years ago on my Father's birthday I took the plunge. I had studied the
issues for years and had decided that I would not "voluntarily" pay
federal income taxes anymore. That decision and many others like it
would follow in a natural, organic process as my understanding grew.
recognized it for what it was --- a foreign and out-of-control and
out-of-compliance corporation run amok on our shores. I faced the
facts, and that was that.
I was feeling pretty good
about the progress that has been made in this country over the past
twenty years --- in part because of my work and the work of thousands
of other people like me, who decided that enough was enough, picked up
an oar and began steering our "ship of state" off the reef, inching it
slowly away from the looming federal disasters.
I was feeling pretty perky. And then, I got a message from people in
Florida, moaning because they had just "discovered" that they had no
justice available to them in the Florida Courts and that the judicial
officers responsible even admitted it, brazenly, in public.
is not exactly news to anyone who has been more sentient than a rock,
but I had thought that I had made the reasons for it perfectly clear by
publishing half a dozen books and over 600 articles.
judicial officers in Florida claimed --- rightly --- that they took
their oath to the Constitution of the United States.
ho! ----Nobody in Florida replied, "Yes, but our courts require that
you take your oath to The Constitution for the united States of
America." (That is, with the word "for" underlined, the word "united"
used as an adjective, and I guess, the words "of America" underlined,
in boldface print, large font, screaming at you----"Hey, look!"----with
arrows and blinking neon lights....)
What do
people think? Please look at these two sets of words: "United
States" and "United States of America". Are they the same?
Do you assume that "United States" is just an abbreviation of "United States of America"?
are two separate entities and always have been, yet millions of
Americans are still missing the most basic facts --- facts that should
have been drummed into them in grade school, middle school, and high
The "Constitution of the United
States" is not "The Constitution of the United States of America" nor
is it our actual constitution known as "The Constitution for the united
States of America".
And yes, it matters
which "constitution" these men take their oath to, because that is
their law. They are telling you as best they can who they are, who
they work for, what kind of law they practice. It is then up to you to
decide whether or not you belong in their jurisdiction, and if not, to
get out of their jurisdiction.
Those Florida
judicial officers are telling the people point blank--- look, this is
who we are (Federal Municipal Government Employees) and this is the
"constitution" we are working under (and no, it's not your constitution
at all). They couldn't be any more up front about it.
went on to say that they had jurisdiction (at least SOME jurisdiction
of SOME kind, somehow, somewhere) and that it came from the State of
Florida Constitution.
"State of Florida"
means "State" apart from or other than or belonging to "Florida"------
So what does it mean when a man taking his oath to a foreign United
States constitution tells you (additionally) that his jurisdiction comes
from the "State of Florida Constitution"?
again, these judicial officers are telling you
point-blank-in-your-faces: we are here working under a foreign federated
"state of state" municipal corporation constitution.
judicial officers in Florida are challenging people----either stand up
for who you are and clearly say that you are a native-born Floridian
and that you live in Florida under the Florida Statehood Compact, or,
let us bamboozle you into the subservient and profoundly
disadvantageous political status of a "resident" of the "State of
Florida" instead, thereby granting us jurisdiction over you and
permission to fleece you blind, throw you in jail, or do whatever else
we like to you and your property.
Imagine that
you are the son and heir of a wealthy plantation owner, but by some
bizarre twist of fortune, you are instead mistaken for a runaway
indentured servant, arrested, and have charges brought against the NAME
of a foreign franchise operation--- a "United States Citizen"--- you
don't even know exists.
That is the
situation you are in when you enter one of their courts. You have to
know who you are (and aren't) and be able to prove it with adequate
Left to their own devices these
foreign judicial officers are always going to "presume" that you are a
runaway peon, subject to their foreign municipal or territorial law,
and they will treat you accordingly.
what those judicial officers in Florida are telling people, and the
people are all upset and confused and angry---- but in fact, those
judicial officers are being honest and they are doing the rest of us a
favor by coming clean and clearly stating who they are and what kind of
courts they are operating and what kind of law they are operating
Now we can start operating with a full
deck of facts instead of a lot of hare-brained assumptions. Now we
can take appropriate action to nail down ownership of our own names and
copyrights. Now we can get our political status properly recorded.
Now we can get our jural assemblies up and operating. Now we know
where we stand and what we need to do to change all this.
They come running to me, asking, "How do we get justice from these courts?"
the answer is--- you don't. They aren't your courts. They don't
function under your law. They are not designed to give you justice.
Hello? These are foreign, private, corporate "courts" on our soil,
here to ride herd on federal "citizens" who are merely "residing" here
----passing through on their way to some other duty station--- and who
are obligated to live under foreign territorial or municipal law.
you want justice and respect for your Constitution and its guarantees,
you have to provide yourself with American Common Law Courts and you
have to learn how to communicate with these foreign maritime and
admiralty courts. Most of all, you have to re-establish your identity
as a free-born American standing on your native shore.
After twenty years I still don't know what it is about "self-governance" that is so bitterly hard to understand?
If you want America to be the way America is supposed to be, then you have to get up off your duff and make it so.
You have to correct your public records and political status.
have to find like-minded people to form jural assemblies and elect
judges and land jurisdiction sheriffs and do all the other work
necessary to launch American Common Law Courts in your county, then
your state.
You don't go to a Spanish Court in search of American justice, do you?
why go to a foreign "United States" Court designed and operated by
foreign powers, and expect them to know who you are and to administer
the law you are heir to?
All the powers
delegated to the federal corporate government are international in
nature. They have no delegated power on the land, except to expedite
interstate commerce. Apart from zealously impersonating you so as to
have a means to control you and an excuse for addressing you in their
foreign courts, they have nothing to do with you or your state of the
Union at all.
In fact, they can't raise a jury of your peers and technically, they aren't even allowed to address you.
bad as this is, as wrong as it is, it has been this way since 1864 and
has been much worse since 1938----and none of it is likely to get
better until everyone wakes up and does something about it. Like now.
Nothing very overt happened that day
back in August 1998. No fireworks. No bands playing. It was a quiet
dog-day in Big Lake, Alaska. My elderly Siamese cat followed me from
one side of the kitchen to the other like a dog, back and forth as I
puttered around trying to dodge the awful Truth that hedged me slowly
into a chair by the window.
I didn't want to
know what I knew about the IRS or the government in general. I wanted
to believe in Mom and Apple Pie as much as anyone else ever did. It
was easier that way. Comfortable. Safe. But it was also the life of a
slave, a life of fear.
It was the fear that finally got me.
I knew I couldn't spend my life being afraid.
very quietly, very humbly, just me, myself, and I----- the decision was
made and the die was cast and here I am, twenty years later. At the
time, I didn't know exactly what I was going to do nor how I was going
to do it.
Most likely neither will you. Just make the decision and start.