Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Something STRANGE happens when Democrats leave the White House...


After their exodus from the White House, the Obamas joined another rarified club, that of the 'ruling liberal elite' class owning multiple ultra-expensive homes in highly exclusive communities that none in America can afford, save the 'one percenters.'  The very same one-percenters whom they rant and rail against as being the greedy, egocentric millionaires who simply have too much - following the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton who (despite Hillary's claim that they left The White House dead broke) some how managed to educate their daughter at Stanford, Oxford, NYU and Columbia ($500,000?), acquire a $1.7 million estate in Chappaqua and a $2.85 million mansion in Georgetown.
And then Bernie Sanders who, shortly after ending his 2016 presidential bid, bought his third home, a $600,000.00 lakefront vacation house on Lake Champlain.
Example only of $2+ mil. real estate in Lake Champlain

Barack (aka Barry Soetoro and 'bozo') and Michelle have real estate designs of their own.  Earlier this year it was revealed that, upon his leaving the 'presidency', the Obamas will not be returning to Chicago. Imagine that?!  Not returning to Chicago - the city that made Obama famous?! They will instead be moving into a $6 million, 8,200-square foot, 9-bedroom, 12-bathroom mansion in Kalorama, one of the Washington District's most posh, desirable and exclusive neighborhoods in the heart of one of America's wealthiest zip codes.  With daughter Malia off to college, that leaves just Barack, Michelle and Sasha until the younger daughter graduates high school in 2018. 

9 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms for 3 people??  Some how this reminds me of the TV sitcom Move'n on UP.  Any of you out there remember that show?  The show focuses on George and Louise Jefferson, a prosperous African-American couple (What happened to just being 'American'?  Isn't that good enough any more?) who have been able to move from Queens to Manhattan owing to the success of George's dry-cleaner chain - sort of like Obama's 'community organizing' success for the communist party. 

 Example only of a Colonial Residence, Kalorama, WA, DC $5+ Mil

Nothing says they care about 'climate change,' energy consumption and our CO2 footprint more than keeping an 8,200-square foot house heated and air-conditioned year 'round for just three people. The hypocrisy and 'do as I say, not as I do' hubris of all these wealthy climate change proponents is sickening.  By the way, the Obamas' new home is just two doors down from Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta, who recently lost the most significant campaign of his life.
But that's not the new news.  We have now learned Barack and Michelle are the proud owners of yet another home, this one on the west coast.  As reported by Page Six and other sources, the Obamas have a new home in Rancho Mirage, California.  Rancho Mirage is a popular golf getaway which would explain its attraction to the soon-to-be ex-golfer-in-chief.  By some counts this makes the Obamas' fifth home, also from Page Six, The Obamas are also said to have bought a holiday getaway in Obama's childhood home state of Hawaii.  How many American families own five of anything, let alone houses in Hawaii that they see once a year or so.  Most of us are blessed if able to rent a hotel room or condo in Hawaii once a decade or a life time.  And what about reporting that $4.9 multi-million dollar home on a sand key in Dubai  - along with the continual long line of sewage trucks picking up the sewage of Dubai since the engineers forgot to plan for sewage pipes and disposal plants. 

Example only of home in Rancho Mirage, CA
The relocation habits of Democrats leaving office is very interesting.  For example, having been voted out of office in 2014, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu didn't return to Louisiana.  Instead she made her 7,300-square foot, $2.5 million Washington, DC mansion, her new home.
Rather than returning to Little Rock, when Bill and Hillary left the White House, they chose the liberal, ultra-wealthy haven of Chappaqua, New York, with its average household income of $285,801.00 and average household net worth of $1,564,366.00 for their new residence.
Now it's the Obamas' turn.  Are they going back to Chicago to live amongst the little people and take their chances becoming yet another statistic (total number shot as of this writing this year: 3,961)?  No, not so much.  They, like the others, are moving into a private, secured community to live in a house big enough for five families where they will host cocktail parties for golf buddies and other millionaire and billionaire (communist) friends.
Yet like the Sanders, Landrieus and Clintons of the world, they will accept exorbitant five-, six-, even seven-figure speaking fees to give speeches about how the rich in our country are steadily pulling away from everyone else and increasingly isolating themselves.  About how the concentration of wealth at the top is allowing some Americans to own multiple houses, vacation when and as they please and live lives most of the rest of the country cannot fathom.
They'll blather on and on about how the rich are a big part of the problems in our country but they gladly join them hoping no one will notice.  Well, we did!

(Harry Truman once said, "One cannot become wealthy being a president unless you are doing something crooked".)

There you have it!  America's example of the 'ruling liberal elite' class!  Just think of the politicians, crooks and pedophiles - or are they all in the one same 'class'?  





Mass shooting at a church in Tennessee Sunday morning.


Matt Walsh
September 25 2017

Oh, hey, by the way, there was a mass shooting at a church in Tennessee yesterday morning.

A Sudanese immigrant named Emanuel Kidega Samson murdered someone in the parking lot and then walked into Burnette Chapel Church of Christ and started shooting indiscriminately. 

The victim who died was a 39-year-old woman and mother of two named Melanie Smith. According to her family members, she was a Godly and compassionate woman. She was killed for committing the crime of attending church on a Sunday morning.

Samson wounded six other people, including the pastor before an usher stopped him. The hero, 22-year-old Caleb Engle, was pistol-whipped in the face during the confrontation. He struggled with Samson until the terrorist, by the grace of God, accidentally shot himself. Engle then went out to his car to grab his own firearm, and stood guard over the wounded shooter until police arrived.

Perhaps I’m giving you details you already know. Maybe you read about this story on page 14 of the newspaper. I’m not exaggerating, either. The New York Times put this mass shooting on page 14. The front page was dominated by athletes kneeling. Or perhaps you heard it mentioned in a 12-second blurb at the end of a cable newscast last night. 

I flipped through a few different channels and didn’t hear it even mentioned one time, but maybe they got around to it. Of course, in a 60-minute broadcast they had to allot at least 59 minutes to cataloging the posture of NFL players. If you managed to sit through all of that, you may have heard the “P.S. There was a mass shooting at a church today.  Okay.  That’s all.  Goodnight” at the end. I don’t know.

Most likely, though, you didn’t hear much about this story. I wasn’t aware of it myself until this morning. That’s because a terrorist attack at a church, which was cut short due to the incredible heroism of an usher, is a minor and insignificant event compared to political demonstrations of *millionaire football players, according to the media and a large portion of our society. (*Easy come by that salary, and that only in America can you throw a ball or tackle someone and get paid a million bucks to do it, live in a 12,000 SF mansion with multiple garage bays and pick up every chick within 5 feet - and NOT BE GRATEFUL ENOUGH FOR THAT PRIVILEGE AND WEALTH TO PAY HOMAGE TO THE COUNTRY ALONG WITH THOSE WHO CAME TO WATCH YOU PLAY THE GAME.)
I’m embarrassed on behalf of all of America. Consider how the members of this church must feel. First, their place of worship is attacked by a terrorist, and then they look around and see that nobody really cares. We’re all too busy arguing about the correct physical positioning for football players during the national anthem. I’m sure media coverage is the least of their worries at the moment, but it’s still shameful. 

There is no excuse for putting these stupid NFL antics on the front page and burying a story that, by any rational measure, is approximately one billion times more relevant and important.

Of course, I realize that the media has additional motivations here. Not only is the NFL story sexier and more watchable, but it’s also vastly more politically convenient.

The church shooting does no favors to the liberal narrative, so it must be ignored. The shooter was black. He’s a Sudanese immigrant. He killed a white woman. He was stopped by a good guy with a gun. If the races were switched and you removed the pesky pro-Second Amendment element of the story, perhaps it may have fighting chance to compete with choreographed protests in professional sports for airtime. But the details being what they are, the outcome was predetermined. This was destined to be buried. The NFL distraction just made it that much easier.

But those of us who do take a second to reflect on Sunday’s truly newsworthy event will come away with, among other things, a riveting picture of what real courage looks like. If you were to compare the minutes the media has spent slobbering over the heroism of kneeling athletes compared to how many minutes they’ve spent even acknowledging the heroism of the guy who tackled and neutralized a crazed gunman in a Tennessee church on Sunday, I’m guessing it would be about 9,000,000 to zero. But I’m of the radical opinion that the ratio should be exactly reversed.

It requires no bravery whatsoever to participate in a trendy form of protest, especially when the protest is guaranteed to win you admiration. Granted, it will also earn you contempt from some corners, but they are corners populated by exactly the sort of people that a liberal-minded millionaire enjoys antagonizing.

On the other hand, one must possess a breathtaking amount of courage to charge into the midst of gunfire and attempt to neutralize a terrorist with your bare hands. A man of ordinary or slightly above average fortitude would run for the exits. Even the most dutiful and dependable church usher probably would not consider detaining terrorists to be a part of his job description. But this was no ordinary man or church usher. This was a hero. A real hero. Just don’t tell him that he’s a hero.  

(Fire these no-goods from their overpaid NFL jobs; then perhaps they will come to realize they have lost their good fortune that was only available to them in the united States.  Maybe they will learn their lesson and stand next time for the privilege to live in and to play ball in this nation.)

The (ungrateful swollen-heads spoiled rotten over-paid despicable) NFL players kneeling for the anthem will gladly accept your applause and admiration (of course). 

But Caleb Engle, the hero of Burnette Chapel Church of Christ, has tried desperately to shut down such talk. He issued a statement labeling the police and first responders as the true heroes. Then he asked for prayers for the victims and the gunman.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible but not newsworthy, evidently.

And in case you’re wondering, media: This is why people despise you.


Monday, September 25, 2017

2010 Gulf oil spill killing the cleanup crew

The big 2010 oil spill killed aquatic life and ecosystems; now it’s killing the cleanup crew

(Natural News) The dispersants used during the cleanup of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill have made the cleanup workers sick. This was the conclusion that federal scientists came to in their study that was published in Environmental Health Perspectives

The report is a part of the ongoing Gulf Long-term Follow-up (GuLF) study being spearheaded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). While the public remains unaffected by the dispersants, a number of workers experienced health symptoms that ranged from coughing and wheezing to skin and eye irritation to eczema.

To come to this conclusion, the researchers used 31,609 English or Spanish-speaking workers who had either handled dispersants during the oil spill or were close to these chemicals as they were being used. These chemical dispersants were Corexit EC9500A and Corexit EC9527A, chemicals that have since been found to be toxic to marine life and made even more toxic when mixed with oil. 

While 700,000 gallons of these chemicals were pumped directly to the stream of oil gushing out of the well, over a million gallons were applied to the oil on the sea’s surface.  The study involved contacting each participant for a telephone interview on enrollment, a home visit that with medical assessments and biological sample collecting, and a follow-up telephone interview.

The researchers found that the workers who had been exposed to the dispersants had a greater chance of experiencing certain health symptoms, specifically five respiratory symptoms, two eye irritation symptoms, and one dermal symptom. For some of the workers, these symptoms disappeared one to three years later. For others, their symptoms have continued to persist years after. 

(Related: Study confirms secret chemicals used to disperse oil in the Gulf cause cancer)

“As would be expected, direct work with dispersants was more strongly associated with the respiratory and eye irritation outcomes than indirect exposure through working in an area where dispersants were used,” the researchers wrote in their study. “Even so, for most symptoms, indirect exposure was significantly associated with the symptoms, indicating that these likely lower exposures may also be important.”

Dr. Linda Birnbaum., NIEHS director, said of the study: “While symptoms are not disease, many people who worked on the oil spill underwent a stressful experience. Some of them are continuing to not feel well, and we don’t know what factors are contributing to it. The ongoing GuLF STUDY research is important for shedding light on the potential health impacts associated with an oil spill.”

What are dispersants?


According to BiologicalDiversity.org, dispersants are specialized chemicals designed to remove oil from water surfaces. Dispersants work by breaking up oil slicks into tiny droplets that have high surface-to-volume ratio. Not only does this make it easier for microbes to break the droplets down even further, but these droplets are also much easier to scatter. This makes them more advantageous to use than mechanical recovery methods — like skimmers and boomers — which would have only been able to clean up a small portion of the oil spill.

What are the effects of dispersants?


However, as was discussed earlier, dispersants have repercussions that are felt to this day. In addition to the effects observed in the GuLF Study, Corexit EC9527A is known to contain 2-Butoxyethanol, a toxin that can injure the kidneys, liver, or red blood cells with excessive or repeated exposure.

Moreover, did you know that both Corexit EC9527A and Corexit EC9500A have been banned from use in the United Kingdom because tests concluded that these chemicals were dangerous to marine life? This happened in 1998. And a little over a decade later, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved these chemicals for the cleanup in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This says a lot about the organization, don’t you think?

Visit Enviro.news to read up on more stories about the environment and its impact on our health.

Sources include:


Yes, this post has been published already - BUT WHY AGAIN THIS TIME?

NOTE:  Yes, this post has been published already on this website, BUT THIS POST AND THE POST FOLLOWING IT BELOW ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US - 'WE THE PEOPLE'!  Please READ and CAREFULLY CONSIDER what Anna is saying to us, I mean really read each word and contemplate what is being said here.  Our present and our future are dependent upon our discerning and understanding of the DECEPTION taking place RIGHT NOW regarding the 'REPUBLIC'.  NOT ALL OF THE PLAYERS IN THIS 'GAME' AND NOT ALL WEBSITES you are referring to multiple times daily for 'updates' and 'intel' ARE providing you with honest and accurate information about the TRUE 'Republic'!  Do you UNDERSTAND THIS?  Most are part of the massive deception, and are working in league with the same slavemasters (Rothschild, the swamp in Wash DC,  et al) that we are trying to be permanently rid of. KEEP THIS IN MIND.  Consider WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS!


So-Called Republic of North America

By Anna Von Reitz 
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Anyone who believes any bull put out by anyone called "Rautshild" --- which means "Rotten Shield" needs their heads examined.  

These criminals have been preying upon us for 150 years and they think that they are so smart and we are so stupid that they are going to be able to make false claims of "abandonment"---- saying that we "abandoned" or "gifted" or "donated" our assets to these criminals---- and come in here and displace us as the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of virtually every incorporated entity on this planet INCLUDING all their banks.  

Alaska and Hawaii like all the "states" supposedly added to the Union after 1860 are not actually states, but states-in-waiting because there hasn't been a sitting Continental (land jurisdiction) Congress since then to enroll them.  But they do have contracts known as "Statehood Compacts" which are legally binding Treaties ultimately signed off on by the British Monarchs.  

This means that while none of these Western States are actually part of the land jurisdiction Union, they are nonetheless owed all the same rights and guarantees.
And as the actual Constitution was not vacated as the perpetrators of these crimes anticipated--- because we got busy and issued new Sovereign Letters Patent and forged agreements with new "federal" partners---- these pretenders are all "Secondary Creditors" and SOL (Shit Out of Luck for those younger than 40). 

No "Republic of North America" and no more Commercial Feudalism.  

End Game.  Checkmate.  

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
New Republic--My Big, Fat Rump!
Inline image 1 
By Anna Von Reitz  
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I am amused in a grim way by what the Bank of France (Jacob Rothschild) and Paul Ryan and a number of dishonest and/or ignorant Generals are trying to pull off with all their "restored Republic" rhetoric.

It's hard to restore something that never existed in the first place.

There was never "a" single republic of any kind, but rather, fifty independent nation-states guaranteed a "republican form" of government. That's quite a different thing. 
What they-- Paul Ryan and the other perps-- are proposing is a resurrection of the old dishonest nasty territorial corporation under a different name, but the same basic management team. (NOW YOU KNOW WHY these traitors continue to walk the halls of CON-gress and do the traitorous and illegal actions that they do  Do you understand this? This same satanic system with the SAME SATANIC IMPOSTERS using a deceptive name is NOT what We the People want OR should accept!)
To that we have said, "Thanks, but no thanks. You did a rotten, self-serving, dishonest job since 1946 and we have no need or desire for your further services, apart from a month-by-month agreement to pay for services you provide during the re-venue and transition to other accommodations." (In other words, IF using ANY of their 'services', it would be on a temporary month to month basis - AND NO MORE.)

In other words, Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of France (sponsor of the IMF fiasco) have been given a polite boot out the door, and Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and the other bad actors right along with the USA, Inc. Their attempt at "restructuring" the same old manure pile by calling it by a new name --- "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.)" and misrepresenting a commercial corporation as a "new republic"--- isn't going to change our minds or make any difference in the outcome. (Do you recall General Dunford making an excessively QUICK trip to FRANCE once he was provided with the correct paperwork from another Republic source? In handing over to Dunford the correct paperwork, the enemy we have been enslaved by knew exactly what to do or change in order to make it appear as being THEIRS and thus totally fooling us, and totally destroying our attempts to use those documents to do the actual resurrection of our sleeping Republic.)

The entire world is now aware of what is going on here and nobody is putting up with it any longer. The 200-plus nations that have suffered along with the American states and people from the bullying and lawlessness of both the territorial and municipal "government" corporations are as fed up as we are. (ARE WE as 'fed up' as Anna would portend? Or are we going to sit back and wait for someone else to solve the problem for us instead of OUR getting involved and MAKING SURE dumb mistakes don't happen again, including providing the enemy with our legal documentation as well as allowing them to continue their illegal activities against us and our nation?)
So if push comes to shove and the perpetrators backing the "New Republic" refuse to face the simple FACT that their employers have sacked them and refused to renew a long-term contract for cause ---and in fact have made other 'arrangements' with other "federal" service providers--- it won't be just a bunch of American farmers staring down their gun barrels.

The entire world will know that Jacob Rothschild dba Bank of France is meddling in American internal affairs and trying to butt in and assume succession to a service contract after being authoritatively and in public "conditionally accepted".

Our conditions include a peaceful and smooth re-venuing of the government functions owed to the actual land jurisdiction states and people, and the equally peaceful release and return of our assets purloined by the Municipal United States and last, but not least, a peaceful transition to our new service providers.
So now - what are 'THE PEOPLE' GOING TO DO to INSURE that the peaceful and smooth revenuing of the government functions does, indeed, occur, and that all the traitors are lawfully and officially disposed of ASAP?  Or will 'the people' continue to sit on their laurels, complain, wait for others to get the job done for them, and do NOTHING CONSTRUCTIVE to get this task successfully resolved as quickly as possible?



"It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing."  -    Edmund Burke (12 January 17299 July 1797) was an Irish political philosopher, Whig politician and statesman who is often regarded as the father of modern conservatism.

A Message for American Bar Association Members

By Anna Von Reitz

Since 1868 this country has been criminally mismanaged and misrepresented in gross breach of trust, and in violation of solemn treaties and commercial service contracts.  This has resulted, among other things, in the practice of personage and barratry in American courts and on a worldwide basis.

Personage is essentially a crime of identity theft.  A living man or woman is deliberately presumed to be some form of incorporated entity instead and their lawful Trade Name is trespassed upon and mischaracterized to secure this end.

An example would be a living man named "James Clarence Penny" being deliberately mistaken as a C-Corporation doing business as "JC PENNY", or a public transmitting utility doing business as "JAMES C. PENNY" or a public estate trust doing business as "JAMES CLARENCE PENNY" or a co-operative doing business as "JAS C. PENNY" and so on and on. 

Barratry is the associated crime of bringing charges against living people under the false presumption that they are in fact legal fiction entities.

The American Bar Association has practiced both personage and barratry against the American people since at least 1933.  The Prima Facie evidence for this stands upon the court records of every maritime and admiralty court allowed to dry-dock in this country.

Those entrusted to be the guardians of The Law and the purveyors of Justice have instead acted as the ring-leaders and perpetrators of a vast systemic and syndicated multi-generational crime spree, both here and abroad.

Let us observe that the only possible reason that any sane assemblage of people support the existence of courts and lawyers is to ensure that their physical safety is protected, that their property rights are respected, and that a fair means of peacefully arbitrating disputes is made readily available. 

By undermining the Public Law and subverting the Cause of Justice, by openly practicing personage and barratry, by creating and then plundering public trusts and other legal fictions purposefully named after living Americans, the members of the American Bar Association have also undermined their own purported reason to exist and dishonored their profession.

We are in the process of re-venuing the governmental services back to the land jurisdiction states and new federal service providers have been named. We will not be renewing any contract with the American Bar Association or its members, with the result that anyone wishing to retain their Bar Membership will need to de-camp and remove themselves from our courthouses and public buildings no later than January 1, 2018.

Those who wish to provide honest service to the American states and people at the County and State level are invited to study American Common Law.  We recommend reading Brent Winter's book, The Excellence of the Common Law, as a starting point.  Take up the necessary task of re-populating the local and state courts with competent Justices of the Peace. 

Those who wish to serve or continue to serve at a federal level will be serving  Federal Postal District Courts and Circuit Courts.  Any need for "US District Courts" will be greatly reduced.

All maritime, admiralty, and 'special admiralty' courts are now required to fly the actual Title 4 Flag and may not operate under color of law via the display of National Colors. All civil courts on our soil are required to fly the U.S. Civil Flag and to operate under the provisions and presumptions of the peacetime Public Law.

We recognize that there are many good and well-intentioned lawyers in this country and even a reasonable number of competent and ethical professional attorneys, but in the end -- the situation is what it is, and it speaks for itself. Six generations of Americans have been enslaved by commercial corporations operated in Breach of Trust and under color of law.  This outcome would not be possible without the support and knowing consent of a great many lawyers both now and in the past. 

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America (Unincorporated)

New Republic-----My Big, Fat Rump!

By Anna Von Reitz

I am amused in a grim way by what the Bank of France (Jacob Rothschild) and Paul Ryan and a number of dishonest and/or ignorant Generals are trying to pull off with all their "restored Republic" rhetoric.

It's hard to restore something that never existed in the first place.

There was never "a" single republic of any kind, but rather, fifty independent nation-states guaranteed a "republican form" of government. That's quite a different thing. 
What they-- Paul Ryan and the other perps-- are proposing is a resurrection of the old dishonest nasty territorial corporation under a different name, but the same basic management team.
To that we have said, "Thanks, but no thanks. You did a rotten, self-serving, dishonest job since 1946 and we have no need or desire for your further services, apart from a month-by-month agreement to pay for services you provide during the re-venue and transition to other accommodations."

In other words, Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of France (sponsor of the IMF fiasco) have been given a polite boot out the door, and Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and the other bad actors right along with the USA, Inc. Their attempt at "restructuring" the same old manure pile by calling it by a new name--- "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.)" and misrepresenting a commercial corporation as a "new republic"--- isn't going to change our minds or make any difference in the outcome.

The entire world is now aware of what is going on here and nobody is putting up with it any longer. The 200-plus nations that have suffered along with the American states and people from the bullying and lawlessness of both the territorial and municipal "government" corporations are as fed up as we are. 
So if push comes to shove and the perpetrators backing the "New Republic" refuse to face the simple FACT that their employers have sacked them and refused to renew a long-term contract for cause ---and in fact have made other arrangements with other "federal" service providers--- it won't be just a bunch of American farmers staring down their gun barrels.

The entire world will know that Jacob Rothschild dba Bank of France is meddling in American internal affairs and trying to butt in and assume succession to a service contract after being authoritatively and in public "conditionally accepted".

Our conditions include a peaceful and smooth re-venuing of the government functions owed to the actual land jurisdiction states and people and the equally peaceful release and return of our assets purloined by the Municipal United States and last but not least, a peaceful transition to our new service providers.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Sunday, September 24, 2017

So You Took An Oath to Defend and Preserve the Constitution.....For All Members of the Military and Police Forces

By Anna Von Reitz

Most of the people we talk to who say that they "took an oath to preserve and defend the Constitution"----including many military officers---- : (1) don't know what a Constitution is; (2) never seriously sat down and studied or thought about any one of the three Constitutions Americans are likely to encounter; (3) don't know which Constitution they took an Oath to.

This article is for all those people. 

The greatest enemy we face every day is ignorance.  The second greatest is sloth-- which leads to the careless "taking for granted" of things which should never be taken for granted.

A "constitution" is a debt agreement. 

It lays out services to be provided, who is responsible for providing these services, how they will be administered, and who pays for the services.

Even a cursory glance at any one of the three (3) Constitutions Americans are likely to see reveals that, yes, indeed, all these matters are covered--howbeit, in different forms and by different parties.

No doubt it is a surprise to many that we have three Constitutions.  Let's start there and review the facts.

There is "The Constitution for the united States of America" written and adopted in 1787.  This is the actual Constitution forming the union of unincorporated organic land jurisdiction "States of America" into a union (a form of association) of sovereign states, doing business as the unincorporated United States of America.  Notice that this unincorporated entity was created "for" the States of America.  These "States" are also unincorporated entities.  Notice that "unincorporated" is a synonym for "sovereign". 

It was necessary to create and form this union of states first in order to have a central body responsible for exercising all the "powers" of the sovereign states in international jurisdiction BEFORE those powers could be exercised in common or separated out and delegated to any other party.  This is the actual Constitution from which all other Constitutions (debt agreements for services) are derived and upon which they all depend for their existence. 

So, the unincorporated United States of America was formed first, received the responsibility for exercising all international powers in 1787, and two years later, delegated nineteen of its enumerated powers to the British Monarch and His Proxy Government known as The United States of America as described and organized under The Constitution of the United States of America adopted in 1789.  Notice that this foreign British-controlled "district government" was created "of" the United States of America --meaning "apart from, outside of, or belonging to" the United States of America.

Whereas the first Constitution was an agreement between the national governments of the individual sovereign states to form a union and to mutually operate both their international land and international sea jurisdiction powers under a supra-national union of their states known as the unincorporated United States of America,  the second Constitution delegated nineteen of those international powers to a foreign territorial government run as a proxy government under strictly delegated powers by the British Monarch.  The District of Columbia was carved out as a base of operations for this proxy government and it was also granted the ability to own and operate dock yards, arsenals, and similar facilities needed to exercise its delegated powers. 

All the non-delegated "reserved" powers in international jurisdiction remained with the unincorporated United States of America and the sovereign states and people.  See Amendment X.

After the so-called Civil War, which was never declared and never ended by any treaty (and was thus an illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores) the British-controlled federal territorial --- also known as "district government" reorganized itself as a for-profit governmental services corporation and unlawfully converted their original Constitution into a foreign commercial corporation charter, thereby fundamentally altering the nature of the document itself without the knowledge or consent of the American states and people. 

The foreign conspirators published their handiwork as "The Constitution of the United States of America" in 1868 and it appeared to be virtually identical to their original 1789 Constitution.  What was hidden from view is that the very nature of the document itself had been unlawfully converted.  It no longer represented a tri-lateral international treaty among sovereign states, but was instead secretively re-cast as the charter of a British commercial corporation in the business of providing "governmental services".  This fundamental fraud against the actual treaty obligations and against the American states and people went undetected and misunderstood for a hundred and fifty years, but has now come to light and proves gross Breach of Trust and violation of both multiple treaties and international service contracts by the British Monarchs and the various Popes responsible for this travesty.

Don't believe it?  We have absolute and fully documented proof that not a single "Amendment" to the 1868 "Constitution" has ever been properly ratified by the required number of states. The reason for this is, or should be, self-evident.   As a tri-lateral international treaty the 1789 Constitution requires ratification by the states, but the look-alike, sound-alike corporate charter is just that--- a commercial corporate charter like any other, which requires only a majority vote by the Board of Directors to adopt "amendments".  Whereas the actual 1789 Constitution is a public and international document, the 1868 fake is a private organizational charter.  Basically, the renegade "Rump Congress" went into business for itself with the help of the British Monarch and the Pope back in 1868. 

They--- the federal corporations, the British Monarchs, and the Popes--- have been splitting the profits from this gross betrayal of trust and sharing the fruits of this commercial fraud ever since.  We have the proof of that, too, fully documented in the public and banking records. 

Ten years later, in 1878, another travesty was allowed to occur.  This one involved the similar incorporation of the Municipal (city state) government of Washington, DC.  The actual Constitution allowed Congress "plenary" control of Washington, DC, so they took advantage of this fact to make Washington, DC an independent international city-state run by another commercial corporation under their own auspices.  This then gave rise to the "Constitution of the United States"--- another corporate charter masquerading as a valid treaty document.
The Constitution of the United States (Municipal Government) again mirrors the actual 1789 Constitution, but in a much simplified and truncated form.

This foreign municipal "constitution" is what your purported Congressmen and Senators take their Oath of Office to.  Don't believe it?  Look it up on the internet.  There it is in black and white --- Oath of Office --- taken to "the Constitution of the United States". 

Basically, they take an oath to their own power and self-interest as plenary oligarchs in charge of the Washington, DC city-state and as the Board of Directors of the associated for-profit municipal governmental services corporation. 

Whereas the federal territorial "government" is the responsibility of the British Monarchs, the municipal "government" is the responsibility of the Popes. 

Both of these organizations have been grossly and criminally mismanaged in violation of our National Trust and all the venerable international treaties and commercial contracts connected to it since 1868 and 1878, respectively.  Together they have run the "State of State" franchises in our actual states and the "STATE OF STATE" franchises, too.  They have ruthlessly harvested the labor and natural resources of this country for fifteen decades with the help of our own employees and the Sergeant Schultz-like ignorance of our military leaders.

One can only imagine the Joint Chiefs lined up in a row stuttering, "I know NOTHING!  I see NOTHING!  I hear NOTHING!"

Well, hear this ---- the lawful civil government of this country gave you explicit orders over three years ago telling you what needed to be done and you still haven't done it.  Now you are accepting paychecks from the Bank of France, which last time we looked, is the central bank of a foreign government.  What do you propose to do?  Act as foreign mercenaries against your actual employers--- the American states and people?  

Saying that you "took an Oath to the Constitution" without saying which Constitution and what kind of "constitution" is like saying you "cleaned the toilet bowl" without mentioning which toilet bowl in which house. 

Now the Pope has moved to liquidate the Municipal corporation as of four years ago and that has upset the whole cozy arrangement by which the USA, Inc. and its State of State franchises was being funded off of our slave labor, so both the Municipal and Territorial federal corporations are in receivership ---one in Chapter 7 and the other in Chapter 11 -- and the Bank of France (Jacob Rothschild) is providing the capital to keep the Territorial "government" running on fumes during reorganization. 

Gentlemen -- there are three governments on this continent, one of which, the unincorporated United States of America, is the Paramount Security Interest Holder and Priority Creditor of every Territorial and Municipal government and every franchise of all those governments worldwide.  The other two are bankrupt multi-national corporations that have nothing to do with us, other than the fact that they have been operated in gross Breach of Trust and commercial contract on our shores while you have all collected your paychecks and snored on.  

One entity in this Mess is owed all the wealth and owns all the assets of virtually every incorporated entity on this planet, including the commercial banks, which are all technically bankrupt, too.  And this entity just happens to be the lawful government of this country operating under the actual Constitution of this country.   The other two multi-national corporations responsible for this deplorable situation are under the administration of bankruptcy Trustees named by Secondary Creditors (international banks) which are themselves in receivership to us.

Let us suggest that: (1) you probably meant to take your Oath to the actual Constitution, didn't you?  and (2) to the extent that you were deceived into taking an Oath to any other foreign "constitution" by mistake, that Oath is null and void.

So,upward and onward and no excuses.  This is not a matter of any dispute requiring any legal process to determine the facts.  Both the British Monarch and the Pope have admitted the facts and have withdrawn from the "field of battle" over these issues.  That's why the Municipal corporations are in involuntary bankruptcy and that is why the Territorial corporations are in Chapter 11.  Even the central banks are not trying to argue it.  They know where things stand, because it was their stated intention and past practice to claim our assets as "abandoned property". 

As of 2015, we, the American states and people, operating our lawful international government, the unincorporated United States of America, re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent, established new service contracts with different federal service providers, and in 2017, we completed our international claims process and established our private Indemnity Bond upon the United States Treasury 1789.  The lawful government of this country is open for business again and ready to dispense with the quadrillions of dollars of debt (which is our credit) that have been amassed against billions of innocent people and their lawful governments.

When we speak of "re-venuing" the government, we are talking about the return of the government functions to the control of the actual land jurisdiction states and the enforcement of the actual Constitution.  This needs to take place without disruption or misunderstanding.  As part of this process, the former federal Paymasters need to prepare to switch over to our funding sources and the bankruptcy Trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors need to move over for the actual Priority Creditors who have presented themselves to settle the bankruptcy of both the Municipal and Territorial corporations worldwide.  All those presently engaged in "law enforcement" activities need to gear up to enforce the Public Law instead. 

Those of you who took an Oath to the wrong constitution by mistake are not obligated to fulfill any oath undertaken under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.  Instead, you are invited to renew your Oath to the actual Constitution and to the unincorporated United States of America.  You are free to return home to the land and soil of your birth and to inherit all that is yours by nature and right. 

With the True God as our Witness, what we are telling you is true and verifiable and not in dispute.  

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State, United States of America (Unincorporated)
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Obama's Legacy


Transporting political promises!