Sunday, May 14, 2017

British IT expert, 22, who lives with his parents reveals how he stopped the global cyber attack that wreaked havoc on the NHS as he warns he is already fighting hackers trying to unleash a NEW threat

  • UK blogger, 22, 'accidentally' found method to block spread of cyber attack
  • He found way to register virus as a website which caused a 'kill switch'
  • But the cyber expert warned a group of hackers are trying to sabotage the fix

The UK blogger who discovered a 'kill switch' that has slowed the spread of a virus wreaking havoc across the globe has revealed that the world is facing a fresh cyber attack from malicious hackers who are trying to sabotage the fix.

The 22-year-old 'accidental hero' - who lives at home in the south of England with his mother and father - spotted a loophole in the code that meant he could block the virus.

He says he inadvertently halted the ransomware just hours after hearing news of a cyber attack on the NHS while out for lunch with a friend while on a week off from his job at an information security company.

But speaking exclusively to MailOnline, the anonymous computer security expert revealed that cyber attackers are working to bring down the 'emergency stop' which is halting the virus from spreading in a bid to infect millions more across the globe.

He said: 'We've actually been getting attacks today - we don't think it's the actual group who were spreading the malware but another group is trying to attack us so the infections resume.

An anonymous British blogger, 22, became an accidental hero by putting the brakes on the spread of the mass cyber attack, pictured
Cyber security worker @MalwareTech exploited a loophole by spending £8 to register the domain name the virus tries to connect to when infecting a new computer, causing a 'kill switch' to activate
He confirmed the block on the virus was an accident because he did not realise registering the website would work
The softly-spoken cyber expert, who goes by the username MalwareTechBlog online, continued: 'Obviously they haven't actually been successful, but had they been that would actually be quite a serious thing and it wouldn't really be something to laugh about.'

The security worker spent £8 registering the domain name the virus tries to connect with when it infects a new computer and pointed it at a 'sinkhole server' in Los Angeles.

It caused the malicious software to enact an 'emergency stop', immediately halting its spread - but at first the cyber expert feared he had actually made the virus epidemic worse.

Speaking of the moment he stopped the virus, the anti-malware expert told MailOnline: 'It should have been really nice but someone had made a mistake and told me that our registering of the domain actually caused the infection.
'When I found out that it was actually the opposite it was more a relief.

'Rather than a feeling of 'yes, we've done this' - it was like 'oh god, I haven't f***** up the world, so that's really great'.'

The ransomware hit computers around the globe including in Germany where the rail network was infected
The virus infection resulted in a ransom message appearing on screens across the German rail network creating 'massive disturbances'
The computer expert revealed that he has been in touch with the government's National Cyber Security Centre about the fix - and that to say thank you his bosses have given him another week off work, which he plans to spend surfing.
He said: 'I was trying to avoid doing work for a week, doing odd jobs around the house, but I just got pulled back in.

'I don't really want anything, I just want to get back to my job really. My boss rewarded my with a new week off to replace my not-really week off.' 

But the 22-year-old does not believe the attack was specifically targeted at the NHS - rather that the health service 'happened to be vulnerable' and got 'caught in the crosshairs'.

Nevertheless he says it is 'a serious thing and there is a real risk to real people's health if you're shutting down hospital systems.'

The young self-taught cyber expert said he initially became interested in computers at the age of 11 when his mother and father installed parental control software on their family machine.

One Twitter user posted this picture of computers in their university lab that were infected with the ransomware - it has wreaked havoc after spreading quickly around the globe
He set about working out how to get around the filters sparking a long interest in information security that got him his first job in the industry 10 years later in September last year.

MalwareTechBlog said: 'It was a bit "red and blue wire" thing - but more fumbling about trying to figure out if the registering of the domain caused the infections or stopped them.'

He also issued advice for people who are infected - or those who are concerned that their computers could get the malware.

He said: 'The people who're already infected, there's not really much you can do. You can potentially pay the ransom but I don't know if this one will decrypt the files yet.

'It comes as Home Secretary Amber Rudd said six hospitals remained affected by the malware today with the 42 others affected returning to normal.'

Ms Rudd, who chaired a Cobra meeting into the crisis this afternoon, confirmed 48 hospitals were affected by the scam, with many cancelling operations and telling patients to steer clear of A&E departments. 

A Nissan factory in Sunderland is the latest victim of the hack after it spread from NHS hospitals to industry.

Teams of technicians have worked 'round the clock' today to restore hospital computer systems in Britain and check bank or transport services in other nati
Speaking after the emergency meeting, Ms Rudd acknowledged 'there's always more' that can be done to protect against viruses.

A fifth of trusts were hit by the ransomware on Friday afternoon, forcing hospitals to cancel and delay treatment.

Ms Rudd said: 'Of the 48 that have been impacted, most of them are back to normal course of business.

'So only six of them have some limits on their business.' 

She added: 'The response has in fact been very good. We think we have the right preparedness in place and also the right plans going forward over the next few days to ensure that we limit its impact going forward.'

The worldwide attack was so unprecedented that Microsoft quickly changed its policy and announced that it will make security fixes available for free for older Windows systems, which are still used by millions of individuals and smaller businesses. 

Speaking about his temporary halt, @MalwareTechBlog said: 'Essentially they relied on a domain not being registered and by registering it, we stopped their malware spreading,'

The anonymous researcher warned however that people 'need to update their systems ASAP' to avoid a fresh attack.

He added: 'The crisis isn't over, they can always change the code and try again.'
The wave of cyber attacks, which has affected 130,000 systems in more than 100 countries, apparently exploited a flaw exposed in documents leaked from the US National Security Agency.

The attacks used a technique known as ransomware that locks users' files unless they pay the attackers a designated sum in the virtual currency Bitcoin.

Affected by the onslaught were computer networks at hospitals in Britain, Russia's interior ministry, the Spanish telecom giant Telefonica and the US delivery firm FedEx and many other organisations.

The blogger warned vulnerable users to update their system and said the code could always be changed and the virus could start spreading again

French carmaker Renault also announced it was attacked. A spokeswoman said the company was 'doing what is needed to counter this attack.'

@MalwareTechBlog added: 'I will confess that I was unaware registering the domain would stop the malware until after I registered it, so initially it was accidental.

But computers already affected will not be helped by the solution.

'So long as the domain isn't revoked, this particular strain will no longer cause harm, but patch your systems ASAP as they will try again.' 

Forcepoint Security Labs said in a Friday statement that the attack had 'global scope' and was affecting networks in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Mexico.

Cyber attack Q&A: What happened, why are hospitals vulnerable and didn't the NHS know it was at risk?

Cyber criminals have unleashed their most dangerous weapon on the NHS – 'ransomware'. CHIEF REPORTER SAM GREENHILL explains.

What happened?

At 1.30pm yesterday, NHS computers came under massive attack from cyber criminals threatening to destroy patient files unless they received a ransom. 
Staff found computers locked, with a warning that files had been scrambled to make them unintelligible. It gave a one-week deadline to pay up and recover the data – or see it deleted. In response, dozens of NHS Trusts shut down their IT systems – cutting off phone lines and medical machinery.

Who is affected?

At least 37 NHS Trusts have been attacked by the 'Wanna Decryptor' ransomware virus.

What is ransomware?

A malicious virus which infects devices and holds information hostage until a ransom is paid. It can be triggered by a staff member clicking on a link in a malicious email that may look innocent. The virus lies low until it is activated, either by a timer or remotely by the cyber gang.

Blackpool Victoria Hospital is one of many across the country hit - operations have been cancelled and ambulances diverted
What are the cyber criminals demanding?

The ransom note warns: 'Do not waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.' It demands $300 (£230) worth of the digital currency bitcoins – per computer infected – within three days or the price doubles. If the ransom is not paid by Friday, the files will be wiped 'forever'.

What are bitcoins?

The controversial web currency, dubbed 'geek's gold', recently overtook the value of an ounce of gold. One bitcoin is worth £1,367. They are not physical coins and only exist in cyberspace. Users can remain anonymous, which is why they are often used for illegal activity.

Why are hospitals vulnerable?

Many NHS computers are running very out-of-date software which can have serious security flaws. At least ten health trusts still rely on the Windows XP operating system, released in 2001.

Why target hospitals?

This is viewed as 'unethical' by some hackers, but hospitals are increasingly being seen as easy targets who will pay up quickly because getting systems running is a matter of life and death.

Who are the prime suspects?

Sources said the attack pointed to a criminal network rather than a state. Security insiders have vowed that the Government will not pay a ransom. Hackers in Russia, China, Ukraine and Taiwan have been pioneering ransomware lately.

Didn't the NHS know it was at risk?

Almost a third of NHS trusts have been infected by ransomware, according to the latest edition of the British Medical Journal. Experts have been warning about the risk to the NHS for years. Last year the Papworth Heart Hospital in Cambridge was attacked, but fortunately, a backup had just been completed of its files, meaning the system could be rebooted and the data was safe. The IT director said: 'We were very, very lucky.'

How can attacks be prevented?

Software should be kept up to date. Anti-virus programs can also be used to 'clean' malicious software from a computer. 

In the United States, FedEx acknowledged it had been hit by malware and was 'implementing remediation steps as quickly as possible.'

Also badly hit was Britain's NHS, which declared a 'major incident' after the attack, which forced some hospitals to divert ambulances and scrap operations.
Pictures posted on social media showed screens of NHS computers with images demanding payment of $300 (£230) in Bitcoin, saying: 'Ooops, your files have been encrypted!'

It demands payment in three days or the price is doubled, and if none is received in seven days, the files will be deleted, according to the screen message.
A hacking group called Shadow Brokers released the malware in April claiming to have discovered the flaw from the NSA, according to Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity provider. 

Ransomware: How do hackers take your data hostage?
A Nissan spokesman told the Newcastle Chronicle staff were working to restore the multimillion pound factory to working order.
A spokesman said: 'Like many organisations, our UK plant was subject to a ransomware attack affecting some of our systems on Friday evening. Our teams are working to resolve the issue.'

It is understood production has still not resumed today, but that the plant was not operating at full capacity when the attack began.

The attack came at an embarrassing time for Prime Minister Theresa May after she pledged to make Britain the 'safest place to do business online' during campaigning for the General Election. 

Mrs May said: 'We want social media companies to do more to help redress the balance and will take action to make sure they do.

'These measures will help make Britain the best place in the world to start and run a digital business, and the safest place in the world for people to be online.'
Many are questioning where Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is after he has so far remained silent on the crisis.

Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said concerns were repeatedly flagged about the NHS's outdated computer systems, which left it vulnerable to the virus.


It is currently unknown who the culprits are but it is understood criminal gangs will be investigated and it is likely Russia - which suffered the most from the attack - will form a large part of the inquiry. 

Russia has been the focus of several hacking investigations in recent months, with allegations from US sources of state-sponsored attempts to influence last year's US election.

Cyber spies Fancy Bears also operate out of Russia and have been involved in many recent hacking incidents including releasing details of athletes receiving therapeutic use of banned substances ahead of international competitions.

The identity of the culprits remains unknown but the EU's police agency Europol has launched a taskforce to investigate the crimes, with Russia expected to form a large part of the inquiry (file picture)
These included British cyclists Sir Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome, both Tour de France winners, which showed they had been given exemptions to use banned drugs to treat asthma and allergies.

The spotlight could also fall on North Korea following claims from security experts last month that state-sponsored hackers targeted banks in 18 countries to steal funds to boost its nuclear programme.

A hacking operation known as Lazarus has targeted financial institutions in Europe, Central and South America, Africa, India and the Middle East, according to Russian researchers.

Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab said it had obtained digital evidence that fuels suspicions that North Korea was involved in last year's $81 million cyber heist of the Bangladesh central bank's account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 

According to the Guardian, the criminals behind the scam have only generated around $20,000 (£15,500) so far.

North Korea could also fall under the spotlight following accusations of state-sponsored hacking of 18 banks around the world last month. Pictured is leader Kim Jong-Un
Investigators Elliptic, a firm that works with law enforcement agencies to track illegal activity around online currency bitcoin, said it had identified a number of addresses for recipients of the funds, but was unable to identify them so far.

Co-founder Tim Robinson told the paper: 'In terms of identifying the attacker, what we can see at the moment is that around $20,000 worth of ransoms have been paid to these addresses.

'There are actually two versions of this malware, there was one that appeared in April and we've identified one bitcoin address associated with that, and there's a second version which appeared on Friday and we've identified three bitcoin addresses associated with that.

'These three addresses have received 8.2 bitcoins to date, which is about $14,000 dollars, and all of those bitcoins are still within those addresses. The ransomer hasn't withdrawn any of the funds yet so there's no opportunity to trace them.'

In a letter to Mr Hunt on Saturday he wrote: 'As Secretary of State, I urge you to publically outline the immediate steps you'll be taking to significantly improve cyber security in our NHS.

'The public has a right to know exactly what the Government will do to ensure that such an attack is never repeated again.' 

He added: 'NHS Trusts have been running thousands of outdated and unsupported Windows XP machines despite the Government ending its annual £5.5million deal with Microsoft, which provided ongoing security support for Windows XP, in May 2015.

'It effectively means that unless individual trusts were willing to pay Microsoft for an extended support deal, since May 2015 their operating systems have been extremely vulnerable to being hacked.'

Speaking to the BBC, Ms Rudd said no patient data had been 'stolen' but she could not confirm that all NHS files are backed-up, and 'hoped the answer was yes'.

She said: That is the instructions that everybody has received in the past. That is good cyber defence, but I expect, and we will find out over the next few days if there are any holes in that.'

She added: 'There may be lessons to learn from this but the most important thing now is to disrupt the attack, let's come back to afterwards whether there are lessons to be learned.'

Ms Rudd later told Sky News: 'It is disappointing that they have been running Windows XP - I know that the Secretary of State for Health has instructed them not to and most have moved off it.'


Kingsley Manning, pictured, said it is not clear which organisation within the NHS 'has the responsibility for seeing that trusts' cyber security is fit for purpose'
An online attack on Britain's healthcare system was 'always going to happen', the former head of the body managing NHS cyber security said.

The Government has invested to protect against such an incident, ex-NHS Digital chairman Kingsley Manning said, but he added that it can be 'difficult' to ensure trusts spend on cyber security.

He described 'a patchwork of regulation' around who is responsible for making sure appropriate safeguards are in place.

Mr Manning told BBC Radio Four's PM programme: 'We were very well aware that this was a threat and indeed the Secretary of State and the Government has always seen it as being a threat.

'In fact we were investing and have been investing significant amounts of money in the anticipation that this sort of thing would happen. It was always going to happen.'

He added: 'There is also a patchwork of regulation in this area by comparison to, say, medical equipment or drugs.'

He said it is not clear which organisation within the NHS 'has the responsibility for seeing that trusts' cyber security is fit for purpose'.

In estimating that adequate systems for the health service could cost around £100 million each year, he said: 'In a world where every last £1 million of NHS spending is under severe scrutiny it is very difficult to get individual trusts, even if you provide the money centrally, to actually use that money for this purpose.'

She added: 'Where the patient data has been properly backed up, which has been in most cases, work can continue as normal because the patient data can be downloaded and people can continue with their work.'

But data released under the Freedom of Information Act in December suggested 90 per cent of NHS trusts are using outdated software Windows XP, which is 16 years old and has been branded 'obsolete', leaving systems more vulnerable to attacks.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ms Rudd added the virus had not been targeted at the NHS, saying the attack 'feels random in terms of where it's gone to and where it's been opened'.

She added: 'Windows XP is not a good platform for keeping your data as secure as the modern ones, because you can't download the effective patches and anti-virus software for defending against viruses.

'CQC (Care Quality Commission) does do cyber checks on the NHS trusts, on hospitals when they do their visits, and they will be advising NHS trusts to move to modernise their platforms and I think that after this experience, I would expect them all to move forward with modernising.' 

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn branded the hackers 'unbelievably disgusting'.
He said: 'What we've now got is a bunch of 21st Century highway robbers that have hacked into our NHS and are basically offering protection money to get the information back in order to treat cancer patients or anybody else.

'It's unbelievably disgusting and I've got nothing but contempt for those people that have done it, and I'm sure all of you would share that.

'But I'm also very angry that in 2014, there was a one-year renewal of the protection system on the NHS systems which was not renewed after that and not renewed the year after that and so are systems are now not upgraded and not protected. As a result, we've got this dreadful situation that NHS workers are facing today.

'And so we obviously support our NHS workers but I tell you this, a Labour government would not leave our NHS's very vital information systems unprotected. We would protect them.'
Speaking to Sky News, computer expert Lauri Love warned this may not be the end of the attack.

The Finnish-British national, who is accused of stealing data from the US government, said: 'I'm sad to say that this is probably only just beginning; administrators are in for a very difficult weekend,' he said.

'We should expect to see this in almost every country in the world.
'If you've been infected, not only have your files been encrypted and you're being held to ransom, but your machine is being used as a zombie to attempt to affect other machines on the internet.'

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, pictured in Lowestoft today, called the hackers '21st Century highway robbers'
Ciaran Martin, chief executive of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), said thousands of organisations have been affected in dozens of countries around the world.

'The picture is emerging that this is affecting multiple countries and sectors and is not solely targeted at the NHS,' he added.

'We are very aware that attacks on critical services such as the NHS have a massive impact on individuals and their families, and we are doing everything in our power to help them restore these vital services.

'It is important that organisations reduce the risks of these attacks happening to them.'

The NCSC has warned organisations to ensure security and anti-virus software is up to date and to back up important data.

National Crime Agency (NCA) investigators are working with NCSC experts to track down those behind the virus.

Oliver Gower, deputy director of the NCA cyber crime unit, said: 'This was a large-scale attack, but we are working closely with law enforcement partners and industry experts in the UK and overseas to support victims and identify the perpetrators.

'Cyber criminals may believe they are anonymous but we will use all the tools at our disposal to bring them to justice.

'Victims of cyber crime should report directly to ActionFraud. We encourage the public not to pay the ransom demand.'

Gang behind 'unprecedented' attack using 'atom bomb of malware' which has now spread to 130,000 systems in more than 100 countries are targeted by global task for.

More than 100 countries across the world have been affected by the 'unprecedented' cyber attack using a computer virus 'superweapon' dubbed the 'atom bomb of malware'.

It is believed more than 130,000 IT systems are affected around the world, including hospitals in the UK, telecoms and gas firms in Spain, schools in China, railways in Germany and the FedEx delivery company.

The European Union's police agency, Europol, says it is working with countries hit by the ransomware scam to rein in the threat, help victims and track down the criminals.

The German rail system was also experiencing issues due to the ransomware. Photos surfaced on social media showing ticket machines at train stations having been affected
Several computers at a university in Italy were also randomly targeted in the cyber attack
In a statement, Europol's European Cybercrime Centre, known as EC3, said the attack 'is at an unprecedented level and will require a complex international investigation to identify the culprits.'
EC3 says its Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce, made up of experts in high-tech crime, 'is specially designed to assist in such investigations and will play an important role in supporting the investigation.'

The attack, which has locked up computers and held users' files for ransom, is believed the biggest of its kind ever recorded.

Meanwhile Russia is believed to be the worst affected country with computers in its interior ministry hit and its second largest phone network - Megafon - also targeted.

Ticketing machines and computers at German railway stations have also been affected alongside Spanish companies including telecoms giant Telefonica, power firm Iberdrola and utility provider Gas Natural. 

Union members at French carmaker Renault say the global cyberattack has forced it to halt production at sites in France in an effort to stop the malware from spreading.

The two unionists spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitiveness of the issue.

They say the factory of Renault factory at Sandouville, in northwestern France, was one of the sites affected.

Hundreds of private users in Taiwan were also struck by the malware.
Deutsche Bahn in Germany said departure and arrival display screens at its stations were hit Friday night by the attack.

The railway said that there was no impact on actual train services.
The head of Turkey's Information and Communication Technologies Authority or BTK says the nation was among those affected by the ransomware attack.
Omer Fatih Sayan said the country's cyber security center is continuing operations against the malicious software.

The company said it deployed extra staff to busy stations to provide customer information, and recommended that passengers check its website or app for information on their connections.

Heart surgery I waited ten months for was cancelled at the last minute because of the cyber attack, reveals patient

A heart patient told last night how his long-awaited operation was cancelled because of the cyber attack as he waited to go into the operating theatre.
Patrick Ward, 47, had travelled with his family from his home in Steeple, Dorset, to St Bartholomew's Hospital in Central London for open heart surgery.

He was due to have a septal myectomy, for which he had been waiting ten months.

The surgery involves removing part of the septum – a wall of tissue that separates part of the heart – which is obstructing the flow of blood.

 Patrick Ward, 47, had travelled with his family to St Bartholomew's Hospital in Central London for open heart surgery only to have the operation cancelled
After having his arms and chest shaved and a cannula inserted into the back of his hand, he was ready to go into theatre when his surgeon told him they had to cancel the operation.

'I was told at about 1.30 that there had been a cyber hack and we couldn't proceed today,' he said. 'Apparently if I needed a blood transfusion during the procedure they would need to access files on their database, which they can no longer do.

'They can't tell me when the next available slot is to reschedule, so we'll stay at a hotel in London tonight and head back to Dorset tomorrow.'

Mr Ward, a sales director for an ice cream company, said: 'It's a specialist operation so it could be a while before I get another appointment. What I have isn't life-threatening but it has impacted my life a lot. It's very restricting.

'I think this is one of the few hospitals that can do it, and they only do it on certain days which is why I've had to wait so long to get a date set. It prevents me from doing exercise and I get pains when I walk. I was hoping to be able to play football again after the operation.

'I was supposed to spend a week in hospital recovering. My daughter travelled from Liverpool today to spend the weekend with me.'

Emma Simpson and her son whose appointment was delayed after the attack
Emma Simpson took her son, Sebastian, to Whipps Cross University Hospital in Leytonstone, east London, for an X-ray on his broken toe but was sent home because of the cyber attack.

They had an appointment with an orthopaedic clinic to check that the toe was healing properly.

But when they arrived they were greeted by 'chaos' and told that computers would be down until 'at least Monday'.

'They sent us away and said they would call us with a new appointment,' she told ITV London. 'Lots of people were very disappointed.'

A woman with a suspected blood clot was turned away from the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

Anthony Brett from Bow, east London, was about to have a stent put in his liver to treat his cancer when he was told the procedure could not happen
Janetts Douras originally went to the A&E department on Thursday with the suspected clot but was sent home after six hours and told to return yesterday for a CT scan.
But after an hour she was sent away again with medication that she must inject herself to thin her blood.

She was asked to come back on Monday but said: 'I can't see it happening.'


What is ransomware? 

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that criminals use to attack computer systems.

Hackers often demand the victim to pay ransom money to access their files or remove harmful programs.

The aggressive attacks dupe users into clicking on a fake link – whether it's in an email or on a fake website, causing an infection to corrupt the computer.

In some instances, adverts for pornographic website will repeatedly appear on your screen, while in others, a pop-up will state that a piece of your data will be destroyed if you don't pay.

In the case of the NHS attack, the ransomware used was called Wanna Decryptor or 'WannaCry' Virus. 

The WannaCry virus targets Microsoft's widely used Windows operating system and can quickly spread through an entire network of computers in a business or hospital, encrypting files on every PC
The WannaCry virus targets Microsoft's widely used Windows operating system and can quickly spread through an entire network of computers in a business or hospital, encrypting files on every PC
What is the WannaCry virus? 

The WannaCry virus targets Microsoft's widely used Windows operating system.
The virus encrypts certain files on the computer and then blackmails the user for money in exchange for the access to the files.

It leaves the user with only two files: Instructions on what to do next and the Wanna Decryptor program itself.

When opened the software tells users that their files have been encrypted and gives them a few days to pay up or their files will be deleted.

It can quickly spread through an entire network of computers in a business or hospital, encrypting files on every PC.

How to protect yourself from ransomware 

Thankfully, there are ways to avoid ransomware attacks, and Norton Antivirus has compiled a list of prevention methods:

1. Use reputable antivirus software and a firewall
2. Back up your computer often
3. Set up a popup blocker
4. Be cautious about clicking links inside emails or on suspicious websites
5. If you do receive a ransom note, disconnect from the Internet
6. Alert authorities

Soon We Will Be Gods: Singularity Or, The Big Lie Repackaged, Part 1

Soon We Will Be Gods: Singularity Or, The Big Lie Repackaged, Part 1
Genesis 3:4,5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.  Genesis 3:4,5
Every day it’s becoming more clear that the world is divided into two camps: us versus them. That’s especially true in the world of “science” when it comes to the transhumanist agenda. The discussion has gone beyond the stage of, how can we do it or should we do it, to speaking of the need for control of political and religious systems to bring it about. And the ones standing in their way, for the most part, are people of faith. That’s a disconcerting shift, though not a surprising one.
Singularity is the point at which the continuation of humanity as we’ve always known it ceases. While there are many possible ways of reaching the singularity, some of the most likely are through the development of artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces or biologic enhancement (transhumanism). The goal of those seeking singularity? To live eternally on their own terms, rather than on God’s. And they are deadly serious about it. The focus of this post is that drive for immortality and the numerous ways they’re devising to make it a reality, so this isn’t science fiction.
AI (artificial intelligence) is defined as, “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,” according to the man who coined the term in 1956. While that seems very distinct from transhumanism, the two ideas merge in the 2014 movie, “Transcendence.” It doesn’t score points as a particularly good film, but the purpose isn’t entertainment, it’s programming. It’s getting mankind used to the ideas the film conveys, since science is right on the verge of actually carrying this out. That’s why the film stars Johnny Depp; to make it more appealing.
At the risk of being repetitive, it’s back to the old lie again – you can be as gods and live forever. They are exploring any number of ways to do that; transhumanism is only one. A secondary goal is to recreate everything around us; to make a world from man’s imagination rather than from God’s. Why be forced to live in a world that reminds you of a God you wish didn’t exist? Among other things, it’s arrogance on steroids.
This post is a bit different since it focuses less on cutting-edge discoveries and more on the debate over what’s just ahead and the ethics of going there. And because it raises issues that require more than a quick look, it is divided into two parts. Part 1 looks at the agenda that’s being pursued; Part 2 will focus on what those driving this agenda have in mind for the people who continue to oppose them, and for the most part, that means Christians.
Farther below we feature a video about the elite’s drive to indoctrinate the public so that the idea is accepted more readily. They’re getting very blatant about it. The title of that video (below) is deceptive, (Schwarzenegger, Depp,& Robin Williams walk into a Freemason Lodge!) so don’t let that deter you from watching this good, short expose of what we’re being sold and who’s selling it. In fact, we’d urge you to watch all of the very short videos in this post; they’ll give you a good idea where we’re heading, even if you don’t read the entire article.
Eternal life could be achieved by procedure to lengthen chromosomes
The key to eternal life could be a procedure to lengthen chromosomes. The procedure would allow scientists to lengthen telomeres, the protective caps that are on the end of chromosomes and shorten with age.
The telomeres protect chromosomes from getting damage as cells divide and grow. But as they do, they slowly become shorter and eventually are unable to protect the chromosomes. When that happens, they are liable to deteriorate — thought to be a key part of the ageing process.
The new process allows scientists to lengthen the telomeres, effectively turning back the biological clock and making the chromosomes — and the people that are made out of them — younger. When the cells have been treated, they behave as if they are younger and multiply quickly rather than stagnating or dying.
If you haven’t heard of Claude Davis yet do yourself a huge favor and WATCH THIS VIDEO. He’s going to be the talk of 2017.
One of the smartest guys I ever had the pleasure of meeting, Claude set-up a UNIQUE SYSTEM that changed his life forever.
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Don’t just take my word for it… WATCH HIS SHORT VIDEO and decide for yourself.
Lengthening Chromosomes May Lead to Eternal Life: Scientists 
“Researchers at Stanford University may have discovered the key to eternal life — a modified RNA protein that extends the length of telomeres. Telomeres are the stretches of DNA that act as protective caps on the ends of chromosomes. Chromosomes, which protect our genes, get shorter every time a cell divides, and once a chromosome gets too short, it dies. Shortened chromosomes are associated with the diseases of aging and death.
RNA, or ribonucleic acid, helps transfer genetic information. Scientists modified RNA to contain the coding for an enzyme called telomerase, which is expressed by stem cells. When scientists treated skin cells with the modified RNA, the treated cells acted like much younger cells, multiplying as many as 40 times more than untreated cells.
“We have found a way to lengthen human telomeres by as much as 1,000 nucleotides, turning back the internal clock in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life, said Helen Blau, Ph.D., professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford.”
‘Let’s create the OS of life’ 
A disturbing Tweet from the OSF Fund’s Bryan Johnson recently appeared. “To the greatest hearts & minds of our generation: Let’s rewrite the operating systems of life.” As we’ve been discussing in recent posts, that’s exactly what they’re attempting to do. Those hearts and minds have the funds and the influence to completely remake our world and they arrogantly assume that with the ability goes the right to do so.
“Bryan Johnson, the Braintree founder who bootstrapped and then sold the company to eBay for $800M, announced he used his own capital to launch a $100M “OS Fund.” The fund’s charter is to invest in entrepreneurs, scientists, and inventors who aim to benefit humanity by rewriting the operating systems of life, Johnson says.
Johnson believes we are at one of the most exciting moments in history. “At no other time has the distance between imagination and creation been so narrow,” he notes on Medium. “We now have the power to build the kind of world we could previously only dream of. With new tools such as 3D printing, genomics, machine intelligence, software, synthetic biology and others, we can now make in days, weeks or months things that previous innovators couldn’t possibly create in a lifetime.”
Johnson suggests we need a new metaphor to effect real change for humanity at a global scale:We need to “think and operate on a fundamental level: the operating system … In the same way that computers have operating systems at their core — dictating the way a computer works and serving as a foundation upon which all applications are built — everything in life has an operating system (OS). It is at the OS level that we most frequently experience a quantum leap in progress.”
The Future of AI is a Coin Flip: Immortality or Human Extinction?
Science fiction movies like “The Terminator” or the machine-driven unreality of “The Matrix” hold real potential for our future if we continue toward artificial intelligence at breakneck speed, ignoring the hazards and the implications. We already have technology that thinks. Drones, for instance, are at the point of choosing their own courses and communicating with one another. It’s a short step into supercomputers which become more powerful, more intelligent and more dangerous than humans.
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With this recondition battery secret, you won’t have to buy new expensive batteries anymore. You can just recondition your old, used batteries and save a lot of money! And this new video presentation shows you how:
The idea has been around as long as sci-fi (remember the Star Trek episode, “The Changeling?”) Yet even 30 years ago populations were being indoctrinated into acceptance of it as not just unavoidable, but as wondrous. It was only 13 years after “The Changeling” that “Star Trek: The Movie” appeared. It had a similar premise, except instead of destroying the machine as happened in 1966, in 1979 they celebrated as Vger merged with humanity, in the next inevitable step of evolution.
“Elon Musk has joined everyone from the Unabomber to James Cameron (sometimes) to grandfathers worldwide in their fear of future technology. Musk spoke to MIT’s Aeronautics and Astronautics department at their Centennial Symposium:
“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with artificial intelligence. I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon, [but] it doesn’t work out.”
Bostrom thinks a single superior supercomputer is the most probable scenario…[and] once AI is capable of human intellect, superintelligence can be achieved “within hours, minutes, or days.” Because the evolution will be constant, the first computer to achieve superintelligence will only continue getting smarter at the fastest possible pace, meaning no competition will ever surpass its power.”
Will Superintelligent AIs Be Our Doom?
Nick Bostrom is a leading figure in the debate over artificial intelligence. He is director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford, and as such is an “expert on existential threats to humanity.” While there are numerous threats to consider, the one that concerns him most is AI. His book, “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies” focuses on the potential problems with it.
Bostrom’s new book…maps out scenarios in which humans create a “seed AI” that is smart enough to improve its own intelligence and skills and which goes on to take over the world. Bostrom discusses what might motivate such a machine and explains why its goals might be incompatible with the continued existence of human beings. (In one example, a factory AI is given the task of maximizing the production of paper clips. Once it becomes super intelligent, it proceeds to convert all available resources, including human bodies, into paper clips.) Bostrom’s book also runs through potential control strategies for an AI—and the reasons they might not work.
The Technological Singularity 
In this brief slideshow and transcript by Albert Cao you’ll find ways that proponents of AI believe it can be created without posing a danger to humankind. And they say people of faith indulge in fantasy and wishful thinking which has no basis in reality?
21st century humans. What will life be like in 2064? 
If Google’s director of engineering has his way, we’ll all be around indefinitely – in the cloud at least. AI (artificial intelligence) guru Ray Kurzweil is one of a number of technologists, inventors and futurists who believe that the ability to upload our minds to the web, create virtual bodies, and thereby live forever, is within touching distance.
The 66-year-old thinks we’ll achieve digital immortality as soon as 2045, and takes 150 supplements a day as part of his efforts to get himself across the line. Whether or not his vision for humanity (“increasingly non-biological to the point where the non-biological part dominates and the biological part is not important any more”) appeals to everyone is another matter.
Our trend-watching consultancy The Futures Company groups various technology-led enhancements in human capacity (of which “mind uploading” is perhaps the most extreme example) under the label “cognitive enrichment”.
AI is on the verge of becoming self-operative and self-sustaining. Most of the major car makers say they’ll have at least semi-autonomous vehicles on the market by 2020, and researchers believe that robots will have been promoted from the production line to running their own businesses by 2050.
Artificial Intelligence – A Military Roadmap 
A recent memo from Undersecretary of Defense Frank Kendall to the Defense Science Board calls for the development of a military roadmap for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Defense One reports.
A “Defense Science Board 2015 Summer Study on Autonomy” will study autonomous systems (e.g. robots. drones. etc.) that permit integrating autonomy in defense operations.
In Part 2 we’ll get into the drive to push this agenda, and what that means for those who oppose it. There are forces determined to bring this about at any cost, and it will mean the loss of even more freedoms for those who understand the danger and take a stand against them. We’re already started down the slippery slope toward a world we won’t recognize, or want to live in. To see what that means in practical terms, be sure to read Part 2.
Revelation 14:9-11 … If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Other Survival Solutions:
Lost Ways (Special Discount) (Learn the special recipe for a SUPER FOOD that will last for years without any special storing conditions!)
Surviving the Final Bubble – Free Shipping (Limited Time Special) (A blueprint to surviving and thriving during the coming Big Bank Derivatives collapse. )
Survive The End Days (The final prophecy for America is about to unfold… )
Alive After The Fall (According to 4 major biblical prophets something truly terrifying is coming our way, and it will hit homeland before the 1st of January 2017...)
World War: Water (The only proven-to-work guide on how to survive America's tough 100-years long drought)

Soon We Will Be Gods: Singularity Or, The Big Lie Repackaged, Part 2

Soon We Will Be Gods: Singularity Or, The Big Lie Repackaged, Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 part series. In Part 1 we noted how the globalist elite are programming and indoctrinating the public to push acceptance of this agenda. In Part 2 our focus will be on the various fronts on which those standing against the agenda are beginning to be attacked.

This post is unusual because it features only one article and three short videos. But that one article is very important since it reveals where we’re going as a society. It isn’t that the author is someone extremely prominent or that the article itself is so well known; it is important because it is typical of what is being discussed and written about as the move toward singularity continues.

The author is a well-educated, articulate professor who blogs daily on these topics. That’s why the quote is so long.

While the arguments we’ll cover in Part 3 of this series are subtle, the article and videos covered in Part 2 are anything but. They discuss ways to shut Christians out of decision-making; they blatantly attempt to ridicule and minimize us; and they seek almost to dehumanize us. It’s ironic since the argument revolves around the ‘right’ to dehumanize themselves by creating humans 2.0, that is, post-humans. But it’s getting very serious and if people of faith don’t look closely at what’s already occurring and how far the discussion already has come, soon it will be too late to argue.
Genesis 3:4,5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
As we’ve noted before, we’re in a war – a spiritual one. Our opposition clearly understands this and they’re deadly serious. They’re playing to win. In the end they won’t win, because they’re fighting against God and it’s all occurring exactly as the detailed prophecies in his Word said it would. But that doesn’t mean we merely can sit back and watch as if we have nothing to do but wait for Him to triumph.

The elite driving this agenda want immortality and power on their own terms, and in order to attain those goals, they need control of political, religious and economic systems. It’s becoming more clear each day that biblical prophecies which portray a world government and the terrible judgments of man’s final days in power will occur just as the Bible says, because forces behind the scene are driving the elite with the same promise as that made in the garden, that they can be as gods. Only now the way is more sophisticated – not through tasting the fruit of the tree, but through the singularity.

Although not yet achieved, the population also is being programmed to desire it. And questions people may have about the morality of such moves are being countered subtly, by directing their objections into scientific areas rather than moral ones. You’ll find that those who have ethical problems are being described as “scientifically-illiterate” or ideologues. But that’s a smokescreen to divert attention from the real issues.

If you think that the ideas covered here couldn’t possibly happen, or that this dream of godhood is held only by a fringe minority, look at the pictures scattered throughout. Above is the painting that covers the ceiling of our Capitol Dome, in Washington, D.C. It’s called “The Apotheosis of George Washington.” It conveys the idea of Washington being transformed into a god. This idea has been around for a long time, held by those who actually have power. It’s just that now they believe they have the means to bring it to fruition.

There are assaults on political and religious freedoms because those in control are determined to push this agenda forward at any cost, without regard for anyone but themselves. Think the talk about being as gods is just hyperbole? Then listen to Dr. Richard Seed, one of the scientific elites at the forefront of the demand for this brave new transhumanist utopia which is rushing to create the Image of the Beast and destroy man being created in God’s image:

Richard Seed's plan ( I WILL KILL YOU!) 

Transhumanism/ Singularity

Transhumanism and Scientific Requirements to Hold Political Office

This quote is longer than normal because the issue is coming to the forefront with the speed of a moving train, and this small excerpt clearly outlines the thinking of those in the transhumanist movement. The man responsible for the content is “John G. Messerly, Ph.D [who] taught for many years in both the philosophy and computer science departments at the University of Texas at Austin.

His most recent book is The Meaning of Life: Religious, Philosophical, Scientific, and Transhumanist Perspectives. He blogs daily on issues of futurism and the meaning of life…”
It’s very clear from this article that along with others pushing the transhumanist agenda, he sees Christian faith as his greatest impediment, and he isn’t lacking in rude, inaccurate statements to hurl against people who hold a biblical standard on moral questions. This is something every person of faith should become familiar with because the drive to push us out of the way only will become stronger.

1) How do we decide if a person holds “unscientific” beliefs?

2) What about someone who denies evolution or specific aspects of modern cosmology?

3) Should there be a science test for this job [member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology]?

4) Could any of the members of the committee pass a realistically broad and deep science exam? To these questions I would like to add my own:

5)How are issues of scientific literacy among politicians relevant to transhumanism? Let me answer each of these questions in turn.

6) …In the simplest and most obvious case a person holds unscientific views if they deny a received view of modern science for non-scientific reasons. If someone denies atomic theory for an invisible gremlin theory of matter, or evolutionary theory for an invisible god theory, then that person holds an unscientific view.

7) What about someone that denies evolution or specific aspects of modern cosmology?… [R]easons for rejecting science include: cognitive errors, scientific illiteracy, fear of authority, and fear of government. In the specific cases of evolution or big bang theory such opposition is easy to understand. People reject ideas that seemingly contradict the preconceived world views.

To better understand this consider the curious case of the intelligent design movement, which tries to make their opposition to evolutionary biology appear scientific even though the motivations are clearly religious. Intelligent design is pseudo-science masquerading as science, but that doesn’t stop blatantly immoral, theocratic organizations like the Discovery Institute from trying to have their religious views taught in American public school science classes!

Clearly such opposition is ideologically motivated and has nothing to do with the science, about which there is a unanimous consensus. Should scientifically illiterate, anti-sciences ideologues sit in positions of on committees charged with setting public science policy or choosing public school science curriculums? Of course not!

8) Should there be a science test for this job [member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology]? and 4) Could any of the members of the committee pass a realistically broad and deep science exam? To the first question we answer: YES, YES, YES. To the second question we answer, probably NO, NO, NO.

9) How are issues of scientific literacy among politicians relevant for transhumanism?  I recently wrote about my support for the newly formed Transhumanist Political Party. Clearly progress toward a transhumanist world depends on political action informed by an understanding of science and technology. Opposition…is multiplied if the more open-minded and dynamic among us are uniformed.

Think of how opposition to stem cell research and therapeutic cloning is driven, not only by legitimate worries and rejection of the novel, but by scientific ignorance…Similarly opposition to robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligence augmentation, and nanotechnology is largely driven by irrational fears.

The transhumanist movement is stifled and compromised by an uninformed public, and the situation is exacerbated by scientifically ignorant policy makers…Perhaps then the best hope for transhumanism lies, not with governmental support, but with the efforts of privates corporations like Google and private organizations like the Singularity Institute and others.”

Elites Trying to Live Forever Digitally

Watching this video, what you’ll notice is that while they may be able to download human actions and thoughts, what’s missing is the soul. This is perversity times two. While it doesn’t mean to convey the emptiness of the elite scheme, that’s what it reveals. Without that spirit given by God, it all is meaningless; it is deception.
 Elites Trying to Live Forever Digitally


Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk

The search for immortality is becoming more common as a theme in entertainment and it is being merged with the idea that we can be our own gods. Of course, the “we” who are envisioned as stepping over that technological line will be the global elites, not the mass of people living on earth. Ordinary people may be promised extended lives through technology, and that desire, coupled with their belief, may lead them to accept any type of control in exchange for it, even a control like the Mark of the Beast. But they won’t be the ones offered a chance to become ‘gods’ although they’ll give up their souls in the belief that they might.

Can so many people actually be naive or uninformed enough to buy into that? Yes, if the video below is any indication. It quickly went viral and now appears on numerous Youtube channels. This one was chosen because it’s a clean version, without added explanation or identifiers. It features Peter Weyland, Ridley Scott’s fictional billionaire, as he drives technology forward seeking his own immortality in “Prometheus.” While Weyland may be fictional, the characters upon which he’s based are not. They’re real, and so is the agenda he speaks about in this imaginary Ted Talk from 2023.

Prometheus Viral - Peter Weyland at TED 2023 - Guy Pierce, Ridley Scott, Alien Movie (2012)


It’s clear that we’re only a step away from a world run by a unified elite who control everything in order to reach their goal. It’s also clear that this goal has been around for a very long time, and that those at the top have directed history to get to this moment of imminent godhood. But it’s the same old lie, repackaged for ‘modern’ generations, making use of the same elements.

In Barralets’ engraving, for instance, Washington is assisted by Father Time and Immortality.  These pictures are symbols to like-minded others and indoctrination for their generation, in the same way that today’s videos and films are symbols and means to program the public. They won’t reach their dream of godhood but they’ll make life very difficult for those who try to oppose them.

In Part 3 we’ll look at how transhumanism is becoming a religion unto itself, and how Christian faith is being subverted by those who want to claim they are believers, but still want the same goals as the elite. They rationalize in the name of “progress” and claim both Christ and eternal life on human terms can be compatible.
Revelation 14:9-11 … If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Other Survival Solutions:

Lost Ways (Special Discount) (Learn the special recipe for a SUPER FOOD that will last for years without any special storing conditions!)
Surviving the Final Bubble – Free Shipping (Limited Time Special) (A blueprint to surviving and thriving during the coming Big Bank Derivatives collapse. )
Survive The End Days (The final prophecy for America is about to unfold… )
Alive After The Fall (According to 4 major biblical prophets something truly terrifying is coming our way, and it will hit homeland before the 1st of January 2017...)
World War: Water (The only proven-to-work guide on how to survive America's tough 100-years long drought)