Friday, June 16, 2017

ONE WORD Keeps Islam Problem Out

ONE WORD Keeps Islam Problem Out Of Japan

Rev. Austin Miles
June 15, 2017
Last night a high rise apartment building in London exploded into flames, killing several and sending scores to the hospital. At this moment they are still searching for bodies and the injured. 
The media, grasping for any excuse to divert attention from Muslims, stated that the fires started when a refrigerator in a top floor apartment exploded. How’s that again? 
In all my years, 83 of them to be exact, I have NEVER heard of a refrigerator exploding and causing a fire. Plus at the same time, flames simultaneously exploded on several floors below. Simple knowledge of science should underscore the improbability of this.
(Since the first “reports” the story has changed to the fire starting in a 4th floor apartment. In this version it was not an “exploding refrigerator” that caused the fire–they quickly realized how ridiculous that claim was, so they then claimed it was a material put on the outside of the building that burst into flames. This is why I don’t believe one word published by the Fake News Media.)  
This all could have been prevented if these countries, drowning in stupidity, would have employed that ONE WORD (which will be revealed later in this story). And that is the word the one country free of Islamic chaos, Japan, lives by. First of all, the Japanese people respect and keep its traditions and customs. Get that? They do not allow the spread of alien religions or new cultures to take over established models of conduct. Those who visit there are expected to respect their culture and abide by THEIR rules.Here is how Japan keeps Muslims at bay.  We are grateful to journalist Leon Lunsky for gathering these stats for a story he wrote in a conservative publication: 
1. A Muslim will never acquire citizenship in Japan. 
Japan is the only country that does not give citizenship to Muslims. It cannot be argued. Law is the law.
2. Muslims have no right to stay in Japan for a long time.
3. An attempt to spread Islam is a criminal offense. You can go to prison for a long time.
4. In Japan, there is not a single school where Arabic is taught.
5. The Koran is a forbidden book. You cannot import it. Only the “adapted” version in Japanese is available.
6. Observance of Muslim prayers is allowed only in enclosed spaces. In the event that the rituals are seen by ordinary Japanese, a Muslim is threatened with prison.
7. It is strictly prohibited to speak Arabic.
8. Japan has virtually no embassies in the Arab countries.
9. Islam in Japan professes 0.00% of the Japanese.
10. A Muslim who has come to work in Japan has the right to work ONLY with a foreign company. Japanese companies do not hire people who profess Islam.
11. Visas to Japan are very rare for Muslims. Even famous doctors, scientists professing Islam have a hard time getting a visa to Japan.
12. In employment contracts, it is often written that the employer has the right to dismiss an employee without explanations if he learns of his Islamic faith.
13. Muslims are prohibited from renting houses in Japan, not to mention buying property.
14. Translation of technical documentation from Japanese to Arab customers is carried out by non-Japanese companies.
15. Muslims are treated like outcasts. If someone in the area is a Muslim, the entire neighborhood will be treating him as a criminal.
16. The opening of Islamic schools cannot even be discussed.
17. Japan does not accept Sharia law.
18. A Japanese woman caught in affair with a Muslim becomes an outcast of the society.
Conclusion: no Islam – no terror!!! 
Plus, the Japanese people studied Confucianism which is filled with wisdom for the ages. They recently re-introduced that philosopher’s teachings in the schools.

Meanwhile do-gooder imbeciles say we should be welcoming to all, throw open our gates to all who want to come, set up shop and establish new laws for us all to live under??  These 'do-gooders' take part in these nutty ideas in order to make them appear as wonderful tender-hearted caring people which all comes from the sin of pride, wanting to make themselves look good.

The do-gooders say that the intruders have constitutional rights. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Constitutional Rights are written to protect AMERICAN CITIZENS ONLY. Those rights are for us, not for any intruder pushing his way into this country.

These “rights” including welfare, food stamps, housing, free medical and education that the Muslims demand are only for AMERICANS who live and work here not for anyone with an entirely different ideology that crashes our borders.

The Communist-Democrats state in their newspapers that establishing a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. (despite that their race consists of 7th Century murderous savages) is, now get this, “unconstitutional,” “discriminatory,” “racist,” “a violation of Freedom of Religion” (again-that applies to those who live and work in America) and the epitaphs most commonly used against this ban, HATRED and ISLAMOPHOBIA.

As all these issues are debated there is ONE WORD that would settle it all. That word is:  D I S C E R N M E N T which means W I S D O M.  This means giving full assessment of the individual along with his or her background before allowing them to come in. Japan caught on to this long ago.

What discernment reveals cancels the words discriminatory, racist, violation of freedom of Religion, HATE and anything with the word, “Phobia” in it. It is the master guilt injection.

There have been many laws banning Muslims from countries due to their violent conduct, one initiated by Thomas Jefferson. Those laws in the dust bins of our history sections are actually still valid today. Click the link below:

Another country who has no problem with Muslims is Switzerland. This is cemented in place by a particular law. All young men are required to serve time in the military. After their tours of duty, they must take their weapons home with them, meaning that every home in the tiny Alps country is armed. They also have all bridges in and out of the country rigged with explosives that can take them down in an instant if enemy forces try to get across them to attack.

Another Swiss point: One goes through tough vetting before even being allowed in the country for a visit. Here is another successful country that exercises discernment – the most important word for any country to employ. 

America: This is your wake-up Call.



 Mike Pence Question Chemtrails

Image result for mike pence on chemtrails
Nevada County Scooper there was no date as this was a hidden article inside another article....

Learn More           
Washington, D.C. — Vice President-elect Mike Pence commented on Fox News today that he supports investigating claims that the government is manipulating the environment with Chemtrails. Mr. Pence made his comments during a discussion about gutting the Environmental Protection Agency.
“See, that’s the thing,” said Mr. Pence discussing the dramatic spending cuts the Trump Administration plans for the EPA, “I look up just like every other American does and I see the same things you do. Why, just this morning I saw persistent clouds streaming across the sky and it gave me pause because the weather forecast was for clear skies. I mean, we need to look into this Chemtrail phenomenon to see what it’s all about. Who’s controlling it? And why?”
When Fox & Friends Weekend host Tucker Carlson questioned him about the scope of the EPA budget cuts, Mr. Pence continued talking about Chemtrails.
“Look, the American people want answers,” continued Mr. Pence, bristling at the question. “The government should not be involved with the heavens. That’s the domain of God and not humans. We should not be experimenting with Chemtrails. All this climate change stuff is all a part of his plan.”

The Trump transition team, which is led by Mike Pence,  has not been forthcoming about its plans for the EPA other than saying her wants to abolish the agency in its entirety. On the campaign trail Mr. Trump referred to the EPA erroneously on several occasions as the “Department of the Environmental,” often extending his malapropism to the acronym “DEP.” The naming missteps, along with his aggressive language has many activists worried about the future of the oft-targeted agency.
Adding to activists fears, was the recent choice by Mr. Trump of Myron Ebell to head the EPA, who is most famous for challenging the general scientific consensus regarding climate change. Mr. Ebell, whose organization is financed in part by the coal industry, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the Clean Power Plan, which was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
As for Mr. Pence, who is not a scientist, nor does he have any climatology experience, he just wants what the average American wants.
“See, we have a real opportunity to change things for that forgotten man and women in America’s heartland. They look up just like we do and are scared for their future.”




'Trump has tried to stop this from happening but has been repeatedly blocked by leftist activist courts'

Liam Clancy
June 15 2017

WASHINGTON – In a post that quickly went viral, blogger Loretta the Prole outlined how a flood of Muslim refugees changed the face of her hometown of Utica, New York, forever.

The piece, titled “My Hometown is Gone,” was written in response to the recent increase in 'refugee' numbers and was designed to “convey what it is like living in an Islamizing area,” according to Loretta.

“I’m from the Utica, N.Y., area. Utica is the city nicknamed by the UN ‘the city that loves refugees!’ Soon every American city will be a city that loves refugees! Get ready!” the piece begins sarcastically.

“So I would like to tell you what it is like living in an area where the major city is about 25 percent (or more) 'refugee', mainly Muslim.”

The first thing Loretta noticed under increasing Islamization during the Obama era was the conversion of an old Methodist church into a mosque. The next was that Muslim immigrants were increasingly put in local positions of bureaucratic power.

“So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the administrator who ok’s home schooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These are positions of authority that wield a lot of power,” Loretta notes.

The next development was far more alarming.  “In 2015, a 26-year-old Bosnian 'refugee' in Utica was arrested for supporting ISIS,” Loretta writes. “I went to a couple Trump rallies and meetings in upstate N.Y. before we moved [to North Carolina]. When I mentioned the arrest of this ISIS supporter to a local businessman at one of the meetings, he got a very serious look and said Utica was full of ISIS and the local police were really worried.”

As the post-industrial economy of upstate New York continued to collapse, Loretta’s husband lost his job. Attempting to find temporary relief through food stamps, Loretta went to the local Department of Social Services.
What she found there was a Kafkaesque bureaucratic nightmare: Even though her family had no income and four children, her application for food stamps was rejected several times.

“Want to know why my application was rejected several times even though we qualified?” Loretta asks. “The Department of Social Services in my area is swamped because of the 'refugees'. 25 percent of the city are 'refugees'. Virtually all of the 'refugees' are on welfare. And when they apply for welfare, they don’t do so as an independent entity, as I did. They go through their 'refugee resettlement agency' who deals with the Department of Social Services for them. So basically Americans get the short shrift, and 'refugees' get taken care of.”

Not only do 'refugees' get preferential treatment over American citizens, but they bring disease as well. Loretta cited a WND article relaying the re-emergence of TB in Utica.

“This is why so many Democrats voted for Trump. Americans are getting squeezed out by non-Americans at multiple levels,” she believes. The county where Utica is located is historically a Democrat county, but it went for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. “Americans can see that they are being forced to accommodate non-Americans to their own detriment and expense,” Loretta states.

In response to the article, Loretta has received harassing messages and even death threats from Muslims and non-Muslims alike, leading her to call the police. But she refuses to back down.

“I shouldn’t have said anything. But Trump is just letting this happen – same as Obama – and I see where this is going [and] what the stakes are,” she tweeted Sunday.

In an interview with WND, Pamela Geller, editor-in-chief of the Geller Report and president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, said Trump “has tried to stop this from happening but has been repeatedly blocked by leftist activist courts that are bent on globalization, the destruction of borders, and the destruction of the nation-state.  They are bent on keeping America on a path that will only bring civil strife and bloodshed on a massive scale – and sooner than anyone expects,” Geller said. 

America is headed down a suicidal path – but it’s a subtle invasion. Get all the details in Leo Hohmann’s brand new book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” available now at the WND Superstore.

This is what happens ..............



Looks like Pres. Trump doesn't have the balls to stop this so we may have to do it.
New elections will be in about 4 1/2 months. The new people (Patriots) will do it or we will have to. What say you?


Donald Trump Tours Chemtrail Plane/Promises to Terminate Program, That Could take Years To Do

President Donald Trump seen here touring a Boeing 767 airplane outfitted with chemtrail gear.
President Donald Trump seen here touring a Boeing 767 airplane outfitted with chemtrail gear (from a satire website)

Washington D.C — Donald Trump, accompanied by select members of his cabinet, toured a chemtrail-outfitted dispersal airplane at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday afternoon, according to an NBC news report today. The president is fulfilling a promise to end the controversial program and redirect government funding away from geoengineering operations and towards other programs like roads, the aging electrical grid infrastructure and of course his proposed wall between the United States and Mexico.
“Today marks a great day for our country where we turn our backs on the secret poisoning of our skies, and look to a new future with better roads, a secure electrical grid, and a great wall to protect us from Mexico,” said President Trump reading prepared comments out in front of a Boeing 767 which had been retrofitted for chemtrail spraying. “And hear me you, we are not going to let scientists and other elite eggheads tell us about how to control the environment anymore. It’s America first, not the skies first.” He then thrust his index finger into the air like it was a little bitty rocket.
According to a White House insider, Vice President Pence who’s shown an interest in dismantling the public/private chemtrail partnership which includes The Gates Foundation, Monsanto, the EPA, several branches of the military and a man known in the Pentagon as “the Colonel” before he went tits-up, will assume control of the program with the sole goal of turning it off.
“It’s going to be an uphill battle for Pence,” commented NBC News reporter Sharon McDonnel who was covering the event. “The Deep State is ‘hell-bent’, according to one insider, on keeping the program up and running. So Vice President Pence will have to strategically defund parts of the program until it collapses in on itself. The process could take years.”
Anti-chemtrail activists across the country celebrated the decision. Some, including area anti-chemtrail activist Saihra Ramun, believe this is reason to be hopeful.
“I had warned activists that the Trump Administration had a great deal of enthusiasm for geoengineering projects,” said Ms. Ramun reached via telephone. “However I’m encouraged that the President has come out against it. I’m going to be keeping an eye on him to make sure he follows through with this. I think Pence is the perfect choice to lead this effort.”
“Geoengineering has radio in it with the alum. That’s not good in case you don’t know or care since you lefties just want death anyway,” cried one anonymous Facebook commentor, seemingly out of nowhere,  “You people support pedophiles like Obama and Clinton. Fine folks you are!! Haha!”
The President will not be able to redirect funding to other projects without involving Congress. He faces a basic rubber stamp of his plan in the House of Representatives, but a steep climb in the Senate where many Senators favor large-scale geoengineering and population control efforts.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

In this place - now being sold

Isn’t Technology Wonderful

Isn’t Technology Wonderful

-Hello!  Is this Gordon's Pizza?             
-No, sir, it's Google's Pizza.                                                                                  
-Did I dial the wrong number?
-No, sir, Google bought the pizza store. 

-Oh, all right - then I’d like to place an order, please.
-Okay, sir, do you want the usual?

-The usual?  You know what my usual is?
-According to the caller ID, the last 15 times you’ve ordered a 12-slice with double-cheese, sausage, and thick crust. 

-Okay - that’s what I want this time, too.
-May I suggest that this time you order an 8-slice with ricotta, arugula, and tomato instead?

-No, I hate vegetables.
-But your cholesterol is not good.

-How do you know?
-Through the subscribers’ guide.  We have the results of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

-Maybe so, but I don’t want the pizza you suggest – I already take medicine for high cholesterol.
-But you haven’t taken the medicine regularly. Four months ago, you purchased from Drugsale Network a box of only 30 tablets.

-I bought more from another drugstore.
-It's not showing on your credit card, sir.

-I paid in cash.
-But according to your bank statement you did not withdraw that much cash.

 -I have another source of cash.
-This is not showing on your last tax form, unless you got it from an undeclared income source.

-WHAT THE HELL?  ENOUGH! I'm sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. I'm going to an island without internet, where there’s no cellphone line, and no one to spy on me. 

-I understand, sir, but you’ll need to renew your passport. It expired 5 weeks ago.

Man With Gun Stops DC Shooter

Man With Gun Stops DC Shooter
Dr Wm Mount

June 15 2017

ADDRESS FOR Cards for Rep. Steve Scalise and his family

MedStar Washington Hospital Center
C/O Congressman Steve Scalise
110 Irving Street NW
Washington, DC 20010


UPDATE: Rep. Steve Scalise's condition

Hospital Releases Update On Rep. Scalise's Condition -                            Details Injuries

Jun 15, 2017 10:30 AM
MedStar Washington Hospital Center released an update about Majority Whip Steve Scalise last night. 

Scalise remains in critical condition, and suffered a multitude of injuries after being shot in the hip on Wednesday morning. 

Per MedStar Washington, Scalise was shot once in the left hip and suffered injuries to his internal organs as well as bone fractures. 

He has currently undergone two surgeries and has received multiple units of blood. 

According to the hospital, he will need further surgeries soon.
Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates.
President Donald Trump made a surprise visit to the hospital on Wednesday evening, and later tweeted out that Scalise is in "tough shape" but a "real fighter." He then urged people to pray.

The shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, was killed by Capitol Police.