Friday, November 10, 2017


1- Since only 8 million people have ObamaCare, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will 16 million people be randomly shot?
2- If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?
3- If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?
4- If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal or is it just an 'Undocumented Withdrawal?'
5- Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs?
6- After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack government officials have arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack.  Even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured the 'Lone Wolf' attack has nothing at all to do with Islam; just like the other 1,000 plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims are completely unassociated with Islam.
7- We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements.' Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC are not 'entitlements'.  They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to themThey were earned and paid for by the recipients.
8- If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they're 'Islamophobic?'
9- If Liberals don't believe in biological gender, then why did they march for women's rights?
10- How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders?  How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
11- Why is it that Democrats think Super-delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
12- If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
13- If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000.00 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
14- The DNC is mad at Russia because they 'think' they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election?
15- Why is it that Liberals and the Media are upset about the words Trump used 11 years ago, but they are alright with Adult men using the Ladies Room with your Wives and Daughters?

Mueller Files 294 Sealed Indictments Against Elite Pedophile Ring Members

Wikileaks Vault 8 Release


Vault 8

Source code and analysis for CIA software projects including those described in the Vault7 series.
This publication will enable investigative journalists, forensic experts and the general public to better identify and understand covert CIA infrastructure components.
Source code published in this series contains software designed to run on servers controlled by the CIA. Like WikiLeaks' earlier Vault7 series, the material published by WikiLeaks does not contain 0-days or similar security vulnerabilities which could be repurposed by others.

All Releases

  • Hive - 9 November, 2017


9 November, 2017
Today, 9 November 2017, WikiLeaks publishes the source code and development logs to Hive, a major component of the CIA infrastructure to control its malware.
Hive solves a critical problem for the malware operators at the CIA. Even the most sophisticated malware implant on a target computer is useless if there is no way for it to communicate with its operators in a secure manner that does not draw attention. Using Hive even if an implant is discovered on a target computer, attributing it to the CIA is difficult by just looking at the communication of the malware with other servers on the internet. Hive provides a covert communications platform for a whole range of CIA malware to send exfiltrated information to CIA servers and to receive new instructions from operators at the CIA.
Hive can serve multiple operations using multiple implants on target computers. Each operation anonymously registers at least one cover domain (e.g. "") for its own use. The server running the domain website is rented from commercial hosting providers as a VPS (virtual private server) and its software is customized according to CIA specifications. These servers are the public-facing side of the CIA back-end infrastructure and act as a relay for HTTP(S) traffic over a VPN connection to a "hidden" CIA server called 'Blot'.

The cover domain delivers 'innocent' content if somebody browses it by chance. A visitor will not suspect that it is anything else but a normal website. The only peculiarity is not visible to non-technical users - a HTTPS server option that is not widely used: Optional Client Authentication. But Hive uses the uncommon Optional Client Authentication so that the user browsing the website is not required to authenticate - it is optional. But implants talking to Hive do authenticate themselves and can therefore be detected by the Blot server. Traffic from implants is sent to an implant operator management gateway called Honeycomb (see graphic above) while all other traffic go to a cover server that delivers the insuspicious content for all other users.
Digital certificates for the authentication of implants are generated by the CIA impersonating existing entities. The three examples included in the source code build a fake certificate for the anti-virus company Kaspersky Laboratory, Moscow pretending to be signed by Thawte Premium Server CA, Cape Town. In this way, if the target organization looks at the network traffic coming out of its network, it is likely to misattribute the CIA exfiltration of data to uninvolved entities whose identities have been impersonated.
The documentation for Hive is available from the WikiLeaks Vault7 series.

U.S. Charitable Donations going to Terrorist Organizations?


U.S. companies donating to charities is nothing new. The practice is rather straight forward as companies look for ways to cut down on federal income taxes it must pay out.

However, one of the major problems in recent years is where some of these charitable donations are going. 

While donating money to foundations such as the Red Cross or special cancer research charities is common place, other businesses look to diversify donations into varying other non-profit organizations. Some of these non-profit organizations, though, have questionable ties to entities outside of the United States, including some terrorist organizations.

General Electric made waves last year as it had a federal tax return of zero dollars. One of the major reasons behind this is because of the charitable donations it makes throughout the year in order to cut down its tax return.

However, the company, as well as several other major corporations within the U.S (such as Johnson & Johnson and Charles Schwab), have donated well over $5 million in the last nine years to non-profit organizations that have terrorist ties.  Some of these organizations are located overseas. 

A major reason why a corporation might donate money to a non-U.S. organization is to receive good will from the foreign government and possibly land desirable contracts within the other country. However, this has led to money potentially ending up in the pockets of terrorists. 

Dutchsinse : A serious situation has developed in the West Pacific

11/10/2017 — Large Earthquake strikes Japan + California / West Coast in PLATE SLOW SLIP

by Michael Janitch
A serious situation has developed in the West Pacific, which stands to disrupt the whole region.
See the full video assessment of the seismic threat:
November 10, 2017
There is a large earthquake warning in effect for the West Pacific located near the deep earthquakes which took place over the past several days.
As we know from past observation, deep earthquakes cause shallower larger earthquakes within days of the deep events occurring.
This graphic below shows a series of deep earthquakes (seen raised high off the globe) have taken place over the past 2-3 days.   Keep in mind, deep seismic events mean bigger movement is on the menu for the next several days.
On top of the large movement expected in the West Pacific, there is another situation which is developing on the West Coast of the United States across California, Oregon, and Washington state.
The situation I'm referring to is the full plate slow slip taking place from Anza Gap (Near Salton Sea in Southern California) all the way North to Seattle, WA.
Professionals announced this past week that a "slow slip" plate boundary event has been confirmed in Southern California.
On top of the professionals announcement about a slow slip occurring near Riverside, CA.... a noteworthy increase in earthquake magnitudes has taken place near Anza Gap.

M 3.5 - 22km ESE of Anza, CA
2017-11-10 00:23:30 UTC
33.462°N   116.467°W
7.4 km depth
We know a slow slip is occurring across Northern California, Oregon, and Washington thanks to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network's real time "tremor" map which shows the "slow slip" occurring across these Northwestern states.
This graphic below shows the past 4 days of tremors associated with the slow slip occurring across Washington, Oregon, and California.
November 6 - 10, 2017 - Three distinct pockets of tremors were reported over the past 4 days, indicating the plate is slow slipping from Washington down to California.
In addition to the above plate movement seen across three states... the pressure spreads all the way down to Southern California near Riverside / Anza Gap.
In Southern California the slow slip is increasing in magnitude power, and in the number of events occurring (frequency).
The location in Southern California is now in an earthquake swarm, which means larger movement could be coming in the near term.
Slow slip events can cause large earthquakes above M6.0, and mega-quakes above M8.0... keep watch, and be prepared.  It would most likely be a good idea for people on the West coast to dust off their earthquake plans in light of this news that a slow slip is picking up in pace.
Michael Janitch | November 10, 2017 at 10:39 am

One Ticked-Off American

By Anna Von Reitz

November 9, 2017

Most Beloved Francis,

It has been ten months since I presented the Payment Bond and Bill of Lading to the Vatican Chancery Court in the Person of Cardinal Mamberti.  I shall soon send specific instructions and agents, some of whom are otherwise working as Vatican Mandates, to the Vatican City Bank.  I wish to make it clear for the public and private record that I am positing the cured Payment Bond, not depositing it, and that any work done for me by any person currently serving as a Vatican Mandate is not being done in that capacity, but is in fact work for hire under appointment granting them no standing as a Principal of or over the Payment Bond and Bill of Lading. 

It has been over 800 years since there has been an actual Jubilee on Earth.  It's time to change that, and for the slaves to be set free. 

As you know, I don't approve of what has been allowed to go on in the international jurisdiction and have problems with the administration of the global jurisdiction also. 

We recently found thousands of tainted patents and trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USTPO).  These have been used to construct a vast and predatory process designed to defraud and rob people of their identities and their assets and to enrich corporations----both non-profit and for-profit corporations are involved in this spider's web of deceit, racketeering, and fraud.

The process begins almost at birth and follows us throughout our life cycle.  It is a truly evil cradle-to-grave predation on the living by the dead legal fiction entities that the Roman Curia has created and then allowed to run wild.

This sophisticated theft of intellectual property, including our names which have been stolen and copyrighted by corporations entrusted to provide us with essential government services, has happened on the watch of those entrusted to administer the global jurisdiction of the air.  This is your own particular area of expertise and responsibility and I am reporting this gross negligence and criminal conspiracy to defraud that is standing on the records of the USTPO directly to you, so that you cannot possibly claim that you didn't know and nobody told you.  I am telling you, right now, officially: we have the proof and it has been distributed worldwide, so now everyone has the evidence concerning the B.E.A.S.T and all the related automated and computer-controlled processes.  

For some reason I cannot fathom, many patents have been issued allowing processes and designs that are clearly and explicitly criminal in nature.  The "inventors" come right out and describe who they are going to harm and exactly how they are going to do it---- and this has been allowed, rubber-stamped, and protected.  Crime has literally been protected by patent, trademark, and copyright privileges granted to these perpetrators via the abuse of our delegated powers.

Surely you know that the Holy Mother is the Patron Saint of America.  Surely you know that this state of affairs is a gross affront to justice and to her.

While I am on the subject of displeasure in Heaven and on Earth, I must ask by what stretch of the imagination is it even possible that our national Great Seals are in the filthy hands of grumpy old Jewish bankers at the so-called Federal Reserve?  That is sovereign property.  It has nothing to do with their criminal exploitation of territorial and municipal corporations that shouldn't even exist.  We strenuously object to this entire situation and sue you as Trustee for the return of all our assets, including the Great Seals.

Of additional concern ----why is the Seal of Saint Peter in the hands of some grubby "security agency" hired by more goons and thugs? Perhaps you could explain to me and the King of Spain how our land jurisdiction, both national and international, has been violated while in the care of both the British Monarchs and the Popes for the past 150 years?  How is it that our actual states and our living people have been repeatedly and fraudulently bankrupted for the sins, errors, and profits of corporations operating in violation of the Public Law?  Passing hypothetical debt off onto innocent people by a process of coerced assumption? 

Where does it end?  To be blunt--- when do you put a stop to it? 

In recent days I have heard a lot of howling and screeching from the Siblings of Satan, objecting to our demand that credit should be issued to clean up 800 years worth of shoddy, neglected, dishonest bookkeeping, and more credit issued to re-boot the world economy.  What's so crazy about cleaning up your own mess and paying your long, long, long overdue bills?  These vaunted superior intellects have had 800 years-worth of our credit to use and benefit from.  If they haven't made enough profit to pay us back after all this time, they are obviously crooks or fools, and in either case, I am more than willing to put the facts straight up their noses.

Let's begin with the fact that there is a twenty trillion "missing" National Credit owed to the American states and people.  Where is it, Francis?   You are the Trustee.

There's a $387 billion dollar clump of gold sitting in the so-called Global Debt Facility that was obtained via a false claim on abandonment by the World Bank and IBRD acting as Secondary Creditors of the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated.  We all know who that gold belongs to--- the American states and people.  And you can sure as blazes tell by now that our government is still here, still functioning,  not in any interregnum and mad as wet cats, thoroughly appalled by all these self-interested lies and the banal criminality accompanying them.  Give it back.

There's only God knows how much money tied up in stock portfolios that were supposedly purchased as part of a benefit package for World War II veterans and their families---- but the purported Beneficiaries were simply never told a word about this and never allowed to claim all these stock portfolios supposedly earmarked for them.  Now almost all those veterans are dead and gone.  Many of them ended their days in poverty while these goddamned bogus foreign governmental services corporations have siphoned off the profits as endless transaction fees and taxes and now sit perched like vultures, waiting for the day when they can claim that all that wealth was abandoned too. 

We are here to tell you that it wasn't abandoned.  Those men and their families were cheated out of it.  Victimized.  Betrayed for the same so-called  government that has lied to them for 150 years and involved them --- good honest men believing that they were actually soldiers and sailors serving their country--- in foreign mercenary postal wars.  Postal wars?   Francis?  They don't have a clue, but you do.  The Roman Catholic Church created the Post Office. It is still your Number One organizational relationship, other than the Vatican City State.  And what am I supposed to say to them?  Oh, the Pope faked you out, slipped on his Other Hat while you weren't looking and now, well, sorry to tell you, but you've been put at risk for no sane or noble purpose at all.  None of it had anything to do with you or your country.  And, by the way, those Discharge Papers are phony, too.... ? 

There's nine trillion dollars worth of funding  that the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) just misplaced somehow..... $9,000,000,000,000.00 and gee, folks, don't know what happened.  Must've fallen out of my pockets while I was hanging upside down on the monkey bars....but hey, you are on the hook to pay for it, so, it's all okay.

You think you can sell this to the American people?  You think that bankruptcy protection is an appropriate response?

That feeling of heat rising from the floor underneath your feet right about now?  That's me, Francis.  

Please inform Cardinal Mamberti that I will be sending him instructions with regard to the Payment Bond and you want him to follow my instructions to the letter.

Anna Maria

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Right To Keep And Bear Liens – by Hartford VanDyke

The Right To Keep And Bear Liens – by Hartford VanDyke
The Right To Keep And Bear Liens

Voila_Capture4530 Voila_Capture4531 Voila_Capture4532 Voila_Capture4533 Voila_Capture4535 Voila_Capture4536
The Right To Keep And Bear Liens

Podesta Email: "And Then The Bundys Showed Up"

In the pile of emails released by Wikileaks, there was one from American Progress Action to Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that contained a brief reference to the Bundys.
The email address sent Podesta an email on January 11, 2016 with the subject line: And then the Bundys showed up.
The text of the email read as follows:After years of conflict, residents of Harney County, Oregon had finally begun to rebuild ties between ranchers and the federal government. Then the Bundys showed up. And, President Obama is leaving a seat open for shooting victims at tomorrow's State of the Union address. In case you missed it, gun violence survivors speak out in this powerful video (editor's note: tissues recommended).Additionally, there was a list of articles linked to Think Progress and at the top of the list was one titled How The Bundy Standoff Could Screw Over Ranchers .The article has been removed and has not been archived.
Keep in mind, this email was sent less than 2 weeks before Oregon State Troopers, alongside the FBI shot and killed LaVoy Finicum, also a rancher who stood alongside the Bundys at Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville in 2014 and at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in late 2015 and 2016.
This may also be insightful since we know from texts and emails that the White House, at the time, was in communication with the Oregon governor and helping to orchestrate the takedown of men who were simply exercising their constitutional rights, even to the point of killing one of them.
I reported on those documents in March 2016:
...Northwest Liberty News radio show, a bombshell from documents Jim White and I obtained indicates that the entire operation of January 26, 2016 goes up not only to Oregon Governor Kate Brown's office, but even to the White House. Because of the language that was used in the documents by the officers, we speculated along with Red Smith of and Paul Preston of that the White House orchestrated the entire thing and that when it comes to calling the shots, we don't look to Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, but rather to Obama's mama, Valerie Jarrett.
First, let me remind you that there are over 600 emails and texts that indicate the Governor Brown was in the loop on everything that was going on in Oregon during the protest at the Malheur Refuge, including some emails and texts that were directly from her. Second, due to newly released documents, we know that at least one Oregon State Trooper specifically acknowledged that the county to which the protesters were traveling on the day of LaVoy Finicum's murder was a well-known "UN free zone." The officer made the statement as though it was common knowledge, so does that mean that Harney County is not a "UN free zone"?
However, in those same documents, we have run across even more chilling and telling statements concerning where the command for the roadblock and the ambush came from.
If you pick up the radio show at the 7:00 mark here, then you will hear Red Smith detail what is in the documents.
In the deposition of another officer, he acknowledged that the authorization for the operation that led to the murder of LaVoy Finicum came from the "highest levels of national command authority."
Now, national command authority in the united States applies to the President and the Secretary of Defense. Smith said he has only heard "national command authority" used in military terms. Keep in the back of your mind that our military has been given propaganda against such Americans as those that gathered at Bundy Ranch in 2014 and those that protested the unconstitutional land grab of the DC government and the Bureau of Land Management.
So, why was there a command coming from the White House regarding a small protest in Oregon? Furthermore, who actually issued that command? It has been said that Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett has been Obama's closest adviser and the she was the one who talked Obama out of the alleged Osama bin Laden hit and later was the one that gave the stand down order in Benghazi. Could she be the one who issued the order for this particular action?
Jarrett is the one that told America that after the 2012 elections, the gloves would come off, and they have.
If the officer's deposition was not enough, among the emails that came from Governor Brown's office, she also made reference her own discussions with "national command authority." Guess who that turned out to be? None other than Valerie Jarrett.
These men were innocent, as demonstrated by a jury of their peers finding them innocent of all charges against them, and Mr. Finicum's daughter believes her father would have also been found innocent alongside them had he not been gunned down.
I don't think ranchers were necessarily "rebuild[ing] ties between ranchers and the federal government."  Those on the scene in Oregon said that people came to them by night to thank them for coming and exposing the corruption in Harney County.

One reporter said that they saw the tyranny of that town, and perhaps a lot of it is due to the fact that a huge portion of the population works for government.
Ranchers had not been getting along with the central government as evidenced by what the government did to the Hammond family in Oregon.
Bullying by a tyrannical government is not "rebuilding ties" no matter how you spin it.

Additionally, I would encourage you to watch this video by Lo K and check out the documentation below listed in the video and connect that dots.
Someone was kind enough to forward me the updated Think Progress article referenced at the beginning of this article.  You can view it here.

General Flynn Helped Expose The Largest Terror Cell

How General Flynn Helped Expose 
The Largest Terror Cell In The US
Alex Jones


Published on Nov 9, 2017
Alex Jones talks with Sibel Edmonds about General Flynn and how he helped expose the terrorist organization of Fethullah Gülen.

This is Only the Beginning

Think About This .... This is Only the Beginning
of What Else is Going to be Coming Down
For months many of us have been wondering IF any arrests were, indeed, being done
IF ANY were even being investigated and indicted?
IF any announcements and information would EVER be put out in the media to let the people know what was happening - and why?

US Court Finds Obama Guilty

US Court Finds Obama Guilty
It’s Happening

Clinton and Podestas Indicted

31 Sealed Indictments Deep State
Take Down of Clinton and Podesta

Tony Podesta Makes Deal After Arrest
John Podesta Grounded
Hillary Clinton Sealed Indictment

Arrest of Tony Podesta, John Podesta and 
Hillary Clinton



Benjamin Fulford Nov 6 2017

Benjamin Fulford Report
Nov 6 2017



Published on Nov 6, 2017
Sub for more: | Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, Attorney General Jeff Sessions must resign is an embarrassment to the legal system. I do not say these words lightly.



Published on Nov 7, 2017
Sub for more: | Taylor Gibson for Liberty Writers reports, It was bound to happen – Hillary’s friends turning on her – and we knew it would be a bloodbath. And we were right.


Published on Nov 6, 2017
Sub for more: | Emily Nowak for Liberty Writers reports, Fox News’ Sean Hannity has been building suspense over the past couple of days leading up to a huge reveal about the Obama Administration.

Kevin Spacey's behaviour

Kevin Spacey's behaviour 
long alarmed others in industry

Published on Oct 31, 2017
Behind the on-screen facade he is one of Hollywood’s most popular and bankable stars, a highly-respected thespian with two Oscars to his name, writes TOM LEONARD..News 24 hours channel dedicated to sharing the latest news around the world,24h breaking,USA morning news,news global warming.Very excited to partner with other electronic newspaper pages. 

Rosie O'Donnell PROVES She's a Garbage Person

What Rosie O'Donnell Just Said
About Kevin Spacey PROVES
She's a Garbage Person

Published on Nov 7, 2017
Sub for more: | Mark Webster for Liberty Writers reports, Rosie O’Donnell responded to allegations against Kevin Spacey this week, and it looked like a reasonable response at first. But, like all things O’Donnell says, it’s actually TERRIBLE.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Ancient Giants Found

Ancient Giants Found That Will Blow Your Mind!

Published on Nov 7, 2017
Ancient Giant Found That Will Blow Your Mind! Shocking discovery of a human giant has been unearthed.  Part 1 of 2
P.S. not all pictures have been confirmed as real! This statement is for all you out that who know everything about everything!

Deep State Working With Radical Islamists

Deep State Working With Radical Islamists
 To Launch New Terror Attacks In US

Published on Nov 7, 2017
The Air Force failed to enter Texas shooter Devin Kelley's domestic-violence convictions into the NICS database, allowing him to buy a firearm he otherwise would have been prohibited from purchasing. Former Newsweek and New York Times editor Ed Klein joins today's broadcast to discuss Donna Brazile's DNC bombshell and more. We'll also cover a recent report claiming Harvey Weinstein hired ex-spies, journalists and military personnel to harass the women accusing him of sexual misconduct.