Friday, October 27, 2017

It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election........

It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election; it was the British.

Christopher Steele, former British intelligence officer who worked for MI6 and produced the fake Trump-Russia dossier for Fusion GPS.

Fabricated Oppo Against Trump by British Spook Firm, Illegally Funded by Clinton Campaign and DNC, Then Used to Initiate Probe and Appoint Special Counsel, And Conduct a Witch Hunt Against Trump and Russia      *oppo = opposition research for political purposes

State of the Nation
“Religious authority always trumps financial and economic prowess, which in turn always trumps political power; political power always trumps military force.”
(Source: Anglo-American Axis Wages Financial/Economic War Against Russia)

“Trump trumps them all in 2017”   — Armchair political analyst
In their joint effort to ensure a Clinton victory (and a Trump loss), a transatlantic partnership was secretly formed at the highest echelons of the American and British Governments.
In so doing, webs of intrigue were woven to first entrap the Trump Campaign; and then to ensnare the fledging administration post Inauguration Day.  In the interest of inflaming suspicions about a non-existent collusion between the Russians and Team Trump, Dossiergate was born.

Special Note:

The burning question on everyone’s mind is: Why did the Democrats risk so much by floating the bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” story when they knew it was patently false. They were exceedingly desperate.  Not only to explain their historic loss at the polls (think Podesta); bit also to deflect the inevitable accusations of sheer corruption when their own Russian Scandal was blown wide open as is happening now.  The Democrats under the Clintons and Obama have so much naked criminality that their only way out was to go on the offense.

“It has been a Clinton MO for decades to accuse their enemies of exactly what they themselves are guilty of. This allowed them in the past to always be on the offensive, and rarely on the defensive, even when they are guilty of so much hardcore criminal activity.[2] The incredibly sore losers on the Democratic side have levied false conspiracy charges against the Trump campaign for so long that now the country is ready to hear about the real Russian conspiracy—Uraniumgate.” (Source: URANIUMGATE: The Queen Bee Gets Stung By ‘The Putin Sting’)

Truly, it doesn’t get more sordid than Dossiergate in the political and espionage realm on either side of the Atlantic.  Not only were the false allegations against President Trump quite purposefully concocted, they were prurient and scurrilous, salacious and lascivious for a very specific reason.  In point of fact, these fictitious allegations were deliberately manufactured with the intent to deceive the American people and the U.S. Congress.  And so they did.

KEY POINT: It’s a very common tactic of the U.S. Intelligence Community, especially throughout the American political realm, to take down a targeted politician with explicit accusations of sexual misconduct. The C.I.A., NSA, DIA and FBI have used this technique of personal destruction practically forever.  They know that the historical puritan mindset of many voting citizens does not tolerate this type of wrongdoing, particularly on the Right.  They even took down President Clinton using his own outrageous sexual exploits –perpetrated in the White House — against him.

The Russians may be coming, but the British are already here

As a matter of historical fact, the British never left the Thirteen Colonies after the Revolutionary War.  Herein lies the real problem.
Very few really understand the true nature of the Anglo-American ‘special relationship’.  It’s very special alright because the United States of America is still a colony of the British Empire.  Just because the empire has been replaced by the “The Commonwealth of Nations” doesn’t mean it is not very much alive and working…toward the financial enslavement of humanity.
The two primary control mechanisms by which the Brits have successfully exercised total control over the U.S. Government, Inc. are financial and legal.  Of course, on paper — the paper that no one has ever seen before — the U.S. Federal Reserve System is, at its core, a British-Rothschild banking operation.  Yes, there are several other international stakeholders in the Federal Reserve criminal banking syndicate, but at the first level of clandestine administration, it’s fundamentally British and headquartered in London.
As for the legal control matrix, that was essentially put into place with the establishment of the BAR—British Accreditation Registry. See: The Crown Temple: A History of the Bar Association and Who Really Owns the USA   As a matter of historical fact, the Founding Fathers of the American Republic quite providentially outlawed BAR-registered attorneys from ever holding public office in the USA.  However, the Thirteenth Amendment, which banned foreign agents and lawyers from operating in such a capacity, was surreptitiously mysteriously struck from the Congressional record and conveniently erased from the public domain. 

See: The Missing 13th Amendment: *No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office*

SERCO: The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of

In reality, the Brits own and operate the U.S. Government, Inc. as though it was the British East India Company of the 17th century.  While such a statement may seems incredible, it’s absolutely true.  In fact, from a strictly financial and legal viewpoint, there is a British Company doing business as SERCO, Inc. throughout the United States that literally controls much of U.S. Federal Government.  The following exposé clearly delineates the depth and breadth of this relatively unknown British enterprise.
SERCO: Foreign Outsourcing Giant Takes Over the US National Security State
With this greatly expanded understanding, it ought to be much easier to apprehend the sheer enormity and profundity of the takeover of America by our British overlords.  And, by the way, SERCO, is only one of hundreds of multinational companies headquartered in London which own and operate half of Corporate America.  Not only was this achieved through outright stock ownership, the covert side is implemented through transparent overlapping directorships, secret offshore banking relationships, shareholder proxy wars, and many other ways of stealthily taking control of a publicly traded corporation.

What’s the point?

First, that this inexorable process of taking complete control of the 50 states and territories began in 1776.  Actually, the Brits had already owned — lock, stock and barrel — as they like to say, the colonies from day one.  So maintaining, and implementing further, such tight control was really quite easy given that most of the lockdown took place completely under the radar.  When you have 240 plus years to lock the whole place down, how difficult will it be when you effectively own the banks, developed all legal process and procedure, and own all the root technologies?

The British Press

There is no other press corps on Earth as proficient in the art of fabricating war propaganda and fictitious narratives as London’s Fleet Street.  This is where all of the major wars waged across the planet since 1600 both began, and ended.
“Fleet Street was once considered the most important location for journalism in the world, with Britain’s national newspapers making the street their home for centuries.”[1]
No other language has ever attained the global status as English has.  Of course, this significant fact of life was guaranteed by the unrivalled length and breadth of the British Empire.  The bottom line here is that wherever English is written or spoken, you know who the real boss is.  That’s because once power of that magnitude is acquired, it doesn’t ever change hands.  It may appear to, but it really doesn’t.
In light of these stark realities, it should come as no surprise that there is no other nation that has meddled in the affairs of the United States like Great Britain.  A quick scan of the London dailies will clearly demonstrate that myriad headlines are still directed at their former colony.  A careful analysis will demonstrate that many of the most fallacious stories about the US government and American society are generated by the British tabloids, which then find their way onto their mainstream media platforms; albeit, in a much more acceptable format.
Simply put, there is no Media Industry anywhere that can cook up a dish of pure BS, mixed with mendacity, seasoned with utter falsehoods and garnished with libel like the Brits.  It’s almost as though these folks (the stone-cold liars among them aka presstitutes) were hardwired to lie at birth—for real!  They are also great weavers of webs of lies and deceit (when they’re not in the kitchen) creating whole tapestries with their characteristic threads of disinformation and misinformation, prevarication and equivocation, deception and misrepresentation.

Fast forward to 2016 


The 2016 presidential campaign season saw the British press go into gear like never before.  From the very day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy, the London press has torn him apart like a school of piranhas.  When they weren’t doing that they were stinging him like a massive swarm of angry hornets, bees and wasps.  Every time you opened one of their news websites, you would instantly see that Trump fell into yet another snake pit, right after somehow escaping from the lion’s den.

If there is any doubt about this dubious journalistic phenomenon, please see for yourself.  The SOTN staff visits the British MSM sites before any other early every morning.  In this way we are forewarned about the day’s coming storms that are blowing across the pond.  It’s become self-evident that the British journalists, working in concert with their partners in the intelligence community, receive their talking points from on high.  Those key points then inform the rest of the world’s press about how to proceed with their hopelessly dishonest reporting.


The election of Donald Trump reflects a great failure for both the British and American media corporations that take their direction for the U.S. and U.K. Intelligence Communities.  This gross failure is where Dossiergate found its beginning.
Dossiergate was actually a joint project started by both the British and American spooks.  After 8 years of Obama, and 6 years of PM David Cameron, they knew that a LOT went on that crossed every line of legality, propriety and morality.  Obama’s lawlessness is well known and documented the world over, as was Cameron’s willingness to accommodate the New World Order agenda.  Hence, the last thing the spook community wanted to see was Dudley Do-right, in the form of a President Donald Trump, riding his horse to the White House every day.
So what did they do to prevent this eventuality?  What didn’t they do?!  Really, the spooks pulled out all the stops.  They broke every law and any law that stood in their way to preclude a Trump presidency.  The GHCQ scandal is only one very serious collusion between the CIA/NSA and MI6/GHCQ.  Wiretapping a presidential candidate by the CIA-NSA leadership, using the GHCQ for plausible deniability, is only the least serious of espionage crimes that were committed.

False Flag Terror Attack Outside Of Parliament “Staged” To Distract From The GCHQ Wiretap Scandal

If ever there was a highly organized conspiracy between the British intelligence and their American counterparts, Dossiergate is it.  That the Brits would be so recklessly bold as to produce such an obvious hit piece full of bogus evidence and counterfeit claims show just how impervious they believe they are to American justice.
Of course, the critical part that the false dossier played was simply to jumpstart the witch hunt against the Trump Administration and Putin’s Russia.  And that it did.  What is particularly fortuitous for Trump is that the scandal seems to have sucked in a “Who’s Who” of NWO globalists, all of whom are dyed-in-the-wool agents of Deep State.


You name them — Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe and others have all been stung by the Dossiergate sting.
However, the really crucial issue here is the extent to which the British control the American side of espionage, as well as manipulate the counter-espionage function to accomplish their subversive goals.
The simple point of fact about this ever-unfolding joint black operation is that it has been going on since day one.  The day that Trump declared his candidacy they all mobilized against him.  Irrespective of all the evidence showing clear-cut British interference in the 2016 election, everyone is still screaming about Russia.  The longer the Mueller investigation goes on, the more Team Trump is exonerated … and the British are appropriately incriminated.
And, yet, the British intelligence is so adept at controlling the MSM narrative that all one will ever hear is about Russia, when it’s really not-so-Great Britain that was truly responsible for such a crazy electoral process and post-election chaos.
The British have been waging a multi-century war against Russia euphemistically known as the Great Game.  So it’s quite natural that they will blame Putin’s Kremlin for anything and everything.  It’s quite true that their incorrigible and pathological hatred of all things Russian has been successfully exported to the USA.  However, it’s also very important to point out that they had a LOT of help stateside to create a whole nation of Russophobes.  

See: Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia

Trump turns the tables

Or, is it that “time” has turned the tables on the British and their American co-conspirators?
Exactly how deep and broad a scandal that this Anglo-American cabal has perpetrated will likely never be known; nor has one so revelatory ever occurred in world history.  By that, it should be understood there has never been an instance whereby hard evidence exists on the global Internet, for any digitally connected individual to read and view, which so conclusively incriminates the C.I.A., NSA, FBI, DNC, Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration.
Likewise, the same evidence points directly at the GCHQ, MI6, MI5, as well as the cottage industry of British cyber-spooks such as Fusion GPS.
The blatantly erroneous oppo piece produced by Fusion GPS will go down in history as the moment the Brits got caught with their pants down … all the way down … where they remain today.  No one has ever seen anything like the fake dossier that Christopher Steele made up out of thin air.  That he or Fusion GPS would ever attach their names to it is equally perplexing as the Brits do not tend to be so sloppy; unless, the extraordinary sloppiness was by purposeful design.  Now perhaps that’s the real story!

And the proof of this hidden back story can be found in the following headlines posted at the DRUDGE REPORT on Wednesday, October 25, 2017, as seen in this screenshot.


It’s certainly not the Russians we ought to be concerned about; it’s the bloody Brits.

State of the Nation
October 25, 2017

Editor’s Note
For the uninitiated, this exposé delineates only one layer of command and control of the Global Control Matrix.  The still functioning hierarchy of the British Empire actually represents a relatively low level of planetary administration.  The World Shadow Government is actually composed of many levels of leadership.  The British Monarchy has always been overseen by the Roman Catholic Church (i.e. the Vatican), although history has been intentionally written to indicate otherwise.  The first corporations within Christendom were incorporated in Northern Italy centuries before 1600, not London.  The Vatican and Roman law ultimately dictate, but this connection is hidden from the masses.  There are several more levels of leadership above the Vatican.  For example, the Black Nobility still exercise great power and influence in worldly affairs as do the Jewish bankers who grew rich from their global trade and commerce.

[1] Last reporters leave Fleet Street, ending centuries of journalism on the famous road
Recommended Reading
SERCO: The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of


English: The Language of Conflict and Commerce, Command and Control
When we state this fact of life on Planet Earth, we assume that it is undeniably self-evident. Truly, the English language was selected by those who determined that it was the best language with which to conduct business around the globe, advance trade and commerce throughout the world, and exploit the natural resources of the entire planet.
If you’re wondering why English was chosen, you might tune into an open session of the British Parliament on your local PBS channel. Listen closely to the word merchants work their magic of mind control and manipulation. Tony Blair’s performances of deceit and deception in the run-up to the Iraq War are particularly representative of English word merchandising. Likewise, see how relentless prevarication and fabrication have saturated the British version of the fake War on Terror. Just as betrayal and breaching of contracts occur wherever British corporations do business around the world when they want to exert financial pressure or conduct economic warfare. Ditto all of these examples for US brinkmanship as the Yankees practice gunboat diplomacy wherever there’s a foreign port and natural resources up for grabs.
You will quickly glean from the mind-numbing experience of sitting through a session of Parliament why the sun still does not set on the British Empire, as it does not set on the worldwide American Military-Industrial Complex. English is, after all, a language which is quite effective at starting and prosecuting wars via the City of London-financed, Washington, D.C.-directed, New York City-driven propaganda machine.

JFK Assassination Records - 2017 Additional Documents Release

The National Archives is releasing documents previously withheld in accordance with the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.  The vast majority of the Collection (88%) has been open in full and released to the public since the late 1990s. The records at issue are documents previously identified as assassination records, but withheld in full or withheld in part. Learn more
These releases include FBI, CIA, and other agency documents (both formerly withheld in part and formerly withheld in full) identified by the Assassination Records Review Board as assassination records. The releases to date are as follows:
Accessing the Release Files
To view or download a released file, follow the link in the “File Number” column. You can also download the full spreadsheet with metadata about all the documents. The files are sorted by NARA Release Date, with the most recent files appearing first. The previous withholding status (i.e., formerly withheld in part or formerly withheld in full) is identified in the “Formerly Withheld Status” column.

Or bulk downloads at 2 gig per file for a total of 20 gigabytes:

 Completely download all 11 files to the same directory then open to unzip all.

Download times may be significant due to the large size.

Thursday, October 26, 2017



The Mandela Affect

Trump Just Ended Welfare for one Huge Group

Trump Just Ended Welfare for one Huge Group
for 5 Years!


Sent to us by reader with URGENT plea to post........







"I am a teacher at a school on the grounds of a military base. I need to be vague so I’m not found out. Yesterday our principal informed the staff that the entire base, which borders two different communities, would be having a mass readiness drill with increased activities beyond the usual monthly siren tests. Law enforcement/ first responders for both towns have been notified, and we were told to make sure our kids are immediately brought inside if at recess when sirens go off.  Otherwise business as usual. With all of the chatter concerning the North Korea situation, I thought this was relevant.  God Bless You and keep you...."

The information below was gathered from ANTIFA flyers posted in cities across America advertising their plan to riot on Nov. 4, 2017
Citizens - avoid these locations at the times indicated.
Send to friends or family if they live in these cities or anyone will be traveling there.

Time: 12 PM Location: 4th Ave. & James St.
Seattle City Hall Plaza
Time: 2 PM Location: Salmon St. Fountain
Time: 3 PM Location: Union Square
Time: 1 PM Location: Pershing Square
Time: 2 PM Location: Thomas Paine Plaza
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Time: 9:30 AM Location: Ala Moana Park (EWA Side)
Time: 1 PM Location: Public Square
Time: 1 PM Location: 219 S. Dearborn, Federal Plaza
Time: 4 PM Location: 1 Franklin St., Shoppers Plaza
Time: 1 PM Location: 422 Guadalupe St., Republic Square Park
Time: 4 PM Location: Euclid & Moreland Ave. NE
Little 5 Points / Findlay Plaza

Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA

Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA As Massive Child-Sex Scandal Ignites Death Fears

October 25 2017

Another troubling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Donald Trump has just ordered his highly secretive and greatly feared National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) to begin “immediate neutralizing actions” against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after this American spy agency broke into the encrypted communications of US Special Forces troops operating in Niger in order to lead them into an ISIS ambush for the purpose of creating a “Trump Benghazi”—and that comes at the same time noted Hollywood child actor Corey Feldman is threatening to reveal a vast pedophile network in the US that stretches into the very heart of leftist elitist America—but with Feldman gravely warning that his life is now in danger, too.

 Corey Feldman's Truth Campaign

According to this report, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (called “The CIA’s Big Brother”) is the most powerful and secretive intelligence organization in America and is also the most well-equipped to quell the violence of protesters and track all of those who belong to groups attempting to destabilize the US government—and whom President Trump tapped to lead the massive 15-16 November GridEx IVwar game” the White House has ordered to include banks, Wall Street, and all telecommunication companies—with the NGA’s fears being that the US is ready to come under attack from leftist radical forces who plan to begin a “sustained assault” upon all of America’s largest cities starting on 4 November


To one attempting to comprehend these current events occurring in America today it must first be understood as to why former President George H.W. Bush issued a quick apology to Hollywood actress Heather Lind for his having sadistically sexually abused her during a photo-shoot—and as Lind recounted:  

When I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo. 

He didn’t shake my hand.  He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke.  

And then, all the while being photographed touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say “not again." His security guard told me I shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.

 Former President George H.W. Bush (in wheelchair) sadistically sexually abuses young 
  Hollywood actress Heather Lind (center) in full view of everyone 

To former President Bush’s wife, Barbara, and his security guard both knowing of this vile mans perverted sexual actions, this report notes, comes as no surprise at all as Bush is a known evil pedophile—who ran a US Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone” and “Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders” or “The Franklin Coverup—and that on 29 June 1989, was exposed by The Washington Times in bombshell front page story—but that the CIA was able to quickly keep the majority of American people from knowing about—and the US mainstream propaganda media of today still fails to tell the truth about.    

As to how the CIA was able to cover-up the vile sex crimes of former President H W Bush was shockingly revealed this past May (2017) when forces loyal to President Trump released a once top secret memo detailing how this American spy agency “has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation”—and whose effectiveness of hiding the truth cannot be underestimated—and as evidenced by the US mainstream propaganda media covering-up the August (2017) murder of a young male black prostitute discovered in the Hollywood home of top Hillary Clinton donor, and radical homosexual, Ed Buck.   

Piers Morgan tried to silence Corey Feldman
When He Exposes the Truth about Hollywood Abuse

With the leftist elites in America knowing that Ed Buck’s murder of a young black male prostitute would not be covered-up by President Trump, the US mainstream propaganda media has gone into “overdrive” since August in their exposing Hollywood’s vast network of sexual monsters—and whose list includes top Hillary Clinton donors Harvey Weinstein, famed movie director James Toback, numerous movie executives at Amazon, and legendary publisher Leon Wieseltier.

As to why these leftist elites are exposing their most admired Hollywood sexual deviant “gods” has led some American experts to question if Hillary Clinton is, in fact, the main target of this mass sacrifice in order to make persecution of Trump not seem political—with Clinton now seeing her own Democratic Party distancing itself from her, too—and all due to Clinton’s lawyers having outright lied to The New York Times in saying that they had nothing at all to do with the fake “Russian Dossier” Hillary Clinton was just discovered having paid for—and that led Wikileaks leader Julian Assange to savagely tweet-troll “future president” Hillary Clinton with a 2016 repost she had made proclaiming herself to be the next US leader.

Galatics Update with Kent Dunn

Galatics Update with Kent Dunn
Oct 5 2017
Vegas shooter also tied to Sandy Hook?

Roger Stone Reveals The Establishments 25th Amendment Battle Plan To Tak...

1969 Description Of The Pledge

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

EMF protection information for beginners

EMP Protection Easy and Cheap

How to protect a car from an EMP


How to Prepare for an EMP

Faraday Cage: Garbage Can, Really?

Faraday Cage & EMP Misconceptions



FBI Dumps Documents On Sandy Hook - Guess Who Visited the Shooter Before the Shooting?

On Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released 1,500 pages of documents related to their investigation and subsequent findings regarding the December 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The document dump was publicized by the FBI via their records vault Twitter account.
If you are interested, you can view the documents at the three links below:
While there are lots of unanswered questions surrounding Sandy Hook and lots of things in the official story, as well as the behavior of many people involved, the issue always needs to be transparency, and while some of the documentation answers some questions, there are entire redacted pages in the document dump which raise more questions.
“In general, the FBI does not comment on the content of the files released through [Freedom of Information Act], and lets the information contained in the files speak for itself,” said Charles Grady, a community outreach specialist for the FBI based in New Haven. “This is a routine FOIA release nothing more, nothing less.”
A routine FOIA release?  Why can't we get the State Department to do that with Hillary Clinton's documents?  Why is even the Trump administration dragging their feet on those FOIA requests?  But I digress.
Alleged shooter Adam Lanza weighed only 85 pounds, according to the documents.  This then begs the question of how he was toting all the arms and ammunition that he was said to have been carrying.  Not only that, but how was he able to be so accurate, especially since we are told these weapons were his mothers?
Lanza was said to have been in possession of a Bushmaster XM15 .223 caliber rifle, a Glock 10mm handgun and a 9mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun.

He fired 154 round and also had more ammunition for the weapons he had on his person as well as three 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster.
However, the real bombshell in the documents was that the FBI visited him sometime before the shooting and told his mother that he might have a job with the FBI one day.
What's even more telling is why he was commended for a job with the FBI.  He allegedly had hacked into a government computer.
So, instead of arresting him and charging him with a federal crime, our government decided, "nope, we're not gonna charge him with a crime.... we're gonna say he could have a job with us someday!
Is this not disturbing in and of itself?  You might say, well he's a minor, but that really is beside the point here.

Does anyone else think we can trust the FBI anymore?
“The authorities told her that if her son was that smart, he could have a job with them someday,” according to one of the heavily-redacted reports.
Stop and think about this one moment.  The FBI knew about a lot of things in our history and yet, they failed to act properly on the information they had.  Take 9/11 for example.  Take the beheading plot against Pamela Geller for another example.  Fortunately, at least that murderous attempt was foiled.
That's not all, Pamela Geller, who recounts her own experience with the FBI and death threats she has faced in her book FATWA: Hunted in America, has pointed out other incidents where the FBI has dropped the ball or been complicit in attacks on Americans.
Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project reports:
As the News reports, Lanza, at that point in the ninth grade, landed on investigator’s radar after hacking his way into an unidentified agency’s computer. The teen made it through two levels of security before his efforts were thwarted, the documents showed.
“Nancy had to convince the authorities that her son was just very intelligent and was challenging himself to see if he could hack (his way in),” the report said of Lanza’s mother.
This revelation about Lanza being visited by federal agents several years before the shooting, leads to so many more questions and opens the floodgates for more conspiracy theories.
Another question on the minds of Americans is why this 20-year-old kid, with no history of violent behavior, would ever do such a thing. Investigators even noted in their reports that Lanza was never violent, but often required special tools to avoid hurting himself by accident.

Clearly, there a lot of questions that need to be answered, but this information does make you wonder just what was going on here.  It's not everyday the FBI shows up at your house to investigate why your son is hacking government computers and then years later engages in one of the largest mass shootings in US history.
I still say something is rotten in Denmark.

Trump awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam War medic

Trump awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam War medic who saved dozens during covert operation

Retired U.S. Army Capt. Gary Rose (left) receives a standing ovation Monday after being awarded the Medal of Honor by President Donald Trump during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C. Rose, a medic, is credited with saving at least 60 soldiers during a secret mission nearly 50 years ago during the Vietnam War.

Retired Capt. Gary Michael Rose has been awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during the Vietnam War.

In a ceremony at the White House, President Donald Trump presented the award to Rose, who is credited with saving at least 60 soldiers during a secret mission nearly 50 years ago. Rose, who enlisted in the Army after his first year of college, was a combat medic for the U.S. Army’s 5th Special Forces Group during the war. He was 22 when he was called on his second combat mission.
Rose was the only medic among 16 Green Berets and 120 Vietnamese tribal fighters known as Montagnards traveling in the covert unit in September 1970, according to a news release from the White House.  “This [award] will enshrine him to the history of our nation,” Trump said during the ceremony.

The covert mission known as Operation Tailwind was classified for decades, ABC News reported. By the time the Green Berets were evacuated, every one of the Americans had been wounded, along with dozens of the Montagnard fighters.

The unit’s mission was to prevent the North Vietnamese from funneling weapons along the Ho Chi Minh Trail for use against American troops, Trump told those in attendance.

Helicopters dropped Rose’s unit into Laos, where they were met with enemy fire. Three men were struck before they even touched the ground.  Once on the ground, the unit ran for cover in the jungle, but soon another soldier was hit outside their defensive perimeter, Trump said.

Then-Sgt. Rose rushed to the man’s side, shielded him with his own body and carried the soldier back to safety.
“Your job as a medic is to go where the wounded are,” Rose told NPR’s Tom Bowman

Even after Rose was injured, he continued tending to the other soldiers, offering words of encouragement as he cared for them.

” … a rocket-propelled grenade exploded nearby and shot smoldering metal into Mike’s back and into his leg. He was seriously, seriously wounded. The shrapnel left a gaping hole in Mike’s foot,” Trump said. “For the next 48 excruciating hours, he used a branch as a crutch and went on rescuing the wounded. Mike did not stop to eat, to sleep, or even to care for his own serious injury as he saved the lives of his fellow soldiers.”

By the end of the intense four-day battle, Rose was using “bandanas and shirtsleeves” for bandages, Here & Now reported.

Once the evacuation helicopters arrived, Rose fought back the enemy while his fellow soldiers boarded the aircraft. Limping from his own injuries, he boarded the last chopper.

He was joined at the ceremony by 25 people who were involved in Operation Tailwind, including 10 of his fellow Green Berets, according to ABC News.

Rose’s wife Margaret, their three children and two grandchildren also attended the ceremony.

About Rose:

• Born Oct. 17, 1947
• Enlisted April 4, 1967
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
• Three tours of duty: Thailand, 1969; Republic of Vietnam, 1970; Panama, 1971-73
• Numerous other awards including the Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star Medal and Purple Heart
• Retired in May 1987

Facts about the Medal of Honor:

• It is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the armed services of the United States.
• It is generally presented to its recipient by the president of the United States of America in the name of Congress.
• 3,500 people have received the award
• 73 are still living
• 19 are double recipients

Florida Demo-RAT who regularly votes AGAINST Veterans

Clownish Democrat Who Attacked Trump Regularly Votes Against Veterans

Florida voters:   LISTEN UP!  Don't get caught in the trap of voting COLOR!  AVOID the publicity seekers.  Vote for the ISSUES!  Your lives may depend on it!!!
By :

It’s easy to put on a cowboy hat and make a name for yourself on TV by hurling stones at the President of the United States, but it’s a little more difficult to establish credibility for yourself when you have a career’s worth of voting against the interests of American veterans.

Just ask Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), who got her mug in the newspapers this week when she claimed to have heard President Trump be “insensitive” in his call to comfort a grieving widow. She mounted the highest of high horses after the call, but her voting record in the House of Representatives shows that being “sensitive” towards the concerns of U.S. soldiers is apparently a very new concern for her.

Wilson alleged this week that President Trump told the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson that he “knew what he signed up for,” a comment that a million pundits used as an excuse to bash the president for his lack of empathy. Trump immediately pushed back on the congress woman’s account of the conversation, insisting that she had “totally fabricated” the nature of his remarks. 

Neither Trump nor Wilson have provided the “proof” they supposedly both have as it pertains to what was said.

Putting aside the fact that this is a complete non-story (so WHAT if he said that exact thing? Is it not accurate?), there is now ample reason to doubt Wilson’s supposedly heartfelt concerns about the grieving widows of servicemen killed in action. It certainly wasn’t at the forefront of her mind when she voted several times against measures that would help veterans and their families, anyway.
From Fox News:
The measures that Wilson opposed included a bill that could have ensured that families of four soldiers slain in Afghanistan in 2013 received death and burial benefits.
She has also opposed measures designed to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs.
In March 2013, Wilson opposed the “Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act,” which prevented a government shutdown and provided funds for the U.S. military and the VA.
The bill, which passed with bipartisan support and was signed into law by the Obama administration, provided funding to the military and the VA until the next government shutdown show down.
Later in the year, Wilson again voted against a resolution aimed at ensuring benefits paid to the veterans and their families would not be affected by the government shutdown in October that year.
This is a woman who is clearly using her proximity to a story in the headlines to boost her own credentials and get her clownish face on television. Well, kudos to you, Ms. Wilson.  You achieved what you set out to achieve. But you can drop the act.  You don’t give one tinker’s damn about the vets or their families, and your voting record proves it. 



I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,Who walk in a way that is not good, According to their own thoughts; 3 A people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face; Who sacrifice in gardens, And burn incense on altars of brick; 4 Who sit among the graves, And spend the night in the tombs; Who eat swine’s flesh, And the broth of abominable things is in their vessels; Isaiah 65: 2-4

"What would you have Me say to a people who have gone astray? What things would you want to know that perhaps you've already known? I reach out my hands to a people all day long. I reach out to those who are in need. I reach out to the hurting and lost. And yet many are too blind to see. Too many have hearts of stone.

Too many are busy with their own lives. Too many have their own agendas. Too many don't even take their time to sit and listen to Me. Even your church activities are your own agendas.

You shun the prophets I have sent to you. You say that their words are not for today. You have your teachings and your sermons.  Why would you have need of Me?

You are a people of hypocrisy! You care more about your television programs than you do of Me. Your sports events are much too important you say.

You are still a divided people. You are divided on so many issues. You are divided on political issues. You are divided about rich and poor. You are divided about black and white. And yet you don't know about the issues that I care about.

You have gone astray.  You are like sheep without a shepherd and yet the shepherd stands waiting to hear from you. You wave your flags of freedom, and yet you are not free. You will not be free until you have relinquished all of your agendas unto Me.

When everything is shaking all around you, will you then come to Me? When the mountains have poured into the sea, and when the floods have risen up, will you then know that I AM God?

You think that you have pin-pointed my soon return by following the stars in the heavens. You are so certain of your time frame and yet, do you know the One Who created all of these?

There are days ahead of great shaking. The shaking will not only topple buildings, but it will also shake the very foundations of your lives. Your preconceived ideas will be shaken. The shaking will continue to government systems. The shaking will disrupt your very root beliefs. And then, when all of the shaking is finished, there will be nothing else to reach out to other than the One that you chose not to listen to."

Stephen Hanson
Oct 25 2017