I followed radio host/reporter Pete Santilli
for a couple of years before actually speaking to him and finally
meeting him. He was definitely a shock jock, but it seemed that he was
fearless in his presentation of trying to get the facts in the stories
he covered. For that, I admired him. Today, he has been sitting in
jail for more than a year, a political prisoner of a lawless and
tyrannical central government, one that no longer respects the God-given rights acknowledged in our Declaration of Independence
and claims to defend while all the while trampling over them. On
Friday, someone very close to Pete decided to write about Pete and I
know what she says is true because I've seen it in him as well. He is
stronger now than he has ever been in his life.
Deb Jordan is the co-host of The Pete Santilli Show. She has been with Pete in the midst of covering several stories, including Bundy Ranch and the Malheur Wildlife Refuge protest. On Friday, she put some of her own observations about Pete out on Facebook.
"My Name is Deb Jordan and I have my own voice," Jordan began. "I
went to Burns Oregon to cover a rally being held for the Hammond family
that quickly turned into something completely different. I learned many
lessons. I learned that not everything
is simple. I learned that not everyone who says they are your friend
is really your friend. I learned that there are those who will do
anything to hang on to power, even if it means destroying another person
to get it. I learned that I am a lot tougher than I should ever have
to be. I saw a lot of terrible things happening to a lot of good people
in Burns, and that's why I opted to stay and see it through to end."
Jordan then spoke about the man that she was there with and why he was arrested.
"Believe me when I tell you, Pete Santilli did not get arrested for
covering the Malheur Refuge," she wrote. "Pete was arrested because he
pointed his camera at the people of Harney County and he and I allowed
them to speak to the world! Finally, someone was listening to them."
Jordan spoke about "unbreakable" bonds that she and Santilli made
with the people of Burns simply because they listened to them, and I
know for a fact that often many of those people would only come see them
at night, under cover of darkness for fear they would be targeted by
the police in Burns. However, Burns was not the only place where they
listened and then gave the people's story. They also were previously in
Nevada at Bundy Ranch.
"Pete went to Bundy Ranch because Cliven Bundy
came on his show and told the horrific story about what was happening
to his family," Jordan wrote. "It was Pete Santilli who listened to
that family and believed them. He turned his camera and focused it
squarely on them so they could be heard and the truth was brought to
light on April 9th, 2014. It was Pete Santilli who shot the video of
the abuse they were enduring, and it was Pete Santilli's team who got
that footage to Fox News. It was Pete Santilli who recorded Dan Love and faced him like a man should, and called him out for the psychopathic liar he is, and the world heard it."
"Pete Santilli is not sitting in a Pahrump Nevada jail because he did
something wrong, he is sitting in jail tonight because he stood for
what was right, and the Government doesn't like that," she added.
"Today he is a lot tougher than he should ever have to be," Jordan
continued. "He endures the targeting and abuse. He endures the strip
searches. He endures the endless days and nights. He endures the agony
of losing the very thing he fought so hard to keep: His freedom."
However, instead of jail making him submit to tyranny and cause him
to be weak in the face of his oppressors, Jordan says that it has
neither "stopped him" nor made him weak, but rather "strong" and
Pete has used his time wisely. I can
attest that he has not only spent a lot of time in the Scriptures,
which have certainly had a tremendous impact on him, but he has also
pursued the truth when it comes to not only his case but those who face
the same charges in the Bundy Ranch case that he does. As he told me in
January when I went to visit him at the Southern Nevada Detention
Center, he is confident that God will vindicate them in this matter just
as He did in the Oregon trials.
Jordan says that Pete has developed over 2500 exhibits to be used during all the trials for every person being tried.
"He has read every word of the discovery and knows it like the back
of his hand," she wrote. "He has committed to memory every last word in
the transcripts of the last trial."
Why does he do all of this? According to Jordan, "The Government
plays a very cruel, twisted, evil game of chess in the courtroom, and
they cheat," and Pete "does it because it is the best possible shot we
have of getting our guys out of this mess and never having to 'endure'
"Pete Santilli is not easily shut-down and neither am I," she added.
Indeed, Pete has spent a lot of time with his attorneys and going
over the discovery to know exactly what his case is and what the law is.
On several occasions, he has told me that much of what will be
presented exposes not only the corruption of the Bureau of Land
Management but of the central government as well as they continue to
violate the Constitution.
Pete currently has a motion before the court concerning violating his right to speedy trial, something which federal prosecutors could care less about since they are lawless and have
claimed that they could wait up to five years, an arbitrary number for
sure, before any consideration would be given to violating the right to a
speedy trial.
In the meantime, Pete, as well as many of the men he is in jail with,
are awaiting their trials and are in need of help. Defense costs are
growing, they lack the ability to provide for families and themselves
due to incarceration, and their families are suffering, as well. They
are not just doing this for themselves, nor were they taking a stand
just for the Bundys or the Hammond family in Oregon. They took their stand in defense of the American people. Their stand should be our stand.
If you would like to help stand alongside Pete, the Bundys and the
other men who bravely stood against an army of armed federal agents,
some of them, like Daniel P. Love,
who had a thirst for blood with weapons trained on innocent Americans,
then I invite you to write these men, contribute financially to them and
pray for them.
If you are able and would like to help these political prisoners win
their case against the tyranny of the central government or would like
to write them, please click here.
If you would like to support a house in Nevada that is caring for
wives and children of these men as they attend the trials, please click here.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Nesara.news website blog has new publishers! Great comment features too!
We have a few new publishers on nesara.news posting diverse content and some original content too! Looking forward to nesara.news growing into something great! No censoring by Google or any other platform on nesara.news as it is 100% private hosted on my dedicated server with no outside interference, tracking, or data collection of your browsing.
We can upload and host videos right in the posts that can never be taken down by some cabal controlled agency! Another nice feature is the attachment feature. We can attach documents, images, audio, and video files for direct download.
Commenters have more options in the comment editor to be able to insert live links and attachments. You can make your comments with various fonts and colors as well. You can also insert images in comments! How cool is that? Can't do that on this blogspot blog.
Of course all comments have to be moderated to avoid all the spam and obscene/obnoxious replies.
Here is what the comment box looks like. Click on image to see it full size.
We can upload and host videos right in the posts that can never be taken down by some cabal controlled agency! Another nice feature is the attachment feature. We can attach documents, images, audio, and video files for direct download.
Commenters have more options in the comment editor to be able to insert live links and attachments. You can make your comments with various fonts and colors as well. You can also insert images in comments! How cool is that? Can't do that on this blogspot blog.
Of course all comments have to be moderated to avoid all the spam and obscene/obnoxious replies.
Here is what the comment box looks like. Click on image to see it full size.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
The Truth About Governments -- Including Ours: Public Notice 3.0
By Anna Von Reitz
For brevity, I shall just present information as simple numbered
1. All governments are created by men.
2. As the creators of government, we are all responsible for them and how
they function.
3. If a government breaks down, malfunctions, ceases to do what it is
designed to do, the only possible result is: (1) it ceases to exist; (2) it
morphs into something else; (3) it gets fixed.
No doubt there are some people reading this who have never stopped to think
about "government" as a subject in and of itself, and to them, all the above
will be surprising. They have taken government for granted as a given --- good
or bad --- and have passively accepted it as something above and beyond
themselves, outside their control, and most of all, not their responsibility.
But I have just told you, that whatever kind of government you have, it is
either your direct creation or it is a creation of other men that you adopted,
and if it is accepted as your government, you are responsible for it.
It's your government. Literally. It belongs to you.
Now let's look at the forms of government as that have developed throughout
the world:
Monarchy/Oligarchy -- government is provided by a single man or small
group of men. If you have high-minded, honest, wise, moral, caring men in the
top positions, your country flourishes and your life is a song. If you have
mean, shallow, ignorant, greedy, uncaring men in power, you get just the
opposite. And it is a weighted flip of the coin as to the end result you
experience. Those who seek power are exactly those who should never be given
it, and those that inherit it by birth have not earned it and are just as likely
to be schmucks as anyone else. Therein lies the dilemma of both monarchies and
oligarchies through the ages. If you get a good King, it is luck of the draw
---and there is no way to guarantee the same results consistently among his
Democracy -- summed up as "majority rule". Although it sounds reasonable
and good at first blush, democracy never works for the following reasons: (1)
obtaining and proving majority approval for any action is nearly impossible once
the number of people gets beyond a few hundred; (2) once the "majority"
discovers that they can vote themselves access to the public purse, they do
so--- and with this advantage, they then indebt the minority. The minority
struggles along for a while but can't sustain and the whole Ponzi scheme
Republics --- summed up as "equal rule". This is the only form of
government mankind has ever come up with that can (1) be sustained indefinitely
and (2) protects the rights and prerogatives of individuals and (3) does not
allow mis-use of public funds.
Ironically, it is because of their success that Republics are universally
attacked and undermined by Monarchists and Democrats alike. The Monarchists
inevitably feel that they know best and would do a better job. The Democrats
are slavering after the ability to feed from the public trough and boss their
neighbors around--- both of which "a republican form of government" forbids.
So now we come to the government of the United States/United States of
There are three forms of United States.
There's the actual United States, which occupies the land jurisdiction of
this country, and which is a sovereign unincorporated Body Politic, which is a
Republic and which upholds the rights and sanctity of individual people,
together with their property rights, and which is administered via fifty (50)
unincorporated States and 3100 unincorporated Counties. In this version of
United States a man's home is his castle and all his rights and prerogatives are
guaranteed. The actual states operate under their simple names: Colorado,
Wisconsin, Florida, etc. and for business purposes, they operate as
unincorporated business entities: Colorado State, Wisconsin, State, Florida
State, etc.
Then there is the Territorial United States which is composed of (57)
fifty-seven "States of States" which exist (except for the seven Insular States
--- Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, et alia. and the District of Columbia
redefined for their domestic purposes as the "State of New Columbia") only on
paper. These entities are all incorporated under the auspices of a foreign
government and are all foreign with respect to the actual United States and they
are all run as Democracies, which explains how they are $20 trillion in debt and
burdened down with more than a million and a half oppressive regulations. They
have followed the course of all other democracies in history--- fed at the
public trough until they could feed no more, oppressed their neighbors until
they could oppress no more--- and are in the process of collapse because of it.
Then there is the Municipal United States, a congressional oligarchy
existing as an enclave within the Territorial United States which is composed of
approximately 10,000 municipal governments and 185,000 incorporated
administrative units that are run as oligarchies under the auspices of the
District of Columbia Municipal Corporation ---which is only supposed to run the
affairs of Washington, DC., but which has secretively extended its tentacles
under cover of darkness and its status as an enclave within the Territorial
United States to control various functions and large quantities of property
actually belonging to the Republic United States.
Think of it like a set of nesting dolls: the oligarchic Municipal United
States run by Congress sits inside the democratic Territorial United States
which sits inside the actual United States Republic.
What happens when the Territorial United States collapses as a result of
its sins?
Well, then, false claims are made against the property controlled by the
municipal oligarchies, and also more false claims are made against the actual
republican states, because these whiners can never be honest and take their
licks and go bankrupt like any other corporation on Earth.
If they simply went bankrupt, confessed their sins, and accepted being
taken over by their Principal Priority Creditors--- the actual states and people
of this country--- all would be well.
But the Territorial United States has neither the honor nor the leadership
to do that. Instead, they have claimed that the actual United States--- the
fifty organic states and people -- are responsible for paying for their
indiscretion, and that failing that, the Municipal United States will stand good
for them.
I say that there has been more than enough of this horse hooey already and
that we are all responsible for this mess.
The government we are owed is the republican form of government guaranteed
each one of our organic states. No foreign democracy has any call on us above
the actual expenses of the nineteen services we ordered and as defined by a
Prudent Man. We have gone back into our birthright sovereign land jurisdiction
capacity and have claimed back all assets of the States of States and STATES OF
STATES as the Principal Priority Creditors.
Everyone on Earth has cause to know that we are land jurisdiction republics
operating in International Trade under the Great Seal of the United States and
that whenever and however we may operate in international commerce, we are
Protected Persons.
Everyone has cause to know that the Territorial United States has been
under contract to provide our states with nineteen enumerated services and that
this version of "United States" is a foreign democracy with respect to us. We
have agreed to pay any valid debts we might owe for services rendered according
to the actual Constitution, but that is the limit of our responsibility toward
the Territorial United States.
Everyone has cause to know that their oligarchic Territorial Municipal
Government is equally their responsibility and is equally foreign to us,
and that neither the Territorial nor the Municipal United States has any valid
business or interest in even one acre of our land jurisdiction outside of
military arsenals, customs houses and similar "federal government" installations
necessary for them to fulfill their service contract with us.
Note the word: "necessary". There are a great many functions that the
Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have undertaken
without our consent and which they have foisted off and billed us for under a
process of implied contract which is not recognized under American Common Law.
They have cause to know that their foreign system of merely implied
contracts and unilateral adhesion contracts doesn't apply on our soil and never
Whatever they have done, they have done for good or ill. If its not part
of our actual constitution known as The Constitution for the united States of
America, we are not responsible for paying it or enforcing it or guaranteeing
It is high time that the world knew the facts --- or remembered the
facts, as the case may be.
We have given Notice to Jeffrey Sessions. We are giving Notice to Judge
Lambreth of The District Court of the District of Columbia engaged in the
bankruptcy settlement --- please make sure he is given a copy of this Public
Notice 3.0. No more misrepresentation of the Principal Priority Creditors is
allowed. No more false claims against us and our resources. No more bankruptcy
and probate fraud and hypothecation of debt, thank you.
And now the united States of America --- that is, Colorado, Maine,
Minnesota, et alia.--- are prepared to operate their unincorporated business
associations dba Colorado State, Minnesota State, etc.--- and act as the
unincorporated land jurisdiction government, all republics, all fully guaranteed
and guaranteeing the freedom and material rights and interests of the
individual states and people.
We are the actual government of this country. If the Territorial United
States and the Municipal United States both go bankrupt at the same time, it is
of no concern to us. We will pay any valid debts we owe them and look favorably
at debts that other countries have accrued under the false presumption that they
were dealing with the actual United States, subject to our acceptance of
specific settlement offers.
As the Principal Priority Creditors of the States of States and STATE OF
STATES, we are owed and have claimed all their assets: the cured lien stands on
the international public record and has been acknowledged, accepted, and
recorded on the land jurisdiction of the United States.
We are sorry that we were misled by certain foreign interlopers operating
in Breach of Trust and commercial contract, and were admittedly asleep at the
wheel for a very long time; however, the actual states and people are home again
and the rest of the world can look forward to a time of unprecedented peace and
prosperity because we are.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
Democrats to FORCE Sharia Law on Americans
RED ALERT: Democrats have new plan to FORCE Sharia Law on Americans
Are YOU going to let them do this?
May 16, 2017
By Kirsty Jane
Just days after the Supreme Court ruled that Sharia Law was no longer to be taught in America’s public schools, Democrats pull this crap.
Democrats Pushing Sharia Law In America
Liberals and “progressives” claim it is “Islamophobic” to reject Sharia Law, but at the same time have no problem dumping all over Christianity.From Conservative Post
From The Angry Patriot:
Montana progressives are trying to blockade legislation from getting passed because it would deny the absurdity that is Sharia law from being implemented into the state’s judicial system. (via Breitbart).
Senate Bill 97, introduced by (R) Keith Regier, bans the application of foreign law in Montana’s courts — specifically highlighting Sharia law. Thankfully, the bill passed 56-44, but the number of votes in opposition to this legislation is simply astonishing.
Repugnant, abhorrent, revolting, and any other vomit-inducing synonyms you can think of would not even BEGIN to describe the barbaric ideology that encompasses this widely-used Islamic law.
Democratic Rep. Shane Morigeau stated: “I think it sends a dangerous message to minority groups both here living in our state and wanting to come visit our state, just merely on the fact that you may be different.”
This is the ridiculous state of things in America today.
Somehow it is “unwelcoming” to not allow foreign powers to impose foreign systems of law upon our own.
What other nation in its right mind even debates such a thing?http://eheadlines.com/red-alert-democrats-have-new-plan-to-force-sharia-law-on-americans-video/
Clinton Foundation cought again!!!!!
Clinton Foundation Cargo Ship Raided
at Port of Baltimore
Reveals Sick Secret
Breaking: Another Sick Find on
Seized Clinton Foundation Cargo Ship
Chelsea Clinton Gives Statement About
Foundation Cargo Ships
Throws Her Parents Under the Bus
This pic - FYI - is NOT the REAL Hillary but
either a clone or her cousin double from England
Monday, May 15, 2017
Seven Kenyans among 71 deported Somali citizens from the US
BREAKING: Trump DEFIES Liberals And Just Deported Dozens Of Somalis And Kenyans Anyway!
Immigration officials deported a second round of Somali illegal immigrants who had been living in the U.S. along with a few Kenyan foreign nationals.
Officials deported a total of 77 illegal immigrants to Somalia this month, according to a report by Midnimo Information Center.
Of the 77 illegal immigrants, 72 were Somali foreign nationals, while five of the illegal immigrants were from Kenya.
From Breitbart
An unnamed official told Midnimo the group of illegal immigrants were deported generally because of their immigration status.
“They were deported over immigration issues including lacking papers. We had been informed of their planned arrival,” the anonymous official said. “The Somalis will proceed to Mogadishu while Kenyans will be processed here accordingly.”
This is the second round of mostly Somali illegal immigrants who are being deported under President Trump’s administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The first round of deportations for Somalis included 90 illegal immigrant Somalis and two illegal immigrants from Kenya.
Trump’s focus on deporting Somalis and other foreign nationals from the region is vastly different from the Obama Administration, where only 170 Somalis were deported in his last two years in office.
These Somalis were deported for either committing crimes or having their asylum requests rejected, as Breitbart Texas reported.
Somalia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Ahmed Isse Awad said previously the number of Somalis the Trump Administration is looking to deport is at least 4,000, with the vast majority not being currently held in immigration detention centers.
Seven Kenyans among 71
deported Somali citizens from the US
Watch out for false information reports regarding President Trump
The below report is inaccurate, a result of cabal CIA/gov BS - do not be deceived - watch what you read on the websites and hear on the 'news' - carefully discern what you are going to choose to believe - there is ALLOT of disinfo being put out - the website that put this report out is being carefully scrutinized .......................
“Treason” – GCR/RV SITREP – Sunday – May 14, 2017
by David RobinsonLifetime cabal assets have no soul. None. Zilch. They're demons in the flesh. Bottom line now is that Trump's been caught red-handed serving his Mossad master BiBi Netanyahu, again, over the US Constitution by delaying the RV via his sudden reversal to submit his public resignation this last week. That's treason by any name or …
Continue reading “Treason” – GCR/RV SITREP – Sunday – May 14, 2017
President Trump has done NO SUCH THING as has been attributed to have been stated by Yosef via 'intel report'. This is a blatant lie. Now you know.
WHY is it that former cabal 'presidents' pledged to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and never did so, and were never accused of committing 'treason'? Yet, like former 'presidents,' President Trump has also expressed a desire to move the Embassy but now this is being declared as 'treason'? This never happened with the declarations of former 'presidents' to move the embassy, but NOW IT HAS WITH TRUMP! HOW IS THAT??
Let's be very careful what we believe and who we believe. We have entered a time unlike any known before in modern history. We will learn as we go. Be careful to watch your steps on this walk that as much as is possible we continue on the straight path and not be led astray.
Pope Francis Absolves 2,000 Pedophile Priests !!
Pope Francis Absolves 2,000 Pedophile Priests – “No Arrests Necessary”
Posted on May 16, 2017 by David Robinson
Pope Francis has come under fire after announcing that over 2,000 pedophile priests will not face criminal prosecution and may be absolved by the Vatican for their heinous crimes.
Speaking to reporters aboard the papal plane on Saturday, Francis responded to criticism leveled at the Vatican’s handling of sex abuse cases by Marie Collins – an Irish child abuse survivor who resigned from Francis’ internal sex abuse advisory commission in March.
According to Fox News, Pope Francis acknowledged that the Vatican has a 2,000-case backlog in processing clerical sex abuse cases and says criticism of the slow pace was justified. But he says more staff are being added and insists the Vatican is ‘on the right path.’
In this instance, “on the right path” likely means “we’re going to do nothing about it.” The church has a long and dark history of covering up pedophilia cases and protecting priests caught raping children.
Earlier in May, the Vatican also came under fire for forgiving a priest who admitted to raping 30 young children, infecting them with the HIV virus.
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: It’s safe to say, with the departure of one of the leading figures comprising the advisory board, that the Catholic church is stalling. Instead of taking down the pedophiles and turning them over to authorities for prosecution, they’re simply content on maintaining a 2,000 case backlog.
The church’s inaction on pedophilia may signal to some critics, as well as survivors of pedophile priest abuses, that the emotional development of its children is of little concern to the church, who some have said are protecting pedophiles instead of rooting them out from among their ranks.
It’s unclear if the latest revelations that the church is still doing nothing will further drive Catholic Church members into Evangelical abuse and Protestant churches but in our opinion doing nothing about the backlog is just as bad as pedophilia itself.
As the Free Thought Project previously reported, this scandal has long affected the Catholic church. In 2014, Pope Francis admitted that “about two percent” or 1 in 50 Roman Catholic priests are pedophiles. He then promised solutions to the history of the church essentially condoning the horrid practice. However, it appears that his solution is to sweep it under the rug. (This 'pope' has also been said to be a practicing pedophile and satanist.)
According to a report out of the AP, Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question.
One of the child molesting priests given clemency by the Pope was later arrested and sentenced to more than four years in jail for abusing multiple boys aged 12-16. The 'Rev'. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him, according to the AP.
It is no secret that the Vatican has been sweeping the issue of pedophilia under the rug for many years. In 2014, the UN issued a scathing report, blasting the Vatican for protecting pedophiles.
The U.N. committee’s main human rights investigator, Sara Oviedo, led the most intense grilling the 'Holy See' has received on the issue, according to a report by The Associated Press.
Given the “zero tolerance” policy of the Vatican, she asked why were there “efforts to cover up and obscure these types of cases?”
Another committee member, psychologist Maria Rita Parsi, added: “If these events continue to be hidden and covered up, to what extent will children be affected?”
One such event that was covered up by the Vatican and the Western media at large was the 'reverend' Gino Flaim, who claimed to “understand pedophilia” and said it’s caused by the child’s attempt to find affection!! (Children learn by the experience perpetrated upon them by adults - either physical and/or by watching and being instructed/demanded what to do.)
He told Italy’s La7 television channel, “I’ve been to lots of schools, and I know children. Unfortunately, there are children who seek affection because they don’t receive it at home, and I understand that some priests can give up. Pedophilia is a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted.”
When the interviewer asked Flaim, “So, you actually mean that most of the time it’s because of the kid’s fault?”
Flaim responded by saying, “Yes, most of the time.”
After condoning pedophilia and blaming it on the child, this 'holy man' went on to bash homosexuality, calling it a “disease.”
Many canon lawyers and church authorities argue that defrocking pedophiles can put society at greater risk because the church no longer exerts any control over them. They argue that keeping the men in restricted ministry, away from children, at least enables superiors to exert some degree of supervision. However, as the case of Rev. Mauro Inzoli illustrates, these people need to be locked up.
In November, an Italian criminal judge showed little mercy in convicting Inzoli of abusing five children, aged 12-16, and sentencing him to four years, nine months in prison. The judge said Inzoli had a number of other victims but their cases fell outside the statute of limitations, according to the AP.
With pedophilia scandals rocking the 'elite' right now, is it that surprising to learn that the Pope is attempting to downplay the church’s role in the horrific practice?
As the AP reports, Francis scrapped the commission’s proposed tribunal for bishops who botch abuse cases following legal objections from the congregation. The commission’s other major initiative — a guideline template to help dioceses develop policies to fight abuse and safeguard children — is gathering dust. The Vatican never sent the template to bishops’ conferences, as the commission had sought, or even linked it to its main abuse-resource website.
Pope Francis has come under fire after announcing that over 2,000 pedophile priests will not face criminal prosecution and may be absolved by the Vatican for their heinous crimes.
Speaking to reporters aboard the papal plane on Saturday, Francis responded to criticism leveled at the Vatican’s handling of sex abuse cases by Marie Collins – an Irish child abuse survivor who resigned from Francis’ internal sex abuse advisory commission in March.
According to Fox News, Pope Francis acknowledged that the Vatican has a 2,000-case backlog in processing clerical sex abuse cases and says criticism of the slow pace was justified. But he says more staff are being added and insists the Vatican is ‘on the right path.’
In this instance, “on the right path” likely means “we’re going to do nothing about it.” The church has a long and dark history of covering up pedophilia cases and protecting priests caught raping children.
Earlier in May, the Vatican also came under fire for forgiving a priest who admitted to raping 30 young children, infecting them with the HIV virus.
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: It’s safe to say, with the departure of one of the leading figures comprising the advisory board, that the Catholic church is stalling. Instead of taking down the pedophiles and turning them over to authorities for prosecution, they’re simply content on maintaining a 2,000 case backlog.
The church’s inaction on pedophilia may signal to some critics, as well as survivors of pedophile priest abuses, that the emotional development of its children is of little concern to the church, who some have said are protecting pedophiles instead of rooting them out from among their ranks.
It’s unclear if the latest revelations that the church is still doing nothing will further drive Catholic Church members into Evangelical abuse and Protestant churches but in our opinion doing nothing about the backlog is just as bad as pedophilia itself.
As the Free Thought Project previously reported, this scandal has long affected the Catholic church. In 2014, Pope Francis admitted that “about two percent” or 1 in 50 Roman Catholic priests are pedophiles. He then promised solutions to the history of the church essentially condoning the horrid practice. However, it appears that his solution is to sweep it under the rug. (This 'pope' has also been said to be a practicing pedophile and satanist.)
According to a report out of the AP, Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question.
One of the child molesting priests given clemency by the Pope was later arrested and sentenced to more than four years in jail for abusing multiple boys aged 12-16. The 'Rev'. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him, according to the AP.
It is no secret that the Vatican has been sweeping the issue of pedophilia under the rug for many years. In 2014, the UN issued a scathing report, blasting the Vatican for protecting pedophiles.
The U.N. committee’s main human rights investigator, Sara Oviedo, led the most intense grilling the 'Holy See' has received on the issue, according to a report by The Associated Press.
Given the “zero tolerance” policy of the Vatican, she asked why were there “efforts to cover up and obscure these types of cases?”
Another committee member, psychologist Maria Rita Parsi, added: “If these events continue to be hidden and covered up, to what extent will children be affected?”
One such event that was covered up by the Vatican and the Western media at large was the 'reverend' Gino Flaim, who claimed to “understand pedophilia” and said it’s caused by the child’s attempt to find affection!! (Children learn by the experience perpetrated upon them by adults - either physical and/or by watching and being instructed/demanded what to do.)
He told Italy’s La7 television channel, “I’ve been to lots of schools, and I know children. Unfortunately, there are children who seek affection because they don’t receive it at home, and I understand that some priests can give up. Pedophilia is a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted.”
When the interviewer asked Flaim, “So, you actually mean that most of the time it’s because of the kid’s fault?”
Flaim responded by saying, “Yes, most of the time.”
After condoning pedophilia and blaming it on the child, this 'holy man' went on to bash homosexuality, calling it a “disease.”
Many canon lawyers and church authorities argue that defrocking pedophiles can put society at greater risk because the church no longer exerts any control over them. They argue that keeping the men in restricted ministry, away from children, at least enables superiors to exert some degree of supervision. However, as the case of Rev. Mauro Inzoli illustrates, these people need to be locked up.
In November, an Italian criminal judge showed little mercy in convicting Inzoli of abusing five children, aged 12-16, and sentencing him to four years, nine months in prison. The judge said Inzoli had a number of other victims but their cases fell outside the statute of limitations, according to the AP.
With pedophilia scandals rocking the 'elite' right now, is it that surprising to learn that the Pope is attempting to downplay the church’s role in the horrific practice?
As the AP reports, Francis scrapped the commission’s proposed tribunal for bishops who botch abuse cases following legal objections from the congregation. The commission’s other major initiative — a guideline template to help dioceses develop policies to fight abuse and safeguard children — is gathering dust. The Vatican never sent the template to bishops’ conferences, as the commission had sought, or even linked it to its main abuse-resource website.
The First Sin -- Update on State Non-Assumpsit Actions
By Anna Von Reitz
Most people don't read the Bible. They need to, if they want to know what is going on in the world. It is indeed a strange concept that we need to read a book that is derived from ancient history to keep current with today, but as with much else concerning this particular book---- it's true.
Those who read the Bible know that Adam was tasked to be a caretaker of the
Earth and granted dominion over the Earth, and he was also tasked to name the
animals and trees and other things that he interacted with on Earth.
However, he was never given the task of naming himself or other men.
That task is reserved to our Father. Much later in the Bible, in fact, we
are promised that He will give us our true names.
As a result, whatever names we are given are not true names and are not
part of Adam's job to give. The practice of applying names to men is the First
We may well ask, how are we supposed to talk about anything pertaining to
men or make reference to anyone without giving them a name?
For many generations we have used descriptions that appear to be names to a
greater or lesser extent, and so names typically have additional meanings which
create descriptions that are included on a sub rosa basis.
Names like "Anne of Green Gables" and "Geoffry of Malmsbury" are apparent
descriptions, but a name like "Anna" which means "Mother" and "Grace" also holds
descriptive meaning. This is all because we are not supposed to name each
other, but, in practice, we do.
And that is the First Sin.
That it is a sin becomes very clear when you examine the process that has
led to our current distress. When we create "persons" and name them, men become
identified as "things" and as things they lose their sanctity and dominion, and
take on the inert and alien characteristics of say, rocks.
A man is a man, but a person is a thing---- and all the profound
differences that exist between men and things apply. It is a crime to murder a
man, but there is no law against murdering a thing.
When you deliberately apply the names of living men to PERSONS as a means
of deceiving them and harming them without being held accountable, a crime of
"personage" occurs.
Personage is the act of reducing a man to a thing via a manipulation of his
given name or by changing the agreed upon usage of his name to facilitate such a
For example, personage occurs when the function of your Trade Name in the
form "John Mark Doe" (which you use for international trade) is arbitrarily
redefined as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust operating in international
This is the kind of personage the FDR committed against our grandparents.
It arbitrarily removed their names from the jurisdiction of the land and exposed
them to piracy and the loss of their material rights and interests including
their constitutional guarantees--- all without telling them.
This change was made by the Territorial United States and could actually
only apply to their Citizens, however, since nobody in the actual United States
was fully informed, a process of "assumpsit" kicked in. People just continued
to use their own familiar Trade Name as they always had, and in the process
they became misidentified government employees operating Foreign Situs Trusts
belonging to the United States of America, Inc.
Another form of personage occurs when the style of a name is changed to
conform with such a change in function.
Having redefined the use and meaning of our Trade Names on the land to
serve as the names of Foreign Situs Trusts on the sea, the perpetrators next
created so-called Municipal franchises and messed with our names again to create
Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after us: JOHN MARK DOE.
Most recently, the Municipal United States has floated a whole new scam and
arbitrarily defined names in the form "JOHN M. DOE" to be the names of US Public
Transmitting Utilities.
Well, that may be what Mr. Obama thinks they are.
I say it's just more fraud and more personage by our public servants
deliberately being used to defraud and foist off foreign debt on us via a
process of unwitting assumption.
The State of State organizations in Alaska, Maine, Washington, Michigan,
Illinois, Texas, and Utah have received Notice of Non-Assumpsit published in the
local newspapers.
These six actual States and their people have told Washington, DC and the
world at large that there is a fraud scheme in play and we don't agree with it
and we don't assume any debts related to all the names in the form "JOHN M.
What about the rest of you people and states?
Are you all going to stand around like dumb posts and let the Territorial
United States claim that you are one of their "Citizens" and subject to their
"law" as if you were born in Puerto Rico? Are you going to assume their debts,
knowing that they are already bankrupt?
Get those Notices of Non-Assumpsit published so the Territorial United
States can't come back and say, "Hey, these people and their states assumed this
debt, so it's theirs to pay."
This is your time to object and put it on the record.
Now, it is possible that what has been done by these states that have
published their objections already could be brokered into a claim that all our
states are owed equal footing---- but do you really want to leave your state on
the list of states that they can say "acquiesced" by being silent?
---With a $20 trillion debt in the air and looking for a place to
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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