Monday, July 3, 2017

Lies, Lies, Lies

OPA – Its July 6th 2016, July 23rd 2016, Aug 22 2016, Sept 24th 2016, Oct 16th 2016, Nov 22nd 2016, Nov 26th 2016, Dec 8th 2016, Jan 8th 2017, Feb 1st 2017, Jul 2nd 2017!
Are you pissed off with this Dinar crap not released to the public yet! 
Are you pissed off by the lack of action of the public servants!
Are you pissed off by the constant LIES!
To the American People, Are you tired off hearing (being feed) the same old shit …
Its Friday, cannot happen bankers gone home … its Tuesday of next week
It’s a holiday some where in the world, oh no, we cannot do it now.
It’s the phase of the moon, shades of blood, color blue, oh … 
Now it’s the change in Chinese calendar, we have to wait for the next animal …
No, it’s the bankers fault in HSBC!  No, it’s the bankers fault in Well Fargo!
Some country does not enough gold, gots to get them more gold!
It’s a holiday weeking in America, 3 days, all the arrest will take place over the weekend and come the following Tuesday, we can go to the bank!
We are going today just after the market closes!  ( Whose market?)
We are done!!! 
Formal Black out, cannot talk!
Oh, the admiral got his money, we have a new currency!
Hey we getting $XX dollars for every ZIM note and its paying out!
Did you hear, Paul Ryan is now the President of the Restored Republic!
Grandfather flew all night to be in Reno to witness the release in America!
All the families are in reno and Washington to witness the release!
Money been released to the Families and Royals, we be next!
Other internet writer says weekly, its scheduled to be out Monday, post pone to Wednesday, shipped to paymaster if arrived by Friday might be out, no Tuesday next week … stop … repeat on Wednesday all over again …
Rothschilds want to negotiate the deal!
Fed is gone, we have live currency!
The proparity programs are being rolled out!
Farm Claims been paid, lol!
Waiting on a shipment of Gold from China to US to arrive then we will go!
Waiting on Trump to announce!
Waiting on Supreme court Chief Justice Roberts to announce!
Oh, waiting on Comey comments … 
Waiting on 1st of the month for UN currency release, 15th of the month for UN currency release 
Waiting on end of month for bankers to gain all their interest!  End of Quarter! End of Fiscal Yr!
hey are going to release during a major holiday ...
h, they will have all the bad guys arrested by Sunday night ...
Ect. Ect. Ect.
Aren’t you tired of hearing the same old bull shit!  
The economy is crashing, the release of the funds will help the economy, so why wait, release the funds?
So what do we Americans can do about this? 
 Start flooding the white house, congress, courts with questions, emails, phone calls on why this is not being finished.  Don’t forget all the embassies of the major countries like China, Russia, etc.
WE will boycott all China products, stop buying them. 
Return them back to the stores and demand your money back.
Cars manufactured by Asian companies, stop buying them!
US OEM’s that has high Asian content in those cars, brands, stop buying them!
When you go to buy China fish, don’t!
To Chinese Elders, Grandfather whom is in charge of the GCR, Royals specifically
So how long are you going to allow these funds to be platform traded? 
Do you believe in HONOR, what happen during 1930’s with the lost of American lives defending your borders which is a blood debt, so why haven’t you HONORED those men from both countries and release the GCR, GR to the world?  
To Trump specifically, 
Chemtriails not stopped!
IRS still screwing with people!
The court system still operating for profit and following not the Constitution & Bill of Rights!
Still allowing illegals to enter into our country!
Still allowing teaching of cabal education in our schools!
The cabal or the swamp is still not drained!
The alarming preforeclosures and foreclosures are out of control and no one seems to care!
Obamacare is just a pack of screw American’s for profit by Obama, Congress and Big Pharma!
The news outlets got their own agenda and its not telling the truth!
How many more folks are we going to loose before this shit happens? 
Our infrastructure is failing, we need to update, so why wait, release the funds? 
To General Dunsford specifically, 
All the marines and military in my family wants answers from you!
Its been said you are in charge of the RV being released in America, if so, release it!
Its been said that you are going to arrest the Cabal and hold military trials, if so, do i
Its been said that 40+ hours of video has been created to be aired on national TV to educate the public on what has happened and what being done about taking back our country and our world from those Cabal, Illuminati, Builderberg, Council on Foreign Affairs (America’s branch of Illuminati), etc. so why not show it!
Its been said that we have a secrete space program, ok, tell us about it! 
To Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts specifically,
Its been said that you hold the warrants for the arrest to the majority of the Cabal, if so, why wait, issue them and lets move on those bad guys and put them into the FEMA camps!
Why are you allowing these court systems CAFR funds to increase, stop this and release the money back to the people to relieve the stress.
Why are you allowing the charade of the IRS screwing the people and companies that are public / private to keep withholdings of those non federal governmental workers … stop this!
Why are you allowing the charade of courts to pretend to be a court for the people when their true jurisdiction is commerce, stop this!
Why are you allowing these agencies to conduct adhesion contracts to enslave the people into commercial system on the private side when all the constitution and bill of rights is on the public side, stop this!
Why haven’t you and the court stepped up and stopped all this corruption both political corruption and petafiles (pizza gate) within the political ranks, stop it!
Why haven’t you and the court stepped up stop all these illegal aliens coming into our country and stopped these sanctuary cities … the law is on the books from 1952 and you do nothing, stop this!
Why haven’t you come out and stop this hiding on definitions American, Nationalist, US Citizen to tell the people the correct definition and what each truly means in courts eyes, stop this misdirection, its time to tell the truth to the American people!
Why haven’t you and the court stepped up!!!
From my perspective, its time for all you in public positions to step up. Come on, finish this release of funds, the people of the planet need this to recover from all the centuries of enslavement by the people group before the Babylonians to now! Its time to tell the truth, stop all the political corruption, the abuse to the American people and get back under the Constitution and Bill of Rights (original, organics)!
One Pissed Off America, signing off for now. 
Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man-up, so let us change this together! 

Why We Need Funds

By Anna Von Reitz

I have had some people asking-- well, if you have control of the actual government of this country, why do you need us to contribute anything? Why don't you have offices everywhere to help us? Why don't you have hundreds of secretaries at your beck and call? 
Because like everything else, until quite recently, your lawful government was stolen, unlawfully converted, inoperative--- and worse than that, there was nobody with standing to change any of that. 
We have by dint of hard effort and research regained our standing on the land jurisdiction and we have used our knowledge of the past to crack open the fraud and we have used our knowledge of the law and the government to place the claims of the lawful government on the public record. 
All that has been accomplished and made possible by volunteers --- not paid staff. Those volunteers have given up untold thousands of hours, paid their costs out of their own pockets except for the donations that people have sent.

It doesn't get any more "grassroots" than this operation. 
And yes, until more Americans wake up and more action is taken, there is still a need to deal with the obstacles and the rackets they have constructed. 
Bogus light bills still have to be paid, gasoline still has to be put into cars, printers still have to be filled with ink cartridges and paper, people who are volunteering a hundred percent of their time to this still have to eat and feed their families.

The present attempt to permanently demean you to "thing" status and to steal all your assets would have succeeded. You wouldn't have known it was happening and you wouldn't have been able to overcome the legal presumptions against you and even if you got that far, you still wouldn't have known what to do or where to place the claim. 
Thanks to The Living Law Firm, you are still "alive" and still able to bring forward your lawful government. You can recoup your own assets out of the bankruptcies. You can create a world that does not run on debt and fear. You can be free again.

And why is that? Because a bunch of grandparents got their tails in a knot and decided to get to the bottom of all this crappola. 
My paralegal needs medical help and a new used car. My top systems analyst needs a new furnace and fuel oil to heat his home. My top bank adviser is destitute after being ravaged for changing sides and coming to our aid. He needs a place to live and office set up costs. 
Three more former judges who opposed all this corruption have come forward to aid us. They are all unemployed now, all need help with various monthly bills, all suffering the worst kind of emotional hurt and disillusionment after realizing the Truth---- but all still brave and honest enough to own it. 
I have to send people all over the globe to recoup American assets, and once they are recouped it doesn't mean that I get to spend them. That money belongs to you, to all of us. I am a Fiduciary. I don't have Carte blanche to just spend your money, even after its recovered.

Do I and my husband have power? Yes, we do. So do you.

That doesn't mean we have large pots of money to draw on for all these private organizational expenses. We have to support The Living Law Firm, the American Asset Recovery Team, and the American States and Nations Bank.

If by some miracle of God everyone getting this message sent me a dollar, we'd have $55 million by the end of next week, but instead, we cobble along and believe me, though we are truly grateful for the cookie jar money that has kept the boat afloat thus far, there are needs going unmet in the midst of this overwhelming effort. 
Both the major corporations that were providing you with "governmental services" are in bankruptcy. The UNITED STATES is being liquidated and the USA is in Chapter 11.
The Vichy French UN-SWISSINDO Joint Venture is here on our shores pretending to be "the new Republic". I will leave it to you what kind of "republic" is being proposed.

Thus far, real worldwide disaster has been narrowly averted, but it is a narrow margin that we are skating on and despite the best efforts of all these volunteers at the end of the day, it all comes down to each one of you helping each one of us keep the lights on and home fires burning. 

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

The Great Fraud of Today, Part Three: Redemption

By Anna Von Retiz

The good news for the Americans and for all people worldwide, is that the fraud was caught and the objections have been made by the unincorporated government --- the actual government -- of the United States.   We're still here, still on guard, and at this point we have our fangs sunk deep into the buttocks of the perpetrators of this gigantic HOAX.

On June 29, 2017, in the eleventh hour of the Eleventh Hour, we posted the following "Judicial Notice of Claim" via email to Judge Thomas Hogan and Judge Royce Lamberth and The United States District Court for the District of Columbia:

"The American states and people that are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all assets and collateral both registered and unregistered belonging to or claimed by or overseen by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, its heirs, franchises, or assigns including but not limited to the UNITED STATES, the USA, E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the various STATE OF STATE franchises and Territorial State of State franchises-- have been found, alive and well, and right where they ought to be.

It has come to our attention that our claims to our own land and assets have not been brought forward by our employees and so we have come to present ourselves to the court and to claim back our property which has been mis-represented as belonging to Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts.

We are of a completely different jurisdiction and character and political status as peaceful American "vessels" engaged in International Trade, permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the organic states, and we require that our assets be returned to us and held harmless from any claim of debt related to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, its franchises, heirs, or assigns.

The Titles held against these bankrupt municipal corporate entities dba via ACCOUNTS designated by what appear to be names in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE and the corresponding territorial Foreign Situs Trusts dba John Michael Doe are hereby redeemed and reclaimed, re-conveyed and re-venued by the lawful owners to their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of the organic states of the Union.

All titles held under color of law and subjected to both probate and bankruptcy proceedings under false pretenses must be returned to the lawful owners of record no later than July 4, 2017 by action releasing them from any further presumption of municipal or territorial citizenship absent actual proof of: (1) a properly executed Death Certificate with a plainly stated title of "Death Certificate" stating the time, place, and manner of death signed off on by a competent coroner; (2) proof of actual paid employment by the municipal or territorial government, including position, supervisor, hours worked, job assignments, place of employment, departmental affiliation, and other details establishing actual, true employment by a federal municipal or territorial entity; (3) proof of voluntary "personhood" together with stated proof of intent and full disclosure as required by Public Law; (4) proof of colored person status established by DNA analysis accompanied by a voluntary waiver of equal civil rights provisions; (5) proof of political asylum or voluntary seeking of federal benefits under conditions of full disclosure.

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, by and through Judge Thomas Hogan has been given prior Notice of the living status of the American states dba Alabama State, Alaska State, et alia, and of the American people who have returned en masse to the land and soil of their birth.  Copies of the Notice given have been and are being again presented to the Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court, along with a written and signed copy of this Judicial Notice of Claim, and will also be presented to the Pope, Queen Elizabeth II, and published for the world at large."

This claim was issued and sealed under the lawful court seal of the Third Postal District of Alaska and recorded in Recording District 311, Palmer, Alaska, also on June 29th, as recording number 2017-012486-0. 

What this basically tells the Judges and the Court responsible for the bankruptcy liquidation of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the Chapter 11 reorganization of the USA, INC. is that the Priority Creditors who were "missing, presumed dead" have been found and are alive and well and "returned" to their natural and permanent domicile on the land of the actual states.  We have reclaimed, redeemed, re-venued, and re-conveyed our Names/NAMES out of the bankruptcy Slush Piles. 

What does this mean? 

It means that the actual lawful government of the United States is still in place, still operating, and still competent to represent your interests. You are not "stateless".   It means that instead of all those Secondary Creditors swarming in and feasting on you and your assets, they will have to give ground to the actual Priority Creditors and will not be able to make any noxious claim on abandonment. 

It also means that if they continue to make any claims at all on Americans, they will have to prove those claims are valid with hard evidence.

Now, what about the rest of the world?  The clock is ticking.  ANGELA MERKEL can't help you.  PRIME MINISTER MAY can't help you.  Even VLADIMIR PUTIN can't help you, and neither could DONALD TRUMP.   They are all DEBTORS occupying corporate offices that prevent them from taking action in your behalf. 

You are going to have to turn off the Boob Tube, alert your neighbors, assemble your traditional "people governments" and serve your own claims.  Otherwise, everything will get scooped up and rolled over into the OPPT---- a universal trust and de facto "one world government" owned and operated by the Secondary Creditors. 

It should be observed that the Latin root-word giving rise to the word "trust" is "trucido" which is a verb meaning to slaughter, to kill wantonly, to murder.  And that is in effect what those responsible for this Mess have attempted to do to billions of people--- to reduce them down to mere "things"---and dispose of them and their assets however the perpetrators of this vast criminal scheme might see fit.  They have committed a paper genocide affecting billions of us, and they have tried to consolidate the paperwork and pull off the theft of the entire world via fake probate claims and equally fake bankruptcy claims to be followed by claims on abandonment.  

They test drove this scheme in the 1930's and now, they were caught red-handed, trying an updated and even worse version of the Great Fraud.  Then, they merely stole your money and placed false titles on your land.  Now, they meant to finish the job----and you----and take it all. 

Time to return the favor.  The Americans have been redeemed and the Americans are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in the UNITED STATES, which means that we are also the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the franchises of the UNITED STATES and the USA and E PLURIBUS UNUM, too. 

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

The Great Fraud of Today - Part Two: Corporations Are Not Governments

By Anna Von Reitz

During the 1990s alert financial analysts working for the Department of Defense discovered an odd thing.  Numbers weren't adding up.  A vast amount of public money was being embezzled. As the members of what came to be known as "The Paradigm Project" dug deeper, something even more astonishing appeared.  Almost all of the governments on Earth were being run as private, for-profit governmental services corporations chartered under the auspices of the UNITED STATES, INC. 

All these franchises named things like: FRANCE, ITALY, UNITED KINGDOM, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, JAPAN, etc., were in turn being controlled by the UNITED STATES, INC. municipal government, an oligarchy run by members of Congress and originally limited to the "plenary" governance of the Washington, DC Municipality.  

So first shock-- almost all the governments on Earth aren't governments.  They are merely for-profit corporations in the business of providing government services. 

Second shock --  these governmental services corporations are operated as franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC.

Third shock -- the US Congress has been running all these governmental services corporations as if they were franchises owned and operated by the Washington DC Municipality, and under their "plenary" control as an oligarchy.

Now, stripping the onion another layer, the Paradigm Project discovered that not only had nearly all the traditional governments on earth been reduced to mere governmental services corporations owned and operated by the UNITED STATES, INC., but the states and people being served by these new corporations had been similarly unlawfully converted into corporate franchises. For example, Wisconsin had been reduced to a State of Wisconsin and then to a STATE OF WISCONSIN belonging to the UNITED STATES, INC.  

Worst of all, living people had been reduced down to corporate entities. An innocent American man operating under the Trade Name: Joseph Allen Smith, was reduced to a Foreign Situs Trust also named Joseph Allen Smith belonging to the State of Wisconsin: after that, Joseph Allen Smith (the Territorial Foreign Situs Trust)  was declared "missing, presumed lost at sea" and a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust doing business as "JOSEPH ALLEN SMITH" was created "in his name" as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. 

So, when the UNITED STATES, INC. goes bankrupt, what happens? 

Why, all its franchises are "subsumed" into the bankruptcy.  The supposed governments of FRANCE and ITALY and GERMANY and so on, are sucked into the bankruptcy as franchises of the UNITED STATES, and so are the STATES OF STATES, like STATE OF WASHINGTON, but here's where the Big Game lies --- so are all the ESTATE trusts of the living people like JOSEPH ALLEN SMITH sucked into the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC. and considered chattel liable for its debts.

So when you hear that the UNITED STATES is "insolvent" you need to perk up your ears and pick up your pitchforks and move your butts to recoup your property out of the giant Slush Pile that the vermin have created for themselves via deceit and identity theft. 

Fourth Shock: your entire earthly ESTATE is up for grabs as chattel backing the debts of the UNITED STATES, a for-profit governmental services corporation operated under the authority of the Washington DC Municipal Government run by the members of Congress.

Fifth Shock: you don't know anything about this, because if you did, you would naturally object and that would spoil all their plans to steal your portion of everything and hand it over to their Secondary Creditors. 

You are the Paramount Security Interest Holder in your name and estate. You are the Priority Creditor of the UNITED STATES and all its franchises, but they have purposefully misidentified you as a "missing person" and "ward" dependent on the UNITED STATES, so as to lay claim to your property as collateral backing their own debts. 

According to their plan, YOU will be bankrupted along with all the other franchises of the UNITED STATES and your assets will be given to their Secondary Creditors, international banks that will make a "claim on abandonment" saying that the actual owners of the property are "unknown" and that the "property has been abandoned". 

Meanwhile, the Paradigm Project did the obvious thing, and foreclosed on these illegal entities masquerading as governments.  They also traced them back to the Vatican acting as Property Manager and to the Holy See, which together with our lawful government (not the corporation) and a handful of other governments on Earth, remains unincorporated.

Sixth Shock: corporations cannot and do not function as sovereign governments.  If you are not operating your lawful unincorporated government, you have no government and no "state" to speak for you or save your bacon in international jurisdiction. 

From all the foregoing, it is apparent that after the Second World War, the world governments colluded and/or were forced into agreements to operate in this fashion.  It is also obvious that most of the people on Earth are in fact "stateless" until and unless they act to restore their own lawful government on the land jurisdiction, most of which have been inactive since the 1930's.

So, time to rise and shine!  Daylight in the swamps!

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Considering a career ..............

So you think President Trump is insane, do you?!



Following President Trump’s Thursday announcement that the USA would withdraw from the Paris accord, former CBS anchor (now with AXS TV) slammed the President with a series of ad hominem (eg based on feeling or prejudice, rather than facts, reason or logic) attacks that ended with strong suggestions that the President had some serious psychological issues.

Many others have made the same assertion. 

Begs the question… What do psychiatrists think?

In the paragraphs below, Dr. Keith Ablow provides his opinions on this subject.


Remarks by Dr. Keith Ablow, Psychiatrist

Let me issue the standard disclaimer of psychiatrists who discuss the mental health of public figures:
I have not personally examined President Trump.

Now, let me put to rest the concerns of Sen. Al Franken ('stein' - editor's note) and 'political commentators' John Oliver and Andrew Sullivan and anyone else who publicly or privately has questioned the president’s sanity:
Donald Trump is stone cold sane (editor's note: unlike the Obamas, Clintons, Bushes and others in their syndicates.)

When a man acquires billions of dollars through complex real estate transactions, invests in many countries, goes on to phenomenal success in television and turns his name into a worldwide brand,
it is very unlikely that he is mentally unstable.

When the same man obviously enjoys the love and respect of his children and his wife, who seem to rely on him for support and guidance; it is extraordinarily unlikely that he is mentally unstable.

When the same man walks into the political arena and deftly defeats 16 Republican opponents and then the Democratic heir-apparent to a two-term president’s administration, the odds of that man being mentally unstable become vanishingly thin.

And when that very same man attracts to his team the kind of intellect and gravitas represented (to name just a few) by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general and commander of the U.S. Central Command,
he cannot be mentally deranged. Period. It is a statistical impossibility.

Those who assert otherwise are political opportunists, or fools, or both (and I am thinking here, in particular, of Sen. Franken). 

President Trump is the first human being to win this nation’s highest office without having held any other political office or serving as a general.  Most political pundits thought his quest was pure folly.

Most journalists assessed his chances as zero. So who was laboring under quasi-delusional thinking?

Answer: Not Donald J. Trump.

Anecdotally, by the way, I have never had one bad Trump experience.  Not one. 
- I own several of his ties — all of them of the highest quality. 
- I have stayed in his hotels and never had a single complaint (and I am a born complainer).
- I have eaten in his New York restaurant — flawless service, excellent food.
- I own an apartment at Trump Place in Manhattan. Impeccable design, sturdy construction, fabulous amenities.

A mentally unstable man would be unlikely to deliver superior products across multiple industries, don’t you think?
If you’re still worried about the mental stability of the president, note this:

The stock market doesn’t like instability. Investors, en masse, can take the measure of a man pretty darn well.

The stock market has hit record high after record high since Trump’s election, and if you think that’s an accident, or that investors have all been fooled, it’s time to start wondering about your own capacity for rational thought.

I should note that nothing I am saying should besmirch the reputations of men like
President Abraham Lincoln or Sir Winston Churchill, both of whom are said to have fought the ravages of major depression or bipolar disorder.

One was instrumental in ridding America of slavery.

The other was instrumental in saving the world from tyranny.

Mahatma Gandhi, by the way, also reportedly suffered from depression.

Psychiatric illness does not, a priori, disqualify a person from rendering extraordinary service to mankind.

Mind you, neither Lincoln nor Churchill nor Gandhi led a nation after becoming a business sensation and television star. That trifecta defines one man: President Donald J. Trump.

Now, think about those who are rabble-rousing about the president’s mental status.

Take Sen. Al Franken. He’s all worried about the president allegedly over estimating the crowd size at his inauguration!!

But Franken is allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who asserted she is Native American, when there is no evidence of that whatsoever.
And they’re calling Trump’s sanity into question? 

Really, you can’t make this stuff up!

Dr. Keith Ablow, Psychiatrist

And Franken and Warren's 'thinking' simply copy that of other far left idiotic uninformed traitorous democ-rats and some republi-cons who seriously need some rethinking of their concerns, which all appear to be far left and far less than what SHOULD be the REAL CONCERNS for this nation and its people, but theirs are more specifically FOR self gain - for retaining their positions of POLITICAL POWER and MONETARY GAIN SOURCES.


According to Will Rogers: The problem in America .......

“The problem in America isn’t so much what people don’t know.  The problem is what people think they know that just ain’t so.”  

Will Rogers

The Great Fraud of Today - Part One: The Corruption of the Judicial Branch

By Anna Von Reitz

We've uncovered the Great Fraud of the so-called American Civil War, which was never a war but an illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores.  We've dissected the Great Fraud of the 1930's executed by FDR and his minions.  And now, we need to face the Great Fraud of Today even as it is taking place.
The past few days have been rocked by disclosure after disclosure.  Smoking guns abound.  The extent of the travesty is now becoming clear -- and along with it, the identities of those responsible and the nature of the current reality.
Out of Texas we have the Lufkin Case, where the subversion of our federal judicial system has been unearthed.  In 1991 the Congress entered a change in the Judicial Oath, altering the Oath required by the corporate Constitution in a subtle but devastating way which served to remove the judicial officers from the judicial branch of our government and place them solely under the control of the municipal legislative branch of government--- that is, under the rule of the members of Congress acting as the oligarchic municipal government of the District of Columbia.
The new Oath of Office they imposed on the judicial officers may be seen at Volume 104 United States Statutes-at-Large Page 5124, otherwise shown as 104 Stat. 5124. 
The new Oath of Office is very sly in that it appears to be a simple clean-up deletion of unnecessary verbiage in the old Oath of Office, but on closer examination it is clear that there are no "duties" assigned to members of the judiciary by the Constitution and as a result, this change in the Oath of Office releases the judicial officers from the obligation to "act agreeably" --that is, in conformance to the Constitution and leaves them subject only to the legislative acts of the Congress.  This in turn removed the judicial officers from the judicial branch of government and placed them squarely and only under the auspices of the legislative branch.
Read that--- since 1991, there has been no three-branched federal government. The judicial and legislative branches have been merged and the judicial has been made subservient to the legislative.  Moreover, the municipal government of the United States has been acting in open treason against the actual Constitution since 1991, and absolutely no decisions undertaken by these federal judicial officers since then have been in compliance with the actual Constitution. They are all null and void for cause. 
This has made the widespread personage committed against the American states and people possible and profitable.  The Congress has been running the entire federal judiciary, which includes the "federated" -- incorporated States of States and the STATES OF STATES courts -- as an unconstitutional  legislative enforcement racket.
Our agreement with the "federal" government, which is nothing more than a for-hire governmental services corporation, very clearly states what we are owed and also very clearly sets up the structure of the government and also very clearly limits the jurisdiction of the federal courts and also very clearly requires an Oath of Office in support of the Constitution and also very clearly limits the reach of the municipal United States government to the ten miles square of Washington, DC and which also limits the territorial United States controlled by Congress to actual federal properties, such as arsenals and military installations.
So how have they run rampant like this and pretended, as in the Lufkin case, to have jurisdiction never granted to them over people and property in places like Tyler County, Texas?
It's simple.  They unlawfully seized upon your copyright to your own name, registered it as properly belonging to their corporation, stole your identity as a living American, and pretended that you were either a Territorial Foreign Situs Trust or a Municipal ESTATE trust belonging to their corporations.  If you convert a man into a thing, you can do as you please to him---at least until he realizes what you have done.
In this way, they pretended to control you and own your assets, and therefore, also assumed the right to subject you to their in-house court system and their foreign statutory law.  

Make no mistake, the authors of the bill changing the judicial Oath of Office committed treason against the actual United States and our actual Constitution and the evidence of this is clear upon the public record.  What remains to be seen is if these snakes will self-correct or require a garden hoe to set things straight.  
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website



Dear  American Patriot ,

This is absolutely terrible news.

A District Court has ruled that Pensacola, Florida, must tear down a public cross from the public view.

The Bayview Cross, as the white, 34-feet- tall monument is known, has been in Bayview Park for nearly 75 years. Atheists complained to the city about it, demanding that it be removed. As a result, the court is forcing the city to take down the Cross.

Tell the City of Pensacola you are disappointed
with the removal of the cross from public view

The Cross of Christ is a symbol of our salvation, which Our Lord won through immense suffering. It is also a strong reminder of the service we owe to God. And this makes atheists furious.

And so they are doing all they can to remove the Cross from public view.

Sign our petition to the City of Pensacola

We cannot be silent while this takes place. We must show our resistance to such an outrageous act.

With that, I invite you to sign our petition to the City of Pensacola, letting them know that you stand for and with the Bayview Cross.

Thank you.

I remain,

John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)

Fireworks with Patriotic Music Soundtrack by U.S. Military Bands


Fireworks with Patriotic Music Soundtrack 
by U.S. Military Bands

Trey Gowdy Gives Epic Pin Drop Speech Shocks Entire Crowd With The Truth



Senator Marco Rubio has been exposed working with known terrorists at the White House to get a bill passed that will criminalize Americans who speak out against Muslims and Islam in a shocking move of treason against the American people.
Marco Rubio worked alongside the Muslim terror group  EmgageUSA, whose members are currently on a terror watch list for their ties to Al Qaeda.'