Monday, August 7, 2017

HIJACKING America with Social Engineering


Preston James, Ph.D 
July 31, 2017

A long term Babylonian Talmudic Globalist attack has been covertly deployed to take the fruits of your labor and all your assets, to destroy you, your family, your community, American Society, and our very Republic.

It is an age-old, inter-generational “bloodline plan” to globalize the world and bring it under the rule of a single entity, an entity from the Dark Side. 

It was deployed beginning in 1913, and is now being accentuated on multiple fronts, and in earnest right now. The driving forces behind this effort to transform American into a third-world Globalist surrogate nation are the social-engineering methodologies of the Babylonian Talmudics.

And we now know for certain that there is a small core group of Babylonian Talmudics who are satanic pedophiles, and who are empowered by the Dark Side that sets the top policies, and which then create and manage the deployment of all these social-engineering methodologies.

This plan has reached its nexus in America since 1913, when the Babylonian Talmudics (BTs) bribed and human-compromised enough members of the US Congress and the President to pass the Federal Reserve Act.

Passage of this act illegally and unconstitutionally transferred US money-creation and -distribution to a private City of London pseudo-banking franchise. This franchise itself was hijacked by the Rothschild (aka Bauer) family, and these are the folks who became the leaders of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, over 1000 years before.

The Federal Reserve System (FRS) was privately incorporated in Delaware in 1914. It is not a bank, nor is it a monetary reserve, but is little more than a sophisticated Ponzi scheme which issues debt-notes, calls it money – now mandated by bogus federal law – and then charges pernicious usury (illegal interest) to we Americans who use it.

This COL covert financial system including the massive FRS is the greatest financial fraud ever perpetrated on mankind. It is designed to eventually entrap the whole world in a massive, self-imploding web of debt that will bring the whole world to its knees. This is expected to prepare the nations and the people of the world to accept a NWO one-world government leader who will establish a new electronic, crypto-monetary system based on Block-chain tracking.

Constant inflation has been mandated into this FRS System in order to mask the massive drain that FRS interest payments make on the US economy, which are charged against all Federal taxpayers. Right now, a good estimate is that about 40% of all Federal Tax revenue goes towards interest charged by the FRS.

      Ex Corde License plate (photo art)
The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) have been deployed as Vatican agents to establish the Globalist one-world financial government.

This RKM world financial network is designed to form the basic structure from with the one-world Globalist government is supposed to emerge from.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) have been the financial agents and bankers of the Vatican, which itself is run by the Old Black Euro nobility, satanic pedophile bloodline occult families that prefer to remain hidden in their background and use the Superior General and the RKM as their personal agents.

As the British Empire waned the RKM deployed a covert plan to maintain that empire through a worldwide RKM Banking franchise system of member banks. Within a generation, the foundation for a very strong covert NWO financial system was created and this was a secret system of financial influence run out of the City of London (COL).

The basic NWO structure was thus set up with the Vatican as the Spiritual Head, the City of London as the Financial Head and Washington DC as its Military Enforcer.

It was realized that once the DC Military arm had been used to destabilize the whole world, America the Republic would have to itself be destabilized and transformed into a third world nation.

The Cutouts running the DC regime for the BTs have no idea that they will soon be cut loose when the pin is pulled on America the Republic. This is expected to happen unless this BT “Deep State” is stopped. The BTs plan to do this as soon as the American white male is sufficiently gelded and American borders, language and culture are sufficiently destroyed.

It’s a fact that the “Bloodline families” have always hated non-Khazarian Christians anywhere in the world they have existed.

This was the main driving force in the destruction of Russia by the Bolsheviks who were created by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM), their destruction of Germany and wholesale rape and murder of German women at the end of the war in the Russian invasion zones.

It has been the long term secret policy and agenda of the very top Babylonian Talmudics (aka the Bloodline Family top BTs that set world and American policy) and this policy is that all the assets of America and its people must be hijacked, then the American Goyim must be destroyed and finally America the Republic must too be destroyed.

And the BTs’ chosen methodologies to do this have been created and deployed as massive social engineering in America.

The methodologies that have been deployed to finish off America in order to complete the establishment of this NWO system are empowered from the dark side and are comprised of massive social engineering projects deployed dysfunctional culture as a social engineering weapon of war against We The People.

The Babylonian Talmudics (BTs) have imposed insidious very destructive socially engineered culture upon us Americans designed to destroy everything we love and transform our cities into drug and crimes infested survival of the fittest urban war zones.
This dysfunctional socially engineered culture that has been deployed against America as a weapon of covert war since 1913 is designed to destroy the American family, normal sex roles, our language, borders, our normal American culture and our Republic.

It is a multi-headed hydra known and its corollaries are political correctness; diversity; affirmative action based on race rather than performance; gender-neutral dumbed-down teaching in the schools (Jesuit “learning against learning”); unisex; LGBT activism; feminism; Hollywoodism (Talmudic TV, movies and media) which include a massive onslaught against America with unrestricted pornography; massive legal and illegal immigration; massive exportation of industry and jobs; the War on Poverty designed to produce more poverty; the War on Drugs (massive CIA drug trafficking into American cities) designed to produce massive urban crime jungles and black ops “off the books money” for covert ops; the War on Terror (massive deployment of CIA and FBI based terror ops) designed to justify illegal unconstitutional wars of aggression in foreign lands; carbon credits; etc.

Right now Amazon is doing to urban retail what Walmart did to rural American retail, that is, pretty much destroying it like Walmart did to thousands of ma/pop shops that had existed for generations. When retail is so highly consolidated to several large vendors associated with the Globalist NWO System, it is quite easy for those who control the USG to also control almost all retail sales and pricing and put the small shop owner out of business forever.

The Babylonian Talmudics are basically a satanic death cult that creates war, mass-death and mass-suffering all over the planet for personal gain and increased occult power. The BTs have infiltrated the USG and raised up RKM Cutouts to manipulate the USG into numerous perpetual illegal unconstitutional wars. A good prototype for this kind of *BT/RKM/COL operation is the notably Satanic Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University (a windowless building called the tomb, whose legal name is the Russell Trust, a byproduct of the bloodline family that was a large former Opium smuggler to China). Ever since the opium wars, the British Satanic groups have continued trafficking in illegal drugs for black ops money and have morphed into the various Intel agencies such as MI5&6, the CIA, and the Mossad.

The BTs and their whole worldwide satanic pedophile network are of course based on the same basic tenets of Babylonia Talmudism that produced Bolshevism which was  deployed in Russia in 1917 and resulted in the murder of over 100 Million innocent Russians Christian and Eastern Orthodox Christian Priests.

A secret, very powerful BT cultural war is now being waged specifically against the American white male, and is designed to covertly geld him, kill him off and prevent any coordination of America as the BTs destroy it. This strategy to get rid of the American white male also now includes getting rid of young black males, after they have been used to serve as drug distributors for the CIA in American urban centers.

This strategy to get rid of the American male is all made possible by using them as cannon fodder in perpetual illegal unconstitutional foreign wars and the deployment of Depleted Uranium to weaken, disable, kill off and ruin their family DNA, thus ending many of their family lines. Of course the CIA’s massive drug trafficking into American cities has been used to produce high death rates inside these CIA produced urban jungles of drugs, social disintegration, inter-generational “welfare queens”; and fatherless children with little real parenting. 

Socially engineered culture has been massively deployed by highly dysfunctional public education, which dumbs kids down, ignores serious American History, especially about our founding Founding Fathers and the formation of our American Republic. Rap music, rock music and popular culture has been deployed to distract, dumb-down and preoccupy young minds and prevent them from learning real skills to think straight.

Very high tech chemical warfare is also being deployed to lower American males’ testosterone, sperm counts, and to feminize males in America as well as for altering sex roles normally determined in the womb. During the 1970’s the CIA and the DOD deployed the “gay bomb” as tests in numerous American cities to see if their new gender bending chemicals on pregnant mothers would attain the desired goal. The test was successful beyond expectations, and the technology has been refined and deployed much more widely ever since, all done to destroy normal sex roles and the family, and to limit reproduction.

Most of the rampant American obesity has been socially engineered through the massive mind-kontrol of the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which is run through a CIA proprietary, a large investment house in Switzerland which claims to be on the vanguard of investments but also secretly finances terror and ISIS (which is the private CIA/Mossad/Saudi mercenary terror army).
This involved deployment of endocrine disrupters in plastics, food and chemtrails that are sprayed into the atmosphere by DOD contractors and CIA aircraft run out of Tuscon, AZ. It has been rumored for years that much of this technology has been gained from Alien ETs and is nano-based, complex bio-engineered mind-kontrol compounds, and nano-magnetic electrical molecular structures (“smart dust”) that are inhaled and cross the blood brain barrier to attach to the synapses and can be remotely activated by psychotronics as remote entrainment.

The BT leadership has realized that unless they covertly geld the American white male hormonally and culturally, they cannot destroy America the Republic.
The cultural weapons deployed against us and our families by the BTs are actually little more than repackaged Bolshevism, which itself is secret Babylonian Talmudism in hidden form.

And those who have done deep research on Babylonian Talmudism know that it is based on pure Satanism, pedophilia, child torture and sacrifice, war, mass-murder and mass human suffering designed to appease their god Satan, who they believe will then transfer increased personal power, riches and status to them.


A long term covert war is being waged against America the Republic and We The People. It has been engineered to destroy our Republic, ruin our American culture, destroy our language and borders and to steal everything we have acquired, followed by the mass-murder of most Americans – except for the very top BTs (a small number). Even the BTs’ Cutouts who run the DC regime will then be “cut-loose” too.

This is all being driven by the Babylonian Talmudics secret, deep hatred of Christianity and the Deistic beliefs of our Founding Fathers. It is also being driven by their participation in the “order of the Snake”, aka Satanic Pedophilia, sometimes referred to as the “Order of the Black Sun”.

This BT covert war is a long term multi-modal attack on Americans, the American male and America itself and unless stopped cold, America is doomed to chaos, continued decline and destruction.

The Internet was deployed to assist in the deployment of this massive BT socially engineered war against America and We The People. It was designed to be the greatest spy device ever deployed. But the BTs who set policy and approved all the expenditures of black money that financed it have experienced the unexpected.

The Internet has become the New Gutenberg Press and has created an massive emergence of populism that is slowing down the RKM’s plans to destroy America the Republic and suck it dry of all assets. The Superior General (Black Pope) and those top several Old Black Nobility Master Satanists whom he works for that set secret world policy are aware of this and actually intended this from the very beginning of the deployment of their Globalist NWO plan.

The RKM and COL crowd who have served as their stateside cutouts are disposable and will be displaced to make way for a new form of fascism, one at first that seems kinder and gentler but will drift quickly into what is best referred to as Cosmic Fascism.
This shift will occur in short order as soon as the governments of the world are manipulated by circumstances beyond their control into disclosing the reality of Alien ETs and their extra-terrestrial anti-gravity craft.

Insiders know for certain that Alien ETs are real and that the USG has secretly formed treaties with them. The Alien ETs have taught high American Intel officials and select DOD contractors the false belief that Alien ETs created the human race and are now closely watching it to make sure they do not take nuclear weapons interstellar. This is a great deception and conservative Christian insiders call it the “final deception of mankind”.

There is a division among those who have dealt with these Alien ETs in joint research projects.  A small but silent minority believe that these Alien ETs have very powerful mind-kontrol skills based on psi-power; can and have easily taken control over the minds and beliefs of most humans they have come into contact with; and have certain hidden agendas to help bring about the Globalist NWO one-world governmental system based on Cosmic Fascism.

When trying to ascertain the true source of BT power the discussion quickly drifts into the dark esoteric. All roads of deep research lead to the conclusion they have consorted with the dark side and given up their very souls and have lost their own humanity in order to gain massive power, riches and status. These BTs are evil beyond imagination in their beliefs and actions.

It’s a very good bet that the true source of the very crafty Globalist NWO plan originated from within the few very top leaders of the worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network who plan to attain their goals through the use of Alien ETs as their new Cutouts during the final transformation to Cosmic Fascism.

And it’s also a good bet that the dark side power that has enabled the BT/RKM/COL to deploy massive social engineering is Lucifer (Satan) and his fallen/lesser gods (elohim) that were cast out by God Almighty and used to test mankind.

*BT/RKM/COL Babylonian Talmudics/Rothschild Khazarian Mafia/City of London aka the Ruling Satanic pedophile Banksters run out of the City of London. With their ability to create money and fraudulent income from pernicious usury for lending their fake, Fiat debt-notes, they would be powerless and out of business in short order. 

I would like to take her place!!!!


Monday, Aug. 7th



On Monday, Aug. 7th, the Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, slightly off-center, producing a partial lunar eclipse. At maximum (1820 UT), about 25% of the lunar disk will be in shadow. 

The 2-hour event is best seen from India, China, Australia, and other countries of Earth's eastern hemisphere. This animation created by graphic artist Larry Koehn shows how the Moon's appearance will change:

Sky watchers in the Americas will see ... just an ordinary full Moon, completely illuminated.  According to folklore, it's the Sturgeon Moon, named by Native American tribes of the Great Lakes who caught lots of these fish during the month of August. Lake sturgeon are considered to be living fossils because they have survived virtually unchanged for more than 150 million years. 

A full Moon named after an ancient slimy fish? It's prettier than it sounds.

North Americans who miss this eclipse will get a great consolation prize two weeks from now: A total eclipse of the sun. 

On Aug. 21, 2017, the new Moon will pass directly in front of the sun. The Moon's cool dark shadow will lance down and touch the surface of the Earth, raking the USA from Oregon to South Carolina. 

People inside the path of totality will see the rarest of celestial wonders: Baily's beads, the Diamond Ring, and the sun's ghostly corona. 

Check for a complete set of animated maps


Muslims Bought Off U.S. Government !!!

Incredible! Leaked Documents Show Muslims Bought Off U.S. Government In Preparation For Takeover

Establishment politicians have sold America out to radical jihadists

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Opposition to Trump goes BEYOND politics - read and DISCERN!

NOTE TO OUR READERS:  'Normally' I don't post advertisements, but considering what is going on in 'the swamp' that several of us are aware of at this time, this ad just 'popped out' at me earlier this morning, and it feels like an appropriate 'word' for those waiting for the opportunity to exchange their 'seeds' to help others. And I know that those who are also aware that what happens does not always happen from the perspective of what the eye can see or the ear can hear from incessant calling of others with the question "Have you heard anything?!" or the mind can contrive by 'putting all the ('intel') pieces together'  that have been learned from those phone calls or gleaned from reading certain 'intel' blogs/emails with 'reports'!  But what is happening is resulting from the spiritual forces that continually wage fierce battle unseen over and around us. They are on every level of America's society - from the VERY TOP on down through the layers, including and especially government and military.  Please keep that in mind if you care enough to read or to skim through what this 'ad' says below.  Allow yourself to discern what the Lord is saying to you this morning via this ad!  This nation is fiercely engaged in a battle for its very life with dark forces intent on destruction and death. Input interpretations that the Holy Spirit shows you; i.e. 'the leftist attack' = satan's fierce attacks; Trump not only for himself and as leader of this nation but you and me as leaders in the Army of the Lord, etc.  This ad is yet another wake up call to those who engage in spiritual battle. Both sides are experiencing movement of the chess pieces (people - the king, queen, rooks, bishops, knights and pawns)  and the battle is for who will win.  Please!  Respond to the spiritual call this morning! Keep this battle in your mind day and night and respond as the Holy Spirit prompts you!!  Get up and fight the good fight of faith. Our country DESPERATELY needs you right now!   I Tim 6:12;  Jos 10:25;  2 Tim 4:7

Opposition to Trump goes beyond politics                                         Understanding the leftist attack on the commander-in-chief                       

Since Donald Trump has become the 45th president of the United States, it seems like the American Left has lost its mind. Violent protests in the streets and attacks on Trump supporters. The attempted assassination of a Republican congressman. Threats to murder the president, including calls by well-known left-wing activists for "jihad" and gory photos featuring Trump's severed head. Conspiracy theories about Russian plots. And hysterical rhetoric about a "resistance" dedicated to overthrowing the duly elected commander-in-chief.

The bottom line is Donald Trump is not just facing political opposition. He's facing something more. One talk show host, former law enforcement officer and current pastor believes President Trump is facing nothing less than full-fledged spiritual warfare. Pastor Carl Gallups was one of President Trump's earliest and most vocal Christian backers. And he contends the opposition to Trump is nothing short of demonic.

In his new book "When The Lion Roars," Gallups analyzes the signs of the times, revealing how the harbingers of the Last Days can be seen in the daily headlines. And in recent media appearances he's sounding the alarm about how the depraved opposition to the president was predicted in the Scriptures.

"The Bible speaks in the last days of being given over to a depraved mind, of truth being thrown to the ground, eventually there will come the man of lawlessness, who the world will gather around and say "this man is like God," the pastor recently opined on "The Jim Bakker Show." "There will be a generation like us that sees that.  I don't know if it's us, but this is what I'm saying.  It's complex.  This is what's happening before our eyes. Truth has been turned upside down."

Gallups suggested the country itself is under demonic attack.

"We are in the throes of an attempted takeover of this nation," he claimed. "And it's been a long time coming. We are the largest Christian nation the planet has ever seen. With all of its evil, we're the best there is. And that's it. Satan hates us; we're his target. The globalists hate us because in order for the Antichrist to come to power, America has to somehow go away. The constitutional republic, the national sovereignty, the military might and the economic engine has to go away or the globalists can't seize control. We're watching all of that in action."

"It's spiritual and its demonic," the pastor intoned.

Extraordinary events predicted centuries in advance are unfolding now. Here is your guide to the incredible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes, including how they affect American politics. Don't miss the bestselling sensation from one of America's most prolific and beloved pastors. "When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time" by Carl Gallups, available now in the WND Superstore.

Yet why are the forces of evil so opposed to our president?

A number of pastors and spiritual leaders have claimed Trump's election was a "reprieve" for America and a response to prayer. One author, the "fireman prophet" Mark Taylor, claims he received a direct prophecy from God in 2011 telling him Trump would become president. Taylor chronicles the

extraordinary story in his new book "The Trump Prophecies." The prophecy also predicted the ferocity of the opposition against Trump, but Taylor said the president would overcome it all.

"They [the enemy] will say things about this man, but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall My feathers protect this next president," according to Taylor's prophecy. Taylor also says "the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man."

"The Trump Prophecies" also predicts specific actions President Trump will be able to undertake, including a dramatic restructuring of the Supreme Court and the restoration of America's close relationship with the Jewish state of Israel. In this way, Taylor writes, God is using President Trump to further His own glory. President Trump is thus a threat to the demonic Left which wishes to tear down the United States because it is a Christian power.

Thus, it is not surprising President Trump isn't just facing threats or protests. He's confronting full-fledged spiritual warfare. Gallups also referenced the spiritual opposition Trump has aroused but similarly claimed it would be impotent. He alluded to the effort by thousands of self-described witches to target the president with an occult ritual.

"I don't put any credence in the powers of these witches; they can do their own thing But the point is the demonic realm is focused on this one guy," said Gallups. "The darkness is flooding in. I'm not trying to be pessimistic. This may be the last sane administration, the last government opportunity we have in America.

"We've got a president that wants secure borders, and the powers that be won't allow him to do it. We've got a shadow government that's been trying to destroy us for decades telling him what to do. We're on the brink, folks!"

For those seeking to understand the spiritual roots behind this conflict, and why President Trump is such a threat to the powers of evil, "The Trump Prophecies" is nothing less than a revelation and an invaluable guide to what is happening today.

The most extraordinary political upset in history wasn't a surprise at all. One man was given a direct message from God years before Donald Trump decided to run for president about who the next Commander-in-Chief would be. And the prophecies don't stop with President Trump's inauguration. America is about to undertake an incredible national journey. Don't be left behind! And don't miss "The Trump Prophecies," now available from the WND Superstore.

Yet the forces of opposition to President Trump aren't just being expressed in spiritual terms or even in terms of opposition to Trump as a man. It has metastasized into hatred for the entire country. As Rush Limbaugh recently observed, the Left has developed a genuine "hatred" for the United States of America and for Western civilization, and it hates Trump because the president has pledged to defend both Western culture and the country.

Chris Buskirk, co-author with Seth Leibsohn of the new book "American Greatness: How Conservatism Inc. Missed The 2016 Election & What The D.C. Establishment Needs To Learn," pointed to President Trump's recent speech in Poland in defense of Western civilization as proof the commander-in-chief understands the fundamental issues of the day.

"This is somebody who gets it," he told WND. "This is somebody who understands that Western civilization is uniquely valuable and the United States has a leading role to play in Western civilization and in the defense of Western civilization. When I heard the president's speech in Poland, I thought to myself, "This is better than I ever thought!' And I thought he was going to be really good! So it's really exceeded all expectations."

"American Greatness" covers how President Trump emerged from nowhere to conquer the Republican establishment. It explores the intellectual roots behind the Trump movement and explains why the national media and the radical Left missed the impending political earthquake of the 2016 election.

Buskirk also noted how the president's recent speech in Poland revealed the Left's hatred for patriotism, family and religion, concepts which until recently would have been taken as self-evidently good things.

"I thought the speech was fantastic," said Buskirk.

"[But] I'm looking at something on [the left-wing website] Vox right now and they are saying Trump's speech in Poland sounded like an alt-right manifesto' and underneath that they have a quote from the speech where he says, 'for family, for freedom, for country and for God.' Now, I heard that and of course I was thrilled to hear him say those words yesterday. Now you look at, a very left-wing outlet, and this is what they think 'alt-right' is. 'For family?' 'For freedom?' 'For country?' 'For God?' I guess they're opposed to all those things. They say they're opposed to the alt-right, they say that's the definition of alt-right; well, OK, if that's it!

"Most people in this country, when they hear 'for family, for freedom, for country and for God,' they think that's America, and they're thrilled to hear the president talk about it in unapologetic terms with a confidence and really a swagger that we need to get back. And you know, you can tell something about a man from who his enemies are. Washington Post, Vox, The Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC - they hated it. That should tell you everything you need to know."

The people who hate God, country and traditional values also hate Donald Trump. "American Greatness" explains why Trump is so important and why his movement is such a threat. And a time when America is at a crossroads, it's a book no patriot can afford to ignore.

The United States of America is on the brink of total dissolution, and the huge network of conservative think tanks and foundations in Washington, D.C. are just another part of the problem. It's time to charge the cockpit before it's too late. It's time for revolution.  

Learn the real story behind the intellectual and political movement which stunned the dishonest media and put Donald J. Trump in the White House.

THE blockbuster of 2017: "American Greatness: How Conservatism Inc. Missed The 2016 Election & What The D.C. Establishment Needs To Learn" by Chris Buskirk and Seth Leibsohn, available now in the WND Superstore.    



In the Oval Office earlier this week, a small group of senior officials talked with President Donald Trump about plans to take on Beijing over intellectual-property theft.

Kelly’s Rules For Trump’s West Wing: Stop Bickering, Get In Early, Make An Appointment.

When a side debate broke out between two top aides, the new White House chief of staff ordered the pair out of the room.

New Chief of Staff John Kelly moves quickly to bring order and discipline to a West Wing riven by conflict!

The Wall Street Journal reports,
Return, John Kelly told them, once your differences are resolved, according to a person familiar with the exchange. The move kept the meeting on track. It also signaled to top staff that Mr. Kelly, a retired four-star general, planned to bring new order and discipline to a West Wing that has been riven for six months with division and disorganization.
After one week, other signs of Mr. Kelly’s taking the reins include the end of the unchecked flow of paperwork that crosses the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, and a new, more formal process for meeting with the president, according to interviews with more than two dozen White House officials, the president’s informal advisers, associates of Mr. Kelly, members of Congress and Capitol Hill aides.

Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died

Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died 
RIP 1943 - 2017

Published on Aug 2, 2017
One the most famous JFK investigators has died today. Author and researcher Jim Marrs died suddenly on Aug 2nd 2017. 

Our condolences to Jim's wife Carol and the rest of the Marrs family.

Please Sign the Petition!

Ask Congress To Call On Barack Obama To Testify 
About His Knowledge Of And Failure To Address 
Russian Hacking During Election

Despite President Barack Obama knowing about the potential for Russia interfering in the presidential election as early as August 2016, he took no action because he didn’t want to rock the boat for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Congress should call the former president in to testify under oath to explain what he was doing and why he was doing it. 

-  Who was doing the investigating? 
-  Who was reporting to the president? 
-  Who did it go through? 
-  What were the meetings like when they decided not to pursue it?

This was an extraordinary failure of national security that must be investigated.

Please Sign the Petition!  Click on the link below:

 We the People Demand that Congress Call Barack Obama To Testify Under Oath About His Knowledge of Russian Hacking

Thank you!



WARNING DISGUSTING VIDEO: Muslim Rape Game ‘TAHARRUSH’ Is Spreading Across Europe

This Arabic word describes a group harassment of young women committed by young muslim men during mass gatherings


“I don’t believe in the death penalty, but these men should be executed!”
Just when you think there is nothing more disgusting coming from Islam, the 'Religion of Peace', ‘Taharrush’ shows up. A 'game', they call it, where hundreds or thousands of Muslim men basically isolate a woman and gang rape her repeatedly. A gang rape flash mob of sorts.
It’s true that most Muslims are not war mongering terrorists, but whatever pool this scourge of human sewage is coming from must be stopped. They bomb our buildings, crash our airliners, behead our citizens, abuse their wives, execute homosexuals, burn soldiers alive, bomb our allies, and announce their intent to eliminate us with nuclear weapons . . . and now they gang rape our women.
When Is This Going To Stop?
We invite them in, feed them, give their home land BILLIONS of dollars, tolerate secular demands, accommodate religious peculiarities and defend them as they do so. Where did we get so far off track? 
Now we let them threaten our people and violate our laws in the name of religious freedom? Our crazy women’s rights activists even advocate on their behalf. Haven’t they heard of Sharia Law? Our politicians seem to think this is a minor 'inconvenience', and our past 'president' blew it off like a speck of 'inconvenient' dust and wouldn’t even say the word ISIS or ISLAM!

The troubling video shows incidents in Cologne and other German cities where hundreds of women were harassed by ‘men of foreign origin asylum seekers'. 

Germany has faced a phenomenon of ‘Taharrush Gamea’ since Angela Merkel invited hoards of Syrian refugees into her country. 

Arab Rape Game
What is 'taharrush'?

European Parliment Chamber
Discussion on 'taharrush'

 What is happening in Europe
What you are not being told by the media      

HOW does one female or several females and males who may want to help her counter such rape attacks when they are surrounded by perhaps a hundred or hundreds of crazed muslims he*l bent on having some 'fun'.  Most of Europe, including the police forces, have been 'conveniently' stripped of guns that could be used to put a stop to this tragic nonsense.  America,  NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!  

A word of encouragement for you!

Obama’s Secret 18 Wheeler Scandal

Trump Admin Brings Down Obama’s Secret   18 Wheeler Scandal at  the Border

Few could legitimately argue that former President Barack Obama’s attitude toward border security was anything short of lax, but as has been said countless times since the November election, there is a new sheriff in town and things are being run differently now.

According to a report from Judicial Watch, the administration of President Donald Trump is allowing Customs and Border Patrol officials to thoroughly screen all cargo trucks entering the U.S. through the southern border with Mexico, something that was seemingly discouraged or not permitted during Obama’s tenure.

“We felt like we were the welcoming committee and not like we were guarding our borders,” explained U.S. Customs agent Patricia Cramer, who is also president of the Arizona chapter of the agency employee’s union, according to Judicial Watch.

“The order was to facilitate traffic, not to stop any illegal drugs from entering the country,” added Cramer. “We want to enforce the law. That’s what we signed up for.”

Cramer, a K9 handler at the Nogales port of entry in Arizona, stated that massive amounts of illegal drugs are smuggled across the border while hidden inside of cargo trucks, trucks that used to generally be waved through but now undergo radiation and X-ray screening, sometimes even having their cargo thoroughly searched if the truck, driver or load raises any suspicions.

The change is said to have greatly angered the Mexican drug cartels that use the trucks to smuggle their illicit cargo across the border. The cartels quickly became aware of the shift in policy due to their keeping a close and constant vigil on border crossing checkpoints through the use of spotters stationed nearby at all times.

“They know if we’re on the job, the level of screening that we’re conducting,” stated Cramer. “The cartels watch us all the time. They see everything.”

It is worth noting that it isn’t only drugs that are being smuggled across the border hidden inside of cargo trucks, but also money and weapons. And, of course, there are illegal immigrants at the mercy of traffickers and truck drivers on the take, some of whom don’t survive the illegal cross-border excursions.

The change Judicial Watch is describing should never should have needed to occur, as our Customs and Border Patrol agents should have been permitted to thoroughly scan and search each and every vehicle crossing the border at any given time. That’s their job, yet that is precisely what they weren’t allowed to do under Obama.

Thankfully, things have changed now, and this is just one more step toward securing our border and protecting our country, all while taking a bite out of the profits of the drug cartels with each illicit discovery and seizure.

Obama's legacy

We can be grateful to Obama for his negligence and malfeasance during his eight years in the White House. Might have something to do with why Democrats lost over 1,000 seats during the last election? 
Thank You Barack! (aka Barry Soetoro)

CERN Alert Message 2017

They aren't going to tell you about this!
CERN Alert Message 2017
July 29 2017

Russia Declares State of War

Russia Declares State of War
with America!
and to Remove Donald Trump!
Aug 4 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Do you believe this one?!!!!

Barack Obama Day Approved by the Government
as New Holiday!
Aug 5 2017


 Deep State Preparing to Remove Trump
(and declare on Russia EXPOSED)  
Published Jul 25, 2017

What They Aren't Telling You! 
(Donald Trump Russia Sanctions 
Published Aug 5, 2017

The TRUTH about Donald Trump
Published January 28 2017