Thursday, November 2, 2017




Oct 30 2017

President Obama's FBI abolished the ability to investigate extreme links and radical Islam - ISIS and Al-Qaeda have broken through left-wing groups of bridges in America and Europe.

The fact that those members of Antifa and ISIS differ almost differently are not a coincidence.

From a secret FBI investigation it has been found that the extremist Antifa movement co-operates with the Islamic terrorist group ISIS. In the violent riots at the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer, American Antifa members, observed with steel bars and molotov cocktails, were known to be members of ISIS. 

This confirms that the great danger to the stability of our society does not come from some extreme right-wing splinter groups, but from the increasingly closer cooperation between the (extreme) left-wing and Islamic anti-Western pact. It says, therefore, much about the true intentions of former US President Obama when he banned the FBI from investigating this cooperation.

The revelations come from the former editor of the New York Times Magazine, Edward Klein, and can be read in his new book 'All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump'. Little is based on FBI sources and messages that speak of "overwhelming evidence of links between left-wing radicals and foreign Islamic terrorists of IS and Al Qaeda, as well as multiple subdivisions and splinter groups."

Last summer, the FBI sent a specialist team to Hamburg, as left-wing action groups like Antifa and the German branch demonstrations against the G20 summit had announced. The FBI concentrated in the German Hanseatic city, especially on an extremist group from Oakland near the famous Berkeley University, and is responsible for numerous violent anti-Trump protests.

Heavy bomb attacks appear

The FBI warns that the ever closer cooperation will lead to even more violence and fatal attacks. ISIS would help Antifa to get heavier weapons, such as bombing materials, toxic chemicals and gas. An Antifa member from Oakland, for this reason, traveled to Syria, not just for tactical training, but also for discussing future devastating terror attacks.

Now that ISIS in Syria and Iraq is being reduced further, the Muslim warriors aim their arrows on Europe and the United States. Before FBI director James Comey was fired by President Trump in May, he had information about the connection of jihadists in the Middle East and European Left Radicals, including American anarchists who joined the anti-Trump movement. The communication between the left-wing activists and ISIS is mainly via the internet.

Obama forbade research on links left with Islam

The FBI is trying to tackle the thread again because president Obama has deprived the federal research agency of the ability to infiltrate in extremist groups, particularly active at universities. Any connection between the radical Islam-one word of which only the Obama government's ruling was forbidden and left-wing groups were ignored by both the White House and the media. With the arrival of Trump, there is a completely different blow in the White House, but not in Western media.

ISIS and Al Qaeda have crossed the bridge head

'It is now clear that the anti-Trump' resistance movement 'does not make any sense of getting rid of it,' said an FBI source. "That's a fertile ground on which ISIS and Al Qaeda managed to hit a bridgehead to America." 

As is well known in Europe, many tens of thousands of displaced Muslim terrorists have often arrived, who are expected to hit massively once our society is under threat of immigration under the ever-increasing pressure of the Islamic mass.

We Can Not Coexist with People Who Want to Kill Us


Nov 1 2017
Keely Sharp

I hate to break it to you America, but we absolutely can not coexist with people who want to kill us!

While the left panders to Islam, we watch time and time again as the extremists continue to attack on our soil. 

American lives are being lost.

We are back at block one with ZERO days since the last terrorist attack after a Muslim man ran into a crowd in New York with his truck

He then got out of the vehicle with pellet and paintball guns and yelled “Allah Akbar,” which means praise to allah.

Thankfully New York police were able to apprehend him. A quick death would have been too kind.

President Donald Trump is trying his best to limit immigration from countries high in terroristic population, yet keeps getting shut down by federal judges who need the need to assert their feeble dominance.

Now Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is criticizing Trump for “dividing” and “politicizing” the terror attack after Trump tweeted out:

“The terrorist came into our country through what is called the “Diversity Visa Lottery Program,” a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based.”

Schumer said, “President Trump, where is your leadership?” he continued, “The contrast between President Bush’s actions after 9/11 and President Trump’s actions this morning could not be starker.”

I find this interesting because just hours after the Las Vegas massacre that claimed dozens of lives early in October was being politicized by Hillary Clinton and the rest of her cronies.

Newsflash folks!  

Guns don’t kill people….but terrorists do!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Drones did Vegas shooting! New Level of Warfare against Americans?

Vegas Massacre
Weapons test for a new type of drone?

Published on Oct 2, 2017
*Watch a more complete analysis (90 minutes) in the show from the next week, 10-9-17: *

This clip us from The Vin Armani Show 10-2-17 -

I generally stay away from conspiracy theorizing, preferring instead to simply point out inconsistencies in the official narrative and let others decide for themselves. Vegas is my hometown. I know the hotels very well.

This particular, horrifying event, has some inconsistencies and some eerie coincidences (including the particular location of the concert venue) that immediately gave me pause.

I think we may have witnessed a new and terrifying evolution of warfare, being tested on living humans.

Drones did Vegas shooting!
Paddock Deep State
Lockheed involved

Published on Oct 10, 2017
In 2015, Special Forces made history by using a sniper rifle mounted on a commercial drone to take out a target. The robotic solution that achieved such pinpoint accuracy came from Duke Robotics, a startup founded by veterans of the Israel Defense Forces. That startup has since developed a multi-rotor sniper drone capable of accurately firing a wide array of weapons such as military assault rifles and grenade launchers.


Duke Robotics’ sniper drone, called TIKAD, is designed to precisely target individual enemies in crowded city environments. It’s also meant to handle dangerous situations that might ordinarily require human soldiers to clear a sniper or nest of insurgents from a building.

“The idea is to create something that enables you to send in a sniper rifle on a drone and eliminate a target with pinpoint accuracy,”

Vin Armani This particular, horrifying event, has some inconsistencies and some eerie coincidences (including the particular location of the concert venue) that immediately gave me pause. I think we may have witnessed a new and terrifying evolution of warfare, being tested on living humans.

Paddock Motive First Shots Sniper Rifle Missing Vegas Stephen Bought Ruger

Ground Level Shooter Real or blanks? Mandalay Proof Paddock No Lone Wolf Multiple Shooters Vegas

Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

The United Nations Is Behind Antifa’s Planned Attacks Upon America

WHY would China release the RV/GCR funds in the united States so you can exchange your currencies when China is making final preparations to take down this nation???


Ron Weber
Nov 1 2017

UN vehicles housed on abandoned US military bases.

In Parts one and two of this series on the takeover of the United States, I asserted the following:
  1. The Vegas massacre exemplified the composition of the forces that are being brought to bear against the people of the United States and they are Antifa, MS-13, ISIS, CIA trafficking arm, the FBI “cleaners”, the Deep-State left-overs of the Obama adminstration, the Clinton Foundation, HSBC Bank, George Soros, CIA/UN black ops and some others to be covered at a later time
  • The plan is to start a “holy hell” campaign similar to the Las Vegas massacre and the Northern California fires and force a crisis in which the United Nations troops, already inside the United States, will be brought out into the open and used as a gun confiscation force.
In Part Three, the level of UN involvement is exposed. It is clear that the operation command and control resides within the administration of the UN in cooperation with Deep State. The purpose of this unholy alliance is the destruction of the United States.

Attention American Citizens: The United Nations Is Not Your Friend

I have mentioned several groups which are coalescing to conspire to take down this country and eliminate all domestic opposition. 

In response to my previous assertions, Steve Quayle sent me a note yesterday which presents the “brains” and the operational control behind this insidious plot.  

The following Steve Quayle observation puts an operational face to the plot to destroy America.

Steve Quayle

Let’s examine Steve’s message, piece by piece.

FBI Admits That 25,000 Chinese Spies Are Freely Operating Within the United States

The Washington Times and many other media outlets, on July 11, 2017, previously reported on the FBI’s 25,000 spies that are operating inside the United States and the FBI cannot and does not want to track them. Why? Because the FBI was hopelessly compromised by Obama administration, Deep-State holdovers who are working to to fulfill their mission which will culminate in the fall of the United States.

In the Bundy ranch attempted takeover, the planned-to-be attempted confiscated land was to be handed off to the Chinese solar company Cinta. Cinta is a front group for the Chinese military.  

I have previously covered how many Cinta operations lie adjacent to major American military bases (eg Nellis AFB and Luke AFB).

It should also be noted that on July 4, 2016, then FBI Director James Comey said there were ISIS cells operating within all 50 states.

The Composition of the UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is composed of 15 Members. There are five permanent members and 10 ad hoc members. Steve Quayle was correct when he said it was important to pay attention to the permanent members. The composition of this group consists of members who are enemies of the United States and the five permanent members consists of China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The presence of the threat posed by the presence by the Chinese and Russians is obvious. However, even the French and the British are compromised. The French are in the process of destroying their own country by admitting millions of Middle Eastern Muslims who refuse to assimilate and have carried out heinous acts of terror on French soil.  And of course, the UK is compromised by their status with the Rothschild Banking Cartel.

The Bush Family of Presidents Close Dozens of American Military Bases

Steve Quayle was correct about the closure of bases under former President George H.W. Bush in which over 100 bases were closed. Some of the base closures were not completed until Clinton took office, but Bush Sr. was the catalyst.

On Sept. 8, 2005, the Department of Defense’s Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) gave President George W. Bush a list of 20 major military installations that it had determined were no longer necessary for the nation’s defense. The president signed off on the list and, despite tepid opposition, it passed through the House of Representatives. By the end of the year it was enacted, and a deadline was set: On or before Sept. 15, 2011 the 20 bases would shut their doors. Most of the bases closed under Obama were scheduled for closure under Bush.

Since then, there have been multiple civilian sightings of UN planes landing at American Air Force bases and these troops are transporting UN troops and/or having UN markings.

The Internet has been abuzz with reports and photos of UN military vehicles on US soil. Many people are looking at this as a shocking development.  

The following has been reported as if this were some novel and recent event:

Military U.N. vehicles have been spotted in Virginia, shocking motorists and sparking conspiracy theories. 

The white trucks, equipped with large off-road tires, were seen being transported on Interstate 81 and this is just one example of the hundreds of reports I have received. In the accompanying documentation the UN vehicles are Alpine Armoring’s Pit-Bull VX SWAT Truck models.

Jeff Stern posted photos of the vehicles on Facebook, writing: ‘Can’t begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington VA. Interesting times ahead!”

“Fernando Johnson questioned online: ‘Tactical Vehicles, with bullet proof glass? Whatever could those be for, and why are UN vehicles here, in THIS country?!”

This is just one such report representing hundreds I have received through the years. As alarming as this appears to be, it is just part of an ongoing operation of the pre-positioning of foreign assets on American soil in preparation for the takeover.

Yesterday the Larry Nichols and Jack Easum reported in a story I carried in Part Two that 10 additional US military bases are going to be closed and handed off the to the United Nations.


Steve Quayle’s summary observations were verified with a minimal amount of reference material. The body of evidence to support Steve’s statement could fill several libraries.

There are some who think I have gone off of the deep end when I speak about FEMA camps  and the intention of the TPTB to put millions of us in FEMA camps where life and death decisions will be made. 

It is time to revisit this topic from a new perspective. This will be the subject of Part Four of this series. My thanks to Steve for succinctly providing summarizing the organizing structure behind the present threat.


In case you didn't know it, this is what you need to know!

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "General Intel" 10/31/17

The following are not in any group or order.  They are 'facts' as stated by various individuals. And NO - I don't have any PROOF for any of this (though I am aware - apart of these being listed below - of most of this.) 

Recently (a 226 page) '$279 Trillion Lien' was placed against the 'International and American BAR' for the seizing of the key 'Patents and Trademarks' used to create and automate their fraud machine. (Mortgages are trademarks)

A 'Sovereign Bill of Lading' has been brought in favor of the 'The United States of America' (unincorporated - in lower case - the REAL government - whereas the CORPORATION US is in all caps) and a 'Writ of Execution' has been issued.

'Knowledge Centers' will be set up in all cities to guide people and teach about the changes that were made to the system without their knowledge.

All 50 'States' are now 'Nations' as of 2012. (As they were originally under our original Republic government.)

The key players in the mortgage scam are 'Merrill Lynch' and the 'BAR Association' who bought off the 'Courts and Congress' and sold off 'Loans and Documents' into pieces via 'Patents'. (sold off meaning as securitized documents on Wall Street.)

The system was created by the Navy and Marine (higher ups) and the Department of Defense systems which shut people out and favored segments like banks and governments by changing definitions and wording.

Lockheed Martin is behind a large portion of the pedophilia as they were using child prostitutes to buy off Congress officials and had secret locations around the country like Washington D.C. Pizza shop. (PizzaGate)

The JFK revelations will still leave out a few facts because a few of the perpetrators are still alive like Daddy Bush (dead now and cabal on his 39th clone), and Bush Jr. 

Trump is releasing documents after 50 years.

Most of the conspirators are dead.


JFK stepped on too many toes. (For one, JFK was working to do away with the Federal Reserve 'banking' cartel fiat money and return the nation to gold backed REAL valued currency that Roosevelt and Wilson had put in place without the knowledge and approval of the American people.)

JFK was going to release the 'GCAs' (global collateral accounts) before the banksters and CIA (Bushes and Johnson) killed him. 
Printing a U.S. currency (Silver Certificates) ... CIA dismantling threats and Kennedy's secret deals with China and Indonesia along with some of his philandering were the big reasons.

A new currency (gold backed) and world financial system involving all 209 nations is happening right now.

The old corrupt system of fiat make believe 'money' and theft from the people via fraudulent schemes (mortgages and various taxes) have been identified and are being stopped.

The new gold backed Treasury Reserve Notes (TRNs) will be trickling into the banking system this week and all old dollars (worthless fiat Federal Reserve cartel FRNs) will eventually be phased out.

The arrests of the top cabalists and oligarchs will occur.

They had a chance to get a pass a few years ago but decided to fight us till their end.

Now their only choice is to surrender with a total loss of wealth or face death. (death preferable)

Obama and his 30,000 anti-America fascists will try an attack on November 4th.

We are ready for them and the Militia might have to kill some of them.

Obama's future is dim.

The 'Global Collateral Accounts' are ready to be released to the 'third world' first to eliminate poverty.

This will entail billions upon billions of dollars to the poor that need it the most.

China has punished 1,537,000 party members since 2012 in a massive effort to rid the country of cabalists.

Some were executed.

Investigators are releasing the names of companies and executives and their intentions to defraud WE THE PEOPLE.

This damning evidence was found in the records of the U.S. Patent office in Washington D.C.

There was never a need for poverty...debt...war...disease and foreclosures.

All wars were False Flags.

All diseases are man made.  (Bill Gates among those financially supporting creation and distribution of man made diseases to kill off humanity.)

Everything has been prepaid over generations but stolen via paper theft and deceptive schemes.

We have been robbed, poisoned and hung out to dry by greedy and evil Satanics for hundreds of years.

This is ending.

Hillary's clone has failed. (only one double left)

Forget about North Korea.

The 124th Intelligence Unit is in Kim Un's compound.

North and South Korea will be reunited. (once the cabal are gone)

In California space based high energy weapons were used to start the fires.

Tree bark is impervious to these selective weapons.

Black SUV's were seen throwing fire at houses to help things along.

The Government of California was behind this.

Some of the residents were cabal.

The Air Force is on alert and ready to shoot down any bad guys trying to escape their fate.

The Duke of Luxemburg is Henry Kissinger's brother and is 1800 years old. (not human)

Henry Kissinger is 1600 years old. (Draco Reptilian) (NOW you know WHY he has looked so OLD for so many years and is still 'alive'!)

Both are being dealt with by the galactics along with the Rothchilds.

'Arrest Warrants' are ready for '98 Senators' and '348 Congressman'.

1/3 of Congress are clones.

All clones will be turned off soon.

If you want to see what the municipalities are hiding...go to their CAFR Accounts and look at schedule 40 & 80.

That's where they hide their money.

Many of them don't even need to charge property taxes. (NOT supposed to anyway according to our original Republic and its Constitution.)

The Constitution of our Republic and the Constitution of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are NOT the same!  

You had NO RIGHTS under the Constitution of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation.

The Vatican...Jesuits (and their Rothschild Banksters)... Nazis (Bushes, et al) ... the British Queen ... K
hazars and pedophiles are under attack.

They are behind the false flags ... fires ... earthquakes ... hurricanes and floods.

The IRS funnels money to the British Queen and the Federal Reserve. (Illuminati) (And you were told those monies extorted from your paychecks went to the Treasury of our nation to pay our bills, taxes, etc. NO!) 

This will end and the IRS will be abolished. (An illegal bill collector for the Crown, the Vatican and the Jesuits.)

All stolen monies worldwide will be given back to the original owners.

Poverty will end worldwide.

The Jesuits and their Rothschild bankers will be exposed as pedophiles and Draco Reptilians.

Secret programs and relations with the extraterrestrials will go public and be explained.

The perpetrators of 'JFK'...'911' and 'Wars' (for profit) will be identified down to every level.

Massive arrests are secretly taking place every where. 

Big Pharma...Government...Education...Law... Medicine... Science...Religion and more  - yet the public is none the wiser. (not reported on the mainstream media (MSM) controlled fake news.

Bill Clinton died of aids (2016).  Current 'news' of Bill Clinton are showing pictures using his clones.

Hillary Clinton (2016) is also dead ... yet the cabal continues to issue 'news' about her (Hillary's 'book', plans to run again for 'president', etc.), using soul less clones made from her DNA to deceive the people using fake news.
George Soros and his sons are also dead (2017) ... yet the cabal continues to issue 'news' about his donations to this foundation and that one, and his being behind various organizations, etc.), using soul less clones made from his DNA to deceive the people using fake news.
The SCAM upon America is ending. 

There's more - could you handle it?

Memo to General Kelly

From Anna Von Reitz

The reason for the so-called "Civil War" wasn't slavery and wasn't secession, nor was it -- as you recently suggested "a failure to compromise". 

It happened because the British government abused it's delegated authority to set our foreign trade policies.

Britain protected its own markets and those of other European nations by levying very heavy tariffs on American goods and entering into trade agreements (purportedly in our behalf, of course) that were disastrous for the Northern manufacturing states.  As a direct result, American goods-- even in America-- were 30% to 40% more expensive than European goods.

The Southern states naturally wanted to buy the (artificially) cheaper European goods instead of the more expensive products of the Northern states. 

And the Northern states, in turn, were absolutely desperate to keep what domestic market they had, thanks to the abusive British trade policies being imposed on them. 

The market the Southern states provided was absolutely necessary to the Northern states' survival and that is why they went to war.

All the rest was just top dressing and the Brits not wanting to take the blame they deserved to take for it. 

We have it straight from the diaries of Salomon Rothschild--- British breach of trust, self-interest, and meddling caused the whole debacle, along with plenty of help from the Rothschilds, who played Piggy in the Middle. 

PS.  Nothing has changed. The British are still the (indirect) authors of 95% of the disaster, death, and misery in the world. They are always without exception at the bottom of the dog pile. Just look a little deeper, General, and remember-- those who don't remember the past-- the actual, factual past-- are forced to relive it. 

Time to get the Brits out of our business once and for all. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website



This list of Obama's TRUE 'accomplishments' will PROVE how 'GREAT' Obama really is!!!! 

SHARE THIS so that EVERYONE can understand Obama’s accomplishments!


  • First president to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
  • First president to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
  • First president to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First president to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First president to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First president to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
  • First president to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.
  • First president to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First president to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First president to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First president to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First president to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First president to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
  • First president to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First president to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First president to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First president to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First president to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First president to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First president to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First president to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First president to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First president to appoint 45 (muslim) czars to replace elected officials in his office.
  • First president to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
  • First president to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.
  • First president to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.
  • First president to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
  • First president to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First president to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties, for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.
  • First president to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his (male) 'wife'.
  • First president to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First president to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.
  • First president to repeat the Holy Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth
  • First president to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).
  • First president to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”
  • Then he was the first president to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion. (Thank God he didn’t get away with THIS one.)
  • First president to allow Iran to inspect their own facilities.
  • First president to have blood on his hands from Benghazi to the assassinations of several police officers.
  • First president to trade 5 terrorists for a traitor
  • First president to facilitate the Iranians to acquire nuclear weapons.
  • First president to light up the White House in rainbow colors to honor men that lust after other men’s rear ends.
  • First president to put young children in danger by forcing states to allow men in women’s restrooms and showers.
  • First president to marry a man.
  • First president to smoke crack cocaine in the White House.
Should we go on…?

ANTIFA Appears to be under MIND CONTROL

Black Ops Vet Steven Gern
ANTIFA Appears to be under MIND CONTROL


with Islamic Terrorists

Obama's Insidious Plan to Destroy

New Book Blows the Lid Off
Obama's Insidious Plan to Destroy Trump

Use of Military Force

Authorizations for the Use of Military Force
Secretary Rex Tillerson

What They Aren't Telling You about Las Vegas

False Flags and Drills
What They Aren't Telling You about Las Vegas

Breaking Intel: 
Saudi Arabia Connection To Vegas
More Attacks Could Be Coming

Terror Strikes New York City

"Allahu Akbar"
 Terror Strikes New York City
October 31 2017

WHAT MORE needs to happen in the united States before Americans FINALLY "get the picture" and DEMAND REMOVAL of the muslims?

NYPD Press Conference on Bloody ISIS Attack

Left Prepares to Launch CIVIL WAR on November 4

Left Prepares to Launch CIVIL WAR
on November 4 2017
as Shocking Las Vegas Revelations Emerge