Friday, November 3, 2017

LIST: November 4 Anti-Trump Rally Locations REVEALED


Leftists plan Trump Derangement Syndrome coping sessions across the nation


The Refuse Fascism communist group has released a list of meeting places across the country where November 4 anti-Trump demonstrations will be held.

If you live in any of these areas it may be a good idea to steer clear of these locations as past Antifa protests have seen violence aimed at patriotic Americans.
Infowars encourages anyone wishing to attend to remain peaceful and to reject the left’s normalization of political violence.
Tune in to Infowars’ coverage of the protests starting at 1pm Central Saturday at

Akron, November 4
4:00 pm

Gather in front of the Mitchell UFCW Building
1655 West Market Str. & North Hawkins Ave.

Atlanta, November 4
6:00 pm

Euclid & Moreland Ave NE
Little 5 Points/Findley Plaza, Atlanta
Bring pots and pans, flashlights, glow sticks, lanterns, signs, banners, and everyone you know.  The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
Facebook Event

Austin, November 4
1:00 pm

City Hall 301 West 2nd Street, Austin
Facebook event page

Boston, November 4
4:00 pm

Due to permit negotiations, the November 4th demonstration “This Nightmare Must End” The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” has been moved from Shoppers’ Plaza to the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Commons.
Facebook event page

Chicago, November 4
1:00 pm

Federal Plaza, 219 S. Dearborn
Facebook event page

Cincinnati, November 4
1:00 pm

Piatt Park 100 Garfield Place

Cleveland, November 4
1:00 pm

Public Square
Facebook event page

Falmouth, MA, November 4
10:30 am

Move to Remove
Falmouth Town Green, Falmouth, MA

Honolulu, November 4
9:30 am

9:30am: Gather at Ala Moana Park (across from Pi`ikoi St.)
11:00 am: Rally at Thomas Square
Facebook event page

Indianapolis, November 4
11 am & 1 pm

11:00 am at the CVS parking lot, 46th & Keystone
1:00 pm at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, 38th Street entrance

Los Angeles, November 4
1:00 pm

Pershing Square
5th St. and Hill St ~ Downtown LA
Facebook event page

Miami, November 4
12:00 PM

Gather at Bayfront Park Friendship Torch
Facebook event page

Minneapolis, November 4
12:00 PM

Berger Fountain at Loring Park
1382 Willow Street
Facebook Event

New York City, November 4
2:00 pm

42nd Street & Broadway NYC
Facebook event page

Philadelphia, November 4
2:00 pm

Thomas Paine Plaza
1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia
Facebook event page

Pittsfield, MA November 4
1:00 pm

Park Square 1 West Street
Pittsfield MA
Facebook event page

Portland, Oregon November 4
2:00 pm

Jameson Square Fountain, Portland Oregon
PDX Refuse Fascism! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
RSVP and spread Facebook page

Salem, OR, November 4
3:00 pm

Salem Capitol
Facebook Event

San Francisco, November 4
3:00 PM

Union Square, San Francisco
Facebook Event

Seattle, November 4
12:00 pm

Gather at Seattle City Hall Plaza, 4th Avenue & James Street
Facebook Event

Tucson, November 4
2:00 PM

March begins at Tucson Comic Con / TCC
260 S.  Church Avenue
Meet @ NO! Banner near front entrance

Global. Collateral. Accounts.

By Anna Von Reitz

In this world, you have to pay close attention to words.  Very close.
Take a look at the title of this article.  What do you see?
Three words: global, collateral, and accounts. 
What do those words imply?  Global = worldwide, planetary, jurisdiction of the air, the realm of ideas and intellectual property.  Collateral = things of value put at risk as assets justifying debt.  Accounts = a plus and minus ledgering system keeping track of something--- could be money, could be credits, could be number of oranges in a warehouse. 
String them all together and what have you got?  Global Collateral Accounts. An accounting system that is global in nature, keeping track of unspecified assets being used as collateral. 
You have just described the B.E.A.S.T.  --- and though some people would give you the deliberate impression that the Global Collateral Accounts are stockpiles of gold amassed in China, the Philippines, and elsewhere---- that isn’t really the case.
You and everything you own or have an interest in constitute the “collateral” in the B.E.A.S.T. system. 
Your labor, your biological “products” including organs and children and blood, your home, your land, your businesses, your country, your culture, your art and artifacts, all the natural and human resources you can think of, have all been neatly cataloged, described, copyrighted for the benefit of corporations, and used as collateral backing the debts of these same corporations.  
In the old feudal system, serfs were owned by kings and countries.  In the new feudal system, serfs are owned by presidents and corporations. Nothing has changed.  The criminals responsible are simply sleeker and more diplomatic, more secretive, and far more automated.
It all comes down to the same thing--- a form of government in which the people are ruthlessly preyed upon instead of being protected and served, a variety of ancient tribal thuggery going back to the days of the cavemen,  ruler-ship achieved by force and abuse of power, glorifying the few via the misery and enslavement of the many.
Our circumstance would be easy to recognize if we were honest, but we have been trained since babyhood not to face unpleasant things like death, slavery, meaningless drudgery, and criminals in our midst.
Still, more and more, the Truth becomes self-evident.  It shows up at the gas pump, when you realize that a large part of the price per gallon is taxes imposed by the “government”.  It shows up every April 15, when the “government” takes between 40% and 80% of your earnings. 
It shows up when the “government” tells you that you have to vaccinate your children with poisons, have to pay off a mortgage that the “government” owes before you can own land that is otherwise yours, have to use private bank script instead of money.  Have to, have to, have to…..
The fact is that the most abused serfs during the Middle Ages gave up 20% of their labor and substance to the government every year.  We are giving the B.E.A.S.T a hundred percent of everything for life.  We are “presumed” to have donated it all, usually within hours of birth. 
And when someone wakes up and says, “No!” --- what happens? 
The zombies in charge of this system of things can’t hear you.  They just plod relentlessly, mindlessly onward, shake their heads as if plain English had suddenly become gibberish, and continue filing and stamping and processing, processing, processing.
Dear hearts, those things you think of as “Social Security Numbers” are numbers assigned to prisoners, just like in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. 
Those NAMES that you see on every bill and account statement?  Those are charges against your ESTATE or a PUBLIC UTILITY named after you.  You no longer have an identity as a living being.  You are now considered a PERSON--- a dead corporate franchise literally belonging to a larger corporate franchise that belongs to a still larger corporate franchise.
And sitting at the top of this pile of plunder and presumption is the Holy See.
It is very evident now that the “Fourth Reich” of the Holy Roman Empire has nearly succeeded in its mad quest to own and dominate and rule the entire world.  It’s center of operations has been found buried deep in the heart of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.  
And as Voltaire said, it is neither “holy” nor “Roman” nor an “empire”.  It’s a gigantic crime syndicate, nothing more or less, operating under color of law and a veil of propriety.
It’s important to realize that you and your family are the collateral in this system.  You have been pledged as assets.  Of course, those doing all this pledging in your behalf didn’t bother to tell you this. You might have objected, as we do now.
You might have awakened and said, “All of this is nothing but automated fraud and lies!”
And then what?
These dead things, these corporations, have no right to exist.  In fact, their existence is predicated on them operating lawfully according to the Public Law, not according to some private, corporate law in which the criminals dictate their own rules.
Who is responsible for this Mess?  Ultimately, the Roman Catholic Church.
The Roman Curia created (out of thin air) all the various kinds of corporations infesting our world--- trusts, cooperatives, foundations, c-corps, s-corps, b-corps, limited liability partnerships--- you name it, and they defined and ordered it, by fiat, like acts of black magic, summoning these forms of organizations into the world, giving them special roles and privileges, defining what they can and cannot do. 
And the Holy See--- while remaining studiously unincorporated itself--- has used these arbitrarily bestowed privileges as bait, encouraging all the other governments of the world to incorporate themselves, which has left the Holy See in control of everything. Almost.
Iran, North Korea, and The United States of America (which just happens to own everything as a result of being used as a convenient storage facility and base of operations for this madness) are unincorporated and not under the control of the Holy See.  All around the world, other governments are waking up, too.  Lions and tigers and bears!  Oh, my!  
Corporations have no sovereignty.  Corporations have no life.  It is entirely permissible to rape, kill, and plunder corporations.  And because you have been “redefined” as a corporate franchise since infancy, the madmen responsible for Agenda 21 now think that they can just arbitrarily kill nine out of ten of you, and face no eternal consequences.  They think they can kill CHINA and JAPAN and the UNITED KINGDOM, too.
It seems that every day I get a dozen emails saying that this is the latest "Intel" and instead, it is all just a bunch of gossip and hearsay about this faction or that, this government or that government, one group of thugs versus another.  That is not what this is all really about.
This is a struggle for your mind, for your ability to think, for your ability to recognize what is real and what isn't real.  Let's get a guess and a grip?  Show me "PepsiCo" or "GM".  Right now.  In the flesh. 
These things don't exist, and yet they are claiming to own you as chattel.  That should be alarming enough, but beyond that, you need to recognize that what the perpetrators of this scheme are really aiming at is the re-institution of the ancient feudal system --- only instead of belonging to a king and a kingdom, they would have you belong to a corporation and be bought and sold and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Time to object in the most explicit terms possible, to as many officials as possible. 
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Castle Doctrine from State to State

July 15, 2011 
It’s been said that a man’s home is his castle, but what rights does this afford a homeowner in defense of this castle?

The Castle Doctrine (also known as castle law or make my day law) gives citizens in their homes – and in some states – cars or workplaces the right to protect themselves, other people, and their property by force – in some instances even deadly force.

The laws differ from state to state, and what may be considered self defense in one state, might be grounds for a murder or manslaughter indictment in another.


Strong Castle Doctrine

Today most states have some kind of castle law. The stronger laws do not require homeowners to attempt to retreat before using force to protect their domicile, and there are a select few states that have very strong stand-your-ground laws allowing citizens to use force in their car or at work without first trying to retreat.

States like Texas allow citizens protecting their homes, car, or place of business or employment to use force – including lethal force – when an intruder has unlawfully entered or is attempting to enter using force; is attempting to remove someone from the home, car, or workplace by force; or is attempting to commit a crime such as rape, murder, or robbery. An attempt to retreat is not required before a citizen is justified in using force against the invasive party in Texas.

The state of Florida has such a strong Castle Doctrine that the dwelling being protected does not need to have a roof; can be mobile or immobile; and can be as temporary as a tent.

Other states with strong Castle Doctrine and stand-your-ground laws include: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Washington.


Softer Castle Laws

Not all states give citizens as much leeway in protecting their personal property. States like California allow citizens to protect their homes with deadly force if they feel that they or another person are in physical danger, but does not extend to theft, and it only protects residents in their home, and not in cars or at work.

In New York you cannot use deadly force if you know with certainty that you can avoid an intruder by retreating. You can use deadly force if you are not the initial aggressor in an altercation within your home.

Other states with limited, little, or no castle law or case law giving citizens the rights to protect their homes using force include: Idaho, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington, D.C.


Go Ahead, Make My Day Law

In addition to protecting citizens from criminal responsibility, many states, such as Texas, protect citizens against civil action being taken against them after they have used force to protect themselves or others in their home, automobile, or workplace.

As a homeowner and/or resident in the United States, it’s important to know the law in your state. So educate yourself.

As a criminal the only real question to ask yourself if you are a considering breaking into an unsuspecting victim’s home is, “Do I feel lucky?” Well do ya, Punk?

The information in this article is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for actual legal advice. You are encouraged to consult with an attorney to obtain professional legal advice on Castle Doctrine in your state.






196 Democrats just made their move and are about officially file a federal lawsuit against President Trump to try and FORCIBLY remove him from the Oval Office.

This isn't impeachment.

This is the single greatest coup in American History, and the greatest witch-hunt of our generation.

I'm sending out this email as a RED ALERT to American Patriots.

The stakes have never been higher.

The Tea Party can't afford to fall short right now.

Grassroots Patriots like yourself are how President Trump became elected in the first place, and we can't abandon now, not when he needs us more than ever.

If we fail, it could jeopardize President Trump's entire first term.

That's why I'm personally asking you: 

Everything we've all worked so hard to accomplish will mean nothing if we let the Radical Leftists commit treason right under our noses.

They will stop at nothing in their mission to destroy President Trump.  (Including recruiting / promoting and supporting ANTIFA / ISIS terrorist activity in our nation per efforts of Obama 'community organizers' )

So please, let me know if I can count on you.

View online

CODE RED: Civil War Is Here


November 2, 2017 

( – Extremist left-wingers break windows, hit Trump supporters with wrenches, hurl bricks and police, and have even tried to bomb Confederate monuments – but when it comes to guns, the basement-dwelling Communist LARPers have shown hilarious incompetence in their ability to wage a full-scale shooting war.

Be prepared. It’s all about to dramatically change.

There’s been an explosive revelation that members of Anti-Fascist Action groups are being trained and coordinated by radical Islamist terrorists.  

The Left despises America so much, they always align themselves with the absolutely worst scum on earth – even when their values blatantly conflict with left-wing ideology.

According to the book, FBI reports indicate that, “There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several ISIS offshoots and splinter groups.

According to an OAN report, two leaked FBI reports reveal that several Antifa members met with Al Queda and ISIS leaders to formulate a plot that will take down president Donald Trump.

In his book “All Out War: The Plot To Destroy Trump,” former New York Times Editor Edward Klein, the FBI documents allege that the nefarious meeting between the radical leftist and Muslim terrorists took place at a recent G20 summit in Germany last July.

The book includes FBI reports that claim a member of a left-wing terror organization, an anarchist militia based in Oakland (which is close to Berkeley where much of the left-wing rioting has occurred) traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS representatives to discuss “training tactics” to turn their ranks of snowflakes into cold, efficient killing machines.

It gets worse: this axis of evil isn’t just coordinating a few new gun clubs and boot camps, but are plotting “discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S.”

There are millions of anarchists, Communists, and left-wing lunatics that have taken to the streets. If every single one of them were as murderous, fanatical, and well-armed as an ISIS soldier … the apocalypse that would follow is beyond imagining.

Antifa have already started arming themselves – even according to left-biased Politico, it’s not just “white supremacists” who take advantage of open-carry for guns – left-wingers are also showing up to rallies armed to their teeth and toenails. It’s only a matter of time before we see an explosive clash at one of these rallies.

According to the Phoenix New Times, at a Make America Great Again rally in Arizona, there were “about 40 or so assorted anarchists, Brown Berets, and members of a group calling itself the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club across the street from the state Capitol, openly armed to the proverbial teeth.”

“This is the greatest challenge to law enforcement since the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party,” the FBI has declared.

Antifa scum could do the exact same thing that ISIS attempted in the divided, destabilized Iraq right here in the U.S. – which has also become massively unstable and divided, thanks to many decades of rule under the political establishment, worst of all under the Obama regime.

On Nov. 4 – or any day in the near future – a black-clad swarm could suddenly appear, in SUVs and pickup trucks, AK-47s and javelins, and violently attempt to carve out a new Communist nation from the territory of the U.S.

Patriots are laughing at the current state of Antifa – skinny hippies and fat chicks who don’t even know where to point their guns. But with the help of true, radical killers, in a few years their resolve could be steeled, and then we won’t be laughing anymore. 

Gun-owning Patriots cannot under estimate Antifa – there is no evil they will not commit, and so we need to stand vigilant against them. 


Carl F. Hall ·

If in fact Antifa has joined with ISIS, that means that they are ALL enemy combatants. That makes them all FAIR GAME!! How stupid can they possibly be?

Peter Krzywicki ·

So let me get this straight. The asswipes ANTIFA (Anti-american Nazi Thugs Idiots & F*&KING Assholes) are going to join ISIS and fight about 2 million well armed veterans, a lot of them special forces? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE. They may catch us in the beginning by surprise, but after that watch out wienies.

Franco Gallinaro ·

If ANTIFA has truly been deemed a domestic terrorist group by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, why then are they allowed to rally and riot in the open public? Hasn't America declared a "War on Terror"? We send our military off to foreign soil to fight the so-called War on Terror, so would it not be logical to assign certain domestic assets to eradicate ANTIFA here on our own soil? As far as We the People are concerned, if ANTIFA wants a war, then they can have it, but they better be ready to suffer the consequences of what they gave started! In the aftermath, crying will not help them - we will feel no pity in eradicating this evil from America! Deus Vult

Adam Brier ·

if I see an antifa harm a hair on any citizens head, I will dispatch them with traumatic force.

Ricarrdo Estavans
Hey Mo from Volcano Hawaii (now San Diego Ca.) you old fascist hag.

Julie Wilson
Brown Berets and the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club. Hmmm will be looking into that!

David Fox
there is no antifa - they are all opertives of kgb that are working together with operatives of kgb in isis...

Lynn Langford ·

Arrested and convicted and sent to Quintonamo!

Poot Gibson ·

Wow talk about bad photoshopped pics... the one used in the article is a real doozy... so now antifa and ISIS are buds now.... LOL I wondering when the fake news horseshit tea party would get around to post horseshit on how the dirtball hippies and ISIS have gotten together.... LOL

Dennis Young ·

Too bad you weren't on the bike path with the other lib turds who voted for Chucky Schumer... one less lib turd...

Poot Gibson ·

Dennis Young as well as you dude.... one less spiteful dimwit asshat....

Ricarrdo Estavans
Birds of a fascist feather stick together. Antifa are the real brown shirt fascists trying to pin their label on conservatives. Anyone coherent can see that. It makes sense that antifa fascists and muslim fascists would become allies. Tell your old fascist hag Margaret to stick her hydreaga's up her sagging azz.

Chuck Norris Unleashes FURY On Drug Companies


November 2, 2017

( – Eleven drug companies are about to learn just how tough Chuck Norris is. Whether they’ll live to tell the tale is an entirely different matter.

Norris could have given easily given an upper-cut the drug companies that he alleges poisoned his wife during an MRI scan, but instead, he’s going to whoop them in court.

WND reports that Norris has filed a lawsuit against nearly a dozen drug companies Wednesday in San Francisco for “poisoning” his wife Gena with a dye containing the heavy metal gadolinium used with MRI scans in a procedure that “left her close to death with lifelong pain and weakness.”

The dye is administered so it is easier for doctors to see the organs during a scan. After three MRI scans were made to monitor her rheumatoid arthritis, Gena claimed she felt as if she were dying – it was like “having acid in all my tissues. I’m just, just on fire,” she said.

Some say Chuck Norris can start a fire with two ice cubes. Looks like the doctors who botched his wife’s healthcare are about to feel the heat.

After tests for Parkinson’s and ALS, Gena went on her own for research and found out by herself reports of poisoning from the chemicals frequently used during MRI scans. It’s an outrage she had to find out for herself what so-called “experts” were totally ignorant of.

The chemical is called gadolinium, and is manufactured by nearly a dozen drug companies, each one of which just earned themselves a spot on Chuck Norris’ death list.

What’s the worst part about all of this? Despite these reports of its potential dangers, gadolinium was approved as “safe” by the government’s ministry of death, the Food and Drug Administration.

“The Food and Drug Administration stated as recently as last May that it found no evidence gadolinium retained in the body caused harm, with the exception of those suffering kidney issues,” WND reports.

As a result of the treatments that were intended to cure her, his wife is now left with “permanent weakness, exhaustion, periods of pain, a loss of cognitive function and a constant burning feeling.” 

Crossing Chuck Norris could be the FDA’s biggest mistake – and also their last. The corrupt drug organization is controlled by Big Pharma, which is directly responsible for fueling the opioid epidemic. Every government organization is incompetent and corrupt, and the FDA is no exception. 

The FDA is always doing foolish things to undermine the public health. Just like every government effort, whatever it purports to do, it accomplishes the complete opposite. 

Trump should fire the entire FDA, and Chuck Norris should deal them a free round-house kick straight to Pluto.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

11 Texas Soldiers Mysteriously Drop Dead

11 Texas Soldiers Mysteriously Drop Dead
All Had One Horrific Thing In Common

Published on Nov 2, 2017

BREAKING: 11 Texas Soldiers Mysteriously Drop Dead, All Had One Horrific Thing In Common

Eleven U.S. Army soldiers have been found dead on and off U.S. military base Fort Hood in Texas under “mysterious circumstances.” While working to determine how nearly a dozen young and healthy men were suddenly dropping dead, investigators found one chilling thing between them that they all had in common, showing this likely wasn’t a coincidence at all.

Over the past three months, police in Fort Hood have been overwhelmed with an unusual number of death investigations, all of whom have been Fort Hood soldiers who are dropping at an alarming rate. The most recent victim was 23-year-old Sgt. Alex Taylor of Texas City, Texas, who was found unresponsive while working Wednesday on the base. Now, the Army’s Criminal Investigations Command is taking a closer look at Taylor’s death, Stars and Stripes reported Friday.

“At this point in the investigative process we do not suspect foul play, but have not completely ruled it out while we conduct a complete and thorough death investigation,” Criminal Investigations spokesman Christopher Grey said.

This response comes after a series of mysterious deaths started piling up, the first one occurring on October 12 and haven’t stopped since. Another soldier was found unresponsive at work in that same month, and each month since, all being discovered in the same strange manner, all of which were healthy one day and dead the next. However, the next three deaths all shared something else in common that make their fatalities different than the first ones.

the Most Racist People

White Liberals are the Most Racist People

Published on Nov 2, 2017
Paul Joseph Watson joins Owen Shroyer live via Skype to break down how white liberals are in fact the most racist people pushing ANTIFA, anti-conservative, and anti-WHITE ideas across America.

ANTIFA Calls For Overthrow Of Trump - Following Obama's Orders?

ANTIFA Buys Full Page AD In NYT 
Calling For Overthrow Of Trump November 4th
Full Show 
It's time for Americans to teach 
these commie idiots a lesson

Published on Nov 1, 2017
MSM tried everything to downplay the Islamic connection to the NYC truck attack, but once again truth broke through their lies. Alex Jones looks into the political religion of radical Islam and how it's incompatible with the laws of the West. Survival expert Matt Bracken explains what this all means for you and your family.