interesting to note about now US Deputy Attorney Rosenstein, too, is that last week President Trump related to Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during their White House Oval Office meeting that he was the person whose legal advice he had taken when installing his tape recording system in order to “entrap/ensnare” his “Deep State” enemies and that yesterday Trump first alerted his enemies by warning Director Comey in a Tweet:
[Note: Under long standing protocols between Russia and the United States, all recording devices in rooms where officials meet must have their recording systems declared, either if or not working.]

By the massive increase of US Marshal Service activity in both Philadelphia and Washington D.C. this past week, SVR intelligence analysts speculate that the reason Philadelphia was chosen to hold these “high security political defendants” is due that city having just hosted the 2016 Democratic National Convention and whose police forces are integrated with their Federal law enforcement counterparts and able to control the massive protests that will erupt once Hillary Clinton and her criminal associates are jailed pending trial.
Sorcha Faal - What Does It Mean
May 13 2017


The Ocean Cleanup – Amazing Technology Will Launch Within 12 Months

JFK Nostalgia - disclosure in case you haven't yet heard

LBJs Mistress Blows Whistle
on JFK Assassination
LBJ Mistress Madeline Brown Tells All
JFK Told the World
Who Murdered His Father
But Nobody was Paying Attention!


Earthquake strikes along the shores of Central America

 — Nightly Earthquake Update + Forecast —

Central America struck by noteworthy M6.4

by Michael Janitch

May 12, 2017 - A noteworthy M6.2 (M6.4) earthquake strikes along the shores of Central America / El Salvador

El Salvador Central America has been struck by a noteworthy series of earthquakes over the past 24 hours (up to May 13, 2017) topping out at M6.2 - M6.4.
Over the past several days leading up to this new round of seismic activity, multiple earthquake warnings were issued for Central America, including the country of El Salvador.
El Salvador was specifically named in the May 8, 2017 earthquake forecast, and Central America near Honduras was named on the May 11, 2017 earthquake forecast.

Keylogger Found in HP Laptops - Records YOUR EVERY Key Stroke!

Do you own a Hewlett-Packard (HP) laptop?

Yes? Just stop whatever you are doing and listen carefully:

Your HP laptop may be silently recording everything you are typing on your keyboard.

While examining Windows Active Domain infrastructures, security researchers from the Switzerland-based security firm Modzero have discovered a built-in keylogger in an HP audio driver that spy on your all keystrokes.
In general, Keylogger is a program that records every keystroke by monitoring every key you have pressed on your keyboard. Usually, malware and trojans use this ability to steal your account information, credit card numbers, passwords, and other private data.

HP computers come with Audio Chips developed by Conexant, a manufacturer of integrated circuits, who also develops drivers for its audio chips. Dubbed Conexant High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver, the driver helps the software to communicate with the hardware.

Depending upon the computer model, HP also embeds some code inside the audio drivers delivered by Conexant that controls the special keys, such as Media keys offers on the keypad.

Keylogger Found Pre-Installed in HP Audio Driver

According to researchers, the flawed code (CVE-2017-8360) written by HP was poorly implemented, that not just captures the special keys but also records every single key-press and store them in a human-readable file.

This log file, which is located at the public folder C:\Users\Public\MicTray.log, contains a lot of sensitive information like users' login data and passwords, which is accessible to any user or 3rd party applications installed on the computer.

Therefore, a malware installed on or even a person with physical access to a PC can copy the log file and have access to all your keystrokes, extracting your sensitive data such as bank details, passwords, chat logs, and source code.
"So what's the point of a keylogger in an audio driver? Does HP deliver pre-installed spyware? Is HP itself a victim of a backdoored software that third-party vendors have developed on behalf of HP?" Modzero researchers question HP.
In 2015, this keylogging feature was introduced as a new diagnostic feature with an update version for HP audio drivers and existed on nearly 30 different HP Windows PC models shipped since then.

Affected models include PCs from the HP Elitebook 800 series, the EliteBook Folio G1, HP ProBook 600 and 400 series, and many others. You can find a full list of affected HP PC models in the Modzero's security advisory.

Researchers also warned that "probably other hardware vendors, shipping Conexant hardware and drivers" may also be affected.

How to Check if You are Affected and Prevent Yourself

If any of these two following files exist in your system, then this keylogger is present on your PC:
  • C:\Windows\System32\MicTray64.exe
  • C:\Windows\System32\MicTray.exe
If any of the above files exist, Modzero advises that you should either delete or rename the above-mentioned executable file in order to prevent the audio driver from collecting your keystrokes.
"Although the file is overwritten after each login, the content is likely to be easily monitored by running processes or forensic tools," researchers warned. "If you regularly make incremental backups of your hard-drive - whether in the cloud or on an external hard-drive – a history of all keystrokes of the last few years could probably be found in your backups."
Also, if you make regular backups of your hard drive that include the Public folder, the keylogging file in question may also exist there with your sensitive data in plain text for anyone to see. So, wipe that as well.

Free market capitalism does not include .....